Public Notices I In the Superior Court of the State of California In and for the County of Santa Clara Affidavit of Publication of Notice to Contractors State of California, t County of Santa Clara \ SS. . t '(1'.:,<,,:,: . ....; ',~' 1'~Tlc~e:';~::::;~:~1 r..NpTICEl. IS'.;HElaEBygIVEN r I that " the Mayor ahd Comm.on Couu- r 1.~o::!:~~l~e]i~:J~~ ; satYfor the construction Of Trana- i tn.lsaiou Water Line located with. matldwitho-.t t)UfOi~,ot Gilroy, ' CAIftornia. each bid to be in ao-' cordance ,with plans and. specifl- . I cations DOWOD file with the .CitT: i Clerk . ~f Gilroy, C~Or;u.1a, .~d f ! all }live, and fittings and otherma- t~~~~~n:r:t ::~l t~i;~:::; I i ~~~~~;:t:r ~~yf:/O be~.~oat ao-I i Not!ce is. hereby giveu that all! [Iliat.er... ia.). s. ..9'l. d and d.81tveredunde.rjl , tht\-. cot,i~ .shall Ile: .1Jl accord I witlf. the rules. and regulati()us of I i th~;,;F~eral Emer~encT .,.Ad~~ 1 traUon of Publ1e,WOl'ks,"'&I1d iIi. I pal'UcJtlar with Public WorQ, Ad- m~tration lft1l1etin N;~ ,. ,.... . C~}It Of,*~1.;9~ ~e' iD,,:,. .o~ of Ui~OltYI('r~lL of drlroy, Cali~ fonda, and", tllat the successful bId- der -,aatoomtl7tn aUl'e8pects: with'tJle'apPBcilble' ~':'.I dustr4U RecOverY A~t. cOdes. Notice b a1&o' hereby givea, :~;'1lW!:"""""'~'. ., . . ' tl),e~" .bias.', ,"~ei1tot'the1l" qi&li~!il.rx~~:r., '~idcar 'a;bilitYIIJfd'~C!e. ,; '" , .:'~~t . to. . Executive Order ~'!.;',~~~ .~b. 14. .~34. 09 \)i4, wl1l'beeoDS~dered~le8s ft ,ln~Il\:I~ arAs '~~mp~~d by a c~t'tlfiQate €'\'lOrdeiJ. ''In .. rdan~ 'With .PW ASl revised chID., !19i4)jpuly ~ec~~ ,by bidd~ I~!~t ~~~~~:1t:;:::J:~:, I of falrcom.petition to which he ' I :..ad. 8:b~~Cln.....~...us..... t~,:;.g.~~b.iDt.h..:~..' i.,no ap~T~a~of tail.' cour: ~~tlon. then' statin,gthll<tas to I ~,~UChtrade.oriD~llsti"y. ~'.~~ be-. . ,come a party to and lB c~ply1ng I with and W.ilI continue tQ::Comllb: " with' an agreement with the Pres, . ident ~ (J.?reside~t'aneemvloYIi1ent ! ~reeDl6nt) u~Section 4 (a) 'I" I of.' the National4~dustrial Recov... I erYA~'..., Ii ! .~ch..bJ4ahB,il~ made out on! 1'!l!9~/~,be ,Obtained at. the of~ :f1c~,',~ Cftr Clerk Of PUr07" i Ie ' ""'i must ~ac~ie4' .b1' .'. . ~eciorCashlef'..che.Ck, i o.t'.for ym'(lO%J per' [ceil,...... .j~tot"tkebid 1:Dlal;(l&;' , . a~l~}otJie o1'd.' of the I c~ ~~,.Qaliito~;..8h!'l1 be , .aeaJ' . filed . with' the 01ty '[.CJe.....,........... ....re....JUly. .3.0th,.',.1934. l;~ ,~ll~..:.::;;:;.~~::il : pllll", 'd&f:'In;,;'tbIIJ'~un(lU J I.c~......,..,.. ...i;~~~~~b~~~;"~~~~ ..~. · oontl''jJ4alL be-..1veJi.ll.il ~, . tEleJ:~.t'thebiCWlin:.~m,' i eOht~~Llf a~rd...p. ;~F '[declated,fore,i!eited Uth~,., .' ", 1r.I. r".refUilestoient~Jnto. :8,d~ . tafterbelng' r.~U:~~ ; , led ''do by the . Mayor <~ I i'~: .t}J.e CitrO!, G11rt)y. i ' bklder.wm',l>e . i rell ha- ,~~tuJ.per- ;tf> ..~, .~()l1Ilt ! .~ ,ot,t~ ~~ct. ; prl .. ti).' ....'~1 , "h~ Fecte~m~. Y~:'t. tfujiofPubllc ..,ytmd. to..ft1 otGilror, 'C8:, fa. N , lletlli;, !1l!'I!' _ .0.....'... ..:,. '~~~'oi~~~l~~rk of'the' , T~e,'C!tY " of" Gilroy. e"Ufomfa, :res~~.~e right to reject. ~ny or al1~""'. .f D,ted:Gill\!)f. ~fornill.; July 2nd; 'W:"i, ....} '<". . '. ~d~r of . tl(~ ~!L~~.J' and' . ,.'CClUD<lf1' Clf;,tllteIty. ~!Cal~~l'ld.'" .(~ers. ... '0..... ?,' 1 ,~~.~7~,u~~~,,~~1~~.~.l?-"_m..m."m.' being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States of America, over the age of twenty~one years, and the principal clerk of the printers and publishers of the Gilroy Evening Dispatch, a news~ paper of general circulation, printed and published daily, Sundays excepted, in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California; That the Notice to Contractors .." - "" -. ". - -''''..,,, _ _ h. h _..." _. _ _..." ..... h_ _., of which the annexed is a true printed copy, was published in the above named newspaper._~~'~~_~~"" -a-wcek- .teF-€t-f>€t=iod- e.f-.":,,.":',~:-:,,:,,_-~s, commencing with the -_"~'~'~!~_""hhday of,,__?l!-_~l_"mm' 193.~_., to and including the .!:~~J:1hday of ~~~X,,"" 193.~u, VIZ: Subscribed and sworn to before me this___(.~day o~_, 193~ _ _, - ___ ,_ ___ _ ~~_uu _ __, Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of California. .