Marion Link - 1983/10/23 - 1983/12/31 CONSOLlDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT Statement covers oeriod ;rom 10-23-83 throu(jn 12-31-83 (Government Code Sections 84200.(4217) Form 490 1983 For use by candidates/officeholders and ~r:eir controlled comminees. iType or Print in In<<) November 8, 1983 I To.TAL ?:.:ES, I I ~ I OATE: OF E:Lr.;.CTIQN (MO.. ::'lAY. YR.I ;'1'" "~"'''''JCASl...I: CANDIDATE/OFFlCEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLlDATED REPORT NA ,"'1 e: OF CANDIDATE: -RE'S10ENT1Al.. AOORE:SS: 1'(0. ANO STIltCII:T CITV I OFFiCE: SOUGHT OR Ht!:L::l (INo<::"U.J,C' :..OCA"l'lON A.,,",O ':>1'lT""c-r "tU""lJlt... .,.. ..,.......Jc.....Lal .lAT" C \tdo" , c..'~A 4\"": ~-:" C~~ .L~'.. 'u ~ 000" Marion T. Link 7 J rb I-h-),..J ~' ,tJ awslr--te:.ss ADDRESS; sf' '~c. ANO :iT_~!!l:e:~ t;:L~C7 CA1 ~ .'2 J '?:> ;J...o <y c' l (f'-t' ~. . .7<;:>.s' .J" -' s't'... 7~ .::. '::; C III A,~ I!: A _-:<....!!: .-o....t: ....... "".. Ff J"'> ,..re. II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES. INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT :.0. :"4\.JM8ER NAMe: OF CO:'w4:MIT"TEE: ">l0. ....NO STJllIl!:e:T -;:ITV ZIP <::00<< "''''IIlA -'::JOII: "''''IONe ....0...;......;[[" ADC,F"~''::::iS OF COMMITTEE: :-{AMS: OF TREASURE;:Z: PERMANENT "OORESS OF i"REASURER: ....0. -'I"iIlO ST'IIIIll!(T CITY 'JTA~lt .....II:A ,,-:::>01E: ,....o""e:: ..........'>048..... ....AME. OF COMM:TTEC:~ I ~ 1.0. NUI".18ER AO-O^RZS5~ () F CC MM ITT E s: :;:;:;0111. ~""ON<<' ......M.c:,tt ."40. "'NO STRK.--r ST A ~a Zl"" C::C& AREA NAM'i"i."'-o';; T R EA SU R E R: P1!nMAN.~'.""T ADDRESS OF" TRE.'\$URER: ...0. "'....0 STIllCa.T '::IT'1' iTA ,Jt ~IP __00. "''''.A ':;.:;1011: ....ON. ......4A.c:O>: Att3Cl1 additional infor.'71ar:on on aoorooriatelv i3Deff!-(j conrinuatlon snfffS. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LlST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED li\l TH!S CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. ~-=-.;;r~.~.-. - --~--- COr-;1~ITTS= :--JA~v1E I C,Jntiollec C.;)mm!t~ee? ANO I,D. NUMBER COMMITTSE ADDRESS TREASUREi'l Y!:S i NO , - I I I I 0.....-___ . Anxf> J(jdirwnal informanon on 3Doroorrarsly laDeled contlnuarion shei9rs. . (A. cf)nriYJiled commirtefl is. ant! wnich is ;;onrroil~ directly or indirectly by 3 candidare or wllietl act1 jOlnrly wirtl 3 candioare or ,:onrroi1ed, comma";'!" in connect/Oil with the making of exoendirures. A candidate concrols 3 commi~e6 if the canaidare. me candidare's agenr, or any o(/1er committee ile ~r one ,;ollcrols. ,~as signdic3nr influence on the nctlons or cfeclsions of rhe commtrtlffl.) VERIFICATION I declare under ;::enalty of ;::erjury that to the test of my knowledge this staTemenT and its sc.'1ecu:es arc true, correct Jr.c ,;ompli.:te ,jne that I have used all reasonaDle diligence in their preoaration. ExeclJted on \Cl~Y ""'0 ST...~.1t1 b'i by (SI~""AT-'..JJt. ,:)~ ~""A"U",I{~\lj J Executed on at (CITY A"<IQ $TAT") (OATt:j , dec!are iJnder penaltY of ;Jerjury that to the best of n~y 1(,1ow1edge this stan:ment )nd,s sr.hedt.;!es are true, ccrrec! and ccmciete 3r;C ''-,e treasurer{s) of H~IS commlttee(sl has use-a aii reasonaole fj"igence :n me preoaratlon of t;115 513tement ::nd Its SC:leaUles. " . EXeC!..lt\H~on IJ/U/~.?__ 3t_ ~~ "( (l:-t~ _S1L-._ by ma:/f-.~.r?\ '7-~ \o....r~c) \'Z7T"v AfoCt :IrA-TaT \SI...-.MAn.....s: -:;, C....,..OIU...T. .;)" ..;>,..,..\CIL,...~l..-:l&l't, For infonn~'(jC)n rUQUlfOCJ to be P{ovaded to you p.YrtU41ot to ~h.. in1ormetlon Pf'"8Cttces Act at i 977 t 5,e~ "~nfOrrtl8110n M~nu.a4 on CimpalQn CiSC;losur8 i"'ro,,'jsiCf\~ 01 !7'le P'alit;ol Rerorm Act," ?lIrt X. iO:'TCl at iSIC,N,4':'U"''' ~" ,.."'......u~C"IfI\:l.1 I _1_ CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420,430 OR 490 STAT!:MENT COVERS ?ERI( (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Coilarsl ""0""' NAMIt OF CANOIOATe: OR COMMIT.S:E [YlA (L ,'0 "I 'r:;; , ~'.Y 11.0. NU!'o<SER'!,... o~~~".", COLUMN A Cumulative toOl I from pfU"lious period · COLUMN B Total this period from at'tad'led scl1edules COLUMN C Cumulative to data (Columns,J. ,. 31 CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1. Monetary contributions s /:J :2.b, ~ .<.) $ /c:;..!..> r.~ .i) gCl-Hi::JUl....it A. :"'~."Ht J S / /-/ X_'J. 0 :::,) 2. Loans . . . SCHc.:)UL..i: 3. :..i:"o(&; 3! 3. Subtotal.................... s s s L.JNKS 1 .. .:. LoiN&:.5 I .. : '-L....c:S 1....'" .:. 4. Non.monetary contributions. . . . . . 3CH&OUL.ii. .;:. .....H&:. 1 5. Pledges...............;.... SC.H~.;)UL.it 0.. ~:N" .7 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . s /J-:J...~,. ~...o s ( r~...t>. 0 ~ s / Y.,;l.o t' ~ WNCS J ~ 4 .. , L..HUt5 1 .. .l .. , LHHt-S 1 .. " .. , (SHOUl..':) ~,:jUAL... CO"-UMNS A - 3' EXPENDITURES MADE 7. Payme!1ts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . s K73.JS s j/" ~ (,. 87 s /;./,2 (.~ " "'-~ SCrt.E::tUL..Ii; lib. :";N':; J 8. Accrued expenses (unpaid billsl . . . . . ::IiCHE.cUI.Z .~. :"'i:"iE S 9. TOTAL E:XPENOlllJRES . . . .. . . . s f7'? (S. s J"-YG r rrJ s I V 2~- ,,~-0 -~".. ~ UNES7.. L.IN~S 1 .. I ~~ M er 5 i - 3 \SHOUL..:>> EQuAL. :::OL"'''N5''' - 3) ./f this is tile first report filed for the calendar year, Column A should be blank '?xceor for unoaid loans, jills and:;iedges. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FlrJANC1AL CONDIT10N 10. Cashon hand at the beginning of this penod.(Line 140f pre'lioussta tement). S <lYe:. 57 11. Cash re~iptS this period (Line 3, Column 3 abovel . . . . . . . . . . . . / ~.o . "-" -...u 12. Mis~i1aneous adjustments ~o cash (Schedule G, Line 7) . . . . . . . . . 13. Cash payments this period iLine 7, Column B above). . . . . . , . . . . . ..,r '-6 ~ ""- 6'7 14. Cashon hand at closing date (Unas 10+11+12-13 above)-..,..... .~~o. "",-2.:,. 15. Outstanding debts (Une 2 + Line 8 of Column C above) . . . . . . . . . . 16. Ending surplus (if L:ne 14 is great1!r ttlan Line 15, subuact Line 15 from Line 14). . . s 0."" - t.o.r~ 17, Ending deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, su.btract Line 14 fr'om Line 15) . . . s r~ C'f,. 0:: c) !"J. ! · Ending e,m on hand should nor be a negativfJ amount. __..-~=c~'--,-,,,, ...... .-....-'-.....=..,.-------. . SUMMARY FOR CANDIDATES IN 60TH A JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECT10N (See In::rrJctions on P.everseJ 18. CONTRIBUT10NS RECEIVED: I L 111 ltlnJ 6 ,::;0 7/1 to aaHJI ~_ 1 _L ~ ~i c- ~ ."-' I 1 I</;,l..~. <!~.:::) J 19. EX?ENOITURES \1AOE: SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUT10NS RECEIVED FORM 420,430 OR 490 (Amounls May Be Mounded To Whole Dollars) . ..~ NAMI! O~ CANOIOAT~ OR COMMITTE!:; OOt)~I~rJ -r LI'Nk I" 5 TAT E ~ E:-'" I .::; ,,/ .::.. ::;: S ~ =. .=1: l ,..~c... ~"".O",,:o;.... I 1/-' /.L. .i /J-:J : f).-/./ ~ I 1.0. NUMSER .,~ ~~~Ml"-~~ ~'JL.1.. NAMe: ANO AOOR!!:SS OF I EMPLOYER AMOUNT DAn I CONTRIBUTOR OCC:;PATtON {I.... 1.I..~eChf.....OY EO, IH.TlIlIt =........ W' LA 1'~ '.' If: RI!:C'O . (up CC..,.tTT..... A1....0 CHT'C,. 1.0. ..v......'" ~.. "",4"'.0'" .USIMC...r .=l.CZIV 1:0 i I "!'"ItC....U/IIlC".1 /'CA..e ........0 .",oo/lll.slIl -? :l......y. -- ,---- Be ,z- 6t- 1 I 1k,~J ,...r "S--S' oly{ J Ii l' ,! . J f ~-l f' .-r ~,-/c ... ,-/ f c..-o ~ ,-..J",../ ,,(l (., .n" l~ '- c l R J JA- b, ( ;0~ i /00$::> ~.-.) [.s:>.:> :~~- I , - I I I -I I , i I t I i , I I I , I I I I I -- I -- i ~ I I I I 0 If more space is needEKl, check box at left SUBTOTAL I and attaCl'l additional SchEKlul~ A. /,..,.1;;'. 0..:.;) /0..::-. 'U~ j SUMMARY 1. AMOUNT RECEiVED, S100 OR MORE (Include all Schedule A subtotalsl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ /0 ",.>.D t /~.D. U--7' , I I ~S/OO.c./~ 2. AMOUNT RECEIVE:D LESS THAN $100 (Not itemizea) 3. TOTAL MONETARY CCNTrlI8UT.;ONS THiS ?Si110D (l.iM 1 ~ Line 2) Enter her~ and on line 1 Column 3 of Summary P3ge. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . SCHEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTR(SUTIONS MADE FORM 420,430 OR 490 (Amounts May 3e Rounced To "'/hole Dollars) , .'STAT::MENT C:JV;;~S .~C:::;;'1 I/~~/~:t :/;~/;~ '" "'ME: .::; F' C"'NOIOA T!!: 0 R COMMIT, El!:: I.::>. ....u:'oo(aE~ ',~'" :~........,--,!: IY1 All. <> ,J r L e ry'/c:- CODES FOR CLASSl FYING EX?:NDITURES If one of the following codes is used to describe the. expenditure, no ',vrirten c:escription is needed. (Note exc2o::0rs the back of mis schedule for codes "e", ''I'' and "T".) Refer to .the back of this sch~ule and the Inforrr.acicn .Han :.In Campaign Oisclosure for de!ailed explanations and examples or each c3tegorf. lIe" CONTRIBUTiONS TO OTHER CANDIDAT-::S OR CC~/1MITr=ES INOE?ENDENT EXPENDITUReS ,LJ7:::=IA TU RE 3ROADCAST ADVERTISING 0lEWS?APE:=l AND PErilODlCAL ADVERTISiNG OUTSIDE ADVEriT;SI~~G "S" SURVEYS, SIGNA7Ui1E GATHERING, SOOR.TO.QOPR SQUCITA7IC:'>JS ;:UNDR":'iSi,'4G =VE:'~TS GENERAL. CPERA ,leNS A~JC OV =::n~=..:.o T:=\AV EL. ,.l,CCOiVli'v1CDA TIC~JS Ai"jQ',lEAL.:; ;) RO F '=SS j C NA l '.1.':' ,'.JAG ::::" EN T';,\J D CONSUl7l\jG Sc::\,JIC=S "1" "L" ':8" "F" "G" "TO< "~/' I'?" 0","," '-' I r one of me above codes does not accurately or fuily describe the expenditure, leave :he "Coce" column jianK :Jrovide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. MAMI!: ANa AO.CR!!SS 0" '"A"!!!!:. C~!!:OITOR OR RI:CJP,e:1"'4T opr CONTRISUT10N (If. COM-"''''''.E. A"-'O CNTW" 1.0. ..~.u...... Ollt ............ ......0 4.0Q..... '~,.. ..,.....I1U...". I CODE ::lR ::lESCRIP""Tl0N OF' .....Y....!!NT A"'OU"'lT ::t..,o _'>_,.._-4_ c-= 1".-1- IL ~ ~ ,-,-h <>- ,,) f"0 i 1.(-"0 i..,,-J...fJb"~n Cio yJ C. t,J-f-ep.. I 1210/. I? I I I I I .. I .._,._~~ I . I-Ii f more spacs is nee<Jed, c."eCl< cox and L.. .Hc3C." adcitional Schedules !:. ~~ SU8TOTA.1 'J(. [;..7 1-1 p(....!,t. , SUMMARY 1. PJymenrs of S 1 00 or more made ttm period (I nduce all Scneduie i: SUDtot31s1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ;Cc./. ?"7 2. Payments under S100 this ;;eriod (not itemizeo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S ;L(f,j"'cc J. Total Accrued ::x;Jenses oaid this f:eriod (Schedule F, Une 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . S 4. T::tal Pwments t1'1\S oeriod (line 1 ... 2 ... 3) ::'1ter here and on Line- 7, Column 3 of Summary P~,;e . ,:5 J'--y '-. ? 1