Leavesley Crossing Order .' . 341 Decision No. 3S811 BEFORE THE RAIIJr;OJ\D CmlMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the matter of application ot SOUTHERN ) PACIFIC COMPANY for an order authorizing ( the construction at grade of ral1'!'oadspur) Application No.. 27:341 track across 'Leavesly Road, in the City of ( (}ilroy, COU!lty of ,Santa Clara, State of) California. ( o F: D E R ............-- SOUTHERH PACIl"IC COMP/I1'-1Y is author~zed to construct a crossover track at grade across Leavesly Road in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, at the location described in the application, to be identified as a por- tion of Crossing .No. E-79.6. Applicant shall bear entire oonstruction and maintenance expense. ConstructiQn of said crossing shall be equal or superior to Standard Ho. 2 of G.. O. No. 72, without superelevation and of a width to conform to the portion of the street now graded, Ydt~. top~ of rails flush with roadway, a~d with gr~des of approach not ex~ ceeding one per cent. No addttiona~ protection is requi~ed. Within thirty days after c0mp1etion pursuant to this o~derJ '." .. applican~ shall so advise ~h~ Commission in writing. This authoriza- tion shall become void if not exercised within one year, unless time be extended, or i~ above co~ditions are not complied with. Authoriza- tion may be revoked or modified if public convenience, necessity or safety so require. This orde! shall be effective imnediately. Dated a~~~~~ifOr!lia, tbis-2 -~. day of /' .'/ / . J . o."/.V'I.J.--.- 'V?---:/:- 1946. C OP~t I 1 ~ 1::"> J: ,,>~ lr:t;\ .~ 0'" D '! u: q C HlA.k~ .L. - i""" l_~ __I ..~..4~ ComminsioncI'l'