Pete Valdez - 1981/07/01 - 1981/09/17 CONSOLIDA TED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT ,/'. '_.....'~. __ .. t..... '...,' . . b...A . /~ . r.t-- ) ...,'" .~\ . I 'O[[/'1/!:"7}" "Cn - v, ' .;) ~t-' I . I.. /;fit 22 ,. . C i -..... i>Ltfll{~' '81 ':., " (jFF/C~ " . q--' 8/[1J'fJ r:; \-,r.:;}, 1/1 r. C4l " \,// I IF. '1fP<'''- '<( ,.F.r rn.r.(\.... . 'Cl .. v'. L; . ,. . (~ovemment Code Section 84200.84~.17) Form 490 1981 For use by candidates/officeholders and their controlled committees. Statement covers period from A O....ICIAL usa: ONLY CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT (If applicable) II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES* INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT HAMe OF USA ~:;a~o~u....~ I.C. NUMBER AOO.UE5S 0" COMMITTS;E, "'0. ANa aTIIt.aT ;;ITV STATe ~IP cooe "'"ONe HUM.... HAMil 0" TRIEASURI!:R: CITY _TATE z'" CODa All." coDe II"'ON_ HUM a." N"MAHSNT ACCRESS 0.. TREASURER: HO. AHO n...... Art1ICh additional information on acoroonately labeied continuation sheers. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: IF YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY, IDENTIFY THEM IN THIS SECTION. COM..,IlTEE NAME COMMITTEE TREASURER I CONTROLLED COMMITTEE" ANO 1.0. NUMBER ADDRESS YES NO I I Attach additional information on aocrooriately labeled continuation sheers. .fA controlled committee is on" which is conrrolled <1irecrly or indirectly by a candidate -or wnlch acrs jointly with a candidate or control/ed committee In CDnnllCtion with the making of expenditures. A candidate controls a committee. if h", his agent or any ol/Jtlr committee he controls. has slgni;;cant Influence on thellCtions or dtlcisions of thtl commlttetl.J . Executed on Executed on ~gAT.' at by by I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this statement an treasurer(s) of this ~o")mittee(Sl has used I r asonable ailige ce in the preparation of . Executed on/6. / -R I at d by . (QATS' For informftion required to be prO'lided to you pursu of the Political Reform Al:t." Part X. SIGNATU". a~ I; ation Pral:tic., Al:t of 1977, s.. "lnfonn.tion CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amounts May 8e Rounded To Whole Dollars) D><<n r,; tete ~ ~ COLUMN A Cumulative tOUlI from pfftioul periocl- COI.UMN 8 T OUlI thil periocl from attached tctIedul.. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ~ ,~ ~ L..JN&. I . J ~ SCHl:l:IUI.& a. I.~~ S /CJ/5~ u".. I . " e--' , . Monetary contributions . . . . . . . . . . s s 2. Loans...:.................. 3. Subtotal.................... s 4. Non-monetary contributIons. . . . . . . ~ SC:Hcau&.& c:, '-'HE) S. Pledges............... - . . . . . ~ ~ 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . . . s ctZ? I..JH". I . " . . SCHCl:IUI.& a. I.IN& e s / tJ /5 .,. I.IHill J . 6 . S EXPENDITURES MADe ~' G--- ~ s ~ ~ 7. Payments.................... s $ ICHCOUI.& C. I.INC . 8. Accrued expenses (unoaid bills) . . . . . ~ IC:HCOUI.& '. I.IN& I 9. TOTAL EXPENDITURES. . . . . . . . s UN.. , . . UNa. 1 . . 11. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION ~ /t/{5 ~ J 10. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. S Cash receiPtS this period (Line 3. Column 8 above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Miscellaneous adjustments to cash (Sd'ledule G. Line 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 13. Cash payments this period (Line 7. Column B above). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <S..--- ^'--~........--..,-- - /_._\ ". .:'~._ '0',..." ,/1'1 \ "..' J -, , :( ~,,"~:"'(l "4 .':V, /~~ I>' v~ '<(J.d ~\ ;";'.j t. ~ 02~ '\''''; I;'~' \l'1I,~ ~ r-" I'" AI, ~ '\.-.. ~ \-a''',',' ,'Z'"e ~ ~('~ ~ /' \. ~.'~. ~J> cPJ f \,r;. ...~ ~~ . ~ .,,'-'- ~, ~ '. COLUMN C cumulativ. to date (Columna A + BI <!)e S ) tJ /5"-':-'1 , ".-= s /1'9 ;:~~ L.HC.. I .'1. €- ~ s / 6 j~ ~ v ~ U Pt.. ) . " . I iIHOU&.g eOUAI. COI.UIiIN. A . _, s e- ,C;?--- ~ s UNC' 1 . . (SMOUI.O eOUAI. C:O&.U MMI A . .) 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 10+11+12-13 above). . . . . .. . . . . . . / !H1:r~ 6--' 15. Oumanding debts (Line 2 + Line a of Column C above' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. Ending surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15. subtrllct Line 15 from Line 14). . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ s Jt?J6' , 17. EI'Iding deficit (if Line 15 is gr.ater than Line 14. subtract Line 14 from Line lSl . . . . . . . . . . . . S ./f rlli, if rJN flm fWt1Crt fil<<l ftW m. alMd. y__, Colum" A "'tJfI!d bfl' blMl/t Ut:<<lt (0, lI11tJaid 10IIII1. bill. MJd /J1<<1gn. SUMMARY OF JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTIONS rSft Inmvcrions on RflWm) 111 tnru6/'JO 711 todat. 18. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED: 19. eXPENDITURES MADE: .;10'....,.,...'" . SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amounts May 8e Rounded TI? Whole Dollars) UY? C/ / OAT. ..IIC'D ,.ULL. NAM. AND ACO"... 01" CDHT..,aUTO" I:M"l.OV." AMOUNT (... co.....,..,.... ."1'._ 1,0. NU...... O. f...."'''.".. ....... AHa ADo"...1 OCCU"ATION (... ...........I"\.oy.o. .Ny.... NA.... 0" .u........1 ...ca,vaa cU",n,JL1',va 1'0 DA1'. 9jt/t; If OSS V)5 'fS.r VI ( -fu r-e,. ESL ;l qsfr \A: fo T' ('q),'~",/'.i~A lAr,) ~~~tt / .\ cSJn ~!/fC~If(~ V X)d 60 ()- f' 1r:~~fr; d-. 15':: 10/5":; G),}r- , ;JJi{>1~Y ~ I f more space is needed, check box at left and attach additional Schedules A. SUBTOTAL . Po If) i5 SUMMARY AMOUNT RECEIVED. StOG OR MORE (Include all Schedule A subtotals) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ AMOUNT RECEIVED LESS THAN $100 (Not itemized) ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + Lin. 2t Enter her. and on Line 1 Column B of Summary Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ g.p --'1 _'1_