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Pete Valdez - 1983/07/01 - 1983/12/31
-',oe ')r ;I.......: '"": ,.... '< r.~~\ , ' , W 'u'';\ I, ~ c_ "'( /, , ' ' ~ ';;~:-, s-~~\ ~ \.. '"c;. ~;l ~c/' ,) ~ C>_ ~,_ , .~~ '"7....fc: '-" , QFF;~JA... -.JSE: ,o.t$',-'" "./ , "'" ~ /...\.~:~ !f~-'~, ;~~~ ..~;-~ .J{!;:"" .;.j ,. ,-~_.::J' ;~.;. VOLUNT~RY REPORT OF ,\JO;.l,CTIVITY Fo:lr,., 421 ~98:l =-::r ...se ;y./ ::J~!"'T; ::~'=s .."AME. =F '::)MMI7"":"!:~. Committee to Elect Pete Valdez, Jr. ,.:; "uMB~R ....OOR!tSS OF COMMITiEE: 810861 ~o. 4....0 iT"~lI!:'" '5TA.'r'. :1- .: ;JOtl ....t!:A. :::;)0. .....0..... ,",vl\oIOIel!:1ll "4AMi::::JF" TREASi..JRER~ 7565 Santa Theresa Dr., Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 847-0379 =-O=:R""~NENT -\COR;;S3 QF 7R::~~i....IRE~. Salvador Lopez ......0 ..T...."!:... iT,,-~ :1- .: .:>0. H~f) :8Yf'.:;;i:~:~:7 P. O. Box 212, Gilroy, CA 95021 OA.~'E.:)~ ~~E='7!ON :MO. CA."" YR. .,rr ..It....t,.IC...ditL.1 N/A ,\jo cCI:i:ributions nave been received and :10 ex::::enditur=:s ,':ave :,een ,'71ade :Juring the period covering Julv 1, 1983 :0 December 31, 1983 ! -::ec:are under penalty of perjury that this 5i:atement is true, correct and complete and mat I hav~ used all reasonabie aiiigence in its preparation. Gilroy, CA 95020 at (CITY ANO STAT1!:1 By ;::." 'ntorm8'tion ,ltqu,,~ to !:Ie O'Ovrdlld ~o 'lOU ::luruoant ~o ~!'111 Jnfor~atron ?"3C~lCes ..l.~?f 19n. ~ "'nformation Manual on CJmoalgn Disclosure P.o~!sions ot ~n. ?Q"tl1:a' ;:;.iorm Act," Part X.