Capitol Builders Hardware, Inc. - Agreement for Semi-Annual Preventive Maintenance on Jail Doors & HardwareAGREEMENT FOR SERVICES This AGREEMENT made this 12th day of August, 2013, between: CITY: City of Gilroy, having a principal place of business at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California and CONTRACTOR: Capitol Builders Hardware, Inc., having a principal place of business at 469924 1h Street, Sacramento, CA 95822. ARTICLE 1. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement will become effective on August 15, 2013 and will continue in effect through June 30, 2016 unless terminated in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of this Agreement. ARTICLE 2. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS It is the express intention of the parties that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of CITY. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed as creating or establishing the relationship of employer and employee between CITY and CONTRACTOR or any employee or agent of CONTRACTOR. Both parties acknowledge that CONTRACTOR is not an employee for state or federal tax purposes. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any of the rights or benefits afforded to CITY'S employees, including, without limitation, disability or unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, medical insurance, sick leave, retirement benefits or any other employment benefits. CONTRACTOR shall retain the right to perform services for others during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR Specific Services CONTRACTOR agrees to: Perform the services as outlined in Exhibit "A" within the time periods described therein. Method of Performing Services CONTRACTOR shall determine the method, details and means of performing the above - described services. CITY shall have no right to, and shall not, control the manner or determine the method of accomplishing CONTRACTOR'S services. 1MDOLINGER11070812.1 101612 - 04706083 -1- Employment of Assistants CONTRACTOR may, at the CONTRACTOR'S own expense, employ such assistants as CONTRACTOR deems necessary to perform the services required of CONTRACTOR by this Agreement, subject to the prohibition against assignment and subcontracting contained in Article 5 below. CITY may not control, direct, or supervise CONTRACTOR'S assistants in the performance of those services. CONTRACTOR assumes full and sole responsibility for the payment of all compensation and expenses of these assistants and for all state and federal income tax, unemployment insurance, Social Security, disability insurance and other applicable withholding. Place of Work CONTRACTOR shall perform the services required by this Agreement at any place or location and at such times as CONTRACTOR shall determine is necessary to properly and timely perform CONTRACTOR'S services. ARTICLE 4. COMPENSATION In consideration for the services to be performed by CONTRACTOR, CITY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as provided for in Exhibit `B ", "Payment Schedule ". Invoices CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices for all services rendered. Payment Payment shall be due within thirty (30) days after receipt of invoice describing the work performed during the preceding period. If CITY objects to all or any portion of any invoice, CITY shall notify CONTRACTOR of the objection within thirty (30) days from receipt of the invoice, give reasons for the objection, and pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. It shall not constitute a default or breach of this Agreement for CITY not to pay any invoiced amounts to which it has objected until the objection has been resolved by mutual agreement of the parties. Expenses CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incident to the performance of services for CITY, including but not limited to, all costs of equipment used or provided by CONTRACTOR, all fees, fines, licenses, bonds or taxes required of or imposed against CONTRACTOR and all other of CONTRACTOR'S costs of doing business. CITY shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by CONTRACTOR in performing services for CITY. WDOLINGE811070812.1 101612 - 04706083 -2- ARTICLE 5. OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR Tools and Instrumentalities CONTRACTOR shall supply all tools and instrumentalities required to perform the services under this Agreement at its sole cost and expense. CONTRACTOR is not required to purchase or rent any tools, equipment or services from CITY. Licenses CONTRACTOR shall possess a State of California Contractor's license in the appropriate category for performing services under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall obtain a City of Gilroy Business License. Workers' Compensation CONTRACTOR agrees to provides workers' compensation insurance for CONTRACTOR'S employees and agents and agrees to hold harmless, defend with counsel acceptable to CITY and indemnify CITY, its officers, representatives, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, costs, fees, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities and expenses, including without limitation attorneys' fees, arising out of any injury, disability, or death of any of CONTRACTOR'S employees. Indemnification of Liability, Duty to Defend To the fullest extent permitted by law, CONTRACTOR shall defend, through counsel approved by CITY (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, representatives, agents and employees against any and all suits, damages, costs, fees, claims, demands, causes of action, losses, liabilities and expenses, including without limitation attorneys' fees, arising or resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR'S assistants, employees or agents, including all claims relating to the injury or death of any person or damage to any property. Insurance In addition to any other obligations under this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall, at no cost to CITY, obtain and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement: (a) Commercial Liability Insurance, including coverage for owned and non -owned automobiles, with a minimum combined single limit coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence for all damages due to bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death to any person, and damage to property, including the loss of use thereof. As a condition precedent to CITY'S obligations under this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall furnish evidence of such coverage (naming CITY, its officers and employees as additional insureds on the Commercial Liability insurance policy referred to immediately above) and requiring thirty (30) days written notice of policy lapse or cancellation, or of a material change in policy terms. IMDOLINGER11070812.1 101612 - 04706083 -3- Assignment Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, neither this Agreement nor any duties or obligations of CONTRACTOR under this Agreement may be assigned or subcontracted by CONTRACTOR without the prior written consent of CITY, which CITY may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion. State and Federal Taxes As CONTRACTOR is not CITY'S employee, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for paying all required state and federal taxes. Without limiting the foregoing, CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that: *CITY will not withhold FICA (Social Security) from CONTRACTOR'S payments; *CITY will not make state or federal unemployment insurance contributions on CONTRACTOR'S behalf; *CITY will not withhold state or federal income tax from payment to CONTRACTOR; *CITY will not make disability insurance contributions on behalf of CONTRACTOR; *CITY will not obtain workers' compensation insurance on behalf of CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 6. OBLIGATIONS OF CITY Cooperation of City CITY agrees to respond to all reasonable requests of CONTRACTOR and provide access, at reasonable times following receipt by CITY of reasonable notice, to all documents reasonably necessary to the performance of CONTRACTOR'S duties under this Agreement. Assignment CITY may assign this Agreement or any duties or obligations thereunder to a successor governmental entity without the consent of CONTRACTOR. Such assignment shall not release CONTRACTOR from any of CONTRACTOR'S duties or obligations under this Agreement. events: ARTICLE 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Termination on Occurrence of Stated Events This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any of the following 1. Bankruptcy or insolvency of either party; 2. Sale of the business of either party; 3. Death of either party. WDOLINGE811070812.1 101612 - 04706083 me Termination by City for Default of CONTRACTOR Should CONTRACTOR default in the performance of this Agreement or materially breach any of its provisions, CITY, at CITY'S option, may terminate this Agreement by giving written notification to CONTRACTOR. For the purposes of this section, material breach of this Agreement shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Not performing any of its services professionally and /or timely. 2. CONTRACTOR'S breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants contained in this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to payment only for work satisfactorily completed through the date of the termination notice, as reasonably determined by CITY, provided that such payment shall not exceed the amounts set forth in this Agreement for the tasks described on Exhibit `B" which have been fully, competently and timely rendered by CONTRACTOR. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if CITY terminates this Agreement due to CONTRACTOR'S default in the performance of this Agreement or material breach by CONTRACTOR of any of its provisions, then in addition to any other rights and remedies CITY may have, CONTRACTOR shall reimburse CITY, within ten (10) days after demand, for any and all costs and expenses incurred by CITY in order to complete the tasks constituting the scope of work as described in this Agreement, to the extent such costs and expenses exceed the amounts CITY would have been obligated to pay CONTRACTOR for the performance of that task pursuant to this Agreement. Termination for Failure to Make Agreed -Upon Payments Should CITY fail to pay CONTRACTOR all or any part of the compensation set forth in Article 4 of this Agreement on the date due, then if and only if such nonpayment constitutes a default under this Agreement, CONTRACTOR, at the CONTRACTOR'S option, may terminate this Agreement if such default is not remedied by CITY within thirty (30) days after demand for such payment is given by CONTRACTOR to CITY. Transition After Termination Upon termination, CONTRACTOR shall immediately stop work, unless cessation could potentially cause any damage or harm to person or property, in which case CONTRACTOR shall cease such work as soon as it is safe to do so. CONTRACTOR shall incur no further expenses in connection with this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall promptly deliver to CITY all work done toward completion of its services, and shall act in such a manner as to facilitate any new CONTRACTOR'S assumption of duties. WDOLINGEM1070812.1 101612 - 04706083 ARTICLE 8. GENERAL PROVISIONS Notices -5- Any notice to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be effected either by personal delivery in writing or by mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid with return receipt requested. Mailed notices shall be addressed to a party at the address appearing below such party's signature below, but each party may change the address by written notice in accordance with this paragraph. Notices delivered personally will be deemed delivered as of actual receipt; mailed notices will be deemed delivered as of three (3) days after mailing. Entire Agreement of the Parties This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements, either oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the rendering of services by CONTRACTOR for CITY and contains all the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to the rendering of such services in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement, statement or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding. Any modification of this Agreement will be effective only if it is in writing signed by both parties. Partial Invalidity If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 Throughout the term of this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall comply fully with all applicable provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ( "the Act ") in its current form and as it may be amended from time to time. The Contractor shall also require such compliance of all subcontractors performing work under this Agreement, subject to the prohibition against assignment and subcontracting contained in Article 5 above. The CONTRACTOR shall defend with counsel acceptable to CITY, indemnify and hold harmless the CITY OF GILROY, its officers, employees, agents and representatives from and against all suits, claims, demands, damages, costs, causes of action, losses, liabilities, expenses and fees, including without limitation attorneys' fees, that may arise out of any violations of the Act by the CONTRACTOR, its subcontractors, or the officers, employees, agents or representatives of either. Compliance With Laws The CONTRACTOR shall keep itself informed of all State and National laws and all municipal ordinances and regulations of the CITY which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials used in the work, or which in any way affect the conduct WDOLINGEM1070812.1 101612 - 04706083 rem of the work, and of all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the same. Without limiting the foregoing, CONTRACTOR agrees to observe the provisions of the Municipal Code of the CITY OF GILROY, obligating every contractor or subcontractor under a contract or subcontract to the CITY OF GILROY for public works or for goods or services to refrain from discriminatory employment or subcontracting practices on the basis of the race, color, sex, religious creed, national origin or ancestry of any employee, applicant for employment, or any potential subcontractor. Attorneys' Fees If any action at law or in equity, including an action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees, which may be set by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose, in addition to any other relief to which that party may be entitled. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California without regard to the conflict of laws provisions of any jurisdiction. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue with respect to any and all disputes arising hereunder shall be in state and federal courts located in Santa Clara County, California. WDOLINGE811070812.1 101612 - 04706083 -7- Executed at Gilroy, California, on the date and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: By: (Print Name) (Title) Address for Notices: Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number: Contractor's License Number: IMDOLINGER11070812.1 101612 - 04706083 CITY: CITY OF GILROY By: Thomas J. Haglund, City Administrator (Print Name) Address for Notices: 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Attn: City Administrator in Approved as to Form: City Attorney Executed at Gilroy, California, on the date and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: CITY: CIT O GILROY By: 'C� By: G 2p Thomas J. Haglund, City Administrator Prin1tt Name) (Print Name) K� (Title) Address for Notices: Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number: X14/ -/S 9/0 1-7 Contractor's License Number: 3 WDOLINGEM1070812.1 101612 - 04706083 In Address for Notices: 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Attn: City Administrator Approved as to Form: City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" I. SCOPE OF SERVICES Provide semi - annual preventive maintenance service on jail doors & hardware at the Gilroy Police Department, 7301 Hanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 per proposal dated June 21, 2013. Repairs to be made as necessary. II. NOTICE TO PROCEED /COMPLETION OF SERVICE A. NOTICE TO PROCEED CONTRACTOR shall commence services upon delivery to CONTRACTOR of written Notice to Proceed. B. COMPLETION OF SERVICES When CITY determines that CONTRACTOR has satisfactorily completed all of the services defined under this Agreement, CITY shall give CONTRACTOR written Notice of Final Acceptance, and CONTRACTOR shall not incur any further costs hereunder. CONTRACTOR may request this determination of completion when, in its opinion, it has satisfactorily completed all of the services under this Agreement, and if so requested, CITY shall make this determination within two (2) weeks of such request, or if CITY determines that CONTRACTOR has not satisfactorily completed all of such services, CITY shall so inform CONTRACTOR within this two (2) week period. III. SCHEDULE Service to be provided twice per year, in August and February of each year. IV. DIRECT EXPENSES Direct expenses are charges and fees not included in the Scope of Services described above. CITY shall be obligated to pay only for those direct expenses which have been previously approved in writing by CITY. CONTRACTOR shall obtain written approval from CITY prior to incurring or billing of direct expenses. Copies of pertinent financial records, including invoices, will be included with the submission of billing(s) for all direct expenses. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS WDOLINGE811070812.1 101612 - 04706083 0 A. STANDARD OF WORKMANSHIP CONTRACTOR represents and warrants that it has the qualifications, skills and licenses necessary to perform the services, and its duties and obligations, expressed and implied, contained herein, and CITY expressly relies upon CONTRACTOR'S representations and warranties regarding its skills, qualifications and licenses. CONTRACTOR shall perform such services and duties in conformance to and consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. B. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, and the coordination of the services furnished by it under this Agreement. The CITY'S review, acceptance or payment for any of the services required under this Agreement shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement, and CONTRACTOR shall be and remain liable to CITY in accordance with applicable law for all damages to CITY caused by CONTRACTOR'S negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this Agreement. C. Inserted for Numbering Purposes Only D. NO PLEDGING OF CITY'S CREDIT. Under no circumstances shall CONTRACTOR have the authority or power to pledge the credit of CITY or incur any obligation in the name of CITY. E. Insert for Numbering Purposes Only F. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY. This Agreement shall not be construed or deemed to be an agreement for the benefit of any third party or parties, and no third party or parties shall have any claim or right of action hereunder for any cause whatsoever. G. WAIVER. CONTRACTOR agrees that waiver by CITY of any one or more of the conditions of performance under this Agreement shall not be construed as waiver(s) of any other condition of performance under this Agreement. H. AMENDMENTS. No alterations or changes to the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both parties hereto. I. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. WDOLINGE11070812.1 101612 - 04706083 -10- CONTRACTOR certifies that to the best of its knowledge, no CITY employee or office of any public agency interested in this Agreement has any pecuniary interest in the business of CONTRACTOR and that no person associated with CONTRACTOR has any interest that would constitute a conflict of interest in any manner or degree as to the execution or performance of this Agreement. J. CAPTIONS. The captions of the various sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be considered nor referred to for resolving questions or interpretation. WDOLINGE811070812.1 101612 - 04706083 -11- EXHIBIT "B" PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payments for preventive maintenance service in the amount of $1,400 for each service ($2,800 per year) to be made upon satisfactory completion of each service. Repairs to be made as necessary and invoiced at the rate of $150 per hour plus the cost of parts. 1 M D O L I N G E 811070812.1 101612 - 04706083 -1- 4699 24th St. Sacramento, CA 95822 916.451.2821 Main ~ 916.451.7882 Fax CAPITOL Builders Hardware, Inc. June 21, 2013 Rick Brandini City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Re: Gilroy Police Facility — Gilroy, CA Subject: Proposal — Preventative Maintenance Agreement Dear Mr. Brandini: Capitol Builders Hardware, Inc. proposes to provide preventative maintenance work as described below for the above referenced facility... Two (2) semi - annual site visits to provide cleaning, adjusting, lubrication and checking of all Folger Adam Detention. Equipment Hardware items. This Proposal is for labor only; new parts, as may be required, will be quoted separately. Annual cost for this service is, Two Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars and 00 /100 ($2800.00 billable following each site visit at the rate of $1,400ea. Additional service, if required, will be billed at $150.00 per hour, including travel time to and from the facility. Regards, Capitol Builders Hardware, Inc. Mark Harmon Detention Division Manager xnhm ririoti t?ch se.c.com 925.628.8479 Direct Page 1 CA_Lic. 294543 �►co�rn® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID tux DATE(MMIDO /YYYY) 08/12/13 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY. OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy (ies) must be endorsed. If SURROUATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Beach & O'Neill Insurance License #OE22542 NAME: PHONE IA1C.No.Fxt: � ' (AIC,Nok; _ EAD- DR SS: 7520 Greenback Ln Citrus Heights CA 95610 Phone:916- 676 -0844 Fax:916- 676 -0860 CUSTOMERIDt: CAPITI5 INSURER(SI AFFORDING COVERAGE i NAICO INSURED Capitol Builders Hardware, Inc dba Cnpitol Door Service 4699 2�Fth St. Sacramento CA 95822 INSURER A: Liberty surplus insurance Corp 10725 _ _ INSURER Depositors insurance cacy�aay _ -� 42567 INSURER C: Scottsdale Insurance Co 43.297 INSURER D: Everest National Ins Co :10120 INSURER E; —�- i I Ded s $5, 000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X10 INSURER F t k.WVF- nhascvt i.CRtl iuptlCmumesEK: 9FVICIr11J rdI1W4112b. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAYBE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN IAAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. — _ _ _ m s LTR ; TYPE OF INSURANCE ,iNSR! WVD� POLICY NUMBFJi �IMMND YYY) I(1EtUDD/YYYY) LIMITS I GENERAL LIABILITY k EACH OCCURRENCE 151,000,000 A i X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY I 11000018114-05 110/01112 110/01/13 PREMISES (Ea accurfDenC81 E50,000 I CLAIMS-MADE X I occuR I MED EXP lAny one parson) 1 s EXC luded ;.�.! X I- PERSONALSADVINJURY i S 1r 000, 000 GENERAL AGGREGATE I S 2, 0 0 0, O 0 O G ML AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I PRO- i! POLICY I PRODUCTS -COMP/ 3P AGG ! S 2, 0. 0 0 , 000 I X) JEC; LOC I Ded s $5, 000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X10 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT i (Ea atLi02nI) $ 1, 000, 000 $ X ANY AUTO " IACP7805802033 /Ol/:2 t10 /01/13 ' �» i ) 1 I BODILY INJURY (Per person) F �)ALLOWNEDAUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 4Peraccleent)1E j HIRED AUTOS _ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accIdant) 1 $ I NON -OWNED AUTOS i S C i :, UMBRELIALW6 j X I occur, IXLS0084719 40/01/12 ;10101113 1 EACH OCCURRENCE I I EXCESS LIAR X i I CLAIMS MADE; AGGREGATE S5,000,000 DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION S: I ,j10/01/13 ie D I WORKERS COMPENSATION 17600005896121 10/01/12 AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YINI J X W A H -, iTORYLtMl7 ! ER ; I ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERIEXECUTlV I i I EXCLUDED? �� IN I A 1 E.L. EACH ACCIDENT t: 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Mandatory NH) (Mandatory in NH) I I h ves, describe under I I E.L. DISEASE- EA EMPLOYEE I S1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS belm, I E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT ? $ 1, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 i i I i . DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS ( VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, li mo apace is required) Re: Gilroy Policy Facility, 7301 Haa4a St., Gilroy, CA i City of Gilroy its officers & employees are named as additional insureds per endorsement G2010 0704 & CO2037 0704. ""•�••• •" ^•� ••`"�'�' -�� GAN(A=LLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POUCY PROVISIONS. City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. riahtc racar ,i ACORD 25 (2009/09) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Liberty Surplus Insurance Commercial General Liability Car )OMfiOn- LIBERTY SURPLUS INSURANCE CORPORATION (A New Hampshire Stock Insurance Company, herinafter the "Company') ENDORSEMENT NO. 45 Effective Date: 08/20/2013 Policy Number: 100001811405 Issued To: Capitol Builders Hardware Inc THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED — OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS — SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s) Location(s) Of Covered Operations City of Gilroy, its officers & employees 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 All locations of covered operations. (Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations) A. Section II —Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injuri "property damage" or "personal and advertising injure" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the location(s) designated above. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply This insurance does not apply to "bodily iniur 'or "property darnage" occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, mainrcna.nce or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. CG 2010 07 04 V ISO Properties, Inc., 2004 Liberty_ Surplus Insurance Commercial General Liability Corporation,. LIBERTY SURPLUS INSURANCE CORPORATION (A New Hampshire Stock Insurance Company, hereinafter the "Company' ENDORSEMENT NO, 47 Effective Date: 08/20/2013 Policy Number: 1000018114 -05 Issued To: Capitol Builders Hardware Inc THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s) Location and Description Of Covered Operations City of Gilroy, its officers & employees 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 All Locations and Description of Covered Operations (information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations) Section II — Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury?' or "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the schedule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products - completed operations hazard ". CG 20 37 07 04 0 ISO Properties, Inc., 2004