Marion Link - 1983/09/18 - 1983/10/22 - ;;:e Sf 0........: ,.., ",< CANOIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAivlPAIGN STATEMENT - LONG FORM :.GO'iernment Code Sec::ons 34200.34217\ Farm 430 1983 :-cr use J'l ':3r,Cldat~s 3nd)~f;ce!10iCers .',;he .~C2:""~ 'Jr S:~~,C S300 ']r ~cr~ Dr :r. :;hose :.:~r;alf .3::CO :r :-,or~""aS Jeer"! "'3iSCC~ ;Jr ~::;e~t '::'Jr ~~~ ~...,t;r~ ::3rr~3!'~n A O~~lCtAi.. '..;SE ::)NLY Statement covers ;Jer:od from f;/ IS /JS:hrc'Ugn (.tJ J1..,j..../ b:J , r NA.ME OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLOER' {Y\ A~ ' ~/J 7, RESIOENT'A~ AOORESS; "iO. .:....,Q H~l!:.1"' eCI-lle OFFICE SOUGHT OR ~ELD i..o.;C......::::E _::c...~'~... .l..,."0 :l:S1"~IC'" :'UMU. ,~ ..."c~n.;r:; ~,{ (i-O. t..___ f- (.1,) 'lot ttlv../i, iTAa ". 0000 ..1. 0000 1~o'" ,,"~g.. 7 S'f4> 3L,;SINE:55 AOORE-55. rJfl IV '" I). 'lO. .l..NO $Tq.~'" f' f h ( (U 1 C4l- 7 J'"f>U l/ b E. H~ -f ~.i',- ,;T... .~ ::1'" :: ::OE """'!!!:,-.:: :lOI!: "...,:)N e: "i'-O''':i l!:'~ DA.TE OF e:i...e;CilON !MO. DA.Y, VR) ", .I,~"'-ICA."l!:): \ TOTAL.. PA~C:S /'-/ - f"~ ,J 0 J I ~ l. G' i 1 8 LlST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY C :J\1i'<.11 Tic =.\.J .A,',,1E -",0 I Cl \ll.;).18E::l CCMMITT== ...DO::lESS TREASli RE::l I :,)ni:I'"Qi-=C C,Jrnm1:::2-e'. i y=S \jC N~.V 1-- I ! ~t~acr. 3cdir:on31 :r1for,71anan 'In a:JorOOfl3Ce!'1 3lJ~led co::C/nuar1cn ~.t-::!ers. II ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALF= Or CAI\JOI- DATES, OFF1CEHOLDERS AND MEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules = & r made to or on behalf of a candidate, officeholder or measure. Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars.) 'T, i, , A/ It.. -,;\;'OU'J T ::'~,\ILL;'T'.;= -G :)A T: OFP"CI~L USE ONL Y ClA T::: ,<"'0,IE OF C",NDID",T=.:)R OP';:IC::HO:..:EFl ",CJO Of';:IC::: O~ \1E.i\SL.:ME A"O 3ALL':)T '\jU~"8ER OR '_=IT:::R - .fj ,./ :l. I.:l. o.oA) ,5'73. , '1 ..Jt<:ac/7 xidir:lonaJnrorr-nar;on on 3Doroonarelv'a08,,!d connnuanon sheer!. . (A controlled committee is one Nnic.'" is controlled directly or inairectly by you or Nhich acts joint!y Nirh IOU or one of your cen. trolled committees in connection with rhe making of e.'(penairures. /ou control a committee if you. your agent Qr any orher committee you control has significant :'nfluence on ,he actions or cecisions of ,he committee.) c VERIFICAT10N o cec:are clr'cer ;::enaitv Gr Jerjurv :hat :0 ,he best of my ,<ncwledge :his 5-::3tement ard :i ~:':3ched 5cnecuies ,H3 :~':..:e, cor;-ec:, 3nd c'Jf':'ioi~t= 3rd ~hat i l..,alJe used a!! r~asonable _jiligence 'n :;:eir oreoaration. E =X3cvea Gr' {e /'~t( JJ ~t ~~/~1 LA i C1TV ...."'4C 1T"T"&1 0'1 .m::: ~::. 00 ::.:.~ F For ,,,lonn3tlon requtrl!d :0 "e arov,ded '0 you pu",uant to ,he 'nformatlon Practices Act :>1 i971. ;ee "lntom'l3110n Marual on Campaign Disc:o....r. P'a~'..ons of the ;>.,Iillcal Reform Act." Part X. ~ -1- SCHEDULE A MONETA.RY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420,430 OR 490 I,~.~ourn::s \13Y ~e Rounded r'J ";\/h,o!e JOtia:s: I ST')'TS.YlE:"'lT :::)\.... ::R5 ;:l~~lOO R'~~.=t \t,.. ~::l"""1lro411'''!''~.. ",,-so c:.....Tl!I'" 1.0. ""U~811" ~q1!:ASU"Il""S "'''''-4lE ANO AOO"'!!!.!!) i I I OCCUPATION OR : E~PLOYER I lilt i/61: t.Q/~.2 / fJ 1.0. NUMBER ;1'" C=IIo4Ilro4'ii~~l I I I qlECEJV l!::1 -.... ~ 0:....':; rot NAME OF CANOIDATE OR COMMITTE!:: FUl..~ NAME ANO AOORESS OF DATe: CONTRI!lUTOR Li " N /<... AMOUNT (,,.. ~.l[I.."".=:M~I..;jVSO, li.....T&R ..............e: ::I'" ;lusINess) C'.j..fUI...ol. l'IVi;; ":"0 ::lA,,! 10/, 1 , IE It ,.t fC s' +- r~' /, <-t- R.. c. Ii i he. Il . s-/l I ! : I : ! .t ..0 Q . u./! ;( <)..!) Q .:) I I I i I I I I I I' I I L-.J If ,i1ore 50ace 's ,",eeced, c:-:eck JOX at left and at':acn adoitlonal Schedules ,~. SUBTOTAL :(0 ..0 .~J , ~\t. ~'-4 SUMMARY 1. ~~10U~jT =1ECEIVEJ, 5100 OR 'AORE I Include all Schedule A subtotals) i . S ~.!.-) ~~. ')~; :lA...::., '....~; ~. ..l.',10Ui'iT ~=C=i'lEO :..::5S THAN s'ca (,\Jet :temizeo! :2 ,2$;J I t I " '~ ~ ::L..A?".J ,J;>.4 3. TOT:'L 'flC'I::T.l,i=\Y CCNTi1!8UTiCNS THIS PE::lIOD . L.:~e 1 - Co ,~e 2' ;:;:,er "ere andJn L;ne 1 C0iLimn 3 Gf Summar'f ;Jage. o/,2d .t.i.~S 1:1;).....-0 ~ ,:; -3- SCHEDULE B LOANS FORM 420,430 OR 490 'ST~TE:."'ENT -::O'/E~S ~~~ICD ,Amounts \1ay 3e ~ounced To ','Ihoie Dollars: I D ,.....UMBER ',a =~""...lI"'-:;;E ~AME OF CANOIDATE OR CQ,'Io1M1TTEE:; t.: t /"Y' /<- .lY\ J\' '-1 ' , I ... ~ R....\ eo.. d PART 1 - LOANS RECEIVED OATE REC'O I FUl..l.. NAME ANO '>'OORESS OF Il..ENOER "NO ANY GUARANTORS OR COSJGNEA'S (J... ':OM II."TT. I: , AL.SO &:''.IT'E'' 1.0. ,"fUM81t'" 0" -~IIASUA."'S . ....A~. AND AOOllllt!:Ssl EMPLOYER ::'...;MULA. INT. AMOUNT OF l..OAN TI'J e: OCCUPATION (I"" SItLJIl'-!t:0.4J1'",OV!EO, C....Tl!" "....0.4~':.I,., 9U'SIN.SS) RAT!:I TO ::JAT!! /,/p,/~ i i o I f more saace is needed, check box at ieft and attach additional Schedules 3, Part 1. SUBTOTAL PART 2 - LOANS REPAID, FORGIVEN OR PAID BY A THIRD PARTY: :3) !.NTER T""'IS QATA ON SCHEOULZ ~ Ao.LSO i~1 '-'~OUNT -':lIltGI'J'!N Oo\.TE F"UL.L. :"'4AME ANO AOORl!:SS OF THE l.!:NOER AMOUNT REPAIO ::I'" .1\10 ,.V l",,",~o ......,.'" ~...I"'O _.."'TV '\l,.l...tC ~'fO ",acf1tl!!iS <.J:'-.l ?...1" to .3A;..A.NC:: I I i I 14 IY"- y , :i L.J If rr.ore space is needed, ::heck box at left and attach additional Schedules B, Part 2. lal ib) SUBTOTAL SUMMARY 1~ LOANS OF 3100 OR v'ORE THIS PERIOD (Part 11 s 2. LOA~jS uNDER 3100 THIS ?ERIOD ,Not :emlzed) 3. TCT-'L LOANS R:C=I'/EO !U,e 1.2). -1 LC~NS OF 5100 QA 'AORE =iE?..ID THIS ?ERIOD Part 2. Column aJ i ~. LJ,.l.,,<S OF SleO CR vlORE -:-'-iIS ?=RIOO FOR(I'I=" OR 0-'10 3Y .l. T'..,I "10 ,0.l.i1Tv P3r~ ::::.:.J'~mn :'1 .;. LJA;\;S :",'<OE;:1 5100 =<E?<l.,O, ;::ORGIV='< OS ,oA,O 3'(,-' ,"'1,:::;0 O~iHY -:-:.,'S ?::::;;CD'Jo~ :emlzecl I'JT.l.L '_:A,'<S REoj,IO ;::ooGiVE~J OR 0;10 3Y j, -:-:-ORO 0::',,1" THIS PERIOD 'L.ne -1 ~ 5 - 3) '31..00:r3Ct' ~""e - ~"'Ol"!'l l.r"e 3) :~ter 1.:ne alHere-nc~ "~~l! 3nd on '.-.re 2, C.JIl....--nn 3 :Jt ,SyrrH.'irv ?'3ga I I I 'S 3, '<E', ::-l,Jo,\;Gc I;'; IS ?:RIOO I "~1ay ce ~egatl,....e ., ='-f~l -4- SCHEDULE C NON.MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420, 430 OR 490 ',Amount; Vlav 3e "ounces -:l .'ihoie 'Joiiarsi '~TA.T~.'~'ENT C'::lV =:.~S ?'.::R10D 9/. J/I./ 'r~J.L..J-/ d./ NAMe: OF ~ANOICATE OR COMMITTEE; f'Y\ (), It ~ ~ .1/ I FULL NAME ANO ADDRESS OF I DATE ' CONTRIBUTOR I REC'O '(I~ COM"'IT~I!'.. ....1..50 E.....,.." 1.0. ...u......"'! 1,0, NU M e Eq (:~ :: .='''......IT-'!!!: ~; J' L (/vIe OCCUP..T10N (l~ ,1l\.JII'.......~'-::Iy'!~. !E!'4T.'" ........1104. :ll' .uslNcssl DESCRIPTION OF GOOOS OR SERVICES FAIR ! ....ARKET VALUe: RECS:IVEO CUMU. LATIVE AMOUNT EMPLOYER ":lilt 1"1=tl!ASUlIIl:""S ....A..... ....NO -'001it'l:551 ;V;O/V~ ----. n '---' I f more space is needed, check box at leh and attach additional Scnedules C. SUBTOV,LS SUMMARY 1. ~IO:'i.V1C!\IETARY CONTRIBUT1CNS OF SiCa OR II10RE Tl-iIS PE?iICD. . S 2. ~Ci'j.\10NET ARY CONT::\ I SL.:TiO!\lS UNDE::\ S100 TH!S PERIOD,i'Jot:emizedl. i I Is 3. TOTAL \JON.MmJETARY CONTRiBUTiONS THIS PERIOD (L:ne ~ - 2) Erner ;.,ere and on Line .t, Cciumn 3 of Summar'l P3c;e -5- SCHEDULE D PLEDGES FORM 420, 430 OR 490 ST..),T::~E:'-lT :::;:)v:::=?s ?S~I':::C 'Amourcs "lay 3" :lounced"-J .'Ire:" COlla~;: ~AMe: OF CANOICA.TE OR COMMITTEE:L VJ\ 4(l.\QiII 0J t.r.lt. : F'Ul..L I....AME ANO AOORESS OF I CONTR18UTOR OAT!!: . , OCCUPATION Re:C'O (l~ COr~~~";U.-'.E~".~S~",~~T~~~ ';'Qo~~;,~i" o,,! fY/i/JJ ,/<V~-7 I.D. i"4WMBER ;1111' CC....n..I'T....1E:<1.:1 e:~PLOVER AMOUNT .~MOUNT PL~DGe:O ?AIO iH IS (I!:~TI!:~ ':;N PERIOO SC)ol~OUl... Ali CU"-iU- LATIVE PLEOGE '...JNF'AIO :Il'" '.L....C/rofJIILQT!:O, !!:I'tTC" "tA.Me ~f'" 8U~INII!..!.S' 1//10 /(../ "'--- n I I ~ if more space is r,eeced, check box at left and attactl additional Schedules D. :a) ,tlJ SUBTOTALS SUMMARY 1. PLEDGES OF 5100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD (Column (aJ 2. PLSQGES UNDER 5100 THIS PERIOD (Not itemizea), 3. TOT~L PLEDGES RECEIVC:D (Line 1 ~ 2), J.. ?t..EJGcS OF 5100 OR 1,10RE P~ID THIS PERiOD rCciur1n ,01 : . 5 :l. :lL::JC==S 'JNDER SiOO PAID THIS ?C:RIOD (Not itemi~eo). 6. TJ-.J.L ?LSDGES P,.J.IO IL.ne 4 ~ 3i. j I~ .~ 7. 'JET CHA~~GE THIS ?=RICD .Su::tract L.ne:3 from Line 3) ::mer ,;1e ci~<:rence ,lere ana en Lne 3, Culumn 3 OT Summary ?age. ',1J'1 -p ~e.;4tl". -igure; -5 SCHEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS MADE FORM 420, ~30 OR 490 'STA.E""'ENT ':~\I S;.=lS ~S:~tCO iAmounts';1ay oe Rcunced To '.'Ihole 'Joilarsl I i:J' ""U'-4aE~ ,;: :::.........,--l!:!: ~AME OF CANDIDATE OR CQM.....ITTE.e VY\. t\ ~ : -.c rJ T L.. IN'k CODES FOR CLASSI FYING EXPENDITURES if one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no vvritten description is needed. (Note exceptions ~n :he back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "T",) Refer to the back of this schedule and the /nformar:onv!snua! "]n Campaign Disclosure for detailed explanations and examoies of sacn category. "e" CONTRIi3UTIO~S 70 OTHER CAi'JOIDATES OR CO,\1MI17==S INDEP9JDENT EXPENDITURES LITERATURE BROADCAST ,il.DVERTiSIi'JG NE'NSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING OUTSIDE .il.DVEiH!SING "S" - SURVEYS, SiG:JAT'JRE :::;A7:-iERii'~~, JOOR.TO.DOOR SO 1ICiT.-'<:7ICNS rUNDRAISi:,jG EVE'HS GENeRAL OPERATIONS':";~D OVEiH-iEAD 7RAVEL. ':"C:OM\IODATIGi'jS .",,',0 \iIE,::..LS PROFESSIGi'lAL ,vlANAGE:'I1Ei'JT A:W CONSULTING SERV:C:::S "I" "L" "B" "!\J" "GOO "1""" , "P" "0" if one of the above codes does not accurately or fully describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column :Jiank and Jrovide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. "'AMe ..."'0 AOORES5 o~ .....VEE. CREOITOR OR ~EC!P'ENT 0'" CONTQl8UTTON {,.. ~:I"''''"... ALSO .NT.. 1.0. NU....... 0" "'AW. AHQ AO~"... Q" ,...cA~u..,,1 -:oc!: OR Q!:SC:qlP'1"ION OF l:t,~v""ENT ,.\.....OUNT ~"IO I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SU8TOTAY I' Ilf more space is ;'leeded, cheCK box and i attach additional SC:'1ecules E. SUMMARY - ?3yme'1t.\ of SlCOor":'1ore .-race ::'115 .:::er:od 'irc~uce 311 SC:'1~CL;i~ E S'~c:o:3IsJ s P3't~~nt5 :...;f"'Icer 5~CO ::1:$ :;er'cd :;C! :='Tli.:ec) s .:'I....12.-~<J 2, 70,31 Accr'.;ed Ex;:erses :::Jid :r-,is :-=r:od 'Sc:'1edule F L:r1e 41 s . ~ iOUi ?ayments :nis :::er'od :L:'1e 1 - 2 -]) =:'1:er here and :::n l...r'e 7. Column 3 of Summar'{ ?3.;e ,;Z I ~.. .0 .~ I -7- SCHEDULE F ACCRUED EXPENSES (UNPAID BILLS) FORM 420, 430 OR 490 STATEMENT S::tVE;.i=iS ?~,:::)IOD IAmounts 'Aay 3e :1ounceo To Whole Joi:ars; /tI> .:J ,"'4AME OF CANOIOATE OR CO.~MITTEC:; \ :J. ""'4U~8ER llF -==i..P"Ul"-'!:::,i (Y\ I\tL ..' {:j Ai ~ J- {I t rl lL CODES FOR CLASSIFYING ACCRUED EXPENSES If one of the following codes is used to describe the accrued expense, no written description is needed. (Note exceptions on the back of this schedule Tor codes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer to the back of this sc~edule and the Infor~ation Manual on Campaign Oisclosure for detailed explanations and examples of each category. "C" CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER "S" SURV::YS. SiGNATURE '3ATi-1E::\li'JG, CANDIDATES OR CO\'l:vlITTEES DOOR.iO.JOOR SOLlC'7UiC,\JS "I" INDEPENDENT ::XFlENDITU RES "F" FUND RAISING EVENTS 'L" liTERATURE "G" GENE:=IAL OPERATIONS AND OVEni-iEAD "9" BROADCAST .ADVERTISING or' BAVEL, ACCCMMODA TIONS AND\/lEALS ""J" i'JEWSP<;PER ,~ND PERIODICAL "P" PROFESSIONAL ,vlANAGE:\;IENi ,A,\JD ADVERTISING CONSULTING SEiWICES "0" OUTSIDE ADVERTISING If one of the above cOdes does not accurately or fully describe the accrued exoense, :eave t:;e "Code" column blank and provide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. NAME ANO AOORESS OF PAYEE, CR!;OITOR OR RECJPIENT OF CON;~ISUT10N II" COMM.T.,.... 41...10 a:!'ITCA. 1.O..~uM.l!~ O~ ..""'M<< "....0 4CC~II:SS 0" TJIlIt!....sUJllc...1 AMOUNT i:OO!; OR OESCRIPT10N OF ~AY:"vte:Ni ,~CCRUEO I I I I P~-~$=l .---"' I I ,- I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I SUBTOTAL I I O If more space is needed, cnec!< box, and attach additional Schedules F SUMMARY 1. .~ccr'Jed Exoenses of SlOG or 'Aore This Period. . . . . . , . . . . , . . . .S 2. Accrued :xoenses of Under S100 T~is Perioo (Not Itemized) 3. TJtai ~ccr',Jed :x:erses Incurred I:'IS :J~riod iL,ne 1 - 2) .. . . ~ ~ccrued :xoenses PJld 71'1is ?erlod i~ot Itemized) :::nter here and 0;' Sc;;ecuie ;:;, L.ne 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . , . . . . 5. ,~et C~ar:ge "l.11S Period ,Suatrac! Lire ~ from Lne 3), Enter Jifference ,1ere and ::in L.ne 8, Columr> 3 of Summar'/ ?a<;e . , . . . . . . . . . . , ~.~a y :e ~eqa~l"e ";ulel -8- .. CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEi\1ENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 1'/r I' j,.,j' . /.4 /~ z.:/r? STAT::VlE~T:::O\lE?S ='=:::.;l100 :~~cunt3 \1ay 3e ,~o~nced T-J :.irate Joli.srs,: ~Ao\/1E ~F C~NOI~ATe: OR::O,.....MIT-::::: {i I rl/<" i:J ""..j U ."""9 E.q ::: ::: ',' '.t:. -;:::::, IS .J.tA.o....) S k71,iJ. ...l~ &:.3 7 ... 3 '_J.'iS:S 7 .. ~ ,SI-lOUL.~ K,QUAl.. :OL.:.JJ\oItNS ~ - 51) ','f :/-IIS;S :.'7e ;/m reDon ~i;ed for :ne calendar 'Iear. Coiumn A mould be blank axceDt for Jnpiqia 'oans, .;i/Is ana piedqes. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION ~ O. Cash on nand at :ne :;eglnnlrg of. ,his oeriod. i L:ne 14 of prevIous statement I S :2:J 6" 81 (Y\ IH~ \ 4_") A r COLUMN A Cumulative total from previous period' CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED \/lonecary con,r: 8U tl er.s s 9,0..:>. t;,>./.;) 2. Loans 3. Suotonl, S l..J:'>lES 1 4. :-Jon.monetary comr; ou ,ions. P! ecges . 6. TOTAL CONTRI3UT:ONS. s .::; .Q .n r.. .-D ,-;N€5 J .. .. ... ! EXPENDITURES :'v1ADE I. :)aVi'T"er:ts. S ,-(...j. /3 3, Accro.;ed excerses Cln:;aic :J:I:s) Q TOT ~L =X?'::'-iJITL: "1ES (,Cd.I"S s i-1:"4 ES 1 ... .3 11. Casn receipts this oeriod (Line 3. Column 3 above) . . . ~2. .'iliscellaneous adjustments ~o C35h ,Schedule G, L:ne 7) ~3. Cash payments :n,s period rL;ne 7, Column 3 above). . 14. CJsh on hand at :~osing date iLines 10+1 ""12-13 atove). ~ 5. Oumanding ceats Lne 2 - Line 8 of Column C above~ ' COLUMN 8 Total th IS period from attached schedules COLUMN C CumulatIve to dale (Columns A - S) I " is ~.;J-. 0:..1 I =C:....=.DlJi...::;.., :..i~E :; I 5CHE:)U:"E 3. :..'''E , S / .J :J.-~ - -O"~ s /J.2u. b"o s l..lNES , - , Ll~~S , SCJo-IEOUL... c. I..d'4E J 5CHE:lUl.Z :J, :.oiNt!!: - s t-/ :L ~ '(;l. ,,;,) / 3 :1.. 0 , Q..O s !..lNES 1 ....J...:; ,_: '( E3 3 - .. - 5 ~SMOU'-;) E:':I;JAl. C;;:L.U....NS ,,\ ... 3} I ! S 5CHE~U(E ~.-~~E'~' s ~7?,3 SCH~:::IUL.'=; ~, \"I!'il! 5 -v til- <> 0--<> fjJf ;) ( 2 _.c'-o '/'1 ~ ,~7 s '/'7\...67. 16. !::ndirg surplus '.If L:ne 14 s ~reater :71an Line 15, subtract Linf! 15 from Line 1~) ..., Ii =:lc:r:g :efic;t :~ ~;:;e 1: -s ;:"~a!er :r3n L~ne 1-4., subtrac: L:,'1e i..1. 'rClm L::le iSi . Ending ;35n or. h3r.d ;nould :lot ::e .3 negarive amounr. 1 1 'r ru 5 :0 1 :0.jaI3 SUMMARY FOR CANDIDA iES IN 30TH A JU;\4E AND l'JOVEi'wIBcR EL~CT10NSce 1r.:;~(:"c:.ons Jr.:k'e.'Sc/ :3. C:J~ITR:3UT:ONS '1SCSIVEC): 19. =:<?':;\WIT\.,;'1!::S "lADE: -2-