Roberta Hughan - 1989/01/01 - 1989/12/31 - Amendment """"""7'~"<~"'-,,"-~"""""."-'''''--'''''''~'''''''~~~'''A_''~'_-' ,.... ._-~_. '-'-*-'_.~..,"'-'-~~" NAME Roberta H. Hughan Board Member - Bay Area Air Quality Management Distn.ct 1, 1989 through Dec. 31, 1989 IMPORTANT: Statement must be date stamped ~ _, ' whe...n rec~iJed . ~ Jjl/f~ ~ ~~~~~jYfJ) CITY, COUNTYORAGENCY PERIOD COVERED Jan. :~i~ / AMENDMENT - Sch~dule H-1 if; Commission Income Received By Brokers, Agents And Salespersons NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY N,A-. Iv{) MJ vtcl7.~ St..~ ~ /0/ f7?) /V Jrt.,t) I'e.... NAMES OF SOURCES OF INCOME / i.\./,'<.i;":-;. ~-:..(. ,'P}':':' ,~i.....~ tii~:_:'~>:::.-_'7, '0__';, ' NAMEOEBUsuilESS ENTITY ,t,.,}. i~~.Li; , 'c:.h'" . 't.:', : ;,ns-~J~~~+.J'~,~,i..~,~~1O- ;~w~ ....;~~~~:~~;~.*'ti..7rc :.-~:/, 1;~': ,'".;r';' ~>--, \., ,~,,:".,..J,',,-'&-,~'~:7\.: ~r:',~_ ",~~" ~":'::}-1~r:t';~'\,-'i>i~K^'~ '{- "'''~rt':;:~~,,~--..::,,;'~~:'':~':;':;r. ::.' '-~~~~~~?,~!~~~;et~;~A~~M:[\~!~i;P(~"'i~f:!(~~iF:1. .~iU,..."'. ' ':'~~,. " "C,":X~RIFICATION ';{:,<.'i.\ .j..;~'-~~t.q'l-)>tl~~:<:~i~~'<~~':...~4~1<"_~,~J:-I{,' _ _ '~:__~,,""'~ ': -'I _ _ " _ _ _ -' _ _ ' _ .-r1 have used aU re~s<?nable '~iligence ,in1prE1Paring 'this '~temef'!t. J have reviewed the'st~tement and to the -,.bert-of-rny'knovv,.eage the InTOrmat,on contained neretn and In the attached schedules IS true and complete. . < '- '- ,'.' ", ... I certify under penalty of perjury under the '.aws ()f the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct." ~-~---:--"._.- "-"":,:',,.,,,,-_._,-~,-~;,:-~_:.-,,~ -., "~~"":'----'''~-''''-''-"'~''''~~-''''''-'-----,~-'- I, ., . ' . California Fair Political Practices Commission RECEIVED JUl12 1990 July 11, 1990 CLERK OF THE BOARDS Robert Hughan Board Member Bay Area Air Quality Management District 939 Ellis street San Francisco, Ca 94109 Re: Statement of Economic Interests Type of Statement: Annual Date Filed: March 30, 1990 Dear Mr. Hughan: The Fair Political Practices Commission received your statement of economic interests. It appears that your statement does not conform with the filing requirements of the Political Reform Act in the following respects: On Schedule H-2-Income and Loans to a Business Entity or Trust, you did not disclose the names of sources of income to Hughan & Hughan Architects in which your pro rata share was $10,000 or more. The enclosed supplemental schedule(s) should be completed within 20 days and returned to your aqencv's filing official who will retain a copy and forward the original to the Fair Political Practices commission. Please note that our review of your statement does not constitute an in-depth audit and your compliance with this request for supplemental information or correction does not relieve you of your responsibility for the overall accuracy and completeness of your statement as required by law. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at (916) 322-5662. Sincerely, Colleen McGee Political Reform Consultant 1?~#~ by: Dixie Howard Legal Documents Examiner Technical Assistance and Analysis Division Enclosures pc: Agency Filing Official 428 J Street, Suite 800 . P.O. Box 807 . Sacramento CA 95804~0807 . (916) 322~5660