Pete Valdez - 1987/01/01 - 1987/12/31 ,-,---,-__,"""'_ _._.!llJ"'alI CANDIDATE/OFFICEH9LD~R IN.~~.:ldO~:9_1~ LLJ.!.::J ~(2~SOLlDATED :lEPORT NAME OF IOATE. VIX! d er._ _~ _.. _...___, . ____tJ:;1UUbHTCHElD 'InCI?;;:~~d :"~."C?mOe'" ao:,;o,., "'75:.0 .." S;; ;;'1irm r;! e lA' 'Dr r; ,f;"" (J 1/ "~ o~."' COO'l '""';;;'" ~ ~[.3~.__._____._ _iJ. _~fi. {jJ1.__~ z_. 17 BUSINESS AOOR S NO AND STREET : i y ~-- :11' CODE E /PHONE ~U\'8E- \",..j-'<;IVir~'l--\~l.:1P~ ..::> ~ I..~, t C.1".t:.!~ I {(3overnment Code Sections 84200-84: 17) Type or Print in Ink Statement Govers periodJ:~__=-~._~_..._. through _~_-:~'!.._-:-B.L. r ('H E'CK ON E OF .r. H E-F'C--L;-:::-v:'~":(-:~;-";~E.':::~-(')-;~:::I'-(-':~::.';:'::"':"'1.:.,;:,:-(-) =-;':A- T'E M' :;'T BEl N/':: -f"ll ,c D - ..... .. ,..t..." ,,~."-,~.~.J""~J' )l~l,J ,"';....,.t; ",J.:'~; _ r......i. ~,e . "-..I _c, I B" ST SEMI.,\NNUr'\L STArb'J\ENT r1 1 sr PRE.ELECTIOJ STATEMENT 1,1 I 2ND SEMI.ANNU,:,I.;3~,;TEr:.;GH ,_ ..... tj 2ND f'RE.ELECTIC 'I STATEMENT , SUPPLEMENT/IL. PH~ ,t:l_EC, ,UN::, li\ rl:cM!:NT I' Of filing a Supp;em,err:,:::n Pn~~Ek'ct)f;n Stdf.smruH. ':I.OU must complete Form 4:}:1 and i::lltach to th;<-; ';taternent,) '"--___._________.._..,.__.._...____...._ ~__.~..._._...._.,....____.~._A.U...._..__~~,___.__.~_,__~.___ DATE Of E LE CTIO N (M 0.. OA Y. 'fA", / I F APPU CAB LE)~---.-~-..,-_.,.._-.----_..". --, _.__.~,._"._~.____M~'n~_"'...._._-.______.____'"______.-"- FORM 490 1986 ...... -""",~~ .. II CONTROLLED COMMITTEES* INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED REPORT ~o;;M:nTT;Y-ke to E/e~t-1#t(-~/li~ -r;.Por CJx_GUf .'DNU1io TU~_~ ADORES\'iJ.OM~1 ~;ANOSTREET 2- ?~ ~O' STATE ~'~:;j ~EA1DE/PHONE'Z6F.2/ i2L-,.-.-.-,---.J~ll.{__.~_X__~__1' Q. ~L ~~ >M--- E OF TREASIJRER: (-/....:. ..(:i~r:y--------'--~"---~;r_rA. IE -.'>...-..---ZipC-CDfC..------:\R~~E/ 8 USlN E 55 PHO NE'N'lJ~:;iS'E~ PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREA SURER' NO. AND STfU:.iT NAME OF CO'M'MITTEE -~ ~.~~ r 1.0. NUMBER - en-' .... ---'-'''--'-STATE --------'-'--.---zipCOO~----~"REA CODE/ PHONE NUM!',f'" ADDRESS OF COMMi'i'i'E'F.--";O-:-AN0- STRUi--...--..---' NAME OF TRF.ASURER' PERMANENT ADDRESS OJ:: TREASURE~NO. AND S ffir.~'T.n._._~.._" -,~.<, -'-"-.M'(:_:";"i':!~..".~..~.,-'-.._.____sr::\TE...~.--..-~".-'--XJ-?~E5(jE----"-~ AR E,~ COD {,> 8 US I N tS.S~NE .",j U '~~1G~ *' A controlled committee is one vvhici? is coni'roi/ed dl'r<'ct.!\1 (it indirect'v by a candidate or/VtuCl"J acts /olntly "rvith a candidate or controlled commlrtee if connection with the maklnq of exoenaiturps .:;"':;i!(/idare (Ot',?UO/S a cf)fnmitlee if the' can~ hu{~, the cI~ndidau"s agent or any other commlt'tee he or s.hl:1 controls. has significant influence 0/1 the actJon_s..::.!_':::..'::.:.!.~:.::~._,._!!.:.:.::..~'!!.!!'itl:..:.~_..__..______________. ,4ttach additional informaflon or approprlatelv lalleied cunrl'JUdlion sheets, CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMIT EES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTWHICH ARE COl\HROLU:D BY YOU OR ,ARE PRIMARILY :::OF{MED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. ..-.---"r..'.~--~~_.._~-.,._.-...._~._'''----'---------'~.--. ___~___E COMMITTEe NAME AND 1.0, NUMB~=-..__~___._,__..._..~~~~.::~.~,;D~~~.___.t-. TREASURER I . . +--.------.----.-.----- -1 ____L___.... 1______ III CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? YES I NO ----1-__ Attach additionsl information on apprormately labeled COf!(mUallOn sheets. ~_._-_.,----~._--_.._-'.. VERIFICATION ~.., I have used all reasonable dlltgence In preparing thl~; Statement I ha\le reViewed the Statempnt and to the best of my knowledge the Intormatlon,;.9Pf<lIned herem and In the attached schedules IS true and comPlet~ ,/ I certIfy under penalty f ~eiJ Y under the Is' e State ~lfO ar at the foregOlr true a 7rre~ /' L Executed on I '/; at .. - by ~~-----=:.:::-- '( ) . "A [) SlA ,SIGNATURE Of If'EASuRERI Executed on __.__^__ by . CITY AND STATEi I have used all reasonable diligence and to the best ot my knowledge the tr reViewed the Statement and to the best of my knowlcdqs ,rHllnformall I certlty under penalty '/ perjur under th~~ Calif ri1 ' Executed on at _.. _ _~, ~. ....0 r ....,..~ ~ T Ei For intormatlon reqUired to be oro\l.ded to you ~'ursuant lG the ,doZtlon rl.f ",,",,0 P,diti,..<J:II QafJ"'lrl'T\ .4..." " '.-lENT COVERS PERIO : o THR~O . ___~~~o~.n~s ~J~:~~n ~~ur~~::1 To W1O~ Dollar:l . h ~?' 1 ~ '.3d 7~ a'OFCA~",OAT'OR: ~M'ITIt'L.. iik ~i1e;'(%.1f-C---;={'--VY;;; -I. UM"R""'M~'" -/ -mUtL __t - -----------~~ l &L2 ({ 7 --- 'JJt IJ','N " COt UMN B COLUMN C Curnu. l.ive tr)ta~ Total thl'S perIod from Cumt.datlve to oate ff('rTl pre'iIOU5 0011Pd* ana:ned scho'du!es (Columns A'" 3) CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1 Momnary contr:b~t.ir..," CAMPAIGN DlSCLOSUHE STATEMEN r SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 .' " , ---E::7 s ._____..___._._ SCHEDULE A, uNE 3 2. Loans received. . . . . . . , . . . . . .. . .. . . .. , . . , 1':',_ ...-.~- --'SC;;'RiijLE';j:- UNE 7-- 3. SUBTOTAL CASH RECEIPTS. ... , . . ~_.,- 0' ,I- __.___ m,'____.___..._ UNES , . l ! ,- ~~~_.-,.---- I SCH~:OULE c, UNE 3 ~ I --~~c;iE.6tiLf,-D~ljNT7o.-- I $ _ ~~__....__ i -~-=.:::...-::--=-._-~-- UNFS J + 4 l- .5 (." ) ) '\::31 f' 2 4. Non-monetary contributions 5. Pledges..,........ ........... 6, TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . , . .. . . . . . ~; EXPENDITURES MADE /3~~ $ _...__._-~._-_._,- SCfiE!l\JlE E. LINE 5 7. Payments .........,.................... C'. ....~ .". '~.""~~"'''-'-'~'''-''--'-'----~_,_, I ! I i I I .~ i -SCHtDULE ~ S ,-,-- I $ ,:..1-:??:> - I $ __.__U_NE5 9. ':__..J 8. Loans made ..... e;- --'SCHroUlEEe:-UNE~- I ~-:2..~ -~~i- 9. SUBTOTAL...,.,..,..............." -'-"~--~~~~~!:'Tr~.EST;8"---'~-~-' 10, Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES. . . ~. _ ~ .. ~ . . . ~ ~ S :$ ~ ~ ^ y -@- UNES 1 ~ :z --~---- -~ /.~- ' -6- $ -.--=--.------.-- -'-~.-CTNESJ:4'75------ (SHOULO EQUAI~ LlNE 6 COLUMNS ." . BI $ ._.._L.o 3 ~ .Q- _1.33~ UNES 7 + 8 ,--- ~ -.- .__-.1 J~~ _ -"-"'U'NES-~-'- {SHOULD EQUAL LINE 11 , COLUMNS ...\ ... 8i /"IF THIS IS THE FIRST REPORT FILED FO;~:~ C"~END;\~'~;~;~.~;~UMN A S:~;~;;:.;~E F;..J\NK EXCE;;-;~~~PAIO lOANS RECEIVED. PLEDGES, I I OUTSTANDING lOANS MADE AND UNPAID BillS (LINES 2. 5. 8 AND 10), "'(lMPORTANT SEE ,INSTRUCTIONS ON REV~."E F~~~:~~~~RI~_r~E SUMMARY ~:~~~E C~NCERNING REPORTING :OANS MAD", LINE 8, COLU~ 12. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL, CONDITIONCly Cash on han~ at the beginnll1(j of this penod (Enter "Cash on Hand at ;;, :2... / _ Closrng Date from prevIous statement filed.) .. .. .....,............ s --e-~--,--- ~ , 3, Cash receipts this period (Line 3, Column 8 aboliH) . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 14, Miscellaneous adjustments to cash (Sch"duie G, Line 8) . . . . . . . . . , . . . ~ /?:J3~.__ 15. Cash payments this period (Line 9. Column B above) .. _ . . . , . . . . . . . . . , 6, Cash on hand at dosing date llines 12 ,. 13 .' 14- 15 abovel .....,......".......,........... , 7. Cash equivalents (other assets held inGluding oll!standing loans made to ethersl, Important: See instructIons on reverse ."........"..,.,....,....."..,........., '.........o.......o... 18. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line '10 of Column C above) , . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..............,....... $ --'--'-'-""'-'-"-'-__~_'_""''"~'''_''''_'_'_'_'._''__._uU._k_____ ___.____,_~__ '.---"-----"-'---'.-,.....-..-..--..---.-.,-'.,,-..--....,.,..--_...._._---_.._.~.. ---~-'-' $. . 'i9'J--~Sf ENDING CASH ON HAND SHOULD NOT BE A NEGATlVE AMOUNT $--~ -- (2:7 .------- SUMMARY FOR CANDiDATES IN BOTH J4. .JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTiON (See Instructions on Reverse) 19. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEiVED 20. EXPENDITURES MADE: 1/1 !t1 ru 6 i ]0 7/ 1 to daIS r-.--....--.-.--..--T-----.--..--..! r---...----..'--'--....-.T-'----.-..-'-..-i l-~~_,-_____..__.__.~_.._,~,____"'~j_.._._-.._____~."..__l . 2.. .1 SCHEDUL.E E PAYMENTS ;\NO CONTRIBUTIONS (OTH:R THAN LOANS) MADE FORM 420, 430 OR 490 r-STAT ME _. . .. ..I;OUn'S::!.~e RO",,":'.T~Vlhole Oolla'sl. L;' 'lr. OFC^,;~OMM"''tJ ecII~-- tla7J~J:-~e:k OcHt ct/l " ~ b CODE~O~R-CLA-SSiFYlliiGEXPEN~RES If one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no writtrm description is needed. (Note exceptions on the back of this schedule for codes "C", "I" and "1''') Refcl:-rO the back of this schedule for detailed expl-ar1ations of each category. "C" CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDiDATES "s" SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING. OR COMMITIEES DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLlCITATIONS "I" INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES "F" FUNORAISING EVENTS "L" lITERll.TURE "G" GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD "8" BROADCAST ADVERTISING 'T' TRAVEL ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS "N" NEWSPAPER AND PERIODiCA.L )\[)'JEFmSiNG "P" PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND "0" OUTSIDE ADVERTISING CONSULTING SERVICES If one of the above codes does not accurately or fully describe the expenditure, leave the "Code" column blank and provide 3 written description in the "Description of Pavment" column. IMPORTANT: 00 not itemize the payment of accrued expenses on Schedule E. Report only the lump sum of these payments on Line 4 of the Summary section, below. ------'~-~.~.-.~_.._..__..__..b__.__._,_._.___.__.___~.,....___ ._..-._._._...__...._..._~-._._,-._-->,,~-,~_._..__..,.--,....~-_. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE, CHEDITOR OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION III' COMMiTTE, ALSO ENTER 1.0. NUMBER OR NAME AND ADDRESS OF TRFASUHERi CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PiWMENT AMOUNT PAID I I I I I I I --l SUBTOTAL 113 J S--B ',.:.=-::; =~.=-===-==c..======-:::===-""'====,,7'"~.=---===---=_-::: O If more space is needed. check box at left and attach additional Schedules E. IMPORTANT: Contributions and expenditures on behalf of other candidates or committees must also be entered in the 3110cation section at the front of the campaign statement. SUMMARY 1. PAYMENTS OF $100 OR MORE MADE THIS PERIOD (Include all Schedule E subtotals) . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . $ ~ -'/~-6 .~ .e- --er' 1:3 ~@.. 2. PAYMENTS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) ........,....,........................... $ 3. TOTAL INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD ON OIJTSTAr'-JDING LOANS (Schedule 8, Part 2. Column (b)). .... . . . , '. ..."...." ., . ......,.. .....,.... ........., .............,. $ 4. TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Schedule F. Line 4i ,.......................,. $ 5. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 .~ 2 t :3 + 4) Enter here and 1 Line 7. Column 8 of Summary Page. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ..,.."... .....,... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . $ .8-