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Larry Mussallem - 1983/07/01 - 1983/09/17
~ " 3:3~=~ent :~v~r'S :::-er';:c ';":m '7-1- e '3 :;: r:L.:r 9~/7-83 , . CONSOLI DATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT I,Go'~ern~ent Coc:e Sec::ons 3.:12CO - 3":'2 ~ 7: F"rm 490 1983 For usa jv S3ndic3:es/-,Jr--:csnolcers and :~e!r cor.~r::!::d -::J(';"I,ml:-::es. T',:::e ..;r .:Ir'l""'t i1 :"'" <I o"'~ ~L.::C7i'::" '?"'/;~9 ~., /"~a.p'~C'1 rOT "'L. ~"',",E~ _ "-7 _'ZJL.,2 : 6 - - I CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER iNCLUDED iN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT ! OF~!C::S: 50UGl-1T:lR ~~!....:1 \ "4C~__~C ;.,jC..lt,T'10N ...."<10 .:I1~T~IC~ ~ 'fl.,i.....'" .~ ..........lI:: A.l..&) ::lTY 17 '" ~. :::jIO :::~. ...~ lI:A ':'::0. ~...o,""C ...~......... {!tf 9.a@.o ':. : ~ =.. ~tY- ?fl2-73'# ... ~... :::.:: a: .....";...1!!: """....<< ~ II ...,,,,,,..,,..t!: ':JJ: C~""'''''.T'T!:S:; ",&~~~,fL ~~f:~~ /JI!uss~:~! EM 5QO td /tJ.:M ~0 #1'7~ 61~Y' ,"Co\.M&~" TR&:JO\SWREi=I: !P14y/#e- dJ2A/c;7T ~<!:"""~'~E:"iT "",CORESS vF "':""~S:~SUR~:;l~ "40. .......0 s'!"~.s.'" -. 5(;0 d /~:M ST:. # /7.:2- r5;V!LJ~ 't~..,.€ ;'F::J""MIT~S:E; , 1"''' ~. :1. : 'J ~.. I :J. ~\.,.l.'1aE~ ~A1IAlr7 i6i-r~~~;;6':r tJ:?I- 95~o \"'T" 4 ""C' .::- ~::l::l C "'~C4 ;;~=c: .....:::....c ~........." ~?--tf~-?4f' r?+- CJ5tJO<O l.~ "4l,.i"ASE:q A.OORctSS OF '=':::MMIT;'E::; "010. """'0 \"'T"QCCT \T" ~.. :p. .:-::0<< ..A<<A :~o.. ~""::l"'C ...........ac~ .............!: O~ "i'qIJ!:.A.SURItR: "~A."""MC4"4T ,,",OCRESS OF TReASUReR: "'0. ......0, ST~C&T ":1'!"Y iT'" ':"'C '::1- .:~oc "..... "::10 C ....0""'<< "'.........a." A r.'3C~ J<Jair/anll "f.,rmar.on ~ Jooroon;n~iv !3oei~ conr,"uarlon S/1~~. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLlDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. C8~.'\fI"'~= 'lAME AND I.D. 'll.;MaE~ C8MMITT== .\OO?:ss 7?EASURE::I I '':~n~I~~ C..)mrT\tt:~e? I "''''- , -:::> I '<0 vjq dirt . ,V /ri . 4trXII ~acJ'rtonal ",;o,",arlon on 3ooroonamly !aDlIitJd conrtnuaflon s1lHr1. . fA ,;onf:"'I/~ C:)I1lmlfrN 'S oml ,'';I1cll Is conrrofled ~i~rty ;Jr ;"di~rty :,y J canoiaant or "'/1Ic." X:r"S jomrly ""m J canaioartt "r :onrr.,,,~ :Of1'ml~ In ct'"f"ecrion NI-tlt :,"1. making ofaxOJndirtJr!.'$~ ;J =andia.rfJ controls ~ cDmmir-:~~ if :t~~ .:.:3l1dia41.c;, ltUJ c3....,::tld~t-!'( ~c,a,.".> "U ~t'Y ."rr.e,. ::;mmlr~~ ,"6 Jr :)""tI ::Ol1f.-oIS. "as s:gntfiQllf ,I1r1UlInc. on :fill xoons::Jr dec::lons of r!lll commlr.tM.J VERIFICATION 1 ~ec!.ire ~ncer ;e~aity Jf ;erjur'1 :.~at:o ~he :est,Jf;ny <nc~vJcC;e :h;s ~~3r;rr:ent jnd .:S .;c..:c':l..::s .ir~ :r'~e, ;:o(~::c-: ':'1".;': ..:.;~;:!~:a ,jr,~ :::at I ha'io! :..sad .ill :eascnaoie dliic;enC2 in :neir ;:Jrecaration. :xec.l:ed on 9-~~;-U Jt r-;;L,(2L)f;.. .,.fJ!J:::- E:ncu ted on Jt by );1 tbr/M ~- illQ,.....r.~.... .J'" .........,...C..\IJ i by "'1'y... ~" .......1014._'. ; ,IV A.l.LOCAT10N OF CONTRIBUT10NS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALFOF CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND\-lEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E & F made to or on behalf of a candidate, officef1older or meaCl'r~. Amount3 may be rounded off to whole dollars.) '-J "':',,\lE :: ~ :;,,'i OJ C ~ 7'= 'J,~ :;= =; 1:2:-: C L': =.~ ~,'~ 0 C F =; c: C:-S':.< ,JL'~: I ::::0052 I c....1CL.,',-:- OFF!C!AL I '.,jSE C~J L Y ...l.-:-:-cn~C,':.'C!"'3J ,"',",=rrar:on ~n 30Dr]or3r'!J'1 iDa!~a ;:;n~'''''''~con ;r~a. ',37~L.:C7'C"i3 :=C? ::lo=?~,~:~,G:O';=:=l ::l;lG:; CONSOLlDA TED CAj\'lP~IGN ST A TEi\lENT FORM .J.90 PERIOD COVERED SY ST ATE:;lENT: Tr,e :eriCd sovered :Jegins :::e ca'l after ::-2 c:osing Gate of ;:1;e iast c3rr:::aign i,ai:er:en"C ~iiea. 1 r a ~re"'OLl.i 5LatefTent "'as not :::een f;!ed, :he .:eriod :~Ins on Januanl 1 or :;-:e c:..;rre~t c3lendar! ear. The :er~od e~cs on :he ciasing 'ja-re ;ar :~e cur:ent SL3te~ent. T'~e closing~3te's 5uec:f~~d :n ::--e I'fnfar;r'2!:cn \t3rL.;3i on CJr::aJI;~ Disc:osure." DATE OF ELECT10N: ! f ~his 5~a!e~ent 's ~;ied ;n ,:onrec~ion 1vitr1 ~n 2Iect::Jn, ~n!=r :he date.JT t~e 2!ec::cn. ?j.RT I: .::lrovic::e :he c3ndicate's or ,Jr:ceno,cer's and the office iougm or ~e!d. -, I" '......1' ~ame, reSI den!1 ai ace ress, jus; r:ess ace r~S5 ::nd :2!=cr; on e n ur- C 2:5. ?~RT II: !~entify :~e controlled committees included ;n the consolidated reoort 3nd t~e i:reasurers of the committees. Use the iame infor~ation that Jocears on :he:ommittees' Scatements of Or,;aniz3tion 'iied.vith the Secrenrl of State. 00 not usa 3bbreviat~ons. A permanent business or residential address must be orovided for the tre3surers. the ;centification numbers ...ust be included. (If not 'let recejved ~rom ,he Secretarl of Scate's office, that ~ac: must be noted.) PART III: The candidate or officeholder must list all additional committees not included in this consolidated reoort wnich are orimarily formed to r~eive contr;bu:ions or make expenditures on the candidate's behaif and whet1;er or ,lot the'l are controlled committees. VERI FICA TION= The state~enr must be signed by each comr:1ittee treasurer included in tre consolidated report and b'l :r:e candidatE! or officeholder who somrols the committee. The treaStJrer and candidate or or.iceholder must revit:'N ,;,e information contained in the statement before signing the verification. ALLCCAT10N OFCONTRIBUTIONS ANu EXPENDIT:Jl'":l:S ~lADE TO OR ON 8EHALFOFCANDiOATES, OFFiCEHOLDERS AND i\1EASURES; '-:st 311:ort;;but:ors (irc!,"dirg Icars) and 'rdece!"ce!"! e:<pendi':ur~s :'ter-rized on Sc!->e~!Jles = 3rc c ':0 5L;:::::C~ or ccccse officeholders, ,:andidates and ::al'ot measures (other than those controlling this comml,:ee or Tor 'Nhic;, this commir:ee is primarily formed). !r-:dic3te the date of ,he expenditure, the OT7:Ca sougt.t or r.eid lor the :r:3sure's nurr:oer or :et:er), me amount of the expenditure and the cumulative amount :0 ,jar'.? Tre "Cumulative to Date" column should include the sum total ofaxpenditures for or against each ':3r.didata or measure since January 1 of me current calendar year. (S~e "I nformation :vlanual on CamDaign Oisc!osure" for dis<:ussion lnd examples of "cumuiation",) CAi'v1PAIGN DISCLOSURE STATE;'.1ENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420,430 OR 490 iAi'T:Ol...,:{i!::) \.;1av 3e ;at...;r~ced 7..) /Jhc:e :>JlI.3iSJ 5 ~7~- ~;;.q7- 5 q 5'7~ '_.."i &5 1 . , $I-<<OU!-.,:) !:~U""L. '~:JI...J,"'NS " . ;oj ./f this is :::e fim ~orr ;;iled for mil c31encar 'I~r, C;J/umn A shouid CJl a/ank ~)(cear ~or uncau11cans, ,)///$ Jnd :Ji<!Cqes. ........Me ;::II' CANOIOA~'! =::R C~MMIT~EZ ~/EAJ1:>S oF' L,t:f~~ /I1t/SS~LLF#1 COLl,;MN ~ C:Jmul.i1tl". :Ot3j m:,m pr1!'110US ;l...,od . C::NTRIBUT10NS RECEIVED 1. '~Cne!3rl .:ontr:our:ons 3 2. '_::ans 3. SUOlOt3i , 3 ....."'4.s 1 ~, 0Jon-monetary c:Jmr! ou tJ ons , , 5. ,:lI~C;e$., a. TOIAL CCNT::lISUT1CNS. . , , 5 t...d"C CS ] . <& .. , ~(?E;\lDITURES ,\1ADE 7. ?1Y~!!!"s.,." 3 3. Acc:"1.;~ =xcensas (~n;:aid Jtiisl ' 9. TOT:"L =X?~NOlruR=5 . . . . . . , , 5 W.-.C51-' COLUMN 3 T:Jt3' tnis 08f"lcd 'rom .~=ed scJ"l edu' es 3 K4/2i:~.,~ I I iC.""!=: =:";:"Z 3, ...;....,;: J I 3 ~..~/;q'l~ - ! lC1"1C~I.Jl....=. _..'i~ ] i-=;"ill~u,-... ~.. _.~~ ; SI....~C{-l~'!~ - s ~ 7Ji --. I sC;-tIt;:..JL.. E.. _..'t~ .. <c~2z~Z;-: s ~j:1- 1~.7 ~ STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION to. Cash on hand at ~he beginning ot this oenod. (Lne 14 of ;:re'lious Hatement) , S 1 r. Cash ~~~jcm: :Mis ~riod (Line 3. C.Jlumn 3 3oove} , , , . ' 12. ,VliscailaneQus adjustments :0 C3sh iSc:1edui~ G, L:ne 7J ' . . ~,O~~ - I S""iAi!:.'-"e:l'fT cov':;~S,?-::.~1 I ....0... : -......::lu~J"4 (!-/-f3 :9-/7-i,3 1 ~. '4l...J_~9e:~ I;.. :::l.......I....~~~ (!,OA1I;J~ C::JLL.,MN C C>.JmUJatlve :0 ~t. ,C.Jlumns..l. - 3) 3 I; oLj-/; - 3 ~ t)t/~ _~..... .~ '_1* .: s /~ Oft, - '_~.'4 CS ] - . - , ~1"40tJL.;J :;~U"'L. .:.;;I...J.....NS "" .. ~, I~ Cash 03ymena mis ~riod (Line 7, wlumn 3 abovel. . . . , . . . . , . ;) 75 - l~. G.ish on hand atcJosingdara lLnes 10+11--'12-13 above)......... 77/ - 15. Outstanding deb1;> (Lii'1! 2 + Lnf! q or C.J!umn C atovei ' . . . . . . . . . d I ;; 9 Z-=- 16. ~nc:ing surplus (if Lne 14:$ ;re3ter :t'Ian l;ne 15, )UOUJ~ Lne 15 'rom l:...e ~.11. 5 17. =:1ding deficit (if Lna 15 is greater man L;nl! 14, subtrac: Lne 14 fr':m Line · E::c}ing.::JSh on .'land should not tJII i negariviI 3mounr. . -. i=t. . . 3 ( ~5r5lth-L SlJMMMW FOR CANDIDA TES IN BOTH ~ JUNE AND ~OVEMBeR E1.ECTION ISe./r7:tr.Jct.'cn$ on aevef'!~1 ';. 1/'~rua.:o 7.'I:o.:at. 18. C:JNT~IBUT1GNS i1ECE1VE:J: 19. =:<?:~OIn;R=S \IA2:: ~()L/-6- ,~. .~ '7 ") _ SCHEDULE .~ MONETARY CONTRI8UT10NS RECEIVED FORM 420,430 OR .190 ,..l,rcuncs \lay 3e=<cunr::ed TJ ,V;"lJle ::Ol;aril I ::i 7' .; - ::'~t == ."~"";'" .: ~ '/ ;:: ,~"5 ~:::,~ -... .~'- .;... :1-1-93 0... T'!t I I ~e:C':l I IJll' =:.....,T""'''.. ""'.0 <<NT.... l.~. ..\.I......" ~.. i ........U... t ........e .......0 ..QQ"e..1 I ~MP'_~Y!:" OC=...P....T10N " I.\,..............OT ca, C""T.~ ""'.C ::JII' .US.....C..J ~":t ::I... '!'" &' 1/.% ! ~7#H~OU; ~c i vf./. _ if/4T .6A~71.:sT I ~ _<Z> 'jU!.( j 790 MmI&E,ue.c k '.' iJ//N/S"/2;72 ;~"eanl'F G'/Li!tJt! I,i ~ /OtJ - 'r' /otJ- 1'1 : G/L.4,t) 9 C!Ad-' , r/ ~G #V5;S19.LLEM ~/{j)!:;e i 1-, 7/9 :f~()r 80)( 60 !~t/6Zo~~aJri ~L~-Gi1/~cCO i 199- ,/99- 1/ /JD1 ' . I :~a~~~. ~! r r/;t::1 !;Z(t/.s:s,qaEA4 2k'~~I." ~LO~IfiV~~G/I1q!;:.Sl'1tLC~ I I l/~ 16~~~~ I 'I J'~ES. I 19'1~ :/ff- r/ II~r htJ.[)qe-r..c iRt7??/L Ii VMUtJ/L7'oltJ 1/6 ~~~~Q i ~CK' I _161LbrJ1 cur _ I I , I . I I ....'.40U~,.. ~C=.lI,(CO ; :". ................ :-:'.. C d-OO- : a?JtJ- o I f more ~paa is nee<:Jed, ched< box at left and amen additional Schedules A. SU3TGT~L SUMMARY 1. ).MOUNT ::lEC!:iVEJ. SlCO OR MOR E (Indude all Scnedule ,.; suotc,aiSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ,S 2_J.MOUNT =iEC:1V:J L:3S THAN S100 ,Not i:emizeol , . , . . , . , . , , . . , . , . , . , , , , . . , . . , , , 3. T07).L'.tCNElAi1Y CCNTi118U7:0NS T1-iIS .:'~;1ICO (Line t .. Lne 2) :mer "er~ and on Lne 1 Cclumn 3 of Summa/"'( Page. , . . . . . . . , , , . . . , . , , . , . I I , I I I I I -f6ff-1 ~9!- , 691-1 tf;9t- 311J 3#- !,t}t/6Is/,oti6- , SCHEDUL= :: PAYMENTS ~ND CONTRIBUTIONS ,\1ADE FORM 420. 430 OR ~90 ~~",--r:::'-1~,"'T :~',,::.,~s :;I!;.-, (~~Cl..ln~3 .',1ay 3e~aUi1cec T-J '/.I~::!e Dodar')' ~. 'J'" -.... ~ .,.... .4~ 11-/-&3 9-/7-13 1 :J, "'iu.....ae:.=f . =::.......,--. &J/JIIAlG ...."',~€;jl' '::.-4.MOIOAr!: :Jq -::J.....MIT~E~: ~/ENtJ8 OF Lr?/lR..~ mL/s:s~t-LE#J CODES FOR CLASSlFY1NG =X?:::'JD1TURES If cr.e of :r:a following coces is wsed :0 c:escribe :he ~xcendirure. ~a ,vri::2n :~SC;"l:::;tjon :s r:eeced. (~o:e ~X:2c:::;r' :he back of mis schedule for codes "e", "I" and "T",) Refer to :..,e bac!< of chis scM~:.;~e and :Me /nfor!7"3,:,cn ',,'3f J17 C.amcaign Oisc/osur~ <or de!3iied exoiarat!crs and examcies of 3aC:i :3ta<:;ori, "f"., '- C::N,~13U,:C,\jS ,0 OTh=::1 C;'NOIiJ;'T:S'O=1 CC~i1.~lll~==S i i~O ::?~N 0 :::-J, =:<?~!'.JO I,~ ,0::5 'S" S~ ,:=. I, ="'3. 3: Gi\~A 7~_,~ ~ GA -:-:; = ~::\ G, ::CC.~.-:q::CCi1 ::C~:C:~.l.-'C'iS L; -:- -= :=t ,~ T~J ~ : ,=:...J ,\~ C ,::;"':",5 i L'~ G ="'J =:\~ 7"3 ~=:~=?~,~ :?~~.~ ~'~;"JS ,~I"~S J\i =~;-=...:..:' ~~.~'j ::i.-. A~:':I'll:\;COA !:I':I\~S~t\nJ ',l'=.":-j_.5 ~ =1C = ~33;C ~J,.l L ',1:" ,\;...G =~.1 ~:'rr .-l.j~. C ::i'~S~:":-~'JG 3=::r/:C~3 3" "'~ .. 3~OAGC;'S, ':"Q'I ::=\,IS: ,'JG 'j E'}/S? ~p ~ ;:'.l.;\JQ ?::;:,: CO! C;' L ~~'/ =.~T; SI i'~G CtJ,SIC: ,.l.JV=;:ri~3;~JG ":I" 01("'\" ~ Jne af :tie 3co'Je c:Joes does not 3cc:.;ratelY or :'ully "Jesc;'":ce :re ~xcencj~..;r~, ie3ve :re "Cece" COIL;.~n ~:3r,:< :rovide a wrin:en description in the "Description or ?3'fment" COlumn. """'....c,,'""o "OORe:~S ot" "a, y !!:I!:, C~I!OITOR OR =t.C:"~C~T::l~ ,=.:IMTJ:t'aUT~QP"t (1"- -:::~"IIoI''''''''''.. 4~SO ."'T..... I.:). ..u..... ~.. ......lIIIe .....0 ....;u~"..s. "J'" ..........\01....1 :::: 0 I!: "'" ~!:SC~I~10,""~'" :a"""-"~:"iT "''''OU'''T a" t::l I' ! if mora spaca is n~ed, c."1eci< ::lOX and t--! lr:Jcn 3dcitioNf Scr.~du:'::;; ::. 3Li3TOT ;.~ SUMM~RY 1. i')ymenu of $100 or more ~ace trm ::-encd (Inc~ude all Scr.~CUli! : SuotOUlst 5 -e- ,;(75 - 2. ?3vments uncer $100 chis ;:eriod (~ot ':emi.:~cl . . ' , . . . . ' s J. Total~ccrued =.x~nsi!S oald ttllS ceriod (Sd':ecule F. Ll1e..Q . . . . 5 4. feul ?)yments tnlS ~od (L('1l! 1 - 2" 3) S:1t!f' ~er~ and :n Lr"l!' 7, C..:liumn 3 of Summary ?a<;l!' :i ~76- SCHEDULE F ACCRUED EXPENSES (UNPAID BILLS) FO RM 420, 4..30 0 R 490 '3TA.7E:.'-'1e:.~T:::J"~.~S .~~~ ..~~... --"~1.;::;1Ol ,~(i"CL.ln:s ',1a'f 3e .~curceJj T.J 1'J~Cf~ :CI:ar'5l 7-1-03 9-/7-13 1 ~. ..... l.J ,.... '3 E .~ .. ~ ':; ... ... I ~_ '! (!LJ1t11 JJ & "''''ME OF -:"'Nal!:JAi~ ~R ':~:'04""ITi::!:= /P;EiV.D~ or LJ'I~p /t-1t1(\s~ LLC/ff CODES FOR CLASSIFYING ACCRUED EXPENSES If ane of the following coces is used to describe t.'1e accrued :xceme. no 'Nri::en :Jesciipticn is needed. i :\lo:e :xc~c:;( on tf1e back or this scnedule for cocas "C", "I" and "T",) ;=1efe, :0 :~e ::acl< or :~is 5c:;edu!e and the Infcr-rari ~fanual on C,;m:;aiqn Disclosure for det3iied :x;:ianaticns and :x3rrpies or :ac;, C3tegory, ,,....,, ~ ,::N7r:\ IBUT:CI'JS 70 07'-"::~ C;'I'JC 12.~ T=S C R:C~f1;~i"1==S i ,\j D~? S:\j 0 E:'l T ::XP S:-W 171J ,;:; =3 LlT=i1A 7U M E 3ROAOCAS7 AOVE::HiSi,'JG 'J EV/S?j.PS~...t\)O ?Si11 C 0 I C). L ...OV Ei1T1Si NG CUTS; DE~OV E~TlSjNG "S" Si..; .;:;'; ::':"5. 51 G~JA T"..: ,=1 E <~A T:";:::=1 ~ ,'JG, 111" 1 ..t" "3" "\j .. JCC~.~:.:CC,~ SCL:C:7',':"7:C."~S '~G" .=1_ :'J(:; ~.... i Si ~JG ::"/:::-J 75 ~=:\E.=i....L CPS:=1AT:C,'JS ,.l..'.w 8\1=:=1:...,:AO T=1,... Ii ::L.~CCGMMCOA T1C,'J5 ....1'\)0 ',1::-..). LS ::lgC ,==~SiCNA L ',1;" ,'J).G =~Il E:-J 7.l.~C C:~JSi..'LT1:'JG SE2'1:C:=3 "7" "?" "0" - :f one of the 300ve caaes aoes ;lot acc:,.Jr3teiv:.:r "uli'ljescrl~e ere 3ccr'Jec :x::ense, leave :~e "Coce' '::JiUj'7:r. :!3n:< 3i .:rovice 3 wrir:en c:escription in :he "Cescriotion or ?3yrrent" COlumn. ,""Me ",..0 ACCRI!:SS O~ ......,..~. C1tI!:OITOR OR .cte;ClJlltC:-4T 0" C:;:)NTRlSUT10~ ;J'" ~~""''"'''.4 '-I...so .N"'''. 10. ..uw.... :J_ ....... ....Q ...oo_c". .:'" ...~..lt.tlv..Jtf ::::lCt: =R :Jl!SC~l;rT"ON OF :a"""''''''!!:~T .1t,MOUNT "CC"'I..;EO :JJ/,4/1?O A..! /) 11 tJtI,7'~77s: /V G 60 cd. 6" '>$'1-, G I L- ,(2tJ , (h4. o I I i~d9'?- I I I I I I SU3TOT~L 1t~.;?t?7'- O If more- spaot is needed, ci:eo. OOlC, and ameh additional Schedules F SUMMARY 1. 2. ~ 4. Aet:r'Jed E.-coenses of Sl00 or Mo~ This Perloci. , , . , . . , . , , , . . . , , , , , , . , , . . , , , , , , , ,5 4-..197 ~ 1 c:<" ::J-77- ACC\;ed :;(pensas of Under S1eO This ?!!riod (Not Iramiz..mal . , , , , , . , , , . , . , , . , , . . . . . , , Total ....c=:tJed E.-coensas InC'..lInd This Period (Ln& t + 2) ...... . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ~ ()'9 7 -/-1 d 97- Accrued :xoen,es ?'3id This P~riod (Not I~miz!d) :::1ter "e~ 3nd _ on SC."!80Ul. :, Lne 3 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . , , , , , . , . . , , , . . , . , . , . , , . . . , . , . , , , , , .-,--- 1 ,'let C1ang8 This ?'.!riod (Suctract L~r.l! ~ from Ln8 3), :~:ar jiff!f'.!r.O! ":u~ 3l1d d2. ~ 97. I::J (J.97 on Line o. C.Jiumn 3 ai Summar., ?aqe. . . . , . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . , . , . . , , . , . . , , . / .- ; C7J' - s.