Robert Taylor - 1983/09/18 - 1983/10/22 - i:;e .Jr ~!"'.-: ."'l ~<! ., ." f) "0 70']:'. ,)\C)L,,, f.,., , I",:) {f'f 0: ,~~~ . ;~ ti.....I.,.. ~&$~ ~ ~ \ ~~~.. :'0; \-(.,j ~. ("'>.;,.....'.' \.""! . . ......>..1/ -'f"~', \ \~...,J'; : :c:~'~k~;:~:;'< '- ' CONSOLI DA TED CAMPAIGN STATE:'v1ENT C;:J'J-:r:-rent '::oce S~c::::n5 3.12CO .3..l2: 7:, F<lrm ~90 :383 ~rJr Jse JV ':3nd:c:.3:::s, 'Jf~;':s~olc.:ers Jrc :~e!r ::r.trJl!ed ':::Jr.:ml:":::!~S. ::::3:=~.:;nt .:::\~~r3 ::>er ,:c .:,.:.--:: 9/18/83 ::-.:;l_~r J 0/22/83 ,:)A7::' .~F ';:~:::':7iO.""4 ....0. :)AI. .~ ~ , ,.- ......_.C;l..tll..<<: T.:::li -\1.. ?.a.,~C:5; November 8, 1983 CANDIOATE/OFF1CEHOLDER INCLUDED iN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT ROBERT TAYLOR I OFF'lCS: SOUCHT OR ~!;l...:J : ...c..~.;c ;.,~CA"lC'" ....!"l0 .:l1,T.'-::- i ....."'...11'" ,,, ..,..,_).::.....l..., , Mayor, City of Gilroy, Ca. :"iAMC OF ,.:~I"4aIOA7e:; 3,_5:,""1=::55 ,.l,C::it~:::5S; .... ...0 i s!: \!;" 1;" 4:"11 :;. = :;:0. Gilroy Ca. 95020 ~:. :::=. Gilroy Ca. 95020 ..'" 4A .: :::0. "''''O.'l C ............ a II_ ~E:.sICENT1"'1.. AQORS:SS: ....,...0 ~1"~C.T 7580 Miller 408 842-3849 ".. ~.It. .::::::: II: 7580 Miller 408 842-3849 II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES. INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED :=1EPORT ...~~e:::;)F' C:::....~'TT::~; I ::J. "4.....~de:,~ ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 ""C=~!;S3 OF -.:::l.....~IT~'!.::; ....0. ....,...0 i-~'!'!:T ~ 1" .. .. 11: :: ~ : -::. ClC "'....::...11[ ....'~...... 7850 Miller Ave. Gilroy Ca. 95020 408 842-2769 '~.~M.~fZ T~E.A5t..iFlE.=f: ALBERT GAGLIARDI 7850 Miller Ave. ....l...M€ ,:)F:~.""MIT~';:::; G;Jroy IT" ,.., .::: . -:::::::c .."'~... ':::l:::1: ......::...c 'f",.. ~ '!III~ r.a . qSO?O 408 84?-27flQ , :J "'ilJ."ASER ,T ~ ..-.: :'1 ~ =~cc ...ReA .::: .:IC .......)...c ...... ""'.c.. ;'>'::~""'''';''''H:::~T ..l"OOR~3S.::lF 7'qS:ASUR~::t. "10. .......0 l--:--"'Ct:'" \OOReS3 OF' '=OMMli7E=:; "'0. ...~a ~T"Q.Cl" "","'''.U:: ~tr .,.~~....\SU~ER: i3'i!R~;',"'li:."1-r AOOJ=tES5 OF TRCASURI!.R~ ...0. .....0 HlIl:C&i iT" :--. ,;,- :: .:loe ....,~... c ..."'... .." ~ r-:3C) Jdc1ir.'Jf!11 'nr~,..,....ar:o" (NT }DoroDrr3r~v '3De!~ ':on'fnu.Jt!On ;/'~rr. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECE1VE CONTRIBUTIONS OR ,v1AKE EXPENDITURES ON 8EHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. CC~.1'JlI r:::'1A.'.1E AND I.). '1L.',13E::l '':.Jn~OI!'.?'Q C..Jmml t:~1!? CCMMII:::.J.QC"=5S 7'"E,~SUM=~ YS5 ,0 "'trxl? ..OdwanClI .flfarm..t/ofl 0" ..aaroonCl~ly '"otlied cant/flUClrIO" mt1<ltX. . fA ,;onr.,.."/~ commlr~ iSJfltlNfl'cil is CCflrrotled din!Crly Jrndin!Crly by .. caflctidClrtJ 'Jr NflIC." 1C~ :ol",:ly NI rt7 .. C3f'ctIC..~ Jr C(J"~':III~ ca,.,..ml~ 'fl i;,)nnf:!tCr:'O.1 Nl(n rr.. ,...nait,r,'Y of J'~~..""~-~;-.'-c~ 1 ::'.J."":didars controls ~ c:Jmm,'r-;!!'e if :~*':~ candidam_ :~~ ':3nC1la~re's aqt!nr, ..,' 1"!'1 :::'';'2' -:.-fijr;"!ir~~~8 _'r ~'ne :Oilrro/s. .~.lS .:r;ndiqnr 'flflueflCtl on ::nt1, .lenafls;;)r dec:$/OflS;;)f rtltl commfr:H.) VERtFICAT10N 1 ..:eC~.ire ..;r:cer ;;er.3i:-I Jf ~ef;urf I :'ave ,-sad ail reascr.aale ,jlii~er.ce :xecut~d JOA?~~~~ at ,/ \~ .1 E.:~~Clj ted GO at IOAT.} ~L.;Jt:o :::e :est JT illY ',nc,~.".j:;C:;e :his jra:=fT':r:nt jj-:.;; ,:5 .;c.....e'.:~;=s .ir~ :i~...;e, c~r;'"=c: .;rd "::J["";""'.':;;;;:= .Jl,d :;-'.dt in :reir ;;recar3tJOn. / . GiIJ70Y. Ca. !':lTY 4"'0 S,.A1"") 'Jy ~y Gilrov. Ca. ~":;,\,,"" ",...g Sl'""T.~ Fa, ;nform..rian raauu.... 0 be Ol"Ollf'lQm tQ vOU ;JIU,..;:JJ4C11 ~ ~h. inform.-t:on r''''''IC1!'C_ ~C1. ;)1 ~ 3n. s.ee. '"ln1of"ml"Oon M~n~ l.)(1 ~mo.atqn IV ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND =XPENDITURES\1ADE TO OR ON 8EHALFOF CAi\JOIDAT=S. OFFICEHOLDERS AND\'lEASURES (Ailocate expenditures Trom Schedules E & F made to or on behalf .of a candidate, officeholder or meeCur? Amounts ma'! ~ rounded off :0 Nhole dollars.) ::;.l, T" I I i ,:",',1CI-,.'~ - -:-J :::~-~ JFF1Cl).L '...;SE C:-JLY '~,.;.,,'.1E ':'~=;""i':;i;:~;=J.~ :;:= ':=:-':L.':.=~ ..:.:'~c -:F=..:: c~ .,1EA3:....,~S ..:.,'~o 3.4L_:7' 'H...\13.==1 -:,~ _=~=~ I .:::-=.:< :],'.= ~ .3,_,:csr': ....,~cose -. . ,~ . ......... .,'-, ._,..... ROBERT TAYLOR xx . I "':'.-:xn ~a",:.tJr3J n.=r~3r.-onJf1 ,CQroor3;:!'1 ,j~~,I~a :=n~'-~:.i3r:':Jn ;,-~r::. '~3-;-~LC7'C,-\~S ='J:~ ~==?~~~\(G ::'./'=.=1 :J..J.C= CONSO LI DA TSD CA,"'P j,j G,\J Sij, T :::\1 E:"JT FO R ,\-1 190 PERIOD COVEr:\ED BY STAT::\lENT: T,.,e :ericd sovered :eglns :::e:::3'1 3Tcer :::e closing Gate of :re ast C3fT:al\jn ;tatefT'.ent " ea. ,i 3 ,:re'J:cu.; 3131:2!Tent ~35 not :een f~~ed, :~e:er:od Jegins 'In Januar'f 1 ,:]T :;--e C~ii::r:: :31er:car " ear. T:"'e :::er;'~d ~~cs:n :~e ;:~rJsing Gate ;or :~e r:ur;~nt 3L3t~~ent. T~e ':!Gsir:g ~3te s ~~2::f;~Jj n :~e "lr.for'-""'accn \1.3r' I... 31 In CJr::a!';~ C) i sc: csu reo 'I OA iE OF ELECTION: i 7 :~is -)-rate~ent .s 7:ied d 1 ,:onr:eC:ion fVI::! 3n ~i~:;,J~, ~r::er :~e ~a,(2 .JT ::--e 2!~c::on. ,='rcvice ~~e c.3ndicate'5 -Jr 0t7:C2:1c:cer-'s and :he office sougnr .or t..,e!d. ". . . I wll . ", " , . , '-'ar::e, ,"::Sicen~:31 3car2SS, :JUSiness 3CC:r~ss 3na :2:2srcn~ :'""1u;-::ars. ?:l.RT II: !~entif'{ :he controlled com:T1ir:ees induced in :he consolidated reOOiL and :':e :r",asurers of :he commir:ees. Use :he same information :::at 3Dcears on :he :ommir:ees' Statements or Orc;anizatlon ;i!ed ,vim :~e Secre:ar/ aT State. 00 not usa abbreviations. t~ permanent business or r",sidential 3daress must be orovided for :he :reasurer5. The ic:entificatJOn numbers ;-nuS! be included. lir not '(et 'ecelved from :r;e Secretarl of Scate's office, :na! :act ,:lust :e noted.) PART Ill: Tne candidate or officeholder must iist 311 additional committees not included in this consolidated reoorc 'NnlCh 3rg ori man Iy fOnT'ed to .'=caive contr' bu tiensor ;~ake ex pend i tu res 'In ~~ e candid ate's benal f and /Vn eo:: er .Jr -:or t::ey are controlled commLrtees. \fERI FICA TION: T~e staten;ent must be signed by each commlt:ee :,easurer inc!uded in :~e consolidated reporc 3rd by :::e candidate or officenolder who sonrrols the committee. Tlie treasurer 3nd canaidate or officenoicer must review :;;e information comain8{j in the statement beTore signing the verification. ALLUC,,",TiuN OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALF OF CANOl DATES, OFr:lCEHOLDEr:\S AND MEASURES: ,_:,..... 3il::Jnt,;cl...;tiors (;rc!'Jding 'cans) and :rce(:e"ce"t e:<cerci:'J,es ':::'i:i:ed en Sc""ecc;les = 3rc C :'J s:..:c::c;t or cc::csa or':iceholders, 'Candidates 3nd :ai!ot n:easures (other :han :::cse controiling this commit:;;: or ~or ,vhic~ :his c:Jmmir:ee is prifTarih' formed). Indicate :he date aT :1":e expenditure, ~he or7ice SCt.;S;nt or held (or the r-reasure's nUITber or !et1:er), the 3fT!ount aT the expenditure and :re c:.Jmulative amourt :0 .jar:? Ire "Cumulative to Date" column should include the sum total of ex;:endirures for or against each candidate or measure since January 1 of me current calendar year. !See "lnforr:1ation\1anual on Camcaign Qisc!csure" ior disc:..ossion .lnd examoles of "c:.H-nulation".) C~",,'PAIGN DISCLOSURE ST,j,T;::Y1ENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420, ~O OR 490 51".~7'~."',n::NT ::~vs:::~s ~'==.=t i/~{~CL.di:3 \,1av 3e .=1ct.:::c:e'j 7".J /JI~C:-= :oli3rSi . ~-=... ~-"'CU~~ 9/18/83 110/22/8 "fA......!!; ~fr '::.A,"'tOIOA7'! '::;.q C:i~MII~'!:E r r '~. '4("";'oiI9e:.~ fI -::J........,--'!: ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE '791001 COLL.;MN ,.l, C:.JmUlat:ve :01:31 from 'COLL.;MN 3 Tot3; tt'Jl, ':l8f'lOd 'Tom Ht3allld SC11eduia C8L'-",\1N C C...mulatlvlI :~ ::.au C~jumns ~ - 3) . ~rlNl0Uj p<<,od C2NTRISUT10NS ,~EC:=IV=D 1. "10ne':3r{::::n:~. bu:: ::ns 3 5,284 i- :) 5,373.95 310,658. :Jc:....e:~UI-.& A~ _.."(s:. ; 2. '_::3ns = = = = I - ...... - -,." - 3 ,. - · ,..... .',.::.... __....a. . _,." a. 1,_,::;::095 310,658. 3. Su ceO':31 . 3 5,284 _.."i 3:.s ; _..'1,.5 ~. :'Jon."Tlone,:ar{ c:::m:r:DUGOn! . = J..:.;.;iI..;JUL.... -=. _..'ic. J ::.. ,:J~~cges. = = .i,,:,.:-tit.:JUL.&. :J. _.;,,,;C '--..,; i"'il CS :I .. " .. 1 I...:'i IlS 1 .. ... .. ,. 510,658. 5. iOiAl CCNntauTiCI'JS. 3 5,284 .3 5,374. '_~.'" l[.s ] .. ~ .. , .ii-4CUL,:) ~ .:I'''''; A. L. : ..=1........Itool."; 50 .l" - 31 =~<?~;\lDIT1JRES ,\1AOE 7. ,~1'11 :.;; ..~. 3 2,596. 3 4,605.78 3 7,202. :SC~...,!t.::~L.. E. _......Ii; .. 3. ,:'cc."\.;~ ~xcenscs ~ncald Jliisl . . = = iC;--t&.:JU:"Z 'Z' ._....~c: \ 9. TOT:'l :::<?::NCt7"Jn=S . . . . . . . s ? !)qf). :...: N CS 7 .. . s 4.606. '.,..iNIIS ., .. f 3 7,;202. '-....uts ., .. J $J-lQU!".J !:~UAl. ':':.:If....J.''4NS ." . 3) .If this is t::e fim ("~OO~ :;i/I!d for dlfJ calenoar I~r, Column A ;hould :;8 alank '!XCf!or "or I.Jnc3ld loans, .)lIls and :J1~qes.. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONOIT10N 10. Cash on hand at :t1e oeginning of rni! oenod. ;Lr:e : 4 of ;:re'liou! Ha':~ment/ . S 2, 688. II. Cash ~"!C2icn :~is :::eriod (Lne 3, Column 3 :iDOve} 5,374. 12. .\1is~i1aneouj aajus<men1:3:O C.:lsh \SC:leoUid G, L.r:e 7] 13. Cash cayments :tlis ::-eriod (Line 7, C~tumn 3 abovel . . . . . . . . . . 4,606. I.$.. wshon handat:Josing::::atl! (Lnes 10+11--.12-13 3cove)..... 3,456. IS. Qu::;:;;r.r'ir:a C:;l:!OT" rl.;n~ 2 ~ Line 3 ::If Column C 3ccvel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :0. E:1ding ;urplus (i f Lne 1 ~ :s ;rearer :n an L: ne 15, s;'; :::U3C: Lne 1 5 ~rom L:..e : J.}. . 53,456. 17. ~:1ding ceficit (if Lne ISis greater :nan L.ne 1 J., s;.;ouaco: L:ne 1.. from L:ne i 51 . . . 5 . E::dit1g c:;sh an hand ,,"ould not ::8 3 negarivfJ amounr. SW.,IMAAV FDA CANDIDATES IN BOTH.J. JUNE ")'ND ~OVEMBER ELECTION rSee In::rmc:icns en ,~eve~e) ~. 1/ 1 ~nJ 5,:0 71 1 :0 ~at. 18. C:JNTi1IBUilCNS ,~EC~JV:::J: ~g. =:<?~:'iOI~RES \'AOE: SCHEDULE.l. ~1l0NETARY CONTRI8UT10NS REC~lVED Fe RM 420, 4JO C R ..190 ~f''''r:'.Jn:3 \lav 3e ;~CtJ,.-:r::ed ~J .'i;::]ie 1:'01 3rSi t :; -.:l.. =. '.t ==.~.. 7' -::: '. :.. ,.={ '5 .:. S.::I, ... ~.... --....-:. ;... I 9/l8/83-l0/22/~ ...."'......c ':t1' ':ANOIOAT'!: OR ":::l,l.,lfMITi!:E: 791001 I ::J. ;'tl.J'-'49'::~ .. :::......;_.. ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 1 ~'..Jl..l.. .~A"'l!: ....NO ....OO~!:~5 orr :JAT"!: CO"'T~laUTO~ ~e:c.:) I' (l~ =:....,.,.-'11:... '''...0 C,",T." 1.::1. "''-'__.Cllt ~.. j .........u.... 'I ......e "....0 ..;:.0,.....' EMPII_;jY~R .i".'040U:"'i1" :;C=....;,l3"'T'TO~ " t.~.._<<....._~'I' co. eN?" .........c ::- .\.oIs....cs., 4CClli.....C= :"..... u '-A ~: './ C -~ :I....w: self employed Gilroy Golf Club 9/26 'H.L. Cadwalder :manager ,2695 Hecker Pass Hiway !Gilroy, Ca. 95020 200 ~O 9/26 jCourtland Rush : 771 Fourth St. !Gilroy, Ca. 95020 retired 100~~ 100 9/27 insurance broker self-employed Winn Insurance LUU ]g]g i l-80 I' Ron C. Mingus ,7840 Westwood IGilroy, Ca. i 95020 ,retired I 105 lU 105 9/27 IA. G. Spencer I IP'O. Box 246 jGilroy, Ca. 95020 j,w.J. Hanna & ~on 7651 Eigleberry iGilroy, Ca. 95020 I I 9/~H 10/19 I Bernarr L. Wilson 7500 Kentwood Gilroy, Ca. 95020 10/22 Trinchero Const. 12860 Sycamore Ave. San Martin, Ca. 95046 I I I I I ,N .J. i I I I , engineers I I I I Mcl.uucI. & SOH 100, iliO 0 I botan~s~ IA.L. Castle, Inc. i genetlclst , 'contractors Trinchero Const. I 10Q 00 :200.00 I I ,200.00 I I ~ I f more soaca is n~ed, d,ed< JOX at 'eft and amen additional Sd,eduJes A. SUMMARY SU ST':JT;" L 905~ 110 0 5 . 1. ;"MOUNT i1ECSiVE:J, S100 OR \10RE (Induce all Scnedu/e A su:::to,ajsl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 2270. 2370. I i 3l03.9~ 5373.9J. 2. .~MOUNT ,=1ECSIVED L.=3S TH;";\l 51 00 \~ot i:emiz:a) 3. iOT-\L'.1CNE7;"iW C8NT::113UT:ONS T'riIS ,::lE::lICD (Lne 1 - L('!s 21 i;:1ter ~ef'! and on Line I Cclumn 3 of Summal"'{ ?3<:;@. . . . . . . . SCHEDUL~ A MONETARY CONTRI8UT10NS RECEIVED (CONTINUA TION SH EET) FORM 420,430 OR 490 St~"":"'E~=:.""lT =::l'.lEM'S ::Il?:,~!CO -... 8'....;~... 4(7"our:s \1av 3e :~our:::d ;,] :,:~C ~ ':'O!i ::rs: 9/18/83-10/22/83 ..... .\ .... € :: F :.~ ...... 0 j 0 ~ ~ ~ =- q -=:: ,"'" :'.oll t --:'" - :: == :: ..... '...' ~A 3 ::; .~ ..: :: .... .... : ~- '!: ;t i ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 :l"''-;: F'..JL:'" ."1.J.."1€ ,,J,,,""O .4..=iORe;S5 OF ;::l" T '" I 3'-,'-:l '" e:'o1?'_.:l y 5:R .I,,'-4CU~T :lC::'~~~7';OM ~!::::''::J I [,,, ;:::J.....,"T"...!!:.. ....so ."''!'Cllt j :J. ....u........ ..~....Su"~... 'I ""''''.... .......0 -"OORleSli) ,I" 'll[:....-f:...~'-.:l'l' ':0. 1':"''1'.'' "I"...C ")" ~u"I't"'sl "C:-::1El'o( co : .... .... '.... I.. .... ':" ~ .~ ..: ..:) =-...,..~ , 10/22! Ernest Pavese, Jr. 7671 Rea St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 9/27 ,Ticket Sales - campaign dinner at $5.00 each plumbing contractor Pavese Plumbing & Heating 200.~~ 200. 1065. 1065. 9/20 iGilroy Country Club i7791-C Wren Ave. :Gilroy, Ca. 95020 ! holding , company 10(} 100 o If more SDace is needed, check oox Jt :eft and J :":3c..'1 3ddi tl anal Sc.."edui es A. SUBTOP.L 1365. ~ r 1365. ~ -..' SCH ECU L=3 LOANS FORM 420,0130 OR J.90 '3T~r::.'oo(E:'ir :::::\J:::~S :::I'::.~! -"" ~':lU~"" .";"t'T':OLints \.1:3V 3e ,~~l.;r~c:ed ;""J /.':hc:e JOI:3r5i 9/18/83 10/22/8 "iAI"141! ~F .:...a.......010A"i'!;OR -:~...,......IT;~~; ! ~ .....1.....1 ~9ER . :::.....'''r-'l:l ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN CO~4ITTEE 791001 ,::lj,RT 1 - LJ':','JS=1ECEl'l=:J C,,",T'! i Fl.JL.~ ......AMe: .""MO "'OO~!:SS,:;F i '-'::."'04 C ~ r? ~.'4 a ........ v ::: i.....l '" ;;of ,~ ,..,..,.. -::: ~ s ~:::::f ! ::~51~Ne::RS ;~ ~-="'~Ir-1[.~"l...lO C~"1['" I ...:1. ...u...... ~.. 'l'~CA.U.." 'I I "'''Me A....Q "'oo"'c._, ~,',.4JP:'-::) '" ~ ~ :..... '-1U '_A~ ~ l!:C':J ~C~""?"--;-;OM ,. ,..l,........""'''''...:l'f'cO. .....T'C"" '<I.......c ~... wutl"'CSSI j,'''''l1T ;~ A ";'"~~ .\,......OU,....T -, ',j 1:: ::l F _:::l" ,,< "7"0 :l~iS:: :!Ii.1 ~I ,'; -crt! )03~ S i~eeced, -:..""':ec:<. :<JX 3t -:rr I .----.' 'i"211C .ir:~cn 3ccit:onai Sc....,~dL.il~S 3, ,:J3rt i. Su 3707..:.. L I none .J~FlT 2 - '-O':','lJS iiE?AID, FGRGIVS:'l OR ?~IO 3Y .l. THIRD ?~Flr(: J j =:~T!::=t ~''''I'5 ::J~i"'..::lN SC~I!OUl-a: A A. !-.SO ':4;~ F'l.J1-~ .....AM~ ."'NO AOORI!.SS 0"- THe: l..!:NOl!:;t AMOUNT' ~~?"'dO "'~"~l'" eN .,0 .,.. _.1Ilt0 "_IIltT'" ........ ......0 AQO_CSa ...........10 3A ,-".""tC~ -....t~a -'''TV o If morl! s;:ace is neec~, c..,~)( ::0)( 3t left md a....ach additional Sc...,edUies 3, ?3rt 2. J) i=' I , I non~ S(J370T~L SUMMAR Y r. J_~A.~S OF 3100 CR \1CRE T;,IS ?~.::lICO :Put: 1) s z.. LOANS UNCE::l S1ao T};IS ?E::lIOO (Not 'temlz~) . 3. TOT"'-L LOANS ;:;ECEIVED (un. 1 ~ 21. . . . . . , . 4. '.CANS OF 5;00 OR \IORE"E?AIO ,;';15 ?:."ICO ,P1n: 2. C.:lH.jmn al I 5. !..CA,~S CF s~oo CR \1CFlE noons ?~~ICO :CFlGIV=~ CR"o.iO 3Y ..l, :'-'!"1O ."o.FlTV '?in 2. ::ol\.mn "::::I! 5.. LOANS t..;,,"CE::!. S1CQ ::lE?AIO. ':ORG1VE.'4 OR ?AID 3Y ~ i~IRO ?o.rlTY T.,!5 ?:.::lICDNot::em,~'. 7. iCTAl.. L':,.l,NS FlE?AIO. ':.JRGj\'E~ OR ?~jO 3Y .lo, 7HI,?O ?AiHY ,~-;i5 ;=E.::IICDL.r~ ~ -:5 - 5i . I I I~one a.. 'ieT Cl-'A.\;GE 71-1iS ?E:=lICO SUOtTKf L.n. 7 /rom L,ne J) E"nr me a.ff>!nnQ rwr--. and an L.,. 2. C-J,umn 3 ;:)f S"mmar" ,:>"lqa. SCHEDULE C NON.,vl0NET ),RY CONTRIBUTIONS M~C:=lVED FORM 420. -130 OR 490 ....:.i:"'",CL......HS \'1ay 3e ~c~_r.:=d -) ,'i:-:: .:: ':c .:r!l ;-.:.. '7"::_~,,€_'~- ::::'J ~,~s .:;lS~' . - ",!'~ ... :;.,.. 9/18/83 10/22/8: .......ME 0" -:...a..,....OIOAT''!' ~,~ -=::............tT;'!:!:: i .:J. ~ (... ....... 9 e:.~ .: -=....... 1 -- '!: ! ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 ~c::...n."'Tl0'" 'I" ,.I......C.......~'f 'lIO_ l:"'tT'C" "''''''''C =" .usl""'.' :lESC~In"'ON Of" ~oaos -:~ S==R"!~=:S =-.a..! :? 'o4AP\o(!!.'" 'J ~ :_...J:: ~ e;:.=!:! 'J =:,:) :....;...u. --' 7"l ../ : "JL.,- ""'Me ...,..0 "'00 Rl!:SS 0" :l"'T~ ! C::lNTR1BU70R , =t'!!:C'::J (1"::::l....I~.... "'I.~O _NT"" I.~. ..'-'........ ; ~.. ................. 'I '4........ ......0 "Qo_.s.i : E~"~~'f~R ':"',\.10'-'.""'4 [J If :-r.ore space is r"eec~. ~eck '.::ox at left 3r:d 3t:acn additional S~ecu!es C. SL3iOT;"LS nCDne SUMMARY 1.\lCN~\'CNET~nY CONTRIBUT10NS OF S100 CR '!10R: T:-IIS ?=~ICD. . 5 ~ TOT~L '4CN..\1CNET~RY CCNT::lIBU71CNS T~IS ?=::lICO (Ln. 1 .;. 2) :ntM' nere and on Line ~, C~lumn 3 cf Summary ?1~ I I -nl 2. NCN-\1CNETARY CONT::l13UT10NS UNDER 5100 T'nlS ?:RIOO iNattemlzed). . SCHEDULE D PLEDGES FORM 420, ~O OR 490 57Jr.T~'-4E~T' :':l'/::?S ~r:::?' ~r-S'..;'l:5 \~3'1 :a :::L.;-':2~ -J ,'/1-,: ~ :Oll:rs' ....~.... ~...... ~'.....:;, ... 9/18/83 10/22/8 "'tA,,.,,.e: ':::f' :.A,....CIO~T'! ~R C:::"4MIT:!:~~ ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 1.:J.....L.i.......aE~ '~:=""~I.....-!t 791001 :J"'T!: ~~C''=J I F'.JI..:" ,........!: ....,...0 "'OORess 01' ! C:ONTRlllUTOR (1" =~"''''1-r-1I:.. ..U...10 C1'fT't:-. 1.:J. ...1.,;.....11 -:lilt . .~.A.\",i.CIlt , ........ "'I"lIQ '00"."/ ::~P1-~V!;,;t ~f\o'lOL.i,,,,,j 2L'::OG€O THIS :J'!:R100 -'."""'OW,....T ,::II.a.IQ '':'_ '-1l. '-AT!'i OC=1...JP4.T10N .,,, JC'-....CIlllll..1-~T.a. I.NT"" ....~. .,,.. .USIHCS'. .....T." .,,,. Sc)otc~1..J,-~~.i ~L:::=C:; '..;:"4PAI !~ "7:~r~ sc:aC! ;s :-:e~ed. c:1eck. ::OX Jt !err ,rd .iC':3d'l addiri'Jnal Schecules D. (a) I I noJe i i. ; I~ L~J (0' SUBTOTALS SUMMARY i. ?L:;,:G=S OF 5100 OR....ORE THIS PErl:OO \C.:;:...mn IJ~ ) 2.. PL::CG::3 UNDErt SlCO THIS PErllOO (Not i,emlzed). 3. TOTAL ?'-=iJGc5 RECE:IVED (LJne 1 ... 2). . . .. . . ~. PL=CG~S CF 5100 CR\1CRE PAID THIS ?ErlIODC.JiCl~n \~l ). 5. PL.::OGES UNDER 5100 p..o,m THIS ?:RIOD (Not ;:emi~ed). . . 5 I I npn~ 6. 7. TOT,~L ?L~iJGcS PAID (Line 4... 5). 'IE"!" CHA,\lGc r.--lIS P:RIOO ',Suouact L.nlt 0 ~Qm L,ne 3) ::Her j'1e~ihranca nare lf1d .;n L...<! 5. C.Jlumn 3 .Ji Summary ?3<je_ . SCHE!JULS E P,~YMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS ,\1ADE FORM 420, ~O OR .190 l"'S7.....7':::"""'e:.....~ :.:l.,~~'S :::iI~;f! 1)..~cL.r;:s '\1ay 3e ,~Cl.6:iC.:C:J ','/~~~a ':cilar5J 8/18/83 10/22/8: ~ .a.. ... E: ,:),r ':."'" N 0 I 0 .... i! :::: R -:::l...... M I ,..- E ~ i :J ...1....J......::i =: ~ .,::: ......., --",. ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 791001 ceo ES ~G R CL..lSSi FY ING =~-<?C:N 01 Tt.: RES If one af Te 'allowing cocas .s..isea :0 ':esc1ce :he excef'c:iC'...;~e, :~o ,'m:-:en :esc:-ic,:cn s r:eec:e':J. .i'~c:e -=,"cec:::rs :he back of ~is schedule for cedes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer :0 ~e jacK or ::-115 scheec.:1e and :~e !n;'OriT.3:C:7 ',fsn ::.'7 C.amcaiqn Oisc/osur~ :or :et31:;:.d exoiar3.n~rs anc exar-roies of eec;-: :3:e~or/. ,,-..., .~ ~C0J7~ 13U7~ ::;"~S 70:J7h =~ S...l..;\WI J,.l, 7-=.5: ~ ::C'.1',11 :==3 ;\j C =? '=~W ~:'j 7 :::<? ,=~.j c '-'_ .::;::3 'S" S~,~\, =~..,.S. S;~~L~7~...,~= ~A7:-=,~ '~ '....; . . :CC ?-::CC i13C '_.C:7..l. -'.:; ',S =: '-~. ~'\;- =','=.\-- ... ' .f "..J ' ,- , ..... I , . l.J _ J _ ~ , -.J, 1_; - -= ~ ,~ T-J ? = :=;~=.='.~~ :?~,~.~~'~,\~S "':":l': ~\J =~:-~..:c 3" 3F:CACC;'S7 ':"0'/ :::rTi3i \,c; "J" - '1=':/S?:l?~:=I..l..,\jJ o~:=I;CO!C;'L -,~ .j" i = ~. ~~:C :\1.\: C C~ 7"' I:: :.5":";'j J '.! =,..:. ,_.5 ,,"" :;~C=~~3;C\~.AL \.'~,.'.~G=.'11=:~~ ~,'~': ,''-'" .... :.,:: '/ = ~T' SI ,'~G 2L731C= ,~J'l=::iT'3j~~G ::~~2:~ ~~' 'lG :3= .=r,l' 'C:=3 )ne of :r:e 3CO'Je::::ces does,ct 3cc~ra,:!v or "t;iIYJesc:-:ce :r;e -=x:::ercl,'....r~, eave :ne "Cece" C:::IL..7.~~ :::31':-< :rovide a Nrir:en c:escriotion in the "iJescr~ct:on of ?3y~ef"!t" c:::iu~n. :"'fA......~ "....0 ....OOR~~S 0'" ..V~!!. -:~!!OIj'~Flt OFt ~<<C:~1!:MT~" ::~l"tTqt!!UT~OI'of ,,r __:J....t,...... ......so C}lll,...... t,:I. ............:1. ........... AJlIIO ,,~a".'I. ~", ................. ==Ol!: ::l~ ~'[':s.::~1~'O..., ,~". ;a" ~ ....~~f "'....0 l,.i ,.,., ~...., ~ Gilroy Lodge, B.P.O. Elks 2765-Hecker Pass Highway Gilroy, Ca. 95020 F I I icampaign dinner ! 873.51 GILROY Dispatch 6400 Monterey St., Gilroy, Ca. N !newspaper i I advertising 12500.00 I I I 512.27 I 95020 Gilroy Printers 30 Third Street Gilroy, Ca. 95020 L Filice Estate Vineyards 795l-A Wren Avenue Gilroy, Ca. 95020 G 600.00 I' if more soaa is ,,~ed, c..~eo<. ::lOX .md L..J l:-:Jcn 3dciticI"'af S~ecule$ ~, ~"~-~~,,l :::.'"' ~ , .... I ,... '-+ 4 485. 78 SUMMARY J. TOt31~ccrue<l ::.x::>enses :laId ~hls :encd (Sc:;ecuie F, L;1d .1, 5 4484.78 3 120.00 3 none .-,....-=--~-~- 5 4605.78 I. i'Jllr!'enn of $lCO or more ~ade ::'11~ :)erTCd II~c~ude Jlt SC:-1ecule = SUC!O!3IS1 2. ?3vmet1tS ~nder 3100 :hls ;:eriod I;~ot .:emi:ecl . . . . . . . . . .t T:ol ?3'fmenn tn~s :eroo iL."e 1 - 2 .. 3) =~t!f' ",er~ 3nd .:::n L.,..~ 7. C..Jlumn 3 of Summary ?3<;! SCHEDULE. F ACCRU EO i:XPENSES (UNPAID SILLS) FORM 420, -1.30 OR .190 5TA.=::'AE.....T ::;j\/S:.~'S .:lS:.~ .~~~ -~~~~~~ ..l,-;:Gld~~.3 ~,13V 3e ,~,:::L.;rr::ec TJ ,',:...c:~ :-:i 9/18/83 10/22/8: ...............I!: ~F ':""NQI.:)Ai"!!::1R ::::M....IT;-::;!:: ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE i :J .... u ..... 3 e: .~ "':"': ...-... I -_ '! 791001 CODES FOR CLASSIFYING ACCRUED EXPENSES If one of the following caces is used to descr~be t.'1e 3ccrued ~xoe!lSe, :'10 wr~::=n:esC;"iO!;cns ,"eec2'd. ;\lo:e ~xceotic an :tie back or tnis scnecuJe for ccces "C", "1" and'T".) ,~efe~ :0 ::-:e cael< of :~iS :;c:-e-:;uie 3GC :he /r;;'CI~a,: :'3m:aJ on C.Jrr::aiqn Oisc/cslJre for det3ii=d exoiana-r:cns and ~x3mpies or ~2C:-:'::He~orf. ""... ~, ::::~TM 13l..i7:C~JS -:-C Ci'-'::::1 ':~;'JCICA7=S C~ ::S~f1\"-==3 ','JO =? ~:\j C E::"JT ::X?::'JO 17"'.J,~ =3 L,-~::1A TU i1:: 3ROACCASi ;'CVc::1T1Si,'JG 'J =:....,S?"-?:: ::1J,,'JO:l::=< 1 C 0 [C,..l L J,OVE::=1T1SING CU7Si S EJ,OV:::1 T~Si NG 3\...;n'l="~S. 3IG;-'JA~__,~= ~~7':~=~:;'JG. :CC~.-=.:CC,=i 3C'-:::"7"-'.,-:C:S .=I"':~JCi1J"S,,'JG ::"'::"J"7"3 ~=;-E=l,..l,L:P=.=1AT:C,';S A,'~O CV=.=1:~=,...:.C j'=i.~ v =:... ':"CCG,"1:"lCiJ.~ T'C~JS ;",'W ',1=-..':" LS "1_" "3" ""J" 'G" "j" ':J" :J~C~=33:C.\JAL \11,~:'~~C=\1=:\JT "':";'L: ':C~JSwL7',~-JG S=?'I'C~5 '.0" If .Jne of :.~e :loave coces ,Jees not aec:.;r:Heiy ::r iJily:esc:::e :;;e 3c::;"t;ed ex:ense, 'eave ::-e "':::::C9' :::iu.-:-:n ::l3nk 3( :r:'Jide 3 Nrir:en c:escri:Jtion in :he "Cescriptian of ?ayment" ':olumn. "AMe .....0 ...OO~I!:S5 O~ ,."Y&I!:.=~~Cl"'O<t OR ,=!e:=:~f~:"'4"'::I" ~ONT~13UT10M (I" ~:I"'''''r''"'ll'.. ...t.,...Ja Cl'OlT'..I'lt I :J. ..u.....~ ~. ........... .......0 ....00_.". :" -.......u....,.1 -\.......OuNiT .:ooe: =R O!!:SC~l?tTlO,"" ="~,, ....'-'f!:....T """'C::~l-,C::O O If more '03ca is needed, cr:edt- :;OJC, and amen additional Sd1edules F SL;3TJTJ..L none SUMMARY 1. 2. 3.. .4c:::'.1ea ~oense3 of :5100 or Mo~ This P!!nod. . . . . .5 AC'..::"~ed ::<oensas af Unc:er 5100 This ?eriod (Not It~mi~<>d) . . Total Ac=."1Jed S:pensas InC'.med This Panod (Lna 1 i- 2) ...... 4. Accru~d ::.'toenses ?1id This P!r1od (Not I~m,zedl =:1ter "ero! 3nd on Scr.ecul4 :. Lne 3 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 'lec C1al1c;e iMis P~r1od :Subtract L;na ~ from Lr~! J). =~:ar jif-fere~C! :--ere 3!1d an Line a. C,Jiumn 3 or Summarv ?1q1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none SCHEDULE G ",'1ISCELLANEOUS AOJUST;\1ENTS TO CASH POSIT1CN FORM 420,4.30 OR 490 ,...lr"'!""Ot~r:!S \1av 3a -1CL.:rr:~tj 7J /';-"'CI~ ':'ClI3r-:, S~~-;-~.'04e:.'4T :::1 v <.;;::=?s :;)"!.~f ~Q~~ -~.Ou~~ ...."'.-.".e: :;,: .:A.....CIO,4i:: ~R C:::M.....tT~~~; 9/18/83 10/22/8: ROBERT TAYLOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE : .:;.. ~Li.,,", 3 C:R ": :;.......~-~1 791001 ::l!:SC~I""'10N 0'" "OJUST~e:."'T OATlt ::,. -"'c .4QJUS'MilIICN? :..vo",'".. " :::;j.....,T"?...~ ~T,..1I11t ~...."',.. ~wc "1......... ,,"'.,.,.. "'....e :::::I......~,.', ...".... .......0 4CQItC... ...1....0 eNT"" ,.".. C::l"'Iloll'T-~''''I.'s I.~. ~\"j"".C" ~,. ~c --CAS>.I_C:llt', '4........ "'''''0 ",-Qo..ssl ~""'O'..J,"4i ':JP "'C~.AS. :JCC" ....s. .~C.4.~" ~;j ':.... 'Jot .1 o I f ,-nor! spaCl! :s "'-:~ded. C:1~k :Jox at :eft -lnd amen aaditional Sct1~ules G I.. (01 SU8TOT,~L none SUMMARY I. I:'ICREASES TO CASH OF 5100 OR '.10RE ;C,J{umn (all. . . .$ 2. II'IC~~AS=S TO CASH OF L=.3S THA.',j SiOa \Not iremizecl. . 3. TOT.'\L iNCREASES TO CASH (Lne 1 .... Lr.e 21. . . . . . . . . .~. Cr:C::1E:.~S2S TO CASH OF SiCa OR '.10RE ;C,Jiumn (~) ) . . 5. GECH=..\S2~ TO CASH OF LE:.5S mAN 5100 {Not i,emi:edl .0 r AL !J=C~EASES TO CASH iLjne 4 + Ljne 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL '.11Si:ELL~NEOlJS AQ";UST"\1ENTS TO CASH (l.n& 3 mlnU$ Line 51 E:1~r :'1'!l"W and en line 12::Jf Summarl 1'1<;& I IS none 8. 7. ,'.1d"" :-e