Gordon E. Farotte
. ..
69/ t 8 j)l"vi r;, iOIl J.~;;i
I'HIS IS AN AGREEMENT made and entered into b;l and bet"vveen the City
a rnunicipal corporation. in Santa Clara County~ Californh.. (herein<,;Jter refer:l'ed to
afl frOwner"~ >> and _.____._~or~.~__E_..!_.fal".c:?~~.~.___.___..____.._.___.______________.______'
a corporation organized and existing under the laws of th"" SLf.d;~ 'Of ____.._.__._________
a pa rtne r 8 hi p con f,. is Hug oJ _______..___.___...._________.__ ._____..___.__....__________.___.______._____.____ "
an individual ch;.ing business as __.__~~LcL<?~_.~,~~.!:<?.!te..__.___._..___.____
e!f the City of __~!J..!:9.Y-__ ') in the State of Californi<:~, (lv:re:inaJter ?i~efeJ;'l'ed to
a.s IfCont7'actor"p.
---._--------~-_..~.~~._'"_.__..-_.~-- --.-----.--.------..-..------.--.-.--..---.--.-.--.----_._.-,-,._---_.,.._----~._-,
Owner and Contractor for the <consideration hereinafter na.med ag:r'eeas fOnOW~l:
Contractor shall furnish all mated,jIs and perform all of the work for the COl1l3truc..
Hon of the Gilroy Headq1.1aters Fire Station, Gilroy,
U'1 ac'~ordance
th.e plans an.d specifications for the .wvc:rk.. which plans and s'()ccificatiOll.B have beeE
a.pproved by the City Council of the City of GHroy Cl.nd ;::.,r'e here
rnade it pa:rt of
this Agxeernent. Saidplan6
fjp,e(:ifIc~~_tio;~1S~ 'pl"(~pa.!'ed ~':'"f R(}l~}ex.;t 13,. 1l\7()rlg;J :f
Architect,. are on file in the office of the Ch;l'k of the City oi.' Gii.royo
Owner shall pay" and Contractor ~)han accept, in fuB paym<ent foX' the work ahove
;:,greed t,.) be dOl1(~~ the sum of _~!!.~Ji!!!:ld~~<i_ThJny_Ihre~_IhQusand Iwq.Jiundre<i._._.
Six ty and 001 100-:__...':"_:=::.::..:.:.:-=--::.:::.-=-_:-=---:.:_=:_:.=.:..:-=--=:.~~ 1 a r~_ ($ 133 ,260.00 ~,
Plus Alternate No.1 for Asphalt Paving, the additional sum of Five Thousand-Fo;~--
Hund~ed Sixteen and 00/100-----------------Dollars ($5,416.00).
69/18 Divi sian B I Pagi.O:G
The complete contract between th.e parties hereto shall consist of the Contract
Documents listed in the AlA General Conditions. All rights and obligations of
Owner and Contractor are fully set forth. and described in the Contract Documents,
All the above documents are intended to cooperate. so that any' work called for in
,one9 and not mentioned in the others" ,,)1' vice versa" is to be executed as if men=
tioned in all Baid documents.
The work called for herein shall be cormnenced within ten (I O~ days of notice to
proceed issued by Owner and shaH be fuBy completed \vithin one hundred eighty
(180) calendar days.
An notices t>hall be h'l writing9 and delivered in person or t:ransmitted by maiL
Notices to be given to Owner shall be addressed as follow;.;;;
City of Gilroy
c/o Mr, Fred 0, Wood
City Hall
10 So Rosanna St,
Gilroy, Calif.
Notices required to be given to Conh'actor shall he addressed to the business ad.,
dress of Contra.etoI' as it appea:1's hercdn" Notices req1::d. T.ed to he given to sureties
of Contractor shall be addresii:ed ta ouch 5urf:~Heg at their add:rea~')es on the bonds,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF'o the parties hereto have exec~:!J:ed this Agreement as of the
_~,. d.____ da}to:f___~eEruar'y____, 197L
, I
/ City Clerk
By Mayor, Norman B. Goodri ch
~~3;;page 3
(official title)
80 Cas_ey Street
Gilroy, California 95020
(business address>>
Contractoris License No,
_ 0 197 L
Norman B. Goodrich Mayor
George T. Duffin Mayor Pro-Tem
Fred P. Betrez Councilman
Mark E. Kennedy Councilman
Jack E. Pate Councilman
Anthony C. Silva Councilman
C Everett C. Wentworth Councilman
Fred O. Wood City Administrator
Albert L. Brittain Fire Chief
.Architect Robert B. Wong, AIA, 569 Geary St., San
l;'ranciscop Calif. 94102 ph. (415) 474-2967
Structural engineers
Rutherford & Chekene. 487 Bryant St. p San
Francisco, Calif. 94107 ph. (415) 391-3990
Mechanical engineers
Ayers. Cohen & Hayakawa, 259 Geary St.~
San Francisco, Calif. ph. (415) 397-5357
Electrical engineers
Ayers. Cohen & Hayakawa, 259 Geary St. ,
San Francisco, Calif. ph. (415) 397-5357
Landscape designer
Melvin H. Lee, 70 Broa1:lwayo San Francisco,
Calif. ph. (415) 433-4080
Oct. 9, 1971
DIVISIONS No. of pages
AZ Instruction to Bidders 3
A3 Bid Form 3
A4 Supplement to Proposal: Alternates
and Unit Prices 1
A5 Designation of Subcontractors Z
BZ Ce rtificate of Insurance Z
C GENERAL AND SPECIAL Cl A. I. A. General Conditions I
CONDITIONS CZ Additions or Modifications to
A. I. A. General Conditions 5
C3 Supplementary Conditions 7
1 GENERAL REQUIRE- IA General Requirements 3
MENTS IB Prevailing Rate of Wages Z
IC Tests and Inspections 1
0 2 SITE WORK ZA Site Work 3
ZB Asphalt Paving Z
3 CONCRETE WORK 3A Concrete Formwork Z
3B Reinforcing Steel 2
3C Concrete Work 6
3D Vermiculite Concrete 2
4 (Omitted)
5 METALS: STRUCTURAL 5A Structural and Miscellaneous
6 CARPENTRY 6A Rough Carpentry 3
6B Laminated Timber 2
6C Carpentry '7
6D Gypsum Board Work Z
6E Mill work 3
7 MOISTURE PROTECTION 7A Built-up Roofing 3
7B Sheet Metal Work 2
8 DOORSp WINDOWS AND 8A Aluminum Sliding Doors 1
C GLASS 8B Overhead Doors Z
8C Glas s and Glazing Z
8D Dual Louvers 1
( continued)
9 FINISHES 9A Lathing and Plastering 4
9B Ceramic Tile 2
9C Painting Work 4
9D Resilient Flooring 2
9E Carpeting 1
10 SPECIALTIES lOA Toilet Compartments 1
lOB Finish Hardware 6
11 EQUIPMENT llA Kitchen Equipment 1
12 - (Omitted)
13 (Omitted)
14 (Omitted)
C 15 MECHANICAL 15A General 7
15B Plumbing <)
15C Air Conditioning 15
16 ELECTRICAL 16A Electrical Work 11
69/18 Division Al Page 1
Notice is hereby given that bids will be received for the construction of the Gilroy
Headquarters Fire Station, Gilroy, California by the City Clerk of the City of
Gilroy, City Hall, 73<J0 Rosanna St., Gilroy, California 950Z0. on or before
January Z8D lQ71. at 2:00 p. m. PST, a~t which tirr..e the bids will be publicly opened.
Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the City Engineer or may
be obtained from the same office upon deposit of Fifty Dollars ($50. 00) for each
set. which deposit will be refunded upon the return of such sets in. complete and
good condition within fifteen (15) days after bids are opened. Contractors will be
limited to two sets of plans and specifications per bidder. Plans may also be ex-
amined at the office of the Architect, Robert B. Wong, AlA, 569 Geary St.. San
Francisco, or at the various builder's exchanges.
City Clerk. City of Gilroy. Califo!"nia
69/18 Division A 2 Page I
1 . Securing Documents:
Copies of the Contract Documents, including plans and specifications, are
on file and may be examined at the office of the City Engineer, City Hall,
7390 Rosanna St., Gilroy, California, or at the office of the Architect,
Robert B. Wong, AlA, 569 Geary St., San Francisco, California. Copies
of the Contract Documents may be obtained from the City Engineer upon
payment of the amount stated in the Notice to Bidders.
2. Bid Form:
In order to receive consideration, make all bids as per the following in-
. 1 Make bids in duplicate upon the form provided therefor, available from
the City Engineer, properly executed and with all items filled in; the
signature of all persons signing shall be in longhand.
Blank spaces in the proposal must be properly filled in, and the phrase=
ology thereof must not be changed. Additions must not be made to
the items mentioned therein. Any unauthorized conditions, limitations
or provisos attached to a proposal will be liable to render it informal
and may cause its rejection. Alterations by erasure or interlineation
must be explained or noted in the proposal over the signature of the
Bidder. -
. 3 No telegraphic bid or telegraphic modification of a bid will be consi-
.4 Address and deliver each bid to the City Clerk, City of Gilroy, on or
before the day and time set for the opening of bids in the published
Notice to Bidders. Enclose the bid and alternate proposals in a
sealed envelope bearing the title "Proposal for Construction of the
Gilroy Headquarters Fire Station", the name of the bidder, and date
and hour of the opening. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to
see that his bid is received in proper time.
Bidder's Bond:
Each bid shall be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier's check or a
surety bidder's bond in the sum of not less than ten percent (10%) of the
total aggregate of the bid, and sa.id checks or bond shall be made payable to
the order of the City of Gilroy, as liquidated damages in case the successful
bidder fails to file satisfactory bonds as required by the Contract Document~
69/18 Division A2 Page:2
or refuses to enter into a contract within the specified time. If the bid is
not accepted by Owner within sixty (60) days after the date set for the o'Penlng
of bids, or if the bidder to whom the contract is awarded executes and de-
livers to Owner the required Contract Documents. the cash, bid bond or the
amount of the certified or cashier's check will be returned to the bidder.
4. Examination of Plans, Specifications and Si~e of the Work:
Before submitting a bid, each bidder shall carefully examine the plans and
read the specifications and other contract documents; visit the site of the
work and fully inform himself as to all existing conditions and limitations un-
der which the Work is to be performed; include in his bid a sum to cover all
items necessary to perform the Work as set forth in the Contract Documents.
No allowance will be made to any bidder because of lack of such examination
or knowledge. The submission of a proposal shall be conclusive evidence
that the bidder has made such an examination, and that he has read and under-
stands the bidding documents.
Proof of Compet::-ncy of Bidder:
Any bidder may be required to furnish evidence satisfactory to the Architect
that he and his proposed subcontractors have sufficient means and experience
in the type of work called for to assure completion of the Contract in a sat-
isfactory manner.
Withdrawal of Bid:
Any bidder may withdraw his bid, either personally or by a written request,
at any time prior to the scheduled time for opening of bids.
7. Opening of Bids:
Bids win be opened and publicly read aloud at the time and place scheduled
in the Notice of Bidders.
8. Award or Rejection of Bids:
The contract, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder
subject to the Owner's right to reject any or all bids and to waive any in-
formality in the bids or in the bidding.
Withdrawal of Bids After Opening:
No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date
set for the opening thereof and the bid shall be subject to acceptance by the
Owner during this period.
69/18 Division At. Page 3
'"", , .
The form of Agt:eement which the successful 'bidder, as Contractor, will be
required-to execute is included in theConh'act Documents.
Interpretation of Dra~rings and Documents Prior to Bidding:
If any person contemplating submitting a bid for the proposed contract is in
doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the dl'avJinga. specifications or
other COlltract Docume:nt8~ or finds discrepancies in, or omissions from the
drawings or specifications, he may submit to the Architect a written request
for an interpretation 01' correction -theTeof not later than seven (7' days before
the date bids will be opened. The peTson submitting the request will be re-
sponsible loI' its prompt delivery. Any interpretation or correction of the
Contl"actDocuments will be made only by Addendum and will be mailed or de-
tival'ad to each person l'cceiving a set of docmnents. Owner or Architect will
not be responsible for any otq.er explanation 01" interpretation of the Contract
Documents. . '
12. Bidders Interested in More Than One Bid:
No person, firm or corporation shall be allowed to make or file or be inter-
ested in more than one bid for the work, except for the alternate bids called
for. A person, firm or corporation submitting a sub-proposal to a biddel",
or 'Who has quoted prices on m,aterials to a. bidder, ia not hereby disqualified
from submitting a 81lb-Pl"Oposal or quoting pl'ices to other bidders.
13. Alternates an.d Unit Prices:
Alternate proposals and Uuit Pl'ices a.re required. See Division A4,.
14. Ra.te of Wages:
Bidders are hereby notified that pursuant to the statutes and laws theretoap~
. ticable. the Council of the City of Gilroy ha.s ascertained the general pre-
vailing ra.te of wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed for
each craft needed to execute the contract. The prevailing rates so determined.
which must be complied with as a minimum~ are set forth in D1.vision lB.
List of S.ubcontractors:
All bidders must submit a list of their proposed subcontractors in compliance
with Sections 4100..4107 of the Government Code of the State 01 California.
Forms for this designation are furnished with the Bi4dingDocuments.
"," ..
Return of Contract Documents:
Complete sets of Contract Documents ,in: good condition shall be returned by
all bidders except the successful bidder within fifteen (15) days after the bid
opening. In the event a bidder dges not return the Contract Documents within
this time, he will forfeit his deposit Which will be applied as payment towards
the purchase of said Documents, and the bidder will be billed for the balance
due .s determined by the A1"chftec:t.
69/18 Division A3 Page 1
TO: The City of Gilroy, California.
1. Pursuant to and in compliance with your Notice to Bidders and the Contract
Documents relating to the _construction of the Gilroy Headquarters Fire
Station, Gilroy, California, including Addenda Nos._, _' _, the
undersigned bidder, having become thoroughly familiar with the terms and
conditions of the Contract Documents and with local conditions affecting the
performance and the costs of the Work, hereby proposes and agrees to fully
perform the Work within the time stated and in strict ac~ordance with the
Contract Documents (including the furnishing of any and alllabo:t", materials,
tools, equipment, scaffolds, transportation, fees, taxes, services, overhead,
insurance and everything necessary a.nd incidental to the completion of the.
'WOrk, ready for occupancy) for the total sum of
($ ).
(Words) (Figures)
-2. Accompanying this proposal is a (insert words "cash",
"cashier's check", "certified check", or "bidder's bond" as the case.maybe)
in an amount equal to at least ten percent of the total of the bid.
3. Attached hereto and incorporated herein is the Supplement to Proposal for
Alternate Items and Unit Prices.
4. Attached hereto and incorporated herein also is the list of subcontractors to
be employed by the undersigned in the performance of the Work.
Sr-..' It is understood that Owner' rese'rves the right to reject this proposal and
that it shall remain open and not be withdrawn for.a period of sixty (60) days
from the date prescribed for its opening.
6. It is unde rstood and agreed that if written notice of the acceptance of this p ro-
posal is mailed or delivered personally to the undersigned bidder within sixty
(60) days after the date set for the opening of the proposal~ or at any time
thereafter before it is withdrawn, the undersigned bidder will execute and de-
liver the Contract Documents to Owner in accordance with the proposal
accepted, and will also furnish and deliver to Owner the Performance Bond,
Labor and Materialman1s Bond and Insurance Policies as specified. all with-
in ten (10) days after personal delivery or deposit in the mails as the case
may be, of the notification of award. The above mentioned bonds and policies
shall be satisfactory to the Owner.
7. Notice of acceptance or request for additional information may be addressed
to the undersigned bidder at the business address set forth below.
69/18 Division A 3 })age 2
The undersigned declares that this proposal is not made in the interest of or
on behalf of any undisclosed person. partnership, company, association.
organization or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or
sham; that the undersigned bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or
solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham proposal and has not di-
rectly or indirectly colluded or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put
in a sham proposal or to refrain from bidding; that the undersigned bidder
has not directly or indirectly sought by agreement, communication or con-
ference with anyone to fix his bid price or the bid price of any other bidder,
or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of such bid price or that of any
other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the City of Gilroy or anyone
interested in the proposed contract; that the only person or persons interested
in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that all statements
contained in this proposal are true; that the undersigned bidder has Dot direct-
ly or indirectly submitted his bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the
contents hereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, to any
other person, partnership, corporation or association except to such person
or persons as have direct financial interest in bidder's general business;
and that the undersigned has not accepted any bid from any subcontractor or
materialman through any bid depository, the By-laws, Rules or Regulations
of which prohibit or prevent any subcontractor or materialman from bidding
to any general contractor who does not use the facilities of or accepts bids
from or through such bid depository.
9. Wherever in this proposal an amount is stated in both words and figures. in
case of discrepancy between words and figures the words shall prevail.
10. The names of all persons interested in the foregoing proposal as principals
are as foUows:
(WPORTANT NOTICE): U bidder or other interested person is a corpora-
tion, state legal name of corporation. also names of the president, secre-
tary, treasurer and manager thereof; if a co-partnership, state true names
of the firm. also names of all individual co-partners composing firm; if
bidder or other interested person is an individual, state first and last names
in full.
Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of Contrac-
tors. California License No.
Sign here.
. . . .
69/18 Division A3 Page 3
Signature of Bidder
Note: If bidder is a corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be
set forth together with the signature of the officer or officers authorized to
sign contracts on behalf of the corporation; if bidder is a co-partnership,
the true name of the firm shall be set forth together with the signature of
the partner or partners authorized to sign contracts in behalf of the co-
partnership; and if bidder is an individual, his signature shall be placed in
designated space.
Business Address
Place of Residence
, 1971.
69/18 Division A4 Page 1
1. Alternates: Quote additionci amounts for the following alternates. Insert
amounts for work increased as noted. Alternates shall conform to the re.
quirements of General Conditions and General Requirements as well as to
technical sections covering the work specified.
Provide asphalt paving in area designated Alternate No. 1 on draw-
ings. Include preparation of subgradep base-course and redwood
headers. (Note that catch basin in this area is in base bid. )
Provide fencing and landscaping in area designated Alternate No. Z
on drawings.
Z. Failure to ins,ert a quotation for <1l'l Alternate will be construed as indica-
ting no bid for the Alternateg and at the Owner's option may disqualify the
3. The Owner may have ten (10) days ,after the execution of the Contract to
accept or reject any or all Alternates. Accepted Alternate or Alternates
shall be and hereby is/are hereby incorporated into the Contraet Documents
and is / are subject to all requirements thereof.
69/18 Division AS Pil.ge 1
In compliance with the provisions of Section 4100-4107 of the Government Code of
the State of Californiag and amendrn.ents thereofo the undersigned bidder has set
forth below the name and location of the place of business of each subcontractor who
will perform work or labor or render service to the undersigned in or about the con-
struction of the Work to be performed under the Contract Docuraents to which the
attached bid is responsive, and the portion of the work which will be donf! by each
subcontractor for each subcontract in excess of one percent of the undersigned's to-
tal aggregate bid.
1. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
Z. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
3. Subcontractor~
Portion of work to be performed:
4. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
5. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
6. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
69/18 Division AS Page 2
Portion of work to be performed:
8. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
9. Subcontractor:
Addres s:
Portion of work to be performed:
10. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
t" 11. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
12. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
13. Subcontractor:
Portion of work to be performed:
14. Subcontractor:
I" Portion of work to be performed:
69/18 Division Bl Pa.ge 1
TH15 IS AN AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Gilroy,
. . a municipal corporation in Santa Clara County, California (hereinafter referred to
as "Owner" ) and
a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
a partnership consisting of
an individual doing business as
of the City of
, in the State of California, (hereinafter referred to
as "Contractor").
Owner and Contractor for the consideration hereinafter named agt'ee as follows:
Contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all of the work for the construc-
tion of the Gilroy Headquaters Fire Station, Gilroy, California, in accordance with
the plans and specifications for the work) which plans and specifications have been
approved by the City Council of the City of Gilroy and are hereby made a part of
this Agreement. Said plans and specifications, prepared by Robert B. Wong, AI A
Architect, are on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Gilroy.
Owner shall paYD and Contractor shall accept, in full payment for the work above
agreed to be done 0 the sum of
. . '..
69/18 Division Bt Page 2
The complete contract between the parties hereto shAll consist of the Contract
Documents listed in theAIA General Conditions. All rights and obligations of
Owner and Contractor are fully set forth and described in the Contract Documents.
All the above documents are intended to cooperate, so that any work called for in
one, and not mentioned in the others, or vice versa, is to be executed as if rnen-
tioned in all said documents.
The ~rk called for herein shall be commenced within ten (10) days of notice to
proceed issued by Owner and shall be fully completed within one hundred eighty
(180) calendar days.
All notices tihall be in writing, and delivered in person or transmitted by mail.
Notices to be given to Owner shall be addressed as follows:
City of Gilroy
c/o :Mr. Fred O. Wood
City Hall
10 S. Rosanna St.
Gilroy, Calif.
Notices required to be given to Contractor shall be addressed to the business ad~
dress of Contractor as it appears herein. Notices required to be given to sureties
of Contractor shall be addressed to such sureties at their addresses on the bonds.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF p the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the
da y of
p 19710
City Clerk
69/18 Division Bl Page 3
(official title)
(business address)
Contractor's License Noo
The foregoing is approved as to form this
day of
, 1971.
Attorney, City of Gilroy
69/18 Division Bl Page 1
This is to certify that
Insurance Company of
has issued to
Contractor, the policy or policies listed below, the true
copies of which in their entirety are attached to this Cer-
tificate and that coverage is .in full force and effect as of
the date of this Certificate, up to the limits of liability
hereinafter stated. Notice is hereby given that
Insurance Co.
will not, prior to completion of the project described be-
low or any policy expiration date shown herein, which-
ever occurs first, terminate or change any coverage with-
out first mailing by registered mail written notice of such
action thirty days prior to the termination of change, t.o
the Owner at whose request this Certificate has been issued,
addressing all correspondence, including such notice to:
City of Gilroy
c/o Robert B. Wong, AlA, Architect
569 Geary St.
San Francisco, California 94102
(continued on next page)
69/18 Division B2 Page Z
Covered Limits of Policy Expira-
Yes/No Types of Insurance Liability Number tion Date
Comprehensive General Lia...
bility. including:
a. Premises and Operations 250/500 BI
Liability 100/100 PD
b. Contractors' Protective 250/500 Bl
Liability 100/100 PD
c. Products Liability. includ- 250/500 BI
ing Completed Operations 100/100 PD
d. Contractural Liability 250/500 BI
100/100 PD
Comprehensive Automobile
Liability. including:
a. All Owned Automobiles 250/500 BI
50 PD
b.. Non-owned Automobiles 250/500 BI
c. Hired Car Coverage 250/500 BI
50 PD
Workm.en's Compensation,
a. Workmen's Compensa= Sta.tutory
tion Insurance
b. Employers' Liability Stamtory
Liability assumed by the' Insured in the Contract governing this project (is)
(is not) covered under the above mentioned Contractural Liability Section.
Insurance Company
69/18 Division. Cl Page 1
. The lAmerican Institute of Architects General Conditions of the Contract for
Construction, AlA Document A 201, Twelfth Edition, dated April 1970, which
form a part of the Contract Documents, are a part of each Division of the-
specifications, whether said AlA General Conditions are attached thereto or
not. Each bidder or subcontractor is hereby notified to refer to them as each
will be held responsible for all requirements contained therein.
Bidders who are not familiar with the requirements of the AlA General Condi-
tions may refer to a copy in the Architect's office or the office of the City
Engineer at the Gilroy City Hall, or can obtain a copy from the Architect by
addressing a written request to the Architect stating the business name and
address of the bidder and the name of the job being bid. The bidder must enclose
$1.00 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope with his request.
1'" '
69/18 Division C2 Page 1
Article 1. 1, AIA General Conditions. Add the following paragraphs:
1. 1. 5 Bidder: Any individual, firm or corporation submitting a proposal
for the work contemplated, acting directly or through a duly authorized rep-
1. 1. 6 Inspector: The inspector employed or designated by Owner to per-
form inspection during construction of the work.
1. 1. 7 Surety: Any firm or corporation regularly engaged in providing
types of bonds listed that executes as Surety on Contractor's ~erformance,
Labor and Materialman's, Bidder's and/or Guaranty Bond.
1. 1. 8 As shown, as indicated, etc: Where "as shown"p "as inC!icated",
"as detailed" or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood
that reference is to the drawings. Where "as directed", "as required", "ap_
proved", "selected", or words of similar import are used it shall be under-
stood that the direction, approval or permission of the Architect is required.
"Provide" shall be understood to mean "provide complete in place", that is,
"furnish and install". Singular reference shan be understood to mean plural
reference also.
Article 1. 2, AIA Genderal Conditions. Add the following paragraphs:
1. 2. 6 If work is requiredin a manner to make it impossible to produce
first class work in the opinion of the Contractor. Contractor shall request
alternate methods before proceeding with the work. If Contractor fails to
make such a request, no excuse win therealter be entertained for failure to
carry out the work in a satisfactory manner.
1.2. 7 No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or
employee of Owner, either before, during or after the execution of this Con-
tract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in the
Contract Documents, nor shall such verbal agreement or conversation entitle
Contractor to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this Con-
1. Z. 8 Work not dimensioned shall be as directed. Work not particularly
shown or specified shall be the same as similar parts that are shown or spe-
.. ciried. Full size details shall take precedence over small scale drawings as
to shape and details of construction. Scale drawings, full-sized details and
specifications are intended to agree but should any discrepancy or apparent
difference appear, Contractor shall notify Architect at once. If Contractor
proceeds vlith the work affected without instruction' from Architect. he shall
make good any resultant damage or defect. All.misunderstandings of draw-
ings and specifications shall be clarified by Ar<:hitect whose decision shall be
69/18 Division CZ Page 2
1.2.9 In all Divisions of the Specifications, for the purpose of brevity,
the listing of articles, material, operations or methods requires that Con-
tractor provide, install and perform the operation indicated according to the
qualities or conditions stated.
Article 2.2, AlA General Conditions. Add the following paragraph:
2. 2. 3 Inspectors employed by the Owner shall be authorized to inspect
, all work done and all materials furnished. Such inspection may extend to all
or any part of the work on the project and to the preparation, fabrication or
manufacture of the materials to be used. An inspector is not authorized to
revoke, alter or waive any requirements of the Contract. He shall be auth-
orized to call the attention of the Contractor to any failure of the work or
materials to conform to the specifications and other contract documents. He
shall have the authority to reject materials or suspend the work until any
question at issue can be referred to and be decided by the Architect. An in-
spector shall in no case act as foreman or perform any duties for Contractor;
nor interfere with the management of the work by the latter. Any advice
which an inspector may give to ContraCtor shall in no way be construed as
binding Architect or Owner, in any way, or as releasing Contractor from ful-
filling the terms of the Contract.
Article 2.2, AlA General Conditions. Add the following paragraph:
2. 2. 9 Architect shall decide all questions which may arise as to the qual-
ity or acceptability of materials furnished and work performed and as to the
manner of performance and rate of progress of the work; all questions which
may arise as to the interpretation of the plans and specifications; all ques-
tions as the acceptable fulfillment of this Contract on the part of the Contrac-
tor; and all questions as to compensation. His decision shall be final, binding
and conclusive and he shall have the authority to enforce and make effective
such decisions and orders which Contractor shall carry out promptly.
5. Article 4! 3, AlA General Conditions. Add the fonowing paragraph to 4.3. 1:
4. 3~ 1 Contractor shall locate arid layout building as per drawings; ver-
ify gradeso lines, levels, locations, dimensions a8 indicated and report any
errors or inconsistencies in above to Architect before commencing work.
6. Article 4.4, AlA General Conditions. Add the following paragraph:
4. 4. 3 Materials shan be furnished in ample quantities and at such times
as to insure uninterrupted progress of the work and shall be stored properly
and protected as necessary. Contractor shall be entirely responsible for
damage or loasby weather or other causes to materials or work.
Article 4.9, AlA General Conditions. Add the following paragraph:
Contractor shall 1)rovide competent civil and/or structural engin-
69/18 Division CZ Page 3
eering services required to execute the work in accordance with contract
Artic1e" 4. 13, AlA General Conc:Htiol"lS.
Add the following to paragraph 4. 13. 1:
4. 13. 1 The term 'shop drawing' as used herein includes fabrication, erec-
tion, layout and setting drawings, manufacturers' standard drawings, des-
criptive literature, catalogues and brochures; performance and test data~
wiring and control diagrams, all other drawings and descriptive literature
pertaining to materials, equipment, piping, duct and conduit systems and
methods of construction as may be required to show that the materials, equip-
ment or systems and the position thereof conforms to the Contract require..-
ments. As used herein, the term 'I manufactured~ applies to standard units
usually mass produced; 'fabricated' means items specifically assembled or
made out of selected materials to meet individual design requirements. Shop
drawings shall establish the actual detail of aU manufactured and fabricated
items, indicate proper relation to adjoining work, amplify design details of.
mechanical and electrical equipment in proper relation to physical spaces in
the structure, and incorporate minor changes of design or construction to
suit actual conditions.
4. 13.3 Each subcontractor shall submit through the Contractor six copies
of shop drawings of shop drawing items to Architect for approval. Architect
will make corrections thereon and return two corrected copies to Contractor.
Do not fabricate any items until approval of shop drawings is received. Draw..
ings in field must be prints with appro..,al stamped thereon.
4. 13.7 If shop drawings show any variation from the Contract requirements
because of standard shop practice or other reason, Contractor shall make
specific mention of such variation in his letter of transmittal. This clause
is not intended to prevent Contractor or subcontractor from recommending
changes which will improve or simplify the work or permit him to utilize new
or special techniques,' but to point out the necessity for notice and approval
of such changes since they may affect other parts of the work.
9. Article 4. 15, AlA General Conditions. Add the following paragraph:
4. 15.2 Existing work on the site may be cut, altered. removed or temp-
orarily removed and replaced a8 necessary for the performance of this Con-
Article 4. 16, AlA General Conditions.
Add the following to paragraph 4. 16. 1:
4. 16. 1 Just before the completion of the work or any phase thereof which
is to be turned over to the Owner, Contractor shall thoroughly clean the in-
69/18 Division C2 Page 4
terior and exterior of the building, including fixtures, equipment, glas8,
floors and hardwal"e, and shall remove all plaster spots, stains, paint
spots and accumulated dust and dirt. This cleaning shall include all roofs,
window sills, ledges, stepc, sidewalks and other Burfaces where debris may
have collected. All mirrors and glass shall be washed clean and polished
in a manner so as to not SCl-atch the surface.
Article 4. 18, AlA General Condit!ons. Add the following paragraph:
4. 18. 4 Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Owner and Arch-
itect and all of their employees or officers against any liability or claim
arising out of or based on the violation of any ordinance, regulation. law,
order or decree, whether by hinlself. his agents, employees or subcontrac-
Article 6. 1, AIA General Conditions. Add the following paragraph:
6. 1. 3 Contractor must ascertain to his own satisfaction the scope of the
Work and the nature of any other contracts that have been or may be aWarded
by Owner in the prosecution of the Work to the end that Contractor may per-
fonn this Contract in the light of such other contracts. Contractor shall not
cause any unnecessary hindrance or delay to any other contractor working on
the project. If the performance of any contract for the Work is likely to be
interfered with by the simultaneous execution of some other contract or COD-
tracts, Architect will decide which contractor shall cease work temporarily
and which contractor shall continue or whether the work can be coordinated
so that the contractors may proceed siml1ltaneously. Owner shall not be res-
ponsible for any damage suffered or extra costs incurred by Contractor re-
sulting directly or indirectly from the award or performance or attempted
performance of any other contract or contracts on the work, or caused by
any decision or omission of Architect respecting the order of precedence in
the performance of the contracts awarded for the completion of the work.
13. Article 7. 10, AlA General Conditions. Revise first sentence of paragraph
7. 10. 1 to read as follows:
"All claims, disputes and other matters in question arising out of, or rela-
ting to, this Contract or the breach thereof, except as set forth in Subpara-
graph 2.2.9 with respect to the Architect's decisions, and except for claims
which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as
provided by Subparagraphs 9.7.5 and 9.7.6, shall be decided by arbitra.tion
in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the
American Arbitration Association then obtaining unless the parties mutually
agree otherwise. "
Article 9. 3, AlA General Conditions-.
Add the following to paragraph 9. 3. 1:
69/18 Division C2 Page 5
9. 3. .1 Included in such itemization and evidence submitted to the Architect
shall be a description of the extent and amount of each subcontractor's inter-
est in the Contractor's payment application. Whenever required by the Arch-
itect. the Contractor shall secure waivers of liens from each subcontractor
or supplier for the amounts set out in the Contractor's previous application
for payment. less the amount retained. as evidence that he has paid his sub-
contractors and suppliers.
Add the following new paragraph:
9. 3. 4 The Contractor agrees that his books and records for the project
shall at all reasonable times be subject to audit by the Architect or his auth..
orized representati'ITe. Compliance ",lith this Article shall constitute a condi-
tion precedent to the issuance of a certificate of payment.
69/18 Division C3 Page I
1. Scope of Work: The work to be performed comprises all the work required
for the construction of a structure .for a headquarters fire station described
Gilroy Headquarters Fire Station. Gilroy, California
The work shall be done in accordance with the Contract Documents. The in-
tention of the Contract Documents is to include all labor, materials, tools,
equipment, scaffolds, transportation, fees, taxes, services, overhead, in-
surance and everything necessary and incidental to the completion of the work,
ready for occupancy.
Substitutions: Whenever in the specifications any material. process or arti-
cle is indicated or specified by grade, patent or proprietary name or by name
of manufacturer, such specification is used for the purpose of facilitating de-
scription of the material, process or article desired. Contractor may offer
for substitution any material, process or article which he considers substan-
tiallyequal or better in every respect, including desip~ to that specified.
This offer or request for substitution shall be made in Writing to the Architect
. at least ten (10) days prior to bid date and shall include all significant data
concerning the proposed substitution and its effect on adjacent work. The
Architect will render a decision on the equality of the proposed substitution
at least seven days prior to the bid date.
If the material, process or article offered by Contractor is Dot, in the opin-
ion of the Architect, substantially equal or better in every respect to that
specified, the Contractor shall furnish the material. process or article spec-
ified, or one that in the opinion of the Architect is the substantial equal or
better thereof in every respect. The burden of proof a8 to the quality of any
material, process or article shall rest with the Contractor. At the Architect's
di~cretion. the Contractor may be required to furnish a written warranty, with
adeq~ate safeguards for the Owner. assuring the satisfactory performance of
the proposed substitute.
Approval of substitutions does not relieve Contractor from responsibility for
compliance with all requirements of the contract documents. The Contractor
shall be responsible at his expense for any changes in other parts of the work
which may be caused by the proposed substitutions.
3. Specifications Explanation:
. 1
Wherever in the Contract Documents reference i. made to the "General
Conditions" it shall mean the "General Conditions Governing All Con-
tracts". All work of each Contract is subject to the requirements of
these 'General Conditions'. The American Institute of Architects Gen-
69/18 Division C3 Page 2
eral Conditions are specifically designated "AlA General Conditions".
The specificatic:ms are of the brief or streamlined type and include in-
complete sentences. Omission of words or phrases such as "the Con-
tractor shall", "as noted on the Drawings", "according to the plans",
"a". "an". "the". "and", and "all" is intentional. Omitted words or
phrases shall be supplied by inference in same manner as they are
when a 'note' occurs on the Drawings. Words "shall be" or "shall"
shall be supplied by inference where a colon (:) is used within sentences
or phrases. Words "as per" shall mean "in accordance With". Words
"provide" and:"work" shall mean that each Contractor shall furnish,
install and connect up complete. in operative condition and use, all
materials, equipment, apparatus and required appurtenances of the
particular item to which it has reference. Where a manufacturer's
name is mentioned. "as manufactured byll or "as made by" shall be
. 3
Whenever words "approved", "satisfactory", "directed". "submitted".
"inspected". or similar words or phrases are used. it shall be assumed
that the word "Architect" follows the verb as the object of the clause
such as "approved by the Architect" and "submitted to the Architect".
Reference to known standard specifications shall mean the latest edition
of such specification adopted and published at date of invitation to sub-
mit Proposals. unless otherwise noted.
. 5 Reference to a technical society. organization, or body is made in the
Specifications in accordance with .the following abbreviations:
American Concrete Institute
American Institute of Architects
American Institute of Steel Construction
Arne rican Standards Association
American Society for Testing Materials
Federal Specification
National Board of Fire Underwriters
National Electric Code
Uniform Building Code. 1<)61 Edition
Underwriters i Laboratories. Inc.
Woodwork Institute of California
City Permits: Contractor will not be charged for any permit required by City
ordinances and no such charges for permits shall be included in any bid. Busi-
ness licenses shall be obtained and paid for by all contractors.
Surety Bonds: The successful bidder, simultaneously with execution of the
Agreement, shall furnish a Labor and Materialman's Bond in an amount equal
to 1000/0 of the Contract Price, and a Faithful Performance Bond in an amount
equal to 100'0 of the Contract Price, each secured from a surety company and
in a form satisfactory to the Owner. Premiums for all bonds shall be includ-
ed in the cost of the Work.
69/18 Division C3 Page 3
. 1 No Contractor shall commence work under this Contract until he has
obtained all insurance required under this paragraph and such insur-
ance has been approved by the Owner; nor shall any Contractor allow
any subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until the same
insurance has been obtained and approved. Contractor shall maintain
all required insurance under this Division during the life of the con- ;
tract. Approval of the insurance by Owner shall not relieve or decrease!
the liability of Contractor hereunder. The Contractor shall either (1)
require each of hjs subcontractors to procure and to maintain during
the life of his subcontract, Subcontractors' Comprehensive General
Liability, Automobile Liability, and Property Damage Liability Insur-
ance of the type and in the same amounts as specified in this Subpara-
graph, or (2-) insure the a<;tivity of his Subcontractors in his own policy.
The Contractor's and his Subcontractors' liability insurance shall in-
clude.' adequate protection against the following special hazards.
. 2 Form of proof of coverage: True copies of all policies specified shall
be filed with the Owner, to which shall be attached the Certificate of
Insurance as per the form prescribed in Division B, from which no de-
viation will be allowed. Any certificate filed with Owner which is found
to be incomplete or not according to form or to which true copies of
policies are not attached will be returned as unsatisfactOry.
. 3 Types of Insurance: The various types of insurance and limits of lia-
bility required are shown on the Certificate of Insurance, Division B2.
BI indicates Bodily Injury; PD indicates Property Damage; limits are
shown in thousands of dollars. Bodily Injury covereage under both
Comprehensive General and Comprehensive Automobile forms shall in..
clude the "Occurence" basis wording, which means an event,. or contin-
uous or repeated exposure to conditions which Unexpectedly causes
injury during tJ:I.e policy period. No insurance under this contract shall
be carried with an insurer not authorized to do business in the State of
Contractor shall assume the defense of_dindemnify the Owner, Arch-
itect and Engineers, their agents and employees from all claims, lia-
bility, loss, damage, expense (including C()sts and attorney's fees)
and injury of every kind, nature- and description, directly or indirectly
resulting from the nature of ~he work, the performance of this Con-
tract, the ownership, maintenance of use of motor vehicles in connec-
tion the~ewith, or the act, omissions, operations or conduct of the
Contractor or any subcontractor under this Contract, or in any way
arising out of this Contract, except such injury or damage as shall
have been occasioried by the sole negligence of the Architect or Engin-
eers, their agents and employees. This paragraph supersedes para..
graph 4. 18 of the AlA General Conditions.
69/18 Division C3 Page 4
Guaranty or Defective Material and Workmanship ~ond: As a condition pre-
cedent to completion of this Contract, ContractoJ' shall furnish a. bond of a
sUJ'ety company acceptable to OwneJ' in an amount equal to five percent of
the contract price, to hold good foJ' a period of one year after the acceptance
of the work, to protect the Owner against the results of defective materials,
workmanship and equipment during that time. This bond shall be delivered to
Architect before final payment is made.
8. Cost breakdown, list of subcontJ'actors and construction schedule: Within
15 days after the award of Contract, ContractoJ' shall prepare and submit to
Architect a cost breakdown showing the itemized costs by trades, the names
and addresses of all subcontractors for the project, and a construction sche-
dule showing tentative time schedules for the various phases of the work.
9. Contractor's acknowledgement: Contractor acknowledges that:
~ 1 he understands the plans and specifications,
.2 that he has the equipment, teclmicalability, personnel and facilities to
construct the project in accordance with the plans and specifications,
that the plans ~d specifications are, in his opinion, appropriate and
adequate for the construction of a sound and suitable building project,
and that he has visited the site and familiarized himself with all exist...
ing conditions and is pJ'epared to carry out the work within the exist-
ing limitations.
10. Payment:
. 1 Scope of payment: Contractor shall accept the compensation, as pro-
vided in the Agreement, in full payment for furnishing all materials,
equipment, labor, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the
work and for performing all ., rk contemplated and embraced under
this Contract; also for loss or damage arising from the nature of the
work, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen dif{:.-
culties which may be encountered during the prosecution of the work
until the final acceptance by the Owner, and for all risks of every des-
cription connected with the prosecution of the work.
Retained percentage: On Architect's written approval of Contractor's
estimate, Owner shall retain ten percent (100/0) of such estimated
value of the work done, and ten percent (100/0) of the value of the mat-
erials so estimated to have been furnished and delivered and unused
or furnished and stored as part security for fulfillment of this Con-
tract by Contractor, and shall pay to Contractor, while .carrying on
the work, the balance not retained, as aforesaid, after deducting
therefrom all previous payments and all sums to be kept or retained
under the provisions of this Contract.
69/l8 1. 1
Work completed as estimated shall be an eBtin~aL,: 'w
acy or error shall operate to release Contl'actor -,
damages arising out of such worl~ or from enforcing
vision of this Contract, and Owner shan have the rihh~
correct any error made in any estimates for payment.
not be entitled to have any payment estimates processe,'
to have any payment made for work performed as long a b
proper direction concerning the work or any portion therc<J
Owner or Architect shall :remain uncomplied with.
t" f
,",': ~... ,,~ 'q,.
l.i:> ; t .1
'''':n 'h
.3 The final payment for the work done under this Contract shall be
thirty-five (35) days after recording of Notice of Completion by (hr/\
provided the work shall be then fully completed and the provisions ("f
this Contract fully performed in all respects.
If after the work has been substantially completed, full completio:n
thereof is materially delayed through no fault of Contractor. and /.\
teet so certifies, Owner shaU, upon certificate of Architect, and Y, 1-:
out terminating this Contract, make payment of the balance due fO,;_:h..,
portion of the work completed and accepted. Such payment shall 1v
made under terms and conditions governing final payment>> except q,
it shan not constitute a waiver of claims.
Acceptance of the Work shall be made by the City Council only upon']
ing with the City Council by the Architect of a certificate showing tt"
Work has been given a final inspection and approval by Architect a.lH'j
that Contractor has submitted satisfactory evidence to Architect th;1'
all payrolls, material bills and other indebtedness connected with t,:'\l(
work has been paid. The acceptance will be made only by action of th
City Council in regular sess.ion.
11. Payment for work on Time and Material Basis:
All extra work done on a time and material basis will be paid for in the fol1()'\.~,
ing manner>> and the compensation thus provided shall be accepted by Con..
tractor as payment in full for the use of small tools, superintendent's serv;c<"
premiUIn on bonds, and all other overhead expenses incurred in the prosecu..
tion of all extra work.
. 1 For material purchased by Contractor and used in this wor~ he will J.'"
ceive the actual cost of such materials including freight charges, as
shown on original receipted bills for freight and materials, to which
will be added an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the sum thereof,
. z
For all labor and foremen engaged in the specific ope ration, Contra~t"x
will receive the prevailing wage paid on the project for each hour tha.t
said labor and foremen are actually engaged in such work, to which
will be added an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the sum thereof~
and in addition, an amount equal to eleven (11) percent of the sum
69/18 Division C3 Page 6
thereof to cover the cost of worlanen IS compensation insurance and soc-
ial security taxes.
For any machine, power and equipment which may be deemed necessary
or desirable to use, Contractor will be allowed a reasonable rental
price which wll be agre,:d upon in writing before such work is begun
for each hour that said machinery or equipment is in use on such work,
to which a sum of five (5) percent will be added.
12. Extension of Time for Completion: If the work is not completed in accordance
with the Contract Documents in the time limit stated in the Agreement, the
Owner shan have the right, in addition to any other right or remedy provided
herein or by law. to extend the time for completion if the Owner determines
such extension to be in the best interest of the Owner; and in case Owner de-
cides to so extend the time limit, it shall have the further right to charge to
Contractor. his executors, administrators, heirs, assigns or sureties, all or
any p~rt, a. the Architect may deem proper, of the actual costs of inspection
and incidental and other overhead expE!nses that are directly chargeable to
this Contract and that accrue during the period of such extension, and to de..
duct the amount thereof from the final payment for the work.
Failure to Complete the Work on Time (Liquidated Damages): If the Work is
not completed in the time specified or within any period of extension as above
mentioned, it is understood that Owner will suffer damage; and it being im-
practicable and unfeasable to determine the amount of actual damage, it is
agreed that Contractor shall pay to Owner as fixed and liquidated damages, and
no!. as a penalty, the sum of one hundred do11ar8($100. 00) for each calendar
day of delay until the work is completed and accepted, and Contractor and his
surety shall be liable for the amount thereof; provided, however, that Con-
tractor shall not be charged liquidated damages because of delays in the com-
pletion of the work due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and with-
out the fault or negligence of Contractor, as determined by the Architect.
14. !emporary Suspension of Work: Architect shan have the authority to suspend
the work, wholly or in part, for such period or periods as Architect may
deem necessary. due to unsuitable weather. or such other conditions as are
con8idered unfavorable for the suitable prosecution d. the work. or for such
time as is necessary due to the failure on the part of the Contractor to carry
out orders given or to perform any or all provisions of the Contract.
U it should become necessary to stop work for any indefinite period, Contrac-
tor shall store all materials in such a manner that they will not become an
obstruction, nor become damaged in any way, and Contractor shall take every
precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed, and
shall provide drainage and erect temporary structures where necessary.
Contractor shall not suspend work without written authority from Architect,
and shalt proceed with the work promptl y when notified by Architect to re-
sume operations.
69/18 Division C3 Page 7
Contractor sball order material and schedule delivery of material in ample
time to avoid delays in construction. If an item is found to be unavailable J
notify Architect immediately to provide sufficient time to select a suitable
substitute. If the Contractor fails to order material in ample time to
avoid delays, an approved material shall be substituted at no extra cost to
the Owner or, at the Architect's discretion, an approval of a substitute will
be given only upon agreement by Contractor to remove the substituted mater-
ial at a later date, agreeable to the Owner, and replace it with the material
specified at Contractor's expense. Such approval shall also be subject to the
terms specified under "Substitutions ".
69/18 Division lA Page 1
1. Manufacturer's directions and operating instructions: Manufacturer's ,pecifi-
cations and directions shall be followed for installation of their respective
material unless otherwise noted. Deliver to Architect at completion of the
work all warranties, guarantees and operating instructions for all equipment
and items incorporated in the work. Include a list designating the name and
address of the local sales representative of the manufacturer's product. In-
struct designated Owner's representative on the proper operation and mainten-
ance of the equipment.
Location of equipment and piping: Drawings showing location of equipment,
piping, ductwork, conduit, wiring, etc. are diagrammatic and job conditions
will not always permit their installation in the location shown. When this
occurs, bring it to Architect's attention immediately; relocation will be deter-
mined in a joint conference with all parties concerned. Contractor and all sub-
contractors shall take into consideration the location of all equipment, ducts,
piping, conduit, etc. of all other contractors or subcontractors and shall lo-
cate their work accordingly. Remove items of work located without regard to
location of work by others as directed by Architect. Relocate such work at the
expense of contractor or subcontractor responsible for the improperly located
3. Headroom. under pipes, conduits, etc.: Provide a minimum headroom clear-
ance of 6'-6" under all horizontal runs of plumbing and heating pipes, conduits,
ducts, etc. suspended from the ceiling. Where piping, conduits or ducts are
left exposed in a room, run them true and plumb, horizontal or in intended
planes. Where possible, maintain uniform margins between parallel lines and/
or adjacent Wall, floor or ceiling surfaces.
4. ?in~ of joints in finish materials: Line joints in finish materials through in
both directions whenever possible; relate to all openings and/or breaks in the
structure and place symetrically whenever possible. This includes the loca-
tion of heating registers, light fixtures, outlets, etc.
If, because of unrelated sizes of the various materials and location of openingSp
etc., it is not possible to accomplish the above, Contractor shall meet with
Architect at job site to determine the most satisfactory arrange~ent..
5. Temporary office. General Contractor shall provide a temporary field office
with telephone service for joint use of Contractor and Architect. Office must
be weathertight. Other contractors and subcontractors may provide offices
and sheds as their need require but shall coordinate their location with Gen-
eral Contractor and Architect.
6. At approved location, General Contractor shall provide suitable toilet faciti.
!!.!! with tight, painted enclosure, complying with requirements ~thorities
having jurisdiction. Maintain toilet in sanitary condition and supplied with
69/18 Division lA Page 2
paper at all times.
Temporary Electric Services; Subcontractor fot: electrical work shall arrange
with local Utilities Company for three phase electrical service of adequate ca-
pacity for needs of all contractors and subcontractors on the'work d~riD.g COD-
struction period and shall pay all charges incident to providing this service.
He shall do all wiring for temporary service including connections to source
and the running of three phase wiring from location designated by Utilities Co.
to a central location on building site. Provide a meter and fused main cut-off
switch at site and run temporary electric lines; with branch switches to pro-
vide lighting and taps for electric ~ools, pumps and other equipment used on
the work.
In general, temporary wiring shall be equivalent of:
. 1 A single phase line down each corridor and along one wall of large open
areas, with duplex outlets at approximately 40 ft~ · spacing.
.2 A 120/208 volt, three phase line from main switch to a point reasonably
convenient to general location of heavy power tapis used by contractor
and subcontractors. Provide 4 outlets at this point.
Make special provisions to light areas where considerable equipment ~s to
be installed or where temporary lighting is important for safety or proper ex-
ecution of the work. Electrical contractor shall provide and maintain tempor-
ary wiring in good condition and maintain light bulbs sufficient to light the
building as required. General Contractor shall pay for all charges incident to
providing power and lighting except as stated above.
Each contractor and subcontractoi- shall be xoesponsible for furnishing light
bulbs and extension cordd as may be required for the execution of his J:'espec~
tive part of the work, and for extensions of light and power lines to areas in
which his work will be performed. It shall be the duty of the Electrical Con-
tractor, as part of maintaining electric service, to notify Architect of any
abuse to temporary electric service in order that responsible parties can be ,
properly notified and charged for damages resulting from such abuse or care..
Temporary heat and ventilation: General contractor shall enclose building and
provide temporary heat and adequate ventilation as required to protect the
building and work im tatted therein from damage due to cold or dampness;
maintain heat during finishing operations to such extent as may be required to
warm or dry out the building and to insure proper temperature and humidity
for installing millwork~, trim, flooring and other finishing materials and for
application of painter's and other applied finit:ihes. Once the building or any
part thereof is placed under these conditions and m.stallation of finish work is
. . ...
started. it shall be maintained so that temperature for the entire area does not
fall below 60 degrees Qr be~ome excessively humid, until all work has been
completed and turned over t~ Owner. General contractor shall pay all costs
69/18 Division 1A Page 3
connected herewith.
Subject to permission in writing from Architect, General Contractor may
arrange for use of the building heating plant for heating and drying out the
structure during later phases of construction. General Contractor shall ar-
range with and pay mechanical contractor to provide heat and ventilation as
9. Temporary water: Plumbing contractor shall pay for and arrange with local
authorities for a temporary water supply to the project. Run not less than 1"
line from nearest available source of service to a point within 10 ft. of the
building where not leS8 than 2 three-quarter inch hose bibb8 shall be in8talled.
Consult General Contractor for location of hose bibb8 and install them as'he
directs. Plumbing contractor shall maintain this temporary service until per-
manent water service to the building is completed and u8able. Remove tem-
porary water service at completion of work. General Contractor shall cooper-
ate in protecting water servi.ce from damage or abuse and will be held respon-
sible for any repairs necessitated through his or his subcontractor's negligence
or carelessness in this respect.
Plumbing contractor will not be charged for connection fees and cost of meter-
ingD or for reasonable amounts of water used, as determined by Architect.
KeepiJ1g building free of water: Protect excavations, trenches and all other
portions of the work from rain water, ground water, backing up of sewers or
drains, and all other water. Provide pumps, equipment and enclosures re-
quired for such protection. Construct and maintain any temporary drainage
necessary to direct or lead water away from excavations or other parts of
the work.
Work damaged by failure to provide protection shall be removed and replaced
with new work as directed by Architect at no expense to Owner.
11. Assignments by subcontractors: Assignments or subletting by subcontractors
will not be recognized by Owner or Architect.
12. As-built drawin2s: General, Electrical and Mechanical Contractors shall
make notations and corrections on a set of prints showing changes in location
or detailing of items of equipmentD piping, layout, etc.as the job progresses.
At the com.pletion of the work; Contractors shall turn over drawings to Archi-
tect as a record of the work as constructed.
69/18 Division IB Page 1
Decision of the Secretary
A study has been made of wage conditions in the locality and on the basis of informa-
tion asserm led by the Department of Labor the wage rates tisted herein are hereby
determined by the Secretary of Labor as the prevailing rates of wages for the des-
cribed classes of labor in accordance with the applicable law.
The wage determination decision and any modification thereof shall be made a part
of every contract for performance of the described work as provided by applicable
laws and regulations of the Secretary of Labor, and the wage rates contained in this
decision, unless modified, shall be the minimum wage, rates to be paid under such
contract by contractors or subcontractors on the work.
The wage rates contained in this decision are straight hourly wage rates. In some
areas mimagement and labor organizations in the construction industry have collect...
ively bargained for health and welfare funds and" other slmilar contributions. Such
contributions are not included in wage rates determined by the Secretary of Labor
for construction projects. '
Asb.estoe mechanic 7.32 Concrete mixer (under 1/2yd.) 5. 185
Carpet layers 6.39 Header'boardmen, hubsetters
Carpenters 7.025 aligners 5. 185
Power saw operators 7.175 Pipelayers, caulkers, banders 5; 185
Cement masons 5..62 Sandblaster-s 5. 185
Drywall installer 7.25 Bull float- Vibra- screed in
Electrician 7.69 connection with laborers
Glaziers 6.475 work 5. 185
Ironworkers: Asphalt sl}ovelers 5.035
Structural It ornamental 6.48 Cement dumpers 5.035
Reinforcing 6.37 Con8tru~onlaborers 4.935
Lathers 7. 13 Concrete chipping and
Painters, brush 6.07 grinding 5.035
Plasterers 6. 11 Concrete laborers, wet or
Plasterers hod carriers 6.20 dry 5. 035
Plumbers 8.27 Drillers1 helpers, chuck-
Roofers 6.00 tender, nipper 5. 035
Sheet metal workers 6.70 Loading It unloading, carry-
Tite setters 6.30 ing It handling of rods It
Tite setters helpers 5.55 material for rein!. cone.
construction 5.035
Laborers: Vibrator 4.185
All cleanup work of debris,
Asphalt ironers and rakers 5. 185 grounds It bUildings 4.935
Buggymobite 5. 185. Gardeners, horticultural It
landscape laborers 4.935
69/18 Division IB Page 2
l"'>"'~ General laborer 4.935
Power equipment operators:
Mechanical CODveyor (hand-
ling building materials 5.78
Compressor 5.78
Concrete mixer (up to 1 yd.) 5. 78
Pump operator 5.78
Fork lift or lumber stacker 6.30
Material hoist (1 drum) 6.30
Compressors (2 to 7) 6.45
Concrete mixers
(over 1 yd. ) 6.45
Pumps (2 to 7) 6.45
Drilling machinery 6.54
Mechanical finishers (conc. ) 6.54
Mechanical finishers or
spreader machine
(asphalt) 6.64
Roller or self-propelled
compactor 6.54
/" Gradesetter, grade checker 6.54
\..v Soil tester 6.64
Trenching machine (as st.
to engr. required) 6.91
Tractors, dozers, scrapers,
sheepsfoot, compacting
equipment &: push cats 6.91
Heavy duty rotary type
drill rigs 7.20
Combination backhoe and
loader (to and including
3/8 yd. ) 7.20
Cranes (not over 25 tons) 7.28
Power blade operator 7.28
Truck drivers:
Dump truck: under 4 yds. 5.675
Transit mix: unde r 6 yds 5.825
. Pickups 5.675
Single unit flat racks:
2 axle unit 5.77
I"""~ 3 axle unit 5.87
\.- Winch truck and "A" frame
drivers 5.985
Heavy duty transport High
Bed 5.99
Combination winch truck with
Water trucks. under 2. 500
Wage rates for any other classification
used in the work called for by the Con-
tract Documents s hall be in accordance
with the wage scales and schedule pub-
lished by the Secretary of Labor. a
copy of which is on file in its complete
form with the City Clerk of the City of
Gil roy, California.
Whenever the rate of wages as deter-
mined by the Secretary of Labor is less
than that of the prevailing rate of wages
for the locailty, the higher rate of wa-
ges shall apply.
69/18 Division IC Page 1
Scope: Requirements of this Division do not in an y way supersede or nullify
any test or tests required in any other Division of these specifications.
Standards: UBC', 1967 edition. Fu~ish and deliver all necessary samples
and cooperate with testing agency for all tests and inspections required.
Testing agency: Owner will appoint, with Architect's approval, a qualified
testing laboratory. This testing laboratory will make tests and perfonn in-
spections as listed.
Reports of all tests and inspections: 2 copie.s to Architect, one each to Owner
anc Contractor.
Schedule of Tests:
Material and! or installation
Type of.test and!or specification
Design mix
Concrete cylinders
Jncludinl effects of shrbaka.e COD-
trol .
Compression tests, min. 3 per ea.
day's placement
Intermittent Batch Plant In.pection
Ready mix
Metal reinforcement:
Structural steel:
Shop fabrication inspection
Laminated timber:
AITC certificate of conformance
6. Certificates: Manufacturer's certificates covering conformance with require-
ments of above specifications and commercial standards may be accepted in
lieu of teats, at the discretion of Architect.
7. Additional tests: If tests show Don-compliance with requirements, Architect
may order additional tests. Cost of such additional tests shall be paid by
Owner and deducted from payments to Contractor. Replace deficient construc-
tion at Contractor's expense as required by Architect. Reimburse Owner for
excessive fees due to slow progress in fabrication or erection as determined
by Architect.
Payment for tests: Paid for by Owner unless otherwise noted. Tests and
inspections required in other Divisions of Specifications shall be paid for by
69/18 Division 2A Page 1
General: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to work here-
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
Includes in addition:
. 1 Gravel and sand beds under concrete slabs.
. 2 Removal of designated upper soils.
Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Excavation and backfilling for mechanical and electrical work.
3. Standards: Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, 1964 Edition,
unless otherwise noted.
4. Test data and report: A full report on "Soil Investigation for Firehouse
Headquarters BuildiDg, Gilroy, California" prepared by Gribaldo, Jones
and Associates, is on file and may be viewed atthe Department of Public
Works, City Hall, 7390 Rosanna St. " Gilroy, or at the office of the Architect.
Known utilities are as shown on site plan. If active utilities are encounter-
ed which are not shown on site plan, notify Architect immediately. Con-
tractor will be reimbursed for resulting additional work of removal or re-
location, if any.
6. Site plan shows area in vicinity of building to be at an existing elevation of
91. 5'. Actual existing elevations at the site may not coincide with existing
elevations shown, but contractor shall base his bid on existing elevatiOJls
shown on site plan. Work of bringing actual existing elevations down to
existing elevations shown on site plan is not in this contract.
7. Clearing and grading of site:
. 1 Clear site of all vegetation and debris. Stockpile u8cble-materials on
site where directed. Remove debris from Bite.
Site grading in the building area calls for removal of ex!s~ing soil
to elevations shown. If, upon completion of the removal, the-soils
engineer determines that some loose and soft organic material re-
mains, he will then instruct contractor to proceed with additional
removal and replacement of such material with recompacted fill,
compacted to a 93% relative compaction based on Laboratory Compac-
tion Test Procedure ASTM-D-1557.66T. The additional cost of the
removal and recompaction will be borne by the City.
8. Placing, spreading and compacting fill material (if required- see above
paragraph 7. 2. )
69/18 Division 2A Page 2
. 1
Place selected fill n'1aterial in . lifts of about 8" in loose thickness.
Spread each layer evenly and thoroughly blade mix during. the spread-
ing to insure uniformity of material in each layer.
.2 When moisture content of fill material is below that approved by soils
engineer, add water until moisture is as required. Ponding or jett-
ing of lifts is not permitted. 'When moisture content is above that
approved, aerate fill material by blading or other satisfactory method
until moisture content is as required.
.3 After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, thorough-
ly compact to a relative density of not less than 93%.
. 4 Field density tests will be made by Soils Engineer as required. When
these tests indicate that density of any layer of fill or portion there-
of is below the required density, rework the particular layer or por-
tion thereof until required density is obtained.
.5 Water: Control earth working operations to prevent water from runn-
ing into excavated areas. Remove all water promptly: keep site dry.
No material is to be placed, spread or rolled during unfavorable
weather. When work is interrrupted by heavy rains, do not resume
fill operations until field tests by soils engineer indicate that moisture
content and density of fill are as previously specified.
9. Excavation for footings:
. 1 Carry excavations to dimensions or depths indicated or required.
Excavate only minimum amount of earth necessary in order to con-
struct concrete work.
.2 Earth forms may be used below grade for catch basins, etc. where
earth banks are firm, neatly trimmed and where they retain concrete
in precise size and shape. (See Division 3A).
. 3 Bottoms of excavations for footings and foundations to be undisturbed
earth, free from mud, frost or water. Backfill excessive excavation
under footings through error or any sort with concrete at Contrac-
tor's expense.
.-4 Shore and brace excavations where necessary to prevent cave-ins.
Remove all temporary work.
. 5
Keep excavations free of water at all times during performance of
work and until concrete work and backfilling is completed. Install
adequate pumping facilities or other methods of removing excess
water if necessary.
10. Gravel bed: Provide clean graded gravel, crushed rock or clean sand and
69/18 Division ZA Page 3
gravel mixture, lightly compacted.
Basad bed: Sand~ free from clay or organ.ic 'tnaterlal; 90 to 100 percent
passillg No.4 sieve and not more than 5'0 passing a No. 200 sieve. Spread
sand 1Ul1formly to -required depth over area~ .hown.
12. . Gravelln garden area: 1..1/2" river l'W'1 gravel. spheroid in shape. gray
to black in color. Place over polyethylene film to thic:kne.. of 3".
13. Garden rock.: Featheroek lightweight gardenstODe, 300 lbs.. ai.e and \
shapea aa selected by Architect.
14, Gradlnsr: Check all grades, . and grade and fill as nece..ary to bring.
grades to levels required. Areas to be graded to a tolerance of zero to
plus or minus one-tenth foot. Allow for thicmesses of saDd andlor pavel
beds. Place topsoil in areas shown.
15. Surplus material is to be deposited on site where directed. Remove de-
bris from site.
69/18 Division 2B Page 1
1. General: Genderal Conditions and General Requirements apply to work here-
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Redwood headers and stakes.
. 2 Concrete paving and catch basins.
3. Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
4. Standards:. Work as per Standard Specifications of State of California, Division
of Highways, July 1964, unless otherwise noted. ' In this Division these sp.ec-
ificatioDs are referred to as Reference Specifications.
5. Materials:
. 1
Base course material: Class 2 Aggregate Bases, Section 26 of Reference
Specifications. Aggregate: conform to grading specified for 1-1/2"
maximum aggregate. Use of motor grader for spreading is permitted.
.2 Surfacing materiaJ:Type "B" Plant-Mixed Surfacing with 1 /2" maximum
mineralaggrega~es; handling and mixing as per Sections 39-2.04 and
39. 3.
. 1 Bituminous binder: Ste.am refined paving asphalt of 85-100 pene-
trations as per Section 92-1.01, 1.02, 1. 03, 1.04.
.2 Mix: designed as per Reference Specifications.
.3 Prime coat: SC..70 (SC-I) liquid asphalt as per Section 93.
.4 Seal coat: Asphaltic Emulsion; asphalt as per Section 94, "Asphaltic
Emulsions" .
5. Preparation of subgrade: Scarify entire ar.ea to be paved to a depth of one foot..
Compact by making a minimum of 6 passes with a sheepsfoot tamper (not less
than 4 x 4), moistening soil if required. Relative compact-ion of 95% is re-
qui red on the top 6".
6. Placement of base course:
. 1
r Thickness: Six inches.
. 2 After approval of base course material by Architect, place as per re-
quirements of Sections 26-1. 04, 26-1. 04B and 26-1. 05.
69/18 Division 2B Page 2:
. 3 Compact with a minimum of 8 passes with a steel wheeled roller weigh-
ing not less than 6 tons. Water or anow base to dryas required prior
to rolling to produce optimum moisture content in base material. A
95'10 relative compaction will be required.
Drying, proportioning and mixing: As per Section 39-3 of Reference Specs.
8. Placement of primecoat:
. 1 Prior to placing of plant mixed surfacing, spray all surfaces to be cov-
ered or contacted by plant mix surfacing with asphalt primer in approx-
imately 0.25 gallons per square yard of surface to be sprayed.
. 2 Dampen surfaces to be sprayed prior to spraying emulsion. Remove free
water. Rework areas not properly covered, adding or removing asphalt
as required. Respray any areas where emulsion c oat has been broken
or damaged prior to placing plant mix surfacing. Pave all areap. Spl"ay-
ed with emulsified asphalt in same working day in which they were
sprayed. Resprayall areas not paved in same working day in same man-
ner as raw surfaces prior to paving thereon.
9. Placement of plant mixed surfacing:
. 1
Minimum thickness of plant mixed surfacing after compaction: 2-1/2
. Z Place surfacing as per Section 39-6 of Reference Specifications~ A pav-
ing machine shall be used. Spreader boxes are prohibited.
. 3 Tolerances lor plant mix paving surfaces:
. 1 Surfaces must not vary more than plus or minus O. 05 feet from
plan grade at any point.
.2 Maximum differential variation from plan grade across any 20
foot length: O. 05 feet.
.4 Completed plant mix surfacing to show a smooth, tight dense, uniform
surface without rock pockets or areas of excess asphalt.
10. Seal coat: Apply "Fine" type seal coat as per Reference Specifications Sec-
tion 37-1.
11. Remedial measures: Rework any surfaces not acceptable to Architect at his
direction; work to be done at Contractor's expense. Clean surfaces of ex-
traneousmaterials as a result of this work.
Testing: City will pay for initial compaction testing of base and subbase. If
initial tests indicate non-com'}1ianre with compaction required, the second
or suboequent tests shall be paid for by Contractor.
69/18 Division 3A Page 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
z. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 IDcludes in addition:
. 1 Setting of sleeves, bolts, plates and inserts embedded in con..
. Z Setting screeds for straight edging and finishing of concrete
. Z Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Furnishing of sleeves~ bolte, plates and inserts required by
other trades to be embedded in concrete.
Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that
may be required.
4. Reference standards:
. 1 UBC, 1967 edition.
. Z Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings, ACI301-66.
.3 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork, ACl-347.
.4 Standard Grading and Dressing Rules for West Coast Lumber No. 15
of .WestCoast Lumbermen's Association~
.5 American Plywood Asen. Product Standard PS. 1..6.6 for plywood.
5. Required approvals: Forms (and reinforcing) are subject to inspection.
Place no concrete until 48 hours after notice of inspection to Architect is
given and Architect's approval is received.
6. Materials:
. 1 Earth forms: May be used for footings only where soil is firm and
stable. and concrete will not be exposed.
. Z
Wood forms:
. 1 Plywood for all above grade concrete surfaces: Douglas Fir
Plyform, Class 1, 5/8" minimum thickness.
. Z Lu.m'btg::r: Douglas Fir, Construction Grade, 1 x 6 or 1 x 8
shiplapped or approved equal for concealed concrete work.
69/18 Division 3A Page 2
Steel forms: Submit specifications to Architect for approval before
.4 Form ties and spreaders: Metal. Submit to Architect for approval
before using.
7. VVo rkr.nan ship:
. 1 VVood forms: Construct tightly and accurately to lines and grade as
per reference standard 4. 3 above. Camber where necessary to assure
level finished soffits. Make forms tight to prevent leakage of cement
mortar from concrete, sufficiently strong to carry the load and suf-
ficiently stiff to resist deflection. Take care to prevent leakage of
concrete or cement mortar. Install chamfer strips as shown. Tape
horizontal joints in columns to prevent cement mortar leakage. No
oiling of forms which prevent proper bond between concrete and paint
or plaster bonding agent is permitted. Plywood panels may be reused
if panels are in good condition and properly cleaned. Any damage to
edges or corners will be cause for rejection of panels.
. z
Earth forms: Trench forms at least two inches wider than footing
width shown" Construct wood edge strips at each side of trench at top
to secure reinforcing and to prevent trench from sloughing. Form
sides of footings where earth sloughs.
.3 Steel forms: Coat steel forms where necessary to prevent bonding
prior to placing reinforcing. Construct as per Reference Standard
4. 3.
8. Removal of forms: Do not remove forms without approval of Architect or
his representative. Other conditions permitting, do not strip forms in less
than the following time for concrete work noted:
Retaining walls, tie beams, etc.: 7 days
Concrete bents: 21 days (re=shore for 21 days)
Approval of Architect for form removal does not relieve Contractor from
responsibility for damage or failure due to faulty construction or mateJ'ials.
9. Cleanup: Remove all loose dirt and scrap lumber from forms prior to con-
crete pour~ Remove all debris and extraneous material resulting from this
69/18 Division 3B Page 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply
to work hereunder.
2. Scope: See DivisionC3, Article 1.
. 1 mcl\1des in addition:
. 1 Furnishing all concrete reinforcing shown on drawings and
specified herein, including all necessary chairs, accessories
. and welded wire fabric.
.2 Placing of all reinforcing steel to be embedded in concrete.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Placing of anchor bolts and inserts embedded in concrete.
Furnishing anchor bolts, inserts and plates embedded in con-
3. Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that
may be required.
4. Reference standards: Specifications for Structural C~crete for Buildings,
ACI 301-66.
5. Materials:
. 1 Reinforcement:
. 1 Bars: ASTM A-615 Grade 40.
.2 Wire fabric: ASTM A185, 6" x 6" ,# 10 x # 10 electrically welded wire
.3 Tying wire: ASTM A82-58T.
Shop drawings: Furnish 1 sepia reproducible of reinforcing shop drawings
to Architect. Upon receipt of corrected sepia, make for distribution 3
copies for Architect and 3 copies for contractor. Do not fabricate until
approval of shop drawings is received. Dra~gs iD field must be prints
of approved sepia.
7. Placing:
69/18 Division 3B Page 2
. 1 Place steel accurately, supporting and wiring securely as per Section
505 of Standards.
.2 Clearances: Support steel to ensure maintaining clearances shown
during placing of concrete.
. 3 Splices: Maintain splice lengths shown. Where splice details are not
shown, maintain minimum oplice length shown on Drawing S-I.
.4 Clear spacing between parallel bars: not less than 1-1/2 times nom-
inal diameter of bars and in no case less than 1-1/2" nor less than
1-1/3 times maximum size of aggregate. At splices, bars may be
wired together except at points of support of the member, where
clearances indicated above shall be adhered to. For minimum bend-
ing requirements for reinforcing bars, minimum length of splices
and minimum protective concrete covering see structural drawings.
Minimum splice for mesh fabric: at least one mesh wide unless
otherwise noted.
" 5 Position all reinforcing before concreting is begun.
Keep reinforcing wire fabric in slabs taut while pouring concrete.
Keep fabric clear of sand base and completely encase in concrete.
.7 Do not leave any permanent device for fastening reinforcement in
contact with exterior face of form.
69/18 Division 3 C Page 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
Z. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
.1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Concrete work for foundations, floors, columns, beams, hos~
drying ramp, tie beams, catch basins, concrete pads, steps,
. 2 All concrete work shown in other Divisions.
. 3 Patching of concrete work
. Z Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Concrete parking bars.
. Z Dampproofing under slabs.
.3 Placing of sleeves, hangers, wires, chases, etc. in concrete.
. 4 Insulating CODcrete om roof.
Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that
may be required.
Tests and inspections: as per Division lC. Concrete work to include ~11 ma-
terict1s and handling required to provide specimens and samples for testing.
Selection and p reparation to be as supervised by job inspector or Architecti s
5. Required approvals: Forms and reinforcing are subject to inspection. Place
no concrete until Architect's approval of forms and reinforcing is received.
Batching, mixing and handling equipment ana procedures are similarly sub-
ject to inspection; use of disapproved "equipment or procedures will not be
6. Cooperate with other trades so that all sleeves, chases, anchors~ etc. are
properly installed.
7. Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material,
process, or article is specified by patent or proprietary name or by name of
manufacturer. such specification shan be deemed to be used for the purpose
of facilitating description of the material, process or article desired and
shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See Substitutions,
Division C3, Article Z.
. 1
Cement: UBC Standard 26.1.67 based on ASTM C-150, Type U.
.2 Aggregate: Fine and coarse aggregate as per UBC Standard 26-4-67
based on ASTM C33, granite or Ih'i:eBtone type.
69/18 Divisio~ 3C Page 2
Select coarse aggregate to minimize drying shrinkage.
Water: Potable.
Non-shrink grout: Concresive No. 3 grout.
Concrete bonding agent: Concresive No.. 1.
Exp~sion joints: ASTM D1751 or 1752.
Admixture: No admiXture permitted without prior approval in writing
by Architect.
Interior concrete slab color stain: Frank D. Davis Co. True Tone
Cement Colors. 3 lbs. of ##641 Brown Oxide per sack of cement.
Strength of concrete and mix design: Mixes for concrete will be laboratory
designed. Contractor shall base his bid on a cement content of 6..1/2 sacks
per cubic yard. Architect reserves the right to vary cement andlor a.dmixture
and contract price shan be adjusted accordingly. Adjustment in contract
price to be based on bulk market price of cement and admixture deiivered to
hatchiug plant at material time as determined by Architect.
.1 Use of admixture for purpose of reducing water content of mix will be
permitted subject to Architect's approval. Submit proposals for ad-
mixture sufficiently in advance of work to allow admixture to be in-
cluded in mix design.
, . 2 Strengths specified are minimum 28 day compressive strength.
Description Type of Mix strength Max. size Slump
concrete at 28 days of aggregate
Slabs on grade. walks Regular 3000 psi. 3/4" 3"
curbs; ramps
Columns, beams Regular 3000 pst 3/411 4"
Footings Regular 3000 psi. 1_1/2" 4"
.3 ,i.t.r.se'J1:lodlfi'ed mix made from batches containing same ?roportion of
" sand and cement used in concrete plus a maximum of 50% 01 coarse
, aggregate when puddling is difficult or_ wher"e reinforcing is congestedo
,Concrete for expo8'9d aggl"egate slabs to contain a high ratio of coarse
to fine aggregate. Aggregates to be generally spheroid in shapeo
69/18 Division 3C Page:3
Storige: Store cement in weathertight building, protected from dampness and
accessible at all times for inspection and identification. Store fine aggre-
gates separately from coarse aggregates. Store coarse aggregate from 1/4"
to 3/4" separately from aggreg~te larger than 3/4" size.
10. Construction joints: Make and locate joints not indicated on drawings so as
to least impair strength of structure. Conform to details for construction
joints as shown. Clean and roughen horizontal surfaces of all con struction
joints by removing extraneous surfac9 material and exposing clean aggregate
solidly embedded in mortar matrix; thoroughly hose wash surface not less
than two nor more than four hours after concrete is placed. Clean all wash
water and chalk-like material from surface. Just before placing new con-
crete, slush vertical surfaces with a coating of neat cement and slush hori-
zontal surfaces with Modified Mix.
11. Expansion joints: Install as shown.
12. Placing:
. 1 Inspection of forms: Do not place concrete until forms and reinforce-
ment have been completed and all preprations for pour have been
made, and inspected and approved by Architect or his authorized
Cleaning of forms: Remove a11100se dirt and scrap lumber from forms
before pouring. Do not wet down plywood forms to be sealed. Wet
down all other wood forms before pouring.
.3 Removal of water from excavation: Remove all water in footings or
trenches before concrete is deposited.
.4 Pipe and conduits in concrete to be located, sleeved and securely tied
in place before pouring concrete. Cooperate with other trades in
placing pipe and conduits. Do not embed aluminum conduit or other
items in concrete unless corrosion protection is provided.
.5 Mixing: Transit-mixed concrete: ASTM C94. Quality and quantity con-
trol to be by representative of testing laboratory at job or at location
where materials are measured.
.6 Admixture: may be used in all concrete except where concrete is
poured in neat trenches against undisturbed soil, if approved by
Transportation: Transpo,..t concrete from mixer to place of deposit
as rapidly as possibleo Place with a minimum of handling to avoid
separation 01' loss of ingredients. Do not deposit any concrete that
has partially hardened. Deposit concrete in forms as nearly as prac~
ticable to its final pC)sition to avoid flowing. Deposit so a8 to main-
69/18 Division 3C Page 4
tain until completion of a unit, an approximately horizontal plastic
surface. When concrete pouring is once started, carry it on &s a
continuous operation until section is completed between pre-determin-
ed construction joints. Pour all columns full height; no horizontal
joints will be allowed.
Use approved runways 01' platforms for placing concrete slabs with
reinforcing bars or mesh; wheeling on reinforcing bars or mesh is
prohibited. Place concrete for colUD."'.ns and similar parts by tl"emies
or elephant trunks that limit free fall of material to 6 feet or less.
. 8 Spading and vibrating: Compact all concrete except concrete in slabs
on ground immediately after depositing by mechanical vibrating. Work
concrete around reinforcing. Compact in forms by use of mechanical
vibrators, rodding or spading as necessary. Spade ,and tamp slabs.'
. <) Surface drainage: Take ca:re to obtain uniform slope to achieve sur-
face drainage. Slope exterior slabs uniformly as indicated by eleva-
tions on drawings.
. 10
Markings: Mark exterior slabs as shown. Make markings straight and
parallel or perpendicular to edges of slabs o:r as shown. Make accur-
ate corners~ Use proper tool to make marks of proper depth as shoWD.
v "
. II Rec~r,dc of placing: Keep records on work, until completion, of time
and date of placing of ,cODcretain each portion of structure: open to
inspection of Architect.
13~ Protection and curing: Cover all concrete slabs and concrete walks, after
finish has set so that it can be wa.lked on without in'lpression, with Sisalkraft
curing paper, white polyethylene membrane or, approved equal. Lap sheets
not less than 4" and cement together. If necessary renew protecting mem-
brane during course of job, if breaks or tears OCCU7.
- .' ~eep exposedsurJ:aces
of concrete other than slabs and walks' wet fot' not les 8 than 14 days after
being deposited; in lieu of keeping concrete wet. y approved i~pervious
membranep which when sprayed on will seal the surface, may be used~
14. Non-shrink grout and drypack: Grout or d:t"ypack all depressions and open-
ings in concrete work which would normally be grouted or filled as required.
. 1 Non- shrink grout: Concresiva grout as specified. Treat all surfaces
to receive grout with concrete bonding agent, Concresive No. I~ Apply
non-shrink grout as pe~ mfr. recommendations~
'. z
When each installation of grout is completedo trowel surface smooth
and flush with adjacent surface or finish to match adjacent surface,
as required.
69/18 Division 3.C Page 5
Defective cODcrete:Defined as:
. 1 Being incorrectly formed.
.2 Not being plumb. level or sloped to drain as indicated.
. 3 Not being of specified strength.
.4 Containing rock pockets, voids or honeycomb.
.5 Containing wood or other foreign material.
. 6 Being improperly finished.
16. Repairing defective concrete:
. 1 Repair or replace defective concrete as directed by Architect.
. Z When l"esults obtained by testing test cylinders show that Z8-day ulti;..
mate compressive strength of cylinders is lower than strength speci-
fied for that particular concrete, cores will be taken from portion of
work poured at time when test cylinders were made. U tests of these
cores show unsatisfactory results, remove and replace this portion
of the work. Cost of coring and reports to be borne by Contractor.
Troweled conC-l'ete surfaces to,not vary from a true plane by more than
1/8" in 10 ft. Upon-completion of work remove and repair any loose
or roughened surface or high points in excess of 1/8" as directed.
17. Concrete finishes:
. 1 Screeded slabs: Screed slabs level. No further finishing is required.
Extent: In areas to receive ceramic mosaic tile..
. Z Architectural concrete finish: Take particular care in removing forms.
Patch defective areas and tie holes; fill pin holes over 1/8" in diame-
ter. Grind flush with adjacent surfaces any fins that form at form
Extent: Columns and beams.
Steel troweled concrete: Set tenlporary wood screeds level at edges
of walls. Follow floating by steel troweling after concrete has har-
dened sufficient1 y to prevent exces s fine material from working to
surface. Use power finishing equipment wherever practical. Bring
finish to a smooth, straight surface, free from blemishes or defectso
Take care to insure that finish _is true to grade and that there is no
more than 1/8" variation from surface plane in a distance of 10 ft.
Do not sprinkle dry cement ora mixture of dry cement and sand on
surface to absorb moisture or stiffen mix6 After concrete has further
hardened, additional troweling may be required at discretion of Arch~
Extent: All interior slabs except at apparatus room: curbs, sills~ tie
69/18 Division 3C Page 6
.4 Colored concrete: Thoroughly mix color with cement in mixer before
adding water and gravel. Add color by weight only to insure color
uniformity... Set temporary wood screeds level at edges of walls.
Tamp and screed slabs level. Follow floating by steel troweling after
concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent excess fine material from
working to surface. Finish carefully and uniformly to smooth, straight
surface, free from blemishes or defects. Do not over-trowel. No
dusting of cement or sprinkling of water is permitted. Cure with
clear sealer, compatible with wax finish.
Extent: Floor slab in apparatus room and communications equipment
.. 5 Broomed finish. After concrete has been floated, steel trowel suffic-
iently to produce a smooth, even surface; finish with a hair broom
drawn across surface to produce a slightly roughened texture. Broom
across direction of traffic. Where broomed finish is called for and
scoring is shown, score before broom finishing. No fins or burrs to
be visible at junction of scoring and broom finish.
Extent: Exterior slabs and hose drying ramp as indicated on drawings.
Exposed aggregate finish: After concrete has been floated, score as
shown. Following initial set, expose pebbles to required finish by
fine water spray and light scrubbing. Remove laitance with fine sand
and water, rinsing thoroughly. Sand blast any surface not sufficiently
textured or adequately cleaned as directed to produce required sur-
face. Do not obliterate score lines.
Extent: Portions of exterior concrete walks as indicated on drawings.
. 7 Cleaning and protection: When concrete work is com.pleted~ clean
surfaces of curing compound and foreign materials. Clean adjacent
surfaces as required.
69/18 Division 3D Page 1
1. General: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to work here-
2. Scope~ See Divi,oiou C3v Article L
Includes in Cl.dd~,tian:
. 1 Notification to roofe:i." that deck is dry and rea.dy to receive roofing.
3. Alterr!ates and Unit Prices: See Division. ..~.4 for additio~al quotations that
may he required.
4* Materials and '~ Whenever in the specifications any materialp
process 01' article is indicated lOr specified by patent OIl' proprietary name or
of manufacture1*~ such specification shaH be deemed to be used for the pur...
pose of facilitating description 'Of the rnaterial, process or article desired
and shall he deemed to be followed by the words "OR EQUAL". See Substi..
utionr" Division C3D A,..tide 2.
. 1
Vermiculite concrete aggregate: as per Standard Specifications fot,
Lightweight Aggl'egates for lusulating Concrete ASTM C33Z. Unit~teight
_ not lerH?J than 6 Ibs. nor !nmrr.e than 10 Ibs. pel" cubic foot.
, 2. Po:rtland ,:emen.t: as P~y. StaJldal"d Specifications for Portl.and cemen.t
ASTM C.. iSO, Type I Ci:r III or af3 pel' Standa::d Specifications for Ai!<'
E:n.t:eaini:ng Po,:U:l\.l'H.1 Cen1.entv AST:M C !7S~ TypeB lA OT lIlA,
,,3 Wate:':': potable.
Pl'!,po:rth,nt'l: 1 ha.g (94 Ibs) of een-lent to 1'\Ot more than 8 cubic feet of stabn~
i.zed verl'uicuUte' concrete a.ggr.!!ga.te. Plain vermiculite concrete aggregate
l'l'lay be used with an. ah--ent:nlining ager:>.t added on the job. Maximum. amount
of air.,entraining~ 15% of tobJ. a.ggreg;!tte "olunlc. Maintain uniform propor.,
tion th::roughOl.,1t the je,b. Minim\:'~nl c(n:np:i~essive fl1:l'ength. at 2:8 days: 100 palo
Oyen dry density: 20 to 25 lbe. "per cu,bic foot.
Mixing: Mix in a mechanical mixer. Place required amount of water and
cem;;:t in mixer followed by aggregate. Mix only for minimum time required
to obtain a thoX'ough rnix and proper fluidity. Mixing tim_e: 5 minutes maximumo
Mix transit mixed insulating cOi.1.crete as fonows: Introduce water and cement
into mixer. Rotate mbter slowly until all aggregate has been added. Continue
to rotate mixer for approxixr..ately one lninl.1te after aggregate is in mixer.
Do not rotate drum on way to job site. Mix concrete at j'.)b site at fastest
speed until it is uniform and flows freely from mixer.
69/18 Division 3D Page Z
Placing: Transport and place insulating concrete immediately after mixing is
completed; period between completion of mixing and placing to be of such
short duration that mixture does not appreciably change in consistency. Do
not place insulating concrete when deck is covered with water or ice or ,,1ben
adtnixtures 'containirlg calcium chloride are used.
Place -QOD,crete'to thicknesses shown, sloping uniformly from high points to
roof drains at low points-. Make surfaces free frrim air pockets and of satis-
factory hardness, firmly bound and with adequate bonding characteristics.
8. Curing and Protection: Keep surfaces of freshly finished insulating concrete
moist for not less than 3 days, or sufficiently long to allow coo.crete to devel-
ope the desired strength. Start curing immediately following partial set.
Normal curing includes spray or fog water curing or spray or film surfacing
Allow concrete to dry thoroughly following curing before application of roof-
ing specified in another Division. Notify Roofing Contractor in writing (with
a carbon copy to Architect) that concrete has been inspected and is ready to
receive roofing.
Samples: Assist in providing test samples for tests conducted under Division
10. Certification~ Certify in writing, upon completion of the concrete installa...
tion, that insulating concrete was prepared and applied as per specifications
of the Vermiculite Institute in effect at time of installation.
69/ 18 Division SA Page 1
1. General Conditions: Gene:~al Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article L
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 l-nchor bolts. washers, etc., for connecting structural 'steel to
laminated timber. concrete or steel.
. 2 Setting anchor bolts for steel work.
.-3 Shop painting of all structural steeL
. 4 Benchl'l.1ppo;:ts.
.2 Work specified in other Divisious:
. 1 Field painting and touch-up.
3. Alternates and Unit Pl'ices: See Divi sion A4 for additional quotations that may
be required,
Standards: Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structur-
al Steel for Buildings. of the AISe. unless otherwise noted.
. 1 Structural steel: Specifications for Structural Steel for Buildings, ASTM
A-36. Furnish certiiied mill test certificates for an structural steel
to Architect prior to fabrication.
.2 Arc-welding electrodes: Standard Specifications for Iron and Steel Arc=
welding Electrod~s. ASTM A~233 and A WS AS. 1.
. 3 . Paint: Red lead or zinc chromate prepared pa.int.
6. Tests: See Tests and Inspections, Division IDo
7. Shop drawings: Furnish 1 sepia reproducible for all structural steel work to
Architect forapprova.1. Upon receipt of corl'ected sepiao make for distribu~
tion 3 copies for Architect and 3 copies for contractor. Do not fabricate un=
tit approval of shop drawings is received. Drawings in field must be prints of
approved sepia_.
Workmanship and installation:
. 1 Make finished members true to line and free from twists or bends.
.2 Welding: Surfaces to be welded: free from loose scale, slag, rust,
69/18 Division 5A Page 2
grease, paint or other foreign matter. Welding: done by certified
welders previously qualified by tests, as prescribed, in Oualification
Procedure of American Welding Society, except that this provision
need not apply to tack welds or other welds later incorporated into
finished welds carrying calculated loads. Minor welding: subject to
visual inspection by a qualified inspector. Inspection of all welds
and welding operations may be done at Architect's option. Correct
any defects. Hold rigidly together all members to be welded to each
other while welding.
. 3
Allowable oversize of holes: For unfinished boltso 1/16" oversize.
For turned bolts 0 1/50" oversize. Drifting to enlarge unfair holes is
Set column bases true and level with full bearing on grout. Mill all
columns both ends.
. 5
Painting: Clean steel work thoroughly by effective means to remove
all loose mill scale, rust and foreign matter. Where steel has b~en
subjected to severe weathering or highly corrosive conditions, clean
by flame or sandblasting. Except where encased in concrete, give
all steel work one shop coat of primer.
Erection: Install structural steel plumb and true; introduce temporary brac-
ing when necessary to take care of a.11loads to which members may be sub...
jectedD including erection equipment and operation of same. Leave tempor-
ary bracing in place as long as necessary for safety. Shore at all points
where piling of materials will tend to create excessive concentration of loads.
As the erection progresses, securely bolt up work to take care of all dead
load, lateral forces and erection stresses.
69/18 Division 6A Page 1
1. General ConditioDs: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 10
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Rough hardware including all nails, lag bolts, machine bolts, an...
chor bolts, structural plates and other items connected to wood.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Glued laminated beams.
. 2 Concrete fOZ"mworlto
3. Reference standards:
. 1 Dougla.s fir, hemlock and c~dar: West Coast Lumbermen's Assoc. Stan...
dard Grading anc:I _Dt"e.saing Rules for West Coast Lumber No. 15.
Redwood: California Redwood Assn. Standard Specifications for Grades
of California Redwood Lumber.
.3 Rough hardware: AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication and
Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings.
.4 Plywood: U. S. Department of Com.merce Soft'wood Plywood Standards
PS 1-66.
.5 Treated lumber: American Wood Preservers Assn. Manual of Recom...
mended Practice.
. 6 UBCp 1967 edition.
4. Materials:
. 1 Grades:
Applicabl e Section
in Ref. St&ndard
Headers &: stakes
Studs &: plates
Roof joists
Roof beams
Select Heart Redwood
Redwood Foundation Gracle
Standard or Better Douglas FiT
Construction Douglas Fir
Construction Dougla3 Fir
69/18 Division 6A Page 2
Roof sheathing
Wall sheathing
Steel hardware
Machine bolts
Lag bolts
Joist hangers
122..c it
DFPA Standard. w/ext. ,lue Section 3,4
DFPA Standard grade with lexterior glue. "
ASTN A-7 or A-36
ASTM A- 307
Fed. Spec. FF-B-561
Common except as noted.. Fed Spec. FF-N..IOl
"Universal", except as noted
5% pentachlorophenol - Fed. Spec. TT- W.570
Construction Dougts Fir
Standar~ Douglas Fir
. 2 Grade stamps required:
.1 Douglas fir lumber: Identified by grade stamp of West Coast
Lumber Inspection Bureau. Remove lumber not grade stamped
and lumber of improper grade; replace by proper grade stamped
.2 Plywood: Identified as to species, grade and glue type bearing
identification grade-trademark of American Plywood ASSD.
5. Wor~anship:
. 1
Sills: Set with full bearing in neat cement grout to level position. Tigh-
ten sill bolts securely before closing partitions.
. 2 Studs: Coat ends of studs within 2 feet of concrete with 2 flowing brush
coats of 5% solution of pentachlorophenol. Frame aU partitions plumb
acc:uratelyand securely, true to line require. Wood shingle shims not
.3 Joists, headers, beams and posts: Place joists with crown up. Maxi-
mum permitted crown: 1/2". Block to level surface before applying
roof sheathing and finish ceiling. Install accurately and securely true
to line required.
.4 Shrinkage: Where moist-ure content of wood b.:aming is greater than
120/0 at time of construction or where there is a significant variation in
moisture content between individual framing members, allow for differ-
ential shrinkage in all wood connec.tions ,and do not complete nailing un-
til potential shrinkage is less than 1/8" between adjacent or connected
framing members. This partiCularly applies to conditions where wood
frames into glued laminated beams.
Nailing: As per Chapter 25 of UBC for nailed joints not otherwise spec~
69/18 Division 6A Page 3
Cut, patch and .block wood members as required for work of various
.7 Furring: Provide furring as shown on drawings. Shim furring as nee;"
easary to provide uniformly even surfaces for finish material.
69/18 Division 6 B Page 1
General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
.1 Setting of glulam members.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Setting of miscellaneous steel and bolts embeeded in concrete.
. 2 Furnishing miscellaneous steel aDd bolts cODnec:ted to glulam.
3. Reference Standards:
.1 Uniform. Building Code
West Coast Lumbermen's Association Standard Specifications for Struc-
tural Glued Laminated Douglas Fh.. (Coast Region) Lumber as latest
.3 WCLA Standard Grading It Dressing Rules for, West Coast Lumber No.
15 as latest amende.d.
.4 Inspection manual for Structural Glued Laminated Lumber of American
Institute of Lumber Construction.
4. Materials:
. 1 Lumber: Douglas Fir. Maximum slope of grain: 1 in8(iDner laminations).
.2 Adhesive: Wet.,use adhesive.
5. Fabrication:
. 1 Combination: C.
.2 Lamination thickness: 1..1/2 inch.
.3 End joints: Plain scarf joints, maximum slopf: 1 in 10. all ponion of
scarfs in adjacent laminatio~ separated by 6 inches minimum. No butt
joints pe:rmitted.
Moisture content at time of gluing: 16% maximum~ 7% minimumo
.5 Camber as per drawings~
69/18 Division 6B Page 2
. 6 Appearance grade: Architectural.
Bolt holes: 1/32" to 1/16" larger than bolt diameter.
6. Shop drawings:, Furnish 1 sepia reproducible of laminating shop drawings to
Architect. Upon recei~ of correctt'.d sepia, reproduce 3 copies for Archi-
tect and number as required for distl~ibution by Contractor. Drawings in field
must be prints of approved sepias. Do not fabricate until approval of shop
drawings is received.
7. Inspection: Furnish an AlTC certificate of conformance to these specifications
and to procedures and provisions of AITC Inspection Manual for Structural
Glued Laminated Lumber.
8. Erection:
. 1 Place members on supports to proper liDe and grade.
. Z Plumb, align and tighten connection bolts~
Protection: After sealing, wrap individual members with a waterproof paper
'and seal before handling for shipping. - Protective paper to remain intact on
members until roof sheathing is on and members are protected from direct
exp~sure to weather. -
69/18 Division 6C Page 1
.. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Metal doors and frames.
.2 Corkboards and chalkboards.
. 3 Firehose storage rack.
. 4 Skylights.
. 5 Access doors.
. 6 Dampproofing membrane under slabs.
.7 Toilet room accessories except an furnished under Division 10..;~..
. 8 Caulking not specified in installation of other work. .
.9 Drapery tracks.
. 10 Clear sealer on interior concrete fT,oors.
. 11 Installation of hardware.
. 12 Acoustical tile ceiling.
. 13 Building felt, under vermiculite -corlcrete.
.2 'Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1
. Z
. 5
Shower pan and waterproofing membrane in' .men's room.
Formwork and millwork.
Gypsum board work. .
Building .. iBper on walls.
3. Alternates and unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that
may be required.
4. Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specificatioDs any material,
process or article is -- lndicated or specified by patent or proprietary names
or by name of manufacturer, such description shall be deemed to be used
for the purpose of facilitating description of the materialo process or arti-
cle desired and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal ".
See Substitutions, Division C3, .Article Z.
. 1 Dampproofing membrane under slabs (required under rooms 1 thru
13 only): VisQueen polyethylene film, .006" thick, black, as mfd. by
Union Carbide Co.; in maximum practical width with a minimum
width. of 10 ft. Seam tape: polyethylene pressure tape as recommend-
ded by manufacturer.
Metal doors, frames and sidelights: 16 ga. pressed sheet steel.
.3 Skylights: Plasteco No. 101..16480 double dome with standard white
69/18 Division 6C Page 2
inner and outer domes.
Louvers at wall (near water heater): Construction Specialties, Inc.
Model 2321, L frame, N blade, 2" deep extruded aluminum, CIS
Duracolor as selected by Architect.
.5 Exterior louvers (at roof): Construction Specialties, Inc. Model
2321, L frame, N blade, 2" deep eXtruded aluminum, CIS Clear
Anodize, with 1/4" mesh bird screen.
. 6 Acoustical insulation: Owens- Corning Fiberglas Noise Barrier Blan-
kets, 2" thick.
.7 Sound deadening board: Zonolite DyFoam Noise Guard, 3/8" thick
expanded polystyrene.
.8 Thermal insulation: Owens-Corning Full Wall Fiberglas Friction
Fit Batts, unfaced, 3-5/8" thick.
.9 Sbowei' room bench: Republic Steel Corp. Locker Bench, northern
hard maple, kiln dried. complete with steel base and tubing, finished
with standard lacquer finish.
Wood paneling: Ribbon-stripe African mahogany, Algoma quality
GIS, US Plywood Corp. Provide trim to match.
. 11 Access doors: MUcor Style M with baked enamel prime coat.
. 12 Chalkboard-magnetic tackboard: Korok Division, Enamel Products
Co. A.51 Cine' Chalkboard, steel chalkboard.
. 13 Corkboard: Korok Cork Tac-Tex, 1/4" thick, vinyl plastic impreg-
nated plain surface, color as selected by Architect.-
. 14 Toilet room accessories: (Certain toilet paper holders and coat hooks
are specified under Toilet Compartments Division.) Items specified
are Bobrick Corp. unless otherwise noted.
. 1
Room 5
B-3300 recessed paper towel dispenser and mirror
B-221 su;rface mounted toilet seat cover dispenser
B-266 surface mounted toilet tissue cabinet.
Room 7
B-223 mop and broom holder
. 3
Room 12
Philip Carey medicine cabinet model 345
B-3944 semi-recessed paper towel dispenser and
69/18 Division 6C Page 3
B-292 96-1/2:x 32 mirror and shelf
B..439 rece'seed soap dish and grab
B..209 towel bar
. 15 Catch basin gratin~: Phoenix Iron .'Works :No. P-4602 standard heavy
duty catch basinfraxne and grate.
. 16 Shower door: Agalite Bronson Co. ,Model ASD.;'33 lmperialShower
Door, frameless tempered ASO- Pointex glas8' \vith f)ol1shed round-
ed edges; c~mplete with allllecessary hardwa~e, vinyl seal,' drain
bar, handle, hinges and adjustable catch; R-5 anodized finish.
. 17 Hose rack: Circul-Air Corp. (565 E. Milwaukee Ave., Detroit,
Mich. 48202) Type CF-3, all steelEcono-Rak.
. 18 Drapery rod: Kirsch Co. -No. 9047 ftrchih'ac extruded anodized
aluminum single track with No. 9670 carriers at 4" o. c.. No. 9641
Masters, No. 9661 Insert Pulley Sets, No. 9921 tension puttey;
center draw with No. 9964 size 4 resin-waxed fiberglas center cord.
. 19 Caulking: DAP One-Part Acrylic Sealant, color as selected.
.20 Vinyl corner guards: Pauling Rubber Co. Parco CO-3, 48" long,
color as selected by Architect.
. Z 1
Clear sealer on interior concrete floors: Kure-N-Seal as mfd. by
Sonneborn Building Products, Inc.
.22' Acoustical tile: Gold Bond Travacoustic or U. S. Gypsum Acoustone
IFI, 12" x 12" x 3/4", 1/16" bevel, fine fissured. Adhesive: As
recommended by mfg.
. 23 Concrete f)arking bars: Fiberaieed Bar and Line Co. or equal.
. 24 Termite c:ontrol powder: California Spray_Chemical Corp. Qrtho-
Klor Chlordane Dust.
. 26 Headers and stakes: Select Heart Redwood. Headers to be straight
and in maximum suitable lengths.
.27 Fencing: Posts and rails- Select Heart Redwood; Orapestakes-
standard grapest~kes, approximately 5 per running foot.
Gates and enclosure at generator: Posts, tails- Construction
Douglas Fir as per Para. 122.b, WCLA Grading and DressiJag Rules.
Slats- A grade redwood; gate angles- Holmes Co. CB-88, 1/8" x
2" :x 8" x 8" with 3~ 3/8" diameter holes eachleg.
.29 Exterior bench: Clear All Heart Vertical Oraiu Redwood.
69/18 Division 6C Page 4
. 30 Battery rack: Shelves and legs- No. I. Structural Joists and
Planks as per Para. 123-b, selected for good appearance.
Protection: Provide for protection of building and its parts as fcllot7s:
. 1 Close in building with permanent or temporary sash and doors as
Soon as possible. Protect all sills" stools, jambs and door f)'ames
with temporary boa~'d coverings as required.
. 2 Protect concrete floors from damage during construction. Patch
tears in curing. paper promptly. Take particular care in all areas
where the slab will be exposed ae the finish floor. Repalr any stain-
ing or physical dam:9.ge to slabs in these areas to match adjoining
areas. Cracks at e/~ges of patches will not be acceptable. Protect
all plywood used in eonstruction from moisture or sun with a clear
sealer or prime COl.t of paint.
. 3 Assume prime respLnsibility for protection of items installed in
other Divisions as rl~.ted. This applies particularly to winde)ws,
doors and frames.
6. Workmanship and installat:on:
. 1
Dampproofing memb:':'ane under slabs: Install over engineered fill
but under sand base. Lap sheets at least 12" to form EI flat lock
seam with lap placed in the direction of spreading of CO-3crete. Hold
seams down with tap" as required. Where membrane i3 penetrated
by pipes, conduit:;, <Hc., cut carefully for such penf!trcltionsand
tape membrane tc pile or conduit. Seal all perfora~Ji.,n"3 prior to
pouring c()ncrete.
.2 Metal doors:CoDstrhct from two 16 ga. steel sheeu, formed,
welded with interZ'(aly"einforcing ch8DJ).els spaces 6" o. c. maximum
full height of door; uniformly spot ,weld to face she(~ts. Provide
continuous horizcntal stiffener channels welded to f!LCe rheets top
and bottom and ar'mnd openings. Exposed seams G. t edge nf face of
of door are not pe:rm:l :ted. Provide cutouts for opf 3inge ar. requir-
ed. Provide conc~!alf~d reinforcement to receive r' ):rtise t:rpe hard-
ware; drill and tap tt~ template. After assembly, dean th')roughly,
removing rust, 8celle, grease, oil and rough Spotll. Treat metal
surfaces with phosphate compound to aS8ure maxhnum adr.3sion of
paint. Fill door e3ge If with epoxy filler to concea t seams. Appy
spray coa~ of yel1cw ()"dde rust inhibitive primer.
. 3
Metal frames and aideHghts: Fabricate to profile:J\ shown. Provide
jamb anchors and !loo'c- clips as shown. Make up a.1 bamEs in com-
plete units weldedins'lop. Miter corners; weld i:J nd gJ'ind limooth
69/18 Division 6C Page 5
to an invisible joint. Provide removable steel channel tie across
bottom of frame to hold frame rigid for shipping. Use of bolts or
rivets for corner fittings or hardware reinforcing is prohibited.
Prepare jambs in shop to receive hardware as per templates fur-
nished by Hardware supplier.
Cut openings for mortise hardware; reinforce with 3/16" x 1-1/2"
reinforcing plates spot welded on inside and drill and tap for secur-
ing hardware. Spot weld reinforcing for all surface hardware on
inside of jambs in shop; drilling and tapping for surface hardware
to be done by General Contractor at time of hanging of doors.
Anchor frames accurately and securely as detailed.
.4 Skylights: Install accurately and securely as per mfr. directions
and as detailed.
. 5 Louvers: Install accurately and securely, tight to wall; bed ex-
terior louvers in mastic and caulk all around. Fasten exterior
louvers with brass, stainless steel or cadmium plated screws.
.6 Acoustical insulation: Split 2x4 studs vertically to within 6" of
ends. Install insulation by stapling to top and bottom plates only.
Place paper septum towards interior of wall. Fill all voids neatly.
. 7
Sound deadening board: Apply only with sufficient nails to hold in
place prior to applying gypsum board. Butt edges tightly.
. 8 Thermal insulation: Install between studs by friction fit. Fill all
voids neatly.
. 9 Shower room bench: Install accurately and securely with screws
and expansion shields to concrete.
. 10 'VITood paneling: Cut accurately to size; apply over gypsum board
backing with adhesive; nail with finishing nails just sufficiently
to hold panels in place while adhesive sets up. Provide matching
edge banding at vertical edges of wall in lobby.
. U Access doors: Install accurately and securely in locations shown.
. 12 Chalkboard-magnetic tackboard: Apply directly to gypsum board
with adhesive as recommended by mfr. Vertical edges of chalk..
board-tackboard to be eased to form" a slight "V" joint between
panels. Secure panels neatly; align accurately.
. 13
Corkboard: Install with adhesive recommended by mfr. directly
to gypsum board wall. Ease edges slightly.
. 14 Toilet room accessories: Install securely and accurately in lac a-
69/18 Division 6C Page 6
tions shown or as directed. Provide proper blocking and attach-
ments for accessories. Supply soap dish and grab bar to tile setter
for installation.
. 15 Drapery track: Install accurately and securely as shown. Provide
carriers, pulley sets and cord, ready to receive drapery.
. 16 Concrete parking bars: Place accurately and securely with adhe-
sive as per mfr. recommendations.
. 17 Caulking: Caulk as necessary to make building watertight or as de-
tailed. Caulk around exterior door and window frames and louvers
after installation. Caulk neatly and accurately.
. 18 Vinyl corner guards: Install neatly and accurately, tight to wall,
with adhesive as per mfr. recommendations.
. 19 Clear sealer on concrete floors: Apply sealer as per mfr. direc.
tions to floor where concrete is to be left exposed.
.20 'Weatherstripping: Supplied by others. Install where noted. Inter-
locking weatherstripping to interlock without binding.
Hardware installation: Install bore-in or cut out lock and latch
sets by using mfr. metal template guide. See Hardware Division
for hardware types. Securely set thresholds in ~astic and caulk
as necessary to make watertight. Neatly and accurately install
closers, stops, silencers and other hardware so they operate with-
out binding or being subjected to abnormal stresses. Locate hard-
ware at Architect's direction unless otherwise noted. Adjust
hardware; hardware to be in perfect operating condition at time
of acceptance of job.
.22 Termite control: Sprinkle Chlordane dust on top of redwood sills
at a rate of I. lb. per 100 ft. of length.
.23 Acoustical tile: Apply with adhesive neatly and accurately to gyp-
sum board. Space as shown on drawings.
.24 Catch basin grating: Set securely and accurately on catch basin.
.25 Shower door: Install accurately and securely, properly aligned.
Hardware to operate easily without binding. Door and trim to be
free from scratches or other imperfections.
Hose rack: Install accurately and securely with lag bolts and ex-
pansion shields into concrete and lag bolts into blocking.
.27 Headers and stakes: Install accurately and securely, aligned to
proper grade. Provide stakes at 8" maximum from ends of
69/18 Division 6C Page7
Fencing: Install accurately and securely as shown. Coat bottom
of fence posts with preservative. Attach grapestakes with galvan~.
ized nails.
. 29 Exterior bench: Bench members to be stained prior to assembly.
Space members uniformly; screw securely to supports.
. 30 Battery rack: Construct as shown. Attach securely to wall.
. 31 Building identification letters: Visually space letters on a board
for Architect's approval prior to application to the building. Drill
oversize holes in facia using template supplied by mfr. Fill holes
with non-shrink adhesive or mastic; properly aUgn lettering and
set spacers tight to facia. Clean off excess mastic.
General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Casing beads at intersection of gypsum board and otb.er mater-
.2 Cutouts for accessories, registers, outlets~ etc.
. 3 Taping and sanding.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1
Thermal and acoustical insulation in walls.
Installation of metal frames and access doors.
3. Alternates and unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material, pro-
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by
name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating the description of the material, process or article de-
sired and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See Sub-
stitutions, Division C3j; Article 2.
. 1 Gypsum wallboard:' Gold Bond, Pabco, Kaiser or U. S. Gypsum, 1/2"
thick tapered edge wallboard generally; 5/8" thick at 2 hr. walts.
.2 Screws: 1-1/4", 11 gaG bugle head annular thread screws. 1-78"
long at 2. hr. walls. Nails 1-1/4" GWB-54 annular ring naila.
1-7/8" long at 2 hour walls.
. 3 Outside corner beads: USG Dur-a- bead No. 101 or equal;
.4 Inside corner treatment: Perforated tape cornel.' reinforcement set
in compound. .
.5 Casing bead: 1/2" square edge galvanized casing bead, USG Perf-a...
tl"lrti or equ&1.
Joint treatment: As rec.ommended by mfr.
69/18 Divi,sion 6D Page 2
. 7 Control joint: usa No. 0<)3 control joint or equal.
Workmanship and installation:
. 1
Install as per mfr. standard details and instructions unless otherwise
Apply casing beads tightly abutting adjacent surfaces at all joinings
of gypsum board with dissimilar materials. Apply corner beads at
all outside corners; apply control joints shown on drawings. Place
beads and control joints accurately and securely; where end of beads
or control joints abut, align ends accurately. Replace damaged or
incorrectly installed beads or control joints.
Cut gypsum board accurately to size. Make cutouts for outlets,
switches, etc. accurately; cut only large enough to clear junction box
edges. Apply gypsum board on ceiling with length perpendicular to
joists; apply to studs with length vertically. Center abutting edges
over studs. Where wallboard abutments are made between studs, f:rflft.e
, . ,
ends must be back-blocked. Space screws or nails 1Z" o. c. in field
and 8" o. c. staggered along vertical abutting edges. Stagger joints
on opposite sides of partition and on studs on same side of partition.
At Z-hour walls, apply second layer with joints stagg~red from first
layer. Nail thru both layers into studs or joists. Tape and sand sec.
ond layer only.
Apply tape, joint compound and topping compound to all wallboard
joints as per mfr. recommendations to produce a smooth, even sur-
face. Sand smooth all joints so that no noticeable change in surface
plane occurs between wallboard and taped joint. Do not break or
scuff paper covering.
69/18 Division 6E Page 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
wo~k hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Artiele 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Wardrobe closets.
.2 Shelf supports, shelves and wood clothes polee.
. 3 Laminated plastic work.
. 4 Telephone stand
.5 Wood doors
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Finish hardware, including hinges, pulls and locks for this work.
3. Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that
may be required.
Standards: 'Woodwork Institute of California, Custom Grade, unless other-
wise noted.
5. Shop drawings: Furnish 1 sepia reproducible of millwork shop drawings to
Architect. Upon receipt of corrected sepia, make for distribution 3 copies
for'Architect and 3 copies for contractor. Do not fabircate'until approval of
shop drawings is received. Drawings in field must be prints of approved
6. Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material, pro-
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by
name of manufacturer. such specification shall be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating description of the material, proces's or a_rtide desired
and shall be deemed to be followed by the words lIor equal". See Substitutions,
Division C3, Article 2.
. 1 Laminated plastic: Formica, 1/1611 high-pressure general purpose
latninated plastic (melamine, suede finish). Color as selected by Archi-
tect from standard solid colors. Adhesive' as recommended by lamin-
ated plastic manufacturer.
.2 Plywood for laminated plastic base: Interior B-D, with face grain of
any c10segrained hardwood.
. 3
Wardrobe closets:
. 1 Sides: Ponderosa, sugar or white pine or white fir as per WIC
69/18 Division 6E Page 2
. Z
. 3
Interior Softwoods, Custom Grade.
Backing: Interior B-D, California Pine
Doors: Hollow core flush doors. paint grade. See wood doors below.
. 4 Kitchen cabinets:
. 1 Front, doors. drawers, partitions and exposed sides: Ribbon-
stripe African mahogany, Algoma quality, GIS, US Plywood Corp.
. 2 Trim: to match hardwood plywood.
.3 Concealed sides: Interior A-D, CaUfoJ'llia Pine.
. 5 Display case:
. 1 Sides and trim: Ponderosa, sugar or white pine.
. Z Doors: Hollow core flush doors, paint grade. See wood doors be-
.3 Plywood panel: Interior A-D, California Pine.
.6 Counter:
. 1 Drawer fronts, doors. sides and trim: Ribbon-stripe African
mahogany, Algoma quality, Gis.. US Plywood Corp.
. Z Plywood dividers: Interior A-A, California Pine.
.3 Shelves: 1/8" tempered hardboard.
. .,
Gate: Hollow core flush, mahogany; WIC Custom Grade with face ven-
eer of US Plywood ribbon-stripe African mahogany, Algoma quality,
with matching hardwood edging.
.8 Door trim, frames and miscellaneous items: Ponderos&, sugar or white
pine or white fir as per WIC Interior Softwoods- Custom Grade. Finger
joints are permitted if tight and well glued.
. q Wood doors:
. 1 Solid core flush, paint grade: WIC Custom Grade with face veneer
of any species of close grained hardwood, unmatched for color,
showing burls, color streaks or other characteristics which will
not be visible after two coats of paint are applied.
. Z Solid core flush, mahogany: WIC Custom Grade with face veneer
of US Plywood ribbon-stripe African mahogany, Algoma quality,
with matching hardwood edging; suitable for clear finish.
. 3
Hollow core flush, paint grade: W1C Custom Grade with face ven-
eer of any species of close grained hardwood, unmatched for color.
showing burls. color streaks or other characteristics which Will
not be visible after two coats of paint are applied.
7. Workmanship and installation:
69/18 Division 6E Page 3
. 1
As per WIe standards unless otherwise noted. Machine sand all exposed
work, ready for finish application. Ease exposed edges of trim, frames,
. Z Replace doors in event of warping.
.3 Laminated plastic: Where possible, execute work in the shop. Assem-
ble at the site. Install laminated plastic with back . surface uniformly
bonded to core, free of waves or buckles, with face smooth and clean.
Make tight joints neatly. Bevel smoothly and uniformly exposed exterior
corners and edges on self-edged surfaces.
.4 Hardware for millwork except for shelf supports is specified in another
Division. Install hardware specified neatly and accurately.
. 5 Installation of wood trim: Bevel splice all end splices and trim mem-
bers. Do not square butt trim unless otherwise detailed. Set trim plumb
and true, shimmed as required; securely nail with casing nails, counter-
sunk. Mitre trim at outside and inside corners.
69/18 Division 7 A Page 1
General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements a.pply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Cant Strips.
.2 Shower pan and dampproofing membrane in menls room.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Vermiculite insulation.
.2 Building paper.
. 3 Furnishing and installing metal flashing.
. 4 Plastic dampproofin ~ membrane under slab.
3. Alternates and unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
4. Cooperation: Cooperate with sheet metal and mechanical trades in installing
metal flashing.
Inspection: All work to be inspected by mfr. IS representative duringapplica.
tion. At Architect1s option, three 12" x 12" samples may be cut out of roof.
Patch areas from which samples have been taken.
Roofing contractor to be an approved applicator for the manufacturer. Upon
request, furnish certificate to this effect from roofing material manufactur-
er to Architect.
6. Materials and trade names: 'Whenever in the specifications any material, pro.
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by
name of manufactu:rerp such specification snaIl be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating description of the material, process or article desired
and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See substitutions p
Division C3, .P.rticle 2.
. 1 General: Deliver materials in original packages bearing mfr. 's label.
Ouantities given are for 100 sq. ft. unless otherwise noted.
Roofing:; Flintkote No. AA-3 or approved equal.
1 coat of Asphalt Primer
Certified Level-Dek Asphalt for spot mopping
3 layers No. 15 Certified Asphalt Felt (perforated
felts may be used)
Certified Level-Dek Asphalt Moppingsbetween
layers (2 @ 25# each)
69/18 Division 7A Page 2
Flood coat of Certified Level-Dek Asphalt to
. receive gravel
Gravel surfacing
Approximate total weight of material
.3 Gravel: Opaque. clean and thoroughly dry, 1/4" to 1/2" in size; no
more than 10~o fines to pass a No. 4 screen and 2% to pass a No. 8 screen.
. 4 Cant strip: Flintkote 4" cant strip.
.5 Membrane dampcourse at shower and menls room floor: Flintkote No.
MW-330-FM or approved equal.
3 layers Membrane Dampcourse
Certified Regular Asphalt moppings between
layers (2@ 25# each)
1 layer 45# Flaxine Protective Sheet
Approximate total weight of material
7. Application of roofing:
. 1
Roof drains: Set drain outlets below roof deck to permit free flow of
water and to prevent forming a water dam at rim. Remove clamp ring;
fill metal base of ring groove with plastic cement before roofing is appli-
ed. Extend roofing felts over ring groove; trim evenly at inside edge.
After roofing felts at-ein place, install clamp ring; tighten clamps se-
curely before asphalt coat. Apply gravel surfacing flush to stop on clamp
. 2 Cant strip: . Provide cant strip in angle of intersection of roof and verti..:
cat walls or . curbs. Prime deck and walls with asphalt primer and when
dry embed cant strips in hot asphalt. Fit cant strips flush at ends and to
wall surface. Nat cant strip at 2 ft. on centers to roof sheathing. Mitre
co~ners evenly. 'Where scuppers occur. bevel cant strip. starting 8"
from end and apply 2" back {rom outlet.
.3 Vent pipes and mechanical equipment flashings: Set flange in plastic
cement on first layer of felt; nail and seal with 6" strip of reinforcing
fabric, mopped solid; follow with a collar of felt to fit around vent;
overlay flanges 6" on all sides. Embed collar in asphalt. After all felts
are applied, form a plastic cement cant around base of flashing.
Base felt: Spot mop deck with asphalt and while hoto embed three layers
of asphalt felt. Apply all layers shingle method lapping 25". leaving an
11" exposure. Apply all felts in lengths not exceeding 18 ft~ and lap 4"
on ends with end laps not less than 2 ft. apart. Longer lengths may be
used when rolled and broomed into place, or when laying machine is used.
Mop each layer solid and even with asphalt. Extend felts up cant strip.
69/18 Division 7A P2'.ge 3
trim at vertical walls, mop feUs to cant strip and nail 12" on centers.
. 5
Asphalt: Apply at a temperature between 3750 and 4500. Do not heat
to temperature higher than 4500F.
.6 . Bondable base flashing: At cant strip apply an AA-I-B Base Flashing
system as per manufacturer's specifications.
. 7 Scupper flashing: Install sheet metal scuppers. Set flanges of outlet on
first layer of felt. Nail edges of flange and seal with base flashing spe-
cified above.
. 8 Gravel surfacing: After all felts are laid, apply a flood coat of asphalt
with dippers, and while hot, embed gravel surfacing. Graveling to pro-
gress with felt application. Gravel and glaze all applied felts with as-
phalt before close of each day.
.9 Application of membrane dampcourse in shower and in men~s room:
. 1 Drains: Properly seal membane around drains. Install ring over
membrane and tighten while asphalt is warm.
. 2 Fold membrane dampcourse layers at corners and carry damp,p
course up wall 6" minimum above top of curb at shower.
. 3
Apply each of the 3 layers separately over the deck surface, rolled
and broomed into place. Do not allow asphalt to remain on either
outside surfaces of top or bottom layers of the assembly. Mop
membrane solid and even with asphalt between layers. ' Lap all
layers 2" on sides and 4" on ends, with laps at ends not less than
2 ft. apart.
. 4 Protective sheet: After the finished membrane is approved and
accepted, apply the flaxine roofing dry, with mica surfaced side
down, lapped 4" on sides and 8" on ends. Seal laps only with hot
8. C1ean~E.: Do not splash asphalt or roofing materials on adjacent surfaces
(particularly stucco). Correct any such marring of adjacent surfaces to sat-
isfaction of Architect at this contractor's expense.
9. Bond: Upon completion of roofing work, furnish to Architect a roof guarantee
and surety bond issued by an approved surety company and the roofing manu-
facturer guaranteeing the roof, including base flashing, for a period of at
least 15 years.
69/18 Division 7B Page 1
General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, .Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Roof vents and weathercap for antenna wiring.
. 2 Installation of metal flashing.
.3 Furnishing flashing to job for priming by others before installation.
.4 Scuppers.
. 2 Werk specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Furnishing pipe sleeves, roof jacks and counterflashing for roof
penetrations (to be furnished by respective trades).
.2 Mechanical equipment vents and flues.
3. Alternates and unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be requi red.
Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material, pro-
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by
name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating description of the material, process or article desired.
and shan be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See Substitutions,
Division C3. Article 2.
. 1 Metal sheets: Galvanized sheet steel with a minimum of 1-1/2 oz. zinc
per sq. ft. each side, gauges as shown. (Minimum- 24 gs..) MUcor
or Penn Metal expansion joints No. 40 may be used for the female por-
tion of flashing types B and C.
5. Fabrication:
. 1 Shop dra.wings: Submitted to and approved by Archit.ect prior to fa.brica-
. 2 Flashings: Make with accurate breaks and true alignment as detailed.
Fasten with galvanized nails at not over 18" o. c. Exposed nails: lead
headed or soldered over.
. 3
Expansion joints: Provide for all runs of flashing at 32 ft. tnlximum
Make joints only at module lines or natural break points at shown.
bed joints in mastic; see expansion joint detail. Hem all exposed
edges of flashing.
.4 Solder to effect a continuous splice, neatly finished. Remove all acid
69/18 Division 7B Page 2
or flux from metal surfaces after soldering, leaving the surface clean.
Galvanized flashing shall be given a coat of primer by others before in-
. 6 Install sheet metal work neat! y and accurate1 y, with ends of flashings
properly aligned; allow for expansion and contraction of material.
.7 Copper scuppers: Fabricate as detailed. to fit tightly against both
sides of wall. Slope scupper down 1 /'lll; set scupper 2tl above roof.
69/18 Division SA Page 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
Z. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Ine1udes in addition:
.1' Caulking required for the installation of this work.
.2 Work specifi'ed in other Divisions:
. 1 Glass and glazing.
'3. Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
4. Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material, pro-
cess 01' article is specified by patent or proprietary name or by name of manu-
facturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of
facilitating description of the material, process 01' article desh-ed and shall
be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See Substitutions, Division
C3, Article 2.
. 1
Aluminum sliding doors: Northrop Architectural Systems Arcadia
Series 700 - 5-1/2" aluminum Sliding Doors. All items: mfr. studard
unless otherwise noted. Includes all necessary hardware, anchorage,
fittings and other parts necessary for a complete installation. Provide
vinyl gl~zing channel for 1/4" plate glass. Provide Don-siphoning sil].
type nfbeavy intel'lockers, and screens.
Basic frame and sliding sections: aluminum extrusions of 6063-T5 alloy_
Component parts and' accessories: of aluminum alloy, stainless steel,
or non-metallic materials which will neither deteriorate or promote
corrosion. Weather stripping: metal backed silicone-treated wool pil e
or extruded black neoprene. Finish: Alumilite coating as per Alcoa
Spec. Z04-Rl.
. 2 Caulking: DAP Ftexi-seal, aluminum gray.
5. Installation:
. 1
Install as per mfr. IS printed instruction unless otherwise noted; install
plumb and true, securely fastened. Caulk as necessary to provide a
waterproof seal. Set door sills in a bed of mastic. Doors and hardware
to be in pe1:'fect operating condition at time of acceptance of work.
. 2 Leave doors in a clean condition, with finish unmarred. Final cleaning
and protection against damage is responsibility of General Contractor.
69/18 Dlvision {q
3. "f..:J,
- ;(,;' ..'
General: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to work here-
2. Scope: See Division C3. Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Plastic and setting of plastic in doors.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Steel angle jambs and head.
3. Alternate and unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that ma.y
b~ required.
Shop drawins,!1 Furnish 1 sepia reproducible of overhead door shop draw-
ings to Architect. Upon receipt of corrected sepia, make for distribution
3 copies for Architect and 3 copies for contractor. Do not fabricate until
approval of shop drawings is received. Drawings in field must be prints of
approved sepia.
Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material.
process or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or
by uame of manufacturer. such specification shall be deemed to be used for
the purpose ..of facilitating description of the material. process or article
desired and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See
Substitutions. Article 2. Division C3.
. 1 Overhead doors and equipment: Overhead Door Corporation aluminum
sectional upward acting (aluminum heavy duty) Commercial-Industria.!
doors, sized to fit openings shown on drawings. Doors to include
everything standard, necessary and reasonably incidental to providing
overhead doors complete and ready for use. including cadmium plated
hardware, ball bearing rollers. pull release on drawbar, motor and
.2 Doors: 1_3/4" thick. 6063T6 extruded aluminum alloy;' 2-3/8" top.
rails. 3_3/4" bottom rails. 3_1/8" meeting rails (per pair); 2-5/8"
center stiles and 3-1/2" end stiies. Provide weatherstrip seat at
floor. Extrusions: Anodized aluminum as per Spec. 204-Rl. Secure
stiles and rails with 1/4" dia. through rods (2 per stile) for rigidity
and to facilitate repair or rel'lacement of parts.
. 3
Panels: American Cyanamid Co. Acrylite Acrylic Sheet plastic.
Bronze 311 -1. 1/8 "thick. secured with rigid vinyl mould.
. 4 Hardware: Cadmium plated heavy duty hinges and fixtures. Full
69/18 Division 8B Page Z
floating hardened ball-bearing rollers with cadmium plated roller
stems. Reinforce door with struts.
. 5
Tracke: Salt Spray Steel with Miracle Wedge weathertight closure.
2" tracks. Angle mounted verticals. Horizontals adequately reInforc-
ed for door size and weight. Provide hangers as required to support
door tracks.
. 6 Counterbalance: Torsion springs on crossheader shaft. Tapered
drums. Glvanized lift cables.
.7 Weatherstrip: Vinyl weatherstrip at door bottom.
. 8 Operation:
. 1
Front doors: Motors- Model FL, 1/3 HP. UL labeled. 120/
208 v. ,3 phase, instant r~versing, totally enclosed. Door
drives- Drawbar type, complete with cardageSt tracks.
chain driven carriage glides, hardwood runner, steel arm and
spring cushion linkage, pu:U release on draw bar. Control: 3-
button "open, close, stop". - including transformer as re-
quired for controls, mounted as directed. Provide time clock
to close doors automatically after elapse of a pre-set time in-
terval. Push button stations: Flush mounted three pushbutton
stations. Provide pneumatic reversing safety switcheso_
.2 Rear doors: No. 3 cahin hoist with Type B mounting- manual
operation; 3: 1 reduction.
6. Installation: l~stallation to be by authorized distributor of man~fac;:turer's
product only. Supply cetificate to this effect if requested by Architect.
All materials to be new and suitable for use in place intended, free from
rust, dents, scratches or any imperfections that will mar its appearance or
Install doors neatly accurately and securely, properly aligned and counter-
balanced. to provide weathertight installation. Provide proper fasteners of
proper length to secure this work securely to structure. Cut plastic panels
to exact "size required. Install neatly and accurately with vinyl moulding
accurately placed. Doors shall operate easily without binding. wracking or
causing undue strain to any of the components of this work.
Clean-up: Clean all work and leave work in clean condition. DO NOT
USE A BRASIVES on plastic or aluminum. Clean plastic as per plastic mfr.
69/18 Division 8e Page 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3; Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Glass and glazing of lights in metal doors.
.2 Glass and glazing of aluminum sliding doors.
. 3 Display case glass and shelves.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Mirrors.
. 2 Aluminum doors.
.3 Glass and glazing of overhead doors.
.4 Dual louver windows.
3. Alternates and unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
Standards': Flat Glass Jobbers Association Glazing Manual, latest edition, and
PPG Technical Service Report No. 104 unless otherwise noted.
5. Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material, pro-
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by
name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating description of the material, process or article desired,
and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See_Substitutions,
Division C3, Article Z.
. 1 Glass:
. 1 Bronze glass: LOF Parallel-O-Bronze or PPG Solarbronze.
glazing quality - 1/4".
.2 Tempered bronze glass: L.OF Tuf-flex Tempered Safety Glass-
Plate/float, Bronze or PPG Herculite Solarbronze, commercial.
.3 Heavy sheet glass: LOF Sheet Glass or PPG Sheet Glas8, A
quality. Thickness as shown.
.4 Wire glass: Misco Polished (diamond mesh)
Obscure glass: Misco LuxUte - 7/32".
. 2 Neoprene structural gasket: F. H. Maloney Co. Section No. 2525 or
69/18 Division Be Page 2
Standard Products Co. Stanlock NG'~ SL-1608M, complete with lockstrips.
Glazing compound: DAP "1231" Flexi-glaze Glazing Compound, bronze.
Sealing tape: DAP Sealing Tape, rubber type, black, 1/16" x 1/2".
6. Glazing:
. 1 Cut edges of glass cleanly. Do not nip or damage edges. Grind edges
smooth where noted or where required.
. 2 Install lights so that any lines of waviness are horizontal.
.. 3 Glaze aluminum sliding doors as per door mfr. 's instructions with vinyl
glazing channels supplied by door mfr.
.. 4 Glass in metal stops: Apply sealing tape to fixed edge of frame, leaving
1/16" between face of frame and e~ge of tape. Position glass accur-
ately with setting blocks and spacers. S~rew in stops. Glaze exterior
neatly with glazing compound.
Fit neoprene gasket and glass set in gaskets accurately and install as
per gasket mfr. IS printed directions or as directed by mfr. IS represen-
tative. Do not force glass into place under any circumstances.
.6 Install work neatly and accurately, properly fitted to insure a water-
tight, trouble free-installation, free from scratches or knicks.
7. Replacement: Replace broken or defective glas s prior to time of acceptance
of job.
69/18 Division 8D Page 1
General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply
to work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Al'ticle 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Glass and installation of glass in louvers.
3. .Alternates and unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that
may be required.
4. Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material
process or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name
or by name of manufacturer, such specification shall be ddemed to be used
for the purpose of facilitating description of the material, process or
article desired, and shall be deemed to be followed by.the words lIor equal".
See Substitutions, Division C3, Article 2.
. 1
Dual louver windows: Clearview Corp. Window Model H66-A Dual
Louver Windows, sized as shown, including all standard hardware,
louvers, flanges, fastenings and mullions, complete and in operable
Hardware: Clearview cam-l~ver operator with pole ring. (Locate
operator in upper third part of window. )
Louvers: Interior- 7/32" clear crystal sheet glass, 3" wide, with
long edges ground smooth. Exterior- anodized aluminum as per
Alcoa Spec. 204-Rl. Cut louvers to 'exact length to prevent binding
or water penetration.
5. Installation:
. 1 Install as per mfr. 's printed instructions unless otherwise noted;
install plumb and true, securely fastened; all fastening devices to
be non-corrosive and compatible with materials to be fastened. Pro~
tect aluminum in contact with stucco with coating of bituminous paint.
Caulk as necessary to provide a watertight oeal. Louvers and hard-
ware to be in perfect operating condition at time of acceptance of work.
. 2 Leave louvers in a clean condition, with finish unmarred. Final
cleaning and protection against damage is responsibility of General
ffl /18 Division 9A Page 1
General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Sheathing paper~
.2 Machine applied stucco dash over concrete surfaces noted.
. 3 Scaffolding required for this work.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Wood furring strips.
. 2 Mortar setting beds for ceramic tile.
3. Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
4. Standards: Reference Specifications of California Lathing and Plastering Con-
tractors Assn., 1965 Edition, unless otherwise noted.
Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specification any material, pro-
cess or article is indicated by patent or proprietary name or by name of man-
ufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of
facilitating description of the material, process or article desired and shall
be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See Substitutions, Divi-
sion C3, Article 2.
. 1 Metal lath: Diamond mesh, 3.4# per sq. yd.. No.' 24 USS ga, 3/8"
diamond mesh flat expanded metal, painted with rust-inhibitive paint
after fabrication.
.2 Stucco netting: .18 ga. galvanized 1" mesh wire netting. self-furring or
flat fused with furring nails).
C . 8
Exterior corner reinforcement: Woven 18 ga. galv. copper bearing wi~e.
Expansion joint: No.' 40 expansion joint, 24 ga. galvanized iron.
Expansion screed: No. 15 Expansion Joint, 24 ga. galvanized iron.
Casing bead: ~o. 66 square nose. short flange, 24 ga. galvanized iron.
Drip mould: H. K. Porter No. 10 drip mould. galvanized.
Bonding agent: Larsen Products Corp. Plaster-Weld.
. 9 - Portland cement: ASTM C-150, type 1.
69/18 Division 9A Page 2
. 10
Sheathing paper: Waterproofed building paper as per FS UU-B-790,
Grade B or 15# asphalt saturated felt.
. 11 Stucco finish coat: California Stucco Products Co. Stucco Waterproof-
ed Exterior Float, Color and texture as per approved sample.
. 12 Sand: As per Reference Spec. paragraph 6.6.4.
. 13 Admixture for exterior stucco: Berylex Engineering and Supply Co.
(Oakland) Berylex Concentrate.
6. Delivery and storage: Deliver materials to job in manufacturer's original
package; store to protect from dampness.
7. Application of lath:
. 1 Expansion joints, screeds, caing beads: Place accurately and securely
in locations shown. Items serve as grounds for plaster; place in m&:l'!:-
imum lengths; where ends of beads, joints and screeds meet. align
items neatly and accurately. plumb, level or straight as required. Pro-
vide casing beads at intersection of plaster and dissimilar materials.
On wood surfaces with wood backing: Attach waterproof building paper
with large-beaded galvanized nails or other suitable devices which will
not te,ar the paper. Apply paper full width; lap paper 2" minimum
at horizontal joints and 6" minimum at vertical joints. Place expansion
joints and screeds accurately and nail securely. Lap building paper
over drip moulds, stucco fins and flashing to weather.
Attach stucco netting securely using furring nails to furr netting out 1/4"
from backing. For a continuous network of metal over all surfaces.
Lap ends of netting at least I"
.3 On wood soffits and other surfaces without ply~ood backing: Apply
metal lath with long dimension perpendicular to supports; stagger ends
of lath to avoid continuous joints on same support. End laps to occur
generally over supports; end lap sheets 1" minimum. Nail with 1-1/2"
11 ga.>> 7/16" head barbed nails at 4-112" o. c. into wood. (Lath may
be stapled into joist with 1-1/4", 16 ga. staples at 4~ 1/2". )
. 4 Reinforce corners with corner reinforcement.
.5 Workmanship: Securely attach all lath and related materials to pro-
vide a proper base, reinforcement and/or ground for plaster, and to
provide required thickness of plaster.
Inspection of surfaces to receive plaster: All surfaces to receive plaster to
be inspected by plasterer and approved by plasterer. Architect and proper
authority before beginning plastering.
69/18 Division 9A Page 3
Measuring of plaster: measure materials for plaster batches in calibrated
boxes or equivalent measuring devices. Make batches of plaster of such
size that they caD be used within one hour. No retempering of mortar is
allowed. Clean mixer of all set or hardened materials before a new batch
is loaded.
10. Application of plaster:
. 1 Exterior Stucco Finish:
. 1 Scratch and brown coats:
Proportions: 1 part portland cement, 1/10 part lime hydrate,
3-1/2 parts sand, by volume. Add.4 ounces of Berylex Concen-
trateper sack of cement.
Mixing and application: Mix mortar in. a power mixer at least 5
minutes. Use only sufficient water to produce a plastic mortar.
Apply scratch coat so a8 to entirely eU'lbed reinforcement to 1/2"
in thickness; score in opposite directions with a metal scratch-
ing tool with teeth 1" apart. Wet down scratch coat for at least
2 days after application; allow to dry before applying browning
coat. Applybrowningcoat to a thickness of 3/8", rodded straight
and true in aU directions. IMPORTANT: Apply this coat to an
entire area between expansion joints 01' natural breaks without
laps or joinings. Make overnight joinings at natural break points
. such as arrise8, angles or expansion joints. Wet down brown
coat for at least 2 days after applying; allow to cure for 7 days
before applying finish coat.
Finish coat:
Mixing and application: Mix and apply as per mfr. directions un-
less otherwise noted.
Machine apply fine texture finish plaster in two coats to a thick-
ness of 1/8" evenly and uniformly. . Apply first coat to provide
texture and second coat to obtain uni,formity in color and texture.
When practical, complete both coats on same day, the second
coat following the first when latter is sufficiently firm to receive
second coat. Do not stop application in mid-panel; complete
entire surface between expansion joints and/ or screeds during
one operation. Make overnight joinings at natural break points.
Fog spray cure finishcoat for 2 days after application.
Stucco tpachine-applied fine texture dash coat on concrete surfaces
shown :
. 1 Hose down concrete; allow to dry.
69/18 Division 9A Page 4
.2 Apply liquid bonding agent a8 per mfr. directions.
Apply 1/8" thick browning coat as per paragraph 10. 1. 1 above
to form a smooth base for finish coat.
.4 Finish coat: Apply finish coat as per paragraph 10. 1. 2 above.
11. PatchiD~ and repair of plaster: Rep~ir and finish defects with material and
in a manner to meet requirements of this Division as approved by Architect.
12. Cleanup: Clean premises of all extraneous material as a result of work of
this Division.
69/18 Division 9B Page l
General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, ..Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Mortar bed for ceramic mosaic and glazed wall tile.
. 2 Mesh reinforcing.
. 2 Work specified in " ,other Divisions:
. 1 Waterproofing membrane under ceramic mosaic tile.
. 2 Toilet room accessories.
. 3 Shower pan.
3. Standards: US.AS.A 108. I, . .2. 1967; USAS A 108. 5. 1 q67 and lQ70 Handbook
for Ceramic Tile Installation Detail Nos. 101.70 and 207-70.
4. Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material. pro,..
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by
name of manufacturer. such description shall be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating description of the material, process or article desired
and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See Substitutions,
Division C3. .Article 2.
. 1 Ceramic mosaic tile: Interpace Velvetone Standard Ouality Ceramic
Mosaics, Group 2 color. 1" x 1", Pattern 3000, Color No. I. 100%.
color as selected from color range by Architect. Ind ude all trim shapes
required. _
. 2 Glazed wall tile: Interpace Franciscan Tile, Series 200 (H..series). Stan-
dard Cuality. 4-1/4" x 4-1/4", color as selected from color range by
A rchitect. Include all trim shapes required.
.3 Reinforcing: 2" x 2". 16/16 ga. welded wire mesh for floors; 3/8"- 24
ga. diamond mesh, 3.4# per sq. yd. with rust inhibitive paint for walls.
.4 Building paper: 15# asphalt saturated felt.
. 5 Portland cement: ASTM C-150, Type t.
.6. Sand: 16 mesh, ASTM C-144:
'Water: Potable.
.8 Grout: For ceramic mosaic tile - Franciscan Hydroment Tile Grout; for
69/18 Division 9B Page 2
glazed wall tile - Franciscan Tile Mate, California Stucco Co. Tile
Grout or approved equal, colored to match tile.
. q
Expansion joint sealant: single component synthetic rubber-base non=
sag type as per FS TT-S-00230 or two component rubber-base type as
per FS TT-S-227b, Type 1. Color sealant to match tile grout.
. 1 Inspect sub-floors and walls; report unsuitable conditions to Architect
for correction prior to beginning work. Commencement of work indi-
cates acceptance of sub-floor by this contractor.
. 2 Install this work as per standards unless otherwise noted.
.3 Mortar bed for ceramic mosaic tile: 1 part portland cement to 6 parts
damp sand by volume. Slope mortar bed uniformly 1/2" to drain in
Mortar bed for glazed wall .tile: Scratch coat- 1 part portland cement,
5 parts damp sand, .1/5 part lime, by volume; mortar bed. 1 part
portland cement, 5 parts damp sand, 112 part lime, by volum~. Apply
building paper over wood studs with large headed nails. Lap building
paper 2" minimum for horizontal joints and 6" minimum for vertical
joints. Apply metal lath securely with long dimension perpendicular to
supports; stagger ends of lath to avoid continuous joints on same sup=
ports. End laps to occur over supports; end lap sheets 1" minimum.
. 5 Set tiles neatly and accurately with uniform joints, spacing in room to
reduce cutting to a minimum. Grind smooth with fine stOne all exposed
cuts. Cut tiles to proper size as shown. Avoid small pieces of tile.
.6 Set tile with neat cement coat 1/32" to 1/16" thick. Coat entire back
of tile while setting, particularly trim pieces.
. 7 Expansion joint: Provide expansion joint at juncture of ceramic mosaic
tile and glazed wan tile.
. 8 Color grout for floors and wans t? match color of tile.
. 9 Clean surfaces of all tile of excess grout.
69/18 Division 9C Page 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
.1 Touch-up of shop primed items.
.2 Staining of closet and cabinet shelves.
.3 Painting white traffic lines.
.2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Priming of shop primed items.
.3 Work not to be painted:
. 1
Stucco surfaces.
Factory finished items except diffusers, grilles, etc. which
shall be painted to match ceilings and other adjacent surfaces.
3. Alternates aDd unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
4. Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material, pro-
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name 01" by
name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating description of the article, material or process desired,
and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See SubstitutionsD
DivisionC3, Article Z.
. 1 Paint: Best quality paint of Glidden Co., Martin-Senour or National Lead
Co. Painting products are described as products of Glidden Co. unless
otherwise noted.
.2 Interior and exterior semi-transparent stain: Olympic Stain Co.
Delivery and storaRe: Deliver painting materials to site in mfr. 's original
containers with labels intact and seals unbroken. Store materials and equip-
ment and mix in rooms assigned for that purpose. Take all necessary pre-
cautions to prevent fires. Remove rags or waste soiled with paint from pre-
mises at end of each work day, or store in metal containers.
69/18 Division 9C Page 2
Color schedule and samples: Submit request for color schedule to Architect
at least 4 weeks before start of painting to avnid delay in work. Upon receipt
of color schedule, prepare 4" x 8" samples of all color.s and stained finishes
and submit to Architect for approval. After color samples are approved,
apply a sample of each color to respective building surface for Architect's
approval. Final adjustment in color will be made at this time for remainder
of work. Do not apply finish coats until these sample areas have been ap-
7. Colors: The number of exterior colors will be, limited to 3 total: interior
colors to 6 total, with no more than 2 colors per room.
8. Conditions of surfaces:. Do not paint under conditions that will jeopardize the
quality or appearance d. finished surfaces. All surfaces to be in proper con-
dition to receive finishes. Inspect surfaces prior to beginning work and re-
port Wisatisfactory conditions to Architect. This app1iesparticula~ly to wall-
board Joints~ Beginning of this work indicates acceptance of sub-surface by
this contractor.
Preparation of surfaces: Sand wood surfaces smooth, including doors; seal
sap streaks, knot holes or pitch pockets. Break exterior eorners of doors,
trim and other wood surfaces by sanding lightly. Putty nail holes, cracks
or defects carefully after first coat with putty matching color of stain or
paint as noted; sand smooth when dry. Sand woodwork finish smooth lightly
between coats. Clean galvanized metalwork with solvent or commercial
10. Protection of work: During painting operations protect adjacent surfaces,
fixtures and materials with drop cloths or other means. Take responsibility
for damage to work or property of-other contractors caused by this work..
11. Priming and backpriming: Prime all flashings before installation. Touch-
up shop coats prior to application of painting called for in this Division.
Stain or prime wood doors as required immedia.tely upon delivery to job.
This includes top and bottom edges of doors.
'12. Fi~re surfaces not noted on finish schedule or specified for a finish equal
to 3 coats of lead and oil finish, unless specifically excluded. This includes
exposed pipes, conduits, etc.
13. Number of coats specified is the minimum to be applied. It is inte~ded that
paint finishes of even, uniform color, free from cloudy or mottled effect,
be provided. Each coat to differ slightly in color tint.
14. lVor~anship:
. 1
All surfaces to be clean and dry before painting. Remove oil or grease
with mine~al spirits; clean surfaces just prior to painting.
69/18 Division 9C Page '3
Apply and cut in material neatly so as to dry uniformly to color and
sheen specified, free from runs, sags, wrinkles, shiners, streaks or
brush marks. Spray on lacquer
.3 Apply material as per mfr. directions; thin only in manner and with
tyPe of reducer recommended. Vary each coat of paint in shade slightly
from preceding coat to make each coat readily distinguishable without
affecting finish color. Touch up all blemish-es.
. 4 During application of paint and until building is occupied, maintain a
minimum temperature of 650F. Provide adequate ventilation so that
humidity does not rise above dew point. (General Contractor is respon-
sible for maintaining required temperature and ventilation. ) No exterior
painting is permitted when temperature is below 500F., or immediately
following rain, frost or dew.
.5 Leave job in a clean and orderly condition, with all paint spots, rags
and discarded equipment removed.
15. Paint systems: Spot painting required is in addition to finishing required be-
. 1
Exterior wood- stain finish:
Z coats Olympic Semi-transparent Stain
.2 Exterior metal- black iron and steel:
Z coats 1801 Endurance Non-Chalking Trim
.3 Exterior metal- galvanized:
Z coats 3801 L & S Portland Cement Paint
. 4 Interior gypsum board. flat finish- 2 coat work:
Z coats 3418 Spred Satin
. 5 Inte'rior gypsum board~ flat finish- 3 coat work:
3 coats 3418 Spred Satin
.6 Interior gypsum board- semi-gloss finish- 2 coat work:
Ist coat 5011} PVA Primer
. 2nd coat 5086 Brush Day-Lite Fggshell Fnamel
.7 Interior gypsum board= semi-gloss finish. 3 coat work:
Ist coat 5011} PVA Primer
Znd-3rd coats 5086 Brush Day-Lite Eggshell Enamel
Interior wood- semi-gloss finish:
1st coat 555 Enamel Undercoa.t
lnd-3rd coats 5086 Brush Day-Lite Fggshell Fnamel
. 9 Interior wood- stain finish No.1:
69/18 Division 9C Page 4
1st coat
3 to 4 coats
Lacquer sanding sealer
Satin Lacquer
. 10 Interior wood- stain finish No.2:
1 coat Olympic Semi-transparent Stain
. 11 Interior metal- black iron and steel:
2 coats 5600 Spred Lustre Semi-gloss Enamel
. 12 Interior metal- galvanized iron:
1st coat No. 5229 RustmasterGalvanized Iron Primer
2nd coat 5086 Brush Day.Lite Eggshell Enamel
. 13
Traffic line paint:
1 coat
5510 Romark Crosswalk Paint
16. Painting schedule: Items to be painted and painting system to be applied.
. 1 Exterior: See exterior elevations for extent of work.
. 1
Flashings, counterflashings, expansion joints, ventilation screeds,
downspouts, roof ducts and mechanical equipment on roof: .Ex-
terior metal- galvanized.
Metal doors and frames: Exterior metal- black iron and steel.
. Z
. 3~.". F,erices, bench: Exterior wood- stain finish.
.4 V7hite parking lines: Traffic line paint.
.2 Interior: See finish schedule for major wan and ceiling finishes.
. 1 Paint grade wood doors and trim: Interior wood- semi-gloss
. Z Stain grade doors: Interior 'Wood- stain finish No. 1.
. 3 . Countel's~ cabinets, gate, paneling: Interior wood. stain finish
04 Shelving and interior of cabinets: Interior wood- stain finish No.2.
o 5 Metal doors and frames: Interior metal- black iron and steel.
.6 Galvanized sheet metal: Interior metal- galvanized iron.
Miscellaneous painting: Finish top and bottom edges of all doors, after fitting
with two coats of same material as face and sides of doors. Prime mortises
for tocks before setting hardware in exterior doors and doors in restroom and
locker room areas. Finish all metal such as grilles and diffusers (except
chrom~ plated items) to match background areas in which they occur. On any
grille where the ductwork behind is visible, paint out ductwork with 1 coat
of sprayed black paint. . Spray on while lines in parking area.
69/18 Division 9E Page 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Rubber base.
. 2 Metal edging bead.
.3 Vinyl sheet goods.
3. Alternates and unit prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material, pro-
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by
name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating description of the material, process or article desired
and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See Substitutions,
Division C3, Article 2.
. 1 Vinyl asbestos tile: Armstrong Imperial or Imperial Modern Excelon
Tile or Azrock Floor Products Co. Cortina or 800 series. Tile to be
1/8" thick, 12' x 12', one edIor as selected by Architect from standard
.2 Vinyl sheet: Armstrong Palestra Vinyl Corlon, .090" gauge, one color
as selected by Architect from standard colors.
. 3 Rubber cove base: Burke rubber topset and carpet base, color as se-
lected from "commercial colors" 4" high, with matching outside and
inside corners where required. Vinyl cove base is not acceptable.
.4 Adhesive: Waterproof, as recommended by mfr.
. 5 Metal edging: Trimedge A...46040H or equal.
5. Installation:
. 1
Notify architect of any defects in sub. floor' prior to beginning work.
Commencement of flooring work indicates acceptance of sub-floor
surface by flooring contractor. Holes, cracks and rough spots shall
have been repaired prior to flooring application.
. 2 Do not install floor covering until all work on job has been completed.
69/18 Division 9E Page 2
Install only in temperatures above 6SoF.
Tile: Install as per mfr. instructions to produce smooth, evenly fin-
ished surfaces with all tiles tightly joined and accurately aligned. Do
not apply excessive amounts of adhesive. Lay tiles square with room
axis with maximum size edge tiles. Fit tiles neatly and tightly into
breaks and recessed. Install metal edging where resilient flooring
material terminates at points adjoinging other finished flooring.
Lay all tiles with grain running in same direction as directed by Arch.
Vinyl sheet: Install &s per mfr. instructions neatly and accurately, with
tight seams and smooth, even surfaces.
Rubber base: Install as per mfr. instructions neatly and accurately,
tight to walls and floor.
When resilient flooring material has been sufficiently seated, clean
flooring as per mfr. recommendations. Use water very sparingly on
Furnish three cartonS of vinyl asbestos tile from same manufacturing
lot to Owner for future use.
69/18 Division 9F Page 1
GeneralConditioDs: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder. "
Scope: See Division C3. Article 1.
Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that may
be required.
Material and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material, pro-
cess or article is specified by patent or proprietary name or by name of man..
ufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the purp08e of
facilitating description of the material, process or article desired and shall be
deemed to be followed by the words "01' equal". See Substitutions, Division C3,
Article 2.
. 1 Edge strips: At walls.. Roberts Smoothedge tackless strip; at exposed
edges.. Heine Krome Co. X3094 medium duty carpet binder bar, ano-
dized finish.
Cushion: All hair, 40 oz. per sq. yd.. undyed, with moth larvacide
. 3 Carpet: Lees Carpets Bondsett, velvet, all wool, woven thru to back,
3 ply all wool face material, permanently mothproofed. Supply in widest
practical width to produce minimum number of seams. Minimum specs:
216 pitch
8- 1/4 rows per inch
. 255" pile height
48. 5 oz. face weight
80 oz. total weight
Color: as selected by Architect
5. Workmanship and installation:
. 1 Do not install carpeting until all other trades have completed their work.
Sweep area to receive carpet clean.
.2 Install tackless strip at perimeter and around all openings with nails or
adhesive. Fit hair pad with butt joints. Lay pads in maximum size.
Consult with Architect for placement of seams prior to laying carpet.
Hand sew seams securely and neatly. No patching or small pieces per-
mitted. Cut and fit carpeting tight to walls, obstructions and corners.
Stretch carpet tight and smooth witha power stretcher to present a
smooth and perfect surface at completion 0 f work.
6. Cleanup: Remove debris resulting from this work. Vacuum carpeted area,
remove spots and leave areas in condition ready for use.
69/18 Divi.sicm lOA PagE~ 1
1. General COi'lditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3. Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Paper holders and coat hooks.
3. .Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for add,itional quotations that may
be required.
4. Materials and trade names: Whenever in the specifications any material,
process or article is specified bV patent or proprietary name or by name of
manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the purpose
of facilitating description of the material. process or article desired and shall
be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal II. See Substitutions, Divis-
ion C3, Article 2.
. 1
Toilet compartments: Arieto as mfd. by Fiat Metal Manufacturing Co. ;
flush panel, floor 'braced tYf.le as shown; galvanized bonderized steel
with baked enamel finish, color as selected by Architect. Includes
all required standard hardware, bumpers, screws, expansion shields
and slide bolts. :Make pilasters of equal width as shown.
. Z Acc~ssoriea: 1 coat hook-bump~r per door; 1 cabinet paper holder per
stall (twin fold type).
5. IJuJtallation: Install as per mfr. installation. instructions. Install securely and
accurately. free from flC1"apeS 01" other blernishes. Do not dama.ge adjacent
surfaces while perfoTrning this work,
69/18 Division lOB Pi:l.ge 1
1. General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder.
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
. 1 Includes in addition:
. 1 Metal thresholds.
.2 Door nameplates.
. 3 Cabinet hardware.
.4 Hat racks and clothes hooks.
. 2 Work specified in other Divisions:
. 1 Adjustable shelf standards and supports.
. 2 Drapery tracks.
3. Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that
may be required.
Samples: Furnish to Architect for approval for any items requested.
5. Hardware schedule: After contract has been awarded, furnish Architect with
six copies of complete quantitative hardware schedule covering all items re-
quired for the job.
6. Packaging and marking: Deliver items of hardware and each lockset and latch-
set to building packaged separately, labeled with mfr.ts name, type. number
and name of the item and tagged with the same item number such set or arti-
cle carries in the approved hardware schedule. Each package to contain
proper trimmings and screws.
7. Responsibilities: Arrange this work and secure delivery so that job win pro-
gress without delay or interruption.. Contractor is responsible for quantities
of hardware required to complete the work whether included in his hardware
schedule or not. Check all details for clearances for door closers, proper
type of strike plates, length of spindles. hand, backset, bevel of locks, etc.
No extra cost will be allowed because of changes or corrections necessary to
facilitate proper installation of any hardware.
Keying: Master key cylinders as per Owner's requirements. Key alike cylin-
der locks for all doors to the same room. Furnish two keys for each lock;
furnisl1 five master keys for the job. Cylinders: Keyed by mfr. : keep record
of keying system. Upon completion of work. properly tag all keys and deliver
them to owner.
69/18 DivisiOl'1. lOB Page 2:
Finish: For all hardware, except as noted: USI0B, Oil-rubbed bronze. Door
closers to have prime coat finish.
10. Template hardware: Make all hardware applied to metal doors or jambs to
template and secure with machine screws. Furnish reinforcing units mfd. by
lock mfr. for hollow metal doors where cylindrical locks are specified. Fur..;
nish templates and lock reinforcing units to metal door and frame manufac-
turer for application at factory, unless otherwise requested.
11. Fastenin~s: Furnish hardware with all screws, bolts or other fastenings of
suitable size and type to anchor hardware in position for heavy use and long
life, harmonizing with hardware as to material and finish where exposed.
Includes expansion shields, sex bolts, toggle bolts or other approved anchors
where necessary according to material to which it is applied and as recom-
mended by mfr. Furnish all hardware fastened to concrete with machine
screws and tampins.
12. Butts: All extel"lor doors to have non-removable pins when door is closed.
All butts to be of proper width to clear trim projection when door swings 180o.
Locksets to have steel cylindrical case. Unless otherwise noted, aU interior
parts of locks to be made of steel and zinc-dichromate plating to resist rust-
ing and corrosion. No plastic, die cast or aluminum mechanism is permitted.
Key-in-the-knob type locksets to have access to cylinder without removing
10ckset from door. Alllocksets to have a backset of 3-3/4" unless otherwise
Design of locks: Janus knobs /Meteor Roses
Strikes to have extended lips where necessary to protect trim from being
marred by latch bolt. Strike lips to not project more than 1/8" beyond door
frame trim at single doors. Furnish wrought box strikes on all locks, latches
and deadlocks. Lock cylinders to have 6 pins. Verify if standard or ABA
strikes #965 are required at metal frames. Plaster guard for ABA strikes
to be provided by door frame mfr.
14. Door closers: Unless otherwise n,oted. door closers to be full rack and pin-
ion, cast iron" with adjustable regulators for closing speed. latching speed
and back check. Mount closers for 1800 swing whenever possible. Closers
at reverse bevel doors to have parallel arms. All closers to be on one mfr.
IS. Door stops: Materials to be of solid brass or bronze and rubber. Provide
correct mounting screws or bolts. Wall stops finish must match locksets.
Plastic push plates: Formica, Micarta or approved equal, 1/16" thick, bev-
eled edges; apply with adhesive; color as selected by Architect.
17. Thresholds: Furnish as indicated in hardware groups or as detailed.
69/18 Division 10:3 zlago:3
Materials and trade name.s: Whenever in the specifications any material. pro-
cess or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietaryn&me or by
name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the
purpose of facilitating description of the m,aterial~ process or article desired
and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "or equal". See substitutions,
Division C3. Article 2.
Catalog numbers in ha rdware groups are from the following manufacturers:
. 1 Butts and hinges: McKinney Co.
. 2 Locksets and latcbsets: Schlage Lock Co.
. 3 Door closers: Norton Door Closer Division.
.4 Door stops: Glynn-Johnson Corp.
.5 Flush bolts, pulls, name plates: Builders Brass Works.
. 6 Thresholds: Pernko Mfg. Co.
. 7 Silencers: Yale Co.
19. Hardware Groups:
Group 1
1-1/2 pro butts
1 lockset
1 closer
1 stop
1 threshold
3 silencers
Group 2
1-112 pro butts
1 lockset
1 stop
3 silencers
Group 3
2 pro butts
1 latch
1 elec. door
1 pusher
2 pull s
1 closer
1 thre shold
3 silencers
Group 4
1- 1 12 pr. butts
1 closer
1 pull
1 push plate
TA 2314 4-1/2 x 4-1/2 NRP US10
D51PD Janus knob x Meteor rosep 7" backset
P-7005-H PC
OJ WB 50
.OJ 64
TZ714 4-1/2 x 4
D51PD Janus knob x Meteor rosep 3_3/4" backset
GJ FB 14
OJ 64
TA 2314
4-1/2 x 4-1/2NRP
970 US4
)969 US4
BBW 119574
GJ 64
T 2714 4-1/2 x 4
BBW IIZ82 3" x 12" adhesive mount, Group II
Group 4 (cont'd)
3 silencers
Group 5
1-1/2 pr. butts
1 lockset
1 stop
3 silencers
Group 6
1-1/2 pro butts
1 lockset
3 silencers
. Group 7
1-1/2 pro butts
1 lockset.
1 . stop
3 silencers
Group S
1~ 1/2 pro butts
1 latchset.
3 silencers
Group 9
1-1/2 Pl'. butts
1 closer
1 pull
1 push plate
1 stop
3 silencers
Group 10
1-1/2 pro butts
1 closer
1 pull
1 push plate
1 threshold
3 silencers
Group 11
1-1/2 pro butts
1 latch s at
1 stop
3 silencers
69/18 Division lOB Page 4
color as selected by Architect
GJ 64
T 2714 4-1/2 x 4
D40S Janus knob x Meteor rose~ 3-3/4" backset
GJ WB 25 (mount on door)
GJ 64
T2714 4-1/2x4
D51PD Janus knob x Meteor rosep 3- 3,4" backset
GJ 64
T 2714 4-1/ 2 x 4
D 105 Janus knob x Meteor l"osep 3..3/4" backset
GJ WB 50
GJ 64
T 2714 4-1/2 x4
n20S Janus knob X Meteor rose~ 3-3/4" backset
GJ 64
TA 2714 4-1/2 x4
BBW 292-1
BBW #282 3" x 12" adhesive mount, Group II
GJ WB 50
GJ 64
T2714 4-1/2x4
7003 (7003-H at door 14)
BBW 292-1
BBW *2S2 3" x 12" adhesive mount, Group II
GJ 64
T2714 4-1/2x4
DI0S Janus knob x Meteor roseD 3-3/4" backset
GJ FB 14
GJ 64
Group 12
1-1/2 pro butts
1 lockset
1 closer
1 stop
1 threshold
3 silencers
Group 13
1-1/2 pro butts
1 lockset
1 stop
3 silencers
69/18 Division lOB Page 5
T23I4 4-1/2x4-1/2 NRP
D51PD Janus knob x Meteor rose, 7" backset
P- 7005-H PC
GJ FB 19
GJ 64
T 2714 4...1/2 x 4 NRP, USIO
D71PD Janus knob x Meteor rose, 3/4" throw
3-3/4" backset
GJ 64
Group 14 (Wardrobe closets in rooms 1 and 2)
1 set pivot hinges Stanley 342
1 pull Epco DP-42
1 hatrack K~ V 1125
1 coat hook K- V 3 5"
Group 15 (Gate in room 3)
1 set pivots Rixon No. 356
1 gate latch Yale 309 US4
Group 16 'Exterior gates; quantity shown for each gate)
1-112 Pl'. butts 2714 6 x 6 PC
1 hasp Stanley 974 4"
Group 17 'Counter in room 3)
butts Stanley 1587 -3/4" lOB
pulls Epco DP41
catches Stanley 35
Group 18 (Display case in room 3)
pivot hinges Stanley 341
pulls Epco DP 42
lock B261P
flush bolts (top &
cushion strip
Stanley 393-1/2
Pemko 74B
Group 19 (Overhead and sink cabinets- typical)
pivot hinges Stanley 332 or 335
pulls Epco DP 41
catches Stanley 35
Group 20 (Broom closet)
1-1/2 pro hinges Stanley 1587 - 1-1/8"
69/18 Division lOB Page 6
Group ZO (cODt1d)
Epco DP 4Z
Stanley 45
Group Z 1 (Door signs)
BBW No. 441...1/2 PR Reverse Engraved Plastic Name PI,ates; No. Z
Clear Plexiglasp beveled edges; with gold lettering; fastened with
1/2" long round head brass pins (Z per sign). Signs to read:
Fire Chief
Fi re Prevention
Group ZZ (Building identification letters) .
Sl1persine Co. Face EI-Playbi11 as distr.. by Schultz-i:>ewey 8t Co.,
Oakland: 3if Oxidized Bronze, furnished with hardware' mounting tem-
plates, threaded brass bolts and 1/Z" spacers. Mastic as. per mfr.
recommendation. (Non-shrink mastic.) Sign to read:
69/18 Division IlA Page 1
l~ General Conditions: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to
work hereunder:
2. Scope: See Division C3, Article 1.
., 1 Includes in addition:
. 1
Delivery of equipment to job site and mounting of equipment I in
place, ready for mechanical and electrical connections and fit-
., Z Work specified in other Divisions:
.1 Mechanical and electrical connections.
3. Alternates and Unit Prices: See Division A4 for additional quotations that
may be required.
Materials and trade' names: Whenever in the specifications any material,
process or article is specified by patent or proprietary name or by name of
manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the purpose
of facilitating description of the material, process or article desired and
shall be deemed to be followed by the words I'or equal". See Substitutions,
Division C3, Article 2.
. 1 Ovens: G. E. Double Ovens JK 29, color as selected by Architect.
. 2 Range: G. E. JP84 with J584 control, stainless steel.
.3 Range hood: Thermador H71S, 36", stainless steel.
.4 Refrigerator: G. Eo TFF..19DL, color as selected by Architect.
., 5 Dishwasher: G. E. Model GGSD450L.
.6 Disposal: G. E. Model GGFC400L.
5. Installation: Deliver to job site and mount equipment in place. Connection
of kitchen equipment to mechanical and electrical service is under another
Page 1
QENERAL: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to w:Jrk hereunder.
.1 General: Comply with applicable sections of state and local c:>cles, lows, Jrdi-
nances, rules, and regulations of authorities having jurisdictiono
.2 Minimum ReQuirements: The requirements of authal"ities sholl be the minimum
ac~eptable requirements for the work.
When contract drawings or specifications call for materials Of construction of
better quality or larger size than required by codes, laws, rules and regulations,
the drawings and specifications shall take precedence.
.3 Permits: Obtain and pay for all fees, business license, permits and inspections.
Deliver all certificates of inspection to the Architect. Contractor will not be
charged for City permits or fees.
. 1
Equals: The design has been based on the manufacturer's name and product listed
on the drawings. Other manufacturers' names listed in these Specifications may
be selected and will be considered lias equals" for quality only; however, they
must match the performance, construction.. fit, featuresc etc. II of those selected
for design The acceptar.ce of these does not relieve the Controctor hom re-
sponsibility 'Of providing the reql.lhed moredo!s and providing a workable system
.2 SubstHulion): FOi; wbs.\'itu:ion of mCli1l.>raChu'E:HS' names not listed in these Spec:i.-
fications, refer' 10 "SUBSTITUTION 51! Division C3; Article '2.
03 liability of Substitutions: Performance of substitutions must be equal to the item
specified" Should the substituted item fail to perform in accordance with speci-
fications", replace same with the originally specified irem without extra compen-
sation on request of the Architect at any time within the guarantee period.
.1 Site Conditions: Examine the site and all mechanical, architectural and other
drawings and accept such conditions and make allowances for them in preparing
the bid.
" , All scaled and figured dimensions ore approximate and ore given for esti-
mate purposes only. Before proceeding with any work, carefully check and
verify all dimensionsv sizes, etc.
Page 2
.2 So far as possible the work has been indicated on the drawings in such posi-
tions as to suit and accommodate the work of the other trades, but the work
as indicated is largely diagrammatic and is shown primarily for clarity. Con-
tractor is responsible for the correct placing of his work and the proper
location and connection of his work in relation to the work of other trades.
.3 Where apparatus and equipment have boen indicated on the drawings, di-
mensions have been taken from typical equipment of the class indicated.
Carefully check the drawings to see that the equipment will fit into the
spaces provided.
.4 Where equipment is furnished by others, verify dimensions and the correct
locations of this equipment before proceeding with the roughing-in of con-
.3 Responsibility: Be responsible for any cooperative work which must be ,altered
due to lack of proper supervision or failure to make proper provision in\time.
Such changes shall be as directed by the Architect and shall be made hD his
5. SHOP DRAWINGS: See Division C2, Article 8.
. 1 Locations of openings: Locate 011 chases, shafts, and openings required for the
installation of the mechanical work during framing of the structure. Do any
additional cutting, and boring, required due to improperly located or ornitted
openings without cost to the Owner. Repair improperly located holes to satis-
faction of Architect.
.2 location of sleeves: Se t all pipe sleeves and iriSerts in pla.::e before concrete is
poured. Coordinate the placing of these items to avoid delaying concrete placing
operations. Shot driven studs are not permitted.
.3 Cutting: Do any cutting of the structure under direction of the Architect. Holes
are prohibited in any structural member without written approval of the Architect,
except as shown.
.4 Type of sleeves: Provide steel pipe of adequate diameter for pipes possing through
concrete or plastered walls, floors, ceilings, etc., to allow proper passage of
insulation where required and permit movement of piping due to expansion and
.5 Finish and plates:
. 1
Smooth up rough edges around sleeve with plaster.
T r
Page 3
.2 Extend sleeves through floors 1/?1I above finished floors and calk with
mostlc to prevent dripping.
.3 Provide I" split type :~teel plo~ on \111 exposed pipes passing through
floors, walls, partition, ploster furring, etc. In unfinished rooms, provide
prime cooted plates. In finished rooms, provide nickel plated p~ates.
7. CLOSING IN OF UNINSPECTED WORK: Do not allow or couse any of this work to
be coverecl up orencrc;;ecrbefore tt 1;;1;8en inspected, tested and opproved. . Should
this hoppen, uncover the work and, after It hos been inspected, tested and approved,
make 011 repairs necessary to restore the work of other building trades to the condItion
in which it wos found at the time of cutting and to the satisfaction of the Architect.
. 1 General:
. 1 Concea1 all piping in finished rooms, unless otherwise noted on drawings.
.2 Cut pipe accurately to measorements established at the building; work into
place without springing or forcing; properly clear all windows, doors and
other openings. Excessive cutting or other weakening of the building struc-
ture to facilitate piping installation will not be permitted.
.3 Make 011 changes in direction with fittings..
.4 Provide sufficient swing Joints, boll Joints, expansion loops, and deviCe!
necessary for 0 flexible piping system.
.5 Provide unionshut...off valveS suitably l~ated to facilitate maintenance
and removal of all equipment or apparatus.
.6 Install drain valves at all low points of each system to enable complete
drainage, and air vents at all high points in the piping system to enable
complete air venting~
.7 Pipe all drains from dwtp pans and relief valves, to spill over an opart ~ight
drain, floor drain or other acceptable discharge points, and terminotcrwlth
a plain end, unthreaded pipe, 6" above the drain.
.2 Joints:
.1 Provide dielectric untons at points of connection of all copper tubIng and
any ferrous piping and equipment.
< ,,--
Page 4
.2 Unless otherwise noted, provide screwed Joints on steel piping 2" and
smaller, and welded -Joints on black steel piping 2-1/2" and largero
.3 In general on welded piping, branch take-offs from pipe mains to be made
with standard welding tees. Weldolet type reinforced branch connection
fittings may be used on all branch take-offs 61' and smaller if the size of
the branch pipe is at least three standard pipe sizes smaller than the siLe
of the main pipeo
.1 General: Support horizontal lines with adJustable wrought clev's hangers and
solid tound; mlld steel rods, unless otherwise noted.
.2 Mtnimum tod and hanger stzes:
1/2" to 2"
2" to 4"
.3 Provide trapeze type hanger where three or more lines run parallel at same ele-
vation and grade in same direction.
.4 Spacing for iron pipes:
Pipe Size
1-1/4" and smaller
1-1/2" and larger
Max. Spacing
8 ft. o.c.
10 ft. o.c.
.S Spacing for copper tubings:
Tube Size
Max. Spacing
6 ft. o.c.
7 ft. o.c.
8 ft. o.c.
1" and sma Her
1-1/41: and 1-1/2"
10. NOISE AND VIBRATION: The entire system, including equipment, air ducts, pipes,
~otors and all other parts shall be noiseless and free of vibration transmission. If noise
or. vibration, as a result of installation, occurs in the building, correct these conditions
at no cost to the Owner. '
11. PROTECTION OF FINISH: Provide adequate means for and fully protect all finished
parts of the materials and equipment against damage from whatever cause during the
progress of this work and until final completion.
Page 5
..1 Piping, ductwork and equipment to be installed. Clean thoroughly to remove
rust, plaster, and dirt before insulation is applied.
.2 Piping, ductwork and equipment to be painted. Clean all piping, ductwork
and equipment, exposed to view in completed strUcture, by removing rust,
p!aster, and dirt by wire brushing. Remove grease, oil and similar materials
by wiping with clean rags and suitable solvents..
.3 Motors and other items with factory finish. Remove grease and oil and leave with
all surfaces clean and polished. Touch up any scratched or bare spots. Factoi'y
finish may be approved as prime coat by the Archttect. See: "Painting. II
.4 Plumbing fixtures. Clean and polish fixtures immediately prior to final inspection
and/or Owner's occupancy. Clean floor drain grates; check each fixture to
insure against trap stoppage.
.5 Site cleaning. Remove from site all packing cartons, scrap materiols and other
rubbish resulting from operations.
. 1 Record of Job Progress: Keep an accurate dimensional record of the as-built
locations and of 011 work; at! as required. This record shall be kept up-to-date
on blueHlie prints as the job progresses and shall be available for inspection at
all limes.
.2 Record of Installation: Refer to "SPECIAL CONDITIONS."
.3 Include on As-Built Drawings:
. 1 Main shut-off valves plainly marked and identified.
.2 Position of 011 buried or concealed mains accurately dimensioned, both
horizontally and vertically.
.3 Changes in location of piping, duct or equtpmento
.4 Ceiling access panel locations.
r~ ~
. 1 General: Submit to the A,'chitect prior 1-0 acceptance of the installation, complete
and at one time. Partial or separate data will not be accepted. Data shal1
consist of the following minimum submissions:
Page 6
. 1 PtpingldenttRcation Schedule. Copy of Charts as speciRed under
Valve Tags and Charts.
.2 Equipment. list of nameplates, Including nameplate data and system
.3 Manufacturer.s Literature. Three (3) coptes ofmanufacturer.s InstructIons
for operation and maIntenance of all mechanIcal equIpment, includIng
replacement parts Itst.
.4 Written Instructions. TypewrItten Instructions for operatIons and matn-
tenonce of the system composed of OperatIng Instructions, MaIntenance
Instructions and Maintenance Schedule. Three (3) copies submitted to the
Architect for approval.
.1 OperatIng Instructions. A brief descriptIon of the system indicating
proper setting of switches and other equipment furnished for the purpose
of providing control of th& system and Its components by the operotor.
AdJustmentS requiring the technical knowledge of the service agency
personnel shall not be included in the operating instructIons.
.2 Maintenance Instructions. A list of each item of mechanical equip-
ment requiring the inspectton, lubricatIon or services, describing
the performance of such maintenance, Including types of lubrtcant
for each item of equipment.
.3 Maintenance Schedule. A list of each item of equipment requiring
maintendnce, showing the exact type of bearing on every component
of each item of equlpment, .ond the month of the year when each
item of equipment should be inspected or serviced.
.2 Verbal Instructions. Upon completion of the work,ond at a time designated
by the Architect, provide a competent engineer from each supplier of maJor Items
of equipment to instruct the Owner.s representative in the operation and main-
tenance of the equipment supplied by his co~pa,?,.
.3 Binders. Three (3) complete sets of the above data in looseleaf ring binden
with permanent covers with permanent identification on back and index.
15. DAMAGE BY LEAKS: Be responsible for damage to any port of the premises caused
by leaks in the pipe or fixtures Installed under applicable section for the period of
twelve (12) months from the date of acceptance of the work by the Owner.
Page 7
.1 Befol:'e Final Review: The work hereunder will not be reviewed for final accep-
tance until Operating and Maintenance Data, Manufacturer's Literature, Valve
Directories, Piping Identification Code Directory and nameplates specifIed
herein have been approved and properly posted in the building and final cleaning
has been completed.
.2 Demonstration of Operations: When the installation Is complete and adJustments
specified herein have been made, operate the systems for a period of one week,
during whIch time demonstrate to the Architect that systems are completed and
operating in conformance with these specifications.
. 1 General: Guarantee all equipment furnished under this specification for a period
of one year from date of acceptance against defective workmanship and material,
and improper installaticn. Upon notification of failure, correct complaint with-
out cost to the Owner.
.2 Parts Warranty: Standard warranty of manufacturer shall apply for replacement
of parts after expiration of above period. Manufacturer shall furnish replacement
parts to Owner or to his service agency as directed.. Furnish Owner printed
manufacturer's warrantees complete with material included and expiration dates
upon completion of project..
18.. BRIEF FORM OF SPECIFICATIONS: Sections of the specifications are written in an
abbreviated or streamlined form and, include descriptive phrases and incomplete sen-
tences. Omissions of words or phrases such as lithe Contractor shan, II "In conformity
therewith, II "shall be, II liAs noted on the drawings, II lIaccording to the drawings, I:
"in accordance with the specifications, I! lIan, II "the, II and "all," etc., have been
done intentionally. This method has been employed for the purpose of brevity and
clarity, and it is hereby declared that all implied words and phrases which would be
necessary to make the language grammatically complete ore included herein by intent
wi th the same force as though wri tton in each sentence.
iLlf IT" "","
. i'[:1~~PT .
Page t
1. GENERAL: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to work hereunder.
.1 Fumish all plant, labor, equipment, appliances, and materials and perform all
operations in connection with the installation of the heating, ventilating and air
conditioning systems, complete, in strict accordance with the specifications
and the applicable drawings.
.2 Include the following:
.1 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems: Filters, self-contained
packaged roof top air conditioning units, vibration Isolation bases, gas
fired furnaces and cooling coils, insulation, registers, grilles, dampers and
accessories .
.2 Exhaust Systems: Exhaust fan-motor-drive, vibration isolation bases, flex-
ible connections, ductwork, plenums, registers, grilles, dampers and ac-
cessories .
.3 Automatic temperature control system, includi'ng low voltage wiring.
.4 Miscellaneous Steel Work connected with this work,Sleeves, Slots, Inserts,
Supporn and Hangers.
.5 All other items nol' specifically mentioned and/or shown but necessary for
a complete installation.
.1 Door Louvers and Access Panels: Furnished and installed by the General Trade,
unless otherwise noted.
.2 Electrical 0
.3 Plumbing.
.4 Finished Painting.
.5 Louvers and Screen in Exterior Walls.
SUPPORTS: All supports required far the proper installation of the heating, ventilating
and air conditioning systems, but not forming an integral part of the building structure,
sha II be provided by this Contractor If un less otherwise noted.
Page 2
ACCESSIBILITY: The installation of gauges, cleanouts, dampers, or other indicating
equipment or specialties requiring frequent reading, adjustments, inspection, repairs
or replacement shall be conveniently and accessibly located with reference to the
finished building, or provided with an access door or panel of suitable size and con-
struction, and installed as approved unless such access doors or panels are specifically
shown O! provided by others. Access doors and panels in finished areas shall be of
material and construction approved by the Architect.
6. ELECTRIC MOTORS: All motors shall be General Electric, Wagner, Westinghouse,
or equal, of the size, speed and current characteristics indicated on the drawings.
All motors shall have drip proof enclosures unless otherwise specified and shall be de-
signed to operate 'at full load continuously without exceeding a temperature rIse of
40 degrees C. All polyphase motors shall be constant speed, squirrel cage type.
Single phase motors shall be the capacitor type equipped with approved integral thermal
protection devices. All motors shalf be guaranteed quiet design by the manufacturer
and shall be provided with base and slide rails or other resilient mounting as required.
.1 Replaceable media with integi'ol retainer, Burke and Co., Rotoaire RMI-IR, Of
equal, by American Air Filtei or Farr.
.2 Size and capacity shall be as scheduled on drawings~
8. DRAFT GAUGES: Provide and install filter gauge of the magneheltc type across all
filter banks to indicate pressure drop across filter. .. '
9. ,FLEXIBLE DUCT CONN ECTI 01'1 S: Flexible connections shall be provided between
fans and connections to ductwork and/or plenums, and where shown on the drawings.
Flexible connections shall be 24 gauge "Metaledge Ventglasll as manufactured by
Ventfabrics, Jne., Duro Dyne, or equal, woven glass fabric double coated with neo-
10. FLUES: Flue for gas fired equipment shall comply with all applicable requirements of
the governing code shall be made up with tight joints, installed with proper size,
height and clearance, supported at each foint, be provided with spacers, storm collars,
thimbles and flashing. Terminate with a BreidertType IIL" flue cap. The flue material
shan be double wall Metalbestos, or approved equat, U.L ltsted Type I'B" flue.
1.. FANS:
. 1
General: Unless specified otherwise.. fans shall be of the centrifugal type with
certified ratings, quiet operating with backward or formard curved blades as
scheduled on drawing.. complete with V-belt drives, motors, vori-pitch motor
sheaves, belt guards, vibration isolation bases, adjustable motor bases, inlet
screen and aC,CS$sories as required for complete installation.
Page 3
. 1
Fans shall be guaranteed to deliver the quantities of standard air against
the respective static pressure indicated on the drawings wfthout exceeding
by more than five (5) percent the values of outlet velocity, tip speed, and
brake house power listed.
Every fan wheel, regardless of size, shall be balanced both statically and
dynamically and shall be free from ob1ectionable vibration or noise. Bear-
ings shall be self-aligning ball bearings with grease fittings.
Hand, rotation, discharge, width, class arrangement, and motor and drive
for each fan shall be as indicated on the drawings.
V-belt drives furnished shall be rated at 150 percent of the motor name
plate horse power and shall be of Worthington, Gates, or Dayton. This
Contractor shall be responsible for the delivery of specified air quantities
and shall change drive sheaves, if necessary to deliver design air volumes
at actual operating static pressures.
.2 Base Mounted Exhaust Fan EF-l:
o 1
Type: Self contained, belt-driven, centrifugal, fan-motor-ddve-unit,
weatherproofed for outdoor installation.
.2 Quality: Trone Type Fe utility fet, or approved equal.
.3 Capacity: As scheduled on drawings.
.3 Curb-Mounted Exhaust Fan EF-2:
. 1 Type: Self-contained, belt-driven, power roof ventilation, centrifugal
fan-Motor-drive, with wea~herproof enclosure, bird screen self-acting,
counter balanced and felt-lined aluminum backdraft dampers.
.2 Quality: Exitaire Type II $" or approved equal.
.3 Capacity: As scheduled on drawings.
12. AIR C9NDITIO~INQ~~IT~~~~.-1!__AC-.?..! A~:~
. 1 Type: Self-contained packaged, one piece weatherproofed, combination cooling
and gas-fired, air to air, air conditioning una, AGA approved, suitable for
firing with natural gas.
.2 QUGlity: Carrier Models 4SDA and 48DC, or approved equal.
Page 4
Capacity: As scheduled on drawings.
Equipment: Weatherized casing, hermetic compressors with suitable vibration
isolators, direct drive centrifugal indoor fans and direct drive propeller fans for
condenser, corrosion resistant stee I heat exchangers, gas va Ive (s), safety pilot
with automatic electric ignition, cooling section with motor contactors, high and
low pressure switches, temperature and overload protectors, time guard circuit,
fused transformer for 24V controls, all controls factory prewired, thermostats as
shown on plans, direct expansion freon 22 cooling coil with copper tubes and
aluminum fins, suction header and thermostatic expansion valves with external
equalizer, insulated cabinet enclosure, insulated drain pan.
. 1 Type: Horizontal.. propeller type fan, gas-fired.
.2 Quality: Tmne Model GPA or approved equal.
.3 Capacity: As scheduled on drawings.
.4 Equipment: All welded construction, stainless steel heat exchanger, die-formed,
corrosion resistant, heavy-galJge burners, draft diverter, propeller fan with alu-
minum blades, totally enclosed motors with built-in thermal overload protection,
heavy gauge steel casing with baked enamel finish, adiustable louver fi n dIffusers,
pre-wired controls with automatic gas valves, safety pilot with lOCPA> shutoff,
pressure regulator with leak limiting device, manual main and pilot valves and
high limit switch, thermostats as shown on plansG
. 1 General:
o 1 All sheet metal work shall be constructed of new galvanized prime grade
sheet iron.
02 Dimensions of the ducts shown on plans shall not be considered as absolute,
but any changes from same shall be subtect to approval by the Architect..
Where due to structural or mechanical conditions, duct sizes must be changedI'
equivalent areas shall be maintained.
.3 Galvanized angle iron frames or stainless steel angle iron frames, to match
duct, shall be installed around the entire duct perimeter at aft points where
duct is exposed and passes through walls, floors and ceilings of finished
spaces. All ductwork penetrating air plenums, walls and ceilings shall be
made air tight at the penetration with 4 inch wide 4 oz. canvas saturated
",'i"" ~ "^..~^ ~! 'r,~.~trg' :~,.'!,...,,',.~u.,.. ,-.,...J '~"'"I''' n, '~',,~ .,., ..t, .~. .,'.' v,<, '.,,'~ ~,LJ"" ,.,t. l.r:,~I~
,. .ll j-'~oiUWV '''''~:h:,II'1o _'-"~,~~~(,,"'" _..'.... ..ill\ll '/ .-r-,....l:\:;..J ;v ..',r:_ r',,",I:.;..~i1\"''Il~;''. ir' ....:Iti wV...!il
sides d the wall or ceHing.
Page 5
Ducts shall be rigidly supported to the building construction as detailed
and as follows:
.1 Hort-,ontal ducts shall be supported in occordance vith Plate No.
18, 19, and ~O of the SMACNA Duct Manual.
.2 Duct work located near floor and above roof shall be supported from
floor on 1-1/2" )( 1-1/2" )( 1/811 angle saddle secured to floor or
roof on 4" )( 4" )( 1/8" thick base plates ond riveted to duct. ~ase
plate for supports on roof shall be water-proofed at roofing.
.5 Unless otherwise specified herein and on drawings, "eights and construc-
tion of galvani ~ed iron ducts shalt be as follows:
o to 1211
13 to 30"
31 to 5411
S5 to 84'
85" and larger
largest dimension - 26 gauge
II II _ 24 gauge
11 I' _ ?2 gauge
- 20 gauge
- 18 gauge
.6 All transverse joints on all supply air ductwork and air supply plenums
joints shall be continuousty sealed air tight with 4 inch wide 4 oz. can-
vas, saturated with Arabol lagging adhesive and firmly applied to the
joint and seams.
.7 longitudinal joints on sheet metal ducts shall be Pittsburgh lock. Trans-
verse joints shall be S and drive or gover~ment locks riveted at corners
and hickey punched 6 inches on center. .:Ducts having a dimension greater
, than 18 inches shall have 011 panels crossbroken for additional rigidness.
Ducts shall be constructed air tight.
~8 Ductwork shall be stiffened os indicated in the "ASHRAEII Guide, latest
edition, Chapter enHt!ed "Air Dud' Design. II
.9 EUXhVS throughout the work shaH be constructed vith easy turns; the inside
radius being equal to the width of the du~t, or standard duct-turns of the
double wall hollow formed construction as manufactured by Tuttle & Bailey,
or equal, shall be used. .
.10 Where ducts ol'e installed around the pipes or other obstructions, stream-
lined sleeves shall be installed around the obstruction and sleeve openings
sealed with mastic compound and the duct area increased by the amount
lost by the sleeve.
DIVISIOi'''-! 1513
Page 6
. 11 Access doors shall be furnished and installed where indicated and/or where
required to service all equipment and balancing dampers. They shall be
provided with felt gaskets and suitable hinges and sash locks.
. 12 All access doors in insulated ducts sha" be double skin insulated doors.
Access doors into plenums shall be provided with No. 260 Ventlock latch,
as manufactured by Ventfabrics, Inc., at top and bottom.
. 13 Balancing dampers sha" be installed where indicated on the plans or where
required to completely balance the specified air quantities. All manual
dampers shall be multi-louver type, 16 gauge galvaniLed steel blades mounted
in a frame provided with indicating quadrants. Where dampers are inac-
cessible for adjustment, provide Ventfabrics No. 668 Ventlock, or approved
equal by Young Regulator Co., with rod extension to damper.
. 14 Metal partitions for plenums shall be constructed of 18 gauge galvanized
iron. Walls shan have Joints of 1-1/2 inch standing seams 30 inches on
center and fastened to frame work of 1-1/2"Px 1-1/2" x 1/8" angles.
. 15 The inside of an ducts visible behind grilles and registers shall be paintGd
two coats of dun black paint. Extractors behind grilles shall also be
.1 Grilles, registers and diffusers on the drawings have been sized on the basis of
the types and manufacture indicated hereinafter or as called for on the drawings.
All grilles, registers, and diffusers of an approved equal manufacturer shall be
selected and appr:oved by the manufacturer to operate without objectionable
noise and draft. All grilles and registers shall be factory prime coated, diffusers
factory.enamel finish to motch ceiling as approved by the Architect, installed
with rubber gaskets against..valls and ceilings. Furnish and install bucks.
.2 Side wall supply registers shall be Tuttle 8. Bailey 6T557 key operated, double
deflection, horL::ontal face bar register with opposed blade volume damper and
extractor of matching si ~e mounted at branch take-off from supply duct.
.3 Return air and exhaust air registers shall be Tuttle &. Boiley T-77D horizontal
face bar set at an angle of 400vith l(ey operated opposed blade damper.
.4 Grilles shall be Tuttle 8 Boiley T-70D horizontal face bars.
.5 Square and rectangular ceiling diffusers sholl be Tuttle ~ ~ailey Type ME of
size and air pattern characteristic shown on drawing. Diffusers shall be complete
with extractor and volume control damper.
DIVISIOf-.' 15~
Page 7
. 1 Furnish and install the insulation fer ductwork as shown an the drawings for the
work under section, and in accordance with the following specification.
.2 All air supply and return ducts and plenums exposed to weather above roof,
and air supply ducts noted on drawings to be sound lined (SL) ~hal1 be insulated
on the inside. Insulation shall bel" .F.P.A. 190A rated n~oprene coated
acoustic insulation Type 5-317 (minimum 2 pound density), as manufactured by
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, or approved equal by Gustin-Bacon, Johns-
Manville and Owens-Corning Fiberglas. Insulation sholl be 1 inch thick. liner
shal1 be secured to the interior surface with adhesive, with the coated side facing
air stream. Insulation shall be continuous with all joints tightly butted and
heavily sL:ed with adhesive. All exposed edges shall be sized. Where widi-h
of duci" or casing exceed 24 inches, sheet mercl screws and washers or approved
mechanical fasteners in addition to adhesive, shall be used spoced not more than
18 inches on centers. All adhesive shall be non-flammable, fire retardant duct
liner adhesive~
.3 All concealed air supply ducts shall be insulated as follows:
'. 1 Material: Insulation shol1 be vinyl coated Ultraltte No. 100, 2 inches
thick as manufactured by Gustin-Bacon Mfg. Co., or approved equal by
P . P 0 G., Owens-Coming Fibreglas and Johns-Manville.
02 Application: Firmly wrap insulation around duct with vinyl coating
outside and all joints lapped a minimum of two inches. Securely fasten
insulation in place with 16 gauge soft annealed black or galvani."ed wire
spaced not more than 12" on centers fer straight runs, and 3" on centers
for elbows and fittings.
.4 Supply ducts insulated on the inside will not require exterior thermal insulation
except where called for on the drawing.
..5 All sheet metol seams (Trnasverse 8. Longitudinal) on all supply Clnd return air
duct exposed to outside above roof shall be made water tight with 4-tnch, 40L.
canvas applied to all seams with Arabel.
. 1 Testing and adjusting of all systems and equipment shall be provided, and shall
include all requIred instruments, tools and labor.
Page 8
· 2 Contractor shall procure the service.s of an independent agel'lcy, Q$ oppt'twed
by the Architect, which specializes in the balancing and testing of heGltng,
ventilating, air conditioning and exhaust systems. All work by this age~,cy
shall b. done under the direct supervision of a qualified engineer employed
by them. All instruments used shall be accurately calibrated and maintc1r,ed
in good working order.,
.,3 Balancing and adiusting shall consist of the following:
. 1 AdJusting all grilles, registers and diffusers for optimum air.
· 2 Adiusting all fan speeds and manually operated dampers to deliver and/
or return the quantities of air specified.
".3 Make any changes in pulleys, belts and dampers or the addition of dampers
necessary for correct balance.
.4 Submit three copies of the following information on air handlers for eval-
uation and approval by the Architect.
. 1 Make, size, model number and locatton of all fan units containing
.2 Motor size, voltage, phase, fated and actual current readings for
above equipment.
.3 Air handled inC.F.M.
04 Outlet velocities in F.P.M.
.5 Inlet, outlet and total static pressure or each unit"
..6 Recirculated and outside air quantities.
.. 7 Entering and leaving air temperatures (D ~B.)
05 Submit three copies of the following information on diffusers, grilles and
registers for evaluation and approval by the Architect.,
" 1 location, she, make, model number C1nd total free area of each..
02 Required and test resultant velocity in F.. P .M. of each. The required
velocity shall be the velocity published by the manufacturer of the
equipment specified, regardless of what may have been actually
i nstclled.
e ~9
.3 Required and test resultant quantity of air in CoF.M. of each.
.4 Operational tests shall be made on all devices and machinery to determine proper
compliance with specifications. Any undue noise or vibration caused by mal-
functioning ",f piping, equipment, etc., shall be promptly repaired and/or cor-
rected before acceptance..
.5 Failure in test: Should any piece of apparatus, or any material or work fail in
any of the above tests, it shall be removed immediately and replaced with new
perfect material, apparatus and/or work, and the part in question retested as
specified without expense to the Owner.
18. FINAL OPERATION: Upon completion of the installation of the equipment, the con-
tractor shall place a competent man in charge, who shall operate.:the plant for a period
of one (1) working day instructing the Owner's engineer in all details of operation and
maintenance. Arrangements shall be made through the Architect to have a representa-
tive of the maintenance department concerned, present for instructions..
.. 1 Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall carefully prepare a diagram
of the entire control system and a full description of the operation. This shall
be on one sheet, mounted in a frame, under clear glass, and located as directed.
.2 Two (2) copies of an instruction and maintenance book giving complete service
data and operating instructions on all equipment and systems installed shall be
Furnished to the Architect for distribution.
Page 1
. 1 General Conditions and General Requirements apply to 011 work hereunder.
.2 Conform to applicable rules and regulations -.f local and state codes, including:
. 1 Uniform Plumbing Code.
.2 California Dep't. of Health.
.3 California Division of Industrial Safety.
2. SCOPE OF WORK (See Division C3, Article 1):
.1 Furnish all plant, equipment, appliances and materials, and perform 011 operations
in connection with installation of Plumbing Systems, complete, in strict accordance
with this section of the specifications and the applicable dro..vings.
.2 The work shall include all ditching or other excavation with backfi II and leveling
required for the proper installation of the plumbing systems. Excavation and
backfilling shall be performed os specified in the division of these specifications
entitled "Excavating and Grading. II
03 Include the folio ..ving:
.1 Soil, waste and vent systems.
.2 Domestic water systems.
.3 Fue I gas systems.
.4 Irrigation water.
.5 Storm drain systems.
.6 Trenching and backfill.
.7 Disconnect, remove and relocate atr compressor from existing fire station
to new fire station. Install new piping for compressed air system.
.8 Final piping connections to fixtures and equipment furnished under other
sections .
Page '2
Miscellaneous ~teel work, floor sleeves" slots, inserts, plates, supports
and hangers. .
· 10 All other work and materials shown on drawings, but not necessarily
specified in these specifications.
.1 Electrical - Line voltage wiring, starters except os noted, disconnect switches.
o 1 Extend water supply lines into the building from site mains.
.2 Extend sewers, storm drains and other drainage lines os indicated on the drawings.
.3 Extend gas lines from the street mains. Make 011 arrangements for the gas service.
.1 Provide piping for equipment furnished and installed in place under other sections.
Condensate drain lines from coil pans in air handling units.
.2 Landscape irrigation: Provide water service with valved stubs.
~ ~
· 1 Plumbing Fixtures:
. 1 Manufacture:
.1 Fixtures: Crane.. For identification, Crane numbers are listed,
unless otherwise noted. .
.? Flush Valves: Sloan.
.3 Toilet Seats: Olsonite, Church, Beneke.
.4 Fittings: Chrome-plated brass at fixtures, unless otherwise noted.
.5 Carriers: Smith, Zum.
.2 Water Closet tNe -1) (Floor Mounted):
Fixture: SI phon Jet (Santon 3-300) .
Valve: Sloan Royal 112 YV.
Seat: White, front open, Beneke 527 SS/CH.
Page 3
.3 Urinal (U-l):
Fixture: Delrio 7-180.
Valve: Sloan Royal 180 YV.
Support: Wall Hanger,
.4 Lavatory (L-l) (Wall Hung):
Fixture: Vitreous China, 2CY' x 18" (Norwich 1-195-V)
Trim: 8-2045A, Modified with opening for deck mounted soap dispenser on
right side. 8-7001 Towel bar on right side only. 8-5260 IIp" trap.
Supplies: Loose key stops, chrome plated risers.
.5 Kitchen Sink (S-l) (Double Compartment):
Fixture: Elkay Custom Made Model No. LR--, 14" x 18" x 7-1/2" . Ledge
type with integral countertop, back splash and end returns. 18 gaG
18-8 stainless steel with Elkay LK-6K finish.
Trim: LK-244 top mount, deck type mixing faucet with cast brass base.
Chrome plated, cast brass adiustable II P" trap with cleanout and waste
to wall.
.6 Service Sink (S5-1) (Wall Hung):
Fixture: 7-564 (2411 x 20") Acid-resisting porcelain inside, cost iron roll rim.
Trim: 8-'2800, rough chromium plated utility sink faucet with dial-eose controls;
rigid hose end spout with pail hook, indexed lever handles.
Trap: 7-620 acid-resisting porcelain enameled inside, cast iron adiustable "P"
trap standard (3") with metal strainer and rough brass cleanout plug.
.7 Drinking Fountain (DF-l) (Electric Semi-Recessed):
Fixture: Stainless steel top and tan satin brushed finish with vinyl. 1/? H. P.,
110 volts (Haws HDFC-6)
Supplies: Loose keys stop, chrome plated riser.
.8 Shower (SH- 1 ):
Drain: Josam 300 adjustable flashing clamp, nickel bronze strainer.
Valves: Speakman S-1835 M-IS, integral stops.
Shower Heads: Speakman 5-2240 Model ?
. 9 Shower (SH- 2)
Trim: 8-3480 Crane, concealed tWO-Nay valve vandal-proof shower.
Indexed Cross-handles, shower head with volume regulator and screw
driver slot.
.2 Domestic Water Heater tNH-1):
01 Type: Gas fired storage, AGA approved, 100% automatic shutoff controls.
.2 Manufacturer: Day & Night" Jet Gloss Century".
Page 4
.3 Installation: The manufacturer of the heater shall supervise the entire instal-
lation and cGrtify and guarantee to its correctness before the system is placed
into operation.
.3 Gasoline Storage and Dispensing Equipment:
. 1 Install where shown on drawings, a nominal 500 gallon underground storage
tank. Tank shall be fabricated of 3/1611 hot rolled steel plate in accordance
with Pacific Coast Standards for underground storage tonks, unmodified and
requirements of the "ational Fire Protection Association; and shall bear the
label of Underwriters' Laborotories, Inc. indicating that it complies with
their standards for underground storage tanks subj~ct 58, latest revisions:
. 1 All openings shalf be covered to prevent entrance of dirt and moisture
during shipment. The tonk shall be protected against corrosion by
wrapping as follows:
. 1 Cleon surface by sondblClSting.
. 2 Apply~
1 coot asphalt primer
1 coot hot asphalt and burlap wrap
2nd coot of hot asphalt and wrap with Kraft paper.
.3 Wrapping shall be carefully inspected just before the tonk is
lowered into the ground, and damaged places repaired.
.2 The tank shall be buried a sufficient depth to provide a 3-foot earth cover
above it. Backfilling shall be with sand to a point 6 inches above the top
of the tank, except that residual material may be used if it is free of stone,
trash or clods and is acceptable to the Architect.
.3 Backfi IItng shall be placed under and around the tank and compacted by
mechanical means. Flooding will not be permitted.
.4 Pipe connections to the tank shall be protected from corrosion at the point
of connection to the tank by two thicknesses of approved vinyl tape.
.5 The dispensing equipment shall consist of vent and underground piping, fuel
pump, fuel pump accessories, and fill and gauging equipment.
.6 Pipe shall be schedule 40 galvani led steel pipe with 300 pound malleable
fittings and unions and extra heavy steel couplings.
.7 Pipe joints shall be made up with dope approved for use on pipe lines dis-
tributing gasoline. Lines shall slope uniformly to the tank and all connections
at the pumps and tank made with swing loints.
.8 Steel pipe and fittings below ground shall be shop coated and wrapped as
speci fied elsewhere.
Pagfi 5
.9 Furnish and instaL "'ne Tokheim Model No. 93; noncomputing ga50line
pumping unit with the high-vacuum, rotary gear type, with built-in air
separator and regulatirgvalves. 3/4 h.p. 115/230 volt, A.C., 60cyele,
single phase continuous-duty type with built-in switch.. 10'-6" x 3/411 hose.
Pump to have a rich, bright red, baked enamel, IlBonderized" before painting,
sui table for outdoor installation and to bear Underwriters' approval.
.10 The suction line shall be terminated at the upper end with a manhole type
angle check valve installation. The elements required, hereinbefore
specified, include 1-1/2" suction pipe, extractor pipe cap, 1-1/211 angle
check extroctor wrench. Fill pipe cap shall be all bronLe designed and
ConstNCted to be locked on with a padlock. Fill pipe and angle check
valve shall be accessible through a dual duty manhole which shall be set
in a concrete pad. Vent pipe shall be 1-1/2" Nominal 1.0. as shown on
. 11 Provide 0 hardwood gauge stick 12 feet long, graduated in feet and inches,
and a chart in a frame under glass showing the gallonage corresponding to
the depth of gasoline in the tank.
. 12 Contractor shall furnish shop drawings of the tank and its inslallation showing
dispensing equipmE.i1t and piping.
.1 Soil, Waste, Vent, and Storm Drain Systems:
.1 Sanitary soil, waste, and storm drain - Pipe and fittings:
.1 Underground and beyond 5 feet of buildt .y: Extra heavy vitrifl.d
clay pipe, except as noted on the drawings.
.2 Underground within the building and to Q point 5 feet outside the
building. Extra heavy cast iron bell and spigot sotl pipe.
.3 Above ground: Soil and waste piping 2" and larger, shall be service
weight cast iron bell and spigot soil pipe.
.4 Above ground: Storm drains, schedule 40 galvanized steel. Screwed
connections or grooved ends for mechanical coupling. Galvanized
steel fittings. Mechanical coupling with neoprene gasket and bolts,
Victaulic or Gustin-Bacon. D'/I'V copper fittings with hard drawn
type L copper tubing is acceptable.
.2 Vent Pipe:
Page 6
.1 Underground: Extra heavy cast Iron spigot soil pipe.
.2 Above ground: 2-1/2" and smaller, galvanized schedule 40 steel
pipe with galvanized cast Iron fittings. 3" and larger, servtce weight
cast iron bell and spigot soli pipe.
.3 Indirect condensate drains: Type L copper, hard drawn pIpe. Wrought
copper solder loint type fitting.
A Cleanouts:
. 1 locations:
.1 Where indicated on drawings.
.2 At all horizontal offsets.
.3 At ends of all waste or sewer or storm drain lines more thon five
(5) feet in length.
.4 At lOO-foot maximum intervals in all sanitary horizontal Nns.
.5 At base of all stacks and storm drain lines.
.6 For cleanouts In finished portions of building, locations subJect
to Architect's approval before iNtollation.
.7 All cleanouts to be accessible.
.2 Types required as manufactured by Smith or equal by Zurn or Josam:
. 1 At ends of horizontal lines in unfinished areas: Wye fitting
with cast brass plugs, threaded.
.2 At base of vertical lines in unfinished areas: Wye fitting with
cast brass plugs, threaded.
.3 Finished room floor: Cast iron, spigot type, cut off ferrule,
adJustable housing, square nickel bronze tc?P, Smith 4040.
.4 Unfinished room floor: Cast iron, spigOt type, cut off ferrule,
adJustable housing, cast iron non-skid top, Smith 4040.
.5 Plaster walls: Cast iron cleanout tee, full size opening, brass
cleanout plug with solid roised head, Smith 4526. Wall access
cover, prime coated steel, 8" x 8", Smith 4765, Allen Key latch.
Page 7
Exterior: Cleanout set in concrete yard box with cast iron hinged
cover marked "sewer".
.5 Traps:
.1 Floor drains: Extra heavy weight, cast iron, bell and spigot type
"P" traps.
. 2 Plumbing fixtures: As specified under "Plumbing Fixtures" .
.3 Provide trap primer connections where indicated on the drawings,
or where required to prevent water seal from evaporating.
06 Roof Openings: Flash each waste or vent pipe extending through roof with
6 pound, 8 inch skirt sheet lead, cast iron counter flashing, vandal proof
hood 0 Stoneman No 0 1110 or equa I.
.7 Back Water Valve: Cast iron, hub and spigot connections, bronze back-
water assembly, bolted cover, extension collar as required. Smith Fig.
7012 or equal by Zum or Josam.
Domestic and Irrigation Water Systems:
o 1 Piping:
01 Above ground: Sizes 6" and smaller, type l copper tubing, hard
temper, cold drawn.
.2 Below ground:
.1 2-1/2" and smaller: Type K copper tubing, hard temper, cold
.2 3" and larger: Cast iron water pipe, cement lined, class 150.
.2 Fittings:
.1 Copper tubing: Cast brass solder sweat type.
.2 Brass: 85% red brass, cast iron pattem~ Screwed type may be used
where close fit.ting is required.
03 Joints:
o 1 Copper tubing: 95-5 solder.
.2 Cast iron water pipe, underground: Mechanical ioint with bolts,
Page 8
C) gaskets and glands, ASA A21.6. Mechanicalloint with neoprene
gasket if permitted by Code and Water Company.
.,.4 Unions and flanges: On inlet and outlet of all apparatus and equipment
and elsewhere as required to facilitate removal of valves and equipment.
.1 Copper tubing: Ground joint, cast bron4e unions for sizes 2 inches
and smaller. 150 pound flange, cast brass, for sizes larger than 2
.2 Cast iron pipe: Where required, flange with grooved adapter nipple.
.5 Back-Flow Protection:
.1 General: Protect plumbing ftxt\Jres and other equipment connected
to domestic water against back siphonage in event normal water
pressure in domestic water system is reduced.
.2 Lavatories and sinks: Discharge outlets clear overflow rim by at least
03 Water closet and urinal flush valves: Provide approved vacuum
breakers .
.6 Shock Absorbers:
. 1 Provide on hot and cold water lines at quick closing valves, such as
flush valves, solenoid valves, etc.
.2 Sized and located in accordance with Plumbing and Drainage Institute
Manual WH 201.
.3 Provide fJCcess panels at locations where shock absorbers not acces-
sible. See applicable paragraph for types.
.4 Manufacturer: Smith or equal by Zurn or Josam.
.3 Valves:
. 1 Ratings:
. 1 Water: 200 psi WOG.
. 2 Air, gas: 125 psi air.
.2 Manufacturers: Jenkin or equal by Crone, Lukenheimer, Walworth, Keystone~
Page 9
!le! Size
Gate to 2"
Gate 2-1/211
& Up
Globe to 2"
Globe 2- 1/2"
Check to 2"
Check 2-1/2"
Cock to 211
Cock 2-1/2"
& Up
.3 Backflow Valves:
Bron,e, screwed, rising stem.
Butterfly type, iron body, flanged,
bronze disc, stainless steel stein.
Bron,e, screwed.
Iron body, flanged, bron,e trim.
Bron,e, screwed, swing type.
Iron body, flanged swing, bron,e trim.
Bronze, screwed, square head.
Flanged, semi steel, lubricated plug.
.1 Reduced pressure type: Two independently acting check valves,
pressure differential relief valve, two Gate valves, four test Cocks.
CIa-Val, Hersey or Crane.
.2 Double Check type: Two independently acting check valves, two
Gate valves, four test Cocks. Cia-Val, Hersey or Crane.
.4 Hose Bibb:
.1 Hose Bibb (HB-1) Acorn No. 8120 Flo-Cloz wall faucet, bron,e
finish, vandal-proof lockshield with wheel handle.
.2 Hose Bibb (HB-2) Smith No. 5730, ground hydrant, bron~e hydrant
with cast iron box.
.3 Hose Bibb (H8-3) Acorn No. 8130 Flo-Clo, standpipe hose valve,
bronze finish, vandal-proof lockshield with wheel handle.
.4 Fuel Gas System:
. 1 Pipe: Schedule 40 black steel.
.2 Underground Pipe:
. 1
Shop Coat and Wraps: Hunt's '13 method as follows:
1 coat of coal tar primer
1 coat of enamel (165 - 1740 F. melting point)
1 layer of 15-lb. asbestos felt
1 coat of enamel
1 layer of impregnated asbestos felt.
Page 10
.2 Field Joints: "Pro tecto Wrap." All pipe covering shall terminate above
floor slabs.
.3 Fltting'S: Standard full weight, malleable iron, screwed.
.1 Manufacturer: J.R. Smith or equal by Josam or Zurn. Catalog num~rs listed to
indicate a standard of quality and type.
.2 Floor Drain (FD-1): Cast iron, seepage drain, clamping collar, adjustable round
polished nickel bronze regular grate. Smith 201o-A.
.3 Area Drain (AD-1): Cast iron body and flashing collar with cast iron tractor grate
and solid free standing sediment bucket. Smith 2142.
.4 Floor Sink (F5-1): Smith 3430 12" square and 811 deep cast iron receptor with acid
resisting porcelain enameled interior and A.R.E. cast iron grate with dome bottom
.5 Roof Drain (RD-l): 1010 E.R.C. by Smith.
.6 Catch Basins: Christy Type V-64 drain box or equal, 18-3/8 x 18-3/8 with
71C165 cast iron grates and 1572 concrete extensions. Provide concrete bottom
in catch basins as required. See Alternate No.2, Div. A4..
.1 Rough-in Work: Proceed as rapidly as the building construction will permit, com-
pleted, tested and approved before being enclosed.
'!2 Thoroughly clean piping before installation. Cap all pipe openings to exclude
dirt until fixtures are installed and final comections made.
.3 Joints: Reom pipe ends to remove bum, each length of pipe carefully inspected,
and all obstructions removed prior to fabricatio.n.
.4 Show no tool marks or threads on exposed plated, polished, or enameled connections
from fixtures. Tape finished surfaces to prevent damage during plastering.
?5 Pitch: Run horiLontal sanitary and drain piping at a uniform grade of 1/4" per foot
unless otherwise noted.
06 Provide clamps and/or concrete thrust blocks on all dead ends, angles or at other
poi nts where separation may occur from hub and spi got pi pe.
.7 Make provisions for maximum expansion and contraction of piping. Provide swing
fittings and anchors as required. Use reducing fittings. Bushings not al,lowed.
Page 11
.8 Equipment by Others: For rough-ins and ftnal connections to equipment furnished
by others, ascertaIn exact sizes, servIces and locatIons, before starting work.
Verify accuracy of work shown on drawings before starting work. Contractor
respomible for providing proper Installation.
. 9 Dissimila~ Metals: Provide complete dielectric isolation between all ferrous and
nonferrous materials.
.1 Refer to applicable portions of Section 15A.
.2 Horizontal Steel and Cost Iron Piping: Spltt ring, steel or malleable iron, soc'<.ets
with pipe or rod thread. Carpenter and Patterson Fig. 240, or Fee 8. Mason Fig. 199.
.3 Horhontal Copper Piping:
. 1 1/2" to 3": Malleable iron, copper plated. Fee a. Mason 361 or Carpenter
& Patterson 338.
.2 411 and larger: Steel, copper plated. Fee 8. Mason 364 or Carpenter 8.
Patterson 128.
.4 Trapeze Type: May be used where several pipes run parallel to each other. Show
method of construction on shop drawings.
.5 Hangers for Insulated PipIng: Provide 14 gauge galvanized steel sleeve 12" long
between insulation and hanger.
.6 Wall-mounted Outlets: Malleable iron spltt-ring clomp, rod and plate, copper
plated at copper pipe. 1-5/8" chamel supports may be used at multiple outlets.
Provide steel plate reinforcement two sides at demountable woll.
.7 Vertical Piping: Support at floor to floor height or 10 feet Intervals with heavy
wrought steel rIser clamps or U-strops, securely fastened to structure.
11. METAL SLEEVES: Provide where pipe passes through walls, partitions, floon, ceilings,
or structural members unless otherwise noteclo
.1 Sleeves Embedded in Concrete: Standard weight steel pipe, hot-dipped galvanized.
.1 Floors: Extend sleeves 111 above floon. Pack with dry jute and pour lead
flush with top of sleeve.
.2 Walls: Set flush with ftnished surface. Pack with dry jute and caulk.
Page 12
.2 Sleeves In Plaster Walls and Partitions: 18 gaG galvanized sheet steel, both ends
flush with finished surface. Pack with dry lute and caulk.
.3 Clearance: Size sleeves to provide 1/211 clearance between sleeve and pipe.
..4 Covering: Continuous through sleeves in walls.
.5 Plates: Hinged, of chromium plated brass with spring and snap made in pleasIng
curved section. Provide at intersection with wall or ceiling for pipe running
exposed in occupied spaces.
01 Screwed Steel Pipe: Cut threads with new, clean dies, full thickness of dies.
After iointing, not more than two threads to remain exposed. Apply pipe compound
or teflon tape to threads of pipe. Do not dope with compound. Carefully ream
and inspGct each piece of pipe and fitting before installation.
.2 Grooved Pipe: Field grooves made as recommended by manufacturer of mechanical
.3 Copper TubIng: Cut square with fine hack saw, remove bum with file or scraper,
thoroughly clean outside end of tubing slightly longer than depth of fitting to a
bright finish. Thoroughly cleon inside of fttting where tubing is to be Inserted
to a bright finish. Use sandpaper, sandcloth, wire brush, or steel wool for cleaning,
Coot tubing and fitting with solder flux brush applied. Use 95-5 tin antimony
solder. Include prepared solder and flux in material and equipment list.
A Brass Screwed Pipe: Cut threads, remove bum, and apply r~d lead or approved
pipe dope os specified for steel screwed pipe. Make up pipe with frIction clamps
and friction wrenches" Do not mark surface of chrome-plated pipe and fittings.
.5 leaky Joints: Remake with new material. Remove leaking section and/or fitting as
directed. Do not use thread cement or caulking to make joint tight.
.1 General: Disinfect hot and cold water systems.
.2 Supervision and Testing: Perform disinfection under Architect's or Owner's repre";'
sentative's supervision. Give 2 days' notice. Disinfection subject to written
approval upon receipt of satisfactory laboratory test results.
.3 Certification: Submit a certificate stating (l)system capacity, (2)dlslnfec:tant
used, (3) time and rate applied, and (4) resultant residuals in parts per million
at completion of work.
Page 13
.4 Disinfecting Agent: Chlorine Gas aqueous carrier, type approved by Architect
for water system disinfectIon with approved chlorinator.
.5 Preparation:
. 1 Service cock: Provide service cock or valve within 3-feet of existing
supply main for Introducing disinfecting agent into lines.
.2 Flushing: Leave each fixture or outJet wIde open after final pressure tests
until flow shows only clear water.
.3 Domestic hot water temperature: Reduce to that of cold water system during
disinfecttng procedure"
.6 Procedure:
.1 Flushing: With system full of water and under "main" pressure open all
outlets .
.2 Inlect disInfectant through service cock at slow, even, continuous rate
until orthotolfdine test at each outlet shows chlorine residual concentration
of more than 50 parts per million (ppm).
.3 C lose all outlets and valves including service valve at main and inJection
cock. MaIntaIn for 24 hours.
.4 Test: Orthotolidlne test, after 24-hour period, shall indicate mInimum
chlorine residual concentration of 50 ppm. If not, repeat disInfection pro-
cedure until this standard is attained.
.5 FInal flushing: After satisfactory completion of above test, flush out system
until orthotolidine tests show ma.'lClmum chlorine residual of 0.5 ppm.
.7 Preliminary Approval: After satisfactory completion of disinfection procedure,
Architect or Owner's representative may issue a temporary approval for Immediate
human use of piping system pending bacteriologIcal analysis of water samples.
.8 Bacterlol~glcal Analysis of Water: After final flushing, take water samples to
test negative for colt-aerogene organisms. Analysis to indicate total plate count
less than 100 bacteria per cc or equal to control sample.
.9 Final Approval: If analysis results are not satisfactory, repeat disinfection pro-
cedure until specIfied standards are met..
1 1f If
Page 14
. 1 General: Adiust each piece of equipment and all systems to insure proper func-
tioning of controls, elimination of noise and vibration, and left in first-class
operating condition. .
.2 Testing: Perform all test~ in the presence of the Architect.
.3 Defective W'"lrk: R~move and replace any piece of apparatus, w"'\rk, "Ir material
failing any tests. Retest pt:>rthn "\f work replaced by Contractor at his 0''" ex-
pense in the presence of the Architect.
.4 Notice: Provide twenty-four (24) hour'" notice that piping is ready for testing.
Ted in accordance \lith all local and state ordinances and until approved by
.5 Protection: I~olatt(\n,.,f all eq'Jipment subJect to damage from test pressure. Make
no test against a service valve or meter.
.6 T <:sts:
. 1 Water systems: Hydrostatic, at 150 psi.
.2 Gas systems at 150 psi: Cho:lck each ioint for leak" with soap suds.
.3 Stonn vater dhposal piping: Inside buildings or below ground under struc-
ture. Hydrostatic, at 5 psi.
.4 Sanitary sewer system including vent piping to above the floor line: With
water, fill piping to top ""f highest point, at not less thon 5 psi.
.7 Duration: Maintain all tests, unles') other ,vise noted with")ut leal(s or prenure
loss for eight (8) hours.
.8 Perfonn operational tests on all machinery and devices to determine compliance
\lith specifications. Equipment tn function quietly and efficiently. Repair or
correct undue noise or vibration caused by malfunctioning f)f piping and equip-
ment before acceptance.
. 1
General: Provide all insulating material required for piping, mechanical equip-
ment, etc., installed under thi.. section of the specificatbns. Adhere to the best
practice of the trade and the intent of this specification.
. "1/_.
Page 15
.2 Manufacturer: johns-Manville, Of equal by Owens-Cornlng, or Pittsburgh
Plate Glass.
.3 PIpIng - Supply and Return:
. 1 Domestic hot water - exposed: 1 Inch thick heavy density glass
flben, sectional, minimum 7 Ibs. per cubIc foot, or llnch thick
molded hydrous calcIum silicate Insulation, finished wIth 6 ounce
canvas sealed and sIzed wIth la99l.n; adhesive.
.2 Domestic hot water & condensate draIn - concealed above ceiling
or In walls or shaft: 1 Inch thick, molded glass ftben, with canvas
.3 fittings, flanges, and valves: Factory premolded Insulating fittings,
polyurethane Insulation with PVC formed surface skIn, thIckness same
as for adJolntng straight pipe, Zeston or equal. If exact shape and
size not available, apply minerai wool cement, finish wIth asbestos
cement, and cover with 6 oz.. canvas applied with approved Ben-
iamin Foster Co. 30-36 adhesive..
. rl'W'f!~"[iilfvw'."
illT 1"11 ' .,. ", "~'rn'
Page 1
GENERAL: General Conditions and General Requirements apply to all work hereunder.
SCOPE: See DivIsion C3, ArtIcle 1.
.1 The work shall Include the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and
everything necessary and Incidental to the installatIon, complete and operative,
of the varIous wirIng systems requIred, together with the installation of the
lighting fixtures, as herein specified or shown on the drawings.
.2 This work shall include all ditching or other excavation with backfill and leveling
requIred for the proper Installation of the electrical work. Excavation and back-
filling shall be performed as specified In the section of these specificatIons entitled
II Excavating and Grading."
.3 Includes, but is not limited to, the following:
. 1 Main switchboard and servIce entrance.
. 2 DistributIon system.
.3 light and power panelboards.
.4 Wiring for light and power.
.5 line voltage control wiring.
.6 lighting fixtures including all lamps.
.7 Complete conduit system to supply power wiring.
.8 Complete conduit system to supply telephone and signal wiring.
.9 All carpentry or metal work involved in providing supports for flxtures;
switches, conduit and other equipment, metal flashing and counter flashing
!1f any raceways going through the roof.
. 10 Conduit for low voltage control wiring.
.11 Emergency engine generator installation.
Page ?
WORK NOT INCLUDED: The work as outlined below and any other as designated on
the plans wt~1 be done or performed under other divisions of this specification", but the
contractor shall make all necessary provisions for attaching or connecting his work
thereto 0 He shall set all necessary anchors, sleeves, etc., and shall furnish the said
other Contractors with all drawings and directions necessary to enable them to properly
construct their work so that the entire system shall be properly installed.
. 1 Service cables wi II be furnished and installed by Power Company.
o? The wire, cable and equipment for public telephone system will be furnished
and installed by Telephone Company.
.3 All motors, all special controls and all low voltage control wiring for heating,
air conditioning will be furnished under the Mechanical Division, which will
install all motors and the package starting equipment.
. 1 All work and materials shall be per the latest rules and regulations of the National
Electrical Code, and other applicable state and loeallaws and regulations. Nothing
in these plans or specifications is to be construed to permit work not conforming
to these codes.
.? Whenever the drawings or specifications reQuire "'lOterial, workmanship, arrange-
ment or construction of a higher standard or larger size than is reauired by the
above rules and regulations, the drawings and specifications shall take precedence.
.3 Should there be any direct conflict between the above-mentioned regulations
and the drawings or specificationsp the regulations sholl govern.
.4 All electrical materials and equipment shall bear the label of the Underwriters'
Laboratories, shall be listed by them in their list of Electrical Fittings; and shall
be approved by them for the purpose for which they are to be used, unless the
material and eQuipment is of a type which the Underwriters' Laboratories do not
list or provide label service.
.5 No extra will be paid for furnishing items reQuired by the regulations, but not
specified or shown on the drawings.
MATERIALS AND TRADE NAMES: Whenever in the specifications or drawings any
material, process or article is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or
by name of manufacturer, such specification or drawing shall be deemed to be used for
the purpose of facilitating descrip~ion of the material, process or article desired, and
shall be deemed to be followed by the words "01' eQual. II See II SubstitutionsII Division
C3, Article?
Page 3
6. EXAMINATION OF PREMISES: Examine premises and compare them with drawings
and specifications. . Contractor shall satisfy himself as to conditions under which the
work is to be performed. He shall ascertciin and check the location of any existing
condition which may affect his work. No allowance shall subseQuently be made in his
behalf for any extra expense to which he may be put due to failure or neglect to make
such examination.
. 1 Take out all permits in connection with the work and pay all fees therefore. See
Division C3, Article 4.
. '1 Notify proper authorities and have the work inspected and tested as reQuired by
ordinance, M all charges in connection therewith and present to Owner properly
signed certificates of inspection. Acceptance of the work will not be considered
until such certificates have been delivered.
.3 Business license shall be obtained and paid for by Contractor.
.1 Upon completion of the work and adiustment of the eQUipmentu all systems shall
be tested under the direction of the Owner's inspector to demonstrate that all
equipment functions electrically in the manner reQUired.
.? AU systems shall test free from short circuits and grounds, shall be free from me-
chanica'l and electrical defects. All circuits shall be tested for proper neutral
connections .
9. GUARANTEE:. All materials and equipment furnished and installed under this Division
shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for Q period of one year, except ballasts for
lighting fixtures shall have a two year guarantee, from the date of acceptance of the
work by the Owner. Should any trouble develop during this period, due to defective
materials o( faulty workmanship, the contractor shall furnish all necessary labor and
materials to correct the troubJ~ at no additional cost to the owner. One year period
sholl begin from flnal acceptance of the proiect.
10. SERVICES: Every effort has been madct to determine as accurately as possible the reQuire-
ments of",e electrical, telephone and fire alarm service. However, before submitting
his bid, the Contractor shall verify the locations shown on the plans. After the contract
has been awarded, the Contractor shall arrange for temporary service.
11. CLEANING: The Contractor shall, from time to time as directed, clean up all debris
resulting from his operations, and, upon completion, shall leave the work in a complete
and undamaged condi tlon .
12. SHOP DRAWINGS: See Division C2, Article 8.
Page 4
MA~UFACTURERS" DIRECTIONS: Manufacturers' directions shall be followed in all
cases where the manufacturers of articles used in this contract furnish direcNons covering
points not shown In the drawings and specIfications.
14. TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICES: The Contractor under this section of the work
shall be responsible for furnishing and installing tempOrary service and wiring required
for the use of the various contractors and subcontractors during the construction period.
All wirIng must be installed to meet with all requIrements of the State of California
Industrial Accident Commision.
15.. DRAWINGS: The genetallayout as shown on the drawings must be fol1owed in all
cases, except where other work may conflict with the drawings. Contractor must examine
all architectural drawings and structural diagrams carefully before beginning his work
and report any discrepancies that may occur. No allowances shall subsequently be
made in his behalf for any extra expense to which he may be put in making changes
in his work due to omissions or defects in drawings when they conflict with other work.
Any changes in this work shall be done In a manner approved by Architect.
CUTTING AND PATCHING: Perform all cutting and patching of the construction
work which may be required for the proper tnsta'lIation of the electrical work All
patching shall be of the same material, workmanship, and finish as, and shall accu-
rately match all surrounding work.
17. FLASHING: Whenever conduit extends through roof, furnish and install galvanized
iron ftashing consisting of 24 gauge roof iack and flashing collar sealed with Dux-Seal
to conduit and covering top of roof lack. Roof iack shall extend 6 inches out on roof and
up conduit at least 8 inches. Coordinate installation of flashings with rooftng installation
to permit roofing contractor to mop in flanges between roofing plies.
. 1 Rigid metallic conduit and fittings shall be steel, or aluminum that is hot-dipped
galvanized or sherardized both inside and out with threaded connecton and
couplings. Electro-galvanizing is not permitted.
.2 Electrical metallic tubing and fittings shall be steel, or aluminum that is hot-
dipped galvanized or sherardized both inside and out with watertight, compression
type, wrench tightened comectors and couplings.
.3 Flexible steel conduit shall be manufactured from single strip steel, galvanized on
all sides prior to conduit fabrication.
.4 Flexible conduit connectors and couplings shall be die cast fittings of the type
that screw into the inside of the conduit with threading ridges at 900 to the fitting
body to insure a force fit. D & H Electric Co. or equal.
Page 5
Flexible liquid tight steel conduit and fittings shall be manufactured from single
strip steel galvanized on all sides prior to conduit fabrication with an extruded
polyvinyl chloride cover and liquid tight fittings that provide positive ground
continuity .
Rigid plastic conduit and fittings shall be heavy wall, virgin polyvinyl chloride
conforming to U.L. Proposed Standard for Rigid Plastic Conduit dated July 25,
1963, modified to include the average outside diameter dimensional tolerances
given in the Industrial Accident Commission.s "Report on the Discussion of the
Standard" dated N-wember 12, 1962, with fittings conforming to U.L.Proposed
Standard 514 dated August 12, 1962.
Provide conduit sizes for the various circuits as indicated on the drawings and a5
required by code for the size and number of conductors to be pulled therein. t'-.",
bends or offsets will be permitted-unless absolutely necessary. Conceal all con-
duits unless noted otherwise.
Use rigid steel or rigid plastic for all conduit installed underground or in or
below slabs on grade. For all risers and stub-ups provide large radius rigid me-
tallic conduit elbows.
.9 Use rigid metallic conduit for all st .::es of 2-1/2 inc:hes and larger that are installed
above grade; for all sizes having direct exposure to the weather; for all si .::es
subject to mechanical injury.
. 10 Electrical metallic tubing may be used for trade sizes of 1/2 to 2 inches inclusive
in all dry locations, except where rigid metallic conduit is required or indicated.
Concrete or masonry in contact with earth are not- considered dry locations..
. 11 Use flexible steel conduit only where indicated. Use flexible conduit for short
motor or vibrating equipment connections (Minimum 36 inches long) and for
connections to recessed fixtures from junction or pull boxes. Provide liquid-
tight type flexible conduit for connections in areas exposed to the weather and
damp locations. .
. 12 Securely tighten all threaded joints below grade or embedded in concrete in con-
tact with earth and make joints liquid and gas tight by means of red lead and
oil or litharge and glycerine applied to 011 male threads. Apply a heavy coating
of Pabco P & B no. 2 point to all surfaces within 6 inches each side of fittings
and areas where wrenches or other too Is have been applied.
.13 Keep bends and offsets in conduit runs to an absolute minimum. For the servtng
utilities, make large radius bends. Replace all deformed, flattened or kinked
condui t .
Page 6
. 14 Seal ends of all conduit with approved manufactured conduit seals, caps or plugs
immediately after installation. Keep ends sealed until immediately prior to
pu iii ng conductors.
. 15 Cut threads on rigid conduit to standard taper and to a length such that all bare
metal exposed by the threading operation will be completely covered by the coup-
lings or fittings used. In addition, cut the lengths of the thread such that all
joints will become secure and wrench-tight just preceding the point where the
conduit ends would butt together in couplings and where conduits ends would
butt into the ends or shoulders of other fittings. Securely tighten all threaded
. 16. Where union fittings are required, use only approvt-,d conduit unions. Running
thread joints are not acceptable.
.17 Provide a No. 14 iron pull wire or a polyethylene rope rated 250 pounds tensile
strength in all conduits more than five feet in length left empty for future use.
Tag all empty conduits at each accessible end with a tog identifying the purpose
of the conduit and the location of the other end. Inscribe on the tags with India
Ink clear and complete identifying information.
. 18 Provide independent support for all conduit rising from floor for motor connection
if over 2411 above floor. Do not support to a motor or duct wor'< which may trans-
mit vibration.
.19 Where branch circuit conduits turn up from floor into interior non-masonry wall,
terminate in flush coupling at floor and then extend into partition or to equipment.
.20 Do not strap or fasten rigid or electrical metallic tubing to equipment subject
to vibration or mounted on shock absorbine bases.
.21 Conduit seals: Russel and Stoll Type ES or equal. Wall entrance seals: O.Z.
Type FSK or equal. Riser cable supports: O.Z. or equal in accordance with
.22 Thoroughly swab out conduits with dry swab to remove moisture and debris before
wire is drawn in.
.23 No more than three 900 bends are allowed In any one conduit run. Where more
bends are required, provide condulets or pullboxes.
. 1 Boxes concealed in walls or ceiling shall be galvanized, stamped steel or sher-
ardized pressed steel, knockout type. All boxes shall be of proper code size for
Page 7
o the number of wires or conduits passing through or terminating therein, but in no
case shall any box be less than 4" square, unless specifically noted as smaller on
the drawings, or boxes at end of a run and containing a single device may be of
the "Handy Box" type. Cover for flush outlets shall finish flush with plaster or
other finish surface.
.2 Telephone outlets shall be a minimum of 4-1/16" square by 2-1/8" deep.
.3 Switch and receptacle outlet boxes shall be standard or gang boxes with suitable
device plates.
.4 Surface mounted boxes or fittings exposed to weather shall be the cast ferrous or
aluminum type with threaded hubs and proper gasketed or threaded cast covers.
.5 Floor boxes shall be cast iron, watertight, adjustable units with combination
1/211 and 2-1/211 plug. Match drilled openings in boxes for conduit entrance
si..~e of conduit entering. Seal all unused hubs. Provide carpet rings as required.
. 1
All conductors shall be new and shall have been manufactured within 12 months
of the date of delivery to the site and continuously stored where protected from
the sun, heat or weather. Conductors shall be delivered to the site on their
original cable reels or in their original unbroken packages.
02 All conductor sizes indicated on the drawings are for copper conductors. Minimum
conductor si.!:e shall be No. 12 AWG, except where noted otherwise.
.3 Conductors No.4 AWG and smaller shall be type TVI, THW or THW"'. Conductors
larger than No.4 AWG shall be TWH or 1WHN.
.4 All conductors to be color coded as follows:
Phase A - Red
Phase B - Block
Phose C - Blue
Neutral - White
Ground - Green
.5 Conductors in conduits subject to direct radiation of the sun, such as exposed
conduits and between roof sheathing and roofing materials, shall be TWH.
.6 Color code all branch circuit wiring. Each phase shall be the same color through-
out the system and shall be a different color from the other phases.
Page 8
.7 Make all branch circuit and fixture Joints for '8 AWG and smaller wire with U.L.
approved: connectors lisl'ed for 600 volts, approved for use with copper and/or
aluminum wire. Connector body to consist of a cone shaped, expandable coil
spring insert, insulated with a nylon shell and two wings placed opposite to each
other to serve as a "built-in" wrench. Shell to be molded one piece as manu-
factured by Ideal Industries "Wing Nut" connectors or equal by IIScotchlok'
.8 Make all branch circuit ioints of '8 AWG and larger with screw pressure lugs
made of high strength structural aluminum alloy and U. L. approved for use with
both copper and/or aluminum wire as manufactured by T & B, Burndy or OZ
.9 For control wiring, conform to the wiring diagrams shown on the mechanical
drawings and the manufacturers' wiring diagrams, to control the equipment in
the manner specified under the "Mechanical" section of the specifications.
Color code all control wiring.
Duplex conveniencG outlets shall be of the grounded type, 1SA, 125 volts,
Hubbell 5252-1, side and bock wired, with two current-carrying parallel con-
tacts and one U-shaped grounding contact internally connected to the frame.
.2 lighting switches shall be specification grade, ivory, quiet, totally enclosed,
bakelite or composition base, toggle type. Provide single-pole, 2-pole, 3-way,
weatherproof, or other type switches as indicated. Approved manufacturers:
Arrow-Hart, Bryant, or Hubbell.
!'3 Momentary contact switches shall beArrow-Hart~o. 1995, 20Ampo, SoP.D.T.,
three-position, center "off'l.
01 Provide plates for all switches, receptacles, lunction boxes, telephone, and
other outlets. Plates shall be specification grade, ivory, smooth design as manu.
factured by Arrow-Hart.
.2 Provide engraved or etched plates for all lock switches, pilot switches, switches
from which the equipment or circuit controlled cannot be readily seen, and for
three or more switches under a common plate.
Page 9
DISCONNECT SWITCHES: Disconnect switches shaJl be 250 volt, horsepower rated,
externally operated, quick-make and quick-break, lockable type with ratings as indI-
cated. Maximum voltage, current, and horsepower rating shall be clearly marked on
the switch enclosure. The cabInet door shall be locked when the switch is in the closed
24. CIRCUIT BREAKERS: All circuit breakers shall be molded case type, thermal magnetic,
quIck-make, quick~reak, NEMA and UL approved. All multi-pole breokers shall be
so designed that an overload in one pole automatically causes 011 poles to open. All
breakers for lighting panelboard use shall be temperature compensating for enclosure
ambients. Approved manufacturers are: Westinghouse, Square 0, or General Electric
.1 The main switchboard shall be of dead front, floor standing construction, 9011
high with service section and distribution section as shown on the drawings. All
comections and equipment shall be completely accessible from the front. Finish
shall be USAS No. 61 over a completed primer which shall follow a thorough
cleaning of the steel.
.2 The switchboard shall consist of a completely enclosed self-supporting metal
structure, having the required number of formed and welded sheet steel enclo-
sures required to mount circuit breakers and other equipment as specified. Sheet
metal of not less than 12-gauge shall be used. All brea'<ers shall be the size indi-
cated on the drawings, and shall be rated for the interrupting capacIty. Indicated
on the drawings. nreakers shall be of the bolt-on type. The switchboard shaJl
have a U.L. label. Approved manufacturers are: Westinghouse, Square 0, or
General Electric Company.
.3 Space shall be provided on the service section for the powelf' company's meters
and current transformers In accordance with their requirements.
26. PAN ELBOARDS: Panelboard shall be 120/208 volt, three-phase, four-wire, solid
neutral as indicated. Panelboard cabinets shall be provided with hinged lockable
doors, typewritten index card holders under plastic cover, copper bussing, and main
lugs as indicated on the drawings, keyed to operate, from one key and permanent type
plastic or metal numbers on adiacent trim, removable only from back of trim, to identify
the branch circuit breakers. Breakers shall have a minImum interrupting rating of
5,000 amperes. Panels shall be similar to General Electric type "NLAB". Approved
manufacturers are: Westinghouse, Square 0, .'or General Electric Company.
MANUAL MOTOR STARTERS: Manually operated motor starting switches shall be
General Electric, Square 0, Or Westinghouse Class 10-015.. Each starter shalt be
provided with the proper size overload device to protect the motor to which it is con-
nected .
Page 10
.1 A complete grounding system shall be installed to effectively and completely
ground the entire electrical system, and shall be installed in accordance with all
governing code requirements and the requirements of the serving power company ~
.2 Make good contact at all panel boxes, outlet boxes and function boxes.
03 The distrtbution system and the service neutral shall be grounded by a ground
conductor to accessible cold water main and in addition to a separate "grounding
electrode" 0
.4 All equipment, including the switchboard, panelboards, conduit system, moton
and other apparatus shaH be grounded by a conduit or conductor to ground.
.5 All underground feeder runs in non-metallic conduit shall contain a copper
grounding conductor properly comected for electrical continuity. Grounding
conductor shall be sized as required by regulations having iurisdiction and shall
have green insulation.
.6 "Grounding electrodell shall consist of a No.4 bare copper wire 50 feet in
C length extended Its full length. II Grounding electrode" shall be embedded along
the bottom of the concrete foundation footing which is in direct contact with the
earth, and supported in such a manner that it cannot be less than three inches
from the bottom or side of the concrete when the Foundation concrete Is poured.
Electrode shall not be In contact with reinforcing steel. Comection to electrode
from electrical ground conductor shalt be by Cadweld (exothermic process)
process 0
.7 An additional driven test rod shall be installed 10 feet from the grounding elec-
.8 All bolted ground connections shall be accessible for inspection.
. 1 lighting fixtures sholl be provided with aH parts and fittings necessary to com-
pletely and properly Install the fixture. All incandescent fixtures shall be wired
from outlet to socket with '14 AWG Underwrlten' Type "AFII Of "CFII fixture
wire. All fixtures shalt be equipped with lamps of the size and type as indicated.
All 300 watt fixtures, except recessed units, shall have mogul sockets or as
indic:Gted otherwise.
Page 11
..2 Pendant stem-mounting fixtures shall be supplied with swivel hangen. In all
cases suspended ftxtures shall swing in any directIon a minimum of 200 after
InstallatIon. FIxtures shall have stem lengths to give the mounting height indIcated
on the drawIngs. The stem shall be one piece without coupling, and sholl be
finished the some color as the canopy.. The Contractor shall check all locknuts
and set screws to rigidly secure the socket to the stem, and the stem to the outlet
box.. All ftxtures sholl be plumb and vertical.
.3 All fixtures of one type shall be of one rnaftufacturer and of identical finish and
appearance ,
A All fluorescent fixtures shall be equipped with ETL approved, C.8.M. certified
high power factor ballasts with the lowest sound rating available. Fluorescent
fixtures shall be designed to accommodate T12, 430 m..a. lamps except where
specified otherwl.... AU ballasts shall be equipped wTth- non-resettlng thermal
cutouts exceptos"nOted;-Ballasts requIred by National Electrical Code to in-
corporate ballost protection shall be Class "P".
.5 Ballasts for exterior fixtures shall be low temperature type.
.6 Lamps shall be furnished with each flxture and shall be new, of wattage and type
as indicated, and as manufactured by General Electrico
,,7 Incandescent lamp sholl be suitable for 120 volt operation and shall be of the type
(L e. I. F ., R40, clear, etc,,) recommended by the fixture manufacturer, except
as speclflcally noted otherwise. General use lamps shall be inside frosted type
with medlum base for lamps 200 watts and smaller, and with mogul base for 300
watts or larger, except as noted on drawings"
.8 Fluorescent fixtures shall be rapid start type, except as specifically noted other-
wI... All lamps shall be standard cool white except os noted and shall have a
minimum rating of 3000 lumens. Lamps shall be bl-pln, T12, 430 m..a., with
48" nominal length.
.9 Iodine quartz lamps shean be of the type and wattage indicated on the chowlnga.
, , Install and connect owner-furnished emergency generating plant as shown on the
drawings. The source of supply shall be ftCIlural gas. Furnished plont is Kohler
model '5 AMKGI. Provide plant with standard weatherproof housing.
.2 Install and connect owner-furnished transfer switch as shown on the drawings.
;' i ~:;7
.C;j ;i.::.,
: ~j-{~.
TO~ The City of Gilroy. CaHforni.a"
L Pursuant to and in compliance with your Notice to Bidders and the Contract
Documents rela.ting to the construction of th.e Gilroy Headquarters Fire
Statiol'lp Gilroy. Californiag including Addenda Noso-L. _" __9 the
undersigned bidder~ having become thoroughly familiar with the terms and
conditions of the Contract Documents and with local conditions affecting the
performance and the costs of the Work, hereby proposes and ag:t"ees to fully
perforrn the Work within the time stated and in strict accordance with the
Contract Documents (including the furnishing of any and all labor. materials,
tools,. equipn1.ent~ scaffolds, transportationp feesp taxes. service3, overhead,
insurance and everything 11ecessary and ili,cidental to the compleh<}(i. t)f the
~rks ready for occupancy) for the total surn of
_1l~ :Zd-:;}&~$-'.~L'. .~L"4-'=~_Y;;"~~__
';M<>v~d- " fl- ~ 'h[21~ _~___ f$..L.5.3,o/6d cg).
( ords) (Figures)
2. Accornparlyin.g this proposal is a. ___hidder's-1l.QwL__ (insert words "cash",
"cashier1s check'!, "certified check", or llbidder's bondll as the case rnay be
in an arnount equal to at least ten percent of the tota1 of the bid,
3. Attached hereto and incorporated herein is the Supplement to Proposal {or
Alternate Items and Unit Prices.
4. Attach.ed hereto and incorporated herein also is the list of subcontractors to
be em.ployed by" the undersigned in the perfor'mance of the Work.
5. It is understood that Owner reserves the right to reject this proposal and
tha.t it shaH ren'1ain open and l10t be v,ithdrawn for a period of sixty (60) da.Yl;J
frOl:n the date prescl'ibed for its opening.
6" It is ul1ile rsti.)od. arid agl-eed t11ilt if "'V\'l"itt~n .ilotice of the b\CCe-ptance of this I> ),;'0
posal is !:nailed 01' delive~f.ed p''::1"''-'Ol1ully to the ulLluersigned bidder within sb,;:1:y
(60) days aft.eX' the dc;a.te set fo:1' the 'Opening of the proposal, 0;:.0 at any time
thereafter b~:fore it is withdrawn, the undeX'sign!~d biclde7 'will execute and ~k;
Hvel' the Contr:<lct Docu:.mente to Owner in accordance with the proposal
accepted;. and win also furnish. a11d deliver to O~jt!l1f;-';!r the Perf.ormance Bond;
Labo!" and Mate:dahnants Bond a.nd Insurance Policies as specifiec',all with
in ten (10) daY:1 .after per9o!'lc:l dclive,.y or deposit in the lrnails as the can",:
:Ck'1i').'l1::'.D, of the notification of .RwaJ:ct The above mentioned bonds and poHej",
shaH be satisfactory to the O''';lner
7. Notice of ac~ep'i;ance 01' request for additional information may be addressed
to the undersigned bidder at the business address set forth below.
~i j r.; f1 t i.:-: ,,~f".r; /\
The u..ndersigned declareB that this proposal is not made in the intel'est of or
on behalf of any undisclosed person, partnership, company.. aS8odatiofl"
organization or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive 01'
sham; that t.he undersigned bidde:e h,'AS not directly or indirectly induced or
solicited any othel" bidder to put in a false or sha.m proposal and has not d:...
redly or indirectly colluded or agr.eed with any bidder or anyone else to put
in a sham proposal or to refra:Ln from bidding; that the undersigned bidder
has not directly or indirectly !Hmght by agreement" eommunication or con-
fet'cnce with anyone to fix hiB bid price or the bid price of 'a..ny othe!' bidders
or to fix any overhead) profit or cost elem.cnt of such hid price or that of any
other bidder, or to secu:,c any adv....ntage aga.inflt the City of Gilroy or anyone
illtereBted in the proposed contract; that the only person or persons interested
in this proposal rH'l principals are those named herein; that all statements
contaitled in this proposed .axe true; that the llnde:rsigned bidder has not direct...
1y 01' indirectly submitted his bid price 01:' any bl'Cakdo'W1'1 thereof, '..)J the
contents hereof, or divulged hlforrn.ation or data relative thereto" t., any
other perSOll, pnrtnership, corporation or association except to sllch person
or persons as have direct financial interest in bidder' a general business;
and that the ul"ldersigned has not accepted any bid Irain any subcontractor or
materialman through any bid deposito1"f. the By-lawaD Rules 01' Regulations
of which p::ohibit or preve.nt any lJubcont~r.actor or materialman frorr.1 bidding
to any gelleral contractor Vv"he does not use the facilities of or accepts bids
from or through such bid depository,
9. Vlherever in this proposal an amount is stilted in both 'words and figures9 in
case of ditl:crepancy between words and figtu'cs the wo}:-ds t:hall prevaiL
10, The :r.tan'lce of an pC1'80nS inte:l:'es:{(H:1 in the foregoing proposal :as principals
are 0.8 fol1o\f1s:
{IMPORTJH.J'T NOTICE); If bidder 01' other interested person is a corpora.,
t:!.0l'19 :atate legal nzo.rne of co:rpol'c,:tion" also na:mef:J of the president? secr.e~
tary. treasurer and rnanage:l." thereof; :If a (~o..par.tnel'ahip" state true narrll::n
of th<:: firm, also nan1.ea of aU in.dividua.l CO",p,?ll"tners COl'llposing fhorn; if
bidder 01" other interested [)1,H"SOJl is a:n individual, Dta.te first and last n.<n:ne~;
11"1 ful L
~-~..,- __....___.._.._.n~'_._ . ~.____.~.~ ___+_'_.__~___.._._....._.__~__._~._'u~__~_.. _"~_"'___"'___'___"_'___'_'___~_____'____'____'_____________~_ ,_"
"_'''_~'_'~__'_'_'''''_'__'_'__'U___''_'_'___' _____.__,...__..___....._____~_..___~...___.,__.___...+_...___._+_.......+~_.._._.._.~____________~______.___'__________...__ ._,.~_
-~~._.._.~_..._-_.._---'"-_.._----- -.- ,.- - ..-....--.---.--.---...... -.'-*"'-'--~----' ......~. -.--. ....- ~ "-".- ....---.-...--...- "~.--"-,"-.'-' ,.- ..--.,------....--.----.---'---.-..--.--.--- ----..--,-.--"--..---... "._,_.,
l.icensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of Contrac~-
tors. California License Noo 115113
;. ..):'
Sign he:rt~. 0' " c
; ---V-- --~ c~Z
I/~U-=--.r/ ---
Signahlxe of Bidder
Not,;;:;~ If bide:lt;;1'" is ~, C{H~'Po:t":J.tion, the legaJ na.me of the co:r.poratioTl shall 'be
s,et forth togethe r with the SiglleJtiJ l'e of the oificc:i" 01" officers authorized to
sign contracts on behalf of. the corporation; if bidder is :a cOor;t~.rb.er.ehip>>
th.e tl"ue n.une of the firrn r.;haU be set forth togeth,,:r with the signahll"e of.
the partne:r 01~ pa:rtners zuthorizeci to sign contracts in behalf of the co~.
partnerf:hip; and if bicl~:hH. is an individu..3.1, his aignat...u.-e shall be placed in
designated space"
To",' ~-> ,~'... 80 Casey Street, Gilroy, California
.Buuln<_:Ei s A duX' .... B S ___._._____.____._____..____.....____.
., ~'., 7691 Princevalle, Gilroy, California
Plac<9 01 l-<:'eSloe:n.ce ___.__...__.___.___________._______.___.
I.h2.ted~_.,_~~~.:~n~~~,~~~._~~;n1971 ,
69/18 Divisi\)l1 ".,\~
L Alte:tnates; Quote Oil.dditiOKl<'J. arnount8 for the followmg altl;!'tl<.ltes. hlsen
am.uunts for work 211Cl'eased as noted. Alternates shaH conforrn to~he TIt!:.
quirements of General Conditions and General Requirements as wen CI.S to
technical sections covering the work specified.
Provide asphalt paving in area designated Alternate No. 1 on draw.
ingf!';, Include preparathm of $ubgrade~ base ~;o!J.rse and redv.}.:}od
headers. (Note that cat.;;h basin in this area is in base bid. )
l~' fit, 0 ()
Provide fencing and landscaping in area designated Ahernate No. 2:
on dX'awings.
ADD TO THE BASE InD THE Alv:IOUNT OF $___._ dl2.i?-CJ_. 0 ~"__,
2. Failure to insert a quotatiofl for ;'\1~ Alterna.te will be constnwd as indic;a",
ting no bid fur the Alternat.e, and at ;:he Owner's opHon may disqllaHf'}f' the
3. The O'Wiler ma.y have ten OO} days afte:r the execution of the Contrac;t to
accept 01' rejt~ct any 01" all Alternates. Accepted Alternate or }".1ternates
ahall be aria hereby is/iJ.r:e hereby incorporated into the Contract D()cumenL~
and is/are subject to aHr'laquirelnents thereof.
,;n c'i..implhmce \:vHh tht' prov""1siong 01 Sadion "HOO.;,}. J 07 of the GoVtH'mrH:lnL (:vdf'~ of
thEe St:a,te of CalHornia~ and amendments th,ereof'i the underBlgned bidder' has Bet
t'th~H~h~w the nlH'ne a,nel locatic'n of the place of business of each It,ubcont:r's'ctc,r 'Nh()
v,'in p~:d't:H'7iTl work or labor or rendE:? service to the urldersigned in or abuut the (;(,'1),
IfltnH::Ho1(t, ()f the Wurk to be perfo:rnu~d tr,nde.r the Contract DO(;UIill=nta i:OIJ;rJ:-.i,('b thti:',
ii'l'tached bid is relt'pOiH:i!ve, and the pcrrtion of thi::WOi'k 'which will bF.: don~ by 'f'.1ch
,:;ilibc:r.:mt1";,:u:::tor f(H' each Rn.Ocontract in eXCl',HH:l (If one percent of the twde rSJ gnoed' s tt;;\
t,':d ;t!,ggregate bid,
:\::;~::t:..tt:'i::: ._~.~u..
Portion {}{work to be 'pef'fo.i..med;_'_h<<~~C:A.'1r':~!~~~!_,~~~,I~~
Subcontractor ~~ ~~
Addm.._._..~~:.~.~.~=.:m_::_-.~...:.... ..
Pt,:1'rt'lcm of wo:dt'. to be pe'l'formed:; h,_~~~FO~~_~~~~~EL
3 Subcontracto" .~~ .~u.k.J!:?'1.M~
Addr.,.< .....--L~-.. ._._....... ........_.._
pOj't'1"r~ of work to be pe1tf"'t:'med~ _h___..~~,::IN~~__~~~:,_,~:~~___,__,.,.__,__,__,_.
=k~. .uu<<..-
P!:~:\:'tion of ".'ork to bre pertrH':rned
ractol _~__&::;;~Z;-~~"___
[\u::Jdlt?~" i.;_ ,----4.~ .. _ _h.d
'~.:..lil.'i r."ti {J!:~,
t '~J. Li e t;:,. c:= j" f(~}; rn_ (_; r1
<;{ J b~-I1'
...._.~...._.,- ~~-~,. ......--.....-'"' ..
('9/18 Division AS Pap',~?
Address ~
_ _.___..__..-~,.__._.._.__w__.__~_
8. ::::::r:c::~~.pe~lor~~~N~~.---.-=~.~~
Addres a ~
Portion of work to be pe1"for:med~ lATH & PlASTER
Subcontractor, : ~~ .&~(J~-
Address: ~
Portion of work to be pe:r.fol"rned: GYPSUM BOARD
S\lbContractor:_~~ ~~__________
Portion of work to be pe:rformed~ ___ ACOUSTICAL TILE
Subcontractor: ~O<I.t~ ~_<i..~_....___
AddreBS~ ~ ~
12. Subcontra.ctor~
Portion of work to ~r~ormed: CERAMIC TILE
Subcontractor: ~~__
Portion of work to be perfor],1C!ed~_ FLOOR COVERING
Subcontractor:: _~ ..- ~ . __
Addres s ~ ________..__..__ ___ _____~ ~__.____.____._____.______._____
~;~;;;r:~::;rk ~d::;b.-:.VERI1!CULITE.. CONC~
~ID'JERof wor~ORD<lN E:..:ARcn:E_:'RHEAD_D()()~ By _~~
Bond No. 235551
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and eX13ting under
the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of
as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the
as obligee, in the sum of TEN P.6HCENT OF THE 1,1'10UNT BID ---------_________
-.--"-., --.-.- (10 %) -------------------------DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States
of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety
bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and
severally, by these presents.
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award to the
Principal for:
according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make
and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and
shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as
Surety or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure
so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceed-
ing the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in
full force and effect.
Signed, Sealed and Dated this
day of
19 71
-'/)',' " P~~cipal(s)
BY~?~ ~d
B-1312 - Con tract - Bid Bond
State of California
County of
Santa Clara
On January 28 , 19_? lefore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally
appeared GEORGE A. PARRISH known to me to be the person
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as Attorney-in-Fact of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and
acknowledged to me that_he subscribed the name of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, as Surety, and ~
own name as Attorney-in-Fact.
, ' ' ". '~"~!U'IIII~,unu..nlllllll!UUU"l
. "'I.n'nN it: ',--.
~. ".', ,~'~'.''''''::. ).' !CHUI\~
;,' . ",<, !';:i;'<~\'I~\~. .:t; 1;~(tN1A
· . <-. " "r\ CL\'<, "'("I I
'a '"'::'~:'f,'}UUinlil~' J t. ~..:UNTY
~~i . ~!UUI.;~i!;;Ju"~~J:~UUUIIUU .
~n lx...iie:; Nov. 17, 1971
/J; ,vl~ &i.~~L
Notary Pub IC In and for sOld Coullty
6-2004 California - Jurat (Attorney-in-Fact Acknowledgment) Rev, 1-65