Larry Mussallem - 1983/10/23 - 1983/12/31 Sta!emen! ,:overs cer:od "rGm 10-23-83 ~hrouqh 12-31-83 .' ~":"""';>." .- ,,..,,~~,~ . ~/ t ~~, "'~ l~~ c .c.",.. ir~ 7'~-~>f-:J~~; ~~''''.~-,', '('I ~~./. '4..~'" CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Government Code Sec'.:ions 84200.84217) For.., 490 1983 For use by candidates/officeholders and tnelr controlled committees. (Type or Pr;f1t in Ink! November 8, 1983 I TOT AI.. PAGES, I DATE OF i::Le:CTION I.MO.. OA Y, '( R., lllli' A...'-;c.....H.,El: CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT RESIDENTIAl.. ADDRESS, NO. A""O ST".&T I Of"F1Cf: SOUGHT OR l-fl!:LO itHC:"U~C _,:;;CA"l' 0'4 ANO ;:;1'!TJlflC'" J1J...... ,.. u.~I"A.c.1 I ~ <ti~ r!-AU1M~~ '"'["AT. ~ ~U':; ;:;lI: ....A A ':-~Oll: "'wc:....1t ...uloIac."" NAMl!: OF CAI....OIOATE; Larry Mussallem >T....~ .;:\- -::::0':: ~(?J- -(cp - 7j~? ...R!:A ;:::;::'1[. ~...o...t:. "'u...."".c... f I 7 () tl)lM AAH-uI. JIL-.. 6USlNESS AOORESS: ...O.....N j,llI!_ .... A (~.. U<J...- a~~- II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES* INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT 64. 9s~ :500 1.0. ~U."'BE~ :"L4..Me: OF CO~MITTEE: ADORESS OF COMM'TT::E; ~T'" TC ;::I~ -; :::lac ......II[A=:;:n~. ......:;;I"ole; "fu....." 0) ~t{ , ::5O'oa> ~t?/-- ~(AME OF TREASURER: >>z ay~ . PERMANENT "'QORESS OF 7REASURe:R~"'o, A....O J'r"'.IIT 00 W, f" ~fl - ' !'o4AM6: OF -:OMMIT"'rEc.; ~. 9'::;tf0::2d CITY 5TA.'r1!l Zl~ ': :;:;0.. ...~<<A COC<< .""'O"-lt!; ....u.....!It '/cJ,? r'l;;J -cl</ trf I.:J. :"'4UMB~R AO(')RE:$5 OF COMMITTEE, ....0. ANO STR.JI:'T :;:ITY ST~TC ~I" C~Cli. AR'iA ':::;'Oll .....<:)"". ....._.;M.C~ N A ....""""i57'TR EASU RE R: PER:M.,,..e.:-'T AOQRESS OF TREASURER; ....0. A.....Q ST1IIIC&T "::tTY STA." ;:1'" ::OUII: A11I4'" ":::;:;0& .....O""'c ........M..'" Attac,~ 3ddfrton:J1 infom1f1rion On '1DDroori,u'!iv 13Deled contlt1/Jatlon sh~~. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. COMMIJ:"== ,"JAM!: AND I.D. :-lU:Y\6ER COMMITTEE ':"OOMESS TREASURER ConrrOI(ed C.Jmmlttee? Yf:S NO I -;;:;;;;;;"ditJOnal informarlOn an .DDf'ODrrareiy labeled continuation shee~. 11. q' . }1 -4. fi .C( . . (A contnll~d committt!fJ is anti wh/cll is conrrolled direcrly or indirectly by 3 C3ndidate Of whie!l .Kt'S JOintly Nirn a canai"Jare or ;:::Jntroif~d commi=f! in COnnection Nith thlJ making ofaxoenditures. A ;;andldare controls .1 commit~~ if me candidare. rhe candidate's agent, or Jny orner committee he ,;;r shlJ controls. ,~as signifiC3nr influenctI On tile actions or decisions of the cDmmtrtlffl.) VERIFICATION 1 cedare under ;Jenaity of ;Jerjul)' u~at to the best of my knowl"cge this ;:atement an;:j ,ts :;c.'ledules are :r:.ie, correct ar.d .;:omplete anc tnat . I have used all reasonaole ddigence in their preDaratlon. Execu ted ~n / -.3a - 51 at )~L I {34.. . (:)A.TCJ/ telTY "'."CO loTATICJ ExcelJ red on at by '>ha~,u~ ~~ ____ \sl......Ar...;..c .:;,.. -"'5............~"ql' j \OAT.' leI1""" ",..0 STA.Te! by i '11>......" T'-J ~ *' .:Jp ,.. .I!:.... .1.,' "'~ II: '" \:I~ I f dedare under penaltY of :::erjul)' tflat to the bes, of my knowledqe this S:,Hement ar,dts ;chedules ace true, :cm,ct ,3nd c::;;1ciete 3nd :ne treasuredsl of thiS commlttee(s} has A all reasonable diligence in the preDaratlon of tnls $ 3 ement and Its SC:'1edUles. ExeC'.Jted on J"" ,.~~a-;fi at ~,~y ~"" bY~ ""~An..c,,, <AMo.o..,i. 'R ~.~,o~,,_~.., For infonT:l!tioll r"'~Uln'" to ell pro~l<J.-i to yo... ptH!;UIl'" to In. Inform.tlon PrllCt;ces Act ot 1977, lh.i "Inform.uon M..nu.., Qf1 C.!mpa,qn C....,osurtl t'ro".~".w" of tM ...~lttJc.;\j R,,+Orm Act." "art X. - 1 -- , . . 'IV ALLOCr':\Tl0N OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALF OF CANDIDATES, O'FFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E & F mad~ to or on behalf of a candidate, officeholder or mea"lIl'e. Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars.) OFFICIAL USE ONL y iJ~ T: :'J':',\1E OF C,,:,,,'.wIOATc OK C;:i'iCE;-iOL:;E" .\'''0 GF=iCE I CC1ECK ONE I OK ','E~SiJKE AND 3ALLOT 'JLJMSE'1 OK LSTT::'1 I S~ooon:: Opoose I I C""U,J '-",': ~i\jll ,-.-10.1' J_ TO :JA 7: I I t '/31/",1 '" ? q f~ '" I j I I - Arracn aadltlonallnformacion on 3DDroorrareJY iabe/~d c::n,,:u1uation sneers. INSTRUCTiONS FOR ?RE?ARING COVE~ PAGE CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT FORM 490 PERIOD COVERED BY STATEiY1ENT: The period covered begins the day aher the closing date of the last campaign statement fiied. I f a previous statement has not been filed, the period begins on January 1 of the current calendar year. The period ends on the c:osing date for,the current statement. The closing date is specified in the "Information :vldnual on Campaign"' Disc!osure." DATE OF ELECTION: If this statement is filed in connection with an election, enter the daTe of the election. PART I: . ' Provide the candidate's or officeholder's full name, residemial address, business address and te!ephone numbers, and the office sought or held. P.~RT II: Identify the controlled committees included in the consolidated report and the treasurers of the committees. Use the same information that aooears on the committees' Statements of Organization filed with the Secretar/ or State. Do not use abbreviations. A permanent business or residemial address must be provided ror the treasurers. The identification numbers must be included. (If not yet received from the Secretary of State's office, that fact must be noted.) PART III: The candidate or officeholder must list all additional committees not included in this consolidated report which are primarily formed to receive contributions or make expenditures on the candidate's behalf and whether or not they are controlled commlttees. VERI FICA TION: The statement must be signed by each committee treasurer included in the consolidated report and by the candidate or officeholder who ~ontrols the committee. The treasurer and candidate or officeholder must review the information contai,ned in the statement before signing the verification. ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALF OF CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES: List all contributions (including loans) and independent expenditures itemized on Schedules E 3nd F to support or opoose officeholders, Candidates and bailot measures (other than those controiling this committee or ror whic:, this committee is primarily formed). Indicate the date of the expendit!.Jre, the office sought or held (or the measure's number or Jetter), the amount of the expenditure and the cumulative amount ~o date. The "Cumulative t9 Date" column ~hould include the sum total of expenditures for or against each candidate or measure since January lof the current calendar year. (See "Information Manual on Campaign Disc!osure" ror discussion and examples of "cumulation".) . CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420,430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounced To Whole Dollarsi "3:::;;:;:" fO;;;~~~ STATEMENT COVERS ?~~i "'''0,,", 1/~~3~O~;; - 1.0. NUMBER (1"- -':j~-'l"!""!'''!!.! /'30 0ScJ COLUMN A Cumuiati... toul from pr8"lious period · CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1. Monetary contributions s 4-/ S7~ , -- 2. loans.,............... 3. Subtotal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s~~,~?3, Lit" 4: Non-monetary contributions. . . . . . . S. Pledges.............. .' . . . . . . 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . . , s 4/ &dj W,...CS J .. , . s EXPENDITURES MADE 7. Payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s J. 2~/ ) ~, ::<9/ , 3: ~~r ~ 3. Accrued expenses (w(1paid ~illsl . . . . . s. TOTAL EXPENDITURES. . . . . . " . s - COLUMN B Total this p8fiod from attached scl1 cdu IllS ~ d) (Ph - s :JCH&OUl..& A.. L.U'Hi:. J - SCHE::::.JL,.E 3. t,.lNii: , c:2 70 ~ - S l.u-,&..5 I . " 99 - SCHIilOUL.~ c. ;...HC, J - SCHfi:::lUL.~ :;). :"J.:'i~ , S ~ c::< &"04 - , LJ.NlCS ]; ... .06 - ,. s _~<23_.a, - I 5::(_:i~~~) 1 I S_.,~....,Jl.;;. '.. _i:"CE:. ( s=~~~J;Jf~r: , t...JNii:S .., COLUMN C Cumuiative to date (Columns A ,. 51 s ~3 3 ! s 7. 3 36 1...J.:"ta:s 1~ .: /~) --- - s 7 4.15-. - . l.JNCS 3 .. " . , (SHaUL,j S~U"'I... C;OL.UMNS ..z. ... 5!' s "Q ~3 ,/' ____,+LE-._c._ o / " /Of3 ;;;, ==.~J:1-L.L"~-"===,,,,... UNCS7+' L.1N~S]"~ \SHOUL.=s E.::JUAL.. -==H..:.JMNS A. ... ~J ./f this is ,be fim f1!JJort filed for me calendar year, Column A should be blank '1XCeDC tor unoaid loans. jills and ::Jiecges. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITJON 10. Cash on hand at the beginr,ing of this period. (Line 14 of previous statement) . S )-I....l!?..!...:;b.~ t ,. Cash recei~ this period (Line 3, Column 8 abovei . . . . . . . . . . . . _~. ~0 (' /' i 2. Misceilaneou5 adjustments to cash (Schedule G, L:ne 71 . . . . . . . . . 13. Cash payments t:tlis ~riod (Line 7, Column 8 abol/e) . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Cash on Mand atclo5ingdate (wnes 10+11+12-13 above)......... 15. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 8 of Column C above) . . . . . . . . . . - -iQ~ ~-:-,,~ 3q~ - 16. Ending surplus (if Lne 14 is greater man Line 15, subtract Une 15 from line 14). . . . . , . 17. E:'Iding deficit (if Une 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract line 14 from line 15) . . . . . · Ending c.,sh on hand should not b,fJ a negativlt amount, ./ s ./'"" 3+~, s 1/1 r11ruo/3d '"--~.~o.,,-"'=.,.,. ._._...._ ~'Z::'_..._,.__.... SLJMr.,lARY FOR CANDIDATES IN BOTH A JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTION (See In::rructions on Reversel 7/ 1 to uSlI' 18. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED: I 19. EX?ENDITURES "1ADE: I I ~J SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUT10NS RECEIVED FORM 420,430 OR 490 (,A,mounts May Be Rounded To Wh,oie Dollars) I ST~TE:'v1E:~ .'::::'./=:;:,(5 ,:;ls'Fl ,....CM ~.....ou.::;;~ I I lIP ..;l~-63 !/~, 3/.d3 . - NJ~~f.:T~ O~~MITlH' ~ I '"LL :L"~ Aa::l.", 0' i CAT!: CONT~laUTCR CCCWI'ATtON REC.O {u-- COY"'trl"..K. A.c..~O eNTal' 1.0. ."tU-....... 0" I '!'''c......u...ttJlt S !"t......e ANO ",00",....1 I I.::;). N LI :'A 9 E ~ ,I" ~ ~.... M ,....-"!::.~ r3c>~ 5;0 EMPLGlYER "'MOU~T {ltr J"1..~"C:"'''\''OY 110, CHTt!'IIt ......"". ~,.. ausIN<<sS) :fCC1IE1VCO ! ~';"04:",,':......rt..,.. ...., ~.... ~'I: 1;2- I~ /1_1.!'~ltf~~ /~~ I';CA~~, ~j 76 ~1 tl+^-- : ce /K.- ' -'--/"' 1J~(J ~ 95~di# ! r I~ --J.fl I :2;}~~L7M il~4t~1-4d1 ~ .M4~~ ~J.a~. & ~ 9~6 / .'-. 1,/_ ~I ~ I(c,pC{ c (.4 d'Vl- a,'Q,{! / 109. 4JW ?~.;?~ 76. f (/) () Rf/tt'C) ~-~6 4-!)J..L/-1' iO ~ ~:lJ ~?\. 9bO~ I ~/4 3" " ~":VIA/ a/)(,.~ ! J J J) . 7160(2 '- ~ tvuAtft.d I~r')/IU! ~ 7'r;"~ 1;;Jfl- ~ J . /~_I:;" ~~__ ~~ l~..lt~~ ~ ~~~ ~t!JC>~ I~o- I i i ,;(tPeJ) -- -I <<dd - I I I I /5c7 -116d - I ~ I~d I I,/od - I I It'JO ItJo - /;J Ii.- /96 )Ji~1 a' . . ~r -' ^ I 1 '>>7t~ /&dJ e f c;-bJ3> ~-IA-f Wtl r)A., I' I a:>A tP~ ~A ..::1~a,~~.{ ,vddj-- Y;ttif~'1 ~ I -/a. I StJ - /~9- 7'196 ~ d- r?~V! I Ji1 j. JjJ~'V' fSiJoJd - -/~ .&.a.+c6?~ ~t .;k ~~~y4 I Sd-, /~9- /6'/od f!-U-YrJ;>~ R.J.A;::~ I nli.i! -'et. toO:] . I ~;. ~ /::1. , SUBTOTAL g6~- Ilot/5- I f more spaC1! is n~ed, cMeck box at left and amC!1 additional Scnedui~ A. SUMMARY 1. AMOUNT RECEiVED. 5100 OR MORE (Include all Schedule A subtotals) . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . $ 1'-/00 f 1 2. AMOUNT RECEIV=D LESS THAN $100 (i'lot itemizeo) , . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . , , . . . . . , , , . , . . . 13~ s ~~ ;s 3. i~i..\L ,\1~NEIA:1Y CONT~IBUT1~NS T'MIS ?E~ICO , ' 1 (,5' (Line 1 ... l.:ne 2') t::nter here and on llne 1 Column g of Summary P1Se. . . , , . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . .;z . '. .....- SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED (CONT1NUAT10N SHEET) FORM 420,430 OR 490 STATE~ENT COVERS ?ERICO (Amounts May 3e Rour:ced To ''vhoie Doilars) ~~OM T~.CV~H !/d ,013-131 JcJ-3/-t1 , :;:l;. NUMBER :1" -::=........I~o::r.j rso bSeJ r I (I'" '5C}.~~f!."""""'Oyt!:o. !".:!'oII"1!:" "'CAMe ,")~ 9U'SlNC5S) )dl' .h4~7~ Jd.I' ~~ d i~- 17.L'I-~b</~ !/Ctl - ,:/00- 01.. !f?~ ~~rr c-o' ,i ~Y ,\ ! 17~/ ''C-'' W~ &F,.~~ ! A-i9 -dtbJ,,' vc~~ d~ 3~-t .~I #-.t{ ~. . I '"1 ;,N;J, I d~?t~~t. ~;fJ4 .fl~d l/~() - i /i'Jd - n, 4/1'1, /!.t$ & 15/dj! ! IJ-/::?)", 1/)1. ~j ,l~. A..--1.~~~~J, ' - ~~/~l',', /.5-6 rrr );;~:t ~~ ,) ~~ 1;0 ,J. I , /Jj ~1A ) t.;;-i d?4. i s'tJ ~) tf3..&L1 In ~ , /n.iJL~ ! b-/d...I~.~~~:J H ~41;:;:u6r~'.dd/r~wA.h7H( i, [)d-! /CJcJ- I f:/?S-(fa~ ~) - "t. ~o~ ! I ' i )1;t~/;::. f9~ ' )d'/:2.II~~~? }A.:!;!!~ ~~jm<h, ~~! 4, ' - .J~'1~ IIiD 1,11.&1- J.2J-~J cz,1/ 9S'c>,.)J 11k ---:141t?~JdL~ i I I I / I I I I I I I. I I NAME:3~ iMI;{' )p~ I FUI..L. NAME AND AOD~ I OAT!: I CONTRIBUTOR I OC::UPATION REC'O (,... CO......'TTE.. A..Ir..SO S:''''T'''' 1.0. "4U....IER 0" I T~'I!:.AjU,.t!" S -.AMf!: AHa ,00Ae os) I EMPLOYER AMOLJNT . C-..jMUl.,.....T1V It .e:ClEtv.O ; , T::> ~A ".F- /d- j '-^-. , ! 100 -i /Co - I j s-~ -! /Sd -- i , I J I I r I I \ I , I I I I I I i o If more mace' is needed, cheCK box at left and attach additional Schedules A. I I ,70cJ"- SUBTOTAL , ;5')0 ~ II "- = _~'_--=--~ ;t . . - , SCHEDULE C NON.MONETARY CONTRlBUT10NS RECE1VED FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amounts \1ay 3e Rounced To 'Nhole Doilarsl Sj"ATE~e:~1 '::::l\l;:"5 ?~:::!:~ NAMe: orr CANDIDATE Oft COMMITlEE; , J~ r 07~ p,~v~/~ I F1.JL.L. "'AMIt ANO ADOR!:SS orr . II CONTRIBUTOR ~;~.~ i(a" CQ.....I"M"... A&.SO .NT." 1..0. ...Y,....... OCCUPAT10N I I 0" TIltC....U".... " I'll"'.... .......0 ACOIIIII:S.' "~OM -....~O:.,.;~io! I;o-.)~. t?> :)~. 3/- <f3 I I . .:J. ,~u MaE R 1,- = ~ "'" .... I -r- !. ~ : R"3() ~~d e;~p'-OY-S;R F"AI ~ l OESCRIP>10N OF ! ""ARKET! , "'A t-i.JE . i GOODS OR SERVICES, RECEIVe:::J I c:::,;,.........! Jl" ".L.,...c,~"'\"OVCO. C~T." :"4"'..-<< 0'" .USI...cs~t ~Ti'.I AMowr; 1)- ::(. IrB~~1k8~~~' :~.Mnrlh1~! ~ , tP 0, 1.3 'Y' hlJ~ cY ..lA/l-<~____! tV ..-l ~ I )/ d-+1~ lid{ ~ lis- -J.) ~ ~N<YLa.ih~ ' I I, ' ! ., i I I 97 - Vt/?- I. , I I I I I I I j I I I I " I I I I ~1 I , I , I I I . I I I , I I I o If more space is need,ed, c!1eck box at left and anacn additionai Schedules C. SUBTOTALS r i 9f-I;1/)- SUMMARY 1. NON-MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS OF 5100 OR MORE THIS PERIOD. . . . , , . . . . . . , . . , , . . . , S 3. TOTAL NON.MCNETi.RY CONTRISUT1CNS THIS PERIOD (Lina 1 + 2) Enter here and on Line 4, C.JJumn 3 cf Summary P3ge . . ... . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 9'1-1/1'7 J'/7 2. NOr-l-,\10NETA~Y CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER S100 THIS PEnlOD (Not itemIzed). , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 s SCHEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS MADE FORM 420,430 OR 490 !.sT A TEM ENT C:JV s:~S .~E Rf' I ~~o~ , .~.O~~M lib ._;) 3 ~.f, . )0;- 3J-fd i I.'='. ~u.""'ae:~ \!" ':.::l.......I'!"-~ } 630 ~ ::>b (Amounts \1ay oe Rounced To "'/hole Dollars) .~AME O~ :~:::;~MiT~al ~ CODES F.OR CLASSI FYING EXP!:.NDITUR ES If one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written desc:-iption is needed. (Note eXC2c::ars the back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer to me back of this scheeule and the Informar/on ,Han on Campaign Disclosure for detailed explanations and examples or eacn c3tegory. , f liS" -:' SURVEY.S. SIGNATURE GATHE::1ING, DCOR.70.QOOR SeLlClT,l. 7\0"J5 ;:UNORAiSiNG cVEN7S GENE:=lAL CPERA i:CNS Ai'JC OVERHEAD TRAV EL. ,.l,.CCmJ11yl0DA TIONS AND W::ALS ?ROF::SSiCNAL '''t~,\JAGE;',1ENT AND CQNSU L TI NG SE RVICES I'N" CONTRIBU710N5 TO OTl-iER C,~NOIDAT=S OR COMMITT==S INDE?ENDENT EXPEND17URES Li7:::=lATURE BROADCAST ADVERTISING NEWS?4.P=~ AND P::i110DICAL ADVEi1T1SING CUTSIDE ADVEi1TiSI01G "F" "c" "1" "L" - "S" "G" "T" "p" "0" I f one of me above codes does not accurately or fully describe the expendirure, leave the "Code" column :::ianK ;Jrovide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. NA"'l!: ANO "OORl!:SS 0'" l"AVl!:!!:, C~ltOITOR OR ACCJPtl!MT 01' COHT'RtSUY10N (,,, c~.....T'"!'... ".....0 .HT1rlllt f:O..,"'......:.o... .......... ..,..0 .....ca"."'''~'' ...........u...... ",,",CUNT COOl!: 0'" OESCRIP"Tl0l'< 0'" ""V"'l!:NT ~"'IC ~.- ..J~~~- / &;;'~-r ()~~ tJ? t/ . r;~ tJ ~OcJJ I 1 1.:tu?~kM ~~ L:J . 9 $"23 ,- U?~. ~ .f, ~ J r /9'tj ---- ~ 33/ -- '., .' /cf4~-r:-~~. {Pd 4 ~~ .J:t.~ e ct 9 [; t:? ~ O If more SC3CS is n~ed. cI'1eck cox and ltc3ch adcitiol"3f SCrlecuJes E. "-'" ? 34/- SU6TOTA~ y(P6 , SUMMARY 4. Tctal P3yment'S tnlS pe1"icd (Line 1 ... 2.;. 3l Enter here and on Ljn~ 7, Column 3 of Summary P3<je , . . . . . . . , ,$ Y&b "-"'" , - fbY~ ,};1r;)7 J.!o 3 ~ 1. PJyments of S100 or more made this period (Include all Scnedule t: Suototalsl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .5 2. Payments under S100 this ~eriod (not itemized) . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ,S 3. Total Accn.\ed EX;Jenses paid this ~eriod (Schedule F. Line 4l . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . S "> . SCHEDULE F ACCRU ED EXPENSES (UNPAID BILLS) FORM 420, 430 OR 490 STATE~ENT COVERS ?ERI .~~M ~W~OU~" (Amounts Ma'y' 3e Rounded To Whoie Dollars) It? "d~, r3 >~-~-J-1 /<CAME OF CA 1.0. :"4UMBER ;/,. ::-::.......l~~~~ f~~s'o CODES FOR CLASSIFYING ACCRUED EXPENSES If one of the following codes is used to describe u"e accrued expense, no 'Nritten <description.is needed. (Note exc20tici on the back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "TH.) Rerer to the back of this schedule and the /nfcrmaric Manual on C.3mpaign {Jisc/osure for detailed explanations and examples _of each category. '''C'' CONT~IBUTIONS TO OTHER "S" SURVEYS:SIGi'JATURE GAT:-iE:=I!i'JG. CANDIDAT'=S OR CO~1MITTE=S 800R-TO-OCCR SQUClT AT;O(~S "I" INDE?ENDENT EXPENDITURES "F" FUNDRAISING EVENTS "L" LITERATURE "G" GENERAL'OP::::lATIONS AND OVEFlHEAO "g~' BROA.DCAST ADVERTISiNG "7" T~AVEL, ACCGMMODATiCNS AND ',l~LS "N" NEWS?,~PER ANDPEFlICDICAL "P" P~OFESSIONAL \lANAGEMENT A0JD ADVERT1SING CONSULTING SERVIC:=5 "0" OUTSIDE ADVERTISING If one of the above codes does not accurately cr fully describe the accrued expense, leave the "Code" c:Jlumn biank ar provide a wrinen description in the "Description of Payment" cOlumn. I c~oe: OR I I DESC~IP"T1CN OF p,", V"'ENT AMOUNT ACCRUEO NAMlt A"'O ADDRESS OF ,...YlEE. CREDITOR OR Ae:C1P'ENT 0... CONTRIBUTION !'fI" eO....IT"T.Cw AL..JO ....T..." 1.0. ..v....c.... 0" .....w. ...,..0 "'00."" c'" '!'_.....su...c~f --- I I I f O If mOn! spa~ is needed, d':eck box, and attach additional Schedules F SUBTOTAL I I SUMMARY Accrued Expenses of $100 or MOn! This Period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S t. 2. 3. 4. . Accrued Expenses of Under S100 This Period (Not Itemized) .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ~ i Total Ac:rued Expensas Incurred This Period (Lne 1 + 2) ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ~~~d~~,;t~n~';d .r.":''''~~d .(~~ I.':~~':dl. E~",~ ~~': .'~d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. :iJ.. 9 '; - Net Change Tl1is P~riod. (Subtract Ljr.e 4 from Lne 31. Enter differer;~ :iere and C;;:.< CJ-,- ) I ' on tine a, C.:>iumn 8 OT Summary ?age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L j 11.1.1'1 =.. 5.