Norman Goodrich - 1975/02/17 - 1975/03/04 .,::'.;~~ ~.~ ...~'A }{J~~~f \ '.,~J-- ,,:7 ,>::".,.~ ,... ,.~ Fil e by 5-8-75 Deadl i ne (Interim Farm) 1st day to file: 5-1-75 CA~~D!DA TES CAMPAIGN STATEMENT SHORT FORM ;:~m1 470 , :;:;'. :::=.',\I::NT CODE SECTION 84200--<l..21';) :-' _ _.' Feb .17,1975 through., March. 4..:. ~* ~ *includes expenses & receipts following election1 [~.....~~...--..,._...,. ..... ...~~..~~_._~ ..~ A candidate for whom not more than S2~G ~as been received or spent on behalf of his candidacy may file this short form~ NOTE: Once contributions or expendit!..;~:?s. exc9Bd $200 for the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN. the candidate must file Form 430. Nama of candidate Norman B. Goodri ch 11'10. ANO STREETI ICITY) 1ST ATE) IZIP COO~I ~~~ (408) tAREA COOE) Residential address 7660 Carmel Street~ Gilroy, California 95020 842-3570 P. O. Box 66, Gilroy, California 95020 _ Phone 842-3191 Business ac!cress IAR::.A cooSl" 11'10. ..\1'10 STREET! ICITY) ISTATEI ZIP COOcO Typa of election General Municipal Date of election 3-4-75 .........~--.- IMONTH. OAY. Y"AR) IPRIMARY. GENERA!... SP",CIAI..I Office for which you are a car:didate Mayor Political party and district number (if applicable) Not applicable _._-41L.-.41.1I_ ~~~~ VEnlFICATJON I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not mora than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committe:s of which I hav& knowledge. Executed on May 1, 1975 at Gilroy, California IDA TEl ICITY AND STATE. //~L~~c'tf ISIGNATU~e: OF C..,..OI::lATE)