Roberta Hughan - 1984/01/01 - 1984/06/30 CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Government Gode Sections 84200-84211) ~\ '-:/ ~...~ -'1" r. ') '\' " c, v (,)" 1'/)." .. "<<...J ",'\.-,,' 11 <":>'.-:> ,.\" '. ;... '11'" '~ .C';' JIJ~ ~ , /981 --' ~.C4; Clllfo'iP~8,t;~ ~t'4 . t'f' /' A OI"~ICIAL. USIIl, O~y ~rm 490 1984 For use by candidatesiotficeholders and their controlled committees~ (Type or P1'int in inkl Statement covers period from OATil: 01" el.&<:TloN {MO.. DAY, VFI.I (... A_....c:......I: 1-1-84 6-30-84 through: November 8, 1983 I TOTAL. PAGes. 'I . CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT Roberta H. Hughan Ofl'~1CC SOU,.QHT Oil ....L'O (1I,..CI.1.I0. &.OC",1"10N ."'0 QIST,.,c:? ..u..... \" .,.,.UCA....aJ Mayor NA....e 01" CANOIOATIE: R&SIOeHTIAL. ADDRESS. -0. ."'0 t'1'-..c.,. CJT"f' STAT. ~IP c::.~ ""... ,:~Q. ~"QNC lOt"'........ Calif . 95020 (408) 842-5375 STAT" ....I~ c~o. Ail".'" ~OQ. ~'_"'Olll. ,"4u.....c,. --- - Calif. '95020 (408) 842-4954 338-5th Street Gilroy SUSII'tCSS AODFlESS. -.a. .ANa STlIW..-r ~ITY 7530 Gourmet Alley Gilroy II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES. INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT Hu han for Ma or Committee 1.0. .'4UMS&FI 11811428 NAMe 01" COMMITTI:~ AOORI:5S 01" COMMITTt:&: JIfG- .....0 1'1'''..'1' ~J"V ITATa ;Z:1"~;Ji~ ","SA c:~oc ""'ONC _..uw..... P. O. Box 1587 Gilroy Calif. 95021 (408) 842-4954 ~AMC 01" TRI!A5UAt:R, /l711~ 'I A /'/11/ It. /7)/J 7T" oS ,"I:RMAI'tCNT AOORI:SS 01" TFlCA5U,.CFI, "0. ....0 n~..? CIT'" STAT. &:1~ <:~a. ..".A c:aQ. .....0... ..."'''''.." c? -3 ~t:J ~ 13 /J/ Cf/ 0 ,I( 1E-/Ji- I '4A....C O~ CO....MITTt:e, 6ILR,O y <:::A q!>"7~ c.jl)g 1.0. NU....S&JIt ?~.). -Klf17 ...0. ...Met STJlI...,. CITV STAT'. ;U. c:~o. ..."CA COQC ....0.... l"f"'IIII.." AOORIESS 01" COMMITTt:&: NA....& 01" TREASURCR: CITY STAT. :I~ c:;.oc 41l1.A .;::QO. _"ONS .'lIII,I...... ?e:RMAI't&/'tT AOOA&SS 01" TFlI&A5UR&,., ,"0. A"" IT"..? Atuch ildditionlll informlltion on .",ro"ria~ylabellld continuation sllfttt. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLiDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE CONTROLLED BY YOU OR -ARE PRIMARILY FORMED \1 TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. - COMMlme NAME Controlled Commlnee? AND L Q, NUMBER COMMITTEE AQQAE~ TREASURER- YES I NO I I , ! I Arrac/t additional information on ao"ro"narsly (wellld COnanUlltlOn SIlHts. . (A controll..J commirrN is 0'" -.ich is controlled di~y or indira:tfy by II candidate 0' whIch M:a jomtly MrIr II candidate or control/lid commi~ in connection with tile mlllting of upendirur... A candidllte control, II cammirtN if tile CWIdidllte. the candidara'. .nt. or any oth., cammirtM he or she control,. lIu $igmfieant inffuM1t2 on the M:tion. or d6Cision. af the cammittN.J VERI FICA TION '"'- I declarl! under penalty of ;Jef'jury that to the b~t of my knowledge this statement and in schedul~ .-e true. correct and complete and that I have used all reasonable diliyenC8 in their preparation. Executed an ~/cJ.. S' ) g f at c::; // ro ~ C A- I IQAT,.! (cn: "'... IT.".) Executed on at by 19.T_J (CIT.,. ..."'. ITAT.J I declare under penaiey of P<<iury that to the best of my knowledge this statement an rreasurer(s) of this committ~(s) has used all re onable diligence in the preparation of , Executed on 1- tZ::8'cr at ' ~ by ~~ info",...i_ ,..qui,. to be praorided to of the Po4j~ R.form Aa." Put X. by -1- CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420. 430 OR 490. (Amounts May Be rlounded To Whole Dollarst MAMC 0__ CANDIDATC O~ COMIIo4I~C. fltlGHITN ~I(, mli )I()~ COIl'''' A C>.. '- ~~ ... -' per10Q . CONTRIBUTtONS RECEIVED' ,. Monetary contributions . . . . . . . . . . s 10. / gs.tJ{) -&- 2. Loans...................... 3. Subtotal.................... s 9, &. 85:00 UNIlS . - & 4. Non-monetary contributions. . . . . . . J. 093 ,()() -b- 5. P! edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . . . s 10 ??8.oo UNa. . - .& - J, EXPENOITURES MAOE 7. Payments.................... 9 dl/3,o'l ~t,317 s 9, e 714.~~ s 8. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) . ; . . . 9. TOTAL EXPENOITURES . . . . . . . . UN." '7 - . ~ J COI.UMftf B Tow this penoQ nom .nad1<<t scMdul_ /~ S t SS. ()~ ICH~OUL.& 4, '-IN. 1 -e- _-:. SCHIlOUL.& iI. '-IN. I S !Ss: ~O 1.1N.. t ... 1 -e- scH.au....a :. L.H""I1Ia J f!:r SCHCOU"'& a. 1.lNC 1 S - ess.()() '-INCS ) . .& .. S S t,t, 3,/7 SCHCaUI.& _. "IN" J. -e- SCHIlOUL.& ". ,-,N. I S /g1P3.17 1..1 N c. 7 .. . STATCMCNT COVCRS "~IOO COI.UM!t C CumulRiwe to dae- (~lumnlA ~ at S J~, ()J!4.(J(J -9- S 10. SJ./() .oD UN.' I .. l /J ()93 .oIJ -eJ- II. ~ 33. "() s t.iH c. 1 . 4 . I (S"OUl.a eQUAl. '-JHe.. CQ,-UM.._ " .. .t s Cf, ~7'. ~/; &~3 .17 s J~, S"3', '+3 I."'.." . . ISMOUL.O .Qu...... ~... .. COL.l.IMH. A . .t · If this is the firtt ~orr filed for the calendar year, ColUl1!Wl A ihould b. blank 8Xcspr for unpaid loans, bills and pledga STATEMENT OF.CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 10. Cashon nand at the beginning of this period. (Line t40t ;XWious statement) . S 9~/. 00 iSS7 ()O 1,. Cash reaipts this period (Line 3, Column 8 above. - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . & &,~ 3./7 117,;..13 ~(,3.J7 12. Miscellaneous adjwtments to cash (Schedu!. G, une 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Cash payments this period (Line 7. Column a aoo"et. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. C4sh on hand at closing date (Lines 10+11+12-13 ~).. . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Outstanding debts (Line 2" Line a of Column C abowet - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. Ending surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Lin. 15, suCI:raCt Line 15 from Line 14). . . . . . . . . . . . s 5"09. ~" --- 17. Ending deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14. subrnl:t Line 14 from Line 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . S · ending cash on hand should not b. a negativa 3mount. SUMMAR'!' FOR CANOIOA TES IN BOTH '" JUNE ANO NOVEMBER ELECTtON fS8.'nstructions an Rev81'S.) 1/ t tllru 8/30 711 to dfte 18. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVeO: 19. EXPENOITURES MADe: 4r tf. -2- II. &,.33 /O.s-35 , - ~()(). ()~ :J... () {j. ()(J I I - I . , I :; s.s: PI' 1t.,53-' ~ d - SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUT10NS RECEIVED FORM 420.430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) NAMC Of' CANOIOATe ;t. CO......ITTC.: HU6f1t9}11 F" ~ ff71t y(),e". ~IJI..L. NAMe ANO AOORCSS Q~ OAT. c::01IITltl.UTOlt ACC.O h~ CQ,.-::;:;~~";~:~.~o::~~1. o. !:M.....OYC. OCCIJ"AT1QH (,.. 1.,",-C.~Q4""'... .NT.. "'''M. Oil' ...._c... .4 <I. D ~Tlf?ISrOPHIS.R- R Ii Nt::: II 31JS- 8/ l>tJJf'JLIPi..! . r.:, , IrA \/ , 136~1( ~ riJ/~e E.srltr4. '3tltJ! 1/ ,'" - Y JllIeDS I ?~19 /"!;//er G,/rdV I SrnDJel? '7~<i t:. A If I:~~J 1fJ1// 181 ~t:J~/ ~ po I). 8 ~Jl. eEl;"'" v . ,Co n7:r JJ,~'E ~ IU1-$ Unde,... 81e)(:) o If more;paat ~ needed, d'1eck box at left and attach adcli1:ional Sctled1Jle1I A. SUBTOTAL SUMMARY 1. AMOUNT RECEIVED -CONTRIBUTIONS OF 5100 OR MORE (Include all Scheduiie A subtotals). . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . . . _ . . . 0 . . . . . S 2. AMOUNT RECEIVED - CONTRIBUTlONS OF LESS THAN S100 (Not itemized) 00' . . . , . . . 0 . .~- 3. TOTAL MONETA~Y CONTRIBUT10NS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 ~ Line 2) 2tter here and on Line 1 Column B of Summary Page '_' . 0 . . . . . . 0 , - . . . . . . . . , -3- STATC:Io4CNT COV!:RS PCR'OO ;/;7;1 I ~h~7;f 1.0. NUM..It (,,, <:,......TT..) g / /.lf2&' AMOUNT ...c:c.v.. CUMUt-&T1V. TO QAT. ~()tJ.OO ~ OtJ .O~ ~ 00. 00 ~oo,t:JO """,' 9SS- (,0< ~"ao , ~')O . I S ~S,s'. /)0 .. - SCHEDULE e PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS MACE FORM 420, 43Q OR 490 1.0. IltYM.... I... t::~.......T'T..) ~II~~S' (Amounts Mav Be Rounded To Whole DollarsJ - "'''MIl 0" CANOIO"TIl Olf COMMITTIlIl: flL/6Nr1N r"~ IJ1"YtJjL CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES I f one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written description is needed. (Note exceptions or the back of this schedule for codes "C", 'T' and "TH.) Refer to the back of this schedule and the Information Manua, 'In Campaign Disclosure for detailed explanations and examples of each category.. "," "C" CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES OR COMMITTEES ''I'' - INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES LITERATURE BROADCAST ADVERTISING NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING "0" OUTSIDE ADVERTISING I f one of the above codes does nat accura~v or fully describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column blank and :Jrovide a wrinen description in the "Description of Payment" column. IMPORTANT: Do not itemize the payment of accrued expenses on Schedule e. Report only the lump sum of these payments on Line 3 of the Summary section, below. "S" - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING. DOOR-TO.QOOR SOLICITATIONS FUNDRAISING EVENTS GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD TRAVEL, ACCOMMO~TtONSAND MEALS PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES '''F'''' - "L" "S" "G" - "T'': - "N'" ~"P'" - - I'4"MIl "'1'40 "'OO"IlSS 0" ,""V.Il. C"1l01TO" 0'- "IlCI"'IlMT 0.. C:ONTlf'8UT10N (", ..~.........__ ~........ .....OUNT 1.0. ..u..... Q. ...... A,... 40..... Q_ .~...........t COOIl Olf OIlSC"'I"TION 0" .....V...CNT .....,0 EJ. m4n/t:olt.. ?7~o mpnt:er~'t. . IV ~otJ.cO G, '1ro 'I c.l'1 '9S"~ - .L()UJ~ L e.d e.s mA I J.fi., 0' 8l.1 rke t>r B /d<(). tJO GI/;-CV, ell 9 .s-~;>.t; 0 /.1/&1. at) EX. PENSt;.S UNl)E~ tDJ~() r So , ,,~ . r II,~? . J G ~s:"" N ?t:J. tUJ I o If more spaca is needed, check bolC and SUBTOTA ~3.J7 attach additional Schedules E. IMPORTANT: Contributions and expenditu~ on behalf of other candidates or committees must also be entered in the allocation section at the front of the campaign statement. SUMMARY -- 1. Payments of $100 or more made this period trnc!ude an Schedule E Subtotals) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ ..3~t>.ad ...31J./7 -tr ~G,3./7 2. Payments under $100 this periOd (not ItemiZed) - , , , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ,. .s 3. Total Accrued E.xpensespaid this period (Schedule F, Line 41 ...,.....,.... _....................S ~. Total Payments this periOd (Line t .. 2. 31 EM!!r !'le,. and on Line 7, Column a of Summary P3ga , . . . . . . . .S -7-