Marion Link - 1975/01/21 - 1975/02/16 M A ,'( I ~:AME OF CANDIDATE T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Statement covers period from ,julu-through :J... /"11/ i I I I 1 1- _____________________ "'J.<J........~ (ZIP CODE) (AREA CODE) (PHONE NO.1 I V.o f- ~ E 'fIi - 3 '':' .Jj- (A~EA CODE) (PHONE NC..) (Interim Form) CANDIDA TE'S CAMPAIGN STATEMENT t~ " ";:~~~' .il' ...; : .:,,;,,-;:.~ . <")"7 '-'~'\.~~ , ' '-'""JJ> ",c~f;1 GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 84200.84214 " 'CI,' '30 Q'v Li / 1>/ .i: I. 7 .r;- <) 1I,..q 1'/ IV ,-:1 J r :<E::;I::>C:NTIAI. ADDRESS (NO. 8< STREET) b I /.L.4 ~' (CITY' I cA ' (STATE) f!ll"':INESS ADDRESS /(el-I~e...l. (NO. 8< STREET) (CITY) 1ST ATE) (ZIP CODEI 1)(1 Line 1 o Line 2 o Other <..HSCK APPLICABI.E BOX FOR MAII.ING ADDRESS (If other. provide no. and street (or P.O. Box) city. state and zip code) - __ I I 'v, E or: EI.C:CTION (PRIMARY. GENERAl., SPECIAl.) DATE OF EI.ECTION (MONTH, DAY, YEAR) OFFICE FOR WHICH YOU ARE A CANOI'DATE. G. 1Il-4:;t. C t 1- 'l I.J I <-//7 r I A (' <l ~ ,.; (A. '; ~ '" N . POI.ITICAI. PARTY AND DISTRICT NUMBER (If Applicable) TOTAl. PAGES THIS REPORT OFFICIAl. USE ONLY . ! LIST ALL COMMITTEES SUBJECT TO YOUR CONTROL WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDICACY (A controlled committee is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acts jointly with you or one of your controllnd committees in connection with the making of expenditures. You control a committee if you, your agent or ony other committee you control has significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee.) COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE PHONE AND 1.0. NUMBER ADDRESS TREASURER ADDRESS NUMBEFl rl.~~ 'k~ /.:/<,// ,7.c--l .rl IY..t'77.J" #0 L.!) VV'....1\ , I- I ~ V\ A.. tV s: S' I / "-'>. " '--"1 ~ Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. II LIST ALL ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE PHONE AND 1.0. NUMBER ADDRESS TREASU RER ADDRESS NUMBER ~~ Attach additional infonnation on appropriately l"Ibeled continuation sheets. C VERIFICATION D E I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its attached schedules are true, correct, and complete and that I have used all reasonable diligence in their preparation. Executed on :J//1 hi ""at (DATE' C/ /.<..u cA (CITY ,(NO STATEI by ~ ~A~;VJ r-~-?-L. (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE) F -1- 'UI;~ ----IY\ A It \ .c, tV f- SUMMARY PAGE Ll I 'N k 'J I.D. Number (11.. Committee ,) COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C Cumulative total from previous period This period Cumulative to date :.:: i.:IPTS 8. Payments (Line 6, Part 3 of Schedule E) $ IV' L:> '''" Co $ J ~ [ ..0 . $ ~-[<J,OQ 00 (Column A + Column B) IV;(s r- ~ #L:>N~ ^' 0 tv' (', (Total at beginning (Net change (Total at end of period) for period) of period) ,vc ,..,e... 1"/(,1 f'lt. ,V-4 ,.,,/t (Column A-+ Column B) - J(,c.('.:l<> $ w'''' ,vI: $ J Ie. .t:J #:j $ (Column A -i' Column B) IV':'! rJ, { /V'I'J (Column A f .. Column B) 11/ . ( IV I f I\(' I J (Total at beginning (Net change (Total at end of period) for period) of peri 00) $ 1"..,1 : ( $ .Jr-( -0 ~<> $ ..s~ r -0 .f..t'-...\ (Column A + Colurm B) , $ I'" / I $ J 7.l..cu $ 17.L - """ "'-" (Column A + Column B) /'-' ; 1 }J ..-- J,), =...:l .., ,.:> (Total at beginning (Net change (Tolal at end of period) for peri od) of period) $ ,vI $ ;;01 i:..~ $ ;la }.. <>"-" (Column A+ Column B) 1. ;v1onetary contri butions (Line 5, Part 3 of Schedule A) '-:!. Unpaid loans (Line 9, Part 3 of Schedule B) 3. MisceManeous receipts (attach explanation) ~. -:-v~a: mQr:stari contrib:.Jtioiis, Net cash receipts (Lines 1-+2+3) j, ~. ::>. Non-monetary contributions (Line 3 of Schedule C) " " it ~ i I I ~ N fo1 ~ t. , I ~ ~ 6. Pledges (Line 7 of Schedule D) 7. Total receipts (Lines 4+5+6) EXPENDITURES 9. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) (Line 5 of Schedule F) 10. Total expenditures (Lines 8+9) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 11. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period $ 12. Cash receipts this period (Line 4, column B) S"fo ,. ~ .0 13. Cash payments this period (Line 8, column B) 17~--a .0 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 11+12-13) J .J ,f, <) ~j I I I 15. Liabilities (Line 2, column C + Line 9, column C) JJ~- :.:> ~ 16. Surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 14) $ 3'.!:)3'.{J<:J 17. Deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 14 from Line 15) $ ( ) -2- NAME /fl A .-(. I <l Iv' - I ' t,,:V~ (Interim Form) SCHEDULE A, FORM 420 or 430 MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (Amounts may be rounded off to whol e dollars) I.D. NUMBER (If Corrmittee) PART 1 - RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE 1.0. NUMBER OR TREASURER'S AMOUNT CUMULATIVE (Street, City, State) FULL NAME AND ADDRESS RECEIVED TO DATE - -- ! V ~ D lJ ATTACH ADDITIONAl. INFORMATION ON APPROPRIATEI.Y LABELED CONTINUATION SHEETS SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 1, part 3, page 4) $ -3- H N;,1'.1E M -1 .-( ,~ (V' /' L; ( ,-vi. SCHEDULE A, FORM 420 or 430 (continued) I.D. NUMBER (If Committee) " ;~ I PART 2 - RECEIVED FROM OTHERS: (See information manual for directions and examples) ~ ~ FULL NAME AND ADDRESS (Street EMPLOYER (IF CONTRIBUTOR IS AMOUNT CUMULATIVE CATE City, State) OF CONTRIBUTOA* OCCUPATION SELF-EMPLOYED LIST STREET RECEIVED AMOUNT ADDRESS & CITY OF BUSINESS) T.c fV if J, / \J f.J KA ,1'/ (""- e.-rf J (. GJ- (>;1 .....he"'" /I..,vv, C;, / I -<.....0 , '-t1 .J~ .~ -71. C; f IIC-A \.1 ~ ;,J .j~ C:; :3 $l'Q-.a ..J - - fY\ \ J Y e C./~ I -i. ~ ("~ lh ..u;l :>p.....) 7") t ( /.::-, / I U i.J rc. - C; I J<- '; c, I t<.A Y .j <). .::, ';! J~<) <...;,; "7 "} rl /. /, ~ 0,,,- (.A1 -W', )/14 &#Vt F.- / I ~ /4., ..~...~...J...c I 7 'it c.. (,,,j~ J--o - "7 ll.( ~AN Ir.I r ~~ t; / I ~ ~1 (l. ..J ...i 0 ..I'-.S C;,/I<-'''. - -I --- - / I Ohn"I-/J! VI J 7 11 r: /" L.;). i/., M. J /- I ~ .j .0...0 ~ .J -..0 ....-.....). 7} 7/ F; II '-L. /J~ ~ ,. /~ )I ~., ( II<.-.::... , , ~ ~Nf':.J- 'l~'ll "". ,1:,<,,,,,,, ;}../ t' CA A ,_ '"2.-~ fA .-lc ..: I ..() 0, . -.:.J / C.)<;> '. G--J it, ; r cf /l1 n 'I 1M j ~ ( / "'-'. .1 , VY J"\j #z,t..,(l......f- ~ f(A , f ~ SAN f...:::J S 12 AN Cil..tl A.It .S'~ 'Q ... .J~ ~ ~ if"! J '0 ,..-v\ 4 tv I~ ,W. b, ( ~lJ c-4. ~ /", h Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets J'-- SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional Subtotals to line 3. part 3) $ .)0.0...) i I ; I t ~ I t oj: It the contribution was made by an intermediary provide the information for both the intermediary and the principal contri butor. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS (See information manual for directions and examples) I 1. RECEIVED FROM COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals 2. RE.CEIVED FROM COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. RECEIVED FROM OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, Enter this total on Line 1, Column B of Summary Page) $ '] J -:0. .:.. ;;. Ib(l.....:J $ ,J-I"~ ...J -4- #"( I U ,'1/ ~dVk (Interim Form I SCHEDULE B, FORM 420 or 430 LOANS (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) ;-IAME /YlA r ID NUMBER (If corrmittee) PART 1 - LOANS RECEIVED: (see information manual for directions and examples) . EMPLOYER (If self-employ'ed Inter- DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF LENDER OCCUPATION list street address and City est AMOUNT OF CUMULATIVE AND ANY GUARANTORS OR COSIGNERS of business.) Rate LOAN AMOUNT / """ ~ - - 1"". 4) i r Attach additional infonnation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL $ - PART 2 - LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY: (see information manual for directions and examples) AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS AMOUNT F-ORGIVEN BY A THIRD UNPAID REPAID ~Enter on PARTY (Enter BALANCE ched. A) on Sched. A} E:..- V-- . r' . :,...t ~ Attach additional infonnation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL $ (a) (b) (c) (d) PART 3 - SUMMARY 1. LOANS OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals $ 2. LOANS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL LOANS RECEIVED (Line 1 + 2) $ 4. LOANS REPAID OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column a) Include all Subtotals $ 5. LOANS FORGIVEN OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column b) Include all Subtotals 6. LOANS PAID BY A THIRD PARTY OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Part 2, Column c) Include all Subtotal s 7. LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN, OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 8. TOTAL LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY THIS PERIOD (Line 4 + 5 + 6 + 7) $ 9. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3-8, Enter this total on line 2, Column B of Summary Page) $ -5- :~A\lE M /1 ~ / ".a /V / /, ~ r:.../ Ie- I.D. NUMBER (If Committee) (Interim Form) SCHEDULE C, FORM 420 or 430 NON.MONET ARY CONTRIBUTIONS (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) ,'~:,. information manual for directions and examples i , ~I~ DESCRIPTION OF FAIR MARKET CUMULA TI VE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS AND EMPLOYER* OCCUPATION CONSIDERATION VALUE AMOUNT 1.0. NUMElER (If Committee) RECEI VEO -- -- -- --l ~v I .. r' f" U/' ,/ - AlIacn additional infonnation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL $ '~ ~ ; " ~ :, ~ ~ ~ 1 t .. If contributor is self-employed list street address and city of business SUMMARY 1. NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Include all Subtotals) $ 2. NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2, Enter on Line 5, Column B of Summary Page) $ -6- ~ 'NAME 1'114 A: /-o,V /" t;.'N~ (Interim Form) SCHEDULE 0, FORM 420 or 430 PLEDGES ID NUMBER (If cOITmittee) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) See information manual for directions and instructions (a) (b) (c) -- EMPLOYER* AMOUNT AMOUNT CUMULATIVE DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OCCUPATION PLEDGED PAID (Enter PLEDGE AND 1.0. NUMBER (If committee) THIS PERIOD on Scheel. A) UNPAID - -- - e, V ~ ^ ~ ' Attach additional infonnation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL $ * If contributor is self-employed list street address and city of business SUMMARY 1. PLEDGES OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Column a) Include all Subtotals $ 2. PLEDGES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL PLEDGES RECEIVED (Line 1 + 2) $ 4. PLEDGES OF $50 OR MORE PAID THIS PERIOD (Column b) Include all Subtotals 5. PLEDGES UNDER $50 PAID THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 6. TOTAL PLEDGES PAID (Line 4 + 5) .$ 7. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3 - 6, Enter this total on line 6, Column B of Summary Page) $ -7- ~, . . NAME M 4 ~( , (, IV 'or / L~ I ,-vl< I.D. NUMBER (If Conmiltee) (Interim Form) ~ SCHEDULE E, FORM 420 or 430 " PAYMENTS ~ i1 (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) [i ~ PART 1 - MACE TO COMMITTEES: (See information manual for directions and examples) ~ ~ I t ( ~ ,I ~j ~ - Ol-'FiCIAL USE ONLY .-.- - -. FULL NAME OF PAYEE COMMITTEE AND 1.0. NUMBER (If the committee has no 1.0. Number, AMOUNT state full name and address of the Treasurer) THIS PERIOD V , \ .0 ~ onnation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional subtotals to Line 1, part 3, page 9) $ t ~ ~ " Attach additional inf -8- ., r~,-\iI,\;:: I.D. NUMBER (If Committee) SCHEDULE E, FORM 420 or 430 {continued} Pl:.RT 2 - MADE TO OTHERS: (See information manual for directions and examples) .'l', FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE* DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT (Street, City, State) THIS PERIOD . - -~- - Attach additional infonnation on appropriately lab!'!led continuation sheets SUBTOTAL (Carry with additional subtotals to Line 3, part 3) $ *If the person providing the goods or services was different than the payee, list each person's name and address. I' \ . 1 '.. POSTAGE METER NO. Enter your bulk rate and/or postage meter number used in campaign mass mailings. In addition a copy of each mass mailing should be sent to the Fair Political Practices Commission. DULK RATE NO. PART 3 - SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS (See information manual for directions and examples) 1. MADE TO COMMITTEES THIS PERIOD (Part 1) Include all Subtotals $ 2. MADE TO COMMITTEES UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 3. MADE TO OTHERS THIS PERIOD (Part 2) Include all Subtotals 4. MADE TO OTHERS UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized) 5. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Schedule F, Line 4) 6. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Lines 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, Enter this total on line 8, Column B of Summary Page) $ -9- ~'J .......~I!:-:: MA ~,.~ IV /' L, ,"IA. 1.0, NUMBER IIf Committee) " (Itlterim Form) SCHEDULE F, FORM 420 or 430 ACCRUED EXPENSES (Unpaid Bills) (Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars) ~'c" Information manual for directions and examples d ~ ~ 1 , i J ~ I ~ ., ~ I ~ - '."- ~ AMOUNT FULL NAME: AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF ACCRUED (Street, Ci ty, State) * ACCRUED EXPENSES THIS PERiOD ,-- -"'- ~'i / ~'1 () " .:; " ,1 r- r:'A, tve""",J" f /1;'<...... ~ / y~_..!;).J 7</'''' M~.v/~~ r/ '-, / /4 ;,.} 4.;;/../1:".,(, /- 01 T , ,v' J { G,/~, I' ft ( IV J- €. I'C $. fA..vf( rI j' <(J I- t:;J....'/'4.,ri ,-/.(-.:;)~ J~ '3 ~j If (; / / A..a If cA ~.J { """'~~ (oJ 1~1 l/h !'lce r: / T. \.1 A ~J " f A. IJ)'"''''7 , 1.., Ie " ~ ,t.. ^1 ~, 1~1' i J..r ~ " .... ') "}~ /;; · r .- -- - .. - Attach addltloral information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. " SUBTOTAL $ '2-0 7 .oQ .;J *If the accrued expense is owed to a committee, list the committee's name and 1.0. number (or the full name and address of the treasurer). If the person providing the goods or services was different from the payee, list each person's full name, street address city and state. SUMMARY 1. ACCRUED EXPENSES OF $50 OR MORE THIS PERIOD. Include all Subtotals 2. ACCRUED EXPENSES OF UNDER $50 THIS PERIOD. (Not Itemized) 3. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES INCURRED THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2) 4. ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Not Itemized, Enter on Line 5, Part 3, Schedule E) 5. NET CHANGE THIS PERIOD (Line 3-4, Enter on Line 9, Column B of the Summary Page, This may be a negative amount) $ iJ'~'~>Q 77_~;;J ~ D ~l . ,& ,~ $ $ $ ~ 1. 4:)--<0 - 10 -