Luchessa Avenue Crossing Order I ! hc ~ ~. -t I3dU kit~.J <o(J 4~'~X ~b~ .1-;1.7-68 Decision No. ?38S7 EEFORE THE PUBLIC UTllITIES COl'1MISSION OF THE STJ\TE OF C.,LIFlRNIA In the Matter of the Application of ) S(iUTHERN PACIFIC CUlvIPAillY for an order ) authorizing the construction at grade ~ of an industrial drill track across ) Engle Way and Luchessa Avenue in the ) City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara,) State of California. ) ApplJcation No. 50065 (Filed ~krch 4, 1968) ORDER Southern Pacific Company is hereby authorized to construct a drill track at grade across Engle Way and Luchessa Avenue in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, at the locations described in the application, to be identified as Crossings Nos. E-82.2-C and E-82.4-C, respectively. Construction of said cr~ssings shall be equal or superior to Standard No. 2 of General Order No. 72, without super elevation and of a width to conform to the portion of the streets as graded, with tops of rails flush with the roadway and with grades of approach not exceeding one percent. Protection at Engle Way, Crossing No. E-82.2-C, shall be by two Standard No.1 crossing eigne (General Order No. 75-B) reflectorized with reflex-reflective sheet material, and protection at Luchessa Avenue, Crossing ~o. E-82.4-C, shall be by two Standard No. 8 crossing signals (General Order No. 75-B) augmented with additional flashing lights mounted on cantilevered arms. Applicant shall bear entire expense of construction and maintenance. within thirty days after completion pursuant to this order, applicant shall so adviee the Commission in writing. This authorization shall expire if not exercised within one year unless time be extended or if above conditions are not complied with. Authorization may be revoked or modified if - 1 - 1 i I he A.5)065 public convenience, necessity, or safety so require. Applicant states that the industry to be served by the trackage currently has a new plant under construction northerly of Luchessa Avenue, and requests that the twenty day waiting period be waived. The effective date of this order shall be the date hereof. Dated at Los An l!f'fp'j:I , California, this )~1:W day of 'A'RCH , 1968. ~ETER E. MITCHELL President A. W. GATOV WILLIAM SYMONS, JR. FRED P. MORRISSEY CommisaioDerII Commissioner William M. Bennett. being Decessarily absent, did not participate 1n the disposition of this proceeding. - 2 -