American Institute of Timber Construction it!,!, 333 WEST HAMPDEN AVENUE . ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80110 Telephone: 761-J212IA.C. :DJI A:t\ v.J AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION RECEIVED MAY 11 1978 RUTHERfORD & CHEKEN.E AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made between American Institute of Timber Construction (herein called "AITC") and the undersigned party or parties this 5th day of June 1978' . WITNESSETH: I ! ! I- ! I ; \ WHEREAS, acknowledging that AITC has no liability or responsibility for the condition of said products and/ or damages, if any, resulting therefron\, the undersigned party (or parties) is desirous of obtaining from the AITC technical representatives tech- nical advice concerning the condition of said products and their adequacy to perfot:'In satisfactorily.. and ~hether replacements of any partic\1lar type ~hould be made, and 'AITC and said representatives are willing to give such technical advioe, provided AITC and said representatives are absoJved and saved harmless of and from f\ny liability resulting from such advice, or~he undersigned or a.ny other person's or persons' reliance on said advice. NOW THEH.EFQRE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as follows: 1. AITC, acting through its designated technical representa- tives, agrees (a) to make such investigation and tests of the aforesaid products and structure as in its discretion are deemed desirable; (b) to give technical advice to the undersigned concerning the soundness of said product or structure, and the recommendations as to corrective action if such is deemed necessary; and, in resped of such advice and recommendations, AITC represen tatives shall exercise their best judgment, based on their technical knowledge and experience; provided, however, that in so advising, no guarantees or warranties in respect f' ~~ \ i ~ ~,~ I' ,I ~~; ;1 f,\ ~ t; li,~ I ,I JI ~ I, I: & II ~ \ " 'J< -2- of such advice or recommendations in connection therewith are or shall be made to the undersigned or to any engineer, contractor, Or any other person or firm having an interest in 8aid product or structure, and neither AITC nor any of its said representative8 shall be liable for or have any responsibility in any respect to the undersigned, or to any person or firm, for damage, loss, or inju.-y resulting frQ~ any mistake or any error of judgment in respect of such advice, or frQm any other ca.use. 2. The undersigned, for itself and ita successor8 and assigns, agrees that neither AITC nor any of its said tepre8entative8 shall be liable, jointly or severally, to the undersigned for any 1088 or damage (whether direct or indirect) resulting from tb~ f,.ilul"e of said product or structure~ or the failure of any repair Qr J'eplacement used in correcting said condition. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMaER CO~l"U]CTION By " The undersigned persons and firms indicated acknowledge notice of the terms and conditions of the foregoing agreement an4. in.ot.r as applicable to them, hereby accept them. City of Gilroy By Mayor Pro tempore Date June 5, 1978 By Date By Date ',110. '., ~.>;,.~\' ROBERT B. WONG' A.I.A.' ARCHITECT 569 GEARY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALI FORNIA 94102 .. TELEPHONE (415) 474-2967 Ma y 3 1, 19 78 Mr. Fred O. Wood City Administrator City Hall 7390 Rosanna SL Gilroy, CA 95020 Dear Fred: re: Gilroy Fire Station Enclosed is the information I discussed with you by phone. Please review and take appropriate action. Thanks. Sincerely, 4t1 t<)~ Robert B. Wong, ALA RBW/fl Council: Approximately two (2) months ago, the Fire Chief noted a hairline crack in the most northerly glulam beam (one of two) in the apparatus room was widening. I advised him to immediately get the building's architect down to assess the situation. Attached is a report of that investigation. I recommend your approval o d-harmless agreement with the American Institute of Timber Construc- t t~d~thlN'investigation. o()&IJ~ City Administrator / t. f1, /~ ~UVl}QlE~FO~D & C~;:::~[E~~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS a california corporation 26 May 1978 Robert Wong, Architect 569 Geary Street San Francisco, CA. 94102 JOHN B RUTHERFORD CONSTANTINE C CHEKENE PETER E BANK HAROLD A DAVIS WILLIAM T HOLMES #7010 Subject: Gilroy Fire Station Roof Beam Investigation Dear Bob, We want to bring you up to date on the subject project, and also provide recommendations for further action. On or about April 18 1978, you requested that we visit the existing station to verify the nature of alleged cracking in one of the glulam roof beams. This cracking had been observed and reported to you by Chief Brittain of the Gilroy Fire Department, headquartered in the building. On April 20, we visited the site, and observed for ourselves the cracking at the supports, and to a much lesser extent, through other areas of the beam. At the time some crude measurements were taken of the length and width of the main cracks. Only the northerly beam appeared to be so affected, and since the beams are almost identically loaded, no obvious structural reason for this could be determined. In order to avert any possible problem of sudden beam failure, or difficulty with the overhead doors, we requested that the City shore up the northerly beam immediately, which they did. Following that review, we have requested that the American Institute of Timber Construction, a trade organization of fabricators, lumber mills, etc. send a technical representative out to review the problem, and issue an opinion on the status of the beam and possible repairs. Their representative, Thomas Brassell, visited the site in my company on May 15 1978. As described in the accompanying letter, AITC will require a hold- harmless agreement be signed for their report to be issued. We have enclosed copies of the standard agreement, which the City should sign and return to us. At this time, we do not foresee any immediate structural problem, but we would recommend repair to the support area to avoid further propagation of the cracking. Ih our opinion, the beam is suffering J87 IjRYANT STREET SAN FRANCISCO 94107 TEL 415/391-3990 . 160 MAIN STREET LOS ALTOS 94022 TEL 415/948-6519 ~J V _ Ll- -- J () [NtUi7~~~tr"OiND Be CW;::I;.(i:SNra Robert Wong Architect 26 May 1978 from distress of an internal nature relating to moisture and lumber characteristics, and we have no way of predicting the extent of that distress unless the beam is repaired. If the City of Gilroy wishes to have us prepare documents for the repair, we will be glad to submit a proposal for this work. We do not feel that it will be a major problem to correct, but will require careful documentation to get the work done correctly. Please advise the City of the current status and let us know if we can be of further help. Sincerely, RUTHERFORD & CHEKENE ---'~711 ;/ 17 /7 ^ . ),#/t-(,~ II N ~ Harold A. Davis HAD/tvk Encl. . . AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION 333 WEST HAMPDEN AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80110 TELEPHONE 761.3212, A.e. 303 May 9, 1978 Mr. Hal Davis 487 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA 94107 Subject: Inspection of Glued Laminated Beam, Gilroy, California Dear Mr. Davis: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of May 9, 1978., I will look at the beams in Gilroy and give you an opinion on their condition. In order to do so, however, I will need to have you and the owner sign the attached Hold Harmless Agreement. Will you take care of getting these signed. I will be arriving in San Francisco at 1 :35 p.m, r~onday, May 1.5 on Western flight 579. It is my understanding that I will be met at the Airport and driven to Gilroy and returned to the airport. Sincerely, ,~'J y... ^ /-V'. _~r' / fl; / .,;,~ , '. ,I : ,. '''hU'l u ij!u,J..4e ~ Thomas E. Brassell Vice President Technical Services TEB:pc Enc.