Larry Mussallem - 1990/07/01 - 1990/12/31 SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF NO ACTIVITY 0.",(.,"78 ,- 9~ . ? 1/14111 ~ 991 ~ ~,.~ FORM 425 1990 l I For use by recipient committees which have not received any contributions and have not made any expenditures during the six-month ' period covered by a semi-annual statement. Committees controlled bv a candidate or officeholder may not use this form. NOTE: If the committee had, at any time during the year, any outstanding loans made or received, this form may NOT be used for the semi-annual statement on which the "Annual Report of Outstanding Loans" must be completed. ~"-~:..:::~~>,.. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL A (Type or Print in Ink) NAME OF COMMITTEE: ?Q \:Q-\.. '\)'5, 0>;2 L ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE: NO AND STIIUT 10, NUMBER \..,LL s~ A--CU::-' ~ CIIV SIAIE 111' COOt AllfA CODEJI'HONt NUMHE II 3:S:S'\ C~ NAME OF TREASURER: l:.Ae~ ~~ PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: -S~~ ~_ k20S &\~ . cA..- q6D~O 4cs -B\-1-40\ 0 NO AND SIKH I CITV SIAn liP CODE AlitA COOf/CA V IIMt !'''ONE NUMHl II No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering (Check one and complete year) D January 1, through June 30, 19_ g July 1, through December 31, 19Qo VERIFICA liON I HAVE USED ALL REASONABLE DILIGENCE IN PREPARING THIS STATEMENT. I HAVE REVIEWED THE STATEMENT AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND COMPLETE. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORR~. EXECUTED ON ~-~ 9.l (DATE) AT Gt~ , CCtLhnl~ IOTY A/IID ATE BY ~ A4u!~ For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 1977, see Information Manual on CamDaian Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act. ~ 1 -