Pete Valdez - 1987/07/01 - 1987/12/31 '0-"~S~''':'';C'5.;S;*-$&~:,j'f~~~''''''''''''~'''~:~.iL~~~=-~:~:'",":",'~-~',"''-o . CANDIDATE AND OfFICEHOLOSR CAMPAiGN STATEMti.NT-"/..ONGi !;':i , , AND 'e. CONSOUDATED CAMPAIGN STAlclllileNT (Government Code Sections 84200-84217) '. · Type or Print in Ink : . Statement covers period 7-1-87 through 12 -31-8 7 FORM 490 1987 CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING BOXES TO INDICATE THE TYPE OF STATEMENT BEING FlLED. o PRE-ELECTION STATEMENT 0 SUI"PLEWENT AL PRE-ELECTION o SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT STATEMENT (If filing a Sll~al Pre-Election Statement, you must complete Form 495 and attach it to this -.-eAt.) .~ ~~ ..c,~ DA OF ELECTION (MO.. DAY, VII.) /IF APPL1CAlILE): '&kv' ,j,~~~.... E/e~-f PHONE NUMIER ~oz/ PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER: NO, AND STREET STATE ZIl' CODE AREA COf)€! 8US1illEss PHONE NUMBER NAME OF COMMITIEE: 1.0, Nl./MIlER ADORESS OF COMMITIEE: NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA COOE/ PHONE NUMiEii NAME OF TREASURER: PERMANENT ADDRESS OF TREASURER NO, !"NO STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER * A controlled committee is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by a candidate or which acts jointly with a candidate or controlled committee in connection with the making of expenditures. A cllndidate controls a committH if the candidate, the candidlHe's agent, or any othsr committ88 he or she controls, hilS significsnt influence on the actions or dtlcisions of the committ... Attach additional informlHion or approprilltely IIIbBltJd continuation sheets. III CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER ONLY: LIST ANY OTHER COMMITTEES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS CONSOUOATED STATEMENT WHICH ARE CONTROLLED BY YOU OR ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY. CON~OlLED COMMITTEE NAME AND 1.0. NUMBER COMMITTEE ADDRESS TREASURER COMMITTEE? YES NO . , Attach addltlona' mformation on appropoately labeled contmuation sheets. VERIFICATlON CANDIDA TE OR OFFICEHOLDER: I have used all reasonable diligence and, if one or more controlled committees are included in this report. to the best of my knowledge the treasurer has used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement"I have reviewed the Stat nd to the best 01 my knowledge the infor- mation contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and compktie. I certily under penalty perj under the law, of 1'e State 0 Calif.. 'a that the foregoing is; rue Executed on ~I ff at ,I /'1 /.. ,j by e) ity and Ste'e) TREASURER(S) (if applicable): I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this Statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained attached schedules is true and complete. r;t -'1 I certify under pe~alty, 1 p )'" under the law~ th S;te of C 'fornia.. at the loregoing is true., C/8Ct. ! ElIecuted on I'> ~ ~ at el/' '/' I by , . /- ( .,.) (SiQIlature 01 Tr_er at by ixecuted on (Sigq'ur. 01 r___) . and in the (O.'e) CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420 OR 490 (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) T~: nUJ1.c','r :t,e Vlf\-_ CONTAt8UTIQNS RECEIVED 1. Monetary contributions .......,.,........, $ COLUMN A Curmllalivl lolal from previous period · 2. Loans received ......................... 3. SUBTOTAL CASH RECEIPTS. . . . . . . . , , . , . .. $ UNESI+2 4. Non-monetary contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5, TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS WITHOUT PLEDGES UNES3+4 6. Pledges....,.......,................., 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS. . , . . . . . . . , . . . . .. , ......- UNES5+8 EXPENDITURES MADE a. Payments .,..........,................ $ 9, Loans made. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. SUBTOTAL ...........,.,...."...,.... UNES8+9 11. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) . , . . , , . . . . . . 12. TOTAL EXPENDITURES ........,....,.... $ UHfS 10 + I 1 - ~_...' --,_.,,- -.'~.-'-- '. COl"M1M4 $ TolllllllUi iari!ia if 0111 IlltachflQ .~~ $ 0- ~A.l~3 .~ lICl-fiCl.U la. LM 1 If UHI$ 1+ 2 ff' SCHEOUlE C. LINE 3 f?f UNES 3 ,~ 4 .fl SCI1E~ 1 -- COlUMN C C~tiv.e to dale (~~ A +BJ e- .~_.- .if UNESI+2 ,{} if LIHES 3 ... 4 CC) fY l.IliIES5+8 (SHOUlD EOUA1. lINE 1. COLUMNS A + B) $ :3 ~~ ~ .;S3 .er- $ lINES 5 + 6 $37") .. 3:3 SCHEDUlE E. LINE 5 .er- SCHEDUlE EE. LINE 1 3 Y'I J.3. LINES 8 + 9 ~ SCHEDUlE F. LINE 5 $~:f3. 5} LINES 10+ II , $ ~ .J Y3..33 LINES 8 + II --8r- $ 313,33 LINES 10 + 11 (SHOULD EOUAl lINE 12, COUlMNS A ... 51 · IF THIS IS THE FIRST REPORT FILED FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR, COLUMN A SHOULD BE BLANK EXCEPT FOR UNPAID LOANS RECEIVED, PLEDGES, OUTSTANDING LOANS MADE AND UNPAID BILLS (LINES 2, 6, 9 AND 11). STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION "Jq" 06/ $~~I .(d-' ~ 3 is" 33 13, Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. (Enter "Cash on Hand at Closing Date" from previous statement filed.) . . , . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . 14. Cash receipts this period (line 3, Column B above) ....,..,....... 15. Miscellaneous adjustments to cash (Schedule G, Line a) ."."" . . . 16. Cash payments this period (Line to, Column B above) .......,...., \ 17. Cash on hand at Closing date (Lines 13 + 14 + 15 - 16 above) . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . la. Cash equivalents (other assets held including outstanding loans made to others). Important: See instructions on reverse. . . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + line 11 of Column C above) .......,.................... $ / Lj Cf. .210 ENDING CASH ON SHOUlD NOT 8lil A NEGATIVE AMOUNT ,.B- 'f:; $ $ 1/1 thru 8/30 T /1 to dete SUMMARY FOR CANDIDATES IN BOTH A JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTION (See Instructions on RfWerH) 020, CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED; I . 21. EXPENDITURES MADE: I -2- ., SCHEDULE E PA YMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN LOANS) MADe PAQL~.OF ___ FORM 420 OR 490 STATlMf;N'f~(JVIl~S PER!OD ,I!.~ ro~ THAOUG (Amounts May Be Rounded To Whole Dollars) ij ()r / A rr- 1.0, ~!WC, 1'THI d/u PC / co tlfEE~ Jl e Tf Vc~ ~c_J; CODES FOR CLASSIFYIN EXPENDITU IS If one of the following codes is used to describe the expenditure, no written description is needed. (Nott exceptions on the back of this schedule for codes "C", 'T' and ''1''.) Refer to the back of this schedule for detailed explenation. of each category. "e" MONETARY & IN-KINO CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CAHOOA TES OR COMMITTEES INDEPeNOENT EXPENDITURES UTERA TURE BROAOCAST ADVERTISING NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING OUTSIDE ADVERTISING "F" "G" "T" "P" "S" "I" "L" "S" UN" "0" SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOOR SOUCITATIONS FUNDRAlSfNG EVENTS GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD TRAVEL. ACCOMMODATIONS ANO MEALS PROFESSIONAL MAH:AGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES IMPORTANT: Do not itemize the payment of accrued expenses on Schedule E, Report only the lump sum ofthese payments on Line 4 of the Summary section, below, NAMe AND AOOtlESS OF PAYEE. CREDITOR OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION (IF COMMlTTiE. ALSO ENTER 1.0, NUMeER OR NAME AND ADDRESS, OF TREASURER) CODE OR /I( ;fr'f/l (2 10vt-<< ) e ;/ q ~ L ~/ ~ f;.lCi1C) we,,- i(Jnch€!@.'VJ' D If more space is needed, check box at left and attach additional Schedules E. DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT t(JI/U f IJ ", 'J 1J1AJ1~f;S CaY'cA .- .&" b{VI fL;;J5 L Jlt( A Jl<>.fme5.f ~ H L J, SUBTOTAL AMOUNT PAID -<S. Q....;;J.. /tPo ~ / ~-~ /53-- 5o~ G-- J -- <>u /6 - 3Y33~ IMPORTANT: Contributions and expenditures on behalf of other candidates or committees must also be entered in the allocation section at the front of the campaign statement. SUMMARY 1, PAYMENTS OF $100 OR MORE MADE THIS PERIOD (Include all Schedule E subtotals) . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , . , , , . . . . . . . . . . $ 2. PAYMENTS UNDER $100 THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) ...............................,.....,..$ 3. TOTAL INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD ON OUTSTANDING LOANS (Schedule B, Part 2, Column (b)). . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , . , . . $ 4, TOTAL ACCRUED EXPENSES PAID THIS PERIOD (Not itemized) (Schedule F, Line 4) " , . . . . $ 5. TOTAL PAYMENTS THIS PERIOD (Line 1 + 2 + 3 + 4) Enter here and on Line 8, Column B of 3 <(3 33 Summary Page. ..,...,..,.....,..,..,..........,..,..,...,...................,...,.. ....... $ - 8 - . . ;2 S 3 _li.- 9 ~.. ,r. 0-- -