United States Pipe & Foundry Company
~ I:
J I ~.it t. ~ ~Ji
SEP - 6 i934
TnI S AGREEMJ'i:NT, made aDd en.tered. into thi s
by.liU between CITY 0 GI ALIFORlIA, First par.ty, an
Seoond Party, sOllle'tifil6s
WITNESSETH: That the parties hereto have mutuall~' oovenanted
and ue;;reed., and. by the::;:e presents do oovenant and agree wi tl.l (lach
other, as follows:
}i'IRS'I': rrhE: complete eontraet il1cluoes all of th.e lJo.lltract Doou-
ments, to wi t: the 11.dvertisemen.t, the Instructions to Bidders, the .Bid,
th.e Agreement, the General Specifioations, the Detail SpeCifications,
and the Drawirlt?s, ant ell modifications incorporated in those docllments
before their execution; any and all ob11gat10nll of the Owner and. the
Contractor are fully set forth and described therein.
All contract d.ocuments and plans are intended to cooperate so
thi.t any work called for in orie end not mentioned in the other or vice
"Versa is to be eX6c.:uted. tb.e same as if mentioned in all contract
papers and sut forth in the d.rawings.
SECOND: The sa.id contractor agrees to eell lUlu deli ver ell pipe,
fittings and other materials neeessary for the construction of a trans-
mission water line as called fol" and in stl'iot oonforndty with the plans
and specifications adopted by the City of ~ilroy, ~alifornia, which said
pln,ns and. specifications a.re entitled, respectively:
Transmission \Nate} line for the City of Lrilroy
P. W. J~. Docket 10. i>C8Z
and which plans and specifications 8.1'('. identified by the signatures of'
the parties to this agreement. I t; is unders.tood ano. agl~eecl t~ t the
materials shall be delivered along 1ihe line of the tr€nch aml
in a manner most accessible for aOll.3truction under the su:pervision of
and subject to the approval ot the ~a3or and Common Counail of the City
of Uilroy, California, or their ~eppeoerdjativt:so
THIRD: the lJi ty of Uill'o'y agreet> to pay am.!. the I,jontraator
Ci.grabs to accept in full payment :fur' the materials deli ve.t'ed at the
following prioes, to wit:
1~, S9'l lineal teet 16 ~I C.1 .PI?E
J'ed. Spec. 11 \'1 2-421 ~. $ "',1 }),; per it. w:.....'..~ ~
2 16,1 X 1411 Hcd.uc ars ~J ~ ~.hI each "
2 1 S "x 16 Tf Red.uc ers " ;J :.14 each ~ <<'
i i~~; : ii:_~gl:d.Bend . ~ ~i:
1 16" Valve ~ L.3'..J.oe
1 14" Valva ~ // II. ,.....
8,065 l=>s. Leadito ~~.; ~..I( per.Lo 'iF 9.13. ~r
114f t~'~x'8~r;:~ed Dry Hemp Yarn ;OTkL .$-. ~~~ :e: ~b. t.
the total to be paid accordine; to thE foll"w~ng schcd.u1e un6. su.bject
to a.dditions and deductions as provided in the general conditions or
the contr::lct
Agreemeat - page 1 .
It is agreed that the ~1ty of Gilroy shall pal said Contraotor
on or about the fir at Wednesday followillg the first Jloa4.al of eaoh
calendar month for the proportionate amount of _terials ft1.rnished
d1~ing the pr eo eding month. as nearly as may be ascertained, provided
trc9.t t"rent:r....fi va (2G%~ pel' oant thereof shall be withheld 'clltil
'Gb.i:t'Gy-five (35) days after th.e oom.:pletion 01' oontraot.
. Upon fi n.al co mpletion of cl.dli vel.':i in accordanc e wi th the plUS
ano. ;:lpecifications the engineer of said. City of Gil.:'oy shall gi vo
said Contractor, in writing. a certificate of final oo~letion. who
shall im.meCl1ately place the same on file w1 th. the Oi ty Clerk. I'hirty-
~1ve (3:>) a.aye thereafter, if no liens for labor or materials, ha"Ve
been filed. in the m.eantime, the City ~oUllo1l will pa;y the Contraotor
all the amounts there:tofore with.ald. 'J.s hereinbefore mentioned.
FOURrH: Should, an~ dispute tl.I'!S€ respecting the true value of
any materials delivered. wtlich said seconC party may be requ11'edbo
del1vel., or respecting thfl ai:r.e of any ,payment to saia. second party
Quring the pertorma.nc e of th.is cont.rCiC'Ii, saie. a.1s,p'U,te shall be decided
by the City J;.;ng1neer~ ana. the t.tecisiQn c1' thE; latter shall be tinel
and. conclusive, subject to the apP1.'Qval b~ the state :h:ngineer, f'.... A.
FIFfll; The Seoond part~ shall at all times rurnish good and
sufficient tests of the Dlaterial. delivered sbow1.nt; that the materials
conform in all manner with the pla.,ns and specifications 2.nO. 6a.cb. shipment
shall be marke<l showing that sueh tests have been made. b.ll materials
not so tested and. not 00 d.esignated lahall be removed. from the line o'f
t.he work at the expense of the second. party and to the satief'uction
of the Uity Engineer.
SIXTH ~ The 3econd Partir shall un<J.er no c:ircmn.staIWElS ab~ign
this contraot without the wr1tt~n permission of the :First Party.
S:EV~'rH: Should. said. F'1rst Party at any time during the progress
of sa1a. contraot, request 8ny alterations, dev1a:tions. ao.d.itions, or
omissions 1'rom the said oontract, specifications, or lllans, it shall
be at lib arty so to do, and the same shall in no wail af:tect or make
void the contract price, as the case may he, by a fair and reasonable
valuation. The value of any su.ch extra work or chB.l1ge shall be
determined in the tcllowing way:
By lwi t pI'1c es .llwned. in th6 cont.rac t ·
EIGHTH: It the Seoond .'Party should. negleot or fail to perform
MY provision of this contra.ct, the l.l'irst ..i:'art.v, after three days'
written not1o~ to the Second. Party may, without preJeudice to fJ.~ other"
remedy ne may b.a ve, make good such d.ef1ciences Wid ill!il.Y dc<lUQ tthe cost ...
ther eof from the payment thfW. 01' 'liib.6I'ob.ft bl' c..Uti the Saoona. Party;
provided, however, that the Government hngineer shall approve both
such action eno. the liroount oharged to the ~econd Party.
NIN'PH: If the second 'pGi.:..~t;y should. be adjudged a bankr'Uj,Jt, or
if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of LllS or-ed.i-
tors, or if a receiver suoul~ be appointed on account of his insol-
venCy, or if he should persist ontlJ' or repeat edly refUGe or sho ulci
fail. except in eases for wilich e:Jl;.ten.sioo. of timo is pl~ovi<i~d. '1;0
s~ply proper materials or persistently disre,ard laws. ordiances.
or tne instruction of the Gity Engineer, or otherwise be guilty of
a BUD stantial violation 0 f all.'3 prov i zion 01' tb.e cont rc.ot, them the
Firat Part" upon the certificate of tUB ~ity :~gineer that ,su~fi-
cient oause exists to justify 8uch aetion, may, without preJud1ce
to any other right or remed'3 and after living the ~ec~d Part~ tau
da.ys' written not1oe, terminat e the employment of tb.e ~econd. partJ'
Agreement - paGe 2
and fin1sh the de11ver.v of th.e materials b~ whatever method hema.v
deem exped1ent. In sueh case the Second Party shall not be entitled
to reoeive &n3 further payment until delivery ot the materials 1s
finished. If the unpl'l,1C\ balance o'f the contraot priGe shall exceed
the exponue of' finishing the deli very of the materials includ.ine
the cvffipensation for additional managerial and adrllnistrl:.l.tive
servic6B, such e:;.;:cess shall b{; pa.1Cl. to the Seoond Pa:r't~. It slLan
expen.se shall exceed such unpaid balanoe, the loolecQnd Parts sllall pa.v
th.e differenee to the First Pa.rty. r::'he expense inourl:ed b3 the Jhrst
Party as herein provid.ed., anel the u.amage incurred. th::-o'UGJ. 1.;11;;: ;Jeconu.
Part:; IS defuult, :.;ha11 be certifi eel by the state En~neer rWA
TI1:TH: If' the work shouldbf) stopped under an ora."r of a.n.y court,
or oth.er public authol' i t~, tor a period of tan d.ay s, through no aot or
fault of th~ SQcond. part.) or of f1.l1.yone employed. bJ' him, or it tihe Oi t~1
Engineer silould. fail tc: is:~ue ;.'A.ny certificates :ror :pa;Jment within
leven days after it is due, or if the First I>arty should. fail to pay
the Second Party within seven ia~Ys of' it s maturi ty f:i!1cL In'esentatioE,
8Jl1 sum corti fied. 0", tue Iv i ty J!,;ngineel", or a"Na:::.'d.ecl O;y t.n'-oi tru tors,
then the Seoond Party ma~!, upon ton <lay s T \irit ten noticeiiQ the First
part,y and the Cit~ Enginee:: stop worle OY' tel"illinate :.lD.u!.:tth,ls contract and
re.over trom the First Parts payment for all materials deli verea. and
&D3 10 sa Sl.:1.8 tainedu:,pon any plant or ma tzrials anc. r eusonuble 1)1'01:'i t
and dama.g e s .
ELEVEN'TH: The tifde d.lli.:tne -which said ;;iecono. Part~' i s a.cla~ed. in
said deliver;; of mit<3rial~l 1),'/ the ~J.otB 0:'" !~eglects of' sa1el Fir~; Party,
or its emplo,yee13, or ljho~c Ullctel' it by contract or othervl1.scl, or by
strikes, lockouts, fire, UllUSu!il c.elay in transportation, \ll1avoidable
o&sualties or any c.aUS6S beyond. the Second Party's control, or by
delay a.uthorized by the First lart,y, or by any oause which the City
Engineer shall decide tn jU8tif~; the dela~i, then the time ot completion
shall be extended. !er sueh r6&.sonable time as the vit:: Erlgineer rra:;
decide 0
2!his article u.o as not excludetl1e reco ver.Y of a.alnf~ea tor delay
by €i1 t he:c part.v UD.u.er ot her :p:::'o vi aions .l..tl tne contraot ('1.0 C'lHnent s.
TW]:T.:FT:{: It is fu.rther undal'sGood. cwd. &'broo(i t the. t in aocord.-
ance with the pro'Visions of Ctw,p tar 2~6, ;,)tatutes of 19~~ , state 0 f
California, it will be required t!~t only SUOh unmanufaotured articles,
aaterialE and. suppliea as have been mined. or proa.l.l.ceci in the Unit cd States
&n1 enly such manufactured articles. materials and supplies as have been
manufactured in the ULited States, substantially all from articles,
materials and. sul/plies rnined, J,lrodo.lJced 01 00 mcanufactvred., as the
oase lJla~) bet ill the United S te.tes, shall'Doe used. in the pe rfo 1'Bl.ane e
of the centrr,ct. r~o-~ieveJ., ss alac prov1r...E-Cl in sbid i,;{l.pter ~,,6, suoh
pro''fis1011S shtdl not upply i1' art1cles, rnatcri51s or supplies .t:rom.
which they are milnufactul'ed, ere net !tin.ed, produced or manufactured
&s the ease may be, in the Fni ted States, The above referenoes to
the Unl~;cd states: mean tne rnited.. Stat2s of A.merioa., and include an~
Territol'Y or insulE.r possession thflreof.
THIRTEDTH: It is further understood. 8Jld. agreed., that, pursuant
to the pro'Vi eiolls of Chaptel' 1039 of' the 19li~ ;;)tatutes of the ;;atate of
California, known as the ~alifornia Industrial Rbcovsry ~ct, tne
Contra.tor shall give a pref~ren~e of 15% to supplies, artioles, and
materials, mined, produoed, Manufaot'Jred, or supplied ill obebservanoe
of any code of fair comp61.>ition approved., presoribed, or iSiJuad under
Title I of the N:ltional InduR trial RocoV'er~' Aet ,Orl.ll10.er any simile.r
law of th.e State of \Jalitornia, or 1n pursu.anco 01" a~ agreemellt entered
into or approved under stid laws, or in conformity with the terms pre-
scribed i11 an.Y lioenses issuad under saie. laws, &.s the case may be,
and which coneerns such trade or industry &nG. ~u.bdi vision thereof as may
be involved.
Agreement - page 3
FOUR1'EENTH: It is alao understood. and agreed. that the time
limit for the OOIJlllletion of said. contract is one hundred (100) days
and should said con trot not be c;omplet ed, or not b a oompleted.to
the satisfaction of tho Oi ty r~gineer, at the tirne heDeinOefo:re
eta t .;d, t he't"s '.vi 11 be deduoted :from the final P aJOEHlt thereof ~; he
8Ui'll of' :~l,OOO.OQ as liquid.ate!} a.amaCGS ar4d. not aa a ilenalty tor ea.oh
da,v's uelay a.fter tna expiration. of such p er10d until the final aooept-
anoe 01: the work by the said. (;i t~, Engine::):' ~m(l it sieli"\Iery '1;0 sa.id.
owne!' .
IN Wlt.r:N'ESS WHEEEOF , the said \'1 ty of GilrOI, Calitor.m..ia, tHiS
causecc th1& agreement to be subsoribed by its ~:f~lor, in its behalf,
and the said party 01' the ....t;oond .l;'art has t::ignec: this agreement the
d8.J ana. ~ eEll.... fir r,t :s; b ov 0 writ.t en.
~I ......... ...-:-_-..
UN n EO S A. ~ ~. .
By .~:art
ATTE2T:. J.=~/7 /d
b :JUt ~.
u y d1erk
Agreement - page 4
~.W.A. DOC~ .Q. ~Oa2
(a.) the Contract Doc'Ulaent s oonsist of the ABreement, the General
Condi~1ons of the Contraot, the Drawings and Specifications
inoluo.1ng all 1IlOd.!:f'1eat1ons th.eof inoorporated in the dooumen ts
bet'ore their exeoution. These f'orm the Co.o.tract. . .
. . .
(b) The First Party, the Seoond Party and others are those men...
tioned as suoh in the .A.greement. They are treated throughout t\le
Contraot DooUlllen.ts as 1f' eaoh were of the si~ar. numb er and
masculine gender. ,.
(0) Written notice shall he deemed to have been duly served 1f
delivered in l'erson to ttle ina..1vid.-uhl or to a member of the firm
or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or it
de11ver€.j. at or sent by r€giijt~u'ad :nB.ill;o the la.st business
a.ddress known to him who gives the YlO-t :io e.
(d) All time limits stated in the 00ntracv Dooumenta are of the
eSSenoe of' the contract.
S.ECO~"D_~ The Contract Loo'u.ments shall be sig-ned in tull by the First
Party 2nd the Seoond. i'al"ty. In aase the Fir at raI:ty and the tiecond
Party tail to sign the General Conditions, Dr~wings, or Specificationl9J
the contraet documents shall identifylihem. t, ~
The Contract Documents are co m~lementary, wnat is cei.lled. for b~'
an.)! one shall be as 0 iniling as it e alled tor by all. irtle i.a:t ention
of the doe.uaents ia to include all illl:l.tel'i<..us, and. tI'anspor.tation
necesss.ry for the propel.' execution of 'the oontraet. It is not
intanCled, however, that f&i.tlirials .not cc,v3red h.;. or 'properly infer-
able from any hea..tting, branch, class or trade ot the specif1cations
shall be. su:ppliect un~~ss d1stinctl~ ~o notOCl on the tu'awint~~. Material",.
deso;cibeo. in words wll~ch so u.iJpl16J.. ha.ve a 'Nell l:nov.!1 .tecnnlcal or' .'
trade meaning shall be held to refer 1..0 such recognizee. atand.8.rtts.
THIRD: Unless othe:L"Wis6 provided in the iJont;ract DOCU1D.E:rl ts the
Cit,y Engineer will furnish. to the ~econd. :psrty, free 01' chargej all
copies of dra.wings and speoifioations reasonably nocessar.v for 111 e
execut10n of the contraet.
FOUR'l'IT; The Second :Fart)' sr.l.all keep one copy of all d.rawings an~
specifications on the work, in good order, available to the Cit3
Engineer and to his representati'Vea.
FIFTH: All drawings, speoifioatlona, and copies th~eot furnished
by the C1 ty Engineer are hi s property.. They are not to be used on
other work and, with the exc8ptiuIl ot lih. signed oontraot set,
are to be returned to him on request, at the completion of the work.
.All model s are the property or th. nr. st Party.
SIXTH: The Second part,- shall furnish for approval all samples as
({ireated. The mate,L-ials shall be tn aooordance with approved sa.mples.
General Cond1 t10l18 - page 1
SEVEHm: Unless otherwise specifi ell. all ma torials shall be new and
or gooo. qual! t,. The ..second Party shall, it roquired. :furnish
satisfaotory ovid_ce as to the kind and. quality of _teri.als~
EIGHTH: I.l!he Secon.d Party shall pay all royalties a.nd li...ae fees.
He aliSll defend all suits or claims for intr1J1'fJluUtt of aD,)'patent
right s and shall save the First Party harmless from loason aoooulih'
thereof, except that the first part, shall be responaibl. for such
loss when a particUlar process or the prod~t of a particular
man:\dacturer or manuI'aoturers is specified, but if the Seoond. Party
has intorma;1on that the process or art1cle speoified is an in-
fringement of a patent ~he shall be respoft(Jible for suoh loss unless
he promptly gives ~uoh informat1on to the vity Engineer tor the
Fir at Party.
NINTH: The Second Party shall protect the Owner's property from
inJury or loss arising in connection with this contra.t~ He shall
make good any 3Ueh damage, inJury or loss. exoept such as may be
direotly due to errors in the lIo.ntrac i. Docurnen ts or caused. by agents
or e!nployees of' th.e ]'irst Party. He shall <;j,dequately protect
adja.oent property as provided b.y law and tha lJonliraet DocWl~n.t8.
TEtiTH: The Seoon.d. Party shall promptll reDlOve from the prem.ises all
ma:teria ls condemned by the J1J1gineer e.s f a.i ling to conform to the
Contl.'a.ot, whe~har incorporated in the work or not. and the seoond
part~ $hall proffip'lil.v replace allah _terials in accord.anee with the
Contraot and without expense to the First Party.
If the Seco!.J.(11lartJ does not remove such cond.em.neo. materials within
a reasonable time, fi:X.eo. b;y' written notice, the Firet Party m&.v
remcvt,; them and may stOl'e t,tle ms.terial at the expense of' tne Second
rart~. If the Second l?a.rty Closs not 'pay the expenses of such re-
mova.l wilinill ten da~1i thta"eafter, the FirEt :Party may, upon ten d.ays'
written .no'~ice, sell such me. Lerials at auction or at private sale
and shall 8.CJoount tor the net pro ceeds thereof, at'ter deduet in8 all
cOots anCl expenses that sho~d have been borne by the Second. Party.
~~1H: Eeither the final cettiricaie nor payment nor any pro-
visiQu iu the ~ontract Doouments shall relieve the vontractor of
responsibbi11ty tor taulty u.w.terials, and., unless otherwise specified
he ~hall remedy any detects due thereto and P&3 tor an, damage to
other work result1ng therefrom. Which shall appear within a period
ot one year from the d.a.te of subst8.lltial aom:rletion. The First .party
shall gi ve noti VEl of observed detects Wi th reasonable promptness.
All que,tione arising under this article mlull be decided by the
F...neineer sub J eo t to arbitration.
TWELFTH.: The Engineer may withhold. cr en account of subsequentl.)'
d.iscovered evidenoe, nullify the whole or u part of any oertificate
to such extent as ma:y be necessary 'IiO protect the j'1rst Party from
loss on a~count of:
(a) Detective materials not remedie~.
(b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating
probable filing of olaimso
(c) A reasonable doubt that the contract can be
eompleted tor the balance then unpaid.
Vlhen the above are rellOvea. payment shall be made for anounts Wi thheld
because o:f' them.
THIRTll:Ii2irB.: If e1th er party to this \'/ontraot should suff er d.amages
1n any manner beoause of any wron::;:tul act or negleot of the other
party or of any on~ empl~.d by him, then he shall be reimbursed by
the other party for such damage.
General Conditions - pa.ge 2
Claims under this olaus. ab.&ll be made in writ1ng to the party liable
within a. rea.sonable time of the first obsenaoe ot Bucll. 4&11&1- and
not later than th_ time of final payment, except &.8 exprossly stipul.ated
othElrwise in the ease of t.aultl materials and aha1l be adJusted by
agree_eat or arb1iration.
FOURTEENTH: All queations subject to .rbitration under this
oontraot shall be sub 1\1 tted to arbi trat10n at the choic e of either
party to the disputeo
The Second Pa.rty shall liot eause a a.elas ot the contra at during any
arbitration proceedings, exoept by agreement with the First Party.
The demand fOI' arbitration shall batiled. in writing with the Engifleer,
is. the case of an~ appeal from lJ,is a.ecisio.a., within ten. d.ays of its
rCiceipt and in any ot her case wi thin a reasonable t 1me a'ttcr cUi.se
thereof ana. in no case later thaa the time of final pQ.3ment, exoe'!)t
as otherwise expressly stipulafed in the ~ontract. If the ~gineer fials
to make a decision within a reasonable time an appeal to arbitration
may bet aken as if hi s deai s:l. en hud. been rend.ered. ag;:;instthe part3
110 one shall 00 nominatGCl. or ~; at as an arbi trator who is in an~ way
financially interested in thtE Contraot or in the business affairs
of the Fil' at Party or Second Party.
Unless otherwi sa J;lrovidedoy controlling statutues, the parti as ma.y
agree upon one arbitrator; otherwise thti~e shall be tnree, one named
in writing hi eaoh pa.rt~' to this contr~et, to tb,\;;; otller party and 110 tile
Enginesrr and the thi rd aho sen by tile se two aro1 trator s, of if th.ey fail
to select a third within fifteen days, then he ahall be chosen by the
presiding officer of the Bar Association nearest to the location ot tne
work. Shou~d the party demanding arbitration fai]" to name an al'bi trator
within ten days of his de~land, his right to arbitration shall la~seo
Should the other pa.rty fail to choose an arbitratorwit~lin 8.i1 'u~n d....ys.
then such presiding officer shall s:ppoint suoh arbitrator. Should. ei ther
party refuse or negleot to supply the arb1 trators with any pap &rs or in-
forrr.ation dema.nded. in writing, the arlai trators are empowered by both
parties to prooeGQ ex parte.
Ii there be ORe aI'bitl'utor his d.ecision shall be blno.ing; it' thrt.le the
deei sion of' any 'two mal::L ~) J Jilldi ng Such d eel sien shall b € l:a. ccnd.i-
tion precea.ent to any right of legal aotion, and _Vih~ever permit1.ioCt oy
law, ~t may be fileQ in Uourt to carry it into effeob.
~he aroit'cators if they deem the case demands it. are ~~~. authorized
to award to the'lOarty ..hose contentioil is sustained.. sueh sums as
they shall a.eem proper tcr the time, eJ(pense. and trou?le ~noid.e.r...~~,
to the appeal and, if the appeal was taken wlthcut reasonable aau~e,
o.a.aag~s for o..elay. The arbitretors shall fix th.e1r own .8I1pensatlon,
un10sS ot herwise provid eO. boY a.greement. am. shall a.ss ess the 00 st s
aJ1C charges of the arbi tx'ation iIlpcn ei th el' or be th parties.
'fho "ward 0 i t he arb i t r. tor $ shall Il e ill 111''''' """'11 writ i ng an <l it eh all
!lOt be open to 6113 objections on aecoU!\t of the form of ,the IJl'e~:a-~ng.
Ol~ the award. unless otherwi sa prov1-d.ed oy the controlling statutut......
III the nll.l1t of llUeh statutes providing on an~ mat ter eoV ered b~ tb.is
article otherwise tnan as hereinbefore specif1ed~ ~hev~~tt~odv~~l~a-
oedure throughout a.na. thG legal effe~t of tile a.~arCl. ~~ her:bv to lay
ia accoraance With the said statutes, it being n ena. i 11
down.. -pr tn01 plo o! .. et 10n to b 0 !o Howeil... lell v1ng ,it ~ ~~:~ lo~IJ~IlV~~
tion tc> be adapted. to.tbe legal require.ants at the "urJ.s
authority over the arbitration.
General Conditions - page 3
FIFTEDTH: Wherever in the 88 sp e01f10& it on. a part1oul.ar make
or bran~ of equipment. material or prooess 1s speo1~ied, it shall
be eonstrued. that such make or brand 1. 9P 80 11'1 _, ..rell 'tor ease
1n ~esor1bing and def1ning the tlP' and oharaoter 01' equipment,
.fDIIi,tez'ial or procell. that i8 desired, aDd that any equ1pment, material,
or prooess whioh is the equal thereto, in the opin10n 01' th.e engineer
may be supplied.
In case the bidder proposes to substitute other makes or brands for
the partioular 8quipme.llt, matorifltl or process specified, he shall
110 state in his bi~, and shall present th.rewith specifioations
completely defining wnat he proposes to substitute.
Tne bid.d.el' shall state the make of valveJl, motors and other equipment
not specif10ally designated, that h~ proposes to U8tl and shall obtain
the approval of the En~neer of the make or style proposed before
placing his 0 rr'ler theretDD.
PRBPOSALS: Each b1d shall be made out on a form to be obtained at
tne offiCi e of the. City Clerk of Gilroy. Calitora1a; lllUSt be aocompanied
by a C6rti fied or cashier t s check or bid. bO.D.d tor ten. (10%) pe:r- 0 ant
of tb..e amoun t of tll e b ld made ;pa.y &ole to the order of the 01 ty 0 f
GilrOY... cal~8i sh.!,ll bt;. seale. <l ana 1'ile. d . Wi... th. the City Clerk on
or before _Q' t 19Z4, at 8:00 o'clook F. M. and will be
opened in . a b: CC c' clock .P. :M. 01' tnat a.ay in the Council
Cb..amb er s.
A preliminary estimate or the amount of eaou class of work is set
forth in said proposal olank and said esti~td will be used as a
Dasis ror oomparilltl) bid.s. rr~he :t1nal P83 ment will be made on the
aCliual amount of worl~ done or m!ll.terial delivered.
I.NSFECrfION: All materials :furnished will bt inspected by the City
~g1neer or hss1stants and if not in accordance with these spec1-
fioations or if def&etlve in ruiY way will be reJected.
LOCA~ION: Bidders must e:x.a.crl..nB and judge for themselves as to the
TOOat'ion of the propseci work.
GI!Y ~GINEER: VfueneveI' the word C1ty Engineer 1s used. in these
8.Peo{ficat{oIJ.t~ they re:f&r to the Oi ty EngineeI' for the Oi ty of
Gilroy, CaJ.ifomia.
General Conditions - page 4
WATER PIPE: Pipe shall be Cast Iron Pipe of the bell and spigot
1:ype, vIass 100, oonforll1ng to all ot the requireaents of 'ederal
Speoifioations W W P-421 (a copy of which i8 on f11e in the offi.e
of the City Clerk 01' the City 01' Gilroy, CaliforI11&), excepting
that the averaie wall thicmesa shall be .52 1Achea.
Fittings for cast iron pipe bell and SP1fot "pe shall be Class 8
conforming to the specifications of the meriean water Works
AlIsooiation for Cast Iron Water Pipe and Fittings.
LAYIlW PIPE: The 8XCUilvat1on sllall bEl _41e to tae line and &rade as
111.d.:ica'teCl. by p.:i'k StllkG5 set bl tne lIJlgiAe.r and .bAll cOAfora to the
Pltms and .Profiles. All water encountered in the trenches must be
drained away or pumped out. The excavation must be made in such
manner that the pipe will lay fia.t on solid groULld a,.t the botcom of
the tr~ch ~.nd it. will be required .to eAc:uil:vata at th~ hub end of each
pipe length so that the main hody 01' piye length '\Nill rest on the
bottom of th e trench..
I n laying cast iron wa tt:ir .bii,pe c a:ce tllUS'~ -b e takell to ent (;1' the apigo t
end. of the pipt) to its full depth into the bell end. of the preceding
pipe ~nd the pipe shall be centered $0 that there 1s uniform space a.ll
JOIN'1:i;J: The U>>lterial for Joints shall be lead! te which shall be i.nstallid
as fo"1lOWS: After the pipe is thoroughl~ clean.ed, (bell, and spigot enla)
of all paint, and th~ pipe t'wabhea out, ultiai.U braided d.r3 hemp ya.rn,
one round only, ends overlap three inohes, shall be driven sowldly home
at the back of the bell clnQ at least a three and one-halt (3~) inch.
de:ptt. shall be left for the leadite.
The- leadite shall be melted. d.o~n in a proper melting fur'nace, which
shall be kept within 150 feet of the jJipt: Joint to be poured..
After y&rn1ng, a proper pouring rOl/c sha.ll be se't up at the fecG of
the hell and metal pouring gate at least eight (8) inches high set
up at the Joint. The leadi te shall be poured into the Joint through
the pouring gate when it is at the proper temperature for pouring,
This temperature will be recognized when the melted leadite ~resents
the appearance of crude oil and is t"ree f'rom froth and bubbles. The
:pouring gate shall be left at least two-thi.rds full at the .joint.
Af'ter the joint is cooled., tl::.e po'tu'ing gate ~jhf;ll be removed e!Jcl tl'le
leaa.i t eliherein 1311 all be r cmel tea..
All le&.o.ilia Joints shall be reasonablJ i,i&.t hga,1nst on e hu.nd.red. (100)
pounds per square inch Rp.a.rostatic ,pref.:;sure when first test eo., Bnd
shall be ptlrfectl'y tigh~ within t'ifteen (In) d.C..Y8 after water pres-
sure ahall l1a ve ') oen kept c:ontinuously against them. All dofect i va
JOints l:ihaJ.l 00 cut out and replaoed ent.irely. If it is neoessar~y at
Hny time to out the :pipe, it shall be with a wheel cutter.
VALVl3.:J: Iron bO(l.Y, bron',~e mo unte,l, non-rising stem double diso gate
valves, oonstructedto wi.thstand a working presSlU"e of 125 pounc.s
pel' square inch shall 11e installed. in the pipe line at the poi.n.ts
indicated on the plans and of the sizel:i oorre8~onciing tolihe con-
neoting pipe.
Bronze parts shall be ~<l. of maganese bronze having an ultimate
tel1s1le strength of 50,000 lbs. :per sq,uare inch. Face. body and stem
aha.:!.l be thoroughly cleaned anc. werking lial~ts tested before instal11ns.
Espeoial care shall be exeroised to protect the stem during the progress
ot bacld'illing aAd compaoting of' tho trench. .A two (2) ineh square
General Conditions - page 5
nut $lall be 1natalled on tn. valve stem bl which gate may be
operated. Valves for installa.tion in oonneot10n with ball and
spigot JUIJl pipe shall have hub ends.
REFILLillG TRENCHES: After all tests have been made, trenches shall
De Dackf~ll.d ~s speedily as pos~ible and the filling material
throughl3 pubbled with water. After complete settlement, the
trenoh shall be p ermi ttad to dr1 out and sb.a.ll th_ be reato red
to conform to the ahara8ter of improvement existiAg prior to the
beginn1ng of the work.
The followi..l1b estima to is approximate and is to be used a.s a basi s
tor ec mDaring 1) 1d s:
12,99'1 lineal feat 1611 (;.I..P~pe 1'ou.. 0't,1tlC. iV " 1;-41.:01
2 16"x 1411 RoeJu.eers
2 18 ":xl 6 " Hed:uc ers
1 16 l'xB II I' ee
1 16" - 450 8er...c..
1 1611 - 220:301 ~\ end.
1 16 II Val'l e
1 14'1 Valve
8,6oti loa. Leadi.te
~40 lbs. Braided Dry Remp Yarn
UNllEO Sl~rr (,: Cli[o f. r(\I:~I[)RY CO
..' v ; il t.. '..\:. , u,j!~ _. ,
Jly / a . ~f44"'-r\.'''''~
General Conditions - page 6
FEDEFJ! 'eY t.:-':;J, ';STF~ATI01'J
OF Fi '"-',le 'J';C;-'l'CS
C t. L 1 ;:; C ,? ;' ! 1/\
~-- t1~-}-t--!
m----~'iE'jf1:,:"'<;;;"< i
~ ~'N1-uH~
NOTICE IS REEBY GIVEll that the K&3or end IOllmon COUll011 of the
C1 tl ot G111'OY. Cal1fornia, w1l1 reo.1". b14.s tor the sale and. de11 very
of all ...t.rial n....sar, tor the conatruasti.on of fraruun1aalon water
Line looated wi thin and w1thout the Oi ty .. Gilroy, California, each
bld to be in aooordano. with plans anA .p..lfioat1ofts now en fil.
wi t h the Ci t~ 01 erk of Gilro y, Calitornia and all pipe and f'1 tt1ngs
ana. other 1....~er18ls sold ao.d delivered under the contract shall be
plaoed along the trenoh 90 as to be aost aooessible ter layingo
Botic. is hereby gi'9ttn that all material sold &ad delivered under
the contract shall be in aoool'd with the rule. &ad. repla tieDs of the
Federal Emergenoy Administration of PuGlia Works. and in partiaular
with Pub11cWorlts Administration B\Q1etin No 0 a, a oopy of which 1.
on file in the 0 ffioe of the; 01 toY Clerk of Gill" 0.;;' , CalifOJ.'nilll. t and.
.that the suocess~ bir:dermust oom:plj' in all r~spaots with the app11-
{':able National Industrial Rcoover,i Aot cor.es.
Notice 1 s also hereb;t given that all .)j.dd.ers must subm1 t wi th the1r
bids, a statement of their tinana1al rD~pcnsibi11tj, teohnioal ability
and experience.
.pursuant to Ja,ecutive Order 6645, d.ater~ Maroh. 14, 1934, no bid will
be eonsid~red tillless it includes or ii aocompan1ed by a a.rti~1oate
(wor<1ed in. e,ceordslloe wi th FWA 61 1"."1 e6d Marah 19, 19~41 d:U.11 exeouted,
boY tne bidder s'tating the. t the 'Oidder 113 co mpl~il1g With and wl.llQon-
t1nt:..e to oomply with each &pprov ad code of fair co mpet1 t10n to whioh
he is SUb~64t, and it engaged in any trade or indu~tr~ ror whion tnere
is no 8.ppro'Ved code of fa.ir oompeti tion, tnen stating that as to such
t..rde or 1ndustry he has beco me a party to and 1, s compll1ng with and
w1l1 continue to compll wi th an agreem~nt wi tn th,e Presid.ent (presi-
dent's Reemployment Agreement) under Section 4 (a) of the Bational
Industrial Recovery ~ct.
Each b1d shall be made out on a form to be obtained at the office
of the Citi Clerk of Gilroy, California; mu.st be aocompanied b~ a
certified or casbier's oneok or bid bond for ten (lO~) per cent of the
alocn.mt or the bid mad.it pa'y&iJle to 'the order 01' the City of Gilroy,
Cal1torniai snail oe sealed and f1led with the Cit~ Clerk on or oefore
July 00. 1';'34, at .:00 o'clook P. M. end will be opened in. public at
8: 00 0' aleok E. !t. of that day in the (,Iouncil Chambers.
ThfJ <.oDcve 118At1on8<l cheak orbon~ 8ha.llb~ given as a guarantee
that the 'bldder Will enter into oontraot it awarded, and will be de-
olared forfeited 1t the suooessful bidder refuses to ant~r tato said
oontraot after 'oeing requested so to ti.o b~ the Mayor and Cou.noll of t
the Ci ty of Gilroy, uali:fornia.
~ha ~uoce6sful bld.der will be requirefi to f'tu'IJish a faith:ful
:perfOl'.aa.noe bOllo. in an amourll; eqllal to 100% o'tt.he contract pri ce t
sa! d. uond tob e seuureo. 1'1"08\ a surety company aatiafactory to th.e
Federal EMrgenoy .A.d.min1atra tion 01' Pub} ic \'iorks and, to tile C~ t~ of
Gil:co~, Califb rnia.. .A list; "ot suoh ,surety cOllpanies is on tile
wit h the City Cle.rk of the vi ty of Gilroy t Cs.llforn1a.
The City ot Gilt'oy. Ga1i1'ornia, reserves the right 'to reJect
any Qr all bids.
Dated: Gilroy. Ca11fornia, July 2. 19i4
By order of the Mayor and Common Council
01' the C1ty of G1J.roy. ~alitornia
vl~Y 'cIeri
A~~ert18..8l1t - page 1
p . W .A. DOCKET No. 3082
Bid Form.
Bids will be received until 8:00 P. M. July 30, 1934, by
the City Clerk of Gilroy, Oalifornia.
The undersigned hereby proposes and agrees to sell, furnish and deliver
any and all required material distributed along the trench at the di-
rection of the Oity Engineer of the transmission water line in strict
conformi ty wi th the plans and specifications prepared theretor by R. W.
FISHER, city Engineer, at the following prices, to wit:
12,99' lineal feet 16" C. I. Pipe
Fed. Spec. W W P-42l @ $ 2;.1' ). per ft. . )..1 ~~ ,. JI..J"
2 l6"x14" Reducers 0 $ I~ 44 each . ). ~. '9
2 l8"xl6" Reducers @ . I '.vo eaoh . \1'. '0
1 16"%8" Tee @ . 1~ "0 eaoh . ~\I;'tJ
1 16" - 450 Bend . I ).f1o
1 16" 220 30' Bend . /.s;..ro
1 16" Valve . /3". 2~
1 14" Valve . / I D. J.t)
8.665 Ibs. Leadite @ t ./1 per lb. . 9,,("(1'/ '"
340 Ibs. Braided Dry Hemp Yard @ $ .2 t per lb. . )~.~o
TOTAL . . . . . . . . ~ Cj.'\l f. 9.)
It awarded the oontract, the under&1gned hereby asrees to sign said oon-
traot, and furnish the necessary bond within ten (10) days 01' the award
of said oontraot, and to begin delivery within forty-fiTe (45) days trom
the date of approval 01' the oontraot by the state Engineer 01' the Federal
Emergenoy Administration of Public Works. and further agrees to make con-
tinuous delivery thereafter until the oompletion of the contraot.
Bid Form - page 1
The ..A..alIIUM! haa exam1ned the 100l;1t1011 of the propos.a. _~k aDJ1
18 'famil.1ar wlth tne .plu. alll spec1t'1oatloaa aad 'be l.oal 00.041-
tl011S O't 'n.. pla.. .nero work 1a t.o ata _A..
UIrnl:;RSTJ,KDS mAT 'rut. cI.n OF GILROY, Cl.l.IroanAy 'wl1lJ.. IOf3E n~
Xli UAlaKG UP 'rIllS 3ID.
o. s. OOVERDJ:IIT P:"ORM tiO. l!VlA 61
( Re'f18'" Huch 19M)
'.l!oa C1'1 01' Gllre,. Calitol'Di.:
It 18 h.erets" ...tltled that tn. WlG.tur...__ 18 00DW1.11II& .l~h aa4
w1ll GOnt1nue to ooapll .1 th each appJl8"fM 004.0 or tall' eo ap.'1 tloa
.. whion he 18 subJ.ot 8Il4./or lf 8I1C8fj1;"" 11l .., tl'a4o or 1A4uatrl
tor _bloh 'aere 1a At) appro... ood. of' ta1r ceap.'1'ioa, thea ... "-
a* tracia or 1_Wltr; that be baa b.... a PUt, .. ant. 1.00.p11-
18C w1....ad. w111 eoA t1Jlu _ 00.,11 w1 it! .. ~e._i w1 'tL t. bo.
Pr-a.uont (Predd.". Roeaplo,.., ACree..t) lUMlc.r ii.'lon .. (a)
0'1 'ha Bational. Iad.u.airlal H.o.oyer, ..,. Pro..\14e4.. 1b.at th.1. .81'11-
1'loa'. 40.. Aot apl" to punha.ot ..'011.81. or 8\41p1l.. whiOh ba...
not Ooen UJUMl., pr04\1.o... or ...a:uaot'U"84 14 lib.. UD.1tecl i.>'.'...
1.0 the nu1 1iha' W13 pro.,lsion or auab. coclo or codes or Proa1d." 8, .
Reenrplo7111Di Ape_eat 1s 'Violated h~ the UIlder&1ped. it 1. acreed
that the pari, 10't1J2e lIbe oolltraet, 1.r t.he contraot ls awarc.ed. 1iO
the ua4era1gMCl, m8I 'Germ1Aate the oon'Gru.' 0)' taitteA 8.Ot10a to the
UIlderIl1B.Ded. In suoh nont the part)' lat1#1ng the contraot ~ take,.
O"er the \lDoollpleted part and pro..cue the sue to oollplesatlOll by
oomr&ot or otherw1so, and the unders1t-J1ed and ni. BUre"l.. ahall be
llaDle to 'he part, 1e't1ns the contrQot I'or 8.ft1 exeo.a 00&' oooaaloneo.
tb,reD1. aDd tne part,v 1.~lDg the contrllot 1Il&Ji. tllk. poBs..alon of' .and
dl11ze, 111 OOJlplot1llg the work. such mater1ala, appll'ano... and plan'
.a -.y _. on 'he s1 to or the work &l'H1 neeo.earl tb...,d'or.
Af1I peruon tal_ell oer"l1)1A~ aa ~ eOlapllano. _. at'oresa14 who wo-
Mlie _, woh. proposal. 814. oolltraot. or ..........,.UOoontr..'. or
aooap'. a.rq puroh... orler. Ill" be pUJd.lhed aa jl)."pv16e4 ln a.etlon 10 a
0'1 'the lfational Iruluatr1al lh~oo..erl .At'. b, 1& till. of not to_.e_
n 'W. HWI4ftt~ Dollars $600.00 or 1mp~t not to 8XO'_ siX _Ain..
or both, del 111 e.._t 01' &nI 8Uoil tal.e .ortitleatloA OJ lUll auoh
perlOA, lUll oontraot, au"ontrao', or purebaa. ort.er t.o wb.1eh he 1.
partl aecured b:,' or 1n turin.ruo. of' fUll SUM proposal. or bld -.v
"e cueoole4 ., the other plU-'.v lh...\o, aad ,he UIlt1tU.uneG. portlon
ther..r oompleted at tne exp... ot the per80n BUll'l or auob. fal..
oertlti.ellUoa aa:1 nl. surett_. it al1J.
'f /Q9:~iV.
314 Fora - .Pase a
'l'b.. un4era1gAed _batt a h.....i.h a 4o_-~""'t. atateMat of illa
1"1naI101&1 oon4.1\1011. or h1a ...hn1oal ..111t, _0. 0' hla e:xp.rl__..
1n eon.iruetloa .. t'}c.
GA...../..... ~"...I "".~.
'!'he u4era1l1'le4. her., eertlt1ea that ~. b11. 1. a_v.i.... am not
ahut or GoUual'te, or _de In the la......- or 111 'behalf or IU1I per..A
not hee1n ."'d.,aDd ,hat th. ual...lpea. baa .aot Ur..tll. or
lft4.1rMtll, la4._ or _1181'. ., other _ldder to pu't 1a a ..
blAt or a.Dl oth..r per_D, 1'11'11, or oorporatl... .ntruA tro. .144.1J1g,
aD4 that tho UJlAora1c_d baa aot ln. 8A1 _or _.' -, 0011\18104
-. '''111''8 1"01" hi...ol1' .. a4'taa"". o'Ver _, Rher i144e:r.
kalo.eo. t1n4 ort1t e4 ob.. or eae1.'. oh.ole: 10. 01' tbe
. . .. . '..; v L. Bank, Dr , ~ U-"o.oo
. . a ... per.. 0 . . pa.yalt1e to
C1', 01" Gl1ro,. 'a111oraJ.a. ad. Wld.ob. 1. .i". .. a gu,nIl'e. tbat
th. Wl4...1pe<1 will ..... 1t1io eontra.t 1f aWU'O.ed the ......
C"IITRAC,,:I~~~ ~:;:~.;lY CO,
J'l~~~.'~;, '~jtJ~di, ',(:'''.v."f ~;;~R
Dated tb.la ~ 4a; of }Q~_
/ . . / J
ADDRESS _;" ~ tOt,
" UJi:PI{0JI E -5--/u/l, J" / /,<,
314 Fora - Pac- a
BIDDERS ;l<'om.t OF ueAfliJllmT
AD7;RltSS "1 ~ ~- ct~
'r r.LPLROIEDO. ~~" J 1" 0 . COlfi'RAC'I' OR'S ~/lA flii LIC.a S:il o. ..,_f;;.,J.
"y/ORlC lID UPOI ~ ~h~
1. Wh... wa. 10
Cal1fom1& ,
a. 'Row 10111 b.a"e 10 . ..n b ...a in UaUterAS.a 'I _
a. !lOW _, IlIU'll ba. ,OUl' 01'6aaJ.lUr,U04 11_ 14 b\llU"".GJ...l' ..-...J,.
lOur pr....t lnaal..... --, cj'l.
4. no. .., ,-.ra' .,.1'1_ 18..0 1'1leU.. work has ,ov
o1tCMif1&tlO1l' ..,~~
6. lia"e 1011 ..er ~a'ri.4 1;0 00.,1.,. ., _..~ a-.r4. to IOU' It
*l t .tat. ..... aJIl -hl (al... detailed. iatw.tloa) lir-
6.Ha. _, ott'l..r or pana... ot .vov orselzatlon .".1" taUK to
GoIlp1ei. a OOllatru.ou.o.o. OOA'r...t 10. hi. 0_ .&Wa.? If _, ata'.
, aame4 0 iAUY14ual aDd ....r, a.ad r...son th.retor ~
n 151 PI
7. lIt. ..hot the \I It 4.0.. .vow or&IU'l1Z&t1en pefora wl th 1'.
own toro..? ~
9. 1.1a' UM1 explal.n U or .'op.aotlo.. f11.ea. api.at IOU
ooA_otloA With ~ 0'1 lOW r..,loua work that ha... no" b"A _tlafied
P1'OaP'l.J T ~
10. tillt the el(ll1:pMat OWu4~ II, 10V, t1l"11 (DJ/rb'""1''()/'1':-'t...}w-
~ ~ J___ or .;tatt-r/~ ~
Rl* For. - pap
U.Ka". 10'\1 e"er W1)::. awn lUll b14.' It IIIO. g1..8 rea.a for
.\lOb. w1 \b.Arawal T
. . 1 T
li. Wba' work b.&'Ye ,ou ,~_... OOI1.'ru.ot10a.., .n1. '111. , ~
13. H 8 ,OU .yer h.. aDI lepl U,tt1, eul'1.. 10. lOur ltuaiM..a w1 ill
0"0" It 80. wb.at ~. .
14.. U.' a.... 8IUl &4(:1'..... 0'1 all"." ...,aa1e. wlth "hUh 'OU
hay. doae bu.1r1... cl\ll'1Dg ihe pa.' fl:ve ,ear. T
~~~ 1
1Il. ~ IOU a ._V of alii '~9.~"~~.. ' ~t. 1IO..lWJMl~1;
u..c1&.lol1 Or &88001&'1011.1 ~ v~-~.L'a...::.. /~
16. 01". 'he .118MB IUl4 a4dr~tn of 1he oift.:er.'ot ,.~' oraaA1..10A
11' 1Aaorpo.'.. u4 the a_. 1Ul4 a4dr..... 0 t Jioard 0'1 DUM'ora 11'
10. ha'Yc lUll .uoh Bo&1'4. It the or.-1-.tlo.l1 18 a oo....rt;ad'sh1p gtv.
tile aa.e. a.8A .o.(\.r.....ot "he p&:naeN t aad 1 f ine o r,aa1 za tlol1 18 a
ft."ltlou AM ftrJl _. d". 111nr-'10. ..a to .bat .Ueoi, aubll1tt1Ag
a eoPI of the pu'bl1e.tloA .a \0 f1.et1 tlou fir. .... aD4 a.ddr...
n.d: J~Q~.
~~ Q ~ ~.(j4.Q,-..u1(
.:>~ ~J
IOU 40 _ua1J1ea.?
19. li'u:rn11h h..rews. ill 4oWA-to-4&te f1Aallela1 atat..eat of lour orlan-
lsa'loa. _."1t1t4 .etore a IIokrl P'ul>>U..
Tb18 1. _ oertl1) that the &00". ata'.oJ1ta an Vue to .no b..'
of ., Do-led,. U4 ..li.f.
Dateel :
Bld ll'ol".- pase
, 0 'nlE /
(}.d 19M
FlU a
pl.'o 1
'to 00"
Oaah on haad aDd 1n -.Ak . . . . . . . . . . .
10'.. r..e! 'Iable .. our:r-.' . . . . . . . . . .
A.ooants r..81~ab1. - our~t ........
lot.. ac;;.ure4 III .r'PC'., a'.. all ...., 4u
or clu w1\b.1A a ,ea.r (:Data11 Oil Sebelu1al . .
Siook. 8JIl .... U.'" OA ex.......
(Detail OA ~.he4ul.) . . .. ......... t
Other quolc ....e.. end ot what 00,,-.0' .... i:
. i
. ...
. ~
. e
10'.. ..ouretl ., IIOrtsaa.., .te. all good ... .~.
aad due ati.1' 0.0 '.U' (l>eta11 0.11 scnedule) . . $
Accout. eat aot.. 1"410811.1)1., alow, old, or
d.oubtful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . e
J)ue trOll re1.'1Y.. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . · ,
Stock ud. 'boacia (;Iot; U.ted Oll ......UC..
(>>etall on Sebe4ule ) . . . . . . . . . . . · . ,
other a...,. u4 ot what OOI\P..... ... . · · · ;it I
!flr AL . . . . '-
. . . .
Boi.. ,.,ab1, tollaak .. !
other DOte. Pillute, dUe .ttJ1iA oae ,ear . . . I,,-
0'04 aocounta. AOW 4u. . . . . . . . . . . .. ,
',en account_,past cue . . . . . . . . . . .. ;.
Due to relativ.. . . . . . . . . . . · · . .. $
KortMa.. or 11__ .n real o.tate, 4_
wl'bli oae ,ear . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. e
Chattel ma~... (au'.., et4.) . . . . . .. ,
O.a.r l1abj.ll'I... 4._ wi. 11'114 ... leu, and of
whld ooaMd ......... ~ . . . .. i1
'l! 0'1' 1'..L C UH.B.DT LIA3ILIT I IS.
_01''&&&.. or U.... on real eau.'. due aner .".
188.1! · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I:t":',,'..'.'.
I'o'tea ana. biU. >>&I&bl., 4\\8 aner 0.. ,.r .. .
Other 1.1&1)111't10., and 0"1 what co.poaeA . . . .
'1'OTAL IXll.EBTImN.ESS .. t
KEf WOIIa . . . . . .. $
'l(;'fAL . . . . . . . .. ..
I v--
B1A Fro. - pace
LeBal >>...ri.p11oA
aa A4dr...
SCH.E.1H...1'.X 011' fu.AL ESTAt,E O\GED
Value o't Value of -rota]. AAnual
la.II4,. l.rO'f.- Vsl\l" In...
ac'. .'loa
.01' 'sase. Iat
.. IJ... Ra'~
Dua Due
wi 'hia after
1 lear 1 leu
~ 1J--oU ~-JJ;.U---Jr
tJDl.... Gth.-w1a. ,l.1te(l. tl:tle to &th;'Ve real. 8.&t;atto atand. oa COua.tl
Reool\'\a in naM of
'l 1 n 11 III
Is aDl 01" "'... real e._tie bfAl(l in Jo1At 'Uluw.ol t
wl..h .bom?
It &0.
1 J
11 tI
1 TV.J.I
1 nAR
P1Z'ct 'KortS8B81J or tru' 4._"'_ on real ea_ te
10oa1" in CO\Ult, . . . . .
ftrst Korqag.. 01" '1itllt 4_._ 011 rial esa'.
10..,. oiner than. 14 COWlt, ~
Seo..4 Xo"sas.. or 'rut le.d8 on reil ..,.,.
located 1A Coua" . . . .
Second 1!Ortl'i&e6 or ~r\i..ide_. on real. ..\a'.
loct. ,ad. other $h_ .t..ll Co unt. I .
Agre....t. tor aa1e of r.&1 ...i.tOe.tees. in
COUll\1 .. . . . . . . . . . . $
J~#.&..ata ror .&1e of: reel e8"'. 10..,_
.ther the 1n Countl . . . ,
TOTAL . . .
. .
. ,
A JJ..... ,J,;J. ~ J4.J..1,-..Jr.
Biel For. - pact
SC1tll.~ OF' srOCK AID 301l))S -LISI'm>
Juaber of' ..... of toeauon
Sha".. 01' CcuQ&III
Par Value
ot Bon48
I rUN..
r.'. &ad.
.~.h1-b;;. /~.-..:Jr
S(l.ti;DUl,l; OF S!CCX AIm 30~ - ub.L.I:;fED
1l'uIIber 0 t :I._ of' 1,o..t1011
Share.. or CoaptlJJl
Par -- allle
I Si., u..
rat. &A4
.;k. hL- .-J...t ;.. JJ;:JJ. ~"..Jr
i.' . .. ~ ..
114. Fora - :pap
Value 011
011 rq
rr, 17 A n- 0" 1
lI)>ol1 ~eU.$OW1t ed re..l'V'abl..
Upon aooo.o4atlon ea4or....atl
For Guru"".
For .ur"l or
other 10.._
Amount of U,. In.suranoe
oarr184. . . . . . . . . .
AIIout crt Ac o1deAt
1D.auraAo, oarrl_ ....
AlIOunt of nealtb. 1.rUftll*UO.
oarried . . . . . . . . ..
Amount 01' lubUo Uabl11 '1
lf1liurane8 CUlrn'" . .. .
1 U
r ..
1I1J .
..... ,J ',1Ii
V'<1~ .
AlIDunt 01" "r1re uusur&i1oe on ~11().1~$
. "'-':'._JU'" I'Ii rlfj7
ot b.er iUI8fort5
t:...b. ~.b. .......:to. ~.-JIIlbd..ltoa- ~~..........,.,.-_ ~-.b. ,.1. T ' 1
St.t.. Jour-QQ.. tf.DUwU. 1..__
fro. wlUi.'t aovoea 1a lour laeo.. It.rlVe4. \fip1a111 ~n.tl1)
'lL L L '1111I.. 1 ,t "q-"""
1 T
L ,
B.i"m:NG CO,.Q~~'10"~
raT W Q I' 1111
I_CUi or .\Juke 1n wtd.. IOU oar1",y &0.00 WI"
k4 r2:.
lla"fi IOU r vlousll borrowed trOll er bu.lta
Were lOur rro'W1.naa aeoure<1, w1880ux-e4 or ttl1dorSa:
Pre..1oua .x1mum aID) unt oorl"owed from banke
1 ' j 11
.. 1 T
Idle ot' lbplol.ra
or ASsoulu.te4
Date or
Date OOlU1K-
t10n terra1aateO.
Are IOU 1.....0.11& anI reaJ. or 'per&~ prop er\l?
~f 80, glve a..tall. as to te:rms or 1......
Are ~ of your stoeka, MD4. 0%' .GO't.. reee1'V'.ble ae1.o. in ""lilt 1;._81101'1
I t so. expla1Jl
1 1 nUT
Are &nI or lOur as.ets plMABe4. or 14 8f1I other _Aller UJViVldlable 1'01'
P8I1DC 4..bt." If uaa"a1lallle or pledled. e.xpla1A ,
Are there atlI sUlta, JUd~ta. ueou'tlOa8 or at~.n..'f& aga1Mt IOU
peDd"" . ,.. ,If 80, g1". ".'811..
Bid form - pee-
Ray. IOU eYer tfll1leA l.a. ..1Ms:;/; or 00.,.,.,..... 4.0'1 w11ih lOur
ored1tGJ'8? //}wr- It tiO, gl"& <1.'&118
51 QJU. 'rUBE a.
C:() (' UP ATI O]~
., l'~O.~--
l:l'J.l:PlWlIE ~ ,nf;l
f) Q:te.r. ..
V" tfomm1suOA e~.pU".
8t., ji'orra - pase
III \I':i ,.
lQi OW .A.L.LMEB aY:c~ .k1 ...l..~iJ,l\;.!: '..:tw. t
a8 pr1Ml}).1. and
r noorpjrai et1wa.(ei . Ii. awa of in ~ Sta'i. 0 t ., ,.
~ &uhoriseet to ex.out. 1011415 and u.n4ertak!Jti.r&..aiot. aif.eift r.. .
~,ureil. are helt. and Urllll bound unto the \,;1t1 of Ullr'ol. \l81uOm1&.
1ath.e 6t1Ja 0 t Dollars
t. .. ."' lor 'he PalJ1CU11 __.of.",ieU _a ~l .0 .. .-e.n14
pJ'Iutpfu. ail ~.i, 'tWldthemaelveG. ihelr b..ira. &4111..'r"'01'I. au-
G6U!UiOrS uti. &ss1pf.ll. Joatli' um ..veralll, f11"111.JbJ' ib.e.ttpre~ ta.
':h$ Con41t1ol1 of 'be rOrtJf;~o1ng obllgutioa 18 such thail wa...._
tbe .j;I.,!.)Q.ve ._UJJ4~1l Fr1j1C1,al lliU5 !A~eI".tl l,ntoa ooairu.. ra.a'''' .......
t 19M t wlth the Citl of l.il1:l"03. C6lJ.Uo!"n1Ji.. to 4e11...r. ..11
'and f~l. attnen-_oh the_ ter1al. l1..eIJ8U'J ror . th..OAB1i:ruot1on
of a "rrUaa1lu,ion (later L1.ne feiU' the (.;1 tY6t lrllro3. \'al1:t"Ort11&\.
'rI{E!iEFOi.~. 1i: the ~bo.,e boun4cm l'rlnOl1uu shall well and t.lrull
per.to.:rmthet t.~ms and cOJ1ditlons tlOl1tl~~iCl'tii'l'11 ~ Df1 per:,t'ormed tmdar sld"d
oOlltx'aot thea 1;111a obl1pt1cm ahili be v01d; otherwise to l"e_l.n 1n
full tore. and etteot..
,,~liU'd.Wld. S,e.le4 t.tda da,;y of 19:64
1Ii;iW'f, "1>-" r~... 1M' II' ,11>.'- ......'~--....--...",..",._"-"""h....._____
"".,. ~ W I ,b.. ..
1 1l.~ .!>1I"<'I'll' .. I Ii
( '-'
J ~ 1T ~....",_~.,__ ''IIi~ , .~UIIi"..
JI.P,pl'C'fUc.. Lh1a
,Jl.. , 1F~~ . v ";;'>>""~_"",,_"'~''iIJ>'___,~'' ,-,..................,........
~ ot
I, ~ .
.1 .uP'
'" <4."
Stt. tE; 01' \" }.~ U.1\:~l"Ab~
C1tl ot
CO'Ul1tl 01
1 1 T , ~ 1 -q, n
1lI1 .. [.1.-1
: ~~
Cn th,!. d~ 01.: .. Inthe yec1r {)n_ ThOUIl-' Iln..
Hundrea and ~lllr"-;f'our. bttor. me . a Nctsrl
Pu.b~~ 1A ad ~~ the (;ltl or T;' ".." ..,~,l.......~ uGUftt, ~f :v:...u.... i-U'
re811iA.LD.6 'theX"f;;;...u, {iul,}' eommlss OA_ an. SWOl"A. pfu"'eona.ll,J a'f)p....h
.known to me \0 be tn.
, .. tb.a t 8Xeou:ted tb.. w.l~iiU1 111.1irUIt.eAi. ant( mown
(0 mu 't:o be ~h. ",..Son 'Wfio u.out. .aid 1I1IIt1""".'. on "eb.aU of tb.e
'horelll AaMd and acmovi1.edged to me that
.. .. oXf;out;ed the 381le. ~
r II 'V"l"1 '1IlII1. ,__ T "
IN ',n:TrJESS 'l,yl1liR . I have h...unt,O Iiolet m.i' Luwd arid a:ft1x.e4 !'n1
Of'ttolal Seal. in tne "'Ot.lJ1tl of the
diLl and lear 1ntll18 oer.1t1..t. 1'1.rsl 'a60 VI wrIt'lGn.
lotary '\~ubfio 'lji i.fi! for Qle altl of
It, "f \i 1IIf '!a CountJl of ., "
~ ..It.e 0 . t: .. or.n
l.tl commission expire.
11 -.d.l I'.J
Faithful Performance 40nd
rr"'-'~ ]]'111 .". '1. t. '"
r' '.'n
\.'."-1'-- ....-~1 -.:,W
t' ",' '/
'.- ...t
TJUS AGREEH.EIT. ail. and cmtered lntotb.18. d.a1 (,1'E
19j4, bl _d. b.....en Cll'Y GIl.JHJY. CltLIl"ORlUiI.. 'tri' iratI, aAI
';;ocond hrtl t a._tim.es
fi"e!iat~eroa.a_ ib..~o,ni.aOfaa".
W!TBES::.nz..'TH: That tr..v part1e. h,~ eto have mutualll oo".nante4
and agree4. ...... by thelie prosenta {to covenant and aa~.. w1 'ih eaoh
other. $.. 1"0110"8%
}r"IRS!: The co.,lete contrao' includ... all. of ab.e "'cAtl'aet IJoou-
IlM t.t to wi t: theU"ertlsEkrrUDA\, tbe Iaairu.et1oAa to l:SAdlera. the B1d.
'11eA81"o...t t tbe Q6nartill ;;pec1:t.icatiQAliS t tlJ.(l; Detail Speolt1eati0.8a.
and ~he nraW1.~.. J.tM $11 mod1t1cat1ons lncorporated.1n t.hoae doouMl.l t8
be1:ore 1h.~l" exeout1on; &AI Ill.id all obligat1oAS of the 09'1..1" and the
Contractor are tu1l1 $$t 1"Qrth and deao:::'1bed tlll.rein.
All oontraot do cu.meat ti nnd pls.n$ al". 1ntudedtQ c.Ui>operat. 80
tbat en, f1or1c (n!tll.a, 'fC)1~ in 0:0.'6 antt .not mentioned in the otb.4Jr or vioe
""$8 is to .e executed th~ (Hlrne a6 if mentioned in aU coatraet
papeR and .8t forth 11''1 tUG tu"~,w1ags.
SECOND: The stUd eoatr!.}ttor agrees to ael1 ana. <te11ver all. pip.,
fittings lUl4. other me.ter1als ntJ"esia:ry for th.e oon8truot1oA of a tru...
nUii!f51otl water line a.$ co.lled tor nlHi 1n ,trio t UOl1t'QrmJ, t1 w1 thtae plans
and spftol11o..tlezlllS adopted 01 the C1~1 of uilrol. i.#al:itom1a. wI111b aa14
plana and spHltt.oatlo!1s aro entitled. respeotively.
'fr.an8ll1as10n WatcH J.1.ne J.'erthe 4,;11i.v of' l.ilt'Ol
P. W.A. Docket ~io. n002
and 't"lh1e.h plans and a;pt\c1t'1c~},t1on~ (41'",_ ll'tont1t1en Di tne C1gnat\11"'fHlJ Of
in, part18. to th18 .,elllent. It 15 un4oroioocl an4. aGreed t..1; 'tne
matenall shall t~ Clel1l'Gr&d alo.i16t,t4.e JJ..ne or 'he tl"~_ 'U1(1
in a Wi\lUler .oat. .eoeGsllaletor COJulJtru.efj1oa uw:1er tn.e sup..'V1ad"oll of
u4 $UbJMt to '11$ a,p,prolul.l (1'! the WWJO:t' ,~ CO.l~.mt:Ul \;otiJloil 01:' tne Clt,
of' {i1.ll"o.}', (: 811 forn1ft. or the 1r ~.p,esenta ti v os..
: ~~he u1 t.v or \.(1l1~Q;'" ~.sr~cs t.i) .v~ HAd the "'oJ:lt.racio1"
agr$ee to eece;pt 1nfull 'Pfl;,'m<:~nt tt'! !:;lti t~riulz..: deli VfLeO. a'i t,he
to1lcWLtl6 prloes, to wit;
11~.99"1 l111.eul:~Gt 16 n C.1 .:PII'J;
w~ Sft ~ W ~ AnI
J: au.. ,ee II '" .. J,-"lI~
216 n ! 14 n Uoduo erG
2 1 Btf:g, 16" RedtIDore
1 16~ · ~. 3cnd
1 161' ... ~20...Z0' :lCLlil
1. 16ft Valve
1 14n Valve
8,665 Iba. Lea41te
i54~ rg /fIx 8 i,rrft-* ~a Ill':; !i, e mp Y It:i::ll
VEil" 1"h.
" .61eh
~'> W' .lJ1\IlI!J
~ . ,,~
. ",.-011
.~.: . . .,
I .
,~ .lfl
p tar 1b
per' 1n
T 1"1"
'.'. ..
'r Clrli.L
'he total to be paid. aoo(rrd1ngto tlletollowJnl .ch,e{~'ul. and aubJoct
to a4dS:~1onB and deduct10ns Il,sprov1ded 1n the genu1ffl.l oantU. t lons 0 t
the cOJl'raot
Ap-t"lt..at .... :p8.<<_ 1
y ~I
Ii 18 aarM4 ,bat th. w1t, of ~1lrol shall P&I a.a1d Con'raetcr
on or abo ut the t1l.'" a' Wcdnudal ~ollovd.Dg the firet. Yond.., at eaon
eal_Au IllOnth 'tor the ,roportionat. aao\1D.t of .'.riala ft'IJ'-A1shtd
d.UJ'lag the pr..ed.1ng .u1...11. aa .11881"11 a. a m&l be .....ria1.nec1. lU'o'Y1ded.
that \wut'..:l.... (a~' per oent tn...~ .al1 be 1I1thh..e1A 'Until
tltl:rt,-flVtl (ail dillS after the OOmplettOll of' oontrao;.
UpO.ll tiDal 00.p1.I1;1011 Of 4.~1l "....y 1:1 aocord... wl'ti1 "ho ,.1.aA&
and e,.inca"lou th. .~J'l.er of' aaltl C1tl of GllrQl .allg1 'Y.
sald Coatractor, 1a wr1:U..JIg. a eu'1:fleate of :t'1Aal 00.,1.t10)1. who
shall 1_,U...1;., pla..'h. eame on tlle W1 th the 01 t,J Cl<<rlt.rb.l.r'tl-
flve (~f)) daIs \b._eafter. 1fn(l U.UI 'for labor or _tiU'lal... baY.
lHlC.u 1'11t<<. ltj. ihl mGMlllt1me. tbe C11,1 l"ouncU will 11&1 'he C04tr~otcr
all the tuno urrts thereS:O'f'ol"ti w1l1hi181A (U:l hereinbefore MAt1o..d.
li'CtJlml: Should UJf d.1sputt &rise rcspeetll1g 'hi ~ru._'VaJ.'U4 ot
an::i _ter1&la a..,1..1:,.r.4 which sa14 second par11 JI&3 be requ11'ed to
4(~11Vflr, or l:'4U.,..t1Ag the a1ze of IUiJ peJllentto sU.lleco.nd par~l
d\l):'1~ lhe ptrfo1'1llU1Oe Qt ttll~ c:ontract. _1'l a.1sp"te Wlt.::,11oeaec1d4:t4
&1 tla C1tl ~A..~. aJ'JA the (aecls1oJ1 of tb.t la.tter ~lu~ll be 1'1~1
and eenclwd. ve, subJect to thfot apPl'Oval 0)1 the state .h:nglnee:r. l'.fl. .t....
!fIrm: The Seco.n6.paJft~ _ball at all times f'urn1sh good ~d.
su.tt101eat teats el the _terUtl.. <iellvered !?howlng thAt the _tf:1"1ala
oonform 1.0. all Mrmol't \d.. th thQ pl&u m'Hl speolf1ea Uon. and '8011 !Eh1p.. t
shnll 00 ~k_ mow1t.ij;; lIlUa.t s'UUh ,..t. b..vebeen _tie, All. -.te.t..1ua
not .. .._ted and .not so deIl1",~e4 .all oe removed :f"l"om t;b.e 11ne or
the work at the expense of the (Ieeonit p8rt~. ant'. tc the liilit1sft\ot,icn
01' tiae vi t1 EnBlD""'.
:.';IXTI1:: ?h.ti tJeuonu. k'art~ m\all unCl..I" no o1rcumetHllC$S a.nd..gn
th1;.L eCAtl"'ciOtwithout the wI~lt ten permlu:i ion 01' the }~l"'st l"arti,.
Z;:VJM~ t .ihou.lu. att.1tl .i;"lrs't part,y at arl~' t1 me d.uJ..'lne; th~ prosress
of said. cOll'trif.Ot. rt?;que8~ tlD3 alteratloJ18, 4."1at1.olu:. 4itt~Js.1 t1eAS, or
OD\1 iUilii OJHS m, A1 the $81 d cont 1"ae G, 81> Qci :';10& tl01UI t or plaa8 t ,. t su a II
be ..t lib (tr~ tiO 'io tlo, anu \h" eue shall 1.n no w~' Qt:t'ee t eX' m.~..ke
-.old. the ~a~n.t pnoe. as the c.alle may 0($, hf a t$111' t\na. res;mn,able
Yaluat1oA. Tn. value 01' -Ill $Ueh extra work or ohange t:hall be
detcu.~\i4l b "h.tI xellow1nf; W&I:
B.f \1O.1:t pricuUii WlIIl84 1n the oontract.
EttETl{: Ii: tbe Seoon4 :far-'1 ll!!bo\:lld !uiglect Qr 3:&'.11 ~o 'pliu'!orm
ani prf)'vllJ1on o:t ~. c08ir80'. \118 l<l11"a' .t'ar'l. a'ft"r tiu'ee UIS'
uit ten aotloe .to tb.e ~f.taon(t Ji'artl mal. Wituou.t preJeud.loe liO ~ otner
rem., 1\. may have, lAalee t~ood sueh deflo1el1cesll.nd IlHA~ (ledutlttne oc~t
thoer,o!' tro. tilo pavm~ult then or \b._eafter ouetn.. .seqolul part,;
provided. b.o".vet'. t.h.9,.'t the Go'VCirnm!l1Qt ..i:.no;1.neer mb.all a:ppJlO'Ve both.
auctla c'Glol1 Slld the am un\ oiuj.rged to th.e~eeondI.'f!lr't3.
l!fIft.H& 11' tne aecond partl should be adJud{!cd n nanici:'wt t t'}l"
11' ne ~ould iiU..kG a GuuUQl IUihl~nt; tQl' tile tume1'lt or his oredl-
tors, Qr if ~ reGal:vel' ranoul<1 bo appol.Jlt.ec1 on s.c.eount of bi. J.n.ttel-
VCl.Ol. or it b.e shOuld p.ra1at.nil; or repeat.till refUae or sb.oulA
fatl, e...pt 1J1 08.... tor wh10h a:'0,r1lil1011 01' tlme 1. pro"i4ftd, "t.o
supplJ proper ._mala or per8.1a_.tl, dlaroprd laws, ordiances,
or the 1l1a'ftltloA of' ;he C1t1 Eag1.neer. or otborwlae be gu.11tl of
a nb.tantlal vlolation of a.nJ provisioA 0% the cOl1tr~.t. them. the
Fir.' P&1'1;I. upon the eet1tloate of th. \11 tl f:~1Aetn. tb..t 8Utt1-
ol8'1t oauae mat. to Jut,ltJ such aet1on. -&1, w1. thout >>re~Wllce
to an7 other richt or rem8d1 an4 after A'Wlns the .ecOIlc1 .tar'l 'tu
d.ays' wrl'iten BOtloe, terainate "he em,plo,ll.t of tit. ~eCODCl .Partl
Apse_At - pa,'. 2
'>"'_,,",'~~~" '="~' ",,"~'~'. 'w,,"
-frrV1" .'~""!lI'-~''iii.'''''~-~~{''''.--'',. -,...,i!'r....hil--
and f1.rd.1h the deUverl of tlh.e _t.r1al.ll~ whateytw ..\h04. h. 'lI1AI
te.. up.u.... IA..11 .... the SeeOJld !'a:l"'f;1 .ball Aotbeet 1 'Gled
to 1'..1.8 W1I;tv1iler '&I_at wuu.l l1el1vorl of tJb.e mater1al,a La
tint..... It the u.a.p&14 ltduce of the eontra.' pri.. shan exoeed
tbe UPfU". of. flmlhu. 'tie dEl11 ,er:! of tn. __.r1al8 1nclud.1ng
'ih. oo,,""'.l1ttr M41'1cma1 _.ag.riel aad a4J11n2,atra,t1ve
aer'Vu.., 8\'1.Ol'l ..... _all be paid 'liO t.he seeom\. Part,J. If eucb.
up_.shall ..... .ell _,a1d bal..e. tn.. ~.OOA4 Pm, _ban pal
the Uffe.r..- .to t110 Y1r$.t 2artl. Tn. ex>>... inourred blthe'1rat,
Par', ..a b..e1A PN'fi4ed, and the dallUatte 1.notu'2!'eC1 thro~ the ijoco.nd
ral..tl'~ d..taw:t, $ball b. oertitied IJll,aua State J'En61Aeer FW!
TJ:Ji1'E.: It the work should be s10Pped under an ordc r of UI Gourt,
or otuel'" l/ut)l1c aut,b,o:r11i.v. 2:'01"& period of .t,en Q8I., 'tlu"Oup ao .., or
f'a.ult otth.~ dOOlld. paritY Q1.' 0:1' an.Yon6 em..pluled b~' him, or 1t;nu C1tl
Engl.l.Uler IIb,oul4 ~uil to 1IU'\1e any Q(t;rttl.tioates tor paJPleAl wi. thin
.."en dill. &t1;er 1t 1s due, or it t;o.e F1t'!st P~rtJ' ahould :fail topa;
tho deGonu. Part, w1ttu.n ..'1eA Cl.uya of It s matllI"'11;1 IU'td prea.iat1on,
Ul fiW'A 0._1t184 boY the "'l'tl~~l1eer,o:r aw~.d by arb1trators,
th.eW. \;ne. ~ tJC OArl J?u'tj -..y. UilOll t;t1\n iJ..t13 a l . 'Iii l' 11t\l(m f"it 1e. t () th a1ireJ t
I'a.rtll ~d tn. C1111 Eu81aeer $~J~j;Jol'k err iHir1"f'\1.t1ate 1Uutt this con'traot and
J"fjco".r t:roa 'he Firat Pari, .Pttl...ut 'tOI" all ma'erial. ..el1"ereCI. ..e
an::I 10.8 aua'Glidl1eCl \&pOll .i1 plant or m"er1ula and l"ea9onable prof'lt
and 6.1:1I:1,11g...
~i-;1:J.~"H; 'i'ner.i.!nie dt.U"1J18; livlt.tO!l $a1u j;J~oo.u..Q. j,;nrt.l 1& o.tla1e4 .in
~i4 fiflliver, of _~.r1&ls '01 the liCt.W o:rllegle.ta o:C stUd. F1rmt J?tit.rty,
01' tts .ar,plol.... or thO...8Q \mdGl' 11; b, OQllij,n..ev or O'I1..W1se, or 'by
strikes, loolc8u"., t'l~f urrwJual (\e1al in t1"'fUlt,p'tl'tat1on, un.."oldable
$lanaI t1.. 01ll arq ..ua.. IUqOAd. tn. a.OOAd Part,'.. cell t:ro 1, or -7
"ela, author!_. "tbe nr8t 1:")&'1't1. or ttl an,J cauae which the C1 tl
mg1ncor WuLll Q.tc16.. to Juat1t8tb.f) d.61a:v, tb.en tho t1g1e 0:1: eomplet1o.t1
ljh~l be f/tJt'Gew.deo. rill' j;Juoh .l"-.sonallle t1lbG "'&t.h.e vi t~'Bnginc.r .,
:rw.. &l"t.1cle WH'Iii uot oxolUdt tine r~eoV1llrl of {;J.fi1l~(;$ tor (~elllj'
by (,',1 t he-l' pal-tl utru'!\1r 01; h.tlJ." p.l'(J vi. alons in the GOI1:ta."aot do cnlJ!u:nt l1& ·
'l'W}~,LFl'kis I ~ is turtherUJ'lti.rstood and agre.ed, tb.at 1naocord...
&.tlce wllth. tn... prov1110AS oX Ct:lApt.w ~.f ~t6tUt.s or 1.9~~, ~jt.t. 0'1
C~l11'Ol"niJt., 1li will oe l'tU~.u11~t,W.t oJ1l1 suc.h u.wncutaoturet utl010..
_tel-tala w.n11 su,ppU... aa 1'1&". been m.1J'ut(t or protuelMl 1n the lJn1'te4 Sla'..
81'11 oDll .\lob _.u:t..8tu.n4 aJOt1cl.e. ater1als u4 supplies &8 b.a:v. been
marl.'t.ltaot_eA ut;ile UI'l1t;M State.. B\1.b$tanti.~lll ail trtlm il!"tiele~,
.'Ufu:aJ.a .l.lAG. t.'Uppllea liW4_. pr04(l:u.o. or ... 1UJ1UtactW$tl. &.1: tho
ea.. iM.l oe. 1:1 t;he tl.n1tea. ~tat.e. .al1h uautJ. ill tnv llel.:rc.anee
of lb.. oon trtlct. Row.vel'...1 ~1Ilopro'Ylde4.1n f\ai (t Gtl.& pt er 21$6, woh
pro"l1~10Aa ah.all AOt ap.plI it '&1't1cl.l, ,mutertalll!l or tr\1.ppllQ~J from
wh1e.tl t.ne~ are ali\nU1:.aotureQ.. .rel uot mined, ,)!'Oduoed or _nufacrsu:red
as tho caae tna.;' tHit, in 'he tn! tea ~H;atd,'BI Tth1 abOYE! re'te:ru..s to
'th. tiJl1 ~ea Stat..lrtetU1 the Un!. tt<i, Statt's of ll.mCU'1.oa, an"l 1nclUde ~J1ir'
'f.rl~1t(u..~ or 1AIluJ.a.r PO,uiltUIS1on t.l'1er'tilOt'.
"~RIRTEJrJE~H, I t is :tw:t!i1.r un4o:.t'et.oQQ. tiIld. ~eed. tllat. pUr8Wi1Jlt
1;(; the p",,1110118 of Chapter 1039 01: tb.c 19aa statu".. of tbe ::i1Hl'tJ. ot
Ca11f'orA1a,kaown aa ,be wa11:torJ'11a InAuetrial B.eccrve~r~.ct. tho
C.a'raetoJ' 8hall @:1'1. a ,preterenee 01' lU}b to ~nlppli.u, at't1.cslcs, tmd.
_".rial., ndUA, Jr----. lIuutao:tWe4. or t&upp1.1ed in olle"af.lrva:1oe
of ~ cod. of fair compo'! tloa #Ilp'1'O"ed. pre.er1b_. or 181iJue4 um'1$r
T1tle I of the J'atlCUl&l IA4U8'tr1al Reocrverl AOt ,or under an)' 8imilar
law of the State of wal1.toml&, or in .pur_oo of lUll ap....At entered
into f))." alJpro,,__dcr aa.1d 1.... or ill oOAtol'lll1iJ with t;b.e termB pre-
acr1bN 1.11 al1l 11..... 1a8U'i~ \1J!l.4o,. Ia1d law8, aa the ,..se ItJI!I3 be,
and wb10h con..rne 8uh 1ra4tl or 1ndustrl a.ad rrubt11'Vls1oA thereof as J!11a1
bc involved.
Agr<Fment- pase 3
FOtlRJl':I.\:D '~~ : It 1. alflO Ullderll'toon and apod,tba t the time
limi' tor he c(Jlq)l.e1i.oA of w.1G. OOBVaot is CUi. b\Ui4reu. (lOO} \l~ij
and f~11()'Gl4 said ..ntret no' be {1ollplete4. 01" not OG compleiM t,o
the f:*ati$:fl"ot1on et 'the iJ1V r~1n.er. at the tllCI. 11.Q618.4h,tO"'.
stat!~d. tl:.uu'c w111 .. de4\Ufted trom the tlnalpqment thel'ttOt tn.
aum of ~l.OOO.OO a$ 11Q.u1d.a.tcd C.tif~;.. tdlcl not ~B a penaltJl ;Lor eaoh
d8l'S dolaJ at'or 'Iheex>>1ftt1oA of IUCfl IHt.."'1od. UftUl the :O.,naJ. ..ooept-
aAot\ of th,c ~ork b~ the sUd "'1 tJ; llAg1.niU a.o.u. it IJl 4811"'-1 to sato.
o wlun,' .
I~l \"11TJESS \jdl}liU~.;01.". tn. :aa1d \.olty (it G1u'o~. Cul11'Cll'ala. hail
UUJH:1:1 this 861"eement too. sul1u'Jer1betd b~ i t~ ;,!n.vOI'. in ita l$hfAlf.
and. ~u.1u ~rtJ Qf..h~ wti<lOnd. Part t\a8::t1gncii th.is agr..mant lib.~
d.&.3 ~tl.c. i; ea.t' :iil~~, t; &l.bo'V~ ~1.twtJ1'l.
~-....."".. ,-- 'II" 1. p_ _ .... LX ....... ... .y 'I -<oi;f il''*'t'' ..-
t:lr;.J' ('):r i, tl.f! U. st .lJa.r If
""'<1..".. l T :. I. 11. 1 ..-"""'-~
t'arti' o'f -wr."Seoono. Part
!~111 ........~.. ~ III .,. n
.... . *Iflhl ~~"---"'-"'_1>"'''<or~~
ATlfl.1S7 :
T" I~
, T YH:f,i elii'k-
Agreement - page 4
J,~ :riliX Tn
WA'fJril LINEt CI'l'Y or GILHOl'
2.W.A. DOCK~ 10. ~oa2
r' , ' ' 'p
FIR ,11: 1,
(a) 'the OOAValt DOO~.Gt8 cOAa1at 01' the Ape..eat, tll. ~en.ral
00a41'10..8 of ill_ OOA'''&O'. 'h. Draw1nc* go. :),.ol1'a a'lons
1a.o1.u4ing aU _uft.atl.ae th....t 1a<<lOrpo.'. 1ll the 40e_eIl ts
betore their exeeo.tlon. Theae form 'he Contra.'_
(b) The Firat Parv. th. Seoon.d Partl aA4 others are tho.. .ea-
t:10_4 &8 sueh 111 the Asree...nt. The, are treated. 'thro~. the
00111raotDo....'. aa 1f' ....h were of 'the al.ngular aUllJlJv aD.4
maaoullne suAor.
to) Wrl'btea _tloe shall be dee.ed to ha". been dull ..r"fed it
4e1J:,erld 1a ,or.n to the 1J1O.1'V14uaJ. or to a __ber 01' the fir.
or '0 aa ot\1''''81'' of the corporati.ol1 tor wboa it 1. lntea4ed. or 1t
4.11.,.e<1 at or But bl refSl.'e.. -.11 to the 1&8t DUllin...
a44:re.. mown to him who g1"8. the Aotice.
(el) All '1.0 11m1ta atat.d 1n the "ontraot Dooua.ta are of tne
..-c.. 01' the eontra.'.
j~COIJJ: The con.tra.. I).oumenta aball be a1i';ntl4 1atuJJ. 1)1'11. F1rat
a'IJ _d the S.ootI4 Pen,. I.u ..... the 1'11' d 1'81"'1 .... tne ~ocu14
Pan, ~a11 .. alp tn.e a..ral Coa41t1.a8. Dn.w1Aas. or ap.clfioat1ol1f'l;
the 80Attr...' "."'\WeAt. shall iden'1tl thea. "
The COB'rao' J)~'I al'e QOJQ1.euar,. _at 1a oalled fOr 01
&.al one shall b.... b1rlcl1a& .. it called tor b, aU. Th. iatel1'1011
of .e Goo..-'a 1. to 1.0.01,.. all material., .1Ul4 traJUlpe"'lon
n.....u.r, tor the proper Geoutloa or the oontraet. It 18 .o.oi
lA........ ' bo....:&s:"t .'.r1ala AOt 00".re4 b,y or proper13 l.r11'er-
able frena U1. h . branoh, ola8. or trade of the 8p.1t108t10..
ab.all be auppUe& ual.... d.1atlnotll 80 _ h4 Oll ~. uavd..l&a. Materl&1il.
a.,eon-'" 1a _rt.. wMob. tile appli." h.". a well mown teohD1eaJ. or
trade _aning shall beheld to reter to fN,ch r..ogaize4 atiaM-.rG.&.
~iR'O~. Un1... Qtherw1.. pro'Vl4,ed 1n the Contraot Do.~ i8 the
1 . A'" Will fvll1etl to tho "',oona. l')&.r'l.tree ofehuBe, all
oop1.. of' 4ra"1DBa and .,"'lfloa'J.oas r__na'bJ..v neo.nu3 reI' th, e
exeeu t10n of th.e con tra.t.
FOtJ'1l!H: The Se.1Id .partl mall ke.p o.e OOPl of all draw1Dga end
.peotlloat1ou on the work, 1n 1004 0 rd'l~. ..,,&11&018 to the 01 tl
Enfd.J1." aM to bJ.. repro.ctat1".fh
FIlTH: AU dftw1ngs, .,"l1."1oat;loA8. and oop1..th..eof turm.&b..
6, S:. 01t, Englaeer are hlsp1'OP8n,. Tne, are not to be used 011
other work .4, wltn the e:xoepti(lA of the a1pe4 Gontra.t lie',
are to be re....ed to him on roqueat, at the oompletion of the work.
Allm.o4ela are the prcpert, of the l1rn Pa.rt,.
SlIm: 'l:he Seooat Part, mall turn1sh for appro"al all suple. &8
d!fi.ote4. The at.riala eh.all be in aocordal10e with ;,ppro'YK u.mple..
Gen"al CoAd1 t104a - pase 1
i!l.'_ :~:
S.iV1lli1'lIa Unlelu.. otherwl.. speolf1_, all lIl1ier1aJ.s ab.llJ.l beaew and
o'i goo( qualJ.',. Tho ~o0114 par'l sball. 1t ;rtequ1re4, :tv.ra1ah.
.'1ata.tor, .,,14coo aa totl'le ld.n4 and quall', of .te1'1a1.a.
ElGl:iTlh 1!he 8800.114 iartl shall Pill all 1'O,81t188 and U..... t,es.
g. _ill Aef8Jl4 all sui. ,. or olaims tor 1aS'r1Agllu...' of a.r1I patent
ripts aJ.'&d .all sayO 'theF1rliit Part, ha.nle.. 1'1"Om 10.. on aocO'Ulrl'
tbereot. ..." tba 1; the f1rtf t part, ehall be reapoA81lt1. tor IN.Oh
loa. "en a panloular pro.e.. or th. prodva t of a part1cn1lar
ma.a;u.taotver or IUUl'V1aoturera 18 speo1f1ed,but 1t the 30oo.nd Par't3
haa 1ntorlla'1oA that tbe proo... or art1018 8peo1t1e4 1a IUl 1.n.-
1'r1na._t ot a paietlt .' &hall be r..pona101, fOr allAn l.o..u.nleas
he proaptl1 gl 'fes suoh intor.. tl0A .\0 1ihe "'1 t1 Eng1aeer tor the
Pir at part,.
NIli!H I The Seoond Part)' shall prot"t 'he Owaer'. proper" from
I!1ii, or los. arls1.os 1n conne.t10n w1 in th1. contra.t. ae shall
lI8lte SOOd Ml auoh da_.., 1n.Ju,r1 or loal, GO.pt sub. a. ma.l tt.
d1r"'l1 due 10 errors in ~he "'ontraot, DO 0..... i. or oaused. 1>>1 agoAts
01" emplol... ot the Firat Par.. n. shall al.qua'ell prote.t
a4.,..,eatpropert3 as pro"ided b~ law Wl4 the voairaet Doouaeate.
Tl13Tih The Seoond Partl shall prolQtl; remove trom tho pr-.1aes aU
.'elial. ooa4_n.e4 '1 the Ji~8:Ln.U ..a f a1l.J..o.g to oontorll to the
Contra.', "hether 1A4orpo:rated in the work or not, and th. second
part1 .8.11 P1'OJIlptl1 repla.. au.on _tcr1ala 1n aeoomu.. w1 in tne
Contr..' and without .xp ens (! to the 1"11"91; part,_
If th. second PaM3 do.. not remove such GOnd.Mod _tenus \do tnia
a rea_nabla tille, 1'1xedoy wrlttClJl1 notl... tn. F11'~t Par', -:1
1"e..... tha. _d m&J atoN th,e material at the exp... ot tn. Seoond
partf. If the S800ad Rart.v aoea AOt, >>&1 the .Xi....1i of 211011 re-
.....al Wl" bill t eA 4ala ~.. eat'er. the First I'&rt, 1Ia3. upOA ten 4&18 f
wttt.. _tloe. sell auOb. _to-iau at au..tlon or at ,nve:'. aa1e
and. shell. .....unt for the .et proo.e4_ thereof t at~er deduo'1rl& &1.1
coat. and expense. tnat aboul4 have been borne b, tne Seoond par'tl.
~YDTH:le1'h.r th. t1aal 0.'12:102... .n,or ,.,meat nor N11 'pro-
y sion in the wOllin., Docwaenta &hall relie". 'h. "ontr...tor 0%
reepOD.81bb1Utl :for fault; .. '.r1al., &Ad, unlMts ottlerwl.. 8p'011'184
ne .hall 1'..43 lUll l~lt..t8 due thereto _d PfAl tor an, 4&-6. to
other work relJUltlng 'b.eretro., which shall appear w1thin a perlod
of on. ,~ ~. the 4&,. <<) l' awunant1al oomplei1on. Tb.. Flrst part,
8hall g1 ". AOt1 v. of OBserved "etecrt. w1 ib. reallloaabl.. pl"Orapta....
All quut10na arising undliJr th18 artiole ma.ll be C..aIded b1 th.
Engineer aubJeot 10 arb1 trat1o,u.
l.vn~ s The ,lr.n&ineer may wltbh.old, or on aeoou.nt or auh..quentl;t
disco...r_ e'91denoe, nulllfa the whole or a part of UIJ oe'tl1"1oa.te
to anon extent as ., Uo neeesl&17 to proteottihe First Partl from
10.8 on ..eoun.t of:
(a) net_t1". materiala I10t rEu'eUe4.
(b) Cla1.. t1led. or reaaOA&l.llia ."14_.. Uul.1catinB
probattle t1ling of ola1ma.
(c) A rea.aable doub't 'thai the co.ntraot can be
completed 'tor the oalaAce then unpaid.
Wn. the above are relJk1'ved. pa.yment shall l.le _de tor a.unta wi thb.eld
b eca.uee of th em.
l'Uln.fEDi'rlh It e1.th er partl to tb.1a V(un;raot sbouJ..a. auf[ er d.8.Sea
iJi aft1 JUilDJU,r beea:use ot 1iUl3 wrOl1Btul 8.Ot or aegleot of ~. other
part, or of 8l1I one emploleO. bl h1m. then ne anall be reimbursed. bl
the other part3 tor 8\1ch 4am8&..
a'elleral Cond1 t1on.8 - paso ;4
CWIIS \U14(~r tb.18 olaU.. .ball be _de in wrltUlg 'to tne partl l1able
...1'h1l1 a reaaoaable 1;1.e of 'the 1'11"&:11 ob.8n_o. of a\Wh 4._.8 ana
not 1..0' than. tn. time of :t1aal '8I..nt. exo.>>' aa apr'.alI aUpuJ.a1ied
_l1en1.. in the .... otraul'Cl materials .4 ebal1 lie a4~u'e4 bl
&.r.....' or arb11rat1ol1.
}1:OURtllTa I .,All ,...tl01l8 sub Je.t ~ ubi'rat1o.o. uad.er t.Aia
ooa'd.... P.au be "lllt1ieo. \0 &1'01'r&t1011 .t 1ihe ohol.. of e1thGr
part, to tbe 41spute.
The Se.olld Par" ..)1 not oau.. a d'la.v ot the ooatraot a.lU"1Ag &r1J
arbl 'Cr.'toa prooe.u.fJg8. coept bl ape.ont with. the Firs1i 1>81''1.
The deaDd for arbitrat10n Ihall be filed 1n wl'1tlq with tne .Eng1ne.r,
iA tk. oa.. of aD6' appeal ~JI hi. d.01810a, w1 t1'1111 ten dAl8 of 1 t.
..eoeipt and 1n a.Ill otb.er oa., Wi thin a rea.....'l. t1m. atter en...
tb.er.:! a.n4 1A DO oa.. 1& tel" ttUUl thet1 mo 0 t f1nal '81m.. t' oxo.pt
as otberwi.. upr..all at1pulaS. 111 tbe \.iontl"filct. 1.1' thc~lA'" :Cials
to ak. a .eoleloa w1111111 .. reasonable tlrao an appeal to arbItratlon
_., be takel1 as if' hie deolflJl.on had b<<len rendered ag~lnf!t the panJ'
10 oae ahall benoll1AatHtd or e,o' a. an a.rbI trater who ia 1n aJ11 11&1
tau.iaU, 10_ea'ed 1n thiil COIl't:r.et or In tb.ebusl"'.. af'tll.lra
of tbe nrat Put, or SeooD4 PU1;J.
UAl... other.1.. ,proyi.G.ed bleontroU1Ag at&tutu8.. the partiea mAl
apee llpOll 01141 arbitrator, otherwise there shall be tboret. oae.aam.c
111 wrl11.IiB '-, eaob. partl _ th1s con'rite', 10 the other part: Md tc th.
inBiat.... and the 'hlm cbo... Dltneae two arbl'traiora. ot' U the, tall
k .e1.., a 1th1l"d within. tut..n daI.,theA be sb.all be ohosen 01 lb..
preld.4.iI.ls otfio.r o:! the BarA...1a'S.oa aear..t lie tht lo.a1l0A..t' the
work. ShoulA Ute pan, .e.IIU.JIg arbl11'..on. tail to Aa.. aa arbS. tr&tor
td.1.b.iA _en dale ot tu.. 4.M-.,. h18 :right ~ ubi'ratIoA ..U lap...
ShoulA ta. othe pa~, taU 'to oboo.. an. aI'01trakr with1D ..14. 1;cltn Aal.,
thu. "11 J,rea1A1Ag ottt... ...&11 appo1At ..h arbitra'.r. ShOuld .ther
pan, retuae or ae&leot'o wpply the arb 1 t2'&'orl wi tin It"" pap era or 1a-
tor.'1oa ......ded 1n. w2'lt1.Dfh thear'l 'raters are erapowereG. bl both
partle. to prooeed ex parte.
It tn... be oae lU"o11ira'or hi. deola:1on a..all be lU..D41n€llf three tb..
d..lnoa 01' aD1 WO lhal1 be tt1.Qd1Dg 5'uch decl81on. sh. 1 be a oondi-
tloa preo"tD.t to .1Ul1 rlpto.f lopl aotion, 8..M wherever ptllrmitted '0;/
law, 11; M1 be filed in (Jourt 'to oarrl 1t lAte oft"t.
'file arb1trator., 1.f thfq de_ th.e cuu.. demands it, are .... author1ze4.
to ..wart to th' oart, who.. oontent10n 18 8U8ta1.ned.. &uoh "II &8
tne, llhall d... FOpertor the 1;1118, fIXll..' and trouble ao1d.,nt
to the appeal and.. if' tno appeal. wau 'Siaka w1 thoutrelulo.aa'ble cause,
daaS.. 'for C.8la,. The arbitrators shall tlx their own lJfampeneation.
Wll... _h...l.. prov14e4 9y aptUllfA4Ul'tf, alii &hal.l a8sea. 'he ooats
oe charg.. 01 the arbitra'lon upon elthel' or beth partl.'.
The awar4. 01' 'tin.e ubl traters shall be 1.0. -,ttpttlt:lq 0'1 ting ann. :1 t Shall
n.o~ be open to Ul obJeetlo.na on aMOunt ot the :torm of the preo.1ng.
(a" tb.. award unless otherwise prov1ded. \:))' the oontrolllJlg statu.tuea.
14 the neat ot _on .'a'u.'.. provIcU..I1€; 011 an.}' DUltter oo'Ver04. U;j "his
ar'101. otb.erw1ae than as b.eT'.1nbetere up.1f1.d.. the ..'thod of pro-
oedure tbrO\1f1bOut and. the leca.l _tteet ot' the award shall be 'Wholll
1.0. a_ooreM.. With the said statut.., 1t08111g 1nt_ded here'bJ' to 181
doWA.. pr1Ao1ple of aotloD to be followed., leaV1as 1ta 108&1 app1108-
t10n to be ad.apted. 'k> the lesaJ. requ1r_cta of the .1urlad10t101l ha'Vlns
au'hor1t, GyeX' the arb1tratlon.
Gun.ral Condit1_a- p&&e 4S
L . ij
~l.rJ=r:Wb.:r.,,_.~,l1 ~... a,p..1~1_i1011. .. part10\1l&r maltO
or .. of e."ulp"", .'er1al or proc,., 18 .p..lft.... 1. s.ball
ba oon.il'UIIfl ,bat fteb a_ or Dr_A 1. ap..it1.... .....11 tor ....
iA ..eaer.LDlq U44.t1Alq the tIP' and ohaao"er of 8q\\1p""
.,..1al or po.... tbat 1. 4081recl.. and. that atl1 equi,.... ...r1al,
or poo.., 1bUn i. the equal there", 1u the 0>>111104 of tb.. _&1aeer
ma.v _e auppllet..
In oase 'he bl.....r propo,.. to sub.'i'ut. o'b.lr ak.. or br8ll4.a tor
"be p&rt1CN1&r equip..., .'.r1al or Jl"OO". specit1ed., he .all
80 _.t. 111 hi. bid, ani Ihall pr... t tb...-ewl in esp.eifieai1oM
completely 4et1rUag What he propo... to aub.tl tute.
,b.. 'b144.r .all ....... the _. of 1alva. _tor8 and oth.. "UJ..'
J'lot apeoift.e.U, ....laaaMd, that he propo... to u.ae _d aha11 o,ta.1r1
'be app""a1 of the In&l.lleer of the ske (11' at)'18 propos. lu~ter.
pla.as hi. 0 fter theretldr.
PR~OSALS: kell b14. ehall be lII\el. out on a form to be 01:>>t81A" at
Ch. .HU. crt the Clta Clerk of Gtlrol, CaliforJl1a. ..t ~e .eoolQan1ed
91 a 08rtlf1e4 or cuhler's eh.ok or bid GO_ for ten (10,,) per e.:t
of the ae.t of the b1l .-48 '81abl. to the ol'der of the 01_ of
Gl1rol.Calll'om1a, shall be .e.led 8J14 filed w1. ttle 0111 Clerk on
Or b eto ~e . 1~&4. ." 8: 00 0' olook P. K. and.in be
op..d 1.11 pUl)118 a(r1hdtl o'olook p. M. of that Q.fl\1 1J1 '11e Couo11
it. ,pr.Ura1aarl ..t1mat. crt the IUIOunt of ..1\ olaaB of work 18 .et
tor-'ll 1Jl aa14 ,l:Op..al .1aa1t ..ul sa.14 ..1;ia ,. Will _. ue4 a. a
oulsfor ...,.,nq bids. The 1'1..1 '81M. wi 11 ,. _de 011 the
actual amount of work dono or JIl.tmal d.li....ed.
E1iEO'1!}~: .111.'011.818 tu.rn1ahe4 11111 r.4) asp.otad '01 ta. C1 tl
... or _1....'. _4 11' 110t in ....a.m.. with. 'h... apeo1-
:tleatlou or 11' 4.8feetl". 1.1'1 IU1Y"&3 Will be r.~.ot.4..
LOCAf~IS 11144.81"13 IlWIt uallir1e t!I.l'.l4 Judge tor th...elves a8 to the
loea't . n of tbe propsed work.
~d1QlIDRI Wh....".r the wo.rd V1 tl EJ1iiA..r 1. uaetl 1.11 tin...
"'0 10.'10_ the, reter to the 01tl Dlglneer tor the Cltl of
011rol. Calt'tor.l11a.
hnC"al OoJ1dltlone - page 4:
WA~1&R ~: P1pe ahaU De Ca.' Iron .pipe of tn. bell 811" 8>>1&ot
.,J.l elJJia 100,_ oonfora1ng to all Of t11e requr__ta of '04..&1
spec noaU.n. w 'IN p-411 (a cOPl of .h1ob. 18 011 1"11e111 the om.e
ot the C11, Glen of th.~1tl o't Gllrol. ~al1tom1a). _eptlq
that .. ..".... wall 'biome.. 1Ih&11 be .6& a.belh
ft\tilaC& tor oa.' 1roD. p1p. ..11 ad ap16o; liP. ab.aU 'be Claae a
ooatora1AB t. 'ibe .,..1fte.tloas of the AMrlOaA ..'er "ork.
A..ooia'ion for Cut IftIl "a'er pipe and l1t'1naa.
LA~G ~IJ.. The .......il0A 8b.aU _e _Cl8 to ~. Uao AD4 pad. .a
liilJ,eai. .;" ___" .__.. .et DJ the EaBlAe. an4. .baU _aloft to the
Pl... -.4 '"ft.l... All .ter Goo_,e. 1.r1 the treccht.. lIlUa' be
ua1l1- a., or J'WIPt4 out. tth. ,,8:wat10n muat b. _4e ln 8ueh
-.a..r that .. plp. 11111 lalt1at 011 80114 sroW'J4 at the _ot.. of
the tr.. u4 l' w1ll .e re~1'.4 to ex..."at. at 'he 110 _0. of eaoh
p1,. J.~h ao th.\ the _1n bOdy of p1pe leq'tb. will rest 04 the
bot kll of 'ih e 'rench.
In lallas cast '.rOll water p1pe care muatbe tue.o. to enter ~G 8>>1&Ot
eJIA of''heplpe to 1 t8 full depth 1.11'10 tbe llen end of the pnce41Q&
p1pe a.a4 the p1p. lI11all be oedered ao tbtt.t th.ere 18 un1=to1'll ap.... all
aroUf'ld .
~OIB~S= 'rhe _tonal tor Jol.nta ab.&ll oe 1_41to .10b. "aU be uatallM
"8 toIlowa: An.r the plpe 1a ttlorowDlll .leaneel, (\1,,11., and 8'1.6Ot .a.)
of all ;pala'! __aAd the pipe awabb.... out, ~- 'Oral"" 4'17 b...p JUA,
oa. ro\1D4 0'1.1,". ...a o'V.rla1' three laob.,. _all 'e ul'V. eouruUl ho-
at the b.oll: o'f the ben aDd at l...t a tl1fte and one-halt (It) 1neb.
depth ahaU b. len tor tho lead1 t..
The lea41t. lIhan be Melted down in a prop.~ O1011;1I1g fW'naee, wh.lcn
ahall be kept within 150 teot of the pipe Joint to be pound.
After prAlIll. a proper pourll2& rope shall be set. up at tho fa.. of
the bell d4 _tal pour1.JIi sate at 1....' e1pt (8) 1Jloae. Mpset
up a.t 1/.he .101I1t. 'rhe leadlt. sb.aJ.l be pour_ lnto tboG J01At thzo'Ulh
the pO'\1ri.Ac p" wbe. 1" 1. at tboe proper 'e.,eratv. tor PO~f
'rid. t .._atUN 1'1111 'be reoogr:Uzflt .en tn. ...1 teel le.41t e pre.. t8
tho tiPptlaJll1iJ188 of oru4$ 011 and 1. fre. b'Ol't .tro'h &Ad bubble.. Th.
pou;rJ.RB sat. .an be 1ett at leAst two-tb.irAa tull at 1tb.e JOUlt.
AneX' the .JolA' 1. 8001e4., tn. pourlag lat. sball be rGJlO'fec. and tno
l_41"e tb...1A Ihall 'De r.m.l'....
All lead1t. Jo1Ata aball be reaaonab1.l t1pt ap.iJ1at one b.uoflred (100)
poUDd.a per ..._" 1I1Gh Bpt.roatatla pr..sur. When tirst t..ted. ane.
ahall be pert..t13 tiSh' wlthlA t"1f1e.. (11) G.~8 after ater pre.-
a..e ahall ha... bee.n kept oon1;ln\1O\1811 ap.1nat the.. 11.11 Aoteoti..o
J01Atm _fAll Dft eu.t out and rapla.ed entll'el1. If 1 t 1& neoc.uu!&r1 at
ftl1ltlma to eut the pipe, l' eall be with a whe.l outter.
VALViS: Iron OC)('1.3. 13roJ1Ze rnou.a:ted, non...rla1.ns stem. dou.bJ.e dlae gate
'Va~'Y.8t eonatJo\1.ete4 to wltb.atand a wor1dJ:l8 pressure ot l&ti poundS
,er aq_J."e 1I10b. ab.all be lwatalle4 in tne plp. 114. at the polat.
1a6.loa'ied on the plana and of the sl... oorre811onUng to the eon.-
n.otll1S p1p..
!Irons. part. shall be _de of _pa.... brout hav1DB an ultl_t.
'_11. .trcs'h of 60,000 lbl.. per square 1AOb.. :ra... bo41 aa4. .,..
shall .e thoroupll ole.ed andworld,AI part. t..'84 betore 1.a8talllq.
Esp..lal oue &hall be exeal.- to pro'"'' the at.. d.uri.ac the ProF..s
of baokt111iag aad at llpaot1ng of' the t:penoll. A two (a) l.11Gh sq_"
General Conditlons ... page :;)
IN., IhaU b. 1I1.tall.4 on t.b.e valve .tem oJ ,,}Ueh eate .., be
opera'ied. Val.... fOl' 1aataUaUon in connect1on .1 'b. 'eU aDt1
8plp' .... pipe ahaU bay. hub enAa.
REn~ T1U:;J{CHISa At"." all teata hay. "een Dad.ftr_oh.. .baU
l)4r"iftltn.u1l a.. .'884111 aa pO Sl:>1 b.1.e8114. the tlU1aa..,eri.a1
tb.1'"o~ pUbl. With water. Aner coaapl.'. .."1...,. the
treaoii shall be pel"ll1ite4. to d:rl out 8114 ehall 'tn. be r..hN4
'Ie oonto1'1l to tbe chaaoier of 1mprov..e.nt ex1atlng pr10rto the
bea1nniAB of the work.
Th. toUoW148 e.t1_t. 18 apP1"O:x1mat. tind 11l to be used as a t.nus1.
tor oomparing b1<11:
12.997 laea! teet 16" "'.I.Fip. Fed. Spec. 1;~ w 2-421
a l~llx. 14" Reducer.
2 18"Xl&" Reducers
1 16lf:x.8tl Teo
1 1&" - 45. 3em
1 1611 - 22u~O' f~end
116't Valve
1 14ll Valve
8,66ti lOll. Leadlt.
NO lba. araidedDr1 aemp 'tara
G._al C01141t10118 - page 6