Resolutions 1 , Passed by C.H.e. AUG GO 1970 04-SCl-152 RESOLUTION ADOPTING LOCATION FOR STATE HIGHWAY RESOLVED by the California Highway Commission that pursuant to the authority vested in it by law, this Commission does hereby select, adopt and determine the location of a section of State Highway Route 152 in Santa Clara County and In the City of Gilroy between Monterey Street and Pacheco Pass Road, and officially designated as Road 04-SCl-l52 as said location is shown on the map submitted on August 7, 1970, by J. A. Legarra, State Highway Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Commission has found and determined, and hereby declares, that such selection and adoption of the location of said State highway is for the best interest of the State. THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a full and correct copy of the original resolution duly passed by the California Highway Commission at its meeting regularly called and held on the___n__~_~_~~___day oL______~~_~~~_~_____________n__' 19_,!_Q, in the City oL____~!:~_~~_~_~!!_~_~__________m__________. Dated thiL____~J~_~__day oL-_____~_l1&l1_~_1;_____i'-----, 19 __''-~. //f',. .J/" ~~ _~'dfzz...~cL:___lJL___[~y...L_'i4~/.__________ HAROLD A. RICHARD ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION EST. 6541. 40634-500 3-70 5M 05P / Passed by C.H.C. MAY 23 1974 HRA 74-l 04-SCl-l52 RESOLUTION ADOPTING LOCATION FOR STATE HIGHWAY RESOLVED by the California Highway Commission that pursuant to the authority vested in it by law, this Commission does hereby select, adopt, and determine the location of a section of state Highway Route l52 in the City of Gilroy from Monterey street to the Route lOl Freeway, and officially designated as Road 04-SCl-l52 as said location is shown on the map submitted on May 3, 1974 by R. J. Datel, State Highway Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Commission has found and determined, and hereby declares, that such selection and adoption of the location of said State highway is for the best interest of the State. THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a full and correct copy of the original resolution duly passed by the California Highway Commission at its meeting regularly called and held on the...2..3.:rd...day of ..~~X.m._...' 19L~..., in the City oL..,...._S..':l.~.:r.~ITl(;Il.~~..m..m_m___m' Dated th is - 23rd May ~74 d ..__n...__..____ ----------, -.------. .,-~L-~u:-.::::7-~________ _____ ~X--~~ HAROLD A. RICHARD ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION EST. !9!56. 68574_1500 11-72 15M asp ~,~ /," ~ . I:'~L,-H ~ Passed by C.H.C. MAY 23 1974 HRR 74-l 04-SCl-152 RESOLUTION REDESIGNATING A PORTION OF STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE lOl AS STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 152 WHEREAS, by reason of a change in the location of State Highway Route 101 and the construction thereof on revised alignment in Santa Clara County and in the City of Gilroy, it is necessary to provide continuity for State Highway Route 152, and WHEREAS, the California Highway Commission has found and determined and does hereby find and determine that the existing traversable highway along Monterey Street, in the City of Gilroy, heretofore designated and maintained as a portion of Route 101 between First Street and Leavesley Road is between the termini of and approximately on said Route 152, which traversable highway should, in the public interest, be retained and maintained as a State highway and a portion of said Route l52. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the California Highway Commission that pursuant to the authority vested in it by law it does hereby designate as a portion of State Highway Route 152 the existing traversable highway described as follows: That portion of existing State Highway Route 101 in the County of Santa Clara, City of Gilro~ beginning at the intersection of First Street thence northerly to the intersection of Leavesley Road. , RELINQUISHMENT OF HIGffivAY RIGHT OF WAY IN THE CITY OF GILROY, ROAD 04-SCL-l52-9.4-10.0 REQUEST NO. 40253 WHEREAS, highway right of way within the City of Gilroy, on Old Gilroy Street between Monterey Street and Eighth Street, road 04-SCl-l52, hereinafter particularly described, has been superseded by a change in the location of said highway: and WHEREAS, this Commission has found and determined, and does hereby find and determine, that it is desirable and in the public interest that said highway right of way so superseded be relinquished to the City of Gilroy for use as a city street: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS VOTED by the California Highway .Commission that it relinquish, and it does hereby relinquish, to the City of Gilroy, effective upon the recordation of a certified copy hereof with the Recorder of Santa Clara County, all of the State of California's right, title and interest in and to said superseded highway right of way in said City, together with the right of way and appurtenances thereof, described as follows: ~ , ~ ~ PARCEL l: