Marion Link - 1977/01/01 - 1977/06/30 SHORT FORM " r~ /)\ ..~\ ~ ;~ -/.:,)1 :')//" FOR OFFlbAI 1iS/~~ fJ CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN STATEMENT Form 470 (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 84200-84214) Period ~-7 7 . _ through 6-30-77 A B A candidate for whom not more than $200 has been received or spe nt on behalf of his candidacy may file this short form. NOTE: Once contributions or expendilures exceed $200 for the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN, the candidate must file Form 430. Name of candidale_ Marion T. Link Residential addresL_!.~50 _ Hann~~~!~~_~'. ~~ro'y~ Cali forn i a 95020 Phone(408) M2-3035 (NO. AND STREET) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) (AREA CODE:) Same as above Business address -'~------'--~__'___".'_'___'_~__'___________u____ Phone (NO. AND STREET) (CITY) (STATEl (ZIP CODE) (AREA COOE) Type of election._____ Gener~~_!:1uni C.:!.P..Cl!.._u___~_____ Date of election March 4, 1975 _______ (PRI~ARY. GENERAL. SPECIAL) (MONTH. DAY, Y~AR) , ,Councilman Office for which you are a candldate_______ Political party and district number (if applicableL ______u~O!_~2Pl i~~.!>_l_~__._ VERIfICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge 110t more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on .____ _____u_un__.~__u__'_.Lh:; 1-7.-7_-- at_~__..__Guil.t"~~a 1 i forn i a ______ __u__ (DATE, (CITY AND STATE) /f;/J . '-r-~ -------/L-~ - (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE) 402~B. 662 2~ 76 10M @ 0 osp