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Ordinance 2014-08ORDINANCE NO. 2014-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING APPLICATION Z 13 -06 TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM M2 AND M2(PUD) TO M2(PUD) ON A 108 -ACRE SITE EXTENDING SOUTH FROM STATE HIGHWAY 152 ON BOTH SIDES OF CAMERON BOULEVARD, MORE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED BY ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS 841-17-100,841-17-101,841-17-104 THROUGH 112,841- 17-115, AND 841 -84 -001 THROUGH 009 WHEREAS, United Natural Foods Incorporated (UNFI) submitted application GPA 13- O1, a General Plan Amendment, and application Z 13 -06, a Zoning Amendment, to amend the General Plan Circulation Element and McCarthy Business Park Planned Unit Development (PUD) site plan, respectively, to modify the alignments of the future extensions of Cameron Boulevard and Luchessa Avenue and to terminate Camino Arroyo at Venture Way. The zoning amendment also proposes expansion of the current PUD zoning boundary to encompass an additional four acres on the south side of Assessor's Parcel Number 841 -17 -115 and proposes changes to the previously approved design guidelines related to flooding, lighting, signage, and other minor changes( "UNFI Project "); and WHEREAS, the current PUD Zoning Combining District shows Camino Arroyo as a public street extending through APN 841 -17 -115, and the updated PUD Zoning Combining District reflects (1) the termination of Camino Arroyo as a public street at Venture Way and (2) the reorientation of Cameron Boulevard south of Princevalle Drain; and WHEREAS, UNFI has submitted Architectural and Site Permit request AS 13 -18, the site plan for which proposes the development of APNs 841 -17 -0111, -112, and -115 with a warehouse and distribution facility, to be developed in two phases, with Phase 1 consisting of a 450,000 square foot building within the western portion of parcel 841 -17 -115 and a 10,000 square foot semi -truck maintenance and fueling facility within the eastern portion of the same parcel; with Phase 2 consisting of an approximately 360,000 square foot expansion of the Phase JH\04706089 43v3 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -08 JH\04706089 I building, to be constructed at a future date; and with parking, stormwater treatment, landscaping, and other associated improvements, which is also part of the UNFI Project; and WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy acknowledges that for the UNFI Project to be feasible, the proposed Phase 1 building must be located partially within the planned extension of Camino Arroyo through the project site, as currently shown on the Wellington Business Park PUD site plan; and WHEREAS, the ultimate purpose of the planned extension of Camino Arroyo through the project site is to establish a roadway connection between the McCarthy Business Park and the planned future extension of Luchessa Avenue, to the south of the project site; and WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy has determined that the intent of providing a roadway connection between the McCarthy Business Park and the planned future extension of Luchessa Avenue can be feasibly accomplished by extending Cameron Boulevard through the eastern portion of the project site; and WHEREAS, the termination of Camino Arroyo at Venture Way will allow the UNFI project to be feasibly constructed and operated; and WHEREAS, said roadway alignment amendments to the Wellington Business Park PUD Site Plan are attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the current PUD boundary excludes a four -acre portion of the project site lying south of the PUD boundary; and WHEREAS, the 4 -acre area is currently zoned M2 General Industrial, which would allow for the proposed distribution center use. Thus, it is not required that the PUD boundary be extended to encompass the additional 4 acres; however, not doing so would maintain a situation where a single property has more than one zoning designation; and 4851-8617-2443v3 JH104706089 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -08 6089 WHEREAS, because the proposed UNFI Project encompasses all of APN 841 -17 -115, the City of Gilroy has determined that the PUD zoning boundary should be expanded to include the entire site, and that this clean-up action will also help to eliminate confusion in the future; and WHEREAS, said expanded boundary is depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a master architectural and site permit for the "Wellington Business Park" on October 16, 2000, which included approval of the "Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines for Industrial Development'; and WHEREAS, the "Wellington Business Park" was re -named the "McCarthy Business Park" circa 2006 -2007; and WHEREAS, the McCarthy Business Park Design Guidelines for Commercial Retail and the McCarthy Business Master Sign Program, which supplement by the Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines, were adopted by the City Council on June 5, 2006 and provide additional design specifications for the commercial portions of the McCarthy Business Park area, namely the northerly most approximately 16 acres on the south side of Highway 152 on both sides of Cameron Boulevard; and WHEREAS, collectively, the Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines for Industrial Development and the McCarthy Business Park Design Guidelines for Commercial Retail set forth the current development standards for property located within the McCarthy Business Park area, an approximately 104 -acre business park are generally located on the south side of Highway 152, north of the planned eastern extension of Luchessa Avenue, west of Miller Slough, and extending approximately 400 feet westerly of Camino Arroyo, specifically for APNs 841 -17 -100, 841 -17 -101, 841 -17 -104 through 112, most of 841 -17 -115, and 841 -84 -001 through 009; and; 4851-8617-2443v3 JH104706089 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -08 06089 WHEREAS, the Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines ( "Design Guidelines "), which pre -date the McCarthy Design Guidelines, contain the relevant design guidelines applicable to the project; and WHEREAS, the stated purpose of the Design Guidelines is result in development on individual parcels [that will] form a cohesive, quality business park; and WHEREAS, the Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines for the PUD were adopted in October of 2000, and are now 14 years old; and WHEREAS, certain guidelines in the document have been determined by the City of Gilroy to be outdated, and to require certain amendments to allow for the feasible development of both the project as well as future development within the McCarthy Business Park, in a manner consistent with the stated intent of the Design Guidelines, taking into account current development methods and technologies; and WHEREAS, said amendments to the Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines for Industrial Development are attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS, in addition to the design criteria contained in the updated Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines attached as Exhibit B, the McCarthy Business Park Design Guidelines for Commercial Retail and the McCarthy Business Master Sign Program, as approved by the City Council on June 5, 2006, shall continue to supplement the updated Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on May 15, 2014 at which time the Planning Commission considered the public testimony, the staff report dated May 15, 2014, and all other documentation related to application 13 -06, and recommended that the City Council approve Z 13 -06; and JHV7 4851-8617-2443v3 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -08 JH104706089 WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on June 2, 2014 at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the staff report dated June 2, 2014 ( "Staff Report"), and all other documentation related to application Z 13 -06; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Gilroy has determined that the proposed amendments to the Wellington Business Park Design Guidelines and to the public street circulation network maintain the character, intent, and function of the original approvals; and WHEREAS, an environmental impact report (EIR) entitled UNFI Warehouse and Distribution Facility (State Clearinghouse #201391002) was prepared for the subject rezoning, as part of the review of it and applications AS 13 -18 and GPA 13 -01, and certified by the Gilroy City Council on June 2, 2014 in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "); and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials that constitute the record of proceedings upon which this Project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL FINDS THAT: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with intent of the goals and policies of the City's General Plan, and with intent of the land use designation on the General Plan Land Use Map, as amended with approval of application GPA13 -01. 2. The Project will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to persons or property in the vicinity. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILORY DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I Zone Change application Z 13 -06, as described herein and attached as Exhibits A and B, and incorporated by this reference, is hereby approved. JH\0470608943v3 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -08 JH104706089 SECTION II If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise void or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION III Pursuant to section 608 of the Charter of the City of Gilroy, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days from and after the date of its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16`h day of June, 2014 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: BRACCO, LEROE- MUNOZ, TUCKER, WOODWARD and GAGE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, AULMAN APPROVED: Donald Gage, Mayor JH\0470608943v3 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -08 JH104706089 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DIST L1 N0677 05 E 117.07' L2 N40- 52.55 -W 165.20' L3 N21'47'55'W 220.11' L4 N5615'49 'E 12.00' L5 N33. 4411 "W 69.52' L6 N63.2T29'W 533.77 L7 1 N79.29.27 -W 260.65 A . 1 a- -� --� PUD ZONING AMENDMENT McCARTHY RANCH GILROY, CALIFORNIA -A4- Un 1 UNn EP IYATI1kA1. r"Ift INC. f:l IJWNC TDititr NIINt.. \l11'1Un, CA 9231-1 llrNi J: Tr1011 NBVLWD (7201 7i4 7077 iL RUGGERI- JENSEN -AZAR 1 -G iNCEN4 - —AII — - SU"I E'.Rl W55 CAWNO AMOYO olROY. CA V5020 PHONE: (4N) 64 -w o rAli: (4115) un -0302 Oclobcr 16. -1013 1320115 -Wl LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A PUD ZONING AMENDMENT All that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being all of "Tract 9570" as shown on the Map entitled `Tract 9570 McCarthy Business Park ", filed August 30, 2006 in Book 805 of Maps, at Pages 29 through 35, Records of Santa Clara County, California, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said "Tract 9570 thence along the east line, S06 °27'05"W, a distance of 117.07 feet; thence continuing along said east line, S40 °52'55 "E, a distance of 165.20 feet; thence continuing along the east line, S21 °47'55 "E, a distance of 220.11 feet; thence continuing along said east line, S51 *10'00'W, a distance of 206.83 fleet to the beginning of a non tangent curve to the left, of which the radius point lies N77 °10'29 "E, a radial distance of 1,043.00 feet; thence continuing along said east line, southeasterly along said curve, through a. central angle of 20 054'40 ", a distance of 380.66 feet; thence continuing along said east line, S33 °44'11 "E, a distance of 958.18 feet; thence continuing along said east line, S56 °1 5'49"W, a distance of 12.00 feet; thence continuing along said east line, S33 °44'11 "E, a distance of 69.52 feet; thence continuing southeasterly along said line, S33 °44'11 "E, a distance of 653.61 feet; thence along the south line, S57 °55'30 "W, a distance of 1,709.08 feet; thence continuing along said south line, N32005'26"W, a distance of 70.47 feet; thence continuing along said south line, S57 052'56 "W, a distance of 355.07 feet; thence along the west line, N32 "04'55"W, a distance of 1,737.70 feet; thence along the northwesterly line, N51 01 0'00"E, a distance of 1,481.90 feet; thence along the west line, N3201 1'48'W, a distance of 1,342.55 feet; thence along the north line, S83 °27'29 "E, a distance of 533.77 feet; thence continuing along said north line, S79 °29'27 "E, a distance of 260.65 feet; thence continuing along said north line, S80 °40'40 "E, a distance of 400.02 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 108.411 acres, more or less. END OF DESCRIPTION. i i Wellington Business Park r brme r iy ZOO-06 and A/S00 -22 - ., Design Guidelines for Industrial Development See also: McCarthy Business Park Design Guidelines - Commercial Retail. April 19, 2006 Wellington Business Park, LLC Wroy, California 16 October, 2000 Revised, May 8, 201 Text edits shown in red TOM RICHMAN IL ASSOCIATES Urban Design and Landscape Architecture In UNCIatlon with: Access Land Development HMH Engineering, Inc. page l page 2 Wdhngtcn Business Park Design GuAdw= f Design Guidelines Wellington Business Park Gilroy, California 4 Table of Contents ' 1.0 PURPOSE OF DESIGN GUIDELINES f. 2.0 INTRODUCTION TO WELLINGTON BUSINESS PARS 2.1 Location 2.2 Master Plan and Streetscapes ' 2.3 Planning and Zoning 2.4 Permitted and Prohibited Uses 2.5 Engineering and Utilities 3.0 APPROVALS AND SUBMITTALS 4.0 SrM PLANNING GUIDELINES u; ( 4.1 Site coverage 4.2 Site planning 4.3 General parking requirements 4.4 Grading and drainage 4.5 Circulation 4.5.1 Vehicles �. 4.5.2 Bicycles 45.3 Pedestrians 4.5.4 Emergency Service 4.6 Storage, service, and loading areas 4.7 Exterior mechanical and electrical equipment 4.8 Utilities 5.0 ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES 5.1 Budding scale, massing and form 5.2 Building materials and color 6.0 LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES 6.1 Landscape concept 61 Irrigation 6.3 Maintenance 6.4 Recommended plant list 7.0 LIGHTING 8.0 SIGNAGE 9.0 FENCES AND WALLS 10.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE AND HANDLING page 2 Whugtam Bum= Park Design CAudelmn i 1.0 PURPOSE OF DESIGN GUIDFJJNES 1.0.1 These Design Guidelines are intended so that develop. ment on individual parcels will form a cohesive, quality S business park. } 1.02 These Design Guidelines have been established to imple- ment the intent, purpose, and provisions of the Planned 1,. Unit Development zoning. These guidelines establish spe- cific criteria for site planning, architectural design, land scape design, signage and lighting. These guidelines will be used by Wellington Business Park, LLC and their succes- sors or assigns {hereafter known as `Wellington] and the City of Gilroy to evaluate proposed developments. They are intended to provide uniform criteria by which each pro- posal may be evaluated. ' 1.0.3 Commercial uses and plans are not covered by these Guidelines but must be reviewed and approved on a case- by-case basis by Wellington and the City of Gilroy through the Planned Unit Development and Architectural Site Re- view process. This process requires review by the Planning Commission and approval by City Council. 2.0 INTRODUCTION TO WELLINGTON BUSINESS PARR 2.0.1 These design guidelines and other documents associated with the Planned Unit Development zoning apply to Wellington. f 2.1 Location 2.1.1 Wellington Business Park is located east of Highway i 101 and adjacent to Highway 152, in the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara Valley, California. 2.2 Master Plan and Streetscapes 2.2.1 Wellington Business Park is envisioned as an environ- ment with beautiful, tree -lined streets framed by well-land scaped buildings, and a clearly defined street network that not only acxommodates cars and trucks, but also encour- \I- r page 3 WPark Desip ages walking, bicycling, and social interaction. The Busi- ness Park will provide people with a pleasant working en- vironment and provide the City of Gilroy with a high qual- ity development. 22.2 As part of the Wellington Business Park plan, a Master Landscape Plan has been conceived to organize, unify, and create a distinctive character for the project. The Master Landscape Plan divides the streets and public right -of -way into four landscape zones (Figures 1,2): a. Entry/152 Frontage: This is the primary attention-get- ting zone. Landscape in this zone will be selected for visual impact. It includes the frontage along Highway 152 and the project entry. b. Streetscape Zone: This is the primary image- setting zone. The streets and associated trees are designed to create a unifying pedestrian- friendly space throughout the Development (Figure 3). This zone includes: i. Sidewalk —A wide sidewalk shaded with trees runs along each street. The trees are located in the parkway strip between the curb and the sidewalk. On most streets, a second row of trees is planted within the front setback, between the sidewalk and the budding. ii. Street intersections — The streetscape at intersec- tions is to be treated with elements of enriched wing, lighting, and accent Planting (Figure 4). iii. Arterial street trees — All arterial streets within the project (Street °A" and Camino Arroyo) will be lined with a double row of shade trees. The spacing and character will allow visual penetration into individual sites. The trees will provide a distinctive appearance throughout the year. iv. Collector street trees — All collector streets within the project (Street OW, Luchessa Ave., Silacci connec- pale 4 �r� .j.e- •n� �:vs� •.J:!.J: :ff� �tC %' �a r .u, tip �11�► �aor �Hr l� I LL z cz p � N 7 t i! B �`- -•-- - -- I Prince v ille Drain_..• . . f I - w f a r �r Proposed 4 .me OMdW Aebwkh 8bvM -W Ands a w °UJL Q f lei Q I is I Ir I t! S f A I PALL Alreet 7 Area. Cmdne An"* r'lepoee® a-Lam 6eneese L cl a Aw. Wellington Business Park Typical Street Sections Figure 3 S77&-7* o- MUM Rills❑ 1 09VIFW l WaPark Desip tor) will be planted with a single row of shade trees. c. Street 'B": The north side of Street `B" shall be planted E under the guidelines of a collector street. The south side j adjacent to the drainage swale shall be designed and i planted to serve the Wellington Business Park as a natu- ral amenity and place for walking, picnicking and pas- sive recreation. This area shall include a meandering f sidewalk, special lighting, native plant material, site fur - nishings ( benches, trash receptacles), the maintenance of which shall be managed by Wellington. r d. Interior Landscape Zone: This zone encompasses all Landscape within the property lines. Installation and maintenance of the landscape and all improvements within this zone are the responsibility of each individual parcel owner, with the exception of the trees planted within the public utility easement (see Design Guide- lines section 2.23). L All parcels that border either Pnncevalle Drain or Miller Slough shall incorporate California native and ri- parian plants in landscape palette of the side adjacent the Drain or Slough. Refer to Recommended Plant List (Ap- pendix C). All landscaping adjacent to the Princevalle Drain or to M w Slough shall be subject to review and approval by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. 2.2.3 The trees in the public utility easement and the trees in the public right -of -way will be planted by Wellington. Maintenance of these street trees will be funded by the prop- arty owners and managed by Wellington. 23 Planning and zoning 2.3. i The developments within the Wellington Business Park are currently subject to the regulations of the Planned Unit Development zoning (PUD) adopted by the City Council rq 14 page 5 f' WdImpon Buumn Park Dap Gai&h= on 5 September, 2000. All projects within this development that conform to these Guidelines will be processed for City staff Architectural and Site Review pursuant to City Zon- ing Ordinance section 50.40. Projects that do not conform to these Guidelines require review by the Planning Com- mission and approval by City Council. 2.3.2 All subdivisions and lot splits are subject to review and approval by Wellington prior to initiating the Architec- tural and Site Review process of the City of Gilroy. 2.3.3 A Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted by the City on February 22, 2000, imposing mitigation measures on the development pursuant to the California Environ- mental Quality Act. Individual projects must conform to the mitigation measures. The City will determine if fur, Cher environmental review for an individual project is re- quiredat the time of submittal of an application to the City. 23.4 General uses are for office, warehouse, and light indus- trial, and commercial. 2.4 Permitted and Prohibited Uses 2.4.1 In order to achieve the objective of Wellington Busi- ness Park as a high quality office/industrial park and high - way- commercial development, the Design Guidelines iden- tify uses that are permitted and prohibited within Wellington Business Park. 2.4.2 Any use permitted in the M-2 zoning district by the City of Gilroy may be looted within the Wellington Busi- ness Park, except those specifically prohibited in Section 2.4.4 below. Uses that fit the following objectives are en- couraged. a. Uses whose facility developments and maintenance will contnbute to and complement the overall design, ar- chitectural style, and themes of the Planned Unit De• pale 6 wdPwkc« velopment in which it is located. b. Uses that do not, through their operation, produce ob. jectionable visual, sound, smell, or vibration outputs. c. Uses that are compatible with one another and com- patible with existing or planned uses surrounding Wellington Business Park. d. Useswhichw7lnotcseateexoezwebuzdmsuponWelli Won Business Park traasponation and utfity systems. I' 2.43 Up to 25% of the Business Park may be used for Com- mercial uses, including Highway Commercial. Commer- cial uses and plans are not covered by these Guidelines but must be reviewed and approved on a case -by -case basis by Wellington and the City of Gilroy through the Planned Unit Development and Architectural Site Review process. ? This process requires review by the Punning Commission and approval by City Council. 2.4.4 The following operations and uses are prohibited within the Business Park: a. Mobile home parks or trailer courts, ether temporary or permanent. r' b. Junk yards, auto body shops, towing yards, outdoor auto repair, and vehicle or equipment disassembly ac- tivities. c. Recycling facilities other than in conjunction with stan- dard business operations, or when necessary to comply with emission or waste control standards within a pri mary manufacturing or industrial use. d. Drilling for and/or removal of oil, gas, or other hydro- carbon substances. e. Refining of petroleum or of its products, or oil devel- opment operations. f. Oil storage facilities, except in tanks at commercial ser- Pap 7 WdUngwn Basin vice stations, or in enclosed yards for owners of lots in the Industrial/Office Zone, and then only where such tanks are limited to use for servicing vehicles owner, or used, by a person or entity authorized to use property for an industrial use, or for propane storage. g. Fxmvadon of bum or construction materials, quarrying of any material or mineral =avations, dstllation of bones. h. Dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction of gar- bage, sewage, offal, dead animals or refuse. i. Stockyard or slaughter of animals, fat rendering. j. Raising and/or keeping of animals, either in the singu- lar or plural number, 5orpleasure or for commercial gain. k. Smelting of iron, tin, zinc or other ores. L Saw or planing mills. M. IVlanufacturiag or production of cement, lime, asphalt, gypsum, fireworks, wood pulp, etc. n. Cemeteries. o. Jail or honor farms. p. Truck terminals. q. Automobile, go -cart, motorcycle, and other vehicle endurance or race tracks of any kind 2.45 Exceptions to the above may be permitted with the approval of Wellington and the City of Gilroy. 2.5 Engineering and Utilities 2.5.1 Street improvements and utilities including domestic water, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, street lighting, w1e- phone, electric service and natural gas mains will be provided. 2.5.2 Water for Fire Protection will be provided for the Park based on typical uses anticipated under the proposed zon- in& Individual parcels must review the appropriate sections of the Uniform Fire Code, and size on -site systems to con- form with fire flow regulations for the intended use. pie 8 Wd ington Basins Park Design, 1 3.0 APPROVALS AND SUBIVIITI'ALS 3.0.1 All development on private parcels within the Wellington Business Park must comply with the codes and regulations of relevant jurisdictions. These include, but are not necessarily limited to: the State of California, the County of Santa Clara, the City of Gilroy, and may re- quire review by the Department of Fish and Game and the Santa Clara Valley Water District. C3.0.2 Owners of individual parcels are responsible for meet- ing all structural, code, or other applicable regulations ad ministered by relevant. jurisdictions. These legal require- ments are not stated here. It is the responsibility of each parcel owner to ensure compliance with codes and ordi- nances relevant to each project. 3.0.3 All properties adjacent to or within 50 feet of Princevalle Drain or Muller Slough shall be subject to permit review and approval by the Santa Clara Valley Water District prior to development. 3.0.4 All development or parcel subdivisions are subject to approval by Wellington or its agents prior to City of Gilroy review. 4.0 SrM PLANNING GUIDELINES 4.1 Site coverage The following table summarizes site coverage regulations for the Wellington Business Park. Uses not listed here are subject to approval by Wellington and the City of Gilroy. e page 9 E* Wdlinpm Basin= Park Desip Guiddines Site coverage table Minimum front setback 20 ft.* Minimum rear setback Minimum side setback Minimum street side setback Maximum building site coverage (office) Maximum building site coverage (warehouse) Maximum height Minimum landscape coverage Parking (office) Parking (manufacturing, light industrial) none or 10' min. 15 ft. 15 ft. 40% 60% 75 ft. 15% 1 sp. per 300 gross sq. ft. (not devoted to storage) 1 sp. per 350 gross sq. ft. (not devoted to storage) Parking (warehouse) same as City of Gilroy Standards *Ma wn d from property hn& Includes 10' pxbIk utility as wwL See section 5.1 4.2 Site planning 4.2.1 Orient buildings and auanliary structures to comply with the -b evcquL- and flood zone information as provided by the City of Gilroy. Main bind -aw& sry-stnac rnres — blockage-eal -tion.- nppendis -A. 4.3 General Parking re43ir 4.3.1 There is to be no at grade parking or parking structure between any portion of the building front and the front setback on parcels fronting Street 'W. 4.3.2 Parking shall be set track at least 7.5 feet from the front yard property line and the side yardproperty line adjacent to a street, and shall not be within the Public Utility Ease- ment, whichever is greater. 4.3.3 Paved area are to be a minimum of five (5) feet from property lines, as these areas are reserved for pla =% areas. page 10 1; Whogton Bumm Park Deup c 43.4 Provide adequate off - street parking to accommodate all parking needs for the site, in the ratio according to the site 1 coverage table above. 43.5 On- street parking is not permissible, except in specially designated areas. r 43.6 Provide sufficient and conveniently located visitor and { disabled persons parking that is clearly diftiated from f employee parking. Disabled parking must be designed in i accordance with State and City regulations. 4.3.7 Parking stalls and aisles must meet or exceed the di- mensions shown in Appendix B (Uni -Class standards). 43.8 Vehicular circulation patterns on -site are to be clear and easily navigable. Dead -end parking bays are discouraged. 43.9 Pedestrian circulation patterns within the parking lot are to be clearly integrated into the lot design, and pedes. trian access from parking areas to buildings must be articw lated with striping and/or special paving, lighting and sib Mr- 43.10 Provide bicycle parking at a quantity so that bicycle parking spaces shall equal a minimum of 2% of automobile parking. Bike parking shall be Class III Facilities or better as defined by the State of California. 43.11 Locate bicycle parking areas near the main building or well used areas, to optimize security. 4.3.12 Provide convenient access to bicycle parking facilities. Where access is via a sidewalk or pathway, install curb ramps where appropriate. 4.3.13 Where bicycle parking areas are not clearly visible to approaching bicyclists, post signs to direct cyclists to the facilities. w pqe 11 W&npm Buumm Park Dow Cyn &hna 43.14 Parking lots shall be designed to reduce overall runoff volume and nonpoint source pollution contained in run- off. Techniques for achieving these goals include minimiz- ing impervious area, using permeable pavements, and di- recting runoff to landscape swales designed for stormWater treatment. 4.4 Grading and drainage 4.4.1 Wellington Business Park lies within a 100 -year flood zone. Site grading is subject to special restrictions in this zone (See Appendix A. Exhibit 2). In general, a portion of each parcel Within Sectors 1 and 2 must remain open mea- sured perpendicular to the direction of the overland flow. the aggregate linear dimensions of all buildings, accessory structures, berms, fences, walls, or other structures project- ing above the 100 -year flood level must not exceed the per- mitted percentage of a line drawn perpendicular to the di rection of the overland flow. 4.4.2 Thefinished floor elevationof the lowest floor of all build. ings must be at least one foot above the 100 -year flood level. 4.43 Surface drainage must be properly engineered, without interfering with adjacent properties. 4.5 Circulation 45.1 Vehicular Access a. Primary access to the building shall be from one of the dedicated streets in the Business Park. Aoxss drives shall be coordinated with adjacent lots so as to rn;n;m; in. toference with off-site circulation patterns. b. The site must have sufficient entrances and exits designed to allow for safe movement of traffic to and from the site, and efficient vehicle stacking during peak periods of use. c. Access easements may cross another parcel, but are not to be designated for primary access. pop 12 L WamponDmam Pak Dmp G4Adwn d. Separate long (including stacking spaces) and service areas from employee parking. e. Adequate provisions must be made for emergency ve. hicle access. All plans must be approved by the Fire Marshall for fire apparatus access. 451 Bicycle Circulation a. Site circulation plans must incorporate bicycle circula tion, with safe and clearly marked routes from bicycle paths to bicycle parking. 453 Pedestrian Circulation a. Streetside sidewalks will be installed by the developer Within public right of way. b. Buildings shall have a clearly delineated pedestrian con- nection that leads from the public sidewalk directly to the entry on the street frontage. This and all other on- site sidewalks shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide. When automobile bumpers overhang from a parking area onto a sidewalk, the sidewalk shall maintain a mini- mum of 5 feet clearance beyond the bumper overhang. a Safe, unobstructed, adequately lit pedestrian circulation is to be provided from parking areas to building en- tries. This is to be accomplished by providing separate pedestrian sidewalks. 45.4 Emergency Service a. Fire department apparatus access must be reviewed and approved by City of Gilroy. 4.6 Storage, service, and loading areas 4.6.1 The service and loading area shall be designed as a self - contained unit capable of handling its own loading needs. 4.6.2 Permanent outdoor storage and service areas shall be screened from both on and off -site views, by landscaping or materials compatible with the building's architecture. j� 1 Wellington Buenas Park Design Gmdelinn Temporary storage of vehicles, mamfactured goods, raw materials, etc., must be located in an. area on*te that has minimal impact on neighboring uses and the public. Tem- porary screening measures such as fencing or portable stor- age containers may be required. 4.7 Exterior mechanical and electrical equipment 4.7.1 If feasible, all major systems requiring large components (e.g., air - conditioners, storage tanks, etc) shall be located in mechanical rooms completely within the budding. Al ternatively, systems might include an exterior location at or depressed below ground level as necessary to }unit heights to a maximum of eight feet above grade or roof top, with allowances for future equipment. Mechanical equipment located in this manner must be screened on all sides. If uti- lized, surface- mounted roof equipment should be screened in a low profile manner and completely integrated with the overall architectural design of the building. 47.2 Mechanical equipment and auxiliary buildings, if oth erwise acceptable, shall not be located within five feet of property lines. Auxiliary building design shall be consis- tent with the design of the main buildings. Portable storage containers may be considered on a temporary basis only. 4.7.3 Exterior equipment shall be screened from both on and off-site views. Typical equipment requiring screening may include, but is not limited to: a. Storage tanks b. Air - conditioning and other mechanical equipment c. Duct work and ventilation/exhaust stacks d. Cooling towers and chillers e. Generators f. Transformers g. All but very small flues/vents page 14 T' wilt Park nesipGuad;na IL Temporary buildings i. Any other non-architectural appurtenance 4.8 Utilities 4.8.1 All utility lines must be underground. 4.8.2 Utility equipment such as transformers, storage tanks, meters, backflow prevention assemblies, etc., must be screened from both on and offsite views. Transformers shall be located underground, if feasible. 4.8.3 Screening shall be designed to meet a low profile, using either landscaping or materials that are completely inte- grated with the overall architectural design of the building. 4.8.4 Pad - mounted transformers, backflow preventers and other above -ground utilities shall be integrated into the site and landscape plan to be visually unobtrusive. Whether or not they are in a box or cage, these utilities shall be screened with plant material that is complimentary to the overall planting scheme of the site. Cages, boxes or utilities shall be painted dark green or a similar camouflaging color, and shall be selected for appropriate height and size. 5.0 ARCkffrPJCTURAL GUMELDM 5.0.1 The design guidelines are general in nature. Individual projects are subject to review for conformance to these guidelines. Elevations, samples of building materials and colors, etc., shall be submitted for individual project review and approval by the City as described in Section 23.1. 5.1 Building scale, massing and form 5.1.1 For parcels fronting Street `A°, at least two- thirds of the building frontage shall be at the 20 foot front setback. One-third of the building frontage may project up to 10 feet into the front setback or recess up to 80 feet behind the front setback. These proportions do not have to be con tiguous, and may be broken into smaller increments, pro- vided the overall proportions are maintained page 1S W Park Deup 5.1.2 For parcels fronting all streets other than Street W, the bwlding frontage shall be. set back at least 20 feet, and not more than 80 feet, from the from property line. One-third of the building frontage may project up to 10 feet into the from setback or recess up to 80 feet behind the front setback. 5.1.3 For buildings with a partial two - story, the two -story portion shall be located towards the buMng -- -- fr f 5.1.4 Building entries and approaches to visitor parking shall 1 be easily discernible to Pedestrians and drivers. 5.1.5 The from entry door of the building must be accessible by a paved walking surface leading from the street sidewalk without a ramp, consistent with state accessibility standards. 5.1.6 Rear entry in the main parking lot shall be treated simi- larly to the front entry, in quality, details, and landscape. 5.1.7 Buildings shall be designed and sited to avoid abrupt scale change, effort shall be made to have smooth transi tions between Properties. 5.2 Building materials and color 5.2.1, In designing projects for the Wellington Business Park, consider the following a. Quality of building materials chosen, and their appro. priate use b. Quality of design detailing c. Scale and proportion appropriate to the building forms chosen d. Appropriate integration of the screening devices for mechanical and electrical components e. Compatibility with existing forms, materials, colors, and detailing of adjacent structures f. Integration of the building forms, materials and colors with the landscape setting g. Caadty of amiation paths for automobiles and pedestrians page 16 I., Vawgica Bumm Park Dmp Guddwa t h. App mpriane sem of entry w both the sine and the bu&iin& i. Compatibility with the overall architecture of the Park. 6.0 LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES 6.0.1 All landscape shall be professionally designed, and shall conform to City of Gilroy zoning requirements, policies, and programs including design, installation, and mainte. nance specifications with the following additional guides lines: l 6.1 Landscape concept j 6.1.1 Landscape character is created by architectural elements, L streets, and site features such as walkways, signing, and light- ing as well as plant materials. In an attempt to unify the Wiling sites and their architecture in the Wellington Busi mess Park, landscaping as a design element will play the key role in creating and conveying the parklike environment. 6.1.2 The area within the property lines is designated as the Interior Landscape Zone. Installation and maintenance within this zone are the responsibility of each individual parcel owner, with exception of street trees in the public utility easement (see Design Guidelines section 2.23). 613 Landscaping is the primary method of site definition, and shall be used to enhance entries and exits, delineate spaces, screen parking areas and equips define edges, and provide transitions between properties. C6.1.4 Landscaping shall complement the architectural forms of the building and add to the overall character of the busi ness park. 6.1.5 Landscaping and plant materials shall integrate or be compatible with adjacent landscaping along property lines. 6.1.6 The primary criteria used in selecting plant materials shall be their ability to tolerate drought conditions, while pop 17 r V&6l= Busiaas Pack Daiga Canid&= remaining attractive and contributing to the overall aes. thetic of the business park. See Appendix C £or a partial list, of recommended plants. 6.1.7 Landscaping shall be selected to improve micro - climate conditions. Examples of this include: a. Selecting trees that will provide ample shade to cool parking lots and employee use areas in the summer. b. Using deciduous shade trees to shade structures in the summer and allow for sun penetration through to the building in the winter. 6.1.8 Landscaping is the recommended material for effective screening of the following: a. Mechanical /electrical equipment b. Trash containers C. All parking and other large paved or open spaces d. Large blank walls, fences e. Loading docks E Rear of single -faced signs g. Utility yards and equipment storage areas h. BackElow prevention assemblies. 6.1.9 Landscaped areas and planter strips shall be at least 5 feet wide. 6.1.10 Where automobile bumpers overhang into landscaped strips, there mast be a minimum of 5 feet growing area outside of the 2 feet bumper overhang. 6.2 Irrigation 61.1 All planted areas shall receive automatic irrigation system in accordance with City of Gilroy standards. 63 Maintenance 63.1 A regular maintenance program must be established that is appropriate to the plant type, growth habit, and land- scape character. The prompt removal and replacement of dead or dying plant materials and strict control of litter, pa r WDomm Park weeds, and growth restricting circulation is required Plains with minimum watering requirements are encouraged for new or replant plantings to encourage water conservation. 6.3.2 Irrigation systems shall be maintained and periodically tested to ensure that they are in proper working order, pro- viding adequate coverage without overspray onto pedestrian walks, pavement, or buildings. 7.0 LIGErMG 7.0.1 Lighting design should balance energy conservation with aesthetic, architectural and safety factors. Lighting should be placed where it can best aid in illuminating activity ar eas. The site should not be over -lit. As a security device, lighting should be adequate but not overly bright. 7.01 High pressure sodium, metal halide, compact fluorm. cent, or other acceptable equivalent energy- efficient alter. native lighting is required. Other types of lighting will be considered on a case -by -case basis. In general, lessee inten. sity lighting is preferred consistent with adequate safety. 7.0.3 The mum n Unting height for any lnn+inaire is-- ---> 20 re t , except tha Site flood hghting (building b .a i_ t d i ag - mo u t- 1_ e d, !- t o 1- e s mounted or otherwise) may i:1 ced at ur to __ and tall freeway4ype fixtures are prohibited. - In n e i g r r. . 7.0.4 No direct glare from any source, internal or cnerz4, is to be visible from off site. 7.05 Lighting should be designed to provide adequate illu- mination of entries, pathways, and parking areas. 8.0 SIGNAGE 8.0.1 Wellington Business Park's coordinated entry statement and sign program includes four types of signs: a. Entry Statement: This will be provided by Wellington. b. Tenant Identification Sign: Property owner shall pro- vide at least one identification sign for each major en- try to the Property. -slmwr _ L'�eE .....,,..rcn- C cigns: snol.i�,d �u'"= c, _i1_Gil qua . l.:i.l. -` [li:iii::r'___yd-s a, rid t3;-'_g1gn and 5h...u.1_d h- p_c,ced cn a, so---'d o�se, 9f1ould be comQlimet'ued 6^.'1th a C,scat7' and o.l 11.Cjili=11�7 b.e C<�?',1CJ ct ;=!,. Cl ]. (= W:L f�Ih : ,e � r!W.c.1 "1/ pap It 1 WdliarmDwinm GuWdines c. Building Address: Sign shall conform to City of Gilroy zoning requirements. Font � fation I d Other. All other signs shall be professionally designed, r and shall conform to City of Gilroy zoning requir& ments, with the following additional guidelines: ( i. Signs on individual buildings shall be subject to ( review by Wellington. ii. Illuminated sighs are to have soft, concealed, non SIM e4 that are glessy, reflective, flashing, or which have mov= "'Oparts/a e r1 .�D7iDired iii. The only signs permitted within the front or side setback are Tenant Identification Signs (see b. above). e. It is the responsibility of individual property owner or tenant to secure necessary City of Gilroy permits and review for on-site Signage. 9.0 FENCES AND WALLS 9.0.1 If the top of any fence or wall projects above the 100- year flood plain, it must be considered in the flood block- age calculation. This applies to all solid walls and fabric fences (e.g. chain link, welded wire which can snag flood debris), but not to open fences (eg. split rail). 9.0.2 No walls are permitted within the public utky east. 9.03 No fencing (including security fencing) is permitted within the front setback. 9.0.4 Freestanding pillars and similar elements used to articu- late the entrance to the property are permitted These de- ments shall be designed to complement the building's ar- 8.0.2 ",1.1 si ^rs snail recu :ire a pe--ai t, sub;ect to review ai.. d pi" o Va_1 .o �he Planning Manage to the s.quare-- ' eotagc: regl,Jin_me _ts and or.he - pp _i.oab C iteri :s r. -Om the Code, pap 20 C wPark chitecture and should not impair traffic or pedestrian safety by obscuring views. 9.05 All walls are to be constructed of materials and finishes that are compatUble with adjacent buildings. Wooden re- taining walls are not allowed. Retaining walls shall have a stone, split, or detailed finish. Monolithic smooth planed surfaces are not permitted. 9.0.6 No side or. em wall or fence may exceed a height of 6 feet in height unless approved by Wellington. Any wall between the sawtside landscaping and a building front is limited to a maximum height of 3 feet. 9.0.7 Refuse enclosure walls are to be 6 feet high and must be of suitable material and finish (no chain link fencing). 9.0.8 It is the responsibility of individual property owner or tenant to secure necessary City of Gilroy review and per- mits for on site fences and walls. 10.0 HA2.ARDOE S NlAT1tRlAIS SPORAGE AND HANDUNG 10.0.1 If hazardous materials are used by firms operating in Wellington Business Park, tenants must employ best man- agement practices and comply with all governmental regu ladons with respect to the usage, handling, storage and dis- posal of hazardous materials and to prevent the occurrence of any spills or releases on the property. pale 21 7- Wdlington Dusinm Pak Design►GoWdmes �.ppendix A is no longer in e zec - This pwject is located within a floodplaia currently attributable to the overflow of the =vas.-k to the north of the project area. In 1995, the City engaged the consulting firm of Schaaf & study the area, results of which are published is the document entitled `City of Gilrory► - U,�as Creek Over- flows Floodp bRanagement Study°, dated November 13, 1995. J The primary ' elopment within the floWplain area are twofold. 1. lowest of structure must be a minimum of one foot above a water surface elevation as projected on a flood maps prepared by Schaaf & Wheeler avail at the City), 2. cumulative b of potential overland flood flows, as defined below, on any one site must be held to the maximum allo ed for the Sector (see Exhibit 2). The first of these design criteria self explanatory, but the second to'blockage° warrants further explanation. The following definitzoa of " blockage is excerpted +nm the Schaaf & Wheeler report The term 'blockage' is defined as anything above natu1:�� ound. is computed by taking cans sections perpendicular to the direction of flow ratio of tm individual blockages to the total length of the u+os: section must be less than or equal to mit for the applicable sector. Blockage criteria must be met for every possible cross section diivn the direction of flow. An example of the flow blockage computation i�ctt shed for reference as - Exhibit 1 °. The overland flood flows within the project " rust from north to south in a southeasterly direction, a tely at a 45 degree angle to the . n of`the major roadway corridors. Thus blockage area must be computed using cross sections o ' ted petpendi to the direction of overland flow as delin eared on maps available from the City of /Gflroy. B can occur is the form of Blockage rm landscape berms oa a given site. The location and orientation of proposed berms (' :=Y) and fences also needs to be ' dered carefully. Section 3.0 of the Schaaf & Wheeler report reap guidelines relating to these it mss, and are excerpted herein as fol- lows: 3.0 CONSTRUM0,9 ALTERNATIVES IN TIE FLOODPLAIN Several options are which would allow a property owner to somewhat co the amount of blockage present on an ' site. Some examples are provided is the following paragraphs. I�wever, prudent devil opmeat eosruols ia this flood-prone area seed to be followed m as to allow appropriate eoast\ucuon. 3.1 structuZO Buildings an obvious barrier to flow. The City of GUM Floodplain management 0 na" that the lowest grade of all structures be at or above the 100 -year WSEI» It is recommended that TM's shown a the Future Conditions Map be used but rounded to the nearest one-half foot, and that 0114e foot of ' can s4PU dir n of Palls WellmSm Bumm Park Deign Gudeliaes >p }Oelid.lX A 1.s no l Ori(;ei in C_-,FieCL jJ ote that y of the fill for the pad above natural ground is counted as blockade, not just the sa'mclosad & J` ( 32 Landscape Since blockage ieany structure higher than natural ground, laadacape budt above natural ground would constitute blockage. as built parallel to the direction of flow wo Im blockage thaw those which are �, but care must to plan for sufflaeax discon (eg. driveways, etc.) In the berm to allow flow to escape from one side to other. In addition, is the `hydraulic shadow° of a building pose no incremental obstruction above \ to the builAiveorthemselves. 33 Fencing Wrought iron fences with bar spacings of inches the preferred durnativ�e where fences are to be used. Chain link fences are not recommended not a solid barrier to flaw, chain link fences tend to collect debris (e.g. grass, bushes, etc.) during high flow The debris is effect turns the chain link fence into a solid wall which tly block flow and raise the surface behind the fence until enough force is built up to cause to fad. Fences with break way bottoms a another option but roquire more planning and desipyorkto ensure a proper fit for the flood potential. If break fencing is used it is recom. mended that theA6ininx be at the same elevation as that of the first floor of the bum._ pop 23 HMH, Incorpolrat� � Cka 6p� • Pfaw� • sory.�o�s F In r f� i 1, - Jos NO.— Pw ISIT ( (,f4f'r. A i SHM NO. OF CALCIAATEO BY OATS CHECKM BY GATE i j ► ! ; ; A n�_ix' A i•s ho'. lbne�ezr �Jn Di e t ! _ . w ; j i is ' ' ' 1 i I � i � — — — • - -- - Ll 1 9L6 cxw. 5 1 1 1 !/1 i \L 11 7 - - -� - - - - -- -- —. - - : , ---- -- ---- r - -- 61.E ' COT no 1 40 +. ' toot too I I �- -: -:s •; ion goo ! i t I I I V A � r 1 i i + 1 1 o BerrY Flood BlOCIONG ZODO L*110011 6096 Blodcage Alowed GUROY FOOD.& 75% BbdmpAW ed Fm-r-rm I% m.Bbd'=e Redftftm . ......... ............. 17' W R;p"2141"N I J—w a n N mood 4w % em I -717-771111 - � , , 19A•M 2 (App. A-)--, GUROY FOOD.& Lands of comiqjr,t) J JIM, am* 11 IL If U Fi . ......... ............. 17' W R;p"2141"N I J—w a n N mood 4w % em I -717-771111 - � , , 19A•M 2 (App. A-)--, i• wellington Bumm Park Design Gaidclines Appendix B } PARKING LOT LAYOUT DIlViF. MONS FOR UNI43.JA .4 PARKING STALISa Cm fee-0 450 PARKING 85 120 24.4/212 17.25 15.00 13.0 48 46 43 9.0 127 24.4/212 17.25 15.00 12.0 47 45 42 9.5 13.4 24.4/212 1725 15.00 11.0 46 44 41 a. The required stall width: shall be increased by 05 foot if a stall is immediasely addacent m a wall on one or both sides. If there are walls on both sides of a stall, the increase shall still be 05 foot. b. Module widths rounded to whole foot. c. The forwwdrmost 20 ft of the stall may remain unpaved and landscaped (" 155 ft paved + 2.0 ft. unpaved - 175 ft stall length) PW 24 A (an disgr=4 B C D/D' E F G H I J PadtiogAngk ftd %R'W & SulLoWh : Depth StallDepth AideQPAh Modde. Modem Vahh Patalld mwall m BetWeen WaIIm wallet m %RUDes wall 90° PARSING 85 8.5 17.5/175 e 17.50 17.50 25.0 60 60 60 9.0 9.0 17.5/17.5 ° 17.50 17.50 24.0 59 59 59 95 95 17.5/17.5e 17.50 17.50 23.0 58 58 58 600 PARKING 8.5 9.8 25.4/233 185 17.00 18.0 55 54 52 9.0 10.4 25.4/233 185 17.00 16.0 53 52 50 95 11.0 25.4/233 18.5 17.00 15.0 52 51 49 450 PARKING 85 120 24.4/212 17.25 15.00 13.0 48 46 43 9.0 127 24.4/212 17.25 15.00 12.0 47 45 42 9.5 13.4 24.4/212 1725 15.00 11.0 46 44 41 a. The required stall width: shall be increased by 05 foot if a stall is immediasely addacent m a wall on one or both sides. If there are walls on both sides of a stall, the increase shall still be 05 foot. b. Module widths rounded to whole foot. c. The forwwdrmost 20 ft of the stall may remain unpaved and landscaped (" 155 ft paved + 2.0 ft. unpaved - 175 ft stall length) PW 24 7 TAngton Bmmm Park Deup C,n &hna Appendht C LIST OF RECOA04ENDED PLANTS FOR WELLINGTON BUSINESS PARK This is a partial list. Other plants not on this list may be acceptable. Main arterial (street -Ah Plataaus acerifoiia `Bloodgood' Secondary arterial (Camino Ar- royo) Celtis australis Connector Streets (Street "B', Silacci & Luchessa Ave.) Quartos ooccinea street groundcovers (for all Arctostaphylos `Emerald Carpet' Baccharis pilularis Coprosma pumila `Verde Vista' Cotoneaster dammeri Pittosporum tobim `wheeleri' Median islands Coprosma pumila `Verde Vista' Osteospermum Inha w Lambcgw Zmm PUE area Arctostaphylos `Emerald Carpet' Baccharis pilularis Coprosma pumila `Verde Vista' Cotoneaster dammeri Pittosporum tobim `Wheeleri' shade trees Frazinus angustifolia `Raywood' Olea `Majestic Beauty' Platams acerifolia Pyrus calleryaaa Quercus agrifolia Quercus lobate Sapium sebiferum Ulmus parvifolia screening shrubs Ceanothus (many species) Escallonia rubra Euony ms japonica Fremontodendron californica Myrtus communis Osmanthus &agmns Photinia fraseri `Indian Princess' Pittosporum tobim `variegata! IN--;cm) accent trees Albizia julib Eucalyptus sideroxylon Roses Gingko biloba rstxoemia Malus floribunda Pinus c�aarieasis Pistachia chinenris Prunus yedoensis Pyrus c alleryana A ccent plants Escallonia `Newport dwarf Euonymus fortnei Pitumporum tobim `Wheelee Punta Rhaphiolepis Sollya heterophylla Abelia grandiflora `Sherwoodii' AsparagussPB Calamagrostis `Overdam' Carte Cistus Coprosma kirkii Cotoneaster microphyllus Dietes Festuca ovina `glauca' Henmvcalis Lavandula (many species) Liriope Phormium Rhaphiolepis indica `Clara' 91n Ma Ajuga reptans Arccortaphylos `Emerald Carpet, Arctostaphylus uva -ursi Baccharis pilularis Euonpmus fortunei Scaevola Trachelogm= m jasminoides Verbena vines Clytostoma callistegioides Ficus pumila Parthenocissus tricuspidata Plumbago auriculata Solanum jasminoides Trachelosparnum jasminoides pW 25 ���x� Wdli%=B=nmPark Guideline Appendix D COORDINATED ENTRY STATEMENT AND SIGN PROGRAM (Illustrations follow) 7 lry r' I� i 4 C 4 9 Il L Enhanced planting Columns Entry sign with I Business Park Name 'r1 Median landscape as specffied In r Appendix I == �nr 0 0 0 0 �i�i� 202 0 m 0 0 Wellingt ®n Business Park Entry Statement (Plan) 1 '1 Detail Materials: Metal tubing trellis connects arc of cast stone columns. Colored, perforated metal wave tops trellis. Pedestrian gateway uses same materials. Business park name raised black letters on brushed aluminum face panel sits against col- ored, perforated metal backing. Wellington Business Park Entry Statement i i a i i i a a- ac 3' I_ Street Name (1 3" ht) (22"x32 2.2W square he6vy duty brushed all um post with flat ca seals, slots to accept face el 7 ht silver molded plastic dimensional letters 1/2" thick (Font TimesNew Roman) Silver vinyl reflective lettering (Font Times New Roman) with 1/2" wide vinyl band Silksc reened metal panel, bolt to face panel Face panel: two 1/8" thick aluminum sheets. Powdercoat painted color: blue-violet Wellington BuSii', Tenant Identity S I, SHAWNA FREELS, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 2014 -08 is an original ordinance, or true and correct copy of a City ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of June, 2014, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 17th day of June, 2014. Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)