Marion Link - 1974/12/26 - 1975/01/06
FOTh"1 70}-Z
(Elections Code Section 11559)
A candidate for whom not more than $500 has been received or spent on behalf
ot" his candidacy may file this short form. A candidate for whom more than
$500 has been received or spent must file Form 703..
Nome of Candidate Marion T . Link
Residential Address 7550 Hanna St.
Business Address
GilroY1 Calif. 95020
Residential Telephone No. 842-3035
Business Telephone No.
Type of Election (Primary, General or Special) General Muni ci pa 1
Date of Election 3-4-75 Office for Which You Are A Candidate Counc; lman
Political Party and District No. (if applicable)
Not applicable
Covering Period from
December 26. 1974
January 6, 1975
I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge
not more than $500 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support
of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge.
Execu~ed on / /;to L7 r a~ ~,/A-JJ ~ .. W4 (, I
date lace
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Signature .