Don Gage - 1985/09/18 - 1985/10/19 ("'h'pe or Prim in Ink) ""~..''''~J:.r:.~/.. ~;; .. if-'P:.\ ',~I :~ ~... ", (Gov>!rnment Code Sections 84200 -84217) Form 490 1985 For use by candidates/officeholders and their controlled committees. S . 9-18-85 ,c. f 10-19-'P:'i tatement covers period from ______._ ,.,."~,ug :.........-.......--........ rlt 0" ItLItCTION (MO.. DAY. YR.I(,~ ,,,...c....L.I' \ TOTALiA.;:..~~,"........".."."M~...."'~.~.-~~"" CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER iNCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT Donald F. Ga e ilDItNTIAL ADDRItSS: CITY OFFiCE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLoUO. LoOCATIOH AHD aIIT'lUCY Ny......... .... "~~L.ICA.L.) Council 'tit of Gilro MIt 0" CANOIDATIt, HO. AND .T....T 'II" CODa: AIlI.A CODe PHON. HUM..... 7345 Orchard Drive Gilroy CITY CA 95020 )iINaSa ADOR.55: NO. AND .T....y 'TAT. z." CODa: (408) 842-2968 A".A coDa P....ON. HUM.... [BM- Cottle Road San Jose CA (408) 256-6672 CONTROLLED COMMITTEES* INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT 1.0. NUMBItR 810867 'ST'l.TC %,,. ..::00. AftCA COD. PHON. MU....... CA 95020 (408) 8482727 ITATe ZIP coo. ,,"CA coDa PHON. NU...... CA 95020 (408) 842-8981 I 1.0. NUMBER 'TAT. z." coDa A".A coDa PHON& HU...." "".0" COMMITTItI:: , ,.... ~ommittee to elect Don Gage Oltlt.. 0" COMMITTItIt: HO. AND aTilt. aT CITY 7700 Monterey Street Gilroy l-iMANKNT ADDRKSS OF TREASURER: NO. AHD STft.-aT MIt 0" TltItA.URItR, Joseph A. Felice d130-_DeVille Court Gilroy MIt 0" COMMITT.It: Olt... 01" COMMITTItE, HO. AND .T_"..! CITY MIt 01" TltItASUR.R: ['om Rllrnc: (.Tnhn Thnmii'iii BurR")' ' ..MANItNT ADDR.55 0" TRI!:A5URER: NO. "NO n....T CITY STAT. Zl~ COD. A".A COD. PHONe NUN.... 7531 Kentwood Court Gilroy CA 95020 (408) 842-7752 4Ch additionill infarmiltion on apprapriatelylabeled cOlltinuifCian sh"ets. CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE CONTROLLED BY- YOU OR ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. \ : - Controlled Committee?* COMMITTEE NAME AND I. D. NUMBE R COMMITTEE ADDRESS TREASURER YES NO Att4Ch addi/iol/ill in/ormation on appropriatelv I;:heled c011tinuiJtion sheers. 4 controll.d committee is and which is controlled ,i"I.'I:ciy or indirectly by ,1 candidate or which acts jointly with a candidate or conrrolltld committee in OlllltICtion with rhe making af expenditures. A candidate controls a comfmtretl if the candidate, the candidate's ilgent, or any other committee he or she antrOII, h."ignific.nt inf/urmce an the setians or dacl.w>ns af the cammirree.J VERIFICATION leclare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its sc lave used all reasonable diligence in their preparatlo'i. <ecuted on lO-23-85 at Gilroy, CA tOAT.) -.- (CITV ANU _TAT_) <ecuted on 10-23-85 at Gilroy CA IOAT_J (CITY AND STATtlJ jeclare under penalty of perjury that to the ,1~$t of my knowledqe this statement a !<!surer(s) of this committee(s) hds userj all rI!J~()nable diligence In the preparation ecuted on 10-23-85 at Gilroy f CA ---.--4.1u:;.-~-.r-- --~-- ._. --- f'-I-.' ~-~::'-I-A-Y;-l ,r ,n'orm.lIon requlflld to be prol/'ded to you pu"udnl ru lh.. InIOf",..lIun P'a"l.cll~ Ad of 1977. 'iee "'nformallon M;lIlUal rhe POhl'CMI R.,orm Act," Part X. by -1- " CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420. 430 OR 490 (Amounts May F~ Rounded To Whole Dollars) ",a 0" CANOIDATIt OR COMMITTEE committee to elect Don Gage COLUMN A Cumulativ.. total from * previous p..riod NTRIBUTlONS RECEIVED 1. Monetary contributions .' $ 2,051.82 2. Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Subtotal..................... $ 2,051. 82 L.INE:;>> I + Z ,.... 4. Non,monetary contributions. . . . . . . 5. Pledges..................... 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . $_2,051.82 LI N Ii: 5 l + 4 + , "" PENDITURES MADE 7. Payments.................... $ 1,708.63 8. Accrued expe~lses (unpaid bills) . .. . . 9. TOTAL EXPENDITURES. . . . . . . . $ 1,708.63 COLUMN B Total this period from attached schedules . . $ 7,252.00 .. SCH~DULIL AI LINK J SCHEDUL.1iL Bt L.INE . $ 7,252.00 LI N &:5 , + l SCHILDULIL C, LINE l SCHEDULii; 0, LINIi: 1 $ 7,252.00 LINKS) ... . ... I $4,497.07 SCHILDULIE 1:, LINK' SC HIi:DULIL pr I LINK I $4,497.07 LINES 1 ... 8 STATEMItNT COVItRS PItRIOD ""OM T...NOUGH 1.0. NUM.It" (u' cO....'TT..1 810867 COLUMN C Cumuletive to date (Columna A + BI $ 9,303.82 $ 9,303.82 LINKS I ... 2 $ 9,303.82 LI....I+4+1 r .....OULD aQUAL "'IN. ., GOl.UMN8 A ... at $ 6,205.70 $ 6,205.70 LIN liS 1 l' tj LI"..7 ... . (aHOULD aQUAL LINa '. COLUMN. A + a) · If this is the first report filed for the calendar year, Column A should be blank except for unpaid loans. bills and pledges. STATEMENT Of CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 10. Cash on hand at the beginning Of this ::.'" ;n::1. (Line 14 of previous statementl $" 2,051. 82 .".., 11. Cash receipts this period (Line 3, Column B above) . . . . . . . . .. . . . 12. Miscellaneous adjustments to cash (:':,,;nedule G, Line 7) . . . . . . . . . 13. Cash payments this period (Line 7, Column B above) . . . . . . . . . , . 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 10+11+12-13 above) *. . . . . . . 15. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 8 of Column C above) . . . . . . . . . 7,252.00 10.21 4,497.07 4,816.96 16. Ending surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 14). ... .. .. .... . 4,816.96 $ 17. Ending deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 14 from Line 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ · EndIng cash on hand should no/ be a neg,lI/ve amount. 1a. CASH EQUIVALENTS (OTHER ASSETS HE:D) (See Ins/rue/Ions on Revers,,): $ SUMMARY FOR CANDIDATES IN BOTH A JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTION (See Instructions on Reverse) I i I !llll. t; ;' llJ /I 1 to (idl~ 19 CONTRIRUTIONS Rf'CEIVED' 20 EXPENDITURfS MADE' [-----..----- -~;~~;....I I 6 , 2~0 5 . 70 I , .( MONETf..;',Y CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amount,;~:I1ay Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) 5TATEMENT COVltR5 ~ERIOO PR:OM I T....OU.... 9-18-85 10-1~-85 MI: 01' CAND'DATIl 0.. COMMITTItIt. '.0. NUM.Il.. tll' c......n..1 Conunittee to elect Don Gage 810867 I'U~~ NAMIt AND ADDRESS 0" EM~~OYER . . AMOUNT ATIt CONT..I.UTOR OCCU~ATION (.,.. ,.u'.c"Pl.OVCO, .NT." -. CUMUI..ATIV. ItC'I) lu' CO...MITT...~.NT.JIt 1.0. Nu...e,,, 0" NAMe 0... .uaIH...) ...c..vco T".A.y.... . HAMe ANO "DO".''IJ TO OAT. 27 tom & M4rla Chavez retailer Tom',s Sporting Goods 100.00 100.00 , ~.... 3-8' Vie La Bue investor Lo Bue Investments 200.00 200.00 5 Ted Schaal I Developer Pacific Oaks partnershi ) 200.00 200.00 " I Al Fortino 7 Al Fortino Cor~tractor General Contracting 100.00 100.00 7 Bert Mantelli 'developer F & M Enterprises 200.00 200.00 0 Robert L. Lynch Auto Dealer Bob Lynch Ford 200.00 200.00 '- - 0 Bobbie Lynch none none 200.00 200.00 . 1...;;/ .i .... .... ~ If more space is needed, check boy at left SUBTOTAL 1,200.00 '.' .i,< and attach additional Schedules A. I.. '7'} > ........ SUMMARY AMOUNT RECEIVED - CONTRIBUTIONS UF $100 OR MORE (Include all Schedule A subtotals). . . . . . . . .. ..................................... AMOUNT RECEIVED - CONTRIBUTIONS OF LESS THAN $100 (Not itemized) 5,002.00 $2,250.00 TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + Line 2) Enter here and on Line ~ Column B of Summary Page ts 7,252.00 - 3 - MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED (CONTINUATION SHEET) . FORM 420,430 OR 490 STATItMENT COVItRS ..ItRIOO (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) "..OM 110 T""GU_" 9-18-85 19-85 It 0'" CANDIDATIt OR CDMMITTItIt. 1.0. NUMaltR II" co....,n..1 onuuittee to elect Don Gage 81086'7 ,"ULL NAMIt AND A 00 1'1 1t55 0" ItM"LOVItR AMOUNT T. CDNTR.aUTOR OCCU..ATION C'D I..' COM"'ITT..~.NT." 1.0. HUM.... 0.. (." ..........M~LQY.D. _NT... CUMu,-ATlva T......U.... . HAN. AND "DDIIt...~ HAM a Of' .u........1 "Ccalv.o TO OAT. . . -- 4 Joel R. Smolen developer Joel R. Smolen 200.00 200.00 " -8 Bert Mantelli developer L.I.S.A. Enterprises 100.00 100.00 , Bert Mantelli developer Mante11i Co. 100.00 100.00 . Gilroy Police Officers I I "- ASSN. ! 150.00 150.00 I i Dentist I 150.00 150.00 )-8< Harry C. Burmester DDS Reaxs.x .- c6 Joe Kerley Auto Dealer Joe Kerley Lincoln Me~cury 150.00 150.00 .... ) S & S Warehouse 100.00 100.00 L6 Engineering - M & H {X 100.00 100.00 -- .~ . , . Gilroy Country Club L6 Es ta tes Development Co. 100.00 100.00 A Partner shin , - 1 If more space is needed, check box at left SUBTOTAL ,lfHj ."tach addltlOnrll ')dll'(Jules A. 1,050.00 ..- --. --. ._- " PAYMEN~$ AND CONTR!BUTlONS MADE FORM 420,430 OR 490 TATIEMItNT COVIERS PItRIOD II: 0" CANOIDATI: OR COMMITTItIt, Committee to Elect Don Gage (I. mounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) ~.OM TN_OUQ" 9-18-85 10-19-85 1.0. NUM.IER ll~ co....'n..l 810867 CODES FOR CLASSI FYING EXPENDITURES ne of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written description is needed. (Note exceptions on back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer to the back of this schedule and the Information Manual -:ampaign Disclosure for detailed explanatic~ns and examples of each category. . , . "e" CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES OR COMMITTEES INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES "L" LITERATURE "B" - BROADCAST ADVERTISING NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING "0" - OUTSIDE ADVERTISIN".. ne of the above codes does not accurately or fully describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column blank and lide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. ORTANT: Do not itemize the payment of accrued expenses on Schedule E. Report only the lump sum of these cnents on Line 3 of the Summary section, below. "S" SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS FUND RAISING EVENTS GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES "1" "F" "N".. "G" - "T" "p" .. NAMIt AND ADO RIESS 0" PAVI[I[, CRI[OI'-OR OR "'tf,e-'.NT 0,.. CQNTRIIIUTION I... CU"'....TT... A..... 'I 0 _NT... AMOUNT I.D. NU........ 0" ..A.... ....0 ...00..... 0" T".A.U~.,d COOl[ OR OIESCRIPTION 0" PAVMENT PAID Gilroy Printers 30 Third St, Gilroy, Calif. 95020 L printing 128.06 City of Gilroy Rosanna St F Chair Rental 100.00 Gilroy, Calif. Continental Telephone Co. P 0 Box 992 G Tele,Qhone 493.10 Mqnteca, Ca If . - Hoosiers Golden Glow F Catering 1,704.00 - Computer Targeting . . G Signs 1,295.00 If more 5pace 15 needed, check box and SUBTOTAL 3,720.16 Jttach additional Schedules E. ; .. )RT ANT: Contributions and expendi tures on behal f of other candidates or committees must also be entered in the ation section at the front of the campaign statement. SUMMARY Payment5 of $100 or more made thiS r;.erlOd (Include all Schedule E Subtotals) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 4 ,l07. 59 Piyment5 under $100 this period (not itemized) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 389.48 Totdl Accrued Expenses paid this reriorl (Schf'dul,' re. Lir1t' 4) .............,...............$ 4,497.48 Total Payments this penod (Llnp. 1 t') t ]) Enter hp.re an(1 on LIf)t' 7. ColL-mn R of Summary Page. . . . . . . . ..$ 4,497.48 -7- SC:-IEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS MADE (CONTINUATION SHEET) FORM 420, 430 OR 490) STATI:MItNT COVItRS PItRIOO ~RON TNRGUGM (Amoun(sMay Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) 9-18-85 10-19-85 0" CANOIOATIt OR COMMITTEE: committee to reelect Dbn Gag~ 1.0. NUMBER ll~ cO....,TT..1 810867' CODES FOr, CLASSI FYING EXPENDITURES Ie of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written description'is nee.ded. (Note exceptions Ie back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer to the back of Schedule E and the Information Manual Jmpaign Disclosure for detailed explarations c~nd examples of eacil category. "C" - CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES "S" S0RVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING. OR COMMITTEES UOOR-TO.DOOR SOLICITATIONS "I" INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES 'T' FUNDR;>,ISING EVENTS "L" - LITERATURE "G" - GENE MAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD "a" aROADCAST ADVERTISING "T" TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS "N" - NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVeRTISING "P" PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND "0" - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING "H CONSULTING SERVICES Ie of the above codes does not accurately or full'! describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column blank and de a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. .. . NAMIt AND AOORItSS OF PAVI<E, CREDITOR OR "ItCIPI\[NT OF CONTRIBUTION (,r COMMITT.., ~II:NT.IH ': AMOUNT 1.0. ...UM.... 0" HAM. ANO AODH... 0... "!:.".A.UH~Ht COOl< OR OI<SCRIPTION OF PAYMENT "AID .. 'I Arthur De La Mater F Catering 225.00 -- Toms Sporting Goods material for 95 Fourth St. .- Gilroy, Calif F skeet shot 162.43 - .', ..... . - . ... I .. . . . . 'fl"""'I',1I t. IS nu dul, dll,k lIox ,mol ,'l.lth ,\l1I1I11IIfl,11 ';dledu"'~ F. ~.;.:...;.;._........-=-:;;;.~-:,.;,::.=...;..~_ ..':c;;.~._:;~.' -------------.- ---...------- ----_.-.- --- ... -...-.----...... --- S:~l:'"~-~~~ 387. 43 '.. IVIl~l,;t:LLAI\lt:UU~ AUJU~ IMt:NI ~ I U CA~H t'U~IIIUI\l . . FORM 420, 430 OR 490 STATI[MIi:NT COVItRS ~I[RIOO ""OM I TM"OUGM 9-18-85 10-19-85 u: 0" CANOIOATI[ OR COMMITTe:Ii, I,D. NUM8ltR ..~ CO....,TT..' ":orruni t tee to elect Don 'Gage 810867 -_. --- '" ;,. AMOUNT 0" 'Tit NAME AND ADDRESS Of SOURCE (If RECEIPT) OR PAYEE (If EXPENDITURE) (If COMMITTEE. ALSO ENTER 10 NUMBER OR NAME AND A~~RESS Of TREASURER) DESCRIPTION Of ADJUSTMENT IHC".A.. D.':.'...... TO CAe" TO CA." . -- ---~. CO '" "" '- .._~ (II) (b) ] If Illore space is needed, check box at left and attach additional Schedules G SUBTOTAL (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) SUMMARY INCREASES TO CASH OF $100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Column (a) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ INCREASES TO CASH OF LESS THAN -t;oO THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL INCREASES TO CASH THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + Line 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DECREASES TO CASH OF $100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Column (b) ). , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DECREASES TO CASH OF LESS THAN $100 THIS PERIOD (Not itemized). . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . TOTAL DECREASES TO CASH THIS PERIOD (Line 4 + Line 5) . , . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS ADJUSTMEf\ITS TO CASH THIS PE RIOD (Line 3 minus Line 61 Enter here and on Lin~ 1~' .,,1 Summary Pilll!! . . , . . . $ 10.21 (M.y o. n.~"lJW'. tlgUt.) -1)-