Marion Link - 1977/07/01 - 1977/12/31 SHORT FORM () h, //;(\ ,~ . <~ 1./" t. '/'1/'-, '~,.'\ ""1' (./11/ .,,\ .,~/V 'vr/l-l . 'It ~ 'ij ,;:0 , ;iit'I. QF:' '((6 - .- '- ...,.{~ ,">>> 'it'" ,.' ,l}'t"~ .. , . ~"Z., / ' 'I- FO~'O;fJ~~a.l \ CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN STATEMENT Form 470 (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 84200-84214) Period _7 =1:77 u~_ through __R-31-?~ A B A candidate for whom not more than $200 has been received or spe nt on behalf of his candidacy may file this short form. NOTE: Once contributions or expenditures exceed $200 for the ENT IRE CAMPAIGN, the candidate must file Form 430, Name of candidate Marion T. Link _._--~_.~---_._~------- ._----.---- . .~----_._---_._-------------,----~-- Residential address 755Q_HannanS treet ~,-Gilr~-California--95020 (NO. AND STREET> (CITYJ (STATE) IZIP CODE) .- Phone_ 8~ 2 - 30J5 (AREA CODE) Business address Same - -_._---------~._--_._--_.~.~~-----~- Phone____. (NO AND STREET) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) (AREA CODE I Type of election_ General Municipal Date of election March 4, 1975 ---_._...._----_._------~~--_._-------- \, PRI MARY. GENERAL. SPECIAL) (MONTH. DAY, YEAR) Office for which you are a candidate. Council man Political party and district number (if applicablel_u __Not_appl i cable VERIfICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or In support of my candidocy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge, DATE\ ...~ I ,.' /s_I]& at1_ GUr.o-y~ nCaJj fornia..9..5Q2Q / i/ (CITY AND STATE) Executed on ___~21~~~l-- T .?i (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE l