Norman Goodrich - 1979/10/22 - 1980/01/03 Statement covers period from j 0 - C Z - 19 ,.-.3 -8D /\, (' '. J;,: r: ~<:C, 1,:--' "'/1 ,('- ~.. { .() --', /..!, C:c. .<;t; -', _c. <l}/, / /'. .. , ,/ \c;,<"t,~ i;'!' '/~" , )/ \.. /)f(,;., 'v I '",- r,o' :_...... . ,_ i '/ ,-x;. /J7'--\~"\- \ \7/ " ,-) 1,J..-." A OFFICIAL. USE ONL.Y CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Government Code Section 84200.84216) Form 490 1980 For use by candidates/officeholders and their controlled committees, Also for use by committees filing jointly. (Type or Print in Ink) .".CIA&. ".c"''''''' CI"CL.IE IF AP"L.ICA8LE, ..M,-ANNUAL CAM"''''ClN STATaMaNT TOTAL. PAGES, CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT (If applicable) NAME OF CANDIDATE, elTY & L L Roy CITY t41 LeOV' , OFFICE SOUGHT OR HRI-D t....CL.UD. L.OCATIO... AND DI.T"'CT HUM.." I'" "".."&..e........J f/} A yv .TATe %.", COOK A".... ~ODII: "'HOHK HUM.." /...loR. I'! 1). Gcob RES1CtlNTIAL. ADC"ESS: NO. AND eT"..T 1 6bO V At((-I')E: L. S1. ~1~.S5g:;~SS' 66 NO. AND mnT ,C i-t q,2~. 2 () Q502D Afi~~ fJ~~~ -:u?~1o 1o'EJ 8tf2, 3/9/ II & I L Roy' . ~oNZ,QI...E.S CA L I .;::; ^ NAME OF COMMITTEE: L~(\'\MITTE-E c> !(€:-I;(E-Cr tJoRftlAJ ~ GQ:iDe,Ci AOORESS 0.. COMMITTIEE: 80S- r: I res', ST. ~~IE OF TJltEASURE7 HeA JoJ I(' lA. 1;;8~NT ;:~RlS; frRIEA.se~~~AHD n~.CT ~; L e~ NAME OF COMMITTEE: NO. "ND .T"..T CITY .TAT. [;AL 1;::- Z,'" COD. A".A COOtE "MON. HUM_EN CJ5oZo 4-08, ~4-2, ole., 1 9 1.0, NUM8ER ADORESS OF COMMITTEE: NO. .....D .T"..T CITY STAT. %,,, CODIE A".A coo. "MONtE HUM.." NAME OF TREASU"ER, PERMANENT ADORIESS OF TRIEASU"ER: NO. AND n~..T CITY 8TA.TIE Z'" COOtE ""lEA COOtE .....0.... HUM.." Attach additional information on appropriattlly labe/lfd continuation Ih"ts. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: IF YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY, IDENTIFY THEM IN THIS SECTION. COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE TREASURER TREASURER'S PHONE AND I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS PERMANENT ADDRESS NUMBER Attach additional information on appropriatelv labtlltld continuation Ihtltlts. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement an itS'1)Che des ar tru , orrect and complete and that I have used all reasonable diligence in their preparation. Executed on I ?-II. 79 at 4/ A Roy' C"qL, C by 'AL . . (OATIE) ICI'rv AND aTATIE) Executed on at by 'OATS) ICITY ......0 STAT.' I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its schedules are true, correct and complete and the treasurer of this committee has used all reasonable diligence in the preparation of's te t and its schedules '-- ExecutedonI2-11-'79 at 4iLt2oV: Ct'~I.,+: by lOAT.' Ic!lTY AND sTATa' For information required to be provided to you pUr!UlInt to the Information Practices Act of 1977, see u'nformlltion ManulIl on Campaign Disclosurll Provisions of tha Political Reform Act," Section XI. -1- SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) () NAMI!: OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE: f\f,~r tJ~((l"1A/J ~. GOObQiLH DATI!: AI!:C'D o 1. 2. I"ULL NAME AND ADORES' OF CONTR.aUTDR ~ C 11, tl} j .iE E- 'I (." ......._.::~O~::.E~.T .""..T ADD"." AND CITY 0"- aU'INIE"" STATEMENT COVERS PERIOD (D-;;~191/~3~~Eo I.C. NUMBER (I.. COMMITT..' 19691& AMOUNT ".calveD c:UMU......T'V. TO DATa hI" COMMITTC.. CNT." I.D. HUM.." 0" T".""U"."'. NAMe AND "'OD.....I OCCU~ATION 4g5'~ If'7 h5', 00 If more space is needed, check box at left and attach additional Schedules A. SUBTOTAL ttB5~ 2~ SUMMAR Y AMOUNT RECEIVED. $100 OR MORE (Include all Schedule A subtotals) AMOUNT RECEIVED LESS THAN $100 (Not itemized) -3- $ 4~5~ 3. TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + Line 2) Enter here and on Line 1 Column B of Summary Page, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E OJl"')il'\ ,\~~ 'Ti) fC..t7- E:i..rfLT Aloflrf\ Cl.~ \5. ~~C2..IL"'" ~~ at/, i19 09 ') B ' jAMEf.O~')r1'\ IllEti ~ ~-~L~ tJoln')Aj A ~/)IZ..ICJ..J 1.0. NUMBER (If Committee. Statement covers period from 10 ~ Z 2.-41~ through / - 3- $-'a 1q oq')~ SCHEDULE E, FORM 420,430 or 490 PAYMENTS 'ART 2 - MADE TO OTHERS: (S.. information menual for directions and examples) AMOUNT FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE" DESCRIPTION OF GOOOS ANp SERVICES PURCHASED THIS PERIOD CALi Coil A-)'~ iY\AIL/ ,J, ~~JILrL ~u.-JCfi ~fi (OJ t7'1~IL( ~ 2 -3 ') 5' p(~ f2 (~bold ~e 0[: GI./ie/l 0 N Bl2.ot! i-l ~a rL.. 1+0. {B SAIo-t J{)-S"E- c.~ L ( (:" k 0 t.J C::. MJ S:fi. ra:-~-r AJrlA"J, '01 rJrJti-tl... t:1J rt.- :s,) PPCJIlI~ 1. S- B ( q S IT\ 0 A/Tff-4Ji V S-'T. oC:: f2Ji:. - fiL f7,C II 0 jI..( Com rn IT iV'2rL 4- If '1, 3'0 c:; I L-- rzo I.{ c..,q L-i r PL. A "Z-A 1--.. I e; U bflS 07 C rz. f\ S c.\ IY'\, 6.. I--Lr~. ~ r2.. '1/') {:., e:S'T -S-T. ~~~ Pott-,-fi tl.- S' &J?~tEl ~iJJIZ,z I 6 '2. 01) G t LfZO"I ~L ,-r: Wm. -e:;J....lC~ f'C'\( ~. CAn) PAtL_J fv~ 9f2--c-\-n: '7fSZI S~n'" .~ flfi.f~ bD. k?rl. fZ;f:; ~ (iL fZLT t v AI &Jf'Ilff) I ITQ l-i.. bo.q+ G-I L rZoy D;::>L r+:: I rach additional information on appropriar"/'I'",/ed conrinuarion sheers. 2 '-flo~, f) I SUBTOT AL (Carry with any additional subtotals to Line 3. part 3) $ *If the payee is different from the vendor (person providing goods or services) and the vendor receives 550 or more. the name and address of both payee and vendor must be listed. ~RT 3 - SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. MADE TO COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) ......,.....,................"....."................................ 2 MADE TO COMMITTEES UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) .................................................. 3. MADE TO OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) ..,....,."..........,........."....."....,..,........................... 4. MADE TO OTHERS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not ItemiZed) ,...............,.....,..."......,..,....,..........., 5. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID. THIS PERIOD (Schedule F. Line 4) ...,.,..,...."."..,.,.....,......,.,....,.... 6. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Lines 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 - 4 - S. Enter thiS total on Ime 8, Column B of Summary Page) ....... s Zlfbg. i71 s 'ltfbyt.jf -9- ~AME 0 Din ~ , rz: -Ii Ui.li1 ,.101 rv!A,L/ ~ b r2. ( C,/'" Statement covers period from 10-72- '7'7 1.0. NUMBER (If Commin..l through / -5- ;; (') ')1 01'1 ~ SCHEDULE E, FORM 420,430 or 490 PA YMENTS (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) PART 1 - MADE TO RECIPIENT COMMITTEES: (See information manual for directions and example" OFFICIAL FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE ,....11 1/1 I I I J" (I f the committ.. he. no AMOUNT USE ONLY 1.0. Number, stllte full neme end permanent eddres. of the Tre..urerl THIS PERIOD ~; I..J2.v'-r .1SP~ICH J. \ 11+blo (Y\ 0 tJ iEr2 G-< ST. .4h c,z" S4;'f")~......-~ - Gllr20'( (ALii:: ~ 00. 00 PtL P j E:aC E::.. k.'1 (30,z f r7\ ~T€::tZ.., A L '1 h3D (2&~ Sr- ,q~ -S (&~ ~IA Jhs' (0.00 b( L &Jy,' CA,r Glleoi' Pili JTtIl.S 30 'TI; ill}) S'T. Pt2',J7I JG - r::/... '/EIZS' b09. '7S- GI Lt20V. CALI r RON /.1\ i t\J.buS 51 ,,J pt>:s,'r~ '1 b 30 E:.\ Go J..c8~tZ.tll.( /f)A I' fz 12.( ta-L 39.,;:>b Gd..~y C.-4L,r G { L Q.o'-( ~i~i?ATC.I-\ '\ loot(,,, 10 fT'\O ~ rF.;:rlJL. \o( -S'T. AbJ&z;'-I s.-~n"l rz.Jr-S GLL. a oy L.~ L":;' ( 1 0 , 80 '1311- L ~IL(~ "7 f3 Z( SA"',,'} (1+fZ fl6.' ~,~ fl'tISQ. ~ fl. \ -30.0D t '-tor; 1L1.f'iL. G-I L(U.'y CkJL I",r:- Y DLhu; -Si~ Co, ~AI1)PA' r;.-tJ 159-3 6t 6-/.k B 601y OCT. ~, &A/ S b3.c1o I &,i..,&y GQL. Ie. '6oZZ,-, CA7&tINb E:.LE(: II 0 ~ NI&HI e I-f L/ 'Q~JIl:J L:I' c 1":\ (I') 0.-:4 L ~ H. ~epl'S'". qo,oo c; \ L,eL' '/ . c:.t::>Lfr:: \3. ~t:'~eT ...,-; LL IE \A A\J6t-.1~ fS.).ct='~T (;Jr2tZ \ E ~ ST" ~(l.- ; 5".00 GIL(l.o~( L~L,~ ~ E:~i51 E:. ~ (.\.L D A ~J<:) I wtZ0 ~. S'T- LAMa- B tJ,.q:- fi. 'I 15.00 G- 1/,..J2.o V . D:;) Ld r-: ((01-1. IlI'M(;.JS " \ '-Io.J '~ A..~ I~A"'-" C. 1b30 6 (.,L6I3.~( S'T. G-tL e.o'( ~/..s-9ATC.i-/ bt.-f-. ~o (;.IL(ZO'1 c{-:}c/.j': PJ..-Az~ J-.l tt'Jot?-5 ({k{il h .s~ff} Ii ~s- 11') Cifl~T ST. Crt UCO\( CAL (r ~Qn-)Pi:JIW .4~, ~CHr, ""L oC). +/ ArrifCh addirional information on appropriatelv labeled continuation sheets. SU13TOT AL (Carry with any additional subtotals to Line 1, part 3, page 9) S I (19 B. 2l -8- \.~-~01L rn '-\4 0 "":'A. .., \.: . Dj It: -t\ " \0, ':. .., \ ',,', "\~(l..''''1J.~. \ i I - ~ .. So ...-- f c'7" A c... * . .... ::;0, ClO 100.00 50.(:)(1 I (:J~. 0 0 .::2 5':. Q 0 3S:oc d5". CIa - ::'trJ.oo - ~o. ClO. . ..is 4- ~r: O() , . i i~OO~H'f:.'::'" PPl('::(i'\'~l-\ F HJ.~""t / I.....{' 'Iblt) f1',mJT'E-Il.riY $,.., iJoJ.o.(l). (A, l,j.(I.I:''i()PL1~.(( (1"(\1l.~tf)(t.S) ~c"5 flL'x"i'I)t:',e:.k~ PE:...t~ (d,IC(, J' .'~d P C ~i)V .r"tr L t ~ f't>, ;,(;, , c ,- f; \ P CJ ..t,;,'X 11);1 ') I J i::.-C(( '" ;.= \JG..\~ '15' j5~ ~ ~fT\PI S, C ,. I E. l "'1~," Yo J I-.:(~ rl ~ 93 C/{;J l-. f:. ~ f tZ fL Y ~. it;:lt..{~")( (-<J") 2;':"\{ t.: ') r )l-{~ d ~ II c.-,~..' 'J)n., Jh ; ft..Uz ,~. P.o. ~ R toe.WIIZ ,'~, r/ltfJ fOT~rf')~t P'-'~cfL ~ ~ '. I ~--(" ((:': n, I t1-l r) f"~ .~" .":, t, . ",' D.-H [: -.f\ \ () . r . ,,~",.-, '1 (~ -f ..- ,-\ ,,~I_ t~ ,':F: \ \ , - -3, - ~::J Iv 0 olE 14 I C.':) Pi-\ ((. r:: \ \.. \~. f,.j J. ~ A. It I / ..A,: 'I a : D (1('/,. 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