Correspondence STATE FARM MUTT,JAL INSURANCE FARM BUREAU PETROLEUM SERVICE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION GROUP INSURANCE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FARM BUREAU . =<:.:~ SANTA CLARA, CALIF. ARTHUR A. TOSTE, Executive Secretary SHEILA E. BENECH, Office Secretary Dear Sirs: SANTA CLARA 1360 "MICKEY" CRAIG, Field Secretary ANDY UNRUH, Field Secretary The Gilroy Center of the Santa Clara County Farm Bureau is desirous of action HQ! on conserving the water in the Llagas and/or the Uvaa creeks. Its Water Committee believes that any action taken must be the result of the combiped efforts of all interested groups in the entire Southern end of the valley. It does not believe that action by any individual group or area can be effective. We, therefore, request that your group join in formulating a plan for the entire community. We suggest that you form opinions on the questions listed below and appoint one rep- resentative to meet with our committee to present those views. I. What is the most desirable method of conserving water in Southern Santa Clara Valley? a. By a dam on the Llagas creek? b. By a dam on the Uvaa creek with a diversion canal to the Llagas? c. A combination of both? II. What can be done to make any plan attractive to all residents of Southern Santa Clara County? a. By including drainage features for high water table areas? b. By apportioning the cost according to benefit received? We earnestly urge that you agree on an answer to these questions and appoint your representative to meet with us at a meeting to be called in the near future. Water is everyone's problem. Let's d2-somethi~. Let's do it as a unified group acting for the benefit of all. Yours very truly, EB :CH seb GILROY FARM BUREA U CENTER f.:~, L&:~/e EIl~.ss ~ ~3ggLlee, Chairmaa~ . e~~~/~ WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Charles Harrison OVER A MilLION MEMBERS CAN'T BE WRONG! Ja.nuary 21,1949. Blackte and Wood M4 Market Street San Franoisoo,California Gentlemen: \ Enolosed please find warrants numbered 179 and 180 totalling $2.489.'0 in paymaat of your bill tor servioes tor the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Distriot to Deoember 1,1948. The delay in paYing your bill \'las due to the faot that the County A8Jli tor's office was unable to fUrnish us wi th a statement showing the balance in our account until yesterday. The Division ot Water Resources, State of Oali1brn1a. have taken over the oare of' the gauge at the proposed dal1l site. It, at any time in the tuture, the Division tinds it impossible to ta.ke care of' the lauge the Loma Prieta So11 Conservation Distriot has expressed a Willingness to taka oare of' it. Very truly yours, Secretary, South Santa Olara Valley Water Conservation Distriot. Engineers Labor (Mark Smith) Advertising Election Other services Bonds TOTAL 1948-49 BUDGET 1948-49 ~~2500.00 190.00 "$2690.00 $ 345.50 140.00 500.00 30.00 $1015.50 $3'705.50 ~r .~ September 8,1947. 3lackie and 7,ood 544 Market Street San Franc1soo,Californ1a Gentlemen: As the bonds were not voted tor the Llagas Creek dam Dr.Chesbro has asked me to \n-ite to you and ask that you submit your bill for your services. The proposed b'ldget subm1 tted to the Board 0 t Supervisors this year did not antioipate that the bonds 'Would be defeated and that sufficient money would be forthcomi:r:Jg attar the bonds 't7ere passed. Under the oircumstances it may be necessary to pay a part ot your bill this year and the balance the following year. The directors and Dr.Chesbro do not like this method ot doing business but it seems that notbing oan be done about it. "",tory trul~l ~lours, ~30UTll SAllTA CL1\.HA VALLEY':.ATER CONSlmVAT 1011 DlstrBlECT. By' _. May 7,1949 Oounty AUditor Hall of Reoords San Jose,California Dear Sir: Enclosed please find the budget :for the f1scal year ending June 30,1950 for the South Santa. Clara Valley Water Consorvation D1strlot. Very truly yours. 1-11101. Seoretar;y. South Santa 8lara Valley Wuter Conserva.t ion Dlotrl,~t HAROLD J. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 1-5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4. CALIF. SUBJECTSOUTH SANTA CLARA VAI.LIY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT LLAGAS CREEK FLOW Mr. Edward Hyatt, Stete Engineer Division ot Water Resources Public Works Building P. O. Box 1079 Sacramento 5, Calitornia Kay 9, 1949 Attention: Mr. P. H. Van Etten, Principel Hydreulic Engineer Dear Sir: ~ This 18 in reply to your letts Me. 1949 to Mr. E. E. Black1e lie: Uaga8 Creek Run-ott F11e No. 6 .33, 1 which letter reque.t wes made tor the records ot the run-ot ot B Creek. We are mailing her tor the years 19 -42 t The reo Lanea Bridge 9: do co to Dr. Chesbro . the Uaps Creek Average Daily J'lows ding 1947-48. upstream ot Very truly your8, BLAOKIE AND WOOD, INGlNEltRS FOR SOUTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTHICT BY~~ BLACKIE AND WOOD HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SUBJECT SOU'I'E SA1~"TA CL,JiL1\ 'iF.LLEY W.,,-TER CONSERVATIQ:t: DISTRICT March 3, 1950 Elmer J. Chesbro, M.D. 64 Fiftp. Street, Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: This is in reply to your letter of February 20, 1950, which I found on my desk upon returning from an out of town trip. 'The check was received and we thank you. We also received a letter from 1IT. Cox advising us of the Board's request for us to continue as in the past, to report the flows on Llagas Creek and on Uvas Creek. We also received the 1948-1949 daily discharge record of Llagas Creek. This will be worked up and renorted in our usual' form, within a few days. ~re will follow up with the Soil Conservation Office to see that the recorder station on Llagas Creek is being properly operated. .,s regards the information which you wish on flood control, we will contact the United States Engineers and from them try to secure enough data to determine roughly the storage cap~city and a very rough estimate of the possible cost of storage for a combined project on the Uvas Creek. We will give you information after conference with the United States Engineers. Very truly yours, HW:do BLACKIE "J'~D WOOD, CIVIL ENGIKEERS BY#~~ ]~ 22 ~ 1.~) GO Oounty AUditor Hall ot Reoo roe San Jose,California Dea:c' S 11' : Enclosed please f.indbudget estimate for the South Santa Clara 'lalley Water Consel"Vation Distriot for the fisoa1 year 1950-1951. Very truly yours" l-Inol. So oretal-Y , South Santa Olara Valley Water 0onservat1on Distriot. SOUTH SANTA CLARA V ALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Gilroy,Californ1a January 15,1945 Mr.John Franoisoo County Aud1tor Hall ot Reoords San Jose,California. Dear John: At a meeting ot the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation D1str1ot,January 12th, cha1rman E. J.Chesbro recommended and the d1reotors unan1mously agreed that P.A.Cox be appo1nted aot1ng seoretary tor the d 1str1ot. One b1ll was presented during the meet1ng and I s1gned the warrant as "acting secretary." It we have not followed the proper prooeedure in th1s matter please alv1se me. Very truly yours. Acting Secretary HAROLD I. WOOD E, E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF, SUBJECT SOUTH SA!-;TA CLA.PA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATIO~ DISTRICT December 6, 1948. Mr. P. A. Cox, Secretary, South Santa Clara Val1ey Water Conservation District, Ci ty Hall, Gilroy, California. Dear Sir: We are enclosing a statement of the unnaid balance of our bill rendered over a year ago, to~ether with a small additional char~e for computing the 1947-48 flows in Llagas Creek, attending a Board meeting in Gilroy and few incidentals expenses in connection there- with. The original and four carbon copies of our renort on these flows is enclosed for the attention of the Board. Inasmuch as the major portion of the unnaid balance of the old bill represents out of pocket exuenses incurred by us on the Dis- trict's behalf over a year and a half ago, it is hoped that the Foard will find a way to nay this at an early date. Very truly yours, BLACKIE M\D WOOD, EEE:b . Py Encls. SOUTH SANTA CLi-ulA . VALLEY, ~ ~ WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Gi1~oy,Callfornla JWle 11,1945.' Y Mr.John M.Francisco County Audit-or Hall of Recorda . San Jose,Ca11:f'ornia. Dear John: ~sident Elmer J . Che sbro has requested that I write to you to ascertain the balance remaining 1n the tuDd of' the SOuth Santa Clara Valley Water ConservatIon District. The d11-ectors are meeting Friday e'vening!June l;th, to discuss their budget for the fiscal ye8r.' 194;-1'146,.md. we would appreciate receiving th:Ls information before that date. MaUing address: City Hall Gilroy ,c;I, if' . Very truly your;; t Acting 5ecretar.y. - S OtTTH SANTA CLAl1.11. VALLEY - t- l ( \\}.TER CONSERVATION P-lSTRIOT -').. '1 Gilroy ,California. February 5,1951. Honorable Board of Supervisors County of Santa Clara. Court Houae San Jose,California Gentlemen: The direotors of the South Santa Clara Valley 'linter Conservation District passed the following motion at their meeting February 2,l9ul: "that the Board of Supervisors be petitioned to erect an adequate bridge aoross the Llagas Creek on Bloomfield Avenue as the ohannel is to be enlarged to carry 1000 second teet ot: water per minute". It ,vas suggested that your honorable body oonsider the bridge as an item to be inoluded in your mxt btdgot. Your favorable action on this matter will be greatly appreo- iated by the directors and those residing on both sides of the creek ohannel north of 31oom:t'ield Avenue. Very truly yours. SOUTH SAN'rA VAll.JIT WATER OOBBBHV~ION DISTRICT By. Seoretary May 10,1951 As~emblyman Oharles Gubser AB3embly Cbwmbers Saoramento.Callfornia Dear Cllar'lie: The enclosed Resolution passed by the Board ot Direotors of the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Distriot at their meeting tmy 4.1951 is torwarded to you tor you r intorma t ion. Vel." truly YOUl.S, Seoreta17. South Santa Olara Val1e7 ~ater Conservation Distriot. May 10,1951 Senator John F.Thompson Sena te Chambers S&orwnento,Oa Uf'orn1a Dear .sir t The enolosed Resolution pased by the Board ot Dir- ectors of the South Santa Clara Valley Water Oonservation District at their meeting May 4,1951 is forwarded to you tor your 1ntor.mation. Vel'oy truly yours, Seoretary, South Santa Clara Valley Water Oonservation Distriot. May lO,l951 Dlv1$1on ot Water Resources 401 Publio ~orks Building Sa~ramento.Ca11tornia Gentlemen: The enolosed Resolution passed by the Board of Di~eotors ot the South Santa Clara Valley '~ter Consorvation Distriot at their meeting May4:,195l 1s torwarded to 10U tor your intormation. Very truly yours, Seoretary, South Santa Clara Valley Wa tar Conservation Di str1()t SOUTH SAHrA CURA VALLEY v,ATEn' COIJmmVATI61f bnfTRIcT ........-....--._..- - .......... Gilroy, Ca l1forn1a. !larch lO$194? Mr.H.T.Dupont 320 Californ1a Street San Fran01soo,ca11forn1a ... Dear Sir; Th1s letter is 1n answer to a letter addressed to Dr.Elmer .r.Chesbro,Presidentot 'the'South Santa Clara Valley 'tiater Conservat 10n Distriot,.. by Mr.T.W.Lenahan, requesting oertain 1ntoDnat10n about the distriot. , The di**r1ot was formed about five years ago and oomprises about 18,000 aores. The boundarl~a.row~hly. are from a point east of Morgan H1ll,along the east side of the valley to a point south of G1lroy andinoludes ,the 01 ty 0 f Gilroy. Mr. Lenahan states that he believes Foderal money is avaliable for t he proposed projeot-adam 6n the Llagas Creek in the vioinity of Lane's Bridge. Every effort has been made to obtain Federal aid for the proposed projeot but, so far. no moRey from th1s s ooroe is ava1Jaable. Under the Ninety M111ion County Aid bill,mentioned by Mr.Lenahan, ,ve find that money from this :fund "113 available only in the event of an emergenoy. As the proposed dam is not an emersenoy none of t his money would be available. It is proposed to hold a hond eleot1cn for ~GOO,OOO. same t1me in the near future,this money, or as muoh as is needed, to oonstruot the dam. Property owners in the distriot would be assessed on the value of land only, improvements would not be inoluded. From the desoription of the looation 01' your property I would judge that Mr. Thomas Bunter represents your d1str10t on the distriot board. If you are aoqua.inted with Mr. Hunter you oould write to him toroonfirmatipn of the intorm- '. at10n oontained herein and ask him questions witl1 referenoe to the prasen t oondit ions in the distriot as far as laok of water is oonoerned.His address 1s-Rt.2.Box l?G,Gilroy. Very truly yours, Seoretary. SOUTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Gilroy,California August 4,19,0 Mr. O.D. Knepper Route 21Box 90 Gilroy, California Dear lfJr. Knepper: At a called meeting of the directors of the South ;;;anta Clara Valley ,cater Conservation District Thursday,August 3,19,0, your letter of resignation was presented and accepted, with regret. Your long service as director of Division 4 is greatly appreciated by the President and directors. Your counsel and advice were an inspiration and a great service to the board You should take great pride in the fact that you were among the pioneers of water conservation for the South ;3 ant a Clara Valley and that some day, in the not too distant future, your great ambition to see conservation of water an established fact, will be real- ized. The President and board join in wishing you the best of health and prosperity. Sincerely, Secretary , South santa Clara Valley \'ater Conservation District. SOUTH SAN! A CLARA VALLEY WATER conSERVATION DISTRICT Gilroy,California August 4,1950. Honorable Board of Supervisors County of .;janta Clara Court House San Jose,California Gentlemen: At a called meeting of the directors of the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District Thursday, Auguet 3,1950, the resignation of Mr.O.D.Knepper, director for Division 4, was presented and accepted by the directors. The directors, by rHotion duly made, seconded and carried, recommend to your honorable body that Mr.Ray Gwinn, Foothill Avenue,San Martin,Calif'ornia, be appointed to serve the unexpired term of Mr.O.D.Knepper, as director for Division 4, South Santa Clara Valley r'ater Conservation District. Your favorable action on this recommendation will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, SOUTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT By Secretary CRAS. E. SLOAN CO. ENGINEERS SANTA FE BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO June 21, 1924. To the Honorable The Mayor and Common Council, City of Gilroy, California. Gentlemen: As City Engineer, I present for your consideration my report of the labor performed and materials supplied under contract enti tled, "Extensions to Water System, City of Gilroy", said contract being between Michael l1urphy, Contractor, and the City of Gilroy. Under instructions from your Board, I prepared plans and specifications for aciditions and extersions to the Municipal Water System, for which purpose bonds in the sum of '$E7,OOO.ao were voted by the taxpayers of the city, in the fall of 1923. Your Board approved said plans on February 11th, 1924, and bids for the labor and materials were received on February 25th, 1924. Eleven bids were presented to your clerk ranging from ~95,080.00 down to $63,421.00, the last mentioned sum being the bid of Michael Murphy, to whom the contract was awarded. The low bidder, Michael Murphy, signed the contract on March 8th, 1924, after furnishing two bonds, one in the sum of 25 per cent of the contract price, guaranteeing the faithful performance of the contract, and one in the Sllm of 50 per cent of the contract price, guaranteeing bills for labor and materials. The time for commencement of work was fixed in the con- tract as, on or before the 17th day of March, 1924, and for completion of the work as 90 days thereafter (Sundays and 1101idays excepted) or July 1st, 1924. liork was started wi thin the specified time and was pushed to completio~with the result that the entire contract was ron- eluded 14 days before the time limit, or upon June 16th, 1924. Under separat~ cover I have submitted to the Mayor and Common Council the "third monthly" estimate of labor performed and material delivered. This estimate calls for the third payment due under the oontract in the Sml of :~5, 159. 66, being payable on or before the lOth day of July, 1924, in,:eeping I'lith the terms of the contract. -'/<) rr~. I hdve also submitted the "Final Estimatell on said contract, setting forth the total labor perfo~ed and materials placed. Under the contract tte distributing system of the Municipal ;la ter Works was extended with the fol101!ling units. 1,362 feet of 14 inch, Class lIB", Cast Iron Pipe 62 " tI 10 II II " II " " 11,665 " II 6 " De LavancJ. " tI " 13,313 " " 4 " Class "B" " " II Or a total of 5 miles of water mains. There were also installed on the :18\'1 mains II " " 14 inch JO " 6 " 4 II Gate Valves, iron bOdy, brass rr,ounted " " "" " tI 2 1. 34 44 " " II .. " It " II " 34 3 Cory Fire Hydrants, 4 inch COID1ect:lCn, one-hose service II II II 6" II two-boi"le" Il II II with one stE:amer and two-hose II :Neptune Meters,with 3/4 inch connactions " " II l" " Concrete Meter Boxes, Size 110" II II ,,/I 1 Service ccnnections for 3/4 inch pipe II " II 1 " " Ft. of 3/4 inch galvanized service ~ipe II " 1 II II " " eu.ft. of concrete anchor blocks .., . 19 213 225 31 4' r' Ii i 380 4,392 13,436 290 Under the contract the fol1ovling extra labor was performed: 7 Fire hydrants were removed from the old system and delivered in the City Corporation yard, together with 1,121 feet of cast iron pipe and 2,383 feet of screw pipe. .;. very large uortion of tbis salvaged pipe will be avc;,ilable for relaying, after being clesred and di:9ped in bot asphalt. Tbere was inste,lled on the old distriou.ti:1C system the following units: 4 Fire hydrants reset 5 Conneotions were made between the new distributing .pip9S and the old (iistrHu.ting "iJi"pe, in addition to those called for in tlJe ulans. ~eptune meters, II II 100 1 3 " witb 3/4 inch connections ;t 1" " sulit case witb III con:lections 6 ir~ch rne. ins II 2 Gate Valves on n. II " 4 " " 3 1f3. The Contrc\otor was f;J.rnished by the city 192 ft. of 4 inch cast iron ~ipe, which was laid in lieu of new pige. This pipe was billed to the contractor at 75 cents per foot, being $144.00. The following materials were delivered to the city by tte contractor: 9 ft. of 14" Cle,ss "B" cast iron pipe 9 " " 10" " II " II II 92.5 ff 11 6" " Ii " " '1 21.5 " " ~I! '1 II II " " 2 Nep1!une meters 3/4 inch 2 " " 1 II 4 Saddles for 6" cast iron pipe 4 II " /1" " " II 10 l.ead Goose Necks 3/4 inch 3 " " " 1 II These items were acceuted from the contractor by the superin- tendent of tr.e 'Nater:lorks at wholesale price and. tt,e contractor was credited with the SQrn of ~253.73 for them. The total amount of tt.e contr8.ct is the sum of $65,502.13, from which are to be deducted tne previous three payments, the cost of 192 ft.. of 4" pipe and the 2% of the total amount of the contract, ~7hich und.er tJ:.e specifications is to be retained by the City for a period of one year. This latter sum is $1210.00 and. is payable on July 21st, 1925. The Fourth Payment (being the final pa~~ent eXCe1)t the aforesaid ~1) is due 35 days after the acceptance of the work, which acceptance date I have fixed as June 16th, 1924. This would make tr...e dL.le c.ate of' the Fourth Payment July 21st, 1924. The l:Tayor and Common Council may, if they desire I change this date to a date satisfactory to themselves, provided they determine that the contract was not completed on June 16th in a manner satisfactory to them. The fourth payment amounts to the sum of $11,790.04. The total cost of the extensions and additions are therefore as follows: Contract, as per ite~s E~gineering and supervision Total Cost :jp65,502.l3 3,930.13 $69,432.26 ............... There will be a balance in the bond improvement fund of $17,567.74, which amount will be available for general purposes upon trans- ferring to tr...e General :V'und of the City. The entire pipe system laid. under the contract has been tested, block by block', before being covered, to a pressure of 125 Ibs. per square inch. This pressure was maintained for a period of not less than one hour. The entire system was found satisfactory in every respect and as sLlch has been accepted by me, in compliance with the terms of tYe contract and thtl specific~tions as of the date of June 16th, 1924. 1f4. Diagrams sbowing the loc9.tion, size, length, age and class of each different Dipe, valve, meter, house service and fitting in tbe new por- tion and, in so far as I have been able to locate same, in the old system, are being ureuared and will be submitted to your Honorable Board for a~proval at an early date. The installation of the additionb.l pipes, valves and fire hydrants has very materially increased tbe efficiency of the distribution system. Tne clo2in~; of dead ends in tr.e pine lines has increased tr.e amount of water availa,ble to the consumers and t:'e addi tione.l valves and fire hvdrants have made possible a very great improvement in the efficiency of the fire protection apparatus of the city. The work of the contractor is to be favore,bly commented upon, especially tl:e com"0leting of tl1e \'lo6- in excellent time. Respe~~ City Engineer of tn€ City of GilrO~ BUSINESS ADDRESS p, O. Box 276 GILROY, CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO ADDRESS STATE CAPITOL ZONE 14 J\ss~nthl \! Olalifllrnia ~~Bislatur~ COMMITTEES AGRICUL TURE GOVERNMENTAL EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY REVENUE AND TAXATION CHARLES S. GUBSER MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY, TWENTY.NINTH DISTRICT May 15, 1951 Dr. Elmer Chesbro Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: I am in receipt of a resolution from the South Santa Clara County 'Wa.ter Conservl:!tion District opposing Senate Bill 1812 introduced by Senator Thompson. I am enclosing a copy of the bill for your study and would appreciate your recom.rn.endations for amend- ments which will make the bill satisfa.ctory to the l;onservption District. You undoubtedly realize that qy representing both ends of the County I am placed on the horns of a dileme. I am, therefore, ver~T anxious to amend the bill in such a way that all of my consti- tuents will be reasonably satisfied. I have discussed your objections with Senator Thompson and he is inclined to believe that the best solution is to amenn your existing district entirely out of the proposed district. Iwould also appreciate your comments on this idea. In considering the advisability of excluding our territory, I believe we should give some consideration to the fact that eventually even the southern end of .the County may have need for wRter from outside sources. If this need is to be met, we might possibly be making a mistake in having ourselves excluded from the proposed district. I shall very much appreciate your consideration of tilis problem and your suggestions. Kindest personal regards, ~/~ CHARLES S. GUBSER Assemblyman Twenty-Ninth District eSG: bw Enclosure HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT November 14, 1946 Dr. Elmer Chesbro, President South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, Gilroy, California Dear Sir: We herewith enclose five copies of our Project Report Noo7 on the flow of Llagas Creek for the 1945-1946 season. Very truly yours, HW:do BLll.CKIE AND WOOD By;4/~ ~ TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ~AUDITING DEPARTMENT JOHN M. FRANCISCO, County Auditor HALL OF RECORDS SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 13 July 1946 Mr. P. A. Cox, Secretary, South SantaClara Valley Water Conservation Die trict, Gilroy, Calif. Dear Mr. Cox: Enclosed is the budget form to be filled out by the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District and returned to this office. Please fill in column 17 and sign the budget request in the lower right hand corner of the form. Sincerely, JOHN M. FRANCISCO, County Auditor, By t?~h~hLJ/)JM~,,~ . r>;~-;u:nty -~d1 t"or ,mAt ,,"'1 __.1 \''"'''\;- "". 1."", II' HAROLD J. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 1-5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4. CALIF. SUBJECT SOU'I'H SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT October 24, 1950 Mr. P. A. Cox, Secretary South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District City Rallt Gilroy, California Dear lvlr. Cox: \lie enclose the necessary loyalty oaths signed by Mr. Blackie and .Mr. Wood and duly notarized as required by law. Very truly yours, HW:do BLACKlE Mm WOOD, CIVIL ENGH:"EERS Byn/~ ~ / ~ 1,.19'ft.-- Jun;. If If '- - ~,/,' " . .r1a4r I. /1'fS-- 'F~ / . /, ~l ~I ~( r/ HI ~I .~~/ ~I )kv. I 'I- 7 ~-a " If?' ~o if 7- // 2-"1- /, II - 2,.1 2-r ~- , .. I ~ t; " ~/? J2.. I, 'I I ! 't 'f'~ 1/ " .j-D ~, 'f S-~ J " h s-t, $7 '< " If - ~ t/J. S" d<~ s 441' Ij(~ /) ~_... . ,~, January 11,1947. Blaok1e and iVood 544 l1arket street San Franoisco,California. Gentlemen: Dr. Chesbro has asked me to write to you and ask that you send another bill, whioh 1~.Wood presented to him recently. Thls bill has been lost or misplaoed and the directors, at a meeting January 10th, ordered the bill paid. \'~ill you please forvlard the bill to me and address 1 t to the Seoretary, City Hall,Gllroy,Calif. Very truly yours, Secretary, South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District. i E. L. MITCHELL Pacific Coast Mdndger A. J. MORRISSEY Los Angeles Mdndger PACIFIC COAST DEPARTMENT EMPLOYERS CASUALTY COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO BRANCH 30B RUSS BUILDING PHONE EXBROOK 1231 810 SOUTH SPRING STREET PHONE TUCKER 5161 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA L. G. BARRRETT, Agent 836 Central Avenue HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA ~~ CLAIM SERVICE OFFICES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED THROUGHOUT STATE . Until Aug. 20 6527 Washington Circle Wauwatosa, 13, Wisc. Dr. Elmer Chesbro Gilroy, Calif. Dear Doctor: It has come to my attention that some of the people around Gilroy are thinking about voting a bond lssue to build a dam on the Llagas. I wish to call your notice to the hearing held in Hollister some time back in reference to the petition presented to WashiD&ton lep asking for a new survey of the lajaro River ~bd its tributaries, said survey to include wat~r conservation, dralnage, etc. not in- cluded in the original flood control survey: also to the request of the House (U.3.) Flood Control Committee to the Army Chief Engineer that such extention of scope be given consideration. I happen to know that the Army Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation are very anxious to serve this whole Pajaro area and there is no question in my mind that such survey will follow. It would be a mistake if local groups took upon themselves the cost o~ a thorough survey when such might be done by the Federal Agencies and most likely will. I~ such a survey ls authorized by the Chief of Engineers and it is found that the Government ls interested, quite some of the cost of the projeot could very well be assumed by them. At any rate, lt would seem wise to wait until the Army report is completed. If the reoommendation is favorable, there would be plenty o~ tlme to consideratlon of local contribution. There is no harm of course in collecting information and data that will be of value to the Federal people. If the survey is made by the Army, consideration will be given to the whole lajaro basin, of which your area is a part. I have given a good deal of my time to the furtherence of this project and with my acquaintance with the Federal representatives and my position as Vice-Chairmen of the Natural Resourses Committee of the Central Coast Council of the State Chamber~f C erce, I feel that I can do much to promote the whole project. ~ ~ Very sincerely yours, .~~ AUTOMOBILE - PLA TE GLASS - GENERAL PUBLIC LIABILITY - RESIDENCE BURGLARY - PUBLIC CARRIER - TRk~g,,~~r~~/~ r I ... ..... _1M ... st.wvt ... ..,. JIr. Lewla Carpet_ /' ~~,-~;:?:: Il". r.... (). ....I"ft\ 83~ c_tnl A~ IoUl..t!i>I'.. CIl1U~ r....L$a. ttr. St_tU"t. Z)1r...tor of ~'1lUt' ~ur.l .t......... h~. 1uY 1Dd1oM*l t4l) ,. tiut." hfl ht~, ,..,.lwl 1l""'1JOrt th_ __ .1 thflf 1_~ 1*p1e e..- I;iU.rn,i =-6 th1Al:..ir~ .It:;~rut 'fOtll~, .. t'<<-Dll U4UII to lnal1' ..d_ iQ1:l \btJ L1.agaa. t_~ fl' YQU hao ~".}l the 1o.~ 40wft th._ Q.ft t;hl.~"Jvo 'hUUl p,rQbl..- It' ~tjUI to _ tlull't ;rou ....tiLt call tLl ttbtlP ct.tt.u:ln!t ~ tMA.~ r:'~~~$ ~ l\f:~W r6...-t~; the Pt1jar.o ;pr.o,jftCt .... an ooM.r_d~!llth !l~ ~o'j'tf'~l w..'l;:;(~.. eon.,"'Iatio:n.....tll tj,f t;,.. pro'hl_. .. It 'l~~'F.ll'~ 'l''!~' ttWJ !'t" 1~1!l1 ~."t'\ ~ \;',ft' t..~l$'hl" f'}r_1n;~ t;he .~;Ai~i #~)m'~ ~,~~~~i ('!h$l.r(~1$" r~-1'!,j C 4J.nttrol t"'idQ r.U(tJ1.tovt';,_ .'.a.iut~l\ial iii_t 1_-.1 b~JMtl't. t.h~ ,_\,tl;l .~ tl"C~ $ooh a au.. e",na1111l .~r l~tll pl-. aMuW be tdU 1n Ill.,...... _ 11 ctt~t' thtJ krrqr_port. 1. (\to~l.'t~, ur~ 1tt;"'r~G~..t lO-b U t.""t>.hl. 'U-.rtt b ~lllf#'" 01" to' t)Ra14~U" fha 100a1 09-."lbtlt1oA to tM o'Vt.r....n Paj&t"c pJ1t~i ~J,Clh the -2"" will 00"''' \he __iN *a1~. buin. , 1_ .8&i~ .. .O'" ot' tbla l.'tt~tl" tf) t.Mfl. c.....pIIJ(lt... _;11 wJfr. Sha1 tor th81r batClll"aatloa. !;;)11 pNba'bly Ofith't 'to talk t:o:4-. OlMt..borOVCh t4 C11I"'O;" _'hol _:i.ar~ h&_ l:~~n a 1..... lathe 801aioA or the '1004 ..,ntr.l pl"O\)l_ __ tJt cal:ro7- !Oi.l"- ,,"'lf1 ~l', lPll;t;? t. f.ufOI, ~.., ,..-..1 .eoutO...... peT. '" ~.~- ~~~~~. ~ 'Ph. ~ ~,,~ # COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA FRANK H. THILL OFFICE of the COUNTY EXECUTIVE ROOM 21. COURT HOUSE SAN .JOSE 13. CALIFORNIA March 5, 1953 TO: ALL AGENCY AND DEPARTMENT HEADS The Board of Supervisors have approved the Administrative Code which contains certain provisions relating to the manner by which the County budget is to be handled. Among these pro- visions is that which directs the County Executive to provide rules and regulations to guide the submission of budget re- quests by department and agency heads. In conformance with this requirement, the attached has been compiled and will be used by all persons who have as a part of their duties the presentation of budget material :for the year 1953-54. In order to conform to the timing neces- sary to produce a budget by May 31, the following schedule of dates is set forth for your guidance: Request forms to be made available by Controller -- March 9 12...-~'.L /7 Return of request forms to Controller ------------- Ml.P~20. Subsequent to the latter date, the Controller is obliged to perform certain work with the material which will lead to the period when hearings on the requests will be held between the departments and agencies and the County Executive, and the Board of Supervisors. Notice will be given to each depart- ment head of the date his budget will be heard in ample time before the hearing. Your earnest cooperation is that the completed request forms troller by }hp8R ~O_ ~/7 solicited; it is imperative are returned to the Con- 1 :f &'1,11, /12( i l .! ,"" r _ e Y>V'c..~~ -. FRANK H. THILL County Executive FHT:eo Attach. 'i_~___c :r" .i!.~'~.U'[:' ". :'''' ",' ;.<__-(_.....;..."',"'..:..,'~.=,.-~.'."""'....__"_..~"L' INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENCY AND DEPARTMENT HEADS GUIDING SUBMISSION OF BUDGET REQUESTS - 1953-54 Department heads will set forth, in the proper column, thE~ amount deemed to be necessary, opposite each object in which hE;) is accustomed to expend money. SALARIES AND WAGES Positions Presently Occupi~~: Each position approved for employment during 1952-53 will be listed by the Controller. Those positions which are intended to be filled should have the amount inserted in column 4 by the ' department head to cover the time during 1953..54 when the position is to be filled. ~ Qt Reclasqjfied positions: Sufficient lines are available below the captions supplied by the Controller to allow for insertion of requested new posi- tions or positions which are intended to be reclassified. In the case of a ll@..\i ]Q9 ilJ.9D requested, the amount set forth oppo- site its designatio~'1 ShO"'11d cover only the months for which thE;) position is intended to be filled. With respect to requested ~cla.~1flca1ion~, the present position to be reclassified must be identified by code number, and the date when the reclassifica- tion is intended to be effected. The amount in column 4 shall be only for the period after reclassification. 'l'he position to be reclassified, if during the year, shall carry the amount be.. fore reclassification. In presenting requests for either new or reclassified posi- tions, adequate supporting data, by letter and tables, on preSE;)nt as well as future vJOrk loe.ds must be supplied. Absence of such supporting data will be interpreted as an indication that the requirement is not deemed to be essential by the requesting de- partment hend. Mere declaration that employees are \Jorking OVE;)r- time is not sufficient proof of need. Extr.~ ReIn: Extra help, recurrent or temporary help requirements must be accompanied by a schedule of such needs, indicating the da tE;)S, nature of work to be done and necessity therefor, and classifi- cations of positions. Vacation and Sick ReliQf: Only those activities in departments which call for work on a 24-hour basis will be allowed vacation and sick leave appro- priations. Form AU 13: At the time of submission of the budget request to the Controller, the department head shall also submit the Form AU 13, as has been the custom in the County. t" l.~ MAINTENaNCE Ar:m OPERATIOB The forms submitted by the Controller will display the €!x- penditure classifications for Maintenance and Operation which have been in use by the departments. In the event the depart- ment head, in his request, desires to expend money for other than the listed classification, he should not try to accommodate them in the list, but should explain the new desired usage in a letter to the Controller, who will properly classify the expenditure. CAPI'l'AL OUTLAY Each item of Capital Outlay shall be listed separately. A list of approved office equipment and furniture items is attached. Pricings on this list should be used. Any desired item which is not contained on the list, or ~ny attachment to a listed item should be explained separately. MOVING Budgets should not contain any contemplated expenditure for moving. Any change in location of any office will be han- dled separately by the County Executive. "" LOMA PRIETA SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT '. MORGAN HILL. CALIFORNIA March 8, 1951 Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro, Chairman South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District 495 - 5th Street Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: This is to report the transmittal as of March 1, 1951 of the Soil Conservation District's engineer's estimate of cost of the project as specified in the outline entitled, "Lower Llagas Creek Improvement Project". Very truly yours, Jl~r ..::'itiltit ~,."~f.'.~'ilI,...'1 "1(:11\11:1 "Tj"""~' _ 7,1953 ~ Meta SoU e......t1OD District MoIpa IW.l,CalUond.a ~ '" & ....u.., of .. lJcIud of Diftoton of the SoIdh lute. Clea '.u. __ c....u.oc J)illt1Ut. . ~,.,. 4th, 1"' 1\ .. ~ ~ to ~... at. ... vitia the ~ uoft CD ... 1cJuar 1-1.... c..t. . A.,. ~ bow b7 .., the boad..,eUoa _14 Apdl 2IW1 .. .....1f'tIl ... ..... ~ .. ......:JabIg bI1lot ill favor of 'both the ... ad Uaaaa pro3--. . ltUD.... __ voW ~l~ to ...... *' ... v1'U1 'the 1.1.... ~ .. l'Wp,.ft .., ,. JlII';.... .. ".,.. ...n.. .--' .......,..14.ou t. tbe 1r1.. .....1 'tfCIIIIr 1ftP- era,*", to ~. Sato . ocm'tlut tor .w VI:JIlfr. \luy .~ ;t...., 8ecretN7 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS NOTARIES PUBLIC COURT HOUSE SACRAMENTO, CALI FORNIA !larch 3. 1947. My dear Mr. Ohesbro: Mr. I. T. Dupont, 320 California street, San Franoisco, is the record owner of two orchards on Center Avenue in Rucker. It has been called to his attention that a Distriot has or is being formed to finance the construction of suoh facilities as will relieve the water problem therein. Mr. Dupontts property is in that distriot. For the past eighteen months I have accompanied a Senate Interim Committee on hearings throughout the state and I recall that many distrie:ts, in the financing of such projects as mentl0Jled above, have had assigned to them by the Counties (through resolution ot the supervisors) funds on a matching basi. out of their share under the Ninety Jlillion. County Aid bill passed at the 1945 sess1Lon. W1ll you be kind enough to adTise Mr. Dupont whether or not there has been or is contemplated by your proposed Distriot applica- tion to the supervisors for such en assignment? Also when it is proposed to hold an election. There is likewise, I am informed, some federal money whick possibly may be available. Yours ~~. 11' BLACKIE AND WOOD HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 1-5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTH BAI-ITA CLARA VALLEY WATER CGNSFTiVATION JISTRICT UVAS SURVEYS .Tune 26, 1952 Mr. G. Walter Hunt clo Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District 62 Second Street San 10se, California Dear Walter: On .Tulle 18, 1952, at the suggestion ot Dr. Chesbro, Mr. Hunt ane. Mr. Wood conferred relet1 'lTe to ot.,ta in1ng necessary data upon which to base an estjmE.te ot construction cost of the Uvas da., spillway and County Road relocation for a 3A,OOO Aore foot reservoir on Uvas Creek. It was fiela. crew, and Wood. office work be submitted Conservation decided that because of the press ar duties of Mr.Hunt's thAt the necNwary 8U'T'V(:~'S dertakf'TI be Bleckie It WfW also ~uggested t ate of the field and involved be prepared b~ Blae and Wo and thet this would to the Board ect ot the Santa Clara Valley Water District R its mee . ng on July 7, 1952. \,ife est! estimlite I in sur ,ys, upon which to base the above oast as would cost 16,100. field surveys, tests on the soil samples, and an estimRte of the construction cost 4,100. TOTAL tl0 , 200. The above does not include real estate valuation of right of ~eys. This is our best guess of the cost end is not a guaranteed figure, but we believe that sufficient data for the construction cost estimate may be obtained for this figure. Very truly yours co to Dr. Ohesbro BUCKI E Ai\T[) WOOD, ~~NGINFERS FOR SOUTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT By%,-,--trt{-f! t:-C-~tJ-~ HW:do , , \~.n p ,'>/"' "~. .'...... .! ..~ . i "-Vll:"~,...~\}, ,q...- 'l!' -'I )1I1s~,- SOUTH s.&.RT.A CLAM VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT G1lroy,Cal1.fornia May 7,1953 AI you pI"Obab17 know the election _ld on .lprU 28th.. entia17 llUoce8.M tor the d1Rr1ot the beadl tor both U... aDd tlagal proJecta CU'r71nI b7 en ovvvhel.m1.ag YOte . The Direotors at their ..t1ng Moncla1,Jr1q 4th \'Ow ummimous17 to haft 1011 proceed at once v1th the Llagaa pro- 3eot and prepare the neeellU"y plana u4 program. 'the Loma Prieta So11 Conservation District hat be_ aUed to prepare the detailed plana and specifications tor the lowr Llagal obannel work. The Directors will ..t again on Friday,May 15th. Very trul7 yours, Secretuy :March 2'1,1948. Black1e and Wood 544 Harket Street San Francisco,Oalifornia Gentlemen: -"losed please find Order No.l'17 in the amount ot $1,G66.9'1 to cover partial payment ot your bill age. inst the distrlot. W1th this payment the balanoe due 1s $2.300.00 whioh the distriot w11l Make provision tor in its next budget. Very truly yours, SOUTH SANrA OLARA VALLEY WATE:R OONSERVA~IOli DIS*l. B7:, Secretary. A1>~11 19,1~52 County' Audltor Hall of ReooNs San Joe.,Oalitornia Dear S1r: Enolosed please tind the estlmQtad budget requlroments tor the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District tor the tiscal year 1962-63. Ve'r"'J trulY' yours. Seoretary South Santa Clara Valley . water Conservat ion D1S'tr101; U>WER LLAGAS CREElt IlLPROVEMENT PROGRAM The lower 'eotion of Llagal Creek, from 1 t. junotion with the pajaro River to a distanoe of 6700 teet up.tream, 11 in very poor oondition. FloWII in exoe.. of 100 oub1o teet per I eoond now oaUl. flooding ot irr1- gated oropllillld in the area. Tho time requir ed for flood_tel' tra large tlOWl to drain trom th. l8lld 11 .xoeniTe. At the requ..t ot the direotor. of the Lo. Pr1eta 8011 Cons.l"Yation D18triot and farmers in the area the Soil Co.tllervation Serv10e made a preliminary .urvey of the problem 1A 1950. In view ot the taot that there 11 a possibility of a dam on Llaga, Creek with tlood oontrol benefit, and the poor oendi tion of the upper pajaro River oianael a oapaoity of 1000 oubio teot per ,e.ond in lower Llaga. Creek 1. the logieal .1.e job to oonl1der at this tlme. Suoh a ohannel would oarry aost ot the .maller flon through to the pajaro Rivor and would provide muoh t..ter reliet to led tlooded during peak .torm tlon. The seotion of the ohannel trcm .tation 67+00 to the Paoheoo Pd' Road bridge 1s of adequa te .he. Some tree and b N.h olearing would be advilable to prevent the oolleoti on of tloating d ebrl. along the ohaJUlel bank.. The e.tmate4 amount. of lIOrk and oost, thereof to provide a oap:toity of 1000 oubio feet per leoond are a. foll OWIII 1. Clearing , 1.ump SUIl . 3..500.00 2. Exoavation.. 70.000 QU. yd.. . 10.30 per yd. 21.000.00 . 24.500.00 3. Contingenoies.. 30% 7,350.00 Total . 31..650.00 -2- Couid.rat10n should alao be g1Ten to the provhion tor an annual maintenanoe program in the ohannel atter initial oOnltruotlon. W1110w and tule regrowth will be Tery rapid ... water trOll the Gilroy .....r tarm d1aoharg.. into the ahaanel. Lou of oapeo1ty will reault Tery rapidly it the ohannel 11 not _intained in a olean oondi tioa. Annual maintenanoe ooata will depend upon emount of regrowth. and method of doing the work. It 18 n.oenary to the 8uooe., of thll projeot and Ulloaecl that Santa Clara Couat,y w111 provide a new bridge OTer Llaga. Cr.ek OR Bloomfield Road, with adequate olear opening .0 that the above de.oribed ohannel wora oan be aooomplllhed. t?', ;)/ :7. Carl M. Foraberg Di.triot Engineer ~ Conourred inl W. G. Soott Distriot Conservatlonllt Soil ConI.1'Tatioa SerTioe Mardl 1, 1951 OFFIOE OF CITY CLERK AND ASSESSOR CITY OF GILROY CALIFORNIA May 15,1947. County Auditor Hall of Reaords San Jose,California Dear Sir: The ahamrman of the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservatlon District has requested that I write to you to ascertain the balance in the dlstriot fund at the present date. Will you please forward these figures to me at the 01 t Y Hall, {~IV 1 ;;/' tp) /1 ~ 0\ '~/\ I l/ ~~' Very truly yours, G.~.~ Secretary, South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Diet. i~ ~ February lB,l950 Blaokie and Wood 544 Market street San Franoisco,Californ1a Gentlemen: Enolosed please find a warrant (No.lee) in the amount ot $56.5'1 t the balanoe due on your statement dated Deoember 1,1949. The directors of the d1striot met last night and instruoted me to adv1se you that they would like to have 70ur "early reports oontinued as ln the past,oover1ng both the Llagas and Uvas run-oft. Enclosedp ,also t please find the 1949 stree..m flow reoord ,Llagas Creek, as prepared by the D1vls10n of 'Hater Resouroes. ~l ery t ru 1,. yours t a-Inols. Seoretary, South Santa Clara Valle,. \'iater Conservation Distriot. May 5.l95l Ur.John M.Frano18oo Oounty AUd1tor Hall otReoorda San Joso,Oa11torn1a Dear Johns Enolosed please find 'the budget tor the South Santa Olara Valley lsater Conservat10n D1striot tor the t1soal year 1951-1952. Very truly -,ours. SeoretaI7'. South Santa Olara Valley Water Conservat1on Distriot. Key 10,1951 1.-- Prie. Soll Oonaervatlon D18tr10t Morpn BiU ,Oal1tol'111a Gentle.n: ..." a .."111& ot tbe Board ot DlreotoJa ot the South San'a alan Valle,. Wawr OOWl.natlon DB. trlot.Pr14a,.JIV 4th, 1951 f the _ttel' ot wid.nine anA de.pen1n8 'M lower 1.1.. Oreek obennel. w... dl.ou.e4. >>1mot10n dull.de,.econded and ourled the 41reotora ask that the LoIla Pri.... So11 Ooue1"'tatlon Dl.'r10'O turnlah the 8nsl.er1ng tor thla work. YOlU' tavorable aotlon on this "que.' wlU be greatl,. appreolated.. Very 1;rul,. youn, Se <Ire'''''' South Santa Olara VaUe,. Water COuerva..1on D18'b-lct. iX10TH SM~T A CLARA V I\LLEY WATE:R COr;;ERVATIONDISTRICT Gilroy,California >>11q 26,19Sl 2>enator John F. 'l'hompson senate CluImber Sacramento , Calitorn1a Dear Senators The copy of your water district bUl arr1ved and I have rea4 1 t. Aa I understood your remarks at the Edmonaton report meeting we were to have a bill that would enable the county to enter Into a contract w1 t.h the ::tate. The bill .a proposed 181 lbelleve. the equal ot any- thing the Federal Bureau ot Reolamat on m1ght. produce. It, m1ght appeal to peraona in a count.)' which did not have 8'J:'JT dietriota aet up. To establish thi8 blll into 1_ would create a bureau. with .more politioal dynatn1 te than I can contemplate. Under the present law we collect a tax tor district use an<! 4evelop.nent. Hut this t,ax 1. based on bare land value. As I read the n.. bill the tax would be levled on the entire a.e.asment. No city property owner could survive .and no tarmer Gould last long. E&noneton stated that state water would oost twenty-five dollar. and acre tootlanother rolea.. aald twentJ. Either t1gure ls not going to bring any solution to our problem. The tarmer would atill have hie pumping oost.. 18 your land worth such a price when devoted to agriculture? 'lorae yet,the B08.I'd of ~Jupervi80r8 i8 the beginning and end of' the plan. Tho. b<K\Y has never, in my experlence and Judgment., demonst.rated that it oould oare tor the routine oounty 'bu.sln....llow t.hen could an additional burden be add4d with hope tor go04 Nault-a? Tbe Supervlaora do not respond to the wishes ot the people. "or example .e have twice voted tor a new county charter. Has lt been put into eftect.? 110. the Supervisors and theil' hatchetmen have seen to that. Why then ahould they be trusted with auch power .a specified in the proposed bill. In l1.f9 opinion we oan develop all the water we need in .;outh ~~anta Clara Valley. v:'hen all souroe. have been c8l"ed for we wUl have spent a large amount ot money but. not _1"8 than _tsi4e water would have coat. At least we wUl be 1n a pos1tlon to pperate our own bus me as and, I believe , with people who are oapable and w11l- ing to do a good Job. Very trulyyour8, Elmer J . Che sbro , President ~;L~ S-( dc7e,/. ~ ~C/}~x::-:y<, r "/? A A.:4-iW.:t(J~J.>JZ91.. r : ~-~-, / v.- ~ a~(UCA. J ~'vl2~ 4 (1-;:) J.Ct~<:.t;;;e;.,.-d ~ /'~./J ~.. " . ~~~ /j /1/,/7 //)/1 . i' /',,' ,D.-----/?~ lkn v'.' J(J!/f."!- t.,}./?/,q ~ ~~T C,"-~' . / '" -, . ~.n . kit . I ()- / . , 7'II2Ph'fI; tA.rv 1hr0/ -t, ~1./vt:;. ~7:/vA Wn~ J /7 }. ,+-Ii, ' ~. i-" ~. l --+- /A ,tI "7.' ~ ~ lZvL~/{}-u; , ~' ~.:~ L-;Q.J.{/! 't .(.. "'.~ .' -1'1,."L -(.) {,.\. (~/ ry;?1:.' ~ - " krzTIv tt.l.' ~Pc.::e/{/ . . . !/Iv- ~ ~ I-/l~~' ~d _ 3 ~'(}-z"/ : ~) ~ c52 =r t:K~ tKv ~"u~~~~ l' .. ~~f~':!Pt, . ~ft p/2~/,) ~..~ (I~:C; h~.d,-- dA . ->'1.~':-f AA..1/.. r:'-L-; ..' cl L(":{ ///11.4 /C --<./{ .{~ljJ , :JbR~ ~ tu/D~~~ to/c.J',"C " 0<') . .. ,,-, ....--;-. -, . . I ...._ ... #!.,,- ' } -,-- ,.<f_r'.~~, ../ !7 '_ - Y1 ',. (.) t.f2A' U. e,L. ,,/ ,.C he I ....'- ...a., ! /t/f')-v ~~?~~...-e~ ~ Tk 1") I, " t I. '+, '", ' f .~ ~ A .-1 ~;--;- '/ if ~ ~ '.--- -- (J'''-,!t /I/1.~ t{A' .i'... !) . ,- - ~./ .2- -. c -<- ...:n,,-:f ..fr;o -1'/.R::(~... . v ~~. ~-----t~Jt~-<-'t/ 11/7/ {!;..eee~~ · tt,M;.llv ct..-c't:;./t ... A-{ < ";'; ~ ~_~ Bet-If 1tVf..CJ ~~ M t'Yt.<2e.--l. .T).\., M:~;< . f.J.rJ-<t-cl,~ ..1( ~. . CZo;} 1LRA-J Uf ~u ../-1 Y f 7J!. 'f) ~:, lr...j l.TJ:::::i! " WAYNE p, CHESBRO. M. D. 64 FIFTH STREET GILROY. CALIFORNIA w-cr,-f-c{ eL{, Jj ~ "- a ~ th- V" -r;tv./ iZ/. c -[/'c ~" . tl4 <.Lo-t VA C. t-~ 11A:'> C <{--t 1../2 -<-1 1. 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Cou.nty Auditor Hall of Records San Jose,California Dea.r Sir: The ohatlrman of the South Sante. Clara Valley Water Conservation D1 striot has requested that I wri to to you to ascertain the balance in the distriot fund at the present date. 1;:111 you please torward these flgures to me at the Ci ty Hall, Very truly yours. Secretary, South Santa Clara Valley lmter Conservation Diet. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ....~.~.!? I!_! N.. ~--=~.~=l!_~~'I".~-~ l\l~ HALL OF RECORDS JOHN M. FRANCISCO. County Auditor SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA June 12, 1945 Mr. P. A. Cox Acting Secretary South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District Gilroy, California Dear Sir: This is in reply to your letter of June 11th in which you requested the balance remaining in the fund of the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District. The balance remaining in this fund is the sum of i739.60 I am also enclosing your copy of the budget form to be filled out and returned at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly, jg Encl: 1 '. r I I Suly 15, U146. County Auditor, Hell of Records, San ,Tose,Ca11forn.1a. DeAr Sir: Enclosed plea.se find budget for the South Santa Clara Valley tater Conservation District ror the risoal year U;46- 1947. Very truly yours, SO tJ'l'I: S ANT 11 C L\.RA V lU.LEY "~;ATER CONSlmVATION DISTBOOTe By- Secretary. l7 ,1 SOUTH SANI'A CLARA "ALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 'j I, \ Gilroy, California June 16,1945. ;' ,\ '.i;, , \ \ \ \ \ ,\ Blaokle\and Wood 544 Mar~et Street San Fran~isoo,Calitornia Ge nt1eDlea: Enolosed please find Order No.110 In the amount of $203.20 covering professional servloes for the period Ootober 22,1943 to June 15,1945. Very truly yours, Aoting Seoretary , 2,1 ,/ Y / ~~~_ ..,'>;:.::::;';:...._._~ ~JL,.l...~' Ai ",.tW ...,:' 'c" ..."~'<.,......M':i~'''.'"",."N'' ,.~,...',..,," Director offered the fol10wing Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District make immediate applicati~n to the State Engineer, Division of ~~ter Resources, Department of Public Works, Sacramento, California, to appropriate unappropriated water of the Uvas Creek, the point of diversion to be North 820 50' East 4650 feet from the Southwest Corner of Section 12, in Township 10, South of Range Z East M.D.F & M, in the County of Santa Clara, and tnat Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro President of the Board of Directors of said District be and he is hereby authorized to execute the necessary application forms and the other papers connected with the application, if any.: Director seconded the moti0n for the adoption of said Resolution and upon being put to vote the same was adopted unanimously, all Directors present voting, "AYE". ," ..r BLACKIE &: WOOD REPORTS lli9. Pres~nt. Water Require~nt.s Estimated acres in area Requirement (acre-feet) 18,000 23,082 Ulti~t~ Watar Requirements Area-acres Requirements-acre-feet 20,000 27,440 1940 Approximately 3,000 acre-feet more water could be conserved than now occur.. without any regulation of flow. In wet years it is estimated that 6,,000 to 7,,000 acre-feet. of waste water could be frequently saved with the provision of the 3,600 acre-feet sto~~. 1942 Run-off of L1agas Creek-Jan 1,1942 to Sept..30,1942- 25,646 acre-feet Records indicate that 3,914 acre-feet of water passed t.hru the district that. eould have been saved and subsequently percolated. on two occasion the reservoir would haYe been drawn down slightly and then filled again. lC)42-4~ Records for this season indicate 4,066 acre-feQ~ passed thru the district which could have been saved. Would have filled, the. reservoir twice. Total run-off of L1agas Creek-Oct.l,1942 to Sept.30,1943-17,6l4 a.'6. 194~-44 Records indicate 3,818 acre-feet passed thru the district which could have been saved and subsequently preco1ated. Storms the last. week in February and the first week in March would have filled the reservoir and it would have spilled until the middle of March after which it would have slowJ.y been drawn down until it would have been empty the first of Ju1y. 1944-45 Records for this season indicate that 3,974 acre-feet passed thru the district which could have been saved and percolated. . First two days of February would have filled the reservoir and it would have spilled untiJi l"ehruary 11th after which it would have been slowly drawn down until it would have been empty by June .,1945. Total run-off for period Oct.1,1944 to Sept.30,1945-10,462 acre-feet. **** - R~SQL!!I.IOl! WHEREAS, Senate Bill NO. 1812 has been introduced in the state Legislature by Senator Thompson, which bill provides for the creation of a district to be known as the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and such district shall comprise the entire county, and WhEREAS, the provisions of the said bill give the district all the power which any water conservation district now possesses and other powers more far-reaching among which is the right to condemn property including the works of any water conservation district now in existence, and to construct dams, ditches and do all the other things which might be required in the conservation of water and flood control, and also the right to transport water from the sbeams in one area of the county where the water may be needed to another and different area, and WHEREAS, the state Division of Water Resources has heretofore indicated its intention of asking for the formation of a county-wide district merely for the .purpose of negotiating with and making agreements effecting the whole county generally relating to the transportation or bringing into Santa Clara County of water from outside the County and has given no indication of its desire to have a county-wide water conservation district with all the powers required to establish and construct works and condemn property in connection therewith, and WHERE.AS, the Board of Directors of Santa Clara Water Conservation District does not believe it wise or necessary that a county-wide water conservation district be established in Santa Clara County, and that the only district of this territorial scope which may be required is one to enab~e the county to negotiate and make agreements connected with the bringing in of water from outside sources, and that the adoption of the Senate bill of Senator Thompson will create tremendous confusion and doubt and interfere with the projects of local water conservation district in the County and make said portions of the County SUbject to the whims of other sections. I I \.. ..1- 'T Ii ~i.'~~'Rflli~il1ii~~411;~'I';"F~~~~~';;;-~ -...", ~ .......,"' .. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District does hereby object to the passage of said Senate bill No. 1812 for the aforesaid reasons, and declares that said bill, if enacted into law, will be detrimental to the conservation of water and flood control in the southern part of the Sant~ Clara County, and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Senator Thompson, to Assemblyman Charles GUbser, and to the Division of Water Resources of the state of California. \...."'" -2- \. IUl . 1.. .<1. ill [ If . .. I!IIM .. l ~ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA . ~ OFFICE OF COUNTY SlJRV:EYO~ ROBERT B. CHANDLER. COUNTY SURVEYOR HALL OF RECORDS SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA February 16, 1951 Mr. Phil Cox City Manager Gilroy, Calif. Dear Phil: Enclosed find layout of proposed bridge over Bloomfield AVenue. I am quite sure that it will take all the water that you can force into it. Yours truly, ic/RBC BLACKIE AND WOOD HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER S728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTH SANTA CLARA VAU.EY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT LLAGAS CREEK STORAGE Honorable Board of Direotors South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Distriot Gilroy, California September 17, 1946 Gentlemen: As requested by your President, Dr. Chesbro on June 14, 1946, we have reviewed the plan fora 3800 aore foot storage reservoir on Llagas Creek upstream from Lane's Bridge and have re-estimated the oonstruotion cost based upon reoent prioes, whioh are nearly double those of 1940 and are still going up. The dam proposed in our Projeot Report No. 2 to you, and dated December 1940, is of the rolled earth-fill type and similar in all details to those built for the Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District and the Pacheco Pass Water District. The storage of 3800 acre feet, based upon the U. S. Geological Survey topography, would require the water surface at elevation 500. The crest of the dam would be at elevation 510 or 65 feet above streambed. Our re-estimate for this dam is based upon quantities from preliminary survey of topography of the damsite but without any borings or subsurface investigations and is as follows: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURES 67,000. TOTAL - $401,000. The above figure is exclusive of the right of way oost. Right of way involving about 235 acres, whioh is considered as a minimum, are involved. About one-half of this area is cleared, creek-bottom land and the balance brush oovered, hill land. There are about 20 acres in vineyards and orchards and also several buildings involved. This area with improvements and severanoe damages might make the total required for right of way oost, $100,000. as a minimum. Embankment Spillway Outlet Works Road Relooation Exploration, Contingenoies and Overhead $185,000. 74,000. 25,000. 50,000. -2- SOUI'H SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT IJ..AGAS CREEK STORAGE September 17, 1946 In our Project Report No.1, to you, is stated "the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District is justified in making capital expenditures of as much as $380.000." to prevent an average annual overdraft from the underground storage of 4150 acre feet. The records of runoff of Llagas Creek, secured by us at your request, from December 1941 to date, shows that had there been a 3800 acre foot storage reservoir at the proposed location on Llagas Creek, there could have been about 19600 acre feet conserved or an average of about 3920 acre feet per year. Had there been a 4500 acre foot reservoir, there could have been about 22400 acre feet conserved or an average of about 4480 acre feet per year or slightly more than the estimated annual average overdraft. No estimate of construction cast has been made for a dam to create a reservoir of 4500 acre feet. The record of flows in Llagas Creek for the 1945 - 1946 season will be submitted to you following the end of the season. The total runoff for Llagas Creek to the damsite for the last season was 11,670 acre feet of which 3874 acre feet could have been conserved by a 3800 acre foot reservoir. This would have been full on December 29, 1945, would have spilled 260 acre feet in the next ten days and would have been empty by June 17, 1946. HW:do Respectfully submitted, BLACKIE AND WOOD, CIVIL ENGINEERS ~~ HAROLD I. WOOD E, E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SUBJECT soum SANTA. CLARA VAIJ..EY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT June 26, 1946. Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro, Sixty-four Fifth Street, Gilroy, California. Dear Dr. Chesbro: Yesterday afternoon, the writer had a rather lengthy confer- ence in his office. with Mr. Von Seggern of the U. S. Engineer Depart- ment on their remaining program for and progress to date in connection with its study of storage possibilities on Llagas Creek. This letter i. written to give you a brief summary of the present status of this investigation. Mr. Von Seggern stated that the hydrological studies were practically complete, inCluding the extent of flood damage which is the basis of Federal participation. From the results to date, it was stated that the Federal Government appeared justified in participating in L1a- gas Creek storage to the extent of between 1/4 and 1/3 of a million dollars. The U. S. E. D. is now starting preliminary designs and esti- mates so as to determine the probable cost of various amounts of stor- age (one quite small, one very large, and two in between) and also the eoonondc correlation of storage and yield. We explained the desire and necessity of proceeding with the project in the near future while financial and other economic condi- tions were favorable. While Mr. Von Seggern agreed, he stated that his investigation was being pushed as fast as was practicable and was far ahead of similar studies and investigations being made under the same Act of Congress. It was made quite clear, however, that actual finan- cial assistance from the Government could not be expected in less than two to five years fram the present time, and it would be necessary for the local District Office'S recommendations to pass through all the re- quired channels, be approved by the Congress, and the definite appro- priation made for the work. All these steps, and particularly the lat- ter one probably would require a vigilant watch in Washington to insure anything approaching early action. 1 Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro - 6/26/46 - Page TWo. With the approximate amount of probable Federal participa- tion indicated, the question arises as to whether the District should wait for such help or should go ahead on its own account and pass up this future aid. In deciding this point, it seems to us that consi- deration must be given to many factors. As yet the size and cost of a multi-purpose storage project have not been established, nor similar figures ascertained with any degree of certainty for present day high c~nstruction costs. Many local conditions probably should also receive careful attention, as well as ~eneral economic and monetary factors. If we can be of assistance in reaching a satisfactory answer to this prOblem, please fe$l free to call upon us. Very truly yours, BLACKlE AND WOOD, CONSULTING ENGINEERS EEB: do By ~. Board of Direotors may oause report to be made in suoh detail and be accompanied by such exhibits as will disclose the purposes sought to be accomplished and means to be employed. Must be printed in convenient form for distribution. ' After printing of said report, Board of Directors by resolution adopted by majority of the members of the board, may call election to authorize bonded indebtedness. Resolution shall speoify: 1. Purpose for which indebtedness is to be incurred. 2. Amount of bonds which it is proposed shall be issued, maximum rate of interest and the number of years not exceeding 40, the whole or any part of the bonds are to run uptil maturity. 3. Provide for submission of the question of the inourring of such indebtedness to qualified electors at an eleotion called for that purpose. Notice shall be given of election by publication at least ten days in a daily newspaper, first publication to be at least 30 days before date of election. Notice shall state time and place for holding election, names or numbers of election preoincts, the location of polling plac~ , names of election officials; also, brief statement of amount of debt that it is proposed to incur and the purpose thereof, the number of years bonds are to run and maximum rate of interest. Two-thirds vote required. . RlSOLUTION WHEREAS. the recommendations of the Army Engineers on the Pajaro River and Tributaries>> project Survey were con- fined to certain flood control bank protective measures as included in Omnibus Bll1 H.R.4485, and VffiEREAS. it now appears that the means are available for extending the scope to a more comprehensive plan including the problems ooncerning, in addition to flood control, those of surface irrigation,percolation for proposed underground irri- gation supply,drainage and pollution, and WHEREAS. the Hollister Irrigation District of San Benito County is presenting a petit ion to Congressman Anderson and the District Army Engineer requesting a review of the former report and an extension of the scope to a more comprehensive plan, and ~BEREAS, the property owners in the Gilroy area near the Uvas and Llagas Creeks, two tributaries of the Pajaro River, are vitally interested in a conservation program including this area also, NO Vi THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the hereby approve the petition being forwarded by the Hollister Irrigation District to Congressman Anderson and to the District Army Engineer. ADOPTED AIID PJ1SSED this the following vote: day of ,1945,by AYES: hOES: ABSENT: APPROVED: Attest: The above and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted and passed by ,1945. HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 1-5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4. CALIF, SUBJECT ;::iOUTH SANTA CU~Rl\. VALLEY WATER CONSER~\TION DISTRICT LUGAS CREEK RECOHDER STAn or: November 20, lQ50 Dr. Elmer Chesbro City Hall Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: Mr. John F. Leverton of Morgan Hill, who is to operate the recorder at the Llagas Creek Station this season, was given instructions and visited the Station wit~ the writer on Saturday, November 18. Mr. Leverton was given the set of keys which Mr. Gene Thomas had. The recorded is now in operqtion. We found that the staff gage on the big sycamore tree had been dearranged and the upper section read about 0.3 foot low. ~e will continue to use the gage in the well in any case. The outside gage can be repaired later. We reached the station as the flow was rapi11y increasing and by noon Saturday the flow was 860 cutic feet per second. The recorder station will be watched at intervals. Mr. John Leverton is very compttent to operate the recorder. The 1949-1950 Season Report will be completed as soon as the well readings are received. Very truly .yours, HW:do BL.4CKIE AND "NOOD, ENGI1'"EERS FOR SOUTH SANTA CLARA V ALLEY VI ATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT BY#~~ DIRECTORS E. H. SHARP PRESIDENT HERBERT C. JONES SPECIAL COUNSEL. B. W. BARRETT V1CE~PRESIDENT Pacheco Pass Water District GRANT BLDG... SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA A.O,AMES W. L, LITTLE LOUIS SCAGLIONE BLACKIE & WOOD CONSULTING ENGINEERS Office: Room 4, Bank of America Building HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA ALASKA-COMMERCIAL BLDG. BAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA L. G. BARRETT SECRETARY-TREASURER ASSESSOR-TAX COLLECTOR TELEPHONE 601 GEO. C. HOLBERTON SPECIAL CONSULTANT '" P, O. BOX 229 ROOM .., BANK OF AMERICA. BLDG. HOLLISTER. CALIFORNIA Maroh 16, 1945 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA South Santa Clara Valley' Conservation Dist. Gilroy, Calif. Gentlemen~ The petition of the Hollister Irrigation District for a review of the ~lood Control Survey Report on the Pajaro basin for the purpose of extending the soope to a mare oomprehensive plan inoluding the prinoipal problems concerning, in addition to flood control. those of surface irrigation. percolation for proposed irrigation supply. drainage. pollution. etc.. has reached the Army Chief of Engineers in Washington for oonsideration and re- commendation. The Chief of Engineers. Major General E. Reybold, has forwarded to the District Engineer at San Francisco. Colonel K.M.Moore, the petition and aocompanying documents of approval of local interests for his consideration and comments. I am today in receipt of a letter from Col. Moore asking that the desires of local interests in eaoh area be ascer- tained. That eaoh area be afforded an opportunity to present its various problems on which it desires consideration through the proposed extended survey, this letter is being sent to the ~ different districts in the basin of the Pajaro and its tribu- tarieso Your cooperation in obtaining such information as soon as possible for the writer to present to the Army Engineers will be greatly appreciat6d. I am also suggesting that some repre- sentative or representatives of your district be prepared to be present at an arranged meeting with the District Engineer's office to more fUlly explain your local problems and to answer any ques- t ions that may be brought up by the Army Engineers, I would suggest that you stress the seriousness of your problem, naming the different areas involved. creeks. etc. NoW of all times is the opportune time to get consideration by the Federal agencies. There is also the possibility of receiving State aid in a deserving water conservation program. And now is the time to aot, or rather, to ~. cc Loma Prieta Conserv. Dist. /~') / .~.... /./- / ~. L.G.Barrett THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR WATER Very truly yours. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ~ Office of the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A. W. BROWN. 1ST DISTRICT. CHAIRMAN WM. S. PFEIFLE. 2ND DISTRICT E. O. WOOL. 3RD DISTRICT J. M. McKINNON. 4TH DISTRICT EARL C. CAMPBELL. 5TH DISTRICT E. T. McGEHEE. COUNTY CLERK RICHARD OLSON. DEPUTY CLERK OF THE BOARD E. B. HUGHSTON. FINANCE OFFICER ROOM 21. COURT HOUSE SAN JOSE 13. CALIFORNIA November 29, 1950 Mr. P. A. Cox, Secretary Sout~ Santa Clara Valley Water District City Hall Gilroy, California Dear Mr. Cox: Under separate cover we are sending you a map and legal description of the proposed annexation to the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Dist- rict, said map and description were approved by the Board of Supervisors last Monday. Sincerely yours, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HAROLD I. WOOD E. E, BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 1-5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4. CALIF, SUBJECT SOUT:.S SAKTA CLi,RA VALLEY HATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT LLAGAS CREEK RECORDER November 13, 1950 Dr. Elmer Chesbro Ci ty Ha.ll Gilroy, Ca.lifornia Dear Dr. Chesbro: ;\e received your letter of Kovember 9. On November 3, while in Morgan Hill,dood called on Gene Thomas and learned about Mr. Jack Leverton. A letter has been written to Mr. Leverton to make an anpointment to meet him at his home on Saturday November 18. The recorder instrument is now installed in the recorder station and instructions in its operation and care will be rriven Mr. Leverton. Very truly yours, BLi\.GKJE AJ:,D \~OOD, ENGH'EERS FOR mJ:do SOUTH SA!\''TA CLARL\. VALLEY 'NAT1<:R COFSERVA'l'IQrJ DISTRICT BY~~ A. D. EDMONSTON. STATE ENGINEER CHIEF OF DIVISION EARL WARREN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA F~ANK B. DURKIIII DIRECTOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA Iltparnnrot of ;flnblic ~orks SACRAMENTO ADDRESS REPLY TO DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING P.O.BoxI079 SACRAM ENTO 5 November 9, 1951 Mr. P. A. Cox, Secretary South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District Gilroy, California Subject: Preliminary Draft of Report on Santa Clara Valley Investigation File 622.1101 x 062.4 Dear Mr. Cox: This is to inform you that the preliminary draft of Bulletin No.7, "Santa Clara Valley Investigation", dated September, 1951, a copy of which was sent to you, was received and filed by the State Water Resources Board on November 2, 1951, and, therefore, is a public document. The preliminary draft, however, is subject to revision. Very truly yours, A. D. EDMONSTON, STATE ENGINEER By r I I REFER TO FILE NO. WAR DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE 74 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ADDRESS REPLY TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER 17 December 1945 Mr. Elmer J. Chesbro, President, Board of Directors, South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, Gilroy, California. Dear Sir: Reference is made to your letter of 21 November 1945, regarding the investigation of Llagas Creek being made for your board by Blackie and Wood, Consulting Engineers. In compliance with your request, this office will in- clude in its review of the Pajaro River Survey Report, studies to determine the economic size of the Llagas Creek reservoir, both as a multi-purpose or single-purpose nroject, and will forward the desired information to Blackie and YJood as it becomes available. For the District Engineer: . Pond, ering Division. Chief, OFFICERS PIII..ID.NT REGINALD L. PARRY ..CRIIlTARV THELMA M. WRIGHT ATTORNEY HER.ERT C. .JON 1:. CHI." IIlNaIN..Ull G. W. HUNT DIRECTORS Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District ,.RANK L. .TI:INDOR.... DIY.' ... IE. WI..ENDANGER, DIY. 2 C. G. ."ARGUR. DIY. 3 L. O. WILCOX. DIY. . HARRY G. MITCHELL. DIY. 8 REGINALD L. PARRY, DIY. 8 s. W, ....'"..LE. DIY. 7 60 NORTH SECOND STREET SAN .JOSE 13. CALIFORNIA March 3rd, 1953 Dr. Elmer J. Ohesbro, 495 Fifth street, Gilroy, Calif. Dear Dr. Chesbrol Thanks for your letter of the 26th which letter was presented to the Boar. of Directors at their meeting this morning. They were pleased with the understanding that the road could be abandoned which makes the pro- position look more a~tractive. I wn glad to heard that you are going ahead with your election and our Board will call their election when they think the time is proper. I think your reduction of $1,000,000 is approximately right. Thanks again for your letter. Very truly yours, SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT GWE : W , G. W. Hunt, CLief Engineer DIRECTORS E. H. SHARP PRESIDENT Pacheco Pass Water District HERBERT C. JONES SPECIAL COUNSEL GRANT BLDG., SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA B. W. BARRETT VICE-PRESIDENT A,O,AMES W. L, LITTLE LOUIS SCAGLIONE BLACKIE 8< WOOD CONSULTING ENGINEERS L. G. BARRETT SECRETARY.TREASURER ASSESSOR-TAX COLLECTOR Office: Room 4, Bank of America Building HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 601 ALASKA-COMMERCIAL BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA GEO. C. HOLBERTON SPECIAL CONSULTANT <I- ROOM 4, BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. P, O. BOX 229 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA HOLLISTER. CALIFORNIA PH0.20;3~D .i?;L~T Iil' ION TO COUGR;~;);n.1A.N ANDr~rl30N . "Under the provisions of the ~uadri-partite A.greament be- tijveen the Federuil .~uthor it iea (Vial' Department. Bureaj,l of de ola- matioD of the nep!.'l.rtment of Interior. Federu.l .power Commission and Department of~rioulture). tho mea.ns for..... extending the scope of the existing Flood Oontrol survey u.ne!. :deport on the .pa.~a.ro Rlverand its tributaries <-lre 4-v~ilable , consequently. "tiC~'i f{:(~~;;:::jf~u';!t~~;~ ~;}.t;;~~~e~:,;~t(U:l the Chief of :<:ngineers, H..D. 505, 78th Co:ngress, 2nd Session, now inoluded. in the Omnibus FUll H..H.. 4485 bo oonsidered primurily as all Inter im He .port for 1'1000. control on the Pajaro IUTer and its tributaries and that the ;jur Department be reluosted to review the Report :3.no. extend. the scope to a more comprehen- sive plan including the principal proolemi:::l conoerning, in addi t ion to flood control, those of surface ir rigat iOll, per- . colation for proposed irrig<:i.tioll supply, drainage and POllution~~) "LOCi'll Interestl:i wii3h to emphasize the dire need for pro- / viQing meuns whereoy an adequate and dependaole supply bf f irrigation water would be ussured for the produotion of assen- t ial food orops ill an urea rlOW laci;:ing I..l. sufficient oonaer- ! vut 10!1 program. i,ttent ion is 1;).1ao oalled to the danger of further pollut lon tl./ detr lmental salts through the threCLt~lled I 10werir~ of the water level in wells aerviI~ this area. ! I HLocal Interests wiab. to point out that a. comprehenSive! aurv6J report w ill serve well in poat-warplannlI:tg." l * I ~~.___~...._~__~__u~....."._....."._._._..".. ."._..-_.~- , and that Chairman Whittington of the Flood Control Committee be asked to reqaast the Chief of Engineers to review the report to determine if,in the light of changed oonditiol~~a more oompre- hens ive plan is wa.rra.nted. " THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR WATER DIRECTORS HERBERT C. JONES SPECIAL COUNSEL E. H. SHARP PRESIDENT Pacheco Pass Water District GRANT BLDG., SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA B. W. BARRETT VICE-PRESIDENT BLACKIE Be WOOD CONSULTING ENGINEERS A.O.AMES W. L. LITTLE LOUIS SCAGLIONE Office: Room 4, Bank of America Building HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA ALASKA-COMMERCIAL BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA L. G. BARRETT SECRETARY~REASURER ASSESSOR-TAX COLLECTOR TELEPHONE 601 GEO. C. HOLBERTON SPECIAL CONSULTANT -:- P, O. BOX 229 ROOM 4, BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA HOLLISTER. CALIFORNIA December 13th, 1944. Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro Gilro;yr, California. My Dear Doctor: A.s you \/1811 know, the Army Engineers J,lUde a survey on the pa,jtiro and its tributaries some time Lack 8.nd the project WLS only partially approved to the extent that they recommended certain bank improvements, etc., for combating flood damage in the lower arees, especially Watsonville. At that time the Army's concern was mainly flood cont,rol, vd th little consideration for conservation. The picture is now changing and there e.:0pears to t~e a chance to get consideration for other problems bosides flood control. I have been in diroct contact yrith tho Army Engineers, the Reclamation ?uronu snd other Sta te e.nd Federal a['oncios 8.nd am optimistic enough to believe that we can get something done for au.... underground water sup;Jly here in San Benito County, likewise in ycur Gilroy area vi.:ich is also on the pajaro River "tributa.ries" (Uvas and L1avas crecks). I am 8:r:closing a copy of a pE'Jtition v.rhich the Hollister Irri['8tion District is sending to Conf'resnnan John Z. Anderson and the District Army Engineer. It he s been impressed upon IT:e that approval of nIl locl~l interesu> ~is very esumtial in ["ettjne- proper consideration and to that end I have obtained res,.':lut:ions of an(:roval from the Sen Benito C01..mty Board of Sup'Tvisors and the local Cha.m er of COT:l;;orce. (Copy enclosed). We are also asking the Vhtsonville City Council ~md the Watsonville Chamber of Commerce for their endors(:)nent. InesJiuch ns your Gilroy firea ,'euld be included in the extended survey and '.S Gilroy is one of the IIloce.1 interosts", it would seem vJise that approval e obtained from your Chamber of C01Tu;.t.;rce and possibly from your City council. Cim vre look to' you to get these resolutions, Doctor. As soon as Watsonville's and Gilroy's approvals are received vnlich we hope fairly soon, we will forv~rd the petitions and supporting dOCumO!ltS. I might point out that the survey report vrill serve well in post-'war plamling. 'lVe would wish throe certj fied copies of each resolution for our use, please. If you vrish me to appear before either or both of the bodies to explain the plan, I vlill gladly do so providing I ho>ve no other appointment. Right now I 8m oxcGoding.ly busy with two irrifntion district tax collections, the Monterey Bay Empiro Association tie-up, conserv8tion work, Rotary, Boys Scout work, etc., along yri th :my insurfmce work. Nearly reS busy as are doctors and dentists. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR WATER DIRECTORS E. H. SHARP PRESIDENT B. W. BARRETT VICE~PRESJDENT A,O.AMES W. L. LITTLE LOUIS SCAGLIONE L. G. BARRETT SECRETARY.TREASURE..R ASSESSOR-TAX COLLECTOR ROOM 4, BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. HOLLISTER. CALIFORNIA Pftge "2" HERBERT C. JONES SPECIAL COUNSEL Pacheco Pass Water District GRANT BLDG., SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA BLACKIE & WOOD CONSULTING ENGINEERS Office: Room 4, Bank of America Building HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA ALASKA-COMMERCIAL BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA TREPHONE 601 GEO. C. HOLBERTON SPECIAL CONSULTANT -10 P, O. BOX 229 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA I wa::; anused at ll~r. Ed Res. t s statement that the Slq;eant Lease Artesian well is flOidng a v':er-'! small c.J~ount uf vmter. "That ain1 t thec:;'y I heerd it". THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR WATER BLACKIE AND WOOD HAROLD I. WOOD E, E. BLACKIE CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTH SANTA CL.ARA VJ.;LLEI WAT.E.1=l CONSERVATION DISTRIC~ LLAGAS CREEK FLOWS January 19, 19JO Dr. Elmer Chesbro Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: There seem to be some misunderstanding regarding reporting on the flows of Llages Creek, as evidenoed by 8 letter received from Mr. P. A. Co~ to-day inquiring as to whether or not the run-off on Uves and Llagas Creek will be ready for presentation to the Board on January 27, 1950. About a year ago, when the Division of Water Resources took over the operation of the station, we assumed that the Division would work up the flows. Accordingly, we turned in our keys and have done nothing about last season's records and run-off. However, we will be gl~d, as ever, to get after these data and furnish you with the run-off figures. It appears thet some little time will be required to locate all the data, work up the records and get the report to you. A week seems far to short a time. Without knowing all the details, we judge that approximately a month to six weeks will be required, particularly since we are temporarily committed to other work and since the U. S. GeoJogical Survey flows of Uves Creek will not be available until then. If, under the circumstances, you still desire us to proceed with the annual report on the flow of LIeges Creek, please let us know. Very truly yours, BL.ACKIE lLlIJD VTOOD fl1lI: do By ~ uh+d!. cc to Ntr. P. A. Cox Blackie ! '~Vood ~l". lhd1.4l.. Ian !f .rancisco _ Calif. JulJ as.... 1952 tna &fd.., s. Valle, Wa"-I" tar was sent to 10U. e la.t Board .t D1reo-ton the South District that '1 tor t.1fta Dam that w. . n JZlHt1q of the Boar4 of Directors to be he14 wi have a fo",...l ....olution ....... ooDf'ir'm1D1 smen ......r. it U ROt .......17 "- awal\ tlla\ ..... III rIE ae I ltA.... 'been intltru"" ... BlUe .... an a th ClU when the South Di.triO\ agre" to their 4f1f.. Vel"1 trulJ ,your8, IA1ft'A CLAM. V ALLK'f WA'l'J:J\ COIISJRfATIOI1 DDTIlICrr 0W1If ~ O. VI. Ihat. Chief Eq1Mer ,i COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ~ Office of the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A. W. BROWN. 1ST DISTRICT. CHAIRMAN WM. S. PFEIFLE. 2ND DISTRICT E. O. WOOL. 3RD DISTRICT J. M. McKINNON. 4TH DISTRICT EARL C. CAMPBELL. 5TH DISTRICT E. T. MCGEHEE. COUNTY CLERK RICHARD OLSON. DEPUTY CLERK OF THE BOARD E. B. HUGHSTON. FINANCE OFFICER ROOM 21. COURT HOUSE SAN JOSE 13. CALIFORNIA November 15, 1950 South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District P. A. Cox, Secretary City Hall Gilroy, California Dear Mr. Cox: The following is a full, true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the County Boundary Commission's meeting held on Mond ay, November 13, 1950. "On motion of Commissioner Pitman, seconded by Commissioner Chandler, it is unanimously ordered that the boundaries as shown on the map submitted by the South Santa- Clara Valley Water Conservation District for annexation of certain territory to the District be approved, with the exception, that where the boundary lines on the map as submitted are not in agreement with the boundary lines of record then the lines as submitted by the Boundary Commission to the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District be approved." Sincerely yours, COUNTY BOUNDARY COIvIMISSION cc: A. W. Brown April 26,1946. Mr.Harold I. Wood c/o Blaokie and Wood 544 Market street San Franoisco,California Dear Mr.Wood: Dr.Chesbro has asked me to write to you and inquire as to the progress being made by the U.S.Eng1neers in their study of the Pajaro River Survey which,we understand, is to inolude the Llagas Creek. A meeting of the District will be held within the next month and Dr.Chesbro would like to make a report of progress. With kind personal regards, I am, Very truly yours, Secretary. SOUTli SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Gilroy,Calitornla. Deoember ~,,1945. To: Chas.L.Pioda,ohairman Sacramento,California Subjeot: South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Dlstrlct. The South Santa Clara Valley Nater Conservat ion Distriot was formed in 1938 to study the problem of water oonservatlon 1n this distrlct. The district involved inoludes 19,000 aores in the South Santa Clara Valley. The problem is to supply enough water for underground storage todkeep the water level at a safe level. Our 1nvestlgatlon shows that, although we have adequate rainfall in the past five years, the ground w~ter level is slowly deo11nlng and at this tlme it is golng to be neoessary to deepen wells and instal new pumps. This will be absolutely neoessary to provide the high level of production ot orchards and orop lands. The solutlon to the problem ls the ereotion of a storage dam on the LIagas Creek to provide water for percolatlon from this stream. A study of this projeot has been made by Blaokie & Wood. This stream also presents a problem tor flood oontrol At a reoent meetlng of the board of directors the U.S. Engineers was asked to cooperate in this proposed work with a view of assisting in flood oontrol, this being a part ot their study of the Pajaro Rlver and its trlbutaries. We therefore submit our problem for your oonsideration and earnestly solicit any am all assistanoe, finanoial and otherwise, whioh you may deem within your power to grant. Resp ectfully, Elmer J . Chesbro Pres ident. ,.. MIEUT':-S OF Yi~;, ){'1'1 ~20TJT\}{ (3 ~ CLARA V~LLEY }ATE1 {~"l V 'laTh) iJIGTHICT :rLSLD June 2, 1947 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South ~::c.nta Clara Valley '-'ateI' Conservation ;)istrict was held at the office of the Board in the City HaLL, Gilroy, California, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on the 2nd day O. f J-:' c., ,-- 1') 1+ '7 _'__" ~ , / I' ,vi th Dir,;ctors Chesbro, Hunter and Knepper pr?sent. lJs~.:~nt t:.~l'e Directors'Nolfe ,and Markemi th ,Nho 11'J.s rH;rF:t'Jfor'~ obtained a leave of absence. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. '::'he mat t,>.r of the 11(':,1ri of tl1e ~)etition heretofore filed by land owners in Paradise Valley to va t~eir holdings, descr-Lbed in the pe ti ti,)n, added t.o i.lnd becomE; a Dart of the district was discussed, and it appearing that the 30ard had heretofore, at its meeting on May ~jrd, fiKed the time of the hearlng of the said netition for June ?7th, 1947, at 8:00 P.M. and that the law requires that the said hearing be had on the first regular meeting of the Board after notice of the hearing has been given. Upon motion duly made and seconded and unanimously carried, the said action of the Board taken on M~y 23rd fixing the time of the hearing for June 27th at 8:00 P.M. be, and the same is hereby, ratified, and that this Board does now fix: the time and place of said hearing as the 27th day of June, 1947, at 8:00 P.~lo at the office of the Board of Directors at the City Hall, Gilroy, California. It '."as further rno~led, seconded and unanimously carried that when this present meeting of the Board adjourns, it adjourn to me~~t June 27th at 8:00 o'clock P.:d. to hear the MINUTES OF THE IJl'~STING OF' SOUTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CON::)H~RVATION DISTRICT HELD ~une 2, 1947 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Santa Clara Valley ~ater Conservation District was he~d at the office of the Board in the City Hall, Gilroy, California, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on the 2nd day of June, 1947, with Directors Chesbro, Hunter and Knepper present.\bsent were Directors 'Nolfe ,and Mark Smith, who has heretofore obtained a leave of absence. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. ~he matter of the hearing of the petition heretofore filed by land owners in Paradise Valley to have their holdings, described in the petition, added to and become a part of the district was discussed, and it appearing that the Board had heretofore, at its meeting on May 23rd, fixed the time of the hearing of the said petition for June 27th, 1947, at 8:00 P.M. and that the law requires that the said hearing be had on the first regular meeting of the Board after notice of the hearing has been given. Upon motion duly made and seconded and unanimously carried, the said action of the Board taken on May 23rd fixing the time of the hearing for June 27th at 8:00 P.M. be, and the same is hereby, ratified, and that this Board does now fix the time and place of said hearing as the 27th day of June, 1947, at 8:00 P.Mo at the office of the Board of Directors at the City Hall, Gilroy, California. It was further moved, seconded and unanimously carried that when this present meeting of the Board adjourns, it adjourn to meet June 27th at 8:00 o'clock P.M. to hear the said petition. . There being no further business to come before the meeting it was duly adjourn2d to meet on June 27th at 8:00 P.M. Secretary HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTH SANTA CLARA. VALLEY WA.TER CONSERVA.TION DISTRIC'l' May 10, 1946. The Honorable Board ot Directors South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District Gilroy, Calitornia. Gentlemen: This letter is in reply to your latter ot April 26, 1946. A telephone conversation on May 6, 1946 with Mr. otto Von Seggern ot the Army's ~strict Engineer. Oftice in San Prancisco was had relative to progre.. being made by that ottice on aaount ot 1100d Control benetit that would accrue to the proposed Liagas Creek Dam ot your District. Mr. Von Seggern reported that the field survey to ascertain tlood damage had been made and a report had been turned in to that otfice. Hydrology Department is this week making a tinal adjustment in the lsohyeta1 maps which are used as a basi. tor the watershed runott and yield studieso Prom these data the amount ot Flood Control funds that might be allocated is determined. Very truly yours BUCKlE AND WOOD B~~ / cc to Dist. Eng'r'. Ottice c/o Mr. otto Von Seggern May 19 t 1947. ti1r. IIarold Vlood 544 Market Street San Franc1soo,California Dear Mr.l'jood: Dr. Chesbro has called a. moeting of the south. Santa Clara Valley 'tater Conservation District for I"riday, Uay 23rd, 8 o'olook P.M.,City Clerk's office,City Hall, and he would like to have you attend. Very truly yours, ~3ecratary South Gnnta Clara Valley ';intor Conservation Dist. HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SUBJECT SOUEr SA:N'TA CDiliA VALLEY ',\JATETt CONSEnV;"TION DISTInCT FLOOD CCN~ROL~ROJECT April 5, 1 C; 50 Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro 64 Fifth Street, Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: As requested in your letter of 7ebruary 20, 1950, we have made a rough preliminary study of the problem of providinp: reasonable flood control for the area to the south of the present district boundary. '1'his has been aooroached on the basis of providing sufficient upstream storage to reduce the flows to a reasonable maximum and oforovidinp: an adequate channel tbrou2h the area in question. As you well know, Lla['"Bs Creek has a well defined channel of reasonably adequate capacity down to a point a short distance south of the Pacheco ?ass Eighway. Thereafter, the channel deteriorates rapidly until nothing is left about one and one quarter miles south of the highway. Hence, it follows that a channel must be provided if flooding is to be prevented. The size of the required channel will be influenced materially by the degree to which the peak flows on the upper portion of the stream are controlled by storage. It is physically possible to provide enough storage to control the upstream run-off so that none of that water would nass the State Highway. It is also possible to construct a channel of such size that it would handle any flood flow without any aid from storage. Eowever, it is believed that neither of these extremes would orovide the best solution, but that Ii combination of unstream storage with a channel of reasonable capaciTY would give the optimum solution. The capacity of the channel would have to be equal to the run-off below the dam plus the releases Dast the dam that do not percolate underground. There are no data on the size of the flood run-off belolN the dam site. A.s a very rough apI)roximation, it is believed that this uncontrollable flow may, during extreme storms, be as much as 500 cubic feet per second or more. If it be assumed that a channel will be provided with a capacity of' 1,000 cubic feet ::>er second and that half of this amount comes from the uncontrolled area and half from releases past the dam, then a reservoir of 7,500 acre feet would be required. Of this total storage capacity, 40CO acre feet would be dedicated to water conservation and 3,500 acre feet to flood control. It is roughly estimated that such a project would cost ~1,1509000. ( where you!' 1946 figure of :;;:375,000 for tbe cost of On September 17, 1946, we wrote the Board of the cost of a 3,800 acre foot project, estimating We do not know the dam comes from. Directors regarding ) -2- (a minimum cost of 4;:.501,000) In Project Report No.8, dated June 27, 1947, we estimated a 4,000 acre foot project would cost {,787,.500. 'llhe later estimate was based on more accurate data than the 1946 one and reflects higher construction costs. From the first half of 1946 to the peak in the second half of 1)48, the Army Engineers have estimated that earth dam prices on their projects rose about 20 per cent, while since 1948 they have dropped about the same amount and seem to be continuing slightly downward. Fence, it is believed that there is very little difference between 1946 and 1950 prices. We trust that this furnishes you with the desired information. If not, please let us know. Very truly yours, BLi\8Y.IE AND 'HOOD IF! : do B#~~ (~7J-~ / Elmer J. Chesbro Gilroy ,Cal i f Morgan Hill,Calif April 27,1950 Doctor Chesbro; Have had an extra key for the Llagas flow gage made. It is here at the office. You Gan pick it up if you like. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE (. ',- P" '7 \~ :p~2i; ~ ~c 1950 <( , .lj L \/ ,,--- Mor.r:::-::-t Hill. California OFFICIAL BUSINESS ELi\;iER J CHESBRO GILROY ,:;11L IF Very truly yours, ~> -g L 'i'homas PEI\I~~TX.L~li.J~.8J.YAIs.J.l&AX,a..AVJ:lJD PAYMENT OF POSTAG~ .<:Inn _ - (PMGCl ~,:,!,~~==""".~",,,",..~-,.._--------.---:-.~-- ~..~_.~-..."...-..-:'~ - __..a.: .-.-',.""---, -''<.'3:-''._'" >.~..,~";-- },~ ~._.-- C O~ 0 00 NO ON IIJ ~ q qq ~q q~ It:IIJ CO CO \Din ri IIJU CO CO . In mZ ::1:< en en 0 0 :l.J C\J' C\J' C\J' C\J' U< Zm IIJ Z f'l\ :l I .=T ..::t- O 0 0 I/) q CD. q . C)IIJ .f.3 ZU -Z tll C< oM Zit: Q <m !-::I: H I!!:l Q) :lU .f.3 OZ cd IIJ a:: CI) CI)CI) 0 g <> NO --w- .----- I>, Q) q q q O)q 0) , rl CO CO \Din ri rl C CO CO . In as IIJIIJ en cn 0 0 - Cu > Zz C\J' C\J' C\J' C\J' aj IIJ< 11..J )-1 x< as IIJm ..-f Z '0 :l .;1) . . . .f.3 I 0 0 ----0---- eo co .---------------- s::: q q qq q IX! q U) N N tc")ln CO I- CO CO inN l'o ..s:: I/) ..... "It en en IIJ It p 0:: ;:s :l 0 0 !:: U) C IL 0: Z 0" IIJ ..... l1J 11. _ z Q j l- X 1&o:J8-c 0:: IIJ 00( Z Z >- -c II: 11.1 ... 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Ln o (\f co q co t"- 0\ o q o ~ o t<1' 1~ ~r J ~ "1 + ~:> 0: o >- I- '" _ z a :I .. ~ 0 .: O>(Ui .. )0 ~ ~ U I- j II. ~~u~ OO.:U U '" III Z J:~ I- o q o q o \0 ... u)w NO O)q \OLn "lit o C\f o q o ttl 0\ t<1' -I . cOO qq ~Ln Lnl\l 0\ Lnr- l\ll\l <:\] LQ m ..... .. ..... t/') I- Z lI:t :l 0 0 ~ U u ::a .c ... ... lIJ :> t- .. c( '" c &I ~ &ltiI N '" Lt1 0 ; I ;~ i I o q o r- "lit t(f 00 qq 00 Ottl o t(f A. D. EDMONSTON. STATE ENGINEER CHIEF OF DIVISION EARL WARREN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA C.H.PURCELL DIRECTOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA Btpartmtnt of I'ublic Works SACRAMENTO ADDRESS REPLY TO DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING P. O. Box 1079 SACRAMENTO 5 May 18, 1951 South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District City Hall Building Gilroy, California Attention Mr. p. A. Cox, Secretary Gentlemen: This Will acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 10, 1951, enclosing a copy of a resolution which you state was passed by your Board of Directors on May 4, 1951. It is noted that the resolution, which refers to S.B.1812, now pending in the State Legislature, in the fourth Whereas clause and the Resolve clause refers to the "Santa Clara Water Conservation District" and not to the IlSouth Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Districtll. It is assumed that these are typographical errors and that these clauses should both read IISouth Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District". Very truly yours, o ~~'l~ A. D. Edmon ton State Engineer May 14, 1951 P. A. Cox, City Clerk City Hell Gilroy, California Dear .Mr. Cox: ~~is is to acknowledge your letter in opposition to Senate Bill 1812, which I introduced. Please be sure that when I introduced this bill I hnd but one thought, and tllat was that it would be of benefit to the oounty primarily for the purpose of importing water, and if suoh a. program were contemplated it would be necessary to n8ve the means of a County-wide District. I have been told that to curtail the power set forth in the bill would defeat the purpose of it, end it is drawn up along the general lines of similar laws now in effect in many other counties includ.ing Alameda, Monterey, Ventura, etc., and also bills are introduced for practic!.llly identical programs in Napa County and I believe Sonoma County, or Sonoma County has it al- ready. The Board of Supervisors ore used as the Board of Direc- tors in the belief that they are elected by the poople and would directly reDrcsent the people. I have puroosely held this bill back so as to actually fInd out it the people in Stmta Clare County want it. 1 am going to put it through the Senate and hold it in the Assembly Commi t tee until I find out what the !,eonle actually want be- cause, believe me, 1 don't intend to put through any legislation that 1s not wanted by my constituents, and you may be sure that before I present this bill tor tinel passage I will discuss it tully with the Board of Directors in your district. Perhaps because your water problem is not comparable to the rest of the county a.nd if the balance of the county does want it and you folks do not, it will be possible to include an amendment leaving the Southern part of the county out ot the bill, if that is what is desired. 1 .~,.-~ - .'- ~ Mr. P. A. Cox - 2 - May 14, 1951 My kindest personal regt,rds to you and the members of the Board ot Directors, JP'T/dh co: Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro ~ Sluq,erely, .'. -? .^ _ ;.. k./" ""',-,_ f~ *).- ./ \/ '. JuHN F. THOMPSON State Senator San cJ ose, va1it. May 21, 1951. Dr. Elmer J.Chesbro. 495 5th oJt. Gilroy, Calif. Dear Dr.Chesbro. For your information, I am representing Mrs.Katherina E. Lake,158 Hope St. Mt. View,Ualif, as her agent to sell your property on Uvas Road, across the road from the Uvas Picnic Grounds, consisting a two bedroom modern rustic home in very fine condition, including 45 acres more or less. Mr. and Mrs.CUlp of G.ilroy are very much il1terested buying the property, but they were told that a Dam might be built in the vicinity, and if so might suffer a lost. I spoke to attorney Herbert C. Jones, over the phone and he said that there is some talk about going in the vicinity of Uvas Picnic Grounds, and my prospect has nothing to weary about,that undoubtedly will pay them what they paid for sameo as they do not want to hurt anyone's investment. He aslo said for me to speak to you, and any valuable information will be appreciated, and my prospect is very anxious to know what to doo Kind personal regards. Yours very truly. ..I I HAROLD J. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 1-5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4. CALIF. SUBJECT SOU'I'F SAIJi';, CLARA V ALLEY ":ATER CO:::: SEE'll'! I C'~, DE;'l'FH C1' July 3C, 1 S 51. Dr. Elrr-er Chesbro, 64 }'ifth street, Coi lroy, Calif. Deal' Sir: L"t the rC(TU8st of fTr.'Nood, 'There js enclose:) 8 1::ill froT;' "'. J. Hanna & Sons coverj D,'" 'ToDograahic Survey of Pro')osed Dan: Si te OD Dvas Greek. r.:r. '};ood states that he has insnectej this -bill and finds it correct. Very truly yours, 3:P:b ~.~ Ii;. E. Plackje HAROLD L WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTH SANrrA CLARA VALLEY WA'rER CONSERVATION DISTRICT KEYS Mr. P. A. Cox, Secretary, South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District Oi ty Hall Gilroy, Oalifornia Dear Sir: September 30, 1949 We are enclosing two keys. Key 3510 is for the gate at the District's Recorder Station and key 2E996 is for the Recorder House. Since the State is operating this Station there is no need for us to have the keys. BW:do Encl. Very truly yours, BLACKIE AND WOOD, Byll~ ~ TELEPHONE SUTTER 572B EIGHTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT SANTA CLARA COUNTY COMMITTEES AGRICUL TURE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS INSTITUTIONS PUBLIC HEALTH WATER PROBLEMS VICE CHAIRMAN HOME ADDRESS ROUTE 3. Box 408 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE; CY PRESS 3.0687 SACRAMENTO ADDRESS STATE CAPITOL ZONE 14 JOHN F. THOMPSON CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE ~ettate May 14, 1951 P. A. Cox, City Clerk Ci ty Hall Gilroy, California Dear Mr. Cox: This is to acknowledge your letter in opposition to Senate Bill 1812, which I introduced. Please be sure that when I introduced this bill I had but one thought, and that was that it would be of benefit to the county primarily for the purpose of importing water, and if such a program were contemplated it would be necessary to have the means of a County-wide District. I have been told that to curtail the power set forth in the bill would defeat the purpose of it, and it is drawn up along the general lines of similar laws now in effect in many other counties inCluding Alameda, MOnterey, Ventura, etc., and also bills are introduced. for practically identical programs in Napa County and I believe Sonoma County, or Sonoma County has it al- ready. The Board of Supervisors are used as the Board of Direc- tors in the belief that they are elected by the people and would directly represent the people. I have purposely held this bill back so as to actually find out if the people in Santa Clara County want it. I am going to put it through the Senate and hold it in the Assembly Committee until I find out what the people actually want be- cause, believe me, I don't intend to put through any legislation that is not wanted by my constituents, and you may be sure that before I present this bill for final passage I will discuss it tully with the Board of Directors in your district. Perhaps because your water problem is not comparable to the rest of the county and if the balance of the county does want it and you folks do not, it will be possible to include an amendment leaving the Southern part of the county out of the bill, if that is what is desired. Mr. P. A. Cox - 2 - May 14, 1951 My kindest personal regards to you and the members of the Board of Directors, s_i1~ere1 _\:~~!-~..c2- JOHN F. THOMPSoN-- State Senator JFT/dh cc: Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro BLACKIE AND WOOD HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SUBJECT SOlJ'TH S.hlJ'IA eLU;:'1\. Vlu.LEY :.\'ATEE C01JSEE\'~~11I o:n DI:3TF: reT 2EOJEC'I RE20R'l' No .11 April 6, 1950 Mr. P. A. Cox, Secretary South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District Gi ty Fall Gilroy, California Dear Mr. Cox: In accordance with the instructions from the Board of Directors as contained in your letter to us oated February 18, 1950, we are mailing you today the original and five cODies of our Droject Report Ko. lIon Llagas Creek Flow 1948 - 1949. In order for us to follow the oueration of the lla~as Creek Recorder Station, we will need a set of keys. One to the outer gate a t the fence and one to the recorder shelter. I was un131:11e to ["'et keys from Mr. Thomas of the Soil Conservation Office at 1\~ar~8n l'il1. I also tried to see k:r. 'Neims on the afternoon of Anril 4th but missed him and was not able to !!et into the recorder. I vms told by li;r. Tromas that all keys were turned over to Mr. Weims who is attending to the station. Very truly yours, BL\.CE'_IE ;:~m '\;\,IOO'D nlf: do ~(~~<Z COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ~AUDITING DEPARTMENT JOHN M. FRANCISCO, County Auditor Hall of Records SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA March 18, 1949 Mr. P. A. Cox, Secretary South Santa Clara Water Conservation District 45 N. Forest St., Gilroy, Calif. Dear Mr. Cox: It has come to my at\ ention that war-"'ants drawn by the South Santa Clara Water Conservation District do no show the bUdget item to be charged for the exptnditure. In the future, so that records of your district will be in agreement, please show on the "larrs,nt the budget item you wish to charge for the expenditure. Very truly yours, ~ -) '_~ :/ ///~~..,~~ 14 . FRANCISCO, ty Auditor EDWARD HYATT, STATE ENGINEER CHI." OF Dly.elON EARL WARREN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA C.H.PURCELL DIRECTOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA Btpartmtnt of I'ublic Works SACRAMENTO ADDRESS REPLY TO DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING P. o. Box 107. SACRAMENTO S January 24, 1950 Mr. P. A,. Cox, Secretary South santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District City Hall Building Gilroy, California Subject: Records of Stream Flow, Llagas Creek 622.1101 Dear Mr. Cox: This office wishes to thank you for your letter of January 20, 1950, relative to stream flow data on Uagas Creek, Santa Clara valley. The data requested in your letter are presently being derived from stream gagings made by a representative of this office during the field phase of the current Santa Clara Valley Investigation. It is antie-ipated that the data desired will be completed in about two weeks. A.t that time this Division will be pleased to furnish you a copy of the stream flow data. Very truly yours, EDWARD HYATT, STATE ENGINEER r..'U,1 ~ By "j;) i.V~ r~ P. H. Van Etten Principal HYdrauliC Engineer l I Gi lroy, Ca lif ornia, Janusry 4th, 1928. To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of GilI'oy: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the undersigned has furnished mcterial and machinery to James Currie, contractor, for use in construction of the septic tank for the City of Gilroy; that the use of said mater'ial and machinery was furnished to said James Currie, contractor, at his request, and used in the eonstrlJction of sald building; that the value of saud use vvas 'if,t?~~O and the same is now due and owin.g to the undersigned. / rJ~~--~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ) SS. \ ) COUN'I'Y UP Si\.}lTA CLj,.t~A. WILLIAM HADTKE, being firdt duly sworn deposes and says: Th8t he is the claimant presenting this Notice of Claim; that 1J.e has read the foregoing hotice of Claim and knows the contents thereof; and that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated on information or belief, and as to those matters that he believes it to be true. ~~~. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi s th day 0 January, 1928. ... UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION THE GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS BERKELEY 4> CALIFORNIA March 7, 1952 Dr. Elma J. Chesbro Chairman, Board of Directors South Santa Clara Water Conservation District Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: After you left the conference at Gilroy a week ago today, there were some expressions from the group indicating a desire to have the University make a study of benefits and costs in the area, looking forward to the feasibility of a bond issue for financing the project. Uncertainty of whether the most eco- nomical project is being proposed led to the feeling that further inquiry should be made of the State Division of Water Resources concerning the various alterna- tives. Also, it was indicated that it might be desirable to explore the pos- sibility that the state might participate either in the costs of a study or in the financing of a project. It was recommended by the group that you appoint a committee to consult with the people in the State Division of Water Resources con- cerning these matters. Yesterday, while in Sacramento, I explored the desirability of a conference with the Division of Water Resources and also made some preliminary inquiry con- cerning the wisdom of asking them for financial contributions toward a study. In addition, I explored in a preliminary way the possibilities of the state partici- pating in the costs of project development. At this time, I am able to make the following preliminary statements: (1) The State Division of Water Resources does not feel that the financing of a cost- benefit study by them is at present within the scope of their authorized activities; (2) There is a feeling of cooperation on the part of those in charge of investiga- tions in that office that it would be quite logical for the South Santa Clara Water Conservation District to apply through proper channels for financial parti- cipation of the state of California in water resources development by that District; (3) There is a desire on the part of the officials to collaborate in presenting the various alternatives of development, the engineering advantages and disad- vantages, and to give advice on the best methods of financing. To this end, they are willing to hold an informal conference with authorized representatives of the District. In accord with suggestions made at that conference by Dr. Wellman and desires expressed by members of your group, I am quite willing to accompany your repre- sentatives to Sacramento for the purpose of interviewing appropriate members of Dr. Elma J. Chesbro 2. March 1, 1952 the State Division of Water Resources. Furthermore, I shall be glad to make a specific appointment at such time as I have an expression from you indicating your own desires in this matter. Sincerely, ~~w~ David Weeks Professor of Agricultural Economics DW:1j JURAN & MOODY TELEPHONE CECAR);,407 MINNEAPOL.IS NESTOR eese TEL.ETYPE ST P leo MUNICIPAL BONDS SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA GROUNC 'F'L.OOR MINNESOTA. MUTUAL L..IF'E BL.OG_ 152 EAST SIXTH STREET J U L Y I 0, I 947 SECRETARY SO. SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT GILROY, CALIFORNIA DEAR SIR: WE UNDERSTAND YOUR DISTRICT WILL HOLD AN ELECTICN ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1947 TO SUBMIT THE QUESTION OF A $800,000 BOND ISSUE FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCT'CN OF A DAM ON LLAGAS CREEK. OUR FIRM DE~LS EXCLUSIVELY IN STATE AND MUNICIPAL BONOS AND WE ARE AT ALL TIMES INTERESTED IN THE FINANCING OF CIVIC PROJECTS. WILL YOU, THEREFORE, PLEASE BE KINO ENOUGH TO ADVISE US AS TO THE RESULT OF THE ELECTION AND INCLUDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INSOFAR AS THE SALE OF BONDS IS CONCERNED AS SOON AFTER THE ELECTION AS POSSIBLE. A STAMPED ENVELOPE IS ENCLOSED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE REPLYING AND WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. WE BE PLEASED TO BE OF ANY SERVICE POSSIBLE. IN SHALL VERY TRULY YOURS, /~/ JEK~AS I LAW OF"F"ICES OF" HAROLD HOLDEN MORGAN HILL, CALIF'ORNIA April 8J 1952 Doctor Elmer Chesbro Gilroy California Dear Doctor: I am enclosing herein copy of letter written by L. D. Bohnett to Doctor Harold fhomas. Doctor Thomas requested that I mail this copy to you to be kept by youJ if you care to do so. HH:pf Enclosure HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 1-5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 4. CALIF. SUBJECT SOJJTH SiUIl"'TA CLARA VALt.!Y WATER C05Sll."RVA!nON DISTRICT UVAS RESIRVOIR PHO.1ECT SURVEYS lfto. Sla.a.,- S. 40lm.... 17-2; "'..artln Street Gilroy. California Dear Mr. lohnson: luly 28, 1952 This 1e in reply to your letter o~ lull" 25, 1952, in whioh you enclosed a copy of your letter to the Northern District. On 1\117 2'. 19;2, we received a letter trom t Northern Distriot 8igned by Mr. G. W. Bl.mt atating that the Board 0 Director. of the Northern I~8trlet would meet on AUgUBt an 1d paa. 8 ~orm81 resolution eODftt,ldng the arra ) of' 1" d01n . the suneys and the Northern D1str1ct paying 'o~ of t eos Mr. t i8 aleo anxious to beve the surveys eta 8 00 poa.i hIe. We baveGreee ved a Ie e1" rom Dr. Chesbro 1n wbieh he stated that bad reo ved a oPY of' Mr. Buntts letter to U8. We w11 get th . survey work orgaaized and under way 88 800n S8 possible. co to G.W.Hunt /'" 00 to Dr. Cbesbro HW:do Very truly yours.. BLACk"!E AND WOOD, mIDlNEERS 1!OR SOUTH BArtrA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONS].11V A_ TI ON DISTR I CT ~ JONES! GRISWOLD &- HENLEY HERBERT C.,JONES BRUCE P. GRISWOLD ALBERT T. HENLEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW PORTER BUILDING TELEPHONE CYPRESS 5-7574 SAN JOSE 13, CALIFORNIA April 24, 1952 Dr. Elmer Chesbro, President South S.C.V.W.C.D. 495 Fifth Street Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: On the afternoon of Monday, May 12th at 2 o'clock, a meeting will be held in the Directors' Room of the Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, 60 North Second Street, San Jose, at which time Mr. Richard L. Soke, Regional Director of the U. S. Reclamation Bureau will discuss with represen- tatives of the Water Districts and Farm Groups in the counties of San Benito, Santa Clara and Alameda, the long time ranGe element and the problems involved in getting water from the Delta Mendota Canal over into our coast areas. Will you be good enough to represent your District at this meeting and any other representatives of your District that you can arrange to accompany you. HCJ:EM your s , ;-. A A i I tu1 {i)j, ~ ttP" . h. A /J 1M-- ~f-C~(-- u 1'/ \ K April 3, 1952 Dear voctor Thomas; Dr. Harold Thoma. Cochrane Road organ Hill, California ~Iv.n co Id able the mastin., d have I w:tll put own on ts ot my thinking. Iting this letter, more or less rambling. d the Northern District get the buildIng, maintenance, Uvas and Llagas reservoIrs, y si~ple to provide water for the sou section of the Central District, phyaical standpoInt. 1~e legal oompllca- sou hereafter. r hand, the Southern l)jstrlct \',111 have to han po ot alone, I would feel that further en IntHlr1 should be aoquired before making any ohan:es. It may be ~ ven without cooperation with the Northern ~Jt8trlat, it would be economioally feasible to brin'; w!il.ter to the Morgan 11ll1area ror percolation. Dr. Chesbro stated, last ni(~ht, in effeot, that the Southern Distr10t would not be interested 1n the ann~xatlon of the Morgan dill area un- le.. a contribution by way of taxation from this annexed territory would more t an defray the cost of bringing the water to Morgan Hill. 'l'hls 1s a natura.l attitude, and no one has a right to com.plain. ~jhethftr this would be econo- mically feasible 1s a matter wnlch should be pretty well Dr. liarold Thoma. April 3, l~52 - 2 - worked out before any steps are taken that would jeopardize the taxpayers In the Morganalll area. It may be, of course, that the cost of bringing water to this area would be suf- ficiently low to make it worthwhile both for the people around Morgan Hill and tor the Southern Dlstriot. In order to provide easy reterence to tioD8 1n case you read this letter and disc tnter..ted partl.s, I w111 41seuss s. separate headIngs: strlct reterence to wtthdrawal atlon district. Pro- may l.e dissolved by the tollowing for dissolution s'gned by l~ of ors of the dtatrlct. or by the owners of one-ha t of the lands oomprising the distrIct. must be tl1ed with the supervisora. 2. 1be supervisors should publish a notIce once a week for two weeks in 80m. newspaper in the county, giving notice that the board of supervisors wl11 hear a petition and all objections thereto at the next regular meatin;:; of the board. 3. A heartni2; shall be held during whioh ob- jections may be heard and if the supervIsors decide Dr. Harold Thonaas AprIl 3, 1952 - 3 - against dissolution, tho matter is ended and the dIstrIct continues in exiatence. 4. Should the supervisors decide with the petitioners in favor of dissolution, y shall pa.. a r..olution callIng a special elon in the distriot and, at such election, t e oters '~ll dec1de whether the district shall be die- 801 "... SlJt'l' pe....n' or the " 8t be in favor of dissolution in ord i.- solution. At least three weekst given ot said election. Prom the foregoing. it i. ap little t~. to dls.o1ye the the northern ..ction of t it would have to go thro , gantzatIon of the present it e ke some If, atter dIssolution, sIr.. to reorganize, rocedure as in the or- Southern Distrlot atlon aistrlet to 8ell water. I wo d be lawful tor the Southern C ntral DistrIct tor percolation i8 let fills Its reservoIr. and o ", the Central District could South n DistrIct, under such arrange- t prove mo asible to ca~ry the water to the It the proposed cooperative con.t~uction system by the Southern Ilnd Northern ffectuated. the Southern District could he Centl"alDlatrlct out of its share ot In the v a cooperative venture and the sale by the Southern Distr part of ita water to the Central District, money could still be saved tor all parties concerned by an ex- change between the Southern and Northern Districts ot a part of the Southern DiatrIct's water to the Northern Diatrict tor an equal L'Ount of water from the Coyote to be delIvered to the Central District. In the event of' the purchase of water by the Central Dia- trict. the que.tion of payment therefor would give rise to complications. Two methods of rai8ing money for payment would Dr. Harold Thomas AprIl 3, 1~52 - 4 - be possible: 1. The whole DistrIct cou1d be taxed to rais. the nec.s.ary fund.. Obviously, th1s might be object10nable to taxpayers who.. lands would not be direotl,. benef"1ted b,. peroolation 0 the wat.. purcha.ed. 2. The other _t'~od ot raising m would be bY' the .tol"lBAtlO1l or an lmpro 10_ wi th- in the Central 01str1ct. This i,trlct could be.eparately taxed and bon d be yoted by the people in the improvement d18trlo . to . exclusion ot the rest of ons.rvation t .ot. lble in the Central present law only pur- th sand or m.ope ot the ot land ..1. thin a water . recorda of the county U oubtedly make 1t dlff~cult an i 1'0 nt district and may 1 know about the number ot owners 1 south.ern section of the Central are i somewhat arlomalou.s position. The big , it n 8. .. of them aEH~JI1S to belleve that they have re ing the dergroUlld wa.ter from the Coyote. The,. will er ore ne t by any ~ction ot the Central D18tr10t w ioh p va h thett ot Coyote water trom the Coyote BasIn. maxi m wat r that they will receive from peroo- lation trom. h Coyote wl11 und~)u.bt.dly be insufficient for their ne~ds. They want and should have, it ObtaInable, addi- tlonal water rrll1 the Anderson Reservoir, or from the proposed reservolrs on the UVs.s or Llagas. The possibility of obtaining this water was discussed somewhat fully last night at the meeting and has been reviewed hereinabove, the cons.nsus ot opinion being. I believe, that the most pract1cable way ot obtainlng the water would be by OOi;per:1tive bu1lding ot the southern system by the Southern D1strict and the Northern District and an exchange ot part or the Southern Distriot'. Dr. iiarold Thoma. April 3. 1952 .. 5 - share of tbeUva. water for a lIke amount of the Northern District's C070te water for uae in the Morgan Hill area. It would definitely appear that that portion of the Central District lying south of the 41.-14. uld benet1t trom the aotiYltle. both ot the Central D ct and ot the SoutheJ."l1 DIatrolct. Perohaps the people 1n 1 aroea would be willing to be a part of each of' sa1d two di trlcts. [.at again and to be Ind no- g1 eal irr1gO-tlon to dla- cuss want w1.th this of a dis We any Sir'r''1 to bother you w1 th this long, rambling letter, but r wanted to get it ott my ohest before I g1ve my undi- vided attention to sOllie briefs I must get out within the next rew d9.'1s. Slnoerely yours, of BOHNF'T'l', HILL, COTTRELL &; BOnm-;TT L;B: jkg co: Harold Holden r \ 1.;&."- ~~ ~:l~ ~~ ~ .." '42'8 AN ORGANIZATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WILD LIFE AND GENERAL SPORTS ~tlrny rtt ~ 1i illlub July lbtb, 1~4:? Dr. E~er Cbesbro -4:95 Fiftb St. Gilroy, California Dear D:ootor: At our meeting ~ast night, July l-4:tn, the matter of tne proposed dam on the Llbgas Creek, to De voted on in August, was discussed; a resolution was passed tbat tbls organization would De opposed to tbe constr11otion of ~ob a dam unless provision 1s made tor the oon- struotion ot ~ risb ladder, to enaDle the fish to go above the dam. I baveDeen instru.cted to write to you and also to the California Fisb & Game Commission, to ascertain it, in the event the election carries and tbe dam is con- str11cted, a provision is inoluded that a fish ladder be construoted. We will De pleased to near from you regarding this matter. Respeotfully yours, GILROY SPORTSMEN'S CLUB ~ DY Leon Tbomas, secretary LT/bt ..,~ --" l LAW OFFICES OP SYDNEY S.JOHNSON 17-23 MARTIN STREET TELEPHONE 71-W GILROY, CALIFORNIA July 28, 1950 "# Dr. E. J. Chesbro 495-Fifth Street Gilroy, California Dear Doc tor: I have received a letter from Messrs. Blackie and Wood to the effect that they are preparing an application for the appropriation of water on the Uvas Creek and it will probably be ready for signature in a short time. It will be necessary that the Board of Directors of the Southern Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District hold a meeting and authorize the execution of this application. I have tried to contact you over the tele~hone three or four times without successo SSJ:dew Since~ely yours, ~~~J ()..~ . ~ " 17:; j S .J vl'1 2 ~ i.-I] S2f-ISh(/t-OY0 wlrJ; / C&n.su/-te~ C VOt1 ~te/I/1?1' I IJ / hr, r- 1 I I SOt.JTH SAN.rA OLARA VALLEY WATER OOmERVATION DISTRIOT Gilroy,Oalitornia July 16,1952 Oentral Santa Olara VaUe,. Water OonservatSon Distriot Morgan Hill,Oalifornia Gentlemen: . You are advised that at a m.eeting ot the Board ot Directors ot the South Santa Olara Valley Water Oonservation Distriot held Ju17 11,1952 the board went on reoord as tavor.. ins oooperation with the Central Distriot in the seouring ot water , this to be done in OM of' three ways. First, that the Central District dissolve betore any work is undertaken and that portion ot the Distriot that oan be benefited by works whioh will be instituted,be 8.D1t8xed to the Southern Distriot; seoond, that atter the work has been done on the Uvas and. Llagas o:reeu,the Central Distriot dissolve and the area that Oln be benefited be annexed to the Southern Distriot upon assuming its Just portion ot the bonded indebtedness ot that Distriotland third, the Central Distriot remain as it is,and an 1tnprovem.ent distriot be form.ed under the provisions ot the Water Conservation Law inoluding that portion of the Central Distriot whioh will be benetited so that that area will bear its proper share of the oost. The Board of Direotors ot the South Santa Clara Valley ',':atar Conservation Distriot has requested me to notify you of this aot ion and I am. glad to do 80. Very truly ,ours, Seoretary July 12, 1952 Valley Central Santa Clara/water Conservation Dist. Morgar, Hill, C81 iforr'ia Gentlemen; r- . You are, advised tha~ a meeting of the Board.of DJrectors of the 80utn Santa Clara Valley Water Co~servatlon District -w:a..s held last evening, 'the S:ai!G Board went on record as favoring cooperation with thei,Central District in the securing of water, ~r~ +n~t this be done in one of three wayso First, that the Centcal District dissolve before any work is undertaken and that portion of the District that can be benef- ited by works which will be instituted, be annexed to the Southern District; second, that after' the work has been done on the Uvas and Llagas Creeks, the Central District dissolve and the area that can be benefited be annexed to the Southern District upon assuming its just portion of the bonded indebted- ness of that Distrj_ct; and third, the Central District remain as it is, and an impDovement district be formed under the provisions of the ':Jater Conservation Law inCluding that portion of the Central District -vlhich will be benefited so that that area will bear its proper share of the costa The Board of Directors of the South Santa Clara Valley "rater Conservation District has 1'e .sted me to notify you of this actionmd I am glad to do 0 ELMER J, CHESBRO. M. D. - WAYNE P. CHESBRO. M. D, SIXTY~FOUR FIFTH STREET GILROY. CAL.IFORNIA ~/ 11-/ j /1~O. .--.... "/ I> /I ,', ~~:,~! ~~.~~ '1/~ ~.JZJ~, .;J .;""., -v/ '~" . ~}_<---..... ,'- -V--. v ~\..o'" .... ~~~.~~ ~~~1- ~/ d-~ ~~ ~d;;;:c~. b~ ~ ~/ CD~ LAW DF"F"ICES OF" HAROLD HOLDEN MORGAN HILL. CALIFORNIA September 15, 1952 Mr. P. A.Cox, Secretary Southern Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District City Hall Gilroy, California Dear Mr. Cox: We had a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District last Saturday. This is the first meeting we have had since Mr. Thomas received your letter of July 16. I was requested to write you and thank you and the Board for the letter and the kindness and consideration shown the Board of the Central District by your Board. We all appreciate it very much. In view of your letter our Board intends to wait until after the bond election before taking any action. As soon as your bond issue has passed, as we all sincerely hope it will, we will communicate with you with reference to the form of action we will take to cooperate in the construction of the dam. Sincerely yours, HH:pf HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SUBJECT South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District Well Measurements September 21, 1945 Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro 64 Fifth Street, Gilroy, California Dear Dr. Chesbro: I have been working up the records of flows of Llagas Creek and wish to include in the report a statement on the ground water levels. Will you please furnish us the depth to water in the Kirk Schultz well from July 1944 to about October 15 1945. Also in the Thomas Hunter well From November 1, 1944. also in the Gilroy City well near the northern limits of the City from the Fall of 1944. Very truly yours, BLACKlE and WOOD ~~ TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 HAROLD L WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTh &AVIA CLARA VALUl WATD OONS.VA'l10N DISTal eT M'OL'1'IPUl!PO$ E S1'OliAGE ON tt.A.G.AS OUlI .....b.r 11, 1"5. 'I'h. Di.inot _giuer, U.. S. Corp. of EDglaeer., 74 N_ MOntaenen str.et. San lrea.o.1.aoo, S, o.l1.fol'Dla. ~ Dear Sir: 'l'he Bou'd of DiNotora ot aSo th Sent Cla" Valley water OO...natloll D1.trio.. at . 4\117 0 lled t:i.n.g h.ld 1a Gilroy on No...ber U, 1'4.5, 113structed their,. B.ara, Bla.kt. and Wood of S. an ""01800, to aubm1t a rev 8d r or on the Dietriot-. propoa.d tlaga. creek Re.enolr .Projeot. Sald re rt s to wppl.ent their previous report made in 1'140 u.4 rye ae he basia of a nt.triot bond i.sue to tlaaaoe the Dot- aha Xl the proP08ed .torp.~e. J'or ome ita ,ut 1 t haa a,pear_ that 8torage on Llaga. Creek mir,ht wa 1 bo d tor flood control, 8011 conaervation ed other purpoae., as we the District-. primary oae ot water Gon.ervation through oontrolled releaa.. of stored water tor percolatlo1'1 into the lUlderground buin aad .ub.equent p_p1n.~for District purposeA. This subject was 41~eu~8.d at som* leneth at our meeting on NOTember 16th. which WIU attended by 'Mr. D. C.. YOll Sep'gern of your orrioe at the re- que.t .t our eaglne.rlll. Tn the t"eYiaeO. rep()rt t'at we have requested ot our englneers, tt 18 de.1red to 4ete$1ne the moet eoonomic size ot the propo8e(\ lleges Ore.k Re..no!r :Projeot. both 8S a Rlt1purpos. and as a Dbtriot projeot alone, ud th. probable oost to the District in eaoh oase. 101" this purpose it 1. de.1r$u ~o utilize ell hydrolo~ic and other date and 88s1stance that ..y be pre.ently evailable. Theretore, we reepectfully request that . reT1~ of the Survey of the ?ajaro R1Yer Flood Control Project 1nolud. suoh etud1e8 as may b. neo....ry to determine the eGonomlc limit ot the flood oontrol feature w1 th mulUpurpo.. u.e of LIepa Oreek storagei t.hat auoh advartce infor- mat10n aad other 4ata a. ..y be oo..lbl. at th1s ttme from your .urv.ys and h,urologlc studies be made available to our .ngin.era; that the prop.. .1.. ot a multlpurpoae re..rYolr on Lla"8 Qreek be ..tablt.hed; u4 that the eztent ot any tlllUOlal ,a"101pat10& that the hdel"al Go.en-..t would be juaU.tled ill IIak:1ng tor the tl00d oOlltrol or other t.at..e. be d..t.ratll.d. IUBIlUoh aa "he Dia'rio' '..11".' to d.oide It. cnm ;poll07 repr4111g taUlt1p.urpoli. uae of Llai&1i Cr..k storage in the 1mmed1ate tuture, 1t 18 tur~h.r requested that a. early a deterwdnatloJl a. 1. t...lble be -.a. of th... reatures. Very tru11 1our8, SOv"I'h ,A1\1l'A Cl.A.IihVA1J,JtY i'iAT:i,;J:; C ONSI';H v.;;.:r ION DI.:..:1'R! i;T ;E]';B: do By ilIHr '1. Ohesbro, President of 1t. Board or Directors (1111'01. CaUfornia.. HAROLD I. WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTH SANTA CLAEA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT MT..JLTIPURPOSE STORAGE ON LLAGAS CREEK November 21, 1945. Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro, President, Board of Directors, South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, Sixry four Fifth Street, Gilroy, California. Dear Dr. Chesbro: Following the Board meeting last Friday and subsequent con- ferences with Mr. Von Seggern of the Corps of Engineers local District office, we have drafted the enclosed letter which, if it meets with your approval, should be signed by you and forwarded to the local Dis- trict office of the Corps of Engineers. A copy is enclosed for your files and another for the District. From our discussion with Mr. Van Seggern, it appears that the Army Engineers will make the necessary hydrologic studies, have a geo- logic report prepared and, in conjunction with us, estimate the cost of construction and determine the proper reservoir capacity. The District would have the responsibility of determining the cost of necessary rights of way and road relocation, and of furnishing such additional surveys of the dam site, both surface and underground, as may be neces- sary. Each party would then work out the economics of their partici- pation in the project. Ordinarily, storage for water conservation and flood control are diametrically opposed. In the first instance, the reservoir should be kept as full as the required draft will permit whereas, in the second case, the reservoir should be kept empty as much as possible. FOr a well replenishment project, however, the stored waters are released as rapidly as pOSSible, except as limited by the rate at which the water can be percolated. Hence, there is a much stronger prospect of substan- tial benefits to the District from Government participation than nor- mally would be the case. Very truly yours, EEB: do Enols. BLACKlE AND .WOOD~" NSULTL::.GINEER. S / -s-':/ . By., c, ?, . I ./ . . - HAROLD L WOOD E. E. BLACKIE BLACKIE AND WOOD CIVIL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS TELEPHONE SUTTER 5728 544 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SUBJECT SOUTH SAmA CU.HA 'fmn "Am 001fURV ATIOJ 1)1 S1:'R I Cf MUL'flP'tlRPOSF STmtAGl ON tI..AQAS eRUr "~ber 21. 1'4'. Dr" Elmer 1" Ohe.br~. PresideDt. Bo-erd. ot Directo", so.th Sota Clara Valla,. ..ter oeo.nation nt.triot. &1%l"7 tour l1tth 8tHet. Gl1ro7, calitornia. Dear Dr. Che6bro~ tereno.. wUh Mr. Vo. Sa otNoe, w. have dratted triot office of tiles end anot J"1"o!'!' aion ..lth Mr. Yon Seggen, it a'Ppeue that the ArtII'!! ]i)tglneere ke the He...ary hy41"01oglo stud1.., ha...e . geo- logie report prepared and, in conjunction With U8, aatimate the coet or coutnotion and. detem1n. th.e proper r8..r,,011' o.paGl t,- The Dlstr1e' wou14 have the reaponsibility of tet.rmiaiag the ooat ot nece.aary rights ot way and road relocation. and. of turnlah1ag aueh ed~ltlonal a.rvey. of the dam sit., both surtace and un4ergroun4. .s 881 be neGeS- sary. Feet perty would then work out the eoonomic. of their partiel- pation in the projeot. Ordlnar111. storage for water oona.rva~lo. aa4 tlood 008trol an iU.etrloall, oPPQeee. In the first instance, the rel.rvo1r ehou14 lMl kept a. tull ae the "",ulred dratt ,,111 pen1 t wur.... III the e.ooad ca.e, the re..rv01r ahoult! he kept 8!lpty .. much.. pO.sible. For a well replenishment project, however, the .tored ..tere are released .. rep1d.ly fUI'1:'8dble, ex:cept Ill' l1lf1J. te~ by tne rate at whhh the '\l'ster oen be 'Percolated. P'en(!f. there h a muoh 'troftger prol})"t of sub.tea- tial be..tUe to the District fr01l1 "?overnment participation than nor- ..111' would be the ,.... Ve-rr trill,. youre. aB: 40 .018. BUOnJ~_S By /' . . I LAW OF'FICES OF SYDNEY S. JOHNSON 17-23 MARTIN STREET GILROY. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 71aW November 7th, 1945 Dr. Elmer J. Chesbro West Fifth Street Gilroy, California Dear Elmer: I have been trying to get you a number of times on the telephone,but you have been busy, to give you the information relative to the land value in the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District. I inquired in .Mr. Pitman's office but he directed me to the County Auditor who S:ates that the assessed valuation of the land only in the District is $2,304,185.00. The rate for this District is .033. s:~~::s I JVo~ /" SSJ:VFH .,. I OJ; Oe,l ~,\. :HC~tD 0,' GON'l'H.'..C'I' PUl':jU[;.nt to Sts\tl.lte nd to Hesolution 1:0. ~~')-1 :) 0" tc; l,::aYRi:' J 7 a\.- nnd Conmlon Council of the Ci ty of Gilroy, aclopted the do.y of J'\.lJ.::-, 1929, CUl"8ctJ.r \"'.5.,3 r:otico, TrO~CIC3 IS I{E:F{B3"~{ ODen ;so s si on, on the 1 st t :<1: ~:;~ Uom:'O;:l 001'11ci1 did, in ",.:.'1 <J.J. 1;)29, ]J\:,) 1i C l;r OU,,', t'lC cTuinG YlG declare a.,11 scaled })20pos~ls 0}:,)L1s fer '"',+-' y- 'J_'_ fell c:Ii:n.:~ or improvement in said U1 \:.o-Jit: to, ..~ .:. 1. i,.J "_:J ~l_ '...J :1 f,1 ~~ ~ ! i .. >.~".'J ) TIV~81-i, t t nt.tel~ l:Lcly OT)(;}:ilJ'J <.~z~:JL}.il1"111g i:";.l'lC '~~Le cl:,-1 ,,'i c],:Lrt soalod proposals 01' bicls, s ~) ~:~1 t"~; sri,]_ CL , S D.. J.. (1 0-') CQ1.;mon Counell, on the 01-- ~-fll J_ ~r, 1 ';], 0-\1 D rd.G d. t';:}€: c ()r.L t 1";1 e tf o:(~ f:', (J ~1, cI"1l Ol~ ~L to-rvi t: nV(:'l'~"lt to " v,~~f"'euJ' lone. st .l'.ei;C1tl-r. l'8r ,0l'Jsiblo \'. ,f7-'1 i\ ~~-~ 1 \.,.>"" c'to-",\/"-,,,f ~ !,,- '~' - "'") U 'rol'}: and. i ,JJ'O';ioi:lent :Lcl :'L ts ) i (l(le:r~ , \~'"ll c~_ , [1 t tl"'.!.e pl'i ce naDed f Ol' said "OIl O}JO SDel or' bid, on file wit~ the C1 Clel)Y:= ai' s':lict Git;--\,F, to -'"d'~tel-_1" T),'-)OD()~: l or bid refe1'ence 1s he~~by made. ........ '"4.i.,j.,j .J,. ! f,.A!\ DHlTED: Jv.ly, , 1929. /(,: Y:<#, { (','....\ \::.j' ...J I CJ r"},: of-- j'y" . I ( i / tl1<3 ctib" o'r ~,,/ ' ;11:;:> oy , ,I \ ~ .~..- _.,.. U.L l;.~,' ~'.J:i. ";" .' 0 I':'.'\l. ...