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Resolution 1978-44 " . . ~ RESOLUTION NO. 78 - 44 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISH- ING APPROPRIATE BASIC PAY PLANS, ALLOCATING THE VARIOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CITY SERVICE TO APPROPRIATE P~NGES IN THE BASIC PAY PLANS. WHEREAS, the City Council did on June 30~ 1978 to grant the various employee associations an 8% salary increase and administrative personnel a 4% salary increase not to exceed $1,000.00 per year, effective July 1, 1978, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following benefits shall be granted to the City employees and shall become effective July 1, 1978: 1) Salary Range and Classification Schedule; Basic Pay Plan. (Exhibit "A"). PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of June, 1978, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CHILDERS, HUGHAN, LINK, STOUT and GOODRICH. COUNCIL MEMBER: CUNNINGHAM. COUNCIL MEMBER: PATE. NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED: \/ ~..... )/...~. , /"7t9?-~~' . . . ~... _:"ic.~ , Hayor ATTEST: ~ RESOLUTION NO. 78 - 44 . . EXHIBIT "A" . RESOLUTION NO. 78-44 e CITY OF GILROY SALARY RANGE AND CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE 1978-79 A. Administrative Grou 4~, not 0 excee 1,000 annually) Director of Public Works Chief of Police Fire Chief Director of Parks & Recreation Director of Planning Assistant City Administrator Deputy Police Chief Police Commander Public Works Superintendent Acting Planning Director City Clerk CLASSIFICATION B. Cleri cal Clerk Typist I Personnel Clerk Account Clerk/Computer Operator Administrative Clerk Building Inspection Clerk Clerk Typist II Secretary Computer Operator Clerk t1atron Buyer C. Fi re - Firefighter Apprentice Firefighter Fire Engineer Fire Captain Month 1..Y Annua 11y 2.502.58 2,210.17 2,101.32 2,101.32 1,977.39 1,968.55 1,968.55 1,882.40 1,794.00 1,779.42 1,548.30 30,031 26,522 25,216 25,216 23,729 23,623 23,623 22,589 21,528 21,353 18,580 Base - 1% Education 2~% Education (30 Semester un~ts) (60 Semester Units) 22.5 22.5a 23 24.5 24.5a 25 24.5 24.5a 25 24.5 24.5a 25 24.5 24.5a 25 24.5 24.5a 25 26.5 26.5a 27 26.5 26.5a 27 27 27a 27.5 31.5 31.5a 32 23.5 31 32 33.5 23.5a 31a 32a 33.5a 24 31.5 32.5 34 D. Parks, Recreation and Public Works Buildings: Custodian I 25 25a 25.5 Custodian II 27 27a 27.5 Building Inspection: Building Inspector 34 34a 34.5 Engineering: Engineering Aide 26.5 26.5a 27 Public Works Inspector 29 29a 29.5 Jr. Civil Engineer 34.5 34.5a 35 Public Works Maintenance: Pub11c Works Maint. I 25 25a 25.5 Public Works Maint. II 27 27a 27.5 Public Works Sr. Maint. 29 29a 29.5 Streets 2. Sewers Super. 32.5 32.5a 33 Water Supervisor 32.5 32.5a 33 Parks Maintenance: Groundskeeper I 25 25a 25.5 Groundskeeper I I 27 27a 27.5 Tree C11ni>er 27 27a 27.5 Sr. Groundskeeper 29 29a 29.5 Park Arborist 29 29a 29.5 Park Supervisor 32.5 32.5a 33 -1- -/" e e CLASSIFICATION Base 1% Educat ion 2Ja% Educat ion - (30 'semester Units) (60 Semester Units) Recreation: Recreation Leader III 25 25a 25.5 Recreation Super. I 28 28a 28.5 Recreation Super. II 30.5 30.5a 31 Shop: Equip.Service Person 25 25a 25.5 Automoti ve t1echanic 29.5 29.5a 30 Equipment Mechanic 30.5 30.5a 31 Equipment Maint. Super. 32.5 32.5a 33 Sewage Treatment Plant: Sewage Treatment Plant Operator I 28 28a 28.5 Sewage Treatment Plant Operator II 31 31a 31.5 Sewage Treatment Plant Supervisor 33.5 33.5 a 34 E. Planning Junior Planner 29 29a 29.5 Associate Planner 35 35a 35.5 F. Police Police Cadet 21 21a 21.5 Police Officer Trainee 24.5 24.5a 25 Clerk Hatron 27 27a 27.5 Po 11 ce Offi cer 32 32a 32.5 Police Sergeant 35.5 35.5a 36 G. Employees not on Salary Range System City Adnrlnistrator 35tOOO/yr. (2,916.67/mo.) City Attorney 12 tOOO/yr. (1 tOOO.OO/mo.) '.1ayor 300/mo. City Council ISO/mo. H. Hourly Rated Employees A B C D E - - - - Assistant Pool Manaqer 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 Crime Prevention Specialist 6.13 ---- Junior Clerk 2.66 2.80 2.94 3.09 3.25 Laborer 2.94 3.09 3.25 3.42 3.58 r~useum Director ~. 71 Recreation Leader Aide 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 Park Maintenance Aide 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 Pool f1anager 3.75 3.90 4.10 4.30 4.50 Recreation Leader I 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 Recreation Specialist 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 Recreation Leader II 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 Sports Official (per game) 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 Swim Aide 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 Swim Instructor/Guard 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 Housing & Community Develop- 1,404/mn. (is.12/hr.) ment Grant Coordinator Administrative Intern 833.33/00. -2.. ~ e CITY OF GILROY e BASIC PAY PLAN Hourly Range Rate of Number Step A A B C D E - 21 4.12 n.2 745 780 815 853 21a 4.15 718 751 787 823 862 21.5 4.20 728 761 797 836 875 21.5a 4.23 734 767 805 845 885 22 4.31 745 780 815 853 899 22a 4.34 751 787 823 862 906 22.5 4.40 761 797 836 875 920 22.5a 4.43 767 805 845 885 930 23 4.50 730 815 853 899 941 23a 4.56 787 823 862 906 950 23.5 4.60 797 836 875 920 966 23.5a 4.65 805 845 885 930 975 *24 4.71 815 853 899 941 989 24a 4.75 823 862 906 950 999 24.5 4.83 836 875 920 966 1014 24.5a 4.88 845 885 930 975 1023 25 4.92 853 899 941 989 1038 25a 4.99 862 906 950 999 1049 25.5 5.05 875 920 966 1014 1064 25.5a 5.11 885 930 975 1023 1074 26 5.19 899 941 989 1038 1090 26a 5.24 906 950 999 1049 1102 26.5 5.31 920 966 1014 1064 1118 26.5a 5.38 930 975 1023 1074 1129 27 5.43 941 989 1038 1090 1144 27a 5.50 950 999 1049 1102 1155 27.5 5.58 966 1014 1064 1118 1172 27.5a 5.64 975 1023 1074 1129 1183 28 5.72 989 1038 1090 1144 1201 28a 5.78 999 1049 1102 1155 1213 28.5 5.85 1014 1064 1118 1172 1231 28.5a 5.92 1023 1074 1129 1183 1244 29 6.00 1038 1090 1144 1201 1263 29a 6.06 1049 1102 1155 1213 1273 29.5 6.15 1064 1118 1172 1231 1293 29.5a 6.20 1074 1129 1183 1244 1305 30 6.31 1090 1144 1201 126:1 1324 30a 6.36 1102 1155 1213 1273 1337 30.5 6.46 1118 1172 1231 1293 1359 30.5a 6.52 1129 1183 1244 1305 1372 31 6.62 1144 1201 1263 1324 1391 31a 6.67 1155 1213 1273 1337 1405 31.5 6.77 1172 1231 1293 1359 1425 31.5a 6.84 1183 1244 1305 1372 1439 32 6.94 1201 1263 1324 1391 1460 32a 7.01 1213 1273 1337 1405 1474 32.5 7.12 1231 1293 1359 1425 1496 32.5a 7.19 1244 1305 1372 1439 1510 33 7.29. 1263 1324 1391 1460 1534 33a 7.37 1273 1337 1405 1474 1548 33.5 7.47 1293 1359 1425 1496 1570 33.5a 7.55 1305 1372 1439 1510 1584 34 7.65 1324 1391 1460 1534 1609 34a 7.73 1337 1405 1474 1548 1625 34.5 7.85 1359 1425 1496 1570 1647 34.5a 7.93 1372 1439 1510 1584 1664 35 8.04 1391 1460 1534 1609 1689 35a 8.11 1405 1474 1548 1625 1706 35.5 8.23 1425 1496 1570 1647 1731 35.5a 8.32 1439 1510 1584 1664 1747 * The salary above the line reflects the $50 minimum effective July 1. 1975. All steps have been adjusted 3% 0ranted, effective July 1, 1971. -1- -2- .. ..., . ...... e e I, SUSANNE E. STEINl1ETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 78-44 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of adjourned Gllroy at a/regular meeting of said Council held on the 30th day of June 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS t.JHEREOF . I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy, this 14th day of June , 19 78. ~b-