Pete Valdez - 1982/07/01 - 1982/12/31 (Type or Print in Ink) VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO ACTIVITY Form 421 19B2 For use by committees Committee to~lect Pete Valdez, Jr. for City Council 'l 1.0. NUMBER I 810869 NAME OF COMMITTEE: AOORESS OF COMMITTEE: NO. AND STR~t1T CITY STAT. Zl~ cooa ""KA cooe Pt-IONK ...UM_CR PORt Office Rox 212, Gilroy. Calif. 95020 NAME OF TREASURER: Salvador Lopez PERMANENT AOORESS OF TREASURER: NO. ANO 3TREf.:T CliY STA 1". ::l~ COOK AJIIIICA COOlE: ,",WONt! "U...HIa:" Post Office Box 212, Gilroy, Calif. 95020 OATE OF ELECTION (MO.. OAY. YR.I: ('I" "PP~IC".~&:) No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering July 1, 1987 to Dpcpmhpr 11, 1qR? I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement is true, correct and complete and that I have used all reasonable diligence in its preparation. Executed on !'Lv .3/ /f 6 V / (!5ATE) at Gilroy, Calif. (CITY ANO STATE) dM~)-",u"" B~ For information r8quired to be provided to you pu~ant to the Information Practic. Act of 1977, see "Information Manua. on Campaign Disclosur. PTovisions of the Political Reform Act:. Part X.