Sara Nelson - 1991/01/01 - 1991/06/30 FF:Ot'l c; 07.3(1.1'3'3122:01 ii'~' ..~...."" --.. ". + r. ~ : .1 __ --': ;, ...~.... SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF NO ACTIVITY FORM 425 -lflO- /"1'/ For ~se. by recipient committees which have not received an COr:trlbubons and have n~t made any expenditures during the six-montA penod covered by a seml~annual statement Committees controlled by a candIdate Or offIceholder may not use this form. NOTE: If the committee had. at any time during the year, any outStanding loans made Or received, thIs form may NOT be used for tt'le semi.annual statemaot on which the ~Annual Report 01 Outstanding Loans" mllst be completed. (T~pe 01' Print in Ink) A FOR Of:FlCIAL USE ONL' ~ AlitA CQ(>tIUA ~ liME ~HONE ItUMlIln ... 7~ No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period c.overlng (Check one and complete year) ~January 1, through June 30, 192L. D July 1, through December 31, , 9_ \lERIFICA TION r HAVE USED ALL REASONABLE DILIGENCE IN PREPARING THIS STATEMENT, I HAVE REVIEWED THE STATEMENT AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND COMPLETE. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAwS OF THE STATE OF CALlFORNtA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. EXECUTED ON ~ :t, . ? /?.?/ AT ~~~ 4...".[&!J.;l<!) BY 1~ cL'~~4 V ~.~ MsJ/-~AiLj Of Ttt:!A U R) :/ For information required to bf: provid~ to you pursu~nt to the Infonnation Practic@sActof 1977, see Information Manual on Ciim~ign Disclosure ProviSIOns of the PolltlciJl Reform Act-