John Pate - 1976/01/05 - 1976/06/30 (Interim F om) CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN STATEMENT SHORT FORM /.' ; , - , /".", ,," ,'-" ,~ ,..' vi / '!<c<:; - ,v<; '/0,(,/; ~I/I .;<:",: , "(/ a ('(/. 1(; 4t,,-/;:<;:'~j,V "2, Fonn 470 (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 84200-84214) Period Jan. 5, 1975 - through June 30, 1975 \ ' "'..~.,......- .---....,. ..--...,..... -...........-..... .--.. A candidate for whom not more than $200 has been received or spent on behalf of his candidacy may file this short form. NOTE: Once contributions or expenditures exceed $200Jor the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN, the candidate must file Form 430. Name of candidate John E. Pilte R9sidential address 7581 Carmel Street, _Gilroy~ California 95020 IND. ANDSTREETl ICITYI 1ST ATE) (ZIP CODEl Phone . 842-4158 IXFtEA CODEl Business address 7598 Monter~y Street, Gilroy, .California 95020 IND. AND STREETI (CITYl (STATEl ZIP CODE) Phone 847-1001 IAREA CODE) Type of election Off-Year Report Date of election IMONTH, DAY. YEAR) (PRIMARY, GENERAL., SPECIAL.1 Office for which you are a candidate. Counei lman Political party and district number (if applicable) Not appl i eabl e' . -~---'=--~ VEnlFICATION Executed on t to the best of my knowledge not mora than $200 has been recei ved or expended on acy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. 71 at ----:.:....G il ro I declare under penalty of perjury behalf of or in support of my ca,r(di / i