Marion Link - 1979/10/23 - 1979/11/19 . CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Government Code Section 84200.84216) (Tvpe or Print in Ink! /';{QtTi!r 0;,'''" '. '1'1 .\ >7 l:.t 1l /{~ <7 liJ't"I' " ~"i ,'. 'Jf 'fr.O ,'/, '::; vi:. () -!..: ':.\ ;-~ (,1// :..20 , ,_-:-~, i i::-~~ (J/.,...'~:""4itd'f 7~ '_... " " Ii - rIp'!:, ,11,' 'j ILftilt ~ ,., , ,'. , CIILIf. A~' ~. Form 430 1980 For use by candidates and officeholders who receive or spend $200 or more or 01'1 whose behalf $200 or more has been raised or spent for the entire campaign. / A.S'D Statement covers period from /' .p,/.z 3/) ~ through I t It t h ~ O....ICII: SOUGHT OR HII:LD I"'C:~UD. ~OC"T'ON "NO D',IITIIICT U...... ... .....~'c...~.I: c::. ~ -I: Co \.-t ,J c-. I .TAT. Z'" COD. ltaA CODa ""ON. HUM.." A O....ICtA.V1J ONL V C-4 [. f , [0 ;,J.,.:, '/<':1 8 tf f ~ ...1 0 ;? j . .TAT. SIP COD. ""." coo. PHON. HUM.." TV"'. 01" EL.CTION (C',",L. ON. '" ........,c...~.11 ....'..A..y .....IIA.. ~ ...CA..... CIRCL. ... APPLICA.I.IE, OAT. 01" .LECTION (..0.. D"V, v"l. ..M'''''NH'''''''' C M"..aeJ 1'AT M NT ;'/ TOTAL PAGIE., .s- LIST ALL COMMITTEES CONTROLLED BY YOU WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY fA control/lid commlttft i. OM which is controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acts jointly with you or one of your con- trolled committHI in connection with the milking of tJJC".,ditufYIS. You control II committ8t1 if you, your agent or any other committH you control h.. significant influ~ on the action, or decisions of the commlttfHI.) COMMITTEE NAME COMMITT1;E TREASURER TREASURER'S PHONE AND i.D. NUMBER ADORed PERMANENT ADDRESS NUMBER 1 \../ N '" r?' I Attltch IIddltlon.1 inform.tlon on IIPproprl.r.ly ,.,.,<</ contin..tJon ",..tr. II LIST ALL ADDITIONAL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE TREASURER'S PHONE AND 1.0. NUMBER ADDRESS TREASURER PERMANENT ADDRESS NUMBER <- oJ () v AttlJch add't'on.' inform.tion on IJPpropri.tely IlIb",,,d continu.r/on ",..tr. C VERIFICATION o I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement and its attached schedules are true, correct, and complete and that I have used all reasonable diligence in their preparation. E Executed on /.z /~ (~f at '(OA,.. t; , (~ \0 C4l ( elTV 'AND .TAT.I by -d ,1;( ~''Y) /' ~ (.fGNA-TU". 0... CANOtOATC 0 O"'''''CC"OL.O.'') F For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Informlltlon Pl'Jlctlcll Act of 1977, _ "Informlltlon Manual on Campaign DlsclolUra PI'ovlllonl of the PolitlCIII Reform Act." Section XI. -1- SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) NAMIE 0'" CANDIDATIE 0.. COMMITTIEIEI MAll. I ~ ,J.r / /V k DATIE "IEC'D "h Ii ((~ o P'ULL HAMIE AHD ADDIlIE.. 0" C:DHT..I.UTO" IEM~LOYIEII (.11' ............."...OV.D. ....n .T....T ADD"... AND CITY 01' .US'N...t (... c.....m... ....,.." I.D. NU..... ... ,...".u...... N.". AN. ADD..... Oc:c:U~ATIOH 6'e.~'~ ~. r -.- --ti,. ...JJcJ j , I? \r.? ~".I 2- Ie.:L A ~ r-f ~-.{~j A.....~ o~ c......"-. ~ If more space is needed. check box at left and attach additional Schedules A. SUBTOTAL SUMMARY STATIEMIEHT COVIEII. I"IEIIIOD ""OM THROUGH 1.0. HUM.IEII h.. COMMIT'r..' AMOUNT ...ca.vaD CUMU,",ATtV. TO OAT. .l. J :-- -(J .~ .2...J~ ':;'-.Q 31, '37~ .J...J? 2 ~ 1. AMOUNT RecEIVED. $100 OR MORE (Include all Schedule A subtotals) 2. AMOUNT RECEIVED LESS THAN $100 (Not itemized) 3. TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + Line 2) Enter here and on Line 1 Column B of Summary Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -3- $ ~J:...,. -. CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) NAME 0... CANDIDATE 0" COMMITTEE 'J .~ IY\. .{) , / .' &' r-t-" " COLUMN A CumulatiYe total from .,.....Ious period- CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1 . Monetary contributions . . . . . . . . . . $ S '1 .::.. <.;' I~ 2. Loans...................... 3. Subtotal..........,......,.. $ I.IN.. 1 + Z 4. Non-monetary contributions. . . . . . . 5. Pledges..,.................. 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . . . $ S'[/.::. . c.h ~ I.IN... J + . + . EXPENDITURES MADE 7. Payments.................... $ '-ffj { . L/ 7 8. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) . . . . , 9. TOTAL eXPENDITURES. . . . . . . . '(PI '"17 $ I.IN., , + . COLUMN 8 Toul thil plll'iod from IttIIched 1Jlhedu1. j. '1 ~ $ :2.-): c ..Q ,CM.OUI.. A. I.IN. J 'CM.OUI.. .. I.IN. . $ LINa. 1 + Z 'CM.OUI.. C. I.IN. J 'CM.OUI.. D. I.IN. 7 $ :1-F~~ LIN.. J . .. + . $ /2. 7. 3 P .CM.OUI.. ., I.IN. . ,CM.aUI.. ". I.IN. J $ I )...7 j 1~ I.IN.' 7 + . STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 'I (, .J-3 10. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Cash receipts this periOd (Line 3, Column B abover. . . . . , . . . . , . . 12. Miscellaneous adjustments to cash (Schedule G, Line 7) . . . . . . . . . 13. Cash payments this period (Line 7. Column B above) . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 10+11+12-13 abovel. . . . . . . . . 15. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 8 of Column C abovel . . . . . , . . . . $ ,;L.h ? ~ / J.. 7. -; y 6' ..:> -G . O...Q 16. Ending surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 14). . . . . . . . . . . . IT ATJl:MENT COVII'" 1"11"100 TM"oueM 1.0. NUM.E" I..' CO....,TT..' COLUMN C Cumuletlve to dete (Columna A + 81 $ L. I %.i:.,. $ I.IN.. 1 + Z $ " (i~.9' 'rIN.. I + .. + . I.MOUI.D IIQUAI. COI.UMN. A + .) $ C. tf.7S $ "t k'.. 7/, ~N.' , + . \'MOUI.D .QUAI. COI.UMN. A + .) $ (!i c.~, (;.0' 17. Ending deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 14 from Line 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ -2- -If thi, ;, thtt firJt Mport filed or if thtt IlIIt "",ort w" /I post,,'ttction stlltwnent, Column A should be blllnk tlXCtlpt for unpaid loans, bills and pledgtlS. . ". SCHEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS MADE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 .TATIEMIENT COVIER. I'a,,,oo ~ROM THROU_M (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) [174:1 Iz"o I rr I( '; h<t NAMIE 0,. CANOIOATIE 0" COMMITTIEIE: 1.0. NUMBlER I'" COMM'TTaal !l\ " ~.' ..Q, ,J T' G ,rl /'t:... NAMIE AND AOO"IE.. 0" I'A VIElE. ~oJ~.:j AMOUNT BUT ION OIE'C"I"ION 0,. IEX"IENOITU"1E C"IEOITO". OR "IECI"IIENT 0.. CONT"IBUTION CHIECK "AID HIE "IE f fA v A l'l"'....c; ,'1..5 " Iv f(:-"t '~A. .v ~ V\.. t!' ~ -..../ 1 7/7 '::-r;(..~ I ~ I L7'(~1 J~ 8'.J"' S~.. .:f-Sc- ".) J\ 1 ~ N: ~ / (./ il! .If' /'J,--/ ,VI. t: "V/ f~,~ "'if ',; I I 1<-0 ~J . .2' cf,. lJ.~ I~~ c::.- "-' l->e.jI.. f....t 111'4.J,,{ , c dr/~ D"",'J 4 f. ... .J f:a 6~c. . IJ,vy / '{:"",,-..-.,;,i l", ^ ,. J I.e."", p,J (,' · ( ,<...e; ""1 G..2.YJ 0 If more sP8C8 is needed, check box at left and attach additional Schedules E. SUBTOTAL 1.2. ,/.31- . SUMMARY 1. PAYMENTS OF $100 OR MORE MADE THIS PER 100 (Include all Schedule E subtotals) '" . . . . . $ 2. PAYMENTS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Schedule F, Line 4) . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Lines 1 + 2 + 3) Enter total here and on Line 7, Column B of Summary Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -7- . ~ DECLARATION OF FINAL CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Government Code Section 84204.2) Form 400 1980 (Type or Print in Ink) A. O......ICIAI. USE ONLV Statement covers period from I ~;(.. 1,h~ NAME 0... COMMITTEE OR CANDIDATE: tV\. A A... '.0/\/ L (;~-k through /; t y. 17/f. , I. D. NO. It.. ......~lcA.~.1 ADORIlSS 0... COMMITTEE OR CANOIDATE: NO. ..ND .T....T oJ J~J ~ I.J---A IV tV /.) '5 f G NAMIl 0" THEA.UHIlR I". ......~lcA.~.I' 'IL:. ""'- ~ ~- t1 u. 1Z. ,/$ CITY STAT. z'" coDa ARCA .cOO. ,....ONK HUM.." ( /L. 'I c.-A ~ J1>;t~ ~/l.') 8 M -.1..,. jJ I.! <:f CITV IT"". 1:tP CODa A..A cooa 'MON. "",M.." c..~71 .-c.'....) t' .~J C - N b- } I .r 1.-- DATE 0'" IlLIECTION (1140.. DAV, VII.), / ( Z ( TV". 0.. IlLECTION (CIIICLE ONE), ....MARV CI aN."'" II. ".CIA "'.CALL INSTRUCTIONS A candidate or committee which files a pre-election campaign statement, including an abbreviated statement, and which, after the closing date of the statement, receives no contributions and makes no expenditures related to the election, may designate the statement a "final statement" by signing this declaration and filing it with the campaign statement. A candidate or committee that files a campaign statement and a completed Form 400 is not required to file any subsequent statement in connection with the election. However, if the only campaign statement filed within a six-month period is an abbreviated campaign statement (Form 480) which is declared final, the candidate or committee is required to file a complete semi-annual statement by July 31 or January 31. This declaration may be filed after a previously filed statement if it is determined that the statement should have been designated a final statement. However, the declaration must be filed prior to the filing date of the next statement. DECLARATION - CANDIDATE As the candidate filing this campaign statement, I declare that I have not and do not intend to make or receive contributions or expenditures related to this election after the closing date of this statement. If any such contributions are received or expendi. tures made, additional campaign statements will be filed as required by law. I understand that failure to file such statements will subject me to civil and criminal penalties. Executed on I .~.1-..J /., j. (D"T.I at ~" Ilr~~, ~- (CITY AND .TA.T.) . ~:l-J/l ~ Ul-a~, TH . ., (...NATU". O~ C:ANDtD T..t By DECLARATION - COMMITTEE TREASURER(S) As treasurer of the committee filing this campaign or abbreviated statement, I declare that the committee has not and does not intend to make or receive contributions or expenditures related to this election after the closing date of this statement. If any such contributions are received or expenditures made, additional campaign or abbreviated statements will be filed as required by law. I understand that failure to file such statements will subject me to civil and criminal penalties. Executed on at (CITV AHO ITAT_l (D"T.I By t..GN..TU...(.1 0" T......u.....'.I) For information required to be provided to you punuant to the Informlltion PrKtic.. Act of 1977, ... "Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provision, of the Political Reform Act," Section XI.