Norman Goodrich - 1979/09/05 - 1979/09/25 1979 CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT overnment Code Section 84200-84216) ~'-TJ]J; /. \ 1]- .. .'\ ~Q.J.' -dll;} .t.:--,), ...& '" :::r I$'. l?l' ~ '\~~ (;j? Sfp C~/V[!J(:\ 1'-1 t4> . r;;..~;, .~ rl f {. /C' \.- ~.... 0.1: li:I(/('S ;:;. iJ\J 1:'-\ Ell I flc.l: 1,- , /\v/lI10;: C' dI" 'Q'>..., ' c.. 110" _A';; '-0Ij-.. ..." '-... , , '..r< , . >.-- I' v ---~.~.L - form 490 Secreto~r cdse b',l --- didates/officeholders and their controlled committees. Sta"'lso for committees filing jointly. c5 (Type or Print," Ink) Statement covers period from q,- 6-19 through 9 - 2 ;J- -1 q . A OFFICIAL USE ONL y CIRCLE IF APPLICABLE: DATE OF ELECTION (MO. DAY YR.): semi,.nnual (\ ~ Primery camPlign stlltement NOVeVl& b \ ,'1 CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT (If Applicable) NAME OF CANDIDATE: ~OR A '2>, b06DRICH RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: NO. AND STR ET '1 hbo f!. Af2fVV= t.. "ST. BUSINESSADORESS: NO. AND STREET "P,O.oo'>< 66 CALI;::: II COMMITTEES INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT TOTAl. PAGES: I CO 95D20 ZIP CODE LiDS f3tfz - 3570 ARE:A CODE P....ONE NO. ~4-Z - ~ I <1..L CALI~ STATE g5020 Lt08 NAME OF COMMITTEE: COMtVl' TTt~ '-0 r2E: -EJ"E:CT iJoRN'lAJJ t3. (;cd:)t2i CI4 ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE: NO. AND STREET CITY SATE ~S- ~\ (2..S T '"ST. ~ I L (( o't-' CAt th NAME OF TREASURER: Jl C t2.AI'J W. (d ON Z A L.f;5; PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASUR~R: NO. AN 148D {: It../ c{:- ~rz\. \IE- NAME OF COMMITTEE: +08 I.D. NUMBER '1QoC}'7B ....0 N 842 -b4lb ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE: NO. AND STREET CITV STATE ZIP CODE AR PHONE NO. NAME OF TREASURER: PERMANENT ADORESS OF TREASURER: NO. AND STREET CITV STATlt ZIP CODE AREA COOE P....ONE NO. Attach addicional information on approprillfely 'if/J.,.d continuarion $hHt$. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: IF YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY, IDENTIFY THEM IN THIS SECTION. COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE TREASURER TREASURER'S PHONE AND 1.0. NUMBER ADDRESS PER~ANENT ADDRESS NUMBER . Artach additIonal mformatlon on:.appropnatal-( lapakK/'cwwnuatlon $hHrs, . ',' VERIFICATION , . I declare under penalty of perjury .thin to the best of my knowledge this statement and its sched at I have used all reasonable diligence in their preparation. Executed on 9-~'-79 at GI~~I 6~;r by (Date). (City and State, Executed on . at /;;-[/20 ~~ ~(.,t': by (Date, (City and State, (Signature of Trealurer(sll I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true, correct and complete and the treasurer of this committee has used all reasonable diligence in the preparation Of7Jthis st~ement and its s~u~. ,,'---/7 Executed on 9-~/-79 at blL~"( C4t-('r: by_~~l(;/~'~ (Date) (Cify and State) (Sl9nAture of CAndidate or Officenolde.. "or informll~o,! ,..u!red..t!' be pr~~ed to you pursuant to the Information PrKtic.. Act of 1977, _ "Inform.tion Manual on c.mpllitn DllGio_. Provisions of SUMMARY PAGE Statement covers period from q - 5 - '1 C( through q - Z;.-J. - '7 q . Name to{\l\f'F\IIICE:. '--;--0 {(E-ELE:CT ~C)(2NlAU 13. ~oo6rz t Ct4, r'll.A,/Oi( {If thi, i,. con,o/id.ted ,."on (Form 4SOJ includfl tM n_ of the CMIdid.,. MId commitfH.) 1.0. Number (If CommittH) 1Qo91B RECEIPTS COLUMN A CumullJtive total from previous period- 1. Monetary contributions received. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., $ 2. Loans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Miscellaneous receipts (attach explanation). . . . . . . . . . 4. Total cash received (Net). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ Add L.ln.' 1 + 2 + 3 abov. 5. Non-monetary contributions received. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Pledges . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Total receipts . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . " $ Add L.in.' 4 + 5 + 6 abov. EXPENDITURES 8. Payments. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 9. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) ....,... , . , . . . , . . " 10. Total expenditures, . . . . . . , . . . . '_' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ Add L.in.' 8 & 9 above COLUMN B COLUMN C Total this period Cumulative to from attached date - Total of schedules Columns A 81 B $ b2"S'?E $ 62S~ Pille 4, 1..1 ne 5 - C;') - -e,- PIli. 5. L.in. 9 - 0- -0 - $ h25~ $ b2'5~ Add L.ine, Add L.ines 1 + 2 + 3 abClve 1 + 2 + J Il;Iov. -f;>- -0 - Pill. 6, Un. J -0 .- -0 - Pill. 7, Un. 7 $ b2S~ $ b 2S-eo Add L.in.' AdCl I..ine, 4 + 5 + 6 above 4 + 5 + 6 above (Snould equal COlumns A + Sl $ - 0- Pille 9. I..lne 6 cc2CQ PIP 10. I..ine 5 2220~ $ -(!)- 22'2. ~ '"2 '2 2- ~ $ $ Add L.lnes I & 9 above (Snould equal COlumn, A + Sl Add I..lne' . .. 9 above 11. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. . , . . STATEMENT OF CHAN9ES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 12. Cash receipts this period (Line 4, column B above) 13. Cash payments this period (Line 8, column B above) 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 11 + 12 - 13 above). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 9, of Column C above). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ - 0- I ,,:>.-00 t::' (:. 7.:) - -(37- (0 25'~ 16. Surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . $ .lfO-3'~ 17. Deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 14 from Line 15). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , , , . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . $( .U this is the first report filed or if the last report was a post-election statement. Column A should be blank except for unpaid loans, bills and n'ann.c: NA'ME It:J?;Lff) llliifz- ~ a-~UZc....., ~12n1~ R .f:;v,.M2.;C.'-IIi'1AI(~~. NUMBER (If CommittH' rt q oq 1B . . Statement covers period from 9 - 5 - ') q through q - 24- - '1 ~ SCHEDULE A, FORM 420,430 or 490 MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) PART 1 - RECEIVED FROM RECIPIENT COMMITTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) q DATe FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE 1.0. NUMBER OR TREASURER'S AMOUNT CUMULATIVE (Street, City. Stetl' FULL NAME AND RECEIVED TO DATE PERMANENT ADDRESS 1;:119 ~ C> l"\ tJ') I I" T E::.l:- io r2f=.- E:. u:.cr .1 ~ N c> (( t-I\ f.\ t--\ t?>. Goo b 1'2. I c:.. i-l, (Tj<>t. ...., () I( -n: qq 09 78 bc5~ b2r~ - I I I I . I I I Attach additional information on ilPpropriately labeled continuation sheets. b2S~ SUBTOT AL (Carry with any additional Subtotals to line 1, part 3, page 4) , $ -3- .......... , . \ .. ~ -(".:'; (L r"'. ~:J .') ~,,- ,~ b.J,- ~ --A- g - 5. ~l q TM,o..x;.l.\ 9 - 2~. ./q T t-JCotv' \ E=- ~Jllj J S'-r-oJT I ~31 H:fJ,J~cob Lt::u.\fi- (r"d,~. ~. \1. S\-r oJr " I. 0ALIi: 'ST1:: Pt4&...J S.t:'kJ '1J.t/ (; .s~J8JIl6 .) a I JI\.. i rna. ~. 1c,/o't"W _( S1"f7.f'~., ,,-,:.1'\..1.) I, t, L lj tC A J~y 4~1::;.e..~ 'Ill rl ICe:. ~ ~ns ~()"t ~<~ .. r(lel-\~e~ hJ'Io-\ETi\ 'I...ll ~J( Z J ,<.'OJ~\I( l R J Tl.\ t 0 ~)...1 E.. l L 11 2..0 Pre, Jc..e " ~ II r~ RONf:)Li) NiIN~US 1840 WG$T\JOO~ be.\J~ jA~E:.1 t"'l/1'JG.L1S 18+0 LJE:~Twoob 'DR\~_ Be (21J AfZ b 141\~ IJe:.. '1 b 2/ E:.I 6 L.fc 1\ fe-((..f' '-( i '1.11"llt\~ ~\ ~lc.'2... '1'lQ 1- ~ W((f;.t.J-AJt- b.. f? ~ f:. ~ 7' C \ \.... I cfz... I, '. " ; RDe:,r;::_[Z.1 +\' hOO\~,~(L~ aq B5 ~o~l~tZiY I. 4\lJf, -r - I C> I f.\w ~ G CJ_tJ - ao J C,)'" J'C) ~<) ~ Q() .... fo co .... - 00 Jo - JC 00 - Jt) aD '- '2 [EE! rO 00 .... So 00 - C' S- o~ 2r~ 2~~ 25~ .. Ipz5~ .. -r; t(?;.G-J. 'i-n- ~.""j ~"'(" ...~. NUM..R IIf Co_,n.' Statement covers period from q- s: ')q_ through Cf.-24 -11 1q o(} 'lB , . NAME t ()_W),,',;-, f'Crl. ,- SCHEDULE A, FORM 420,430 or 490 PART 2 - RECEIVED FROM OTHERS: (See information manual for directions and examplesl FULL NAME AND ADDRESS (Street EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS AMOUNT CUMULATIV!; DATE City. St.t.1 OF CONTRIBUTOR- OCCUPATION SELF.EMPLOYED LIST STREET RECEIVED AMOUNT ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS) . . Attach additional information on appropriately ,tIb.'"d continuation shtlflrs. SUBTOT AL (Carry with any additional Subtotals to line 3. part' 3) S -If the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contributor. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examplesl 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) '.......'.'...........,..,...,........,.....",.....,.....,.,. S 2. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) ...,...,....'...,.........,.".....,...... 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) ...........,....................,..,................,.........,.... 4. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) ...........................".......,.......,... 5, TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (Line 1 . 2 . 3 . 4. Enter this total on Line 1, Column B of Summary Page) .,.........".....,.......,.........,.,.......................'.............,.....,...........,...... $ 0c5~ ) '-:;> ..- CO ~~:) .,,,, -,,-