Pete Valdez - 1984/07/01 - 1984/12/31 iT ype or Print ,n i nkl VOLUNTARY REPORT OF NO ACTIVITY Form 421 1984 For use by committees :,... C:Qoa kf/c) ~ 6/ NUMBER ..".... cao. ....0.... ...u.....t~ ~;~) 7Y:-r-- 0 3 /79 €"Z R~""Q4 ...~o 'IT....'" J21?- fit froy 0.'" ..,~.t: ;'- """''l..j~.....,",'" ( ~iTY 'T....T. e? lt~___ V/~f :Z:U" ,:::)oc ......,A. ':=0. .". ~-.. ,\:1 ~,... "7 C '-' ,.....< () ~ ....0,... .....,...c.. :Jo contributions have been received and no expenditures have been made during the period covering July 1, 1984 to December 31, 1984 I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement is true, correct and complete and that I have used all reasonable diligence in its preparation. By "::-A-"""""" -,) :.;:> "- './ /~- V Executed on at For intormftion r8q\lirMl to be PtO'Iided to you punu.nt to the Inform8tion ~jas Ac:l: af 1977, see ..tmormation Manual an ~P41l9f1 CiSGJcsur. PrcviJicns of thll Political Reform Act," Pvt X.