Pete Valdez - 1984/01/01 - 1984/06/30 (Type or Print In Ink) VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO ACTIVITY Form 421 1984 For use by comminees NAMI: 01" COMMITTEE; 7565 Santa Theresa Dr., Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 847-0379 N"'MI: 01" TREASURER, Committee to Elect Pete Valdez, Jr, 1,0. NUMBER ACORI:SS 01" COMMITTEE; 810861 NO. AIlID 'T".." ~:.,..,. STA.Ta ;I~ coDa ."... C:ODe ~"Q"'. ,.,.""...." Salvador Lopez PE"!MANENT AOORESS OF TREASURE", :'IIIQ. AND ST".CT ;::TV 'TAT. Zl~ -::00_ ..,..... coo. .."0..... ....~........ P. O. Box 212, Gilroy, CA 95021 (408) 848-2821 CATE Oft' EL.ECTION (MO.. OAY, VA.}: I.... ..~.\.H:...."".>I N/A No contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering January 1, 198L. to June 30, 1984 I declare under penalty of perjury mat this statement is true, correct and complete and that I have used all reasonable diligence in its preparation. Executed on i1 ~ / f' 8 at / lOA 1[( Gilrov. CA 95020 ICITV AND STATEl By For intomultion rllQVirM:/ to b. provided to YOU pursu.lm to the 'nformftion ~acti-=- Al:t of 19n, see "Intormmon Manual on c.mPolHJl' OjscjOSJr. Provisions of tn. PolitICal Reform Al:t," Part X.