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Robert Taylor - 1983/07/01 - 1983/09/17
. . CONSOLI DATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (GovoW'l'T"ent C,Jce Sdc~:ons 34200. 3~21 71 ForJsa 0'1 candicates,off;cenolcers 3(\0 :nelr :ontrolled:ommlt:aes. 110'", 0190 1983 T,c. '~r ?r.~t ,,' ~ c, $CJ!er:"'ent;:;'1l!rs .:;ar.oO ":m " :)....TI ..)fI C\.&~TIQ:'lt ,....0..:t4 '(.'" j ,.- ...\,..:...."'., November 8", 1983 '1-/--8 3 q.., 7-' '3 :r.r~l.;n I T'~Til ;a"au I CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT l't" ... ROBERT TAYLOR QJI'~IC. SOu~"'T 0" "'CI.:I i,..c_",,~. ..~c:..no... ..,..0 ;tll".'~- ..101..... ,_ ........1<1:......1 ....Q... .....__.c.. QIESIQCN " "OOlltCII. :1"" "'.. ...,.a .T~.." 7580 Miller ...IIl't&11 ACOIUII. Gilroy 95020 Ca. "IiQ. .""'" i'!".".T ...' ..., ,r 4 :-c ~:. -===- \I 7580 Miller Gilroy Ca. 95020 CONTROLLED COMMITTE~S. INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT of Gilro Ca. ..,.CA .; .)Q. 408 842-3849 ....... ..::. --0..& ..."..... 408 842-3849 ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 .."...C :II' C=..",UTTI.: I ~. ..........Cilt 7860 Miller Ave. Gilroy 95020 408 842-2769 .\CQ.<l11 Oil' ==MM.T,..II, .... ..". .,.....,. ;1""" ,,... ,.. :.- :~~. Ca. , ........e 4" T".",.u"II", 'ALBERT GAGLIARDI _..... : ~o. ....a... .......... 7860 Miller Ave. Gil:r;oy 95020 408 842-2769 , :,- ":' ~:I. 'C""""",IIl'tT 4COII.I'~" TIt.AIUlltl", ~o. .... I?.." -:.~'" ."..... Ca. . ..."...e :I" ::......,.,...: ~QQ" ..... "NO I"_.CT ':1"'" tT,,1". :.~ : ;0. ...... '::JQC --Q"'C .....,.....1It I ~ .."'.....elf ........ :.=~. .-0-. .........<< "".....0.. "_."'IUlit. ", "C~CI'OT "0011.1'0" TIt.AIUII.'" ~o. ...0 .....,. ,,,..". :,- :~o. .... :~Q. -"0-. .......... .:,r'" .AtrKft I<1tJi""n" in;"""."Off Off IDIJroD".r~., I~D.I" conr",u.llon S"H~. --- .- III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLOER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THI CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEiVe CONTRIBUTIONS Or MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. - COMMITi!! ~AME ::.Jn~l:tQ C.Jm""'I~'.~' AND 1.0. '4l;MSEA COMMlTiS: ,.a.OC~ESS 7'ReASU FIe ~ '{~s I '140 I , t I I AI13CIt .IQtI,rrOl7M ,n'""",,,OI7 Olt IQQroQn.~/., '.0.'" canrtnu.t1alt sIlHlS. . fA .;an,,,,II" commitfN i, "". willen " coltrroll_ dir<<r/., O""dir<<rtV "., ... ~ndi(/.re 0' ","iet' lCa la"'rtv .."rtt ... c~"dilu~ "r :~"~llfId :o"'",'~ co"n.',olt .;rIJ rll. "''''''9 of 'll/>>fft/irur... A ~nt/itJ.~ .:an""I, ... cQlftmir;.. If:r.. QlnQid.~. m. cMld.".,.', d~II"'. ~, JltV .""", .ommlt:n 'I. :u :n conI""" "_lIfI'IfiCMIf ,nflYllne. Off :ftll .cnc", .J' a<<:1IIan' af Ih. .:ammlfTN.) VERIFICATION I .:ec:!Jr. IOl'Icer ~.r.oiJ:y Jf ~eriur'1 :'~.U :.) ::,. :est .)f :ny (nOWldC;t :his .i:~t.mdnt ,me.:1 ;';".'':I.o:a5 .Ira :r~e. '::Jr~~c: .1rc.':.Jr:1p;ic!a .or..: ::-.1 I h.~. ...sed liit r. sonaclt dll" tnee in :h.ir ;:lrtCir3tion. -;) .., :.lltcut,d on ~; 1 rny rrl oy '."d {ea.,." ..". .''''1'c' Executld Oft . CilrQy,..,..,G"-nu.. l:)y I dtd~ undtf penaltY ~t :letjucv thit :0 tht :,est of my IcnO'Ntedq. tnis statement lnd ' u.ltUI'.tfs. of- mil commlttHW hu \OslO .Ill ,'usonible diligence In tn. preClratlon"t IS :.lltC'.ICtd Qft9:~C~t' Gilroy., Ca. .t:ly .. .. t4~"'" ...". .,...,.. ,.,.. ,.._~ -<ftItI. ..~........ tII "fOOl ~"'Ml' . ~"'l"to"".._ i'1ct1c. Act ~f 19 IV ALLOCAT10N OF CONTRIBUT10NS AND EXPENDITURES ,V1ADE TO OR ON 8EHALFOF CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND 'vlEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E & F made to or on behalf:Jf a candidate, officeholder or me2~Ur? Amount3 may lJe rounded off ~o whole dollars.) '.i"':'\1E:',= :"":':'~OIC.~T= .J,=1 ,:;i== ':.=~CL:=~ ...:.,,'.Q ::== ;:.= I C:-=':.< 'J;-'~= ':4 '.1=.~SL..=l~ ":','~:J 3.:"L_':- \~L..-;13=,=!:.:) _=~~ ~ ! 3,...::c:::-: S:::;osc :'-...J \1'-, ,_,":" _. " :: OF;::!CI~L IJSE G,"JLY ......... J = "':".\.1Ct...,'-t7' - J =: ~-~ ROBERT TAYLOR i XX i '. ..J..~3Cr! iCC:>:'(:.r':U .'1",;r~3r",Jr'I ')n 3I::;Dr]=r3r~:', :;..c~!~a ::Jn~'''':''.lCQ:1 ;:~~'::. ,'~57 ~L C7'C ."~S =.J ~ J::: =? ~ ,=!: ,'.~G:8\/ = ~ :J ~(~ = CONSO LI OA,IED CA,"1P A1GN ST A TE:..1 ENT FO R ~~1 .190 ?EM10D COVERED 8Y 5T ATc:vlENT: F'e :er:cd :over~ :::eglns :t'e c::a'f aner t~e c:osing::are JT :~e ast ,:3~~al<;;n ilale~2!lL -, ed. ; i :> ,~ie'J:cL;s 3Lat~r-ent ~3S not seen fi~ed, :;-a period jeljins on Januarv 1 of :;--e c~r~2:;: '::3/er:dar ',; e3r. T;~e ~er~ad ~rc:s~n t~e ':~csing -Jat~ ~ar :~e ':urr~!lt 3l3!~~ent. T:--:2 .:!osing ~3te s ;::=c:ffed :; ::-~ "ln~Cr~2!:cn \lart~3i ,In CJr:a!;~ iJ i sc: csu re." DATE OF :=LECTI0N: if :~is s~ate~ent 5 7~ied on ,:onr:ec:icn ,'Jitn 3n 3Jec::an, ~:;:er :;;-=jate of :~= :?!::c::cn. ?~RT I: ,='rGVICe :he c3ndi~al="5 Jr .J~;c2nCl(::jer's ~ull iare, ;7?SiCef'l1::ai 3cc:ress, JUSireSs acc;"::ss jj"";d :=i2c~cr,e :iU;-:2rs. and :he office sougnr or ~e!d. ?~RT II: ::enriry :::e controlied com!"T1ittees included in the consoiidated report snd ::-e ::reasurers of :he committ2es. Use t:--,e same :nrormation :hat 3Dcears on :he :ommi::ees' Sl3Iement3 of Organization 'iied ,vILh t:-:e Secrer3rl of State. 00 ,not 'Jse aooreviations. ,A permanent business or residential address must be :Jrovided for :::e :reasurers. Ihe identification numoers i71ust be included. I, I f not,et cecelved from rre Secretari or Slate's office, rha! 'act must :e noted.) PART 111: T;-,e candidate or officeholder must list 311 additional committees not included in this consolidated reoort '",nich are orimarily formed to receive contr;butions or ;-nake expend:t'..Jres on :~e sandidate's benaif and '.vre:~er or ,not ::;ey are controlled committees. VERI FICA TION: T1;e st3te~ent must be signed by each commltteg ::-easurer 'r"c!uded in :;--e consolidated report snd by :~e candidat~ or officenolder who somrois the commiITeg. The treasurer and candidate or officenoider must reVieW the information contained in the statement before signing the verification. Ai-LOCATION OFCONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPEr~:;TUricS MADE TO OR ON BEHALFOFCAi'\OIDATES, OFi=ICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES: ,_:,'1 311 c:::n:::-;Ct.:tiors (ircfuding !oars) and ;rdecercer't ~:(Derc;:'...:rc:s ;:emi:e'.:! on Sc~ed:.;'es = ard ;:: :a st.;::::C~ or co::cse officehoiders, :andidates and sallot measures (ou:er than those controiling this com~I::ee or for ",hic:, this committee is primaril'l fcr:ned). indic3te :he .::late of ::-:e expenditure, the of7ic2 scugnt or :-eid (or the ::'2asure's nurroer or !et!er), the smount of the expenditure and the cumulative amO'..int :'J ,jar'? Tre "Cumulative to Date" column ~hould include the sum total of expenditures for or against each cand:c3Ie or measure since JanU3rt 1 of tre current calendar year. ,See "I nforrnation ,V1anual on Carrcaign Disc:osure" "or ais.::.Jssion 3nd examoles of "c:.Jmulation") ., C..l.lv1PAIGN DISCLOSURE ST.~TE;y'ENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420,430 OR 490 ! jl'At.'7":::,"AE:"'4i' ::::\lS:~S:l~,~! ,~I-nOl.{~~S \1a'l 3a ,=1c~ncea -;-.) ,'J'he!.: ::CI:,3;Si .~~~ -~~~u~~ 7/1/83 19/17/83 "1A.,Yl!!. ~~ '=A,"'4010Aj"!: ~.:=t'=~"""~IT'"':"'::=:: I '::l. '41....i'-'l9e::~ . ::::......,--""!:! ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 COLt.;\1N ...l. C;JmUI.at:ve tou' from COLt.;,';1N 3 -:-~t3j tn IS ~""'od 'rom ~tt3=ed s<:.n lid U i as C8L:-r,.t1N c; C...mUJatlve :0 :1a~. C,Jlumn$ '" - 3) or""'OU$ ;>ef'lOd CCNTRIBUT10NS i1ECEIV=D i . "~1cr:e~3r/:=n:~' =-14 ~j Dr1S 33,519. 3 1,765. 3 5,284. iC:"'E.::l'..J!-Z ...... _....~ .; .., ._::ans jc....,::;.:;:...::..Z 3, '_.."lii: j 3. Su OTOt3i . 33,519. 3 1,765. 3 5,284. ......., a:.s I - ~ ~..~ i:.5 _..'1 ~5 ; _f" .:. ..1 ,'Jon-moner3ry c:ln.m au :.:on$ . 3'::.-1Il;JUL..&. ::. _~...,c ] ~. ,:JI ~,=~es . ,i.::;.... i::Jl..I L..&. .:;I. :...."1 ~ ':I. IC,~L CCNI~13UT:C~lS. 33,519. ::3 '-it'llCSJ-'.' !...:"( C S 1 .. .. .. s 1,765. 3 5,284. '_;'(1:.53-.-, .3rlCU l..:l :: :l'..J.....1.. .:;:;.......... N S '" - -3 J ~~<?:"mtruREs ,'<1ADE 7. ,:l1'{~~!"'~s. 5 28. s 2,568. 32,596. sc;-; ~=',,;~. Co. :.... ~it 1 3. ).cc.c;~ =xcenS25 :."",1caIC Jllfsl :5C;-;!t~u:....:: - _...~c; 5 9. TCT~L =X?~NOI7Ui1=3 . . . . s 28. s 2,568. 52,596. :....'1 s:.s '7 .. ! SHCU:"'.,j !:~U"'l.. ~~l.._i.'-4N5 " - 3, . If chis s :!7e firrr ,'?Oorr :'iled~or mf1 c31tHlaar I~r. C.:;lumn ...J s.,;ould C<l :Jlanl( ~xc:or '~r 'H7calO 'cans, .JJi/s 3nd :JI-!Cqes... ~."tIl:S7.' :..;~a:s 7 .. t STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDIT1CN 10. C.lSh on hand at :1"18 begInning of cnis oenod. ; L. ne 1 ~ of:::re'/ious s:a:emen tl . 5 3 , 491. II. Cash :-~O!ict:S :his .:Jeriod 'Lnl! 3. Column 3 Joovel . 1.765. i2. .'-Ais~tlaneous aojus<:mef1!3:o casn \Sc:1eou:~ G, L.r:e 71 13. Casn oavmenn :his penod (Line 7, wtumn 3 abovel _ . 2,56'S. l~. C.sh on hand at dosing :::::ate (Lnes 10+ 11-12 - 13 abovel.. . 2,688. IS. OU~'icir.g ~ebn (Line 2'" Line 8 :::~ Cc!umn C joe'/el . . . . ~6. :::-:cing sur;:lus (if Line 1.1:, gre3rer ~an Line 15, st.;::::rtnc: L.:'1e 15 ;~om '_ire '.1) 52,688. 17. c:1cing eeficit (if Lne 15 :s greater :tIan L.ne 1~, subtrac-: L.ine 1.1 fr::m L:r:e i Si . s · E.'7cing .:::;s.., an ,"land sl70uld nor !)a J flegarive 3mOl.inr. SUMMAR'f FOR CANDIDA TES IN 80TH ~ JUNE ~NO :'I40VEMBER ELECT10N !Se~ In~r..Jc::cns on ,~e"'ene) 1/ 1 :~n.J <5 ,:0 7' 1 :0 :::ata 18. C8NT~18UT1CNS :<=l=C~lV=J: ~g. =:<?:NCI~R:S ..IA::: SCHEDULE~ MONET ~AY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FOAM 420,430 OR ~90 '~r'c\Jms "Iav 3e ~ou,.,ced IJ :ihole CloliarH . i'i...-t.AC.....-:- '::'i :;,"1'5 .~~ I . I I 7/1/83- 9/17/83 I . -Q- -...~ .- ~A"".~" ~A"OIOAT. ~.. c:O...."'IT'T.C. ,ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE I ~. -....,."'.c~ .11 :~.....u- 791001 QAT. I ~.c.::a t 8/17 I I ! I I 8/171 I 8/17 ... I I I Bob Lynch Ford, Inc. car agency self employed I 6290 Monterey, Gilroy: corp. 6290 Montere~, : : Gilroy I . I ~ Lynch-Neely Properties; real properr 101 Leavesley Rd. 101 Leavesley Rd., jinvestments Gilroy, Ca. Gilroy I Lynch-Neely Propert es Bobbie Lynch I I P.O. Box 1586, Gilroy I housewife I .......OUI'OT ..c:....,.. i :"....\.l 1.".." ~ -'YL.ioo NA",e ",..0 "oo".s. 0" C:ONTJI'.UTO" CMII\.QYC" .'3 ~... p 200.00 200rOO I I i 2001.00 I 8/17 200:.00 8/231 9/15 9/16 EJ (,,. <<............ ..... ....... I,:). ."...,. ~.. I ......."'... , ..... ...,.. uua....' ; :)c:::...~... '1'101'0 t I" '."".C""~Q'" .0. ........ "ill_. ~_.."'.."'...~ M.H. Engineering 15655 Monterey Morgan Hill, Ca.95037 engineering I self employed M.H. Engineering I i I I Don T. Arita jnurseryman 10015 Dougherty Ave. Morgan Hill, Ca. 95020 self employed James & Maxine Worley housewife/ 7630 Filice Dr. Gilroy accountant Cali Brothers Kishimura.Brothers L farmers 8910 Murray Ave., Gilr,y self employed Kishimura Bros. If mort sQacwis needed, d'leck OOlC it I.ft and utacn idditionai Sc:nedules A. SUBTOT~l. SUMMARY ,. ~MOUNr ~EC=IVE::), SlCa OR'v10Re (Indude.lll 5C1lotCuJe.,), suoto~ajsl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2. AMOUNT rlECSIV:::) LESS THA~ 5100 \Not l:emiz!1J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. r07~l.\1CNE7")'RY CCNT~18UT:ONS T'HIS ?:~ICO l~ne 1 !o Lne 21 eMir "t.r. Jnd on Line t Cclumn 3 of Summarv Plgll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 200.' 00 100.! 00 i 150.00 1,150~00 . 1,35J.00 411. 00 151,765. SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECElveo (CONTINUATION SHEET) FORM 420.430 OR 490 i.J\lT'ounu'i1av 3. ~ound.d j;) '.liMOI' Joifarsl I 5'1'4 1'1'04 IN 'I' :~\(I"S a~~ . ..0.. "...~....~,.. 7/1/83-9/17/83 ...."'.:11" :....I'OO'O",.,:ttt :;)........,,.~IE, ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE . ~ ....'... \4.I!II '.. :~llII'" ~- 't.:. 791001 ~A~I I "IC:'~ I"I.a.1. ~"'M. ANO "QQ"." O~ ~~NT.I'\,;'I'Q" 1M IOI.OY I" .......OUN,. Oc:C'oJ.... TIOH : .f' I.&.,......~.a.... ."... ....... 1i_ ......".... ft. :.....,...,... ...... ....,.. I ca. .."'..... ~. .~....w... . ".M. ""I. ........J ..ca.w.. : : ....""l......, . " ", :3" ra 9/17 I I ! I 'I I I . i I I I Er~est and Ann Filice I 763,1 Filice Dr., Gilrot I I ! farmer/ housewife ,self I I 200.. 00 , i I : , i I I , , I i I I I I I I I , I I i I I I I I I I I i I I I I I . .. I I . --I 0 If more so.ca is needed. .:hICk box ~t :.tt SU8TOT~l 200. 00 Jnd at!lCb additional Sch.dul.s ~. .~ -. ~'.'- ,'11;\,," """". .~: "AM. Q" ;"""OIOA1'I~" C:O",,,,.T1'.., ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE SCHeOULE 3 LOANS FORM 420,430 OR 490 \~mounts '.fav 3. ~ounc.d I;) Nho;. JOllarsl ST"T.~.NT :=111:;115 " '. ..... ..._.~'- 7/1/83 I 9/17/8: I.CI. ..u~..." ,j. :~...., 791001 ?,o.AT 1 -1.0~,'lS ~EC5IVeO ,....,.... :-tA"'. AHO AOO"III =" ; i INT. 1 I i C!oA.....C1...'" -::.,M,... . OAT. l.,&HO.""I'tO A....,. GUA"ANTCI'" 0" t "...OUNT ;:>>.IG....". {I~ ~.....,?'I'... ..... ..,.. ! :) c:=~,...,.1 Q N I ,., . ;; " .C'O 1.::1. "".... .. .......w... . I ;1" ....'....~a....... ....... : "ATel ot' :"C1AI't ....... ...... .......... t I ....... .a.. ."......a : I TO ~... I i I , I i . I t . I I I tl I I I I I i SWaTOT"L ! none i.'....... If ~o" spaca ;, ".ecld. :.~.d< jOlC 3t '.ft ~...., u:xn .GQitIO"" St:ntdUlfS a. i'ut 1. .11.... '>of:" I I i i , , I ! I I ; - I I I I I I I 0 If more scaCl is needed. ~tCj( :)OX It Ii) (!:.:l , I none I I left md attad'lldditiona& S".,tdul.. 3. .. I P 3rt Z. ; SU8TOT~L i - .~~R"'2 -1..0..lNS iUPAID. FORGiVeN OR ?AID BV ,). THIRD "AATY: ~ 4~iJI" I I .I. I I I ="T"'C t""'~~ HAM. ANO "00".1. I ~I I I ...IwIOUHT ,......"'.... ..,.......... . 0" T.... ~."o." u,.,uo .~7.~.'."::.. I I INT." r",., OAT A ON SCH.OU~&'" "1o.J0 ~... _..... ....... AlIIt. ........ ..J"" ,. ~ .- - ' SUMMARY I. I..~ANS 011 '100 OR "'CRe THIS ;t'!~100 (Pm 11 . . . . . ,. .. .. .. .. . . ,S none 7.. 1..0.ANS UNp.rt '100 Tl-lIS ?!AIOO (Not 'flmIZI'd' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. TOTAL L.OANS ~ECllveO (L,;n. 1 · 2). . . .. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , none .. 1.0~NS OF 5~00 OR "'OR! "1i1.t.10 iHIS ?!~IOO IP3rt 2. C,Jh..mn III. . . . . . . . . . . none 5. LO.4NS CfI S100 OR '.tOA! THIS ?!::IIOO FCAGIVf!N OR ;t,aIO IV')' r~I~O P~~TV ,?1rt 2, C4'l.Imn 'bll . . none I I I I $ no ne . """ :Ie .. l.O.,lNS \,jNCIR 1100 ;1"AIO. FORQIV!N OR P.,O !V ,0\ nfl AO ;'ARTY NIS ;''!::IIOO ,Not itlmi:ldt. . . 7. rOTAoL l.eANS ~1'AIO. ~AGIV5N OR ;1"'10 IV ~ iJ.tIil!O ?ArtTY i:-iiS il!;:UCO :\.;"..& - 5.;J . . . RElJU! };l,QRe L "iT CHA.\Gi i'MIS i1!:'ICO ~ ~_ ., """" c...... JJ fntW me Qttfwena __ ...a Oft I-n. 2. Co1.WN' a ~f Swnn\...., il1laa. . . . . . . . . . . . . SCHEDULE C NON.,'vl0NETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420. 430 OR ~90 :~mountS V1iY 3. ,qounc:.d ~'J "'~oie Coliani S-r"~E.AC~~ :~'.. i.::1"i ...,. ....,;; 7/1/83-9/17/83 ...."". :J" :"'HOIO"''''~'' ~="""'I~.I. I =. 'H",~.CJlt . :.:........ ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 I ",..J. l'fA"'" "..a "0."." =" I . C:."T.tteuTO. OAT. .,c':r .1.,. c..,..,..,.... ..... .-.. I.;a. -..... I .. .........,... , ........ .". ......... . IM~'-O" CJlt ......1111 , QIIC'''"''ON cu' "'...."IT I '000. .~It s."vlces ":;&~~:::I' 1.-'" '" OCC~~..TION t... I.~".C"""~"... ....... ..... a_ ."'.......a .a..'-4 Co . . I I I none I o J' :no... sPICI is ~Hcltd. ~eck box 3t l.ft and u~ac:h addition" Scht<!ules C. S1,,;aTOT~LS -- - SUMMARY 1. NCN..\tONeT~AY CONTRISUTtONS UNOe~ $100 ntlS PS~IOO (Not itemized.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I t nQne Is 1. ~ON..\tCNiT~;lY CONTRIBUTIONS OF 5100 CR VlQRE r,'HS ?5~IOO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. s 3. TOT..l'" ~ON-MCNET..lAY CONT:'ISUi'tCNS ntlS ?S::tIOO ll.iM 1 ... Zt En_ "'....Iftd "" .Wne.... C~u~n 3 0# ~mmarv P1~ . ,\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCHEOULE D PLEDGeS FO AM 420, 430 0 A 490 ~T4"T'1t~C"'T :':l'/1t~5 HC i,J.~cun~s 'Ih... 34 ~cl...~'.:ed ""., "i~r::I" :01!3rs: '.0'" .... . -::; ~ 7/1/83--9/17/83 " . ..,.....e '::l~ :"''''0'0'''''. Q" C=MM'T"l'S&. ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE I.:). "'UM.." .'" ::)......~ 1 OC:\,I......TION CM"'-Oye" {II. ,...,....""...... .".,.. ...... ~.. ."'..".... i "MOl,ll'OT : AMOUNT : I .\.&0010' .....'0 I I T....S ...~..~.. I ! .c,,'oo Ic'.....~. "" :..-" - ~""1.1. ~AMC "''''0 400lll.S. 0" I . C:ON1''''.IoI1'O'' =ATe ~cC'Q I... ............ ...... ........ /.:). ~...... ~. I ......"'... . ...,... ..,... 4......~ i .3'- :;, '~'''. ... (,. (lll o ! '~-:"lcra spaca ;1 :':HCId. cneck :lox 3t l.ft lnd JC!3Cf iddition.' Sd'lldu!. O. SUBTOTALS none none i j.. I SUMMARV 1. ?l..:CGES OF $100 OR MORe TI;IS ?~~IOO \C"lumn iil ) . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :) .. 2i. ?1.:0GaS UNOe~ $100 T};IS ?~MIOO (Not Itemized!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 3. iOT;o\L ?1.:0GES ~e':EIVeO (Line , ~ 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. P'-;CG~S (:F SiOO eR MORe PAID THIS ?:MIOO ,:C.Jiumn (bll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. pl.SOGaS UNOeR $100 ?AIO iHtS ?:RIOO (Not itlmi:ed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . e. TOT;o\L PI.:OGcS PAID (Line 4. 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. ~eT CH"NGE THIS P::UOO . (Suou. ...". a !'rom t..n. 3) :,'1tlr :n. dit;n"ca net. 1110 .:In l..r:. 5'; C"lumn 3 oJf Swmm..-y ~.. . . . . . . ~. none!s ...... ~. SCHEOUl..: e PAYMENTS ~NO CONTRIBUTIONS MAce FORM 420, 4:30 OR ~O (..2.mout'lts MiY 3'~Ol.lt'lc.d T., '.':~~I. JollarSl f"l":"A,..,..CN,.. ::l""'C-' ~~ i.... ..... 'J'~ I 7/1/83-9/17/83 ......e :J" ';""'010"1'. .,.. C:2""""'T"'I'.., I ~ ......,....." . :-:....... ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 COCES FOR Cl.ASSIFYING eXPSNCITURES I ~ ene of ':ne following codes is used :0 describe the ax;::endirure, :'l0 written :esc:'iption ;5 neec:ea. (Note ~xc=c::: :~. baeXof Jr.is schedule for codes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer to Co'" ~ack of :his scheCl.lJ. and :he Informacion ',: :n c.m,:a;gnpisc/OIU" for detailed explanationt and axampias ot''!ac.., ::At!gorf. .'C" CCNT~laUi:CNS TO onoje~ '::).NCIO..2.T:S O~ CCWAIi'T=:S ;NCa?~NOeNi =;(?~NOI,," ?:3 1.17:~ATl.J"5 J 3iiOAOC..2.S"i ).OV:~ilSING ~cWS?4.P$~ ..2.NO P$~lOOIC)'1. ~OVe~TISJNG . - CUT$IOI AOV!~T~SING .S" - ~i...~\.:'~s. SI.:iN;.~~.~e G..2.7:~:;:W\jG. :CC". ':": ..:00;1 5':~: Cl T ~ 7!C ~iS ::...,'jC~':'.Sj~.G :'J ~~li3 ~:;..;?~~ ::?:~":-7":NS ~1'JC J'i =~;..:.~:: ~~..\." :L. ~~CCM"I,:O...1l jiC,'I:i .':',",0 'il=.~~.i :a~CF~SSiCN~1. ",:,,'j~G=:.,:~r J.~lO ::~JSiw:' 7~'IG 3=?I'~':C=5 ...., I ..:., ..t " ....... .oJ 3" ..~.. ._'f I 'lQ" .,~.,- ... r Jne of :t'1e lcove codes does not accl.lrat!ly or ruBy descrlce :Me -!:<:enoi!'.Jre. 'eave ,ne "C~ce" colu:r:n ::I~r,.- ;rovide a written description in the "Description of ?3yment" coiumn. ....M. ""'0 "110"". 0" ~"y... e".OITO" a.. "Cl"'CNT a", ;O..T"'.UTtON (I.. ca......... ...... c..". "::Ii. ....... a. ..... ... ......... ,,. .......w.... :00. :a" :l1.<:ltl"",'Q" Q" ."""C!'oIT ..-Ou.... . III j:) DIAMOND ADVERTISING COMPANY 6.0 W. 6th St., Gilroy, Ca. 95020 "0" I 915~95 PINE CONE 7525 Monterey St., Gilroy, Ca. 95020 "0" 365.93 CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE CO. P.O. Box 96, Gilroy,Ca. 95020 "G" 094.75 SHIRLEY YOUNG "G" 270 London Ave., Gilroy, Ca. 95020 100.00 I f more SQaC8 is needed. d'lecJc OOlC Jnd lr':ld'1 J<lC:ition.1 Sd'ltdules :. SLiaTOT~ SUMMARY t. iJ3Vl'l'l.ntt of S 100 or mar. ~adl tn" ~riocS Iln~UCI JII SaltdUlI : 5uotoutU S 2.47fi.fi1 l. itlVmef'U W1d.r $100 :tlis ;:.riod (not ::.mi:!dS . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ::II gO fiB 1 Tot.U ..\caNed ~::lenlH o..id thll !:.rioQ (St;.~'GUlc F. l.;"c -'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ , hOhe.~ 'j .&. T:tat ''''''''''U mts :wiod (Line 1 - 2" Jt $t'ttf' ~.r. .nd on L:". 7. C,Jiumn ! of Su",,",ry iJ~ i 2,567.31 , . SCHEDULE G MISCELl.ANEOUS AOJUST~eNTS TO CASH POSITION FORM ~20, 430 OR 490 (.J.rT'o~r.!S 'Aav 3. ~ounC!d .,.:) ''''nOI! .Joilanl '1~4':'C!\otCNT ::)\1'''' "'!:= 7ii;83: 9-;1"7/8: "AM. :ll' CAI'tOIQATC :lIt ~:)""""'T~... I.~. .'4I""'~.C" . ;.)........- ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 QA"" I :lCSC"''''''lClN QI' .QJ....,.-......T ....C1U...,. ~.. ~l" ,.,.. ...."."......,. I.."....".. .to ............... ~,.,.... ,.,....... ....e .,~... ."..... "'.e :~,...,,-"... ....... .... ........ A...... ..... ,... c.....T"P..... 1.2. .."'....... -a_ ,.,... ......"'..... ....... .... ........ ,...c...... a.c....... ... c..... ., C::At,.. .j I I I I I , I I I f I I i i I . I I I I I 0 ,.. (Ill If more spaca IS needed, Co"eck t)OlC at ten . .,nd attach iddition.. Sd1eduln G SUSTOT ~l. none none I' SUMMARY f ! I . I I I I none Is none ,'A." ,. .....11--. ,tC;:l..f INc~eASESTOC.ASHOF Sl000R'AORE(C.Jtumn (al).... ...... ..................$ 2. INC~eASES TO CASH OF L:3S THAN S100 (Not ;temi.:edl. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . ! 3. TOT,'\l.INC~EASES TO CASH (LIne 1 + Line 2), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. .,. cr:C:::1E.-\SES TO C~SH OF S1CO CR \10Re iC.,jumn (bll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. OeCRl::..\SSS TO CASH OF L:SS THAN $100 (Not i;emi:'dt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a.. ror~l. OeCl-le.,\ses TO CASH (Line 4 +- Lin. 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. TOTAl. ""SCSLLANEOUS ~p":USn1eNTS TO CASH IL;ne 3 ""'nut ~n. at e"ttr .,.... atld on Line 12 of Summar, P1.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCHEDULE F ACCRU ED E:XPENSES (UNPAID 31 LLSl rORM 420, J..30 OR 490 5TA7'E.~E.""T' -:='.'/~~S ~~~i; -'-" ~ 'J ~.. ..lrT'1CL.;,~-:s '-13'! 3e ::j>:urcetJ ;J /;,....c:-= :',:i 3r~; 7/1/83-9/17/83 ....""......I[:JF ,="'NCIOAT"!; ~R :O..........IT;:;~: 1 :> '-I u &.,.011 3 e: .~ . -: -=... w \ __ ~ !; ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 CODES FOR CLASSIFYING ACCRUED EXPENSES 1 f one of ,he roilowing codes is used ,0 describe w'ie 3cc;-ued '?xcense, no.vri:::njesc:Pticn is c:eeded. \jo:: '?XC2CtCi on ,Me back of ,his 3Cr.edule for coces 'Cu, "I" ,mo'T",) ,~e~e~ :0 ::-e ::ac!<. of :~is 3cr.esule ard ::-e ,r:iQr-a,/Q ~rm!..1al on C.Jrr:;aiqn Oisc.'osure for de!3ii2dexclana-cicrs ard eXJ~Dies of eaC:1 ::negory. "'-" '.3" '\j " :::NT.~!3UT:mJS TO JT'''';=~ .:).I'JCI:'A7=S C~ CS~lI'~.ll-;-==S ,'W::?::'J C E:'.JT ::X? ::'iO 1"7":'; ,~:::5 L: -~iiA T'J i1:: 3i1C,.l,CCAS, ,.l,OVEiiT:Si,'JG ') C....iS? J.?~:=I j."'JO:l~~ I CD! C..-l L j.CV E:=ITiSI NG CUTSlSE ,j.OV:::iiT:SiNG "S.' .3L,;M\/=~:'S. S;G~'Jrl-;-4:"":,=1= ~A~:~=~!,'JG. :CC?-:..:CCL~ 3CL.C:7,~-:-:C.'~S " ..-. . ~ u =1...;"JC;:1)'i3i"JG ::\/~;\JTS :;=:'J::=1,.l,L CP~::i,":"T:Ci'~S ,.:..,'jO CV=,~:...,=).C T"::1,":" v ::i....J.CCC:\lMCO..:.. T'Ci'JS...:l,,'JC ',l~.l. L3 :)~C,==33IC:'J,.l.L 'J"':'i\J~G=~,1~NT ,~l'.~~ ':Ci'JSL..'!.. -:-:'JG Sc:.~'/:C:::5 '74' "0" '.0" - ii one of :ne aDcve coces does not 3cc:..:r3tel'lcr -'ull'l-::esc,ibe:re 3cc:-1...:ed ~x:ense, 'e3ve :7"'e "S8ce"::Jiu:-:--n :!3n< ~" :, o'jir:e 3 writ:en cescri:::Hion in :he "Cescription of ?3Yment" cOlumn. "'AMC ..",o..oo..e:ss O~ -"."c!:. C",e:OITO..:l.. .=t!!C~"'~~":::l~ CONTR1:iUT10,..,. ~l" -:~.....,.,........ 4,l...1o CI'ol'T'~JIIl! I :J. ~u.....c.. .,. .........c ....0 "'00_<<'18 ~,. -.....WI,J.IIClW' .a.MOU~T :::ioe: :::R ~~S'::~!FI""T"O~ OF 2"y.....!!'~i .2ro.c::~!,,: ~o O If morlt ,caca is needed, ~adt box, and ar!.acn additional Sdledules F SL;3TJT":"L none SUMMARY 1. Aa:rJe<3 ~"(oe!1~ of S 1 00 or More This ?ef1od. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2. AC'".;:\~ed ~;tpensesofUnder 51CO This ?eriod (Not ::amiz.."d) ......,....... ~ Total "'\c::ued Sc:pensas Inco.Jrnd This ?enod (Lna 1 ~ 21 ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Aa:ru~d ::.--:pe"5fl ?'3id This P~riod (Not I~miz!<ll ::,"~r "ere 3nd on SGneauI4 =. Lna J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. \~et Can<;e 7l1is ?~riod :Subtract L.~(~e ~ :.:::m Lna 31. =:::ar jifferenC!~ere 3l1d on una a. C~umn 3 or SummafV ?'3q8'. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . none