Robert Taylor - 1982/01/01 - 1982/06/30 ~ (Type or Print in Ink) A ~ .~ ~~ -e..~ ~'" .. ~ q. .~. ~~ ?'~ ~ ~ VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO A Form 421 1982 For use by committees - NAMI!: OF COMMITTEE: 1.0. NUMBER Robert Taylor Campaign Committee AOOFrESS OF COMMITTEE: ,..0. AND STRI!:B:T #791001 CITY STAT!!: z,,. coo. A~.A COOl! PHONE. NUM."R 7580 Miller Avenue, Gilroy, Calif. 95020 (408) 842-3849 NAMIt OF TREASURER: Albert Gagliardi ~o. A,NO STR.IlT CITY :JTATK Zl~ ::00. ARKA COOII!: ~1'10NI! NUMIIII:R PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: 7850 Miller Avenue OAr" OF ELECTION IMO.. DAY. YR I: (,~ APPC'CABCE) (408) 842-2769 N/A No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering January 1, 1982 to June 30, 1982 I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement is true, correct and complete and that I have used all reasonable dilige!nce in its preparation. Executed on p;~- (OAT!!:) at Gilroy, California (CITY AND STAT!!:I By For inflM'lll8tion requind to be provided to you punuant to ttMllnformation PnctK=. Act of 19n, _ "'nformftion Manual on c.mpaien DiKIoture Provisions - . of me IlIotitlat R.... Act.'. Pwt X.