Hughan and Hughan Architects "!'~ f";o. ,". .""'~,..c",',~ii-~...'" ~ '..".........------..'.,~~,................." ~. . ' . - .'-.-.-.----. -' . (;&~ THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS I AlA Document B" .H ,,/"'.... Standard form of A.....nt~n Owner and 'Ardtited on a basis of a PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUCTION COST i~GREEMfNT " . . ":'Ie T~E:l~TY-;'4 INTn ',dred and SEVE.~'IY-SIX. day of' OCT<BP in the vearof Ninel~cl") ) 8fTWEEN ':ntE t-1AYOR AND "~.":\ com,elL (IF THE CITY OF ClLRO'''" "Al.Tr'..theOwner, ; ,:]C Hi.., ;",1) :ltlGi1i.... , A:.' IT~~<.T:;) AiD PU.."N.lttS, EE,,';::;.AF'tER CALLED the Architect, ;$ ~e intention of the O,^,r'ler to C(]-1STRUcr A FIRE: S!AT!Cl.'. AT THE J!JNC'rI~ OT.' .,;, /1,;,: D ',.JEL ~ ",', A VEt, 'JES. IN THE Cl'I'T ~ fiILR':W, r (;:'Jt. 'T'{ OF SANTA ClARA. _.~."...., hereinafter referred to as the Proj~;8~' The Own~r and the Architect agree as set forth below. .,,"'!\:;H:~CUMENT IU1 . OWNEIH"tCHITECT AGlutMtNl . SIPlfMBER tD:>)N. AlA@) ...}. Pf:, .ft\MEtt!CiV,", INSllfUTf. Of ARCHITECTS, 1735 ~EW yOjKAVENUE. NW, VVA' :.crON. ,;),C 2IJllll6 1 ;%,' l'l{jN nr--J; . SU"'AItA',RAPH 1'1.1 REVISED ; I \ \R(llllt ( : ,iull pi<" Ill., p/'Jl<",~I()Il.,j ,",'fVI, t~~ lOf tilt' J>foJ('cI III ,j(( ofddfll e With the'l ('1m, ,lfl..1 )lHtil~t}I)" ()l lilt'"> \\.~it.t'lllt'nl !! 1111 ()WNIR ~h.lll (Olllfl"lh.l!1' lilt' Al\hilcll. III a<<:ordanct' with tll(1 lcnns and Conditions 01 Ill" '\f:lt'('lllt'fll, ,I" lollow, . ;l. i UK H-II: At.:U I/ll U.\ liASI< ..,tlNlef.., .IS dl'scrihtld in P.Jfa.gr.lpll.l,l, a Ba!.lc fee computed ,~.t lilt." lollowlIll{ pt'rcenldHt", of Ihe ('ooo,lrut.lion Cosl, tiS defined in Article ], fur portions 01 'ht, l'ruWd 10 Iw ,lw.lI'dt~d undl'f i\ Single Stlpulillcd Sum Contract EIGHT A~D ("'~..llALF per cent <:>.504\ Sep.lfdte Stipul.ltcd Sum Contracts EIGHT AND am-It) L~ pllr cent '< .5%) A Single Cost !'Ius fet' Contrtlct EIGHT AND n'lE..:1ALF per cent ~.50/01 ~cptlf.lle Lost !'Ius fec Contracts EIGHT AND (l'4 E- HALF per (:ent :..5%' b; fOR THE AJ<Cl1IlECT'S ADDITIONAL SERVICES, as described inPara<<raph 1.3, a fee computed as follows: Principals' time at the hKed rate of T~.JENTY-FIVE & OOIHiQ)lIars <$ 25.00 per hour.. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Principals are: .Jom; !HlCI1AN - Archi teet [~OBERTA 1I0'..JSCX', :UXmAh - Areh! teet Employee,>' time computed ata multiple of '1"1'" AND.~I...~F 2.50 times the employees' Direct Personnel hpense as deftn~i"?ttjcle.... Additional services of professional consultants engaged for the normal structural, me- chanical .lOd electrit:al enKineering services at a multiple of ( 1.25 I times the amount bi.lfed to the Architect for !>uch' additional services. I c.fOR THE ARCHllfCT'S REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES. amounts eKpended as defined in ArticleS. d. THE TIMES AND FURTHER CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT shall be as described in Article 6. ".;AIt...,.. (' ---------'""--,._-_.~---_..,_...._._--~.._"- .--.-----., ......DQ;~Ullu'n IIUl . OWI'I~'h,J((:nluCT AGIlEEMfNT . SEPHMBER 19&1,. . AlA@) @ rHE ~UllCAN INSIlH; rt OF AltCHIllI: 1'0;, ~7J'i NEW Y.~K AVENUE. N.W., WASlIIN('! uN (),C JOOO6 Iv'Nf l~1M'NUNG. · WaP...I...GIA"H. ';.l.t 'fyt~J) :2 TERMS AND (ON!)" IONS 01 ACRHMENl H/:,I WHN OWNER AND ARCHITECT ARTICLE 'I ~ ARCHITECT'S SERVICES 1.1 BASIC SdlVICES The Ar~hitet.:t", Basic Services consist ot the five phdses described below and include normal struc- tural, mechanical and e1ellrical engineering services. SCtlliMATlC D~IC;N PHASf 1.1.1 The ^r~bitect shall consult With the Owner to as- certain the requii'emtmts of the Project and shall confirm !IUtt) r~uirements to the Owner. ,1.1.2' The... Architect shall. prep..re Schematic Design Studies consisting of drawings and other documents itfus-" trattngthe scale and relationship of Proiectcomponents for approval by the Owner; ,.., '1~1.3 The Arc::hitect shall submit to the Owner a State- ment of Probable Construction Cost based on current area, volume or . other unit costs. QESIGN DEVElQPMENT PHASE 1.1.4 The A,.chitectshallprepareJrom the approved Schematic Design Studies, for approvalhY the Owner; the .. D. esi8." Dev.. el~me.nt.Documeni.s... con..... .Si. stiPS..O. f.. d. . ra.,. .w. . in. gs ,....OUldotherddlfUments to fix and descrihe th~, ,.ite and 'lj.~'Ch... aracter ot..~fte-~nt. i,,~PrQiect ,.as, to struc;turaf,. me. clla.nio . ,caiand electflCdl systems, materials and' such other essen- ," tiaJs as may be appropriate. . 1.1.5 The Architect shall submit to the ()W/ler a fUrth~r Stat~Ment of Probable Construction Cost. C()NSTRUQJON DOCUMENTS 'liAS( 1~1.' ,;The A rChi tet;l shalt prepclreiff,>lllthe.approved De- sjgnOevelo~ment Documents, f()r apprQ\l~by' the OWn' eft . WorkingOrawing~ andSpedJkation~s~ttjng forth: in detaH. thefequirementli for, th~ .!:<mstruction ~"the~nhre PrQ~ettiocluding. t~e :necessary ~iddinginformation, and shall assilit. in the preparation of' bidding forms, the Con- ditiot1s .qf the Contract, and, the .form of Agreement be- ,tween the Owner <lnd theContractQr. .,.., .... ". ' 1.1~7The,Architect shaUadvise the Owner of any ad- . justment~to previous Statements 0; Prohable Constru(tion Cost indicated J)y 'changes in requirements Of gener~l mar~et conditions_ 1.1.tTl)eArchitect shaflassist thf#O\vnerin fi!jngthe leQuir~ 'documents for the approv~ of governmental ,autiloritieshaving ilJrisdittion over the Project. , 8I&1)IN~QI NEC;OTlATlOfl\l Ptlt\SE l.1;9T~ Ar<;hile(l" following . the ()wncr's approval at the C'mstruction Documents and or the latest Statement of P<obabfe Construction Cost, shilH qssist the Owner' in obl,lInlng bids or negotiated propmJb, Jnd in dW.J,d;"g .\/ld prq>Jnng construction contracts. C()N~ fRUCTlON PHASE-ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 1.1.10 The Construclion Phase will commcnce with c,{, aWilrd of ~he Construction Contract and' will termin.lte when final payment is made by the Owncr to the Con- trdctor. 1.1.11 The Archite~t shall provide Administration of the Construction Contract as liet forth in Artides 1.~hrQugh 14 inclusive of the General Conditions of, the,C60tnlt,:t for Construction, AfA DocumentA201, TenthEtJition'date~ September 1966, and the extent of his duties and respont sibilities and the limitations of hili authority as assigned thereunder shall not be modified without his writte" consent. 1.1.12 The Architect, as the representative of rheQwoer during the Construction Phase, shall adviseand>consult wilh the Owner and aU of the Owner's instructions to the Contractor sha.ll be issued through. the Architect. The Architect shall have authority to act on behalf oJ 'he Owner to the extent proVIded in the Genera! Cor,ditlQ!'l$ unless otherwise modified in writing, 1.1.13 The Architect shall at all times have acces:,c< the Work wherever it is in preparatiQn or progress. 1.1.14 The ,Architect shall makeperiocticvisits,~ell1e site to famili~Fizehimself $~nerally with .thePto~res!f'~~~ quality of the Work and 'to determineif),~~at;Jf'~~e Work ;s proceeding in accordance with the ('Ontla(:t Q~c--: uments. On' the, basispfhis un-site observations as,Jl~ Architect, he shall endeavor to . guard the OWner '. a~~$~ defects and deficiencies in the Work of the Conl,.~ttqr The Architect shall , not be required 10 make. exhaus'i.i\if; or contlnuousof\-site. inspections to. checkth~" qua!il\c qu,lOtity pf, the Work. The Architect shall nor beresfon. sible for ~onstructio~, me..ns, methods, techniques, . $f.!" quences orprQce4ureSl ,Qr for safely precautipos . <inc: progr.lms in}tQnn<<tion'wilh the Work, andh~sharlro: be responsibleioctb~ C01'ltractor's failure tocafFYQUtl11'c WOfk in. accQrdanc:ewith rhe c:on'ca,ct,DQCume~ts. 1.1.1 S8asedq~su(b ()bserva~ions at th~~it~and1}nlb€' Contrdctor's Applic~tio"s for. Pdyment,the!'rdlit<<ls",,:i detl'f!nine the ~rr1g\.l~t()wing to the COlltractc;nandsha.!; . issue C:(){tilicatesfQ~'P.)yment in such amounts, The.; ;,~ ,suanee of a ~erhii,c~efor,P"Ylllent shall constitute a<.rep- resentatlon bvt~eArchitect tothe Owner, based ,on ~hf Architect's obse~ationJiat the ; site asproYided. inSuh. p.l~agr~lph 1.1.H ~ndon,the data comprising the Appii, ,.lli("n for P.lyment. that the Work has progressed to th~ point indl(.)ted;. that to the best of the Architect's. know' edgf.', in(ormallt)O and .belief. thequal/tynt the Work )$ in acwrdancewi.th the C,HHr.Kt Documents .tsubjet:t to an evaluation' uf ,the WOrk dS .lfun(titmin~ wh()le upon Subst.lOthll C(>mplt:>tiull, to Iht' rf.'..ulI.. of any sIJb,equt'q; It''ihrequirt'd by the ('ontr.I~! Do(ument~. to ffil 0 ()f ~~-' -,~-~ 3 ~lA OOC""'~N.T'l.U.>OW" iKAK( Hlll( r Af.Klq.UNT ,-Sll'll MInK 1'11>1> UlH\.4)!'I . ""1'. \!!l @ TrJtM~~KICAN1NSlnvn Of Ai((lUH.VS, Iii NfW YORK AV1NUE, p,jw W.\Stll~GTON, O,C )lUItl )UNf 1%7 f't.INTtN(; . !.UIlf'AIIJ\l.IlAf'tt, ".l<lREVI~l> ~~ ...- .-.-a -.-.-:-.~II--;;"-=-=-.. d\'\'...'UIl' ',ulll Ih,' (uIlII,l(1 IlcHUllll"lh ((lIll'lIdbl" P'llll 10 ('llIpld/1I1\ ,ll\d 10 .lilV 'IH'( Illl qUdhl'II.llllllI' sl.lted III l'lt' ( 1"tdil.111' IIlI (',Is!!",'nll; ,lIld Ih,lt IIIl' (011' tlll{ tor " {'!lIlliI'd 10 p.I\'IlWllt 111 Ihe .!lllOlllll lUllllt'd. By i,..UIllf{ ..1 \ '1'r1'li...HI' lor P.lymL'IlI, IIII' i\,dllh'ct ,h.lll not be deellwtl III Il'l)/{',PIlI Ih..t lit' 11.1., IlI.Hle .IIlY examina- tion \0 ""'U'lldlll how .lntl lor wh.1I purp"w tilt' ( olllrat- t'~h.lsu"ect the money., p.lid 011 "Hount ul the (olltra('t Sum. 1.1.16 Tlw Archit,'ct shall Iw, in tilt' li,,1 ill~I"n( l' the in"~fPreteJ ot thl.' "equircllll.'nh 01 tli(' Contrdl t Docu- ~",.,,,,,,~ dnd theimparti.ll judge uf the pelforman<.:e thcre- Lrdcr by both the OWnerilnd Contractor. Ih~ Architect <'''.111 m.lkf' decisions on all claims of the Owner or Con- tractor relating to the execution ,lOd progress of Ihe Work and on all other m.ltters or qllestion~ relatep there,to. T!1e Architect'sdtiO..iom in matters relating to artistic effect shall be final <if consistent with the' intent of the Contract Documents. 1.1.17 The Architect shall have authority to reject Work which does notconiorm to the. Contract. D<)Cuments. The A{cbitect shall also have authority to require the Contrac- tor to stop the Work whe-never in his reasonable opinion it. may' be . necessary for the-proper performance of the Contract. The Architect shall not be liable to the Owner for the consequences of. any decision made by him in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise his author- ;ty to stop the Work.' . 1.1.18 The Architect shall review .md approve shop drawings, samples, and other submissions of the Contrac~ tor onlyfQr conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compllance wilh the informationgiveo. in the Contract Documents. 1.1.19 The Architect shall prepare Change Orders. \1.20 .Th~ Architect shall c()nttuct inspections to .de- termine the Dates of. Substantial Completion.. and Final Completion, shall receive written guarantees and related dOCuments ;lssembled by the Contractor, and shall issue a final Certificate for Payment. . 1.1.21 The. ArchitectshaU not be re~ponsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, or anyS\lbcontractors, or any of the Contractor's or Subcqntr-ac;tors' agents or erriployees, or any other persOns performing any of the Work.. 1.2 raOJlCTRfPU~NTATION8EYO""D 'ASIC: SERVICES 1~2.1. lfmoreextensiverepreselltltion at the site 'than. i.s describe<funder Subparagraphs 1.1.1Q tllrough 1.1,21 inf:lusive is r~uired,antf if the Owner and Archite,ctallree, the .Ar9litect shall provide one or. more Full-time Project ~epresentatives to assist the Architect. . '1.2.2 Such FulHime Project Representatives shall be selected, employ~d and directed by the Arctlitect, and the ArChitect sllallhe compensated therefor as Alutually ,agreed between ihe Owner and the Architect as set f.orth in.anexhibit appended 'to .,his ^greement. 1.2.3 The dutieS, respon!tibiliti~s and limitations of aU- thority. of such FulHi~ ProjectR.epresenta,tives shaU be setfodhin an exhibit appended to thisAgr~ment. 1.2.4. Through theon-site observationsbyFull~time Proj- ect Representatives of the Work in progress, the Architect wall.. endeavor to provide further protection tor the Owner .lg.1I1h1 dl'lt'cts In tlw Work, hut the turrllshmg ~)I ..uch 1)[011'( t relm'sentalron .,Ildll not make the Archill.'(: Il'SplHlSlhlt lor Ilw Contractor's ladllre to perform Ill<' Work in Jl cqrd.,1/He with the Cuntract Documents, 1.3 ADUITIONAl. SERVICES The fo\lowlI1g services are not covered in Paragraph~ I.l or 1.2 If any of these Additional Services are authorized by the Owner, they shall be paid lor by the Owner .IS hereinbefore provided. 1.3.1 Providing spe<:ial analyses of the Owner's need.,., and programming the requirements of the Project. 1.3.2 ..P4'oMtding financial feasibility or other ..pec!a1 studie.., 1.3.3 Providing planning surveYS, site evaluations, or comparative studies of prospective sites. 1.3.4 Ma~ing measured drawings of existing construc- tion when required for planning additions or alterations thereto, 1.3.5 Revising previously approved Drawings, Specifica- tions or other documents to accomplish changes not initi- ated by the Architect. 1;3.6 Preparing Change Orders and supporting gata where the change in the Basic Fee resulting from the ad- justed Contract Sum is not commensurate with the Arch:.. teet's services required. 1.3.7 Prep;lfing documents for alternate bids requested by the Owner, 1.3.8 ,Providing Detailed Estimates of Construction Costs. ' ' 1.3.9 Provipingconsultation concerning repl~cerTlent of any Work damaged by fire or other cause during <<:onstl'uc- tion, and furnishing professional services of the type set forth in Paragraph 1.1 as. may be required in connection with th~ replaCt!ment of such Work. 1.3.10Providinll professional services made necessary by the default of the Cont,ractor in the performance of the Construction Contract. 1.3.11 providing Contract Administration and. obs~.a. tion of construction after the Contract Time has been ex- ceeded by more than twenty per cent through no fault of the Ar<:hite<:t. 1.3.12 FurnishinglheOwnera set of reproduciblerec- ord prints of drawing$showingsignificant changes m~de during the constructiqn prOcess, based. on marked up prints, drawings and other data fumished by the Contrac- tor to the Architect. 1.3.13 Providing, servites after final payment to the Contractor. . 1.3.14 Providing interior design and other services re- quired for or in connection with the selection of hmli,. ture and fumishinK~. 1.3.15 Providing services;' as an expert witnessinq:m- nection with. any. puQ~ic. hearing, arbitration proceeding, or theproceedingsofa courlof,.ecord . 1.3.16 Providing services for planning tenant or renlaJ spaces. ..'- . ....." , .:' - ", "., '.' "" ..' " AlA DocuME,~T 1131 0 OW/'olElt-ARCl:flTECT AGREEMENT 0 SEPTEMBER ,," WllioN O^IA4il (ilTHE ^MERICAN If'olSTITUfE OF ARCHITECTS, 1115 NEW YORK AVIi.NlJE, N,Y.(., WI\StiINGTON;D..C. ~ ,UNE 1%7 'RtNTlNG 0 SUBPARAGRAPH 5.1.1 REVISfO 4 . -.--.-'-~.-'-'II-'-.--'-.--IIII----iii'---;;'-. 'III .~..,'.-. ARTICLE 2 THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 The Owner shall provIde lull informdtion regarding his reqUIrements for the Project. 2.2". The Owner Sllall designate, when necessary, a rep- resel1tdtiv,eauthoriz<<:d to act in his behalf with respect to the pro;ett. The Qwner or his representative shall exam- inedocuments subpliU~by the' Architect and shall render .' decisions p.ertainil18' thereto promptly, to avoid l.1nre~sonable del~ in the progress of the Architect's wOlk 2.3 The Owner shall furnish a.certWed land survey of the site giving, as appIJcable,gra<icsand lines of streets, alleys, Pavements and ,adjoining property; rights of way, restrictiC)fls, easements, encroachments, zoning, deed re- .strictions, boundaries and contours of the site; locations, dimensions. and ..., complete data pe~iningto existing , buildings, other improvements and trees; and full infor:- mationconceming available service and utility lines. both public and private. 2.4 The Owner shaUfumish tbe~tvices of a soils en- gineer, when suFh$etvices are deemed f\CCessary by the Architect, in~luding reports, test borings, test pits, soil bearing values and other necessary operations for determining subsoil conditions. '2.5 The Owner shall furni.sh 'strt,tctural,.mechanical, chemical . and oUter.. taboratory tests,.. inspections and re- ports as required b,)aw or. the Contract Qocuments. · 2.6 . The,Qwnershilll furnish sl.lch . legal, accounting and ~~r~~counselting services as milY be necesS;;try for the "tttJC.c~,and such auditing sefiVices.as,", may require to ascerta,in. how or for what . purposes the Con,tractor has used the moneys paid to him I,Jnder the Construction Contract, . 2.7 The services,if.lfprrnation, surveys and reports . re- quired by Paravaphs 2.3throush 2.6 il'lclusiveshalt.. be furnished at . the Owner'se~n~,and the Arcbitect shall be entitled to relYupontheaccia~~thereof7 2Jf <If theOwrMirpb$erves or'9therwise . becomes aware of any fault or . def~t'~n the.Pr~jt!'~or non-conformance with the Contra~OOcunM'"ts~ he' $ball give prompt wriF, ten notice thereoho the Architect, 2.9 . TheQwner shall furnish jnfOft;nationreq',dr~d ()fhirg. ~. expeditiously as. necessary for the t;)fderly pr()gr~s of the Work. ' ARTICLE' CONSTRUCTION.', COS.T 3.,t, Construction C()st.to beu~,as a basis/.for deter- "ltn",$t~A~Chitect'$,.Fee for aI1WOrk~~'9" sped- ~by ....~. Architect, . including'~t'rJ1ltiri.I~,eql,Jip- ~'. ~~'furnishings, shall be ~te~ined~'f()t1ows,. wit'" ,.Pt~cedel'lce in the order listed: . 3.1.1 for completed comlrucllon, the tolai cosl oi a!! sUl:hWork' . f / 3.1.2 for work nol comtructed, the lowest hona fide bid received' from a qualified bidder for any or all of suc.... work; or 3.'f~)foi'.~ork for which h.ds are not received, (l)the la~est Detailed. Cost Estimate, or (2) the. Architecl's latest St~;~mMt~ of; Probable Constru<;tion Cost. 3.2..Consttuction Cost does not include the fees of the Afchitect and consultants, the CO!)t of the 'and, right!)-of- way, or other costs which are the respt)ll$ibility of the OWner. as provided in Paragraphs 2.3 through 2.6 inclu- sive. 3.3 Labor furnished by the Owner for the' Project shall be included in the Construction Cost at current market rates. Materials and equipment furnished by the Owner shall be included at. current market prices, except that used materials and equipment shall be included as if purchased new for the Project. 3.4 Statements of Probable . Construction Cost and De- tailed Cost Estimates prepared by the Architect represent his best judgment asa design professional familiar \"o'ith the construction industry. !tis recognized, however, tf.at neither the Archit~nor the Owner has any control oyer the cost of labor,materials or equipment, over the coo- tractors' methods of determining bid prices, or over cop. petitive bidding ,or rnarketconditions. ~ccordingly: th~ Architect cannot and d()es not guarantee that bids wi!! ')0, vary from' any Statement of Probable Construction CO)!, or other cost estimate prepared by him. 3.5 When a fixed limit of Construction Cost is estab- lished as. a condition of this Agreement, it shallindude a bidding . contingency of ." ten per. cent unless another amount is agreed upon in writing. When such a fixedJimit is established, the. Architect shall be pl!rmitted to .deter- mine what materials, equipment, component system~. ar:d types.of.construction. are..to. be included in theContra(:!,_ Documents, and to. ma~, reasonable adjustmentf itfnt,i;!'" scope of theProje~t tobling it within the fixed limit~~"ff(~" , Architect. .may also. indUde in the Contract Docum1!~! alternate bids to adjust the Construction Cost to the fi,,€"~ limit. 3.5.1 If the lowest bona fide bid, the Det!liled Cost E"\!r- mate or theStat~nt Qf Probable Construction Cost e, ceeds such. fixed limit of Construction.Cost (including the bIdding contingency) established as a condition of this Agreement, ,he Owner shall (1) give writtenapproval()i an increase in such, fixed limit, (2) authorize rebidding the Project Within a reasonable time, or (3). cooJilerate 'Il revising the,Proje(t ~cope and quality as' required tore- duce the Probable Construction Cost. In the case of (3) the "rchilect, without additional charge, shalt modify . the Drawings and Specifications as necessary to b-ing the Construction Cost within the fixed limit. The providing ".I this service shall be the!imit of the Architect's responsi- bility in this regard, af'}d having done so, the ArchItect shall be entitled to his fees in accordance WIth thIS ~Rreement. s ~..I)P~UMI"T "31 ;. OWNER;~4C"ll'Etl~.i,tMUH~SEPnM$lR 1966 U>1TI0N. AlA. .'"IMtEII(:AN.lNSTtTUTE Of AlQiITE~;'11;U",~,~ AVEN(lE, N.W.. WAStfINGTQfl!, D.C. 200a ly....f1...1 'RINTlNG · SU8PAI"GRA~H5.t.ti>~ '~r_...,.....~__".~..", " <\R1K'I, :',', )1RE€T PERSONNli=t T:XPf.NSE t' --:,.4.~~~f"e T ~p(,tn:~~' ~_~n';'~'-',~V('~-,'~ ,_{:\P'~,,~~~,:"i on 'h{' /~ 'PC~ ~;\' ~:c~~..H " ":-~'" 1"'l~.Jnp(',,~ ":,~lt)J"-.) ~ ~~S, _Jrd.' "~~'1f:f,i:!7,-~pc~_:- t iCd.tit)n 'v'/~ i le(l., ~,':;1~'~"~1;~t..~~;Ufl: r ()~~~:;cb ~~-"{~ de~ig" H' PH'- ':!1g~.,.~:~"'CillGJJl'>n~lrd.Plhe do,"urrwnl'- PP1'-' l \1;' ~r,)jel.:l",,~jJ1I" ',c\l'"i~s du<ing COn',IIUllIlllI ;",'" 'Kh::.!e~ cost 01 saiarip~ , ,~ji,' ")('P '!,- su<:h .l~ <;talU- ',,<w~,hohclay'. aod AR1!LL S [Xpense~arein addittQn,to the Fees dil'ionalServic~$ and indud~ actual ex- t>Y ,lheArchitec;, his employees" or his ."Jnterest of thePr()iect"'for t~e ~ollowing st!S tisteditl' the folfOwingSubparagraphs: lranspoftcllionand !Ivlng when trclvel- ,ec\io," w.!h thf' !>tn.~d and for'long qlstance ,':p '~:)uctiol' ',postageandh;mdling of ,'lC SO€' ..)!ie.c~'; (,dudlngcopiesfor Archi- . t'VAc,,-(,.~J,jp!;;:;:;.t€ et$ at eilch ph;J.se for the , ev. "';:~:,<:')ruva!: i;f\(rf~j!$paidtor securing ; i.H.!th("r~i;e >~vinl~ nftisdttti,,-,p over the ProJect. , ^. ,- -~" " in a~~nc.ebyth.e.9wner,the ex- 'f~,!~.:l...irillg::hitmec,than regular ry;pdelsfor the O~ner's use, ami t~ f()fotJ1edha,ithe normal slruc- etec~1icajeng;neer;llg service~. ARl'fCfE 6 ~''-:''''''''''~'', :.'~VMiNTSTQT"i 'ARCHITECT , 9;.vmeJ~ ' :)fldC<i' - f -,'~ ,,~-,,':' ~I-;.t' be'n1ade' a~ oP'f\e;.Ardiite'Cfs ~aslc )erv- ",. 't s': -y< /',c ini{j+tl: pay~""ent of ,tjYe,.rji !3asic . . <iku~a:ttlq \ oPQn .3'-, ag,.ee* : of ~h€ ;:;~~;i~a~~~~~~~~~~:~~~o~::,:~~ ,.:~~(ee:"''>I' " ;s the' 'i., '" ,~, 'SuiJseq'.;er,t paym~' -\$ be n 'adE: If\onl~ly in c,I'':'lpi:;rtk:lr:$ ~~) ~:'V'kes pe:~\)rmed ;ru€""e th~'i:om~en- ,,~;>;ore ;,ri" Basic Servi<:e'l ~,} th:~ pe'(enfilg~$. of . ~,r :" .' ' .' \ h' I tl..- ~~~€ ~j~'.Q5-i,C :ree .-a-;.- ",'-Ij,J)'f:; 'C~.,:tnp~:e':]Gn le~(;n p., .f\~' ~~ '-1'f9S ~'..\h::: '! i< ~. SC:1emati,;:', Des'gn "p~vel{)p:-ncr'( D(.~cur~-c>rts' c("~rrV(~~7~~~~~'~::"~Y.'. ~~;)se jl)ill<> J~~~ ,~~~ .:~ ,.;..\.._, l' " :':~("l.~.\) 'I~~A~ - . , . ~'.. I . ;\( ~)€'r-/ "~(J~-' ,~t, ')1 ~n:... E:. ':'..111 -',I- ~""~. d'lf Arf..:' \ I ~ ,,::,..?~,::--~ en': :~" - CC!) ,1 ';":{'I ~:';~,., ,'~ jt:,~:,iuchon:,. ~:'-I;j':~ be made "p')m. th~ ".rt-'.-~>t:~_ ,""1 ;'CCC!\,lnl of pena'!'~llfqui,:i,,:c: ',} SF'S wi 'held from p~~me~,',Jo 6.4 ,( ~'ll. PfOj€~;" :;pended f(ymu,c "3:' f month~ or ..bandoneo in whole or lP par;, .' shllll' be paId nis compensation for ~erY;<'_' prior '.0 r4.'CClpl .of wriu~n notice fromthe()y"",elf~[ suSpc,,~il'r ',;!" ab':lOoonn'ent, loge-,her with Rei' rl:HH",,~: ( Expt'l:lse~ then due and aHterminal eXl!,e"',i:" (e~U' from :,uch SU~,pl'''SqOI'l or abandol1fr'-enl. . ARTICLE '1 ARCHITECT'S ACCOUN11~.,_ Record! 01, tneAlmitect's Oirect<P4!fs(jonel;COffil.' and Reimbursable Eltpooses pertaining tolfie p,'(,iec'.. records of accoUllts between the Owner qnC' tractor shall be kept on a generally recogl'l'l~Q basis and sllal!be avaUabJeto t~ Owner or ized rep-esentative.at mutuilUycQlweoien1 t'le~ ^II:ll(LE e >, 1,:> " < ' ~, ;,' : T~ItMIN4;:nQN Of AGRfIiMiNl, : ,: .'.u. ' , ", C'~ _,,'> ? ~.'"" to, :".\ Allleu <9 . ., . -' ~:lWN""P,Of . OCXtJMfNl'S, _...:.;t~ '>';. ~ P~<'''i''!!~~ and Specifications all ;Mtru~;t.sof",er"!(,,, . ar. ;md !ill' '~!'"' ,'" t"e'plX>'U~rty()t lC1<e,'1"-;:'1::t!,,c, Wh~\'3~'~. .~~~_! ~ - ..-;-~'~'-', :-.-,._---,-.-,~-,-: ,.,'..'" the j'..1'; 'f~t ,:' v' 'l ,nev a~1? m.J.o: :, eX~T";:~D ,~''.., '~~:~' . '::~: ~.~"'.'~:':;~~~ ~~~?~:ia~:i;~":::./~~c;~:,~:{~ ,,.. :;.;(~ '1tl'!oon!'~hon {o<.t~e t\;~:':. -".....,""'-~....,',..." ""~"~~..--,- ,---:----.-,.,.-.--~" ~. (~. (~ ... {,. 1l)lJ06 ~ '-:,'.;~ 1<),,7 1'1UNIINd . ~lJ'P,\lI1AGll"I'H ~.IX RIiV'-;ij;j;; ARTICLE 1.0 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS ,Ill' ()W'1I'r ,lIId the Ar<.:hitect cad. binds hIlThel(; hi-. I),Htocrs.'l\l u!ssors, ,lSsigns ,lnd leg.11 represt'ntJtIVt's tl) theodlt'r p.llly to tIlls Agreemcntano to the partners, sun:es~ur~. ,\~signs .\I1d legal reprdent,llivcs ohuch other pJrty with respect to all coven.lIlts of this Agreement. Neither the ()wnt!r nor the Architect sI1.I11 assign, ~ublet Qr lranslcr hls.nterestin this Agreement wIthout the written: lonsent'of the other.' " , All.eLE 11 AalltRATlON , 11.1 All claims, disputes and other matter$in que,stiqn arisin~,cput.: Qf,,'or relating to, this, Agreement or ,the breach thereof shall be decided by,arbitratiQn in ac:cord- ance with the Constru(,:tion Industry Arbitration Rules of the A~erican Arbitration Assoc,ationthen obtaining. This agreement so to arbitrate shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration law- 11.2 Notice of the demand for arbitratiOn shall be filed in Writing with the other party to this Agreement and with the American Arbitration Association, The demand shaU be made within a reasonable time after the claim, d/s,PU1P 01 other mailer in qucqlon has arisen. ") no event sh.mthe demand for arbltl.llIOn be made .liter inslltulllJll of legal or equitdble proceedings bdscd on slj,d, ,l."!!".,dispute or other matter in quesllon would bi! hdlH'd hy the applicable statute of limitatIons. 11.3 1 he ,award rendered by the arhitrators ~hall be final, ~Q~ judgment may be entered upon it in any <.ourt having ,jurisdICtion thereof. ... 'in ARTICLE 12 ....;..:....>.. EXTENl OF AGREEMENT .This AgreL.fnent represents the entire, and integrated ~gr~ementbetween the OWner and<Jhe Architect and lilJpersedes all prior negotiations, representations or 4greemen.ts, either written Orbral. Thi,s' Agreement may pe amended only by writteninstrum~ntsigned by both Owner, and Architect. ARTICLE 11 APPlICAIU LAW Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement shall be, gO\/- ernedby tht' law of the principal place of business of the Architect. .. ..~,QO'CU"IHT":U . OWNE..AROltlECT"C.U~~"';JA,t,'$~M.t<< 1966 EOIllON. AlAe '<P "H~ AMEItlCANtN$TlTVTE Of AROIlTEOS" 171S NfW voa.~,".W,W"~IN(;TON_ o.c. ,2QlI06 . . '. JUNf 1'" 'lttNTlNG'. SUI'ARAGIt,,'H S,l,l REVISED '1' .. ..' ....- --.-. ..-.,.-...-. --- _ .. ... ._,_ ~._ ..c;;::::;I_..~.,- "~_.-- -. ~ ~ --- \. .. '~ . ;'}'i /1 . \.A; "i:J..~1t....- , (John Hugnan) partri) HtnHAN & HUGHAN ARCHITECT Architect's Registration No. C-S0'79 ":'.,/: ,_,I-"f'~." .", <'.. "i AIADOcu-,IN.r,tll. QWNElt.AitOIlTECr Ac:ltEfMENY- SEPTEMBER 1!Ho. EDITION. AlAe . THfAM~!:CN:-lI~tITUlE ()f ,\RCHIUf;TS. 171s NEW YORK ",VENtI.E. N.W., WASHINGTON. 0.1.:. 20006 8 JUNE 1"7 '1',,!TlNG · SUIPARAGIAPH $.1.1 REVISED ~ ~_.H .-.---. '."-~. 8""__. . EX!!I BIT 1l-:~- ,\[,C'lllECT'S n .TEeT Ei\CT:~SE:~L,(-; REpnr.T G E,. EitAL: The scope of the proiect is to provine a fully-equipperl, self-contained facility housing the full range of services currently associated with both ~ire-fighting and fire prevention techniques, and manner! on a 24-hour basis bv fire department personnel. SITE: The site comprises a little more than 1 net acre (44,000 square feet), after deouction for street improvements such as gutters, curhs, parkway strips and sidewalks - located at the intersection of two ma.ior thoroughfares in the north-west area of the City of Gilroy. The immediate is Gilroy's newest ann ~ost highly developed residential and commercial area. Such a location provides immediate and ready access to all areas of the city west of the railroad trunk line that bisects the city, and - in cunjunction with an existing modern fire station in the south-east area of the city and east of the railroad lines - will enable the fire department to provide instant response to calls for fire-fighting equi,pl1lent throughout the city and regardless of the traffic on the rail lines. More than 50% of the site will be landscaped, with turfed areas and tree- and shrubbery-planting, full irrigated, to enhance the natural rural qualities presently evident in the immediate locale. Building area will total 4,700 square feet, and paved parking and service areas total approximately 15,000 square feet, so the ratio of building to parking-and-service area is therefore less than 1:3, and the sum of building area plus area for parking and service of less than a ratio of 1:2 in a comparison with total site area. ?ire fighting equipment is provided access directly onto the major north-south thoroughfare, and parking and service areas are accessible from the secondary east-west thoroughfare. All parking areas will be screened by landscaping from view off-site. BUlLDUG: The 4,700 square-foot huilding contains facilities for fire department personnel to ;;"..n the faCility on a 24-hour basis, with facilities for sleeping and the attendant facilities for eating, etc. Additional spac~ houses fire-fighting apparatus; apparatus matnten~nce and repair functions, areas for fire-fighting instruction and practice. ane space .for such communit\'-service activities as American Red Cross Lifesavinp. Classes. The design meets all of the requirements of the 197~"~,ition of the IJnifor:n 3uilding Code (Tit'e 24. ~l.tl'~fomia Administrative Cr ..), including the '\ew'v- revised and more strH'"te' requirements for lateral S J')1.lity under seismi~ :orces - which have '.een c1c )\, led for des igns such as '" s project when compared with the require'."..nts of the 1973 UBC. '~.. ..~ ...~II..nlT :Xll').lT rf- - I'age :' a;:;1\: "lIildin~:, ele'nenLs ;lrL! slat>-dn-grade flours; '.JOl)'! fra'Tle ,,,a] 15; and 'woe; rl18;)hrd!"m ruDf. C:xterior finishin?, ,n;Jterials are cement plaster for the \.Jalls alld ext l"L!(kci 1 it:ht-\"C i.e,ht concre te tile roof. All illterior spaces, t.~xcepting only areas housing mechanical equipment, fullv meet the require,nents for accessibility by the handicap;~ed, and buitt-in equipment incurporates presently-proven technology with regard to conservation of energy. including but nut limiter! to insulation of all exterior walls and roofs; min imurn window areas; and \./8 ter-conserving plumbing fixtures such as 'low-flush' toilets and reduced-flow shower heads. The nesign meets or exceeds the requirements for Type V-I Hour Construction (UnC), and every attempt has been made for compatibility, in its external aspects, with the essentially residentially character of the neighborhood. ~quipment prOVided for in this proiect will enahle the facility to assume a role as a fully-integrated component of the County-wi(ie Civil Defence and ~isaster service by virtue of communications links with the Santa Clara County Communications Center. PARKING A"JD SERVTCfO: AREp.5: Incorporated in the desip,n is provision for fire-hose washing and drying and equipment testinp,. A draftin?, pit is included to periodically monitor and test the efficiency of the pumper trucks, and paved space has been included for the various forms of fire-fighting practice that can he conducted outside of the building area, complete with a conneci.ed fire-hydrant. Provision has also been made for underground storage of gasoline and diesel fuel to service the vehicles. All external lighting has been specifically designed to provide full security for the site but to minimize off-site light spill. oUDCET: Total construction costs. excluding architectural and engineering fees. are estimated to be $142.500 and to this sum a 57.. contingency of $17,125 should he added to total a sum of $35~,625. C Q'\jSTRUCTH1~ SCHEDU ..WG: The preparat ion of schematics. pre liminary drawings, working drawings. technical specifications and the contract documents have already been accomplished, and it it is therefore well within reason to expect that the project could be sent to bid within 30 days of notice being given to the architect. Construction time for completion should permit an absolute minimum of l'~O ca lenclar days, wi th a recolTlllenden schedule that wou In permi t 210 ca lendar \'iays. No provision has been given in this cehduling for prolonged periods of inclement weather nor yet for delays in construction due to labor-cause~ stoppages of work. S1JH:1ATFli: Completion of this nroiect t"i 11 enable the City of 8i lrov to provicle the most ."odern and immeoiate resp0n~e to ~alls for fire-fi~hting equipment from (,ither of t'.olO fire stations - '.-"dch :neanc:; that re~ardless of railr08(! '.raffie thrL"u?'1 .. .-.-11 . J 11"-11 II 11.11 .----. .. - -III..-ii- -Ii Ii - '. ; ~ ;':'!T ': J T TJ _ 1 ~ _ Dap'f~ 1 t~le l'itv, all AreilS of thO:? citv car, he afforded lit) <'elay in the delivery of fir'~ !'rott:ction. ]t'."ill also provide a fully integrated unit into thE' COLlntv- '.../ide Civil !l~fellCl:' ~II'-: ')isast,,'r service; up-grade the level of fire protection for the most hif',:lly~level()r)ed area of the city; provide areas for in-service' training of fire departlnent rersonncl; llnd permit the City of Gilroy to provide co.nmunity-service activities delivered on a neighhorhood basis. The project is in full conforrnance wHh the city's General Plan and will furnish the strongest motivation for strkt adherence to the General Plan. L ~~-