John Pate - 1976/07/01 - 1976/12/31 :;Jd /- 7.77 CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN STATEMENT SHORT FORM Form 470 (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 84200-84214) Period 7- 1- 7() through 1?-11-76 FOR OFfiCIAL USE ONLY A B A candidate for whom not more than $200 has been received or spe nt on behalf of his candidacy may tile this short form. NOTE: Once contributions or expenditures exceed $200 for the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN, the candidate must tile Form 430. Name of candidate John E. Pate Residential address 7581 Carmel Street, Gilroy, California 95020 842-4158 Phone (NO. AND STREET) (CITY) (ST"TE) (ZIP CoDEI ("RE" CODE) Business address 7598 Monterey Street, Gilroy, California 95020 847-1001 Phone (NO. "ND STREET) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) (AREA CODE) Type of election General Munieipal Eleetion Date of election Apri 1 10, 1973 (MONTH. D"Y. YEAR) (PRIM"RY. CiENER"L. SPECIAL) Office for which you are a candidate Couneilman Political party and district number (if applicable) Not applieable VERII'CATlON ! declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on betfalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on /'.- 1-- 17 at 95020 (DATE) 'SICiN"TURE OF C"NDIDATEl "0238.862 2-76 tOM <D 0 OSP