Larry Mussallem - 1988/07/01 - 1988/12/31 FORM 490 1988 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT-LONG FORM AND CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Government Code Sections 84200-84217) Type or Print in Ink Statement covers period 7-1-88 through 12-31 RR CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING BOXES TO INDICATE THE TYPE OF STATEMENT BEING FILED, o PRE. ELECTION STATEMENT 0 SUPPLEMENTAL PRE.ELECTION o SEMI. ANNUAL STATEMENT STATEMENT (II filing a Supplemenlal Pre.Elecllon Slatemenl, you musl o SPECIAL ODD. YEAR CAMPAIGN REPORT complele Form 495 and allach it 10 o TERMINATION STATEMENT this stelement.) Attach a form 415 to this form 490 3> .i~ ~'; '3/1, !; .t.,~'" \ I.. . ./ l- . ('s> I:~ -c? B lQa ~ '~, . .. '9 ,'_' .~::';r ilfqCf" r~7~! --.#;4f ,,(; DA IE OF ELECTION ,1.10, DAY, YR IIIF APPLICABLE I TOTAL PAGES A', OFFICIAL USE ONLY CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT CS\t--.lLL-T S- ~ ~ ~()5'.C L~ul- Gl IP CODE AREA C E I PHONE NUMBE' t;,OJO b~- SU )'-1~\f~ ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE NUMBE ttSooo ctPf ---fqf-\(dl 0 (IF APPLICABLE) 1,0 NUMBER &~~5::J AREA COOE/ PHONE NUMBE t.{O f-~~.t/-~f() NAME ,>~l NO AND STREET ,4.\>0 C\ ' NO AND STREE T b3yo CVt~ ~ II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES* INCLUDED IN THIS NAME OF COMMITTEE Friends of Larry Mussallem ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE NO AND STREET CITY STATE STATE <A AND STREET CITY SA-t'-~~ AREA COOE/ BUSINESS PHONE NUMBE, Cl f- 84 rQoIO b <=.::> , NAME OF COMMITTEE ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE NO AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA COOE/ PHONE NUMBE. NAME OF TREAS,!RER PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: NO AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE / BUSINESS PHONE NUMBE * A controlled committee is one which is controlled directly or induectly by a candidate or which acts jointly with a candidate or controlled committee Ii connection with the making of expenditures, A candidate controls a committee if the candidate. the candidate's agent. or any other committee he or sh, controls. has significsnt influence on the actions or decisions of the committee, . Attach additionaf information or appropriately labeled continuation sheets, III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLlDATEC STATEMENT WHICH ARE CONTROLLED BY YOU OR ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. CONTROLLED COMMITTEE NAME AND 1.0, NUMBER COMMITTEE ADDRESS ' TREASURER COMMITTEE> YES NO " -- Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets, _ VERI FICA TION CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER: I have used all reasonable diligence and, if one or more controlled committees ate included in this report. to the best of my knowledge the tteasurer has used all reasonable diligence in prepating this statement. I have reviewed the Statement and to the best ot my knowledge the Intor mation contained hetein and in the attached schedules is ttue and complete. I certl!y under penalty of petjuty undet the law~ of the Stat; 01 Callfotnla that the foregOing I ttue and corr t. Executed on \ .~\. g9-- at G1lVb1-t .JJ~. ' by (O.le) --1(c.1Y .nd Sial e) TREASURER(S) (if applicable): I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this Slatement and to the best of my knowledge the intormation contained herein and In the attached schedules IS ttue and complete, I cettily under penalty 01 perjury under the laws 01 the State of California that the foregoing is true and corr cl. at (2)( JrcJ'1 j G.4- (CIly .nd SI.,e) Executed on at_- by _ ($tQnal"'. 01 Tr........) Executed on 1- 3)- ~ '7 (D.'.) (0.,.) (C"y an<! Slale) , PAGE y OF '3 CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) STATEMENT COVERS PERIOC FROM THROUGH NAME OF CANDIDATE. OFFICEHOLDER OR COMMITTEE: 1.0, NUMBER (IF COMMITTEE) COLUMN B COLUMN C Total thisJeriod from Cumulative to date attache schedules (Columns A + B) ) 0 $ ~ <.} 28, /" SCHEDULE A, LINE 3 6 0 SCHEDULE 8. LINE 7 $ 0 $ ::;:, J z.Xl r LINES 1 . 2 LINES 1 . 2 <:> 0 SCHEDULE C, LINE 3 ~~2-8', ~ C> LINES 3 . 4 LINES 3 . 4 0 0 SCHEDULE D.lINE 7 ~4L$ s 0 S lINESS.6 LINES S . 6 (SHOULD EOUALlINE 7. S '?>~, .- CO~MNS A . 8) $ -'5/ (3_ Sf SCHEDULE E.lINE S 0 0 SCHEOULE EE. LINE 7 ~t Y {-3, s7 3Sb LINES 8 . 9 LINES 8 . 9 0 (J SCHEDULE F. LINE S S ~<;;l) $ 5,4/3, )tj LINES 10 . 11 LINES 10 . 11 (SHOULD EOUALlINE 12. COLUMNS A . I) COLUMN A CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Cumulative total from previous period* 6 I.P-8. .- 1. Monetary contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., S - 2. Loans received. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3. SUBTOTAL CASH RECEIPTS.. .. .. . . .. .. . . .... S C; U2..f', /' , 4. Non-monetary contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS WITHOUT ENFORCEABLE PROMiSES................... 6. Enforceable Promises (Except loan guarantees, see Line 18 below).............. 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . .. . . . ... ......... EXPENDITURES MADE 8. Payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Loans Made. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. SUBTOTAl................................ 11. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. TOTAL EXPENDITURES........ . ....... ..... LINES 1 . 2 o 0, --l2-~/ LINES 3 . 4 C) $ ~ 4-?.J1 / LINES S . 6 S S\ C03, 55 o ~. Ob~ ~ L~NES 8 . 9 o S S""I Cio?>,s..1 liNES 10. 11 *IF THIS IS THE FIRST REPORT FILED FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR. COLUMN A SHOULD BE BLANK EXCEPT FOR LINES 2. 6. 9 AND 11. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 13. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. (Enter "Cash on hand at end of reporting period" from previous statement filed.) ........ 14. Cash receipts this period (Line 3, Column B above)................... 15. Miscellaneous increases to cash (Schedule G, Line 4) ................. 16. Cash payments this period (Line 10, Column B above) ,'............... 17. Cashon hand at end of reporting period (Lines 13 + 14 + 15-16above) (Ifthis is a Termination Statement, Line 17 must be Zero.)................................. 18. Amount of loan guarantees received (Schedule B, Part I, Column (b))....................... 19. Cash equivalents (other assets held including outstanding loans made to others). Important: See instructions on reverse. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 11 of Column C above). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. $ .3 "'4: ~ () o ~Q> $ IthtH. ENDING CASH ON HAND SHOULD NOT BE A NEGATIVE AMOUNT s $ S 1/1 THRU 6130 SUMMARY FOR CANDIDATES IN BOTH A JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTION (See Instructions on Reverse) 711 TO DATE 21. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED: 22. EXPENDITURES MADE: - 3 - SCHEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN lOANS) MADE FORM 420 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) PAGE-3- oJ. STATEMENT COVERS PERIOD NAME OF CANDIDA TE. ER OR COMMITTEE: D(l l CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES I,D. N~BER (II COMMlTlHI O~~ If one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written description is needed. (Note exceptions on the back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer to the back of this schedule and the back of page 12 for detailed explanations of each category. ~C~ .. MONETARY llr IN.KIND CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES OR COMMITTEES ~O~ - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING ~S. - SURVEYS. SIGNATURE GATHERING. DOOR- TO.DOOR SOLICIT A TlONS ~F~ - FUNDRAISING EVENTS ~G~ - GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD .T~ - TRAVEL. ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS ~P~ - PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSUL TlNG SERVICES If one of the above codes does not accurately or fully describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column blank and provide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. IMPORTANT: Do not itemize the payment of accrued expenses on Schedule E. Report only the lump sum of these payments on Line 4 of the Summary section, below. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE. CREDITOR OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION ell COMMI! IH. IN AOOlllON 10 COMMrntf.s NAME AND ADDRESS. ENlER 1.0, NUMBfR OR, II NO 1,0, NUMBER HAS BHN ASSIGNU), ENlER litE IR(ASURER'S NAME AND ADDRESS) ~I ~.- INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES TO SUPPORT OR OPPOSE OTHER CANDIDATES OR MEASURES ~L ~ -- LITERATURE ~B' -- BROADCAST ADVERTISING ~N" -- NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING AMOUNT PAID CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT 0bYLfY\~ ~~so SUBTOTAL Jb. ~~ IMPORTANT: Contributions and ex'penditures made .out of campaign funds to or on behalf of other candidates or committees must also be entered on the Allocation Page, Page 2. SUMMARY 1. PAYMENTS OF $100 OR MORE MADE THIS PERIOD $ ~ ~rn (Include all Schedule E subtotals) ............................ ....... ...... .... ..... ....... .......... ................. ........... 2. PAYMENTS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) ..... .............. ...... ........................ ......... ..... 3. TOTAL INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD ON OUTSTANDING LOANS (Schedule B, Part 2, Column (d)) ..........,.....".....,.......................................................................... 4. TOTAL ACCRU ED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) (Schedule F, Line 4) ..... ............... 5. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4) Enter here and on Line 8, Column B of ~ C;;O, a. Summary Page ....'",.........,.....................,.............................. ..... ....... ...................... ................... $ - 12 -