Pete Valdez - 1985/10/20 - 1986/01/31 3/1~C:, ;f., ;,' ," " ~.:\ . t'" -' < , I' . ',~ "'. ':,..(' CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (Government Code Sections 84200-84217) or:::-'. Form 490 1985 For use by candidates/officeholders and their controlled committees. TOTAL PAGES: CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE L.OCATION AND DISTRICT NUMSER IF APPLICABL.EI ZIP COOE II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES* INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED. REPORT CITY Crt ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE, NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP COOK AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER NAME OF TREASUR'ER, PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: NO. AND STREET CITY STAT!! ZIP CODE AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER Attach additional information on appropriatelv labeled continuation sheets. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE CONTROLLED BY YOU OR ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. COMMITTEE NAME Controlled Committee?+ AND 1.0, NUMBER COMMITTEE ADDRESS TREASURER Y.ES I NO I I Attach additional information on appropnatelv labeled continuation sheets. + (A controlled committee is one which is controlled directlv or indirectly by a candidate or which acts iointly with a candidate or controlled committee in connection with the making of expenditures. A candidate controls a committee if the candidate, the candidate's agent, or any other committee he or she controls, has significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee.) Executed on VERIFICATION e this statement and iV~dules are true, corr by ~1?- 'LH- (SIGNATURE OF T ct and complete and that Executed 0 by -1- 11/ . . '~J..:L.U\.JJr\ltUI" vr ,,",'-'I'Ilf1.I&.IV8''-'I.V "'I'lll_ -......-...-..-..-- ....._~ CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E & F made to or on ~ehalf of another candidate, officeholder or measure. Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars.) CHECK ONE Support Oppose AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE ~ ~ /' /' Attach additional information on appropriatelv labeled continuation sheets. * Check box if "independent expenditure." (See Instructions below.) INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING COVER PAGE CONSOLIDATED CAMPAIGN STATEMENT FORM 490 PERIOD COVERED BY STATEMENT: The period covered begins the day after the closing date of the last campaign statement filed. If no previous statement has been filed, the period begins on January 1 of the current calendar year. The period ends on the closing date for the current statement. The closing date is specified in the "Information Manual on Campaign Disci osu re." DATE OF ELECTION: If this statement is filed in connection with an election held on a date other than June 4, or November 5, 1985, enter the date of the election. PART I: Provide the candidate's or officeholderls full name, residential address, business address and telephone numbers, and the office sought or held. PART II: Identify the controlled committees included in the consolidated report and the treasurers of the committees. Use the same information that appears on the committees' Statements of Organization filed with the Secretary of State. Do not use abbreviations. A permanent business or residential address must be provided for the treasurers. The identification numbers must be included. (If not yet received from the Secretary of State's office, that fact must be noted.) PART III: The candidate or office holder must list all additional committees not included in this consolidated report which are controlled by the candidate or officeholder or are primarily formed to receive contributions or make expen- ditures on the candidate's behalf and whether or not they are controlled committees. VERI FICATION: The statement must be signed by each committee treasurer included in the consolidated report and by the candidate or officeholder who controls the committee. The treasurer and candidate or officeholder must review the information contained in the statement before signing the verification. ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS I-\ND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALF OF OTHER CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES: List all contributions (including loans) and independent expenditures itemized on Schedules E and F to support or oppose officeholders, candidates, and ballot measures (other than those controlling this committee or for which this committee is primarily formed). Also list in-kind contributions and independent expenditures which involve goods or services provided to or on behalf of a candidate or committee when a payment is not made (e.g., employee services, in-house printing, etc.), A description of the goods or services must also be provided. Indicate the date of the expenditure; if the expenditure is an independent expenditure (an expenditure not made at the behest of the candidate or committee on whose behalf it is made) check the box to so indicate: the office sought or held (or the measure's number or letter and the jurisdiction); the amount of the expenditure; and the cumulative amount to date. The "Cumulative to Date" column should include the total of expenditures for or against each candidate or measure since January 1 of the current calendar year. (See "Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure" for discussion and examples of "cumulation,") CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420,430 OR 490 t!t7t1/lC/ (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) $ CI~ 1l. 'f'f' :L:3 (SHOULD EQUAL LINE 9. COLUMNS A .. B I * If this is the first report filed for the calendar year, Column A should be blank except for unpaid loans, bills and pledges. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION 'v 10. Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. (Line 14 of previous statement) . $ ;;'3 r5: /0 :26 'J.-- f. {' 5~ ~ 1tiJ: /If /aPf( 6i ~ COLUMN A Cumulative total from * previous period CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED $~~.g1J ~ $~'A1(~L I~, tyfJ ~ $ 1/ (, 5~ tJ(Q 1. Monetary contributions . . . . . . . . . . 2. Loans...................... 3. Subtotal.................... 4. Non-monetary contributions. . . . . . . 5. Pledges..................... 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . . . . . . . l.INES 3 + 4 + 5 EXPENDITURES MADE $/~!$)Jf kY' $ It; J5t;l1 LINES 7 + 8 7. Payments. . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) . . . . . 9. TOTAL EXPENDITURES. . . . . . . . 11. Cash receipts this period (Line 3, Column B above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Miscellaneous adjustments to cash (Schedule G, Line 7) . . . . . . . . . . 13. Cash payments this period (Line 7, Column B above) . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 10+11+12-13 above) *. . . . . . . . 15. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 8 of Column C above) . . . . . . . . . . COLUMN B Total this period from attached schedules COLUMN C Cumulative to date (Columns A + B) $ ~~b</ f1 50 SCHEDULE A, LINE 3 ~ $ Gf0~50 ~ $LI~S~+~?;' 50 ) riP, ()I() ~ $ it ~i ,5 (() (SHOULD EQUAL LINE 6, COLUMNS A + s) $ SCaZ~/~Np'<2 LINES 1 r' SCHEDULE C, LINE 3 SCHEDUL~NE 1 $ f)..~:ll JS~ LINES 3 + 4 + 5 $ ~-tA .q9 er $5:f'f1 :23 .zr $ /c25lj 6/ ,~) 16. Ending surplus (if Line 14 is greater than Line 15, subtract Line 15 from Line 14). . . . . . . . . . . . $ 17. Ending deficit (if Line 15 is greater than Line 14, subtract Line 14 from Line 15). . . . . . . . . . . . * Ending cash on hand should not be a negatIve amount. 18, CASH EQUIVALENTS (OTHER ASSETS HELD) (See InstructIons on Reverse): $ SUMMARY FOR CANDIDATES IN BOTH A JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTION (See Instructions on Reverse) 1/1thru6/30 7/1 to date 19. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED: 20. EXPENDITURES MADE: -2- CATE REC'C /~l( ;{ti /11 SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FORM 420, 430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) STATEMENT COVERS PERIOD AMOUNT OCCUPATION (IIPr saL"'-CM"LOVCD. KNTKR NAME 0... BUSINess) TO DATE FtI!CIUVED CUMULATive h~ C:OMMITT..,~.NT." 1.0. NUM.." 0" T".ASU...... II NAMa AND A.ao"..s~ M/~~ i~ lJe Le6/1 r 9.1 l?)y~}It ~ ,f rl- CJ '5 e- ~c:J /l!!0r11 f1rf:/f )eI~ 1o~':fISaj/Lfo 7e resc,- BJ(/J Gt,. Oft q~lL,;:? '['(or'€;r'- ic 11; c-Lt/ ~ eLr n '-116 'A/ew I4--v~ I G~ rv 76:Z- 0 ..!2R ~ tJ ?'Y Ql.c> 2 cJ >y cP S()~ J~ It tk V'w/ley , , CClVl'tntt<f1'ry JIop1t4 ( ~n'l le t"J'I'lCi.: , I ~5 >" S4 ~ -r-c<- 1€ .&.s6{ G "''of C; {/'~ ([0 z..u J11..tA-rt ~~~O,<1 Jl, '5'f (}.o It 'ct ~ ~~y 1/" e.- II'() "I u-""O / t u ,; 0 ~ V' e. t:;} or1 LJ / I~ ~ ~ /J f?~' "-'/ ?{::./, /;<1. "jJt a ". f'1 (74- ~~kc.) / CJ / .:llfj6> p--re.",hl~ ~~, to k I C[ VI- cJ a I~ 26~ 36'5~ ~? 00 liJ(}~ ~ 05 -?:7 Pe lieire,S' r-Y/ If more space is needed, check box at left ~ and attach additional Schedules A. SUMMARY 1. AMOUNT RECEIVED - CONTRIBUTIONS OF $100 OR MORE / ~i ~ 7' (Include all Schedule A subtotals). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2. AMOUNT RECEIVED - CONTRIBUTIONS OF LESS THAN $100 (Not itemized) . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 3. TOTAL MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + Line 2) Enter here and on Line 1 Column B of Summary Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -3- SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED (CONTINUATION SHEET) FORM 420,430 OR 490 STATEMENT COVERS PERIOD (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) l'r;U~B:f 6 C7MITTUl FULL. NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER AMOUNT OATE CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION ( I" ...L,......MJlLOV.O. aNT." ,=UMUL.ATTV. fit _C KIV ao REC'O (II~ COMMITT..~.NT.R 1.0. NUM.IEFt Ollt NAMa O~ .USIN..S) TO QATa T"."au"c" S NAME AND AOO".SS) I~ (J U('i..-~crv.&?:;: ~\()~ 5257 f~F1 (. a V1> f<. rler~ cI(~ ~ 5 L/6-~ 20 14-(' /~/ iA I (r(,l.~1. k S~~'l j -e J-~ $ 2 {)O?7 6tSt: /"Iv ~ Je 11 ~1 t'e If t(59 " e 2:. ~O~~ 0Jf5~ """y I+~ f&~r+4 ta/tVi- r de /{)~~ 636~ Lf 5"e.-n c-k:t-- ' ct-J 61$ =c; If) v 0 10 ~, T<:<J'I^'( US 'tu~l /;L3t!f b?~ u'vcd (J .~/' 5' Sa '(e Jc./f.- ~kii~ : olUe fctrJs 71~ J67~ I~ Uc.#L J. at; ~rra ahe. ,;;; j15~ Jet'? Vl'\rOvy ( L\.. (;1 Cf ,',) z.,;D d/6 ~ ()8 y 1~J Rc+r/1 loa ~ 00 /8()6-~ 0 If more space is needed, check box at left SUBTOTAL 51Jrf and attach additional Schedules A. SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED (CONTINUATION SHEET) FORM 420,430 OR 490 OCCUPATION (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) J; :t Ql DATI!: REC'D FULL NAME AND "OORESS 01" CONTRIBUTOR (I.- COMM'T,....~.NT.'" 1.0. NU.....lER Oft ,..".....u.... , N......... AND "00,,.s51 :J;vs-~ kc-rt~c h,v '-f 15' ;3 V- (' ke Dr G;( I c-'" (] It-- Cf?~ ~ (/ ~ - "1.- )r.eVtf1-D, (tJ ( !-I{)(J~ t) /{ Sf, I (r "f fljl~ 75:; ~r/ .,~,,'V,_ q M- j 0 JI~ e:' ~z-... j- ,/J -' i_.n r...e J; , /VrWt-..T"C- 1- ,. :; fI C{ 11 II &l Jt_ /fv-'.(? t( It Itt t1 ad!'.), (if\- 75~~D ,17:n e1sr/~~ ~~/A 5'0'<) id t:en.fJ; ]'1 1$0 cy .. tJ 1/1 {)to v1/l ( ~ Q ~ ~~v(~ ~~S-D ~e(her POl~~ Rd "( I T"<Q oz <!) ~"Y Lov Il1ufl:onc, 1~)5 (a.....f/rl'l Plo-t!e. , , tIt ,5r.>l,O ~~;) C /, Pf(}'or of 3 53/t'8 M it ft St- c;-/ iro Oj4- 5' ~ 0 ;Joel 'bflU()lerz _ 1'!J38;frl'o 'tl Ctrije t f' 9502 U Pq€ I oC~ I 'SM-~~ ku 'F/ad-Ci! co CIl r1(oc:' ~Wq t( ,tie ttJ/! ~ If 'f, t/cu'<.~lcl~ Dr- 4'{ / /'0 1 (}r1 '/ 5..,2 0 ~.) YJt7;e f'4/1ez./ /1 ,(!)jzer5 / e~ 'ke- S'/t!e . /fa [8 ~ (!J )1 I~ /~ D If more space is needed, check box at left and attach additional Schedules A. {I..- .CL......M..t,.QVEO. .NT." NAM. 0'" .V.INC..} ".CK'Va:O CUMULATive TO QAt. TC I . ~~~ / [J25~ j$? e5cJ ~ I I I Ili/ll1tl~.A, 111 ~e~1 1c t.<"'loL- '1.- -h-, ,^-c - /'f( c~ /' f"Cj,. 70/7 : I ~ / j,t::II~ ~ ~ ~ ~I /51" b5~ ~CO~>' /365:% Irft /31S~ Sf-Q r-e )ie/?;!; II Fools <91;Jl-\.-e--V T I ;;:ruiU5 f;{ ~I Shive ten - r ~V'f:./;J }'1>t"l!'4t/r- rJ~ ()(fY SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED (CONTINUATION SHEET) FORM 420,430 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) ~:%e Vac~~f t'hJMlezr: J;-, OATI!: REC'D FULl. NAMIi: AND ADORI!:SS 01' CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION ( ,,,, .CL,....M.-l,QVI!O. .NT... NAMC 0" "U.IN..S~ (IIII' COMMITT..~.NT.lIt 1.0. NUM.CR 0" T_IIAaU"." 5 NAMe AND AOOlfff["S) 1/1 * 1<( =r I ~ T I /h 'l '11 c,e,zu'i I L:;-n.'-fr~cto I'^ ~{'-h ~ () ~ft-erw f L'o d+-rctct,"~ 41 71ft 1])0 rial J , W,-e iJW1et- (\ S~ JO,;e~ STATEMENT COVERS PERIOD 1,0. NUMBER (1I1l' COMMITT..) OI(JY"/ AMOUNT ,,_calveo CUMULATIve TO QAT. 15tJ~ )J17'Jfr J;':;' ;(j 5 6 s;<;. b'::" J</6,2- ~ ()C J '~'r 2/Tc~ ff;. 6-r ~/TJf:. f-'L500 51~/~ T~ -<;:":22 1 7< Y *1i)(J /.5-0 /'2---;::'1' 21 b~ fi]:2. / (}O'*~ ,~] r0 }<; ~ $--, :1.~;::' JU/ >~ 50 J()fF't1/ ~ I f more space is needed, check box at left and attach additional Schedules A. ~ i..l If.:. SUBTOTAL r./2/-;Ai" SCHEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS MADE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 If one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written description is needed. (Note exceptions on the back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer to the back of this schedule and the Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure for detailed explanations and examples of each category. "5" - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS FUND RAISING EVENTS GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES "C" - CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES OR COMMITTEES "I" - INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES LITERATURE "B" - BROADCAST ADVERTISING "N" - NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING "0" OUTSIDE ADVERTISING If one of the above codes does not accurately or fully describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column blank and provide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. IMPORTANT: Do not'itemize the payment of accrued expenses on Schedule E. Report only the lump sum of these payments on Line 3 of the Summary section, below. "L" NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAVEE, CREDITOR OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION (alW COMMITT.., ~I!NT1I!:1lt 1.0. NUM.." 0.. HAM IE AND ADDR.55 0'" T"""'SU".") "F" - UG" _ liT" "P" - CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID 5c)~ 0-0 Sf}~-." ;25;( #- I more space is nee e ,check box and ttach additional Schedules E. PORT ANT: Contributions and expenditures on behalf of other candidates or committees must also be entered in the \location section at the front of the campaign statement. SUMMARY L L L 6 L SUBTOTAL 1. Payments of $100 or more made this period (Include all Schedule E Subtotals) . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . .$ 2. Payments under $100 this period (not itemized) , . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .$ 3. Total Accrued Expenses paid this period (Schedule F, Line 4) . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 4. Total Payments this period (Line 1 + 2 + 3) Enter here and on Line 7, Column B of Summary Page. ' . . . . . . . .$ _7_ (~35?, 71.6 3;2i~53 <f!-J O~ oro B~~~~rl + '15 ',--7..1.1 /1., SCHEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS MADE (CONTINUATION SHEET) FORM 420,430 OR 490) CODES FOR CLASSI FYING EXPENDITURES If one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written description is needed. (Note exceptions on the back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "T".) Refer to the back of Schedule E and the Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure for detailed explanations and examples of each category, "C" - CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES "S" - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, OR COMMITTEES DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS "'" INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES "F" - FUNDRAISING EVENTS "L" - liTERATURE "G" - GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD "S" - SROADCAST ADVERTISING 'T' - TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS "N" - NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING "P" - PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND "0" - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING CONSULTING SERVICES If one of the above codes does not accurately or fully describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column blank and provide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAVEE, CREDITOR OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION (IF COMMITTEE, ~ENTER 1.0. NUMBER OR NAME AND ADDRESS OF TREASURER) COOE OR I- e-. e: L Co~ll:1kP;l~crlettcl'~ I~' ~ (;)Of 13M C- ~I { (10, ~ L f r {J.e IS Clr 0 96 ~117- }'Urr~(I<R. (yL/-e ) C'h v. I'( h Sf- U G:lr CA- 9~oz 0 (\\1 oJ ~ lt~~ L C; (t-\ Of\- {'SD?-CJ jJ /faC "QI 6 2-- L ~ I1J'OJ e Ov~f ~ ,0j2}q- / 2-f}? If more space is needed, check box and attach additional Schedules E. 1j~-MHj ~ I 9" .6rCJC. ' r /It. /00 ~y 1:& -:f '/50 fir 150% 5b5 .;;; DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT ~5J1 e lu,1t - / /J' '(veVI ~'~'5 /-1tJ e. P<.) sfo- j..e /1;t~ ( ~. . dn 1/'110 wr,o'", fo~ r c~ yu .Q' J1 /3.)1, '/1, AdVf:.~ -hSI ~s f YJ ~-.....)S .:< e'- AMOUNT PAID ,~ r 23 t5~7 I/&O~ SUBTOTAL ~ &501 -";;"';,_.';i_:~"'_"""""~;,, _'._ SCHEDULE E PAYMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS MADE (CONTINUATION SHEET) FORM 420, 430 OR 490) J e::t Tr. ~uncl f (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) CODES FOR CLASSI FYING EXPENDITURES If one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written description is needed. (Note exceptions on the back of this schedule for codes "C", "1" and "T".) Refer to the back of Schedule E and the Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure for detailed explanations and examples of each category. "C" - CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES "S" - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, OR COMMITTEES DOOR-TO.DOOR SOLICITATIONS "I" INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES "F" - FUNDRAISING EVENTS "L" - LITERATURE "G" - GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD "S" - BROADCAST ADVERTISING 'T' - TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS "N" - NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING "P" - PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND "0" - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING CONSULTING SERVICES If one of the above codes does not accurately or fully describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column blank and provide a written description in the "Description of Payment" column. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAVEE. CREDITOR OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION (IP' COMMITTEE, ~ENTIER 1.0. NUMBER OR NAMa AND AODRIISS 0"- TRe:ASURI!:R) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAVMENT AMOUNT PAID El1eQ1r-u Ca:u~S/nf) 0dhaq-f//~~cA-1/J l-q Ca t ./'I .J..... v(;;/ln/e- VCt,f i.{ee n Of /let 1fq J't- f ~z.- D !BPI/lo n'S (1q IOI'e- r;;/l~1 (!If 77"":'-= -;;7 e~fP1C( C:II'P {II- 1?4?$- d lite o.ri'Q.J tJer ra~ 1Y3 5 /f1C?~, retf [i-f~ wi 7r-7 (J 11-.. 7'?~.:;;1-~ ,#l4tEO r a - Cxfel1Jes <Jr I/q.je lct/~ 1/1 [f~l'! '!tbr,,-h~~ Lu fffs 1;000 :;2CJ()~ ~ .sa.. 36 ~y r; (I It' e YCJ c~;- " II' ~ //' , 575 q,.2 ?-y 6' I (/<f'e ffi tlkwC<(A/.1- 6 50:;; r~ Vt i'f"' ,c 07a. "" be/ C;/ (~'7 Ci' :;:LS ~ D If more space is needed, check box and attach additional Schedules E. SUBTOTAL v _e>