Sara Nelson - 1990/01/01 - 1990/06/30 7-31-90 TUE 16:48 HOWARD TIRE I~ 7--rtJ ~ ~CHw<.o./ @,.1.1 r ... ; Jt:;~"-7~1;:1 if SEMI-ANNUAL $T ATEMENT OF NO ACTIVITY tORM 425 1990 For I,I$Q bV fecipient comrnlll$S$ whiCh l1al/9 not recaiVf;ld any conttibuuoos and ~v~ not made any expenditures dUf~ the slx.mOrHh I'triod covered by a semi-annual statement Co.mrNtf~.s con(rQJ!ed b'l .a candidate 9L. oHiceholder may n~..1.!ls~ lDi6 101m. NO,.;: II the commJlt~Q had, OIl My time liuring the Veal', any out$tandir'Q IOlln. made or recalv9d, ttll9 lorm may NOT be used lor tht S6rl'\i.annual $lalernent on which lh., 'Annual Report 01 OutstandIng loans' must be completed, (l 'JP4' Gr Print In rn~ I :t:'"~~~" -il N"'M~ OJ: <:OMMITTU: SAAA ~; NELSON FOR" C. OUNCILWOMAN CQM~ITTEE AOOl\ESi ~OMMITTH; HO ..110 mm (lfY 7431 CHURCH ST. GILROY NAME Of l'RflA$V"E ,,; Mary Jane Howard 1'!llflllA.NINl' "OOIlES~ OF 'RE"SV"''': 3300 C~nada Road -;"'.>:'~ ~~'~=~- - - NO AIm "..., (,,, GILROY .. _ 1II"f P _ 0 1 '.......... -..... lOR OFFICIAL uU 0",.1. A No contributions have been received and no exp~l')djtures have been made during the p~riod coverjng (Check on. and complete year) r!] o January 1, through Jun@30,'1990 - JUly 1, through December 31,19_ VERtFICA TION I HAve U$EO All. REASONABlE OtLlGENCE IN PREPAA1NO THIS STATEMENT. I HAVE ltEVI~El) THe STATEMENT AND TO THe BEST OF MV l(NOWI.EOGE THe INFOI\MATION CONTAINEO HEREIN IS TRUE ANO COMPlETe. I C!RTlfV UNCER. peNAl. TY O~ PERJURY UNOER THe I.AWS OF THE STATe OF CALIFORNIA THAT TH! ~OReGOING I~ TRIJIi .NO eORRe~. !X!CUTEOON--4--ltJ 31 J '9?O . llPl d AT ~Tl POY rAI 1FOQ~~~ .. -" ~Tt) """"'<l"" . .y-~~ ~~~ - Fc)f Info'ftI.Clon rl!quire-d to b. provided to 'Iou PUf'$U'flt to 0'1. frtform,tJOII I',;(t;(11 Act of 1977, fee Inform.(iga MfllU", on C,.mo.iQf1 D/stJ~Ut~ P/"QvisiQn$ of the Pp~(i9f RtformA-'Z.