Daniel Palmerlee - 1990/01/01 - 1990/06/30 (\~,?;t\ 21? 2:' ~""-1~ ~'-' ' v(J, 1l .~ Ch., '( '9n .~ V~,~ dO :~ '-~~1?i c~ For use by recipient committees which have not received any ,4'<<~0; ~,~ contributions and have n~t made any expenditures during the slx-mon\fl './ ., '4,' ~ period covered by a semi-annual statement. Committees controlled bv 1;;<.// " "'0" candidate or officeholder may not use this form. " '. ,.:'2 6','" ~ ;.,.,. , '..~~ \J 'v ~ NOTE: If the committee had, at any time during the year, any outstanding loans made or received, this form may NOT be used for the semi-annual statement on which the MAnnual Report of Outstanding Loans" must be completed. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF NO ACTIVITY FORM 425 1990 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL' A (Type or Print in Ink) NAME OF COMMITTEE: 10 NUMBER P A LJ1e IJ. LE€. ) JTCE !S~b9) ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE: NO, ANO STRUT CIlY SIAIE liP COUE A/lEA CODtJI'tiONt NUMHtR JJJ Seepy,c! Sf ~ J)n\j LA q .J OJ-C> l.J{)I-!~~ 7Jb</ NAME OF TREASURER: / Tere8Z- H kaJfJjYJ PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: , NOANUSI/lHI CIlY SlAIt liP COot AREA COUE/DAY IIMt "HONt NUMHlH b-Z;tJ S- NICc/e. LJj q/ ) ro; C4 q SlY;}CJ ~o!-N;;-S 3()~ No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering (Check one and complete year) ~ January 1, through June 30, 19 90 D July 1, through December 31,19_ VERIFICATION I HAVE USED ALL REASONABLE DILIGENCE IN PREPARING THIS STATEMENT. I HAVE REVIEWED THE STATEMENT AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND COMPLETE_ I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. EXECUTED ON 7//:2/90 / (DATE) AT r:)}~ BY rf~ ~~ CA (OTY ANO STATE) For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 7977, see Information Manual on CamDaian Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act. - 1 -