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Ordinance 2014-13ORDINANCE NO. 2014-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING APPLICATION Z 13 -07 TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM EXPANSION DISTRICT TO EXPANSION (PUD) DISTRICT OF THE DOWNTOWN GILROY SPECIFIC PLAN ON A 6.8 -ACRE SITE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 10TH STREET AND ALEXANDER STREET, APN'S 841 -16 -061, 841 -16 -029, AND 841 -16 -004 WHEREAS, Jan Hochhauser, representing The Pacific Companies submitted application Z 13 -07, a Zoning Amendment, to approve a Planned Unit Development (PUD), to allow for exception from the City's development standards pursuant to the Density Bonus Ordinance of the City Code; and WHEREAS, The Pacific Companies has submitted Architectural and Site Permit request AS 13 -33, the site plan for which proposes the development of APNs 841 -16 -061, -029, and -004 with a 263 -unit apartment project with 2,700 sq. ft. of ground floor retail space and 2,500 of community space; and with parking, stormwater treatment, landscaping, and other associated improvements, which is also part of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy finds that the exceptions to the City's development standards proposed by the project as part of the Planned Unit Development Zoning application Z 13 -07 are warranted as provided by the Density Bonus Ordinance (Gilroy City Code Section 30.46.30) ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on August 7, 2014 at which time the Planning Commission considered the public testimony, the staff report dated August 7, 2014, and all other documentation related to application Z 13 -07, and recommended that the City Council approve Z 13 -07; and DUNG kO4706083 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -13 DUNG0104706083 WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on August 18, 2014 at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the staff report dated August 18, 2014 ( "Staff Report"), and all other documentation related to application Z 13 -07; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Gilroy has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the character, intent, and goals of the Downtown Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the project was evaluated pursuant to Section 15183.3 of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") Guidelines, Streamlining for ill Projects and based on that evaluation the project was determined to be exempt from fin-ther environmental review; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials that constitute the record of proceedings upon which this Project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL FINDS THAT: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with intent of the goals and policies of the City's General Plan, and with intent of the land use designation on the General Plan Land Use Map and Gilroy Downtown Specific Plan. 2. The Project will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to persons or property in the vicinity. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILORY DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I Zone Change application Z 13 -07, as described herein and attached as Exhibits A and B, and incorporated by this reference, is hereby approved. SECTION II If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise void or invalid by any court of competent DUNG 4812-547"573v2 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -13 DUNG0104706083 jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. Pursuant to section 608 of the Charter of the City of Gilroy, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days from and after the date of its adopted. SECTION III Pursuant to section 608 of the Charter of the City of Gilroy, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days from and after the date of its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of September, 2014 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, AULMAN, LEORE- MUNOZ, WOODWARD and GAGE COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: ATTEST: 24 n ,r `Shawfia Freels, City Cferk BRACCO,TUCKER NONE APPROVED: Donald Gage, Mayor DUNG \04706083 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -13 DUNGOt04706083 PROJECT DATA x�tltTauser Blatter APPLICANT: THE COMPANIES San Ysidro Courts Phase PROJECT ADDRESS: 200 E TENTH ST, GILROY, CA 95020 � Y Concept ZONE: ZONE DOWNTOWN EXPANSION DISTRICT COED) DOWNTOWN PARCELNUMBERS: APN 841. 160611841- 160291811 -160D4 OCCUPANCYTYPE: 0. R -3 AND ARCIUMC7-VRE Gilroy, California ORaNALLOTAREA, ORIGINAL LOT AREA: 300.569 SF (69 ACRES) � PROPOSED LOT AREA 295.836 SF (6.79 ACRES) NO, Of STORIES: 1 LEVEL •COMMERCIAL / PARKING /RESIDENTIAL 4 LEVELS - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING HEIGHT: 5 STORIES- 56'-8' In E. ARRELLAOA SANTA BARBARA _ 118 UNIT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT PROJECT WA9xE0 USE COMMERCIAL FRONTAGE RESIDENTIAL AMENHRS AND CALIFORNIA 93101 905 952 2746 OPEN SPACE 220 ON GRADE PARKING SPACES ___ .y f - L� `. � -'•I ROORLEYR I- SEMOOMIAOT 2- UMOONU4T 3-BLLIq — 4 BEMOp10117 �2 I 8 11 2 - I LEWi3 1 11 13 2 y h R3 - _ U � } 1 0,4 1 11 13 2 LEVELS 1 11 13 i TOTAL 5 4 59 9 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS: 118 DENSITY CALCULATIONS: ZONE REQUIRES: 20 UNITSIACRE MIN. PROJECT 6: 38.4 UNTTSIACRE MAX FAR 2.5 C Tn VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX 8hM RNn T . PROJECT FAR: <tA A9.I Con18hw AIA Sb M. PARKING ANALYSE: _ A2.I FM Hw1 fin - - - - r� = PROJECT SITE 200 E. TENTH ST. GIMY, CA, 95081 A22 S,cend Fb , Pon MA ., h P . A25 FB6 Fbn Ph. '� Ra4PYF A3.I EnM O9.uoro ASx 3dVb- L -I UWM Pbn ON-GRADE PARKING LOTIDRNEWAY AREA: 58.203 SF COMMERCIAL a 4n.000SFT ROODSFT7 = e RESIDENTIAL 1-SR UNITS 0 IAJW(5) = 5 RESIDENTIAL 2-BR UNITS.1.SNNTT H5) 68 RESIDENTIAL 3 -8R UNITS 0I'mJ T(59) 89 RESIDENTIAL 4ER UNITSW15NNITT91 TOTAL - 1114 PROVIDED = 220 lmum 66"'• x ON-GRADE PARKING STALLS: 173 TUCK -UNDER PARKING STALLS: 47 W. .., . PARKING MODIFICATION REQUESTED AS DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE PER CAGOV.CODE 65915 . AND CITY OF GaROY HOUSING ELEMENT - - PROJECT DIRECTORY GROSS BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE PROJECT OWNER ARCHITECT THE PACIFIC COMPANIES JAN R HOCHHAUSER AIA CHINS PATTON 430 E. STATE STREET, SUITE 100 HOCHHAUSER SLAITER RUGGRIJENSEN -AZAR EAGLE, O, 9361fi ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 8DSS CAMINO ARROYO 3 d I I t f f C �' 8 a a W F 1STFLOOR 1.1.64 4.035 1713 zzaw 6m to 6m 1.w JAN 34M 176425 18.7% CONS I'lla F5'PAN 122 E ARRELLAGA STREET GILROY. CA 95020 CA E8 M70PE SANTA BARBARA CA, 93101 T. 408.809.03°0 MFLOOR a.n4 764 26070 7ID41 In z43K $47 33AS9 T: 208.461.0022 T: 90596217469102 F: 4089011.0302 F: 805.962.4914 3RDFLOOR 295Q 957 )6499 6121 ,n 286Y 547 37.156 BICYCLE PARKING: PROVIDED IN DESIGNATED STORAGE AREAS. CAPACITY FOR STORAGE OF 118 BICYCLES HARES. UNIT 4TH FLOOR 2A5, ,p14 x1405 wn In 2x6' 547 )725 SCOPE OF WORK 5THFLOOR 29.5, 610 WWI Lon in Zo62' 647 36.034 118 UNITS OF PLANNED 263 UNIT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT PROJECT WA91(ED USE TOTAL 18.14 Tm 21,3 ,5436 31,54 655 625 125W 4.622 ,76658 172.473 ,6796 COMMERCIAL FRONTAGE RESIDENTIAL AMENITIES AND OPEN SPACE 220 OF PLANNED 463 ON GRADE PARKING SPACES AO.1 g S H , g t MQ tA -� xg! AW 4 nmyl Way 3D� (Intl lawn El ,+, :Fig sym, w m w a 5 , � San Ysidro Courts �> _ Hochbauser Blatter ■ ARCHUECTIJ" AND PLANNING 122 E ARRELLAGA SANTA BARBARA CALWORNIA93101 ,6 77 805 962 274 " gm RM V) =3 0 j All 71 77 cu it 12'IDN Oil ki T A2.2 Hoc dowser Matter ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING 122 E ARRELLAGA �R SANTA BARARA 8059622746 9 1 r k q� Ia r�1 C) gyp. rEM� (n n xa fir 06 MW 1 e � !!1r` �'• F C�+N�' .Pr(> � '� � �. s � � '� @ k :t NF' � � u ids � $&i '"5r. 'y'"'" 4 • F{3$, A2.3 leve1311'r-1w 1 Hoclilrmm Blatter ARCHITECTURE AND PI.ANNINO 123 E. ARRELLAOA SANTA BARBARA CALIFORNIA93101 9059622746 � Vim �q�� ,.t E i _ a:J>!:�&?e.yyA✓.!m fY- i:i�.l3ii1F i� �'� ,dP'..�'AS...: _ _ ) " > i��•' to ak Y" '� �F � � �� � '� 5 k � � ��� 3�, � ���� � •�uvm w+m >.:aoR 1 ��y,R Idr A2.4 LBV� 41H6.1'o` � Hodhhauser Blatter AItCFRTEC7VRH ANO PLANNING 1 f 122 E. ARAEI.I.AOA SANTA CAL6O N 93 01 805 962 2746 � •x .T �- %8 -�T.S IV Vi 3a. �� .. u. � i A�'Y "Y �`Y.7 nt •rep,.'�``C@` T .� ..e/V f"����,;�"Y '2 .�y'�N°r�h �i v+..W�d` �M� �w��i n4�'',rm -fi]M coma at o F 2 ®R w v k y� Iwo, A2.5 Level 5 Mr - Hodil�auser Butter ARC MECrURE Arm PLANNRYO 122 E. ARRELLAOA SANTA BARBARA CALWORNIA 93101 905 962 2746 N Ulf, I m YmU F'lAtl, I 9�fl'tUxtq S MFCt A2.6 N® ROOF uIS•ra 1 i TUTT V It FN L _ a PRELIMINARY PLANT SCHEDULE F� -n SrYMpNeW /YNNw Rex —l. Ictie —T- �7AF£ WLW c�ian.r Fmp rm . c /bb Mnrmr�Y' FYw D-a , abl o.n cl+bb �iwior lFwrF.p.e�x T--, m - Tirrmur Fb'rr aF.v lbuitliwb /OSr PYba� Mwmwbeanl Tea loon vbaun'/pupw�n' / t�.1m�i- $MUnI �N�G.4/ IINMn b/S�n �useMewm.e.'�xwa�m HaeeDtnoo �n rtrw r � oM car �rdamta T PEUwpir4llam�m�T Sn+rbeMWaa O�4Tl N�ti l6e�m ❑ F�W�uuWr -a� WaawYlDraCml a�vm TW eaN1°a.�`1n�a�wa.e M sss sr DAVID R. BLACK & ASSOCIATES Hochhauser Blatter ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING 122 E. ARRELLAGA SANTA BARBARA CALIFORNIA 91101 805 962 2746 Fn O U H C o O � Z Q N I� Srm- � .0 PRELIMINARY UND6CAPE DEVELOPMENT PUW PHASE 7 F101rt w FPa L -1 wwslRm Q rzn aevmou h�amm4Ne�I�Jp h�Yevn Txmvn�MbTiIIYdT �NI�I6vaTwpe �� *µvCdn',IP�ea�ti �Tta�.M -mnGmb tee' Iw s.w uw>areF.. .�'e�ewr',eom iYCxnYanbm'NUM' ItYwlaaaN FY. FMniun , 2wMe ev w-' euao' Nw 9�WV,WV.�sp. 'IprlvNw wwem.6nraue 6W� pnppl'FumruMtl I Pnm a FN4M� 1k16rn Mbgy1� /w+allcµnaaw�8 FWpavemW IMSa pfrp Mwmwbeanl Tea loon vbaun'/pupw�n' / t�.1m�i- $MUnI �N�G.4/ IINMn b/S�n �useMewm.e.'�xwa�m HaeeDtnoo �n rtrw r � oM car �rdamta T PEUwpir4llam�m�T Sn+rbeMWaa O�4Tl N�ti l6e�m ❑ F�W�uuWr -a� WaawYlDraCml a�vm TW eaN1°a.�`1n�a�wa.e M sss sr DAVID R. BLACK & ASSOCIATES Hochhauser Blatter ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING 122 E. ARRELLAGA SANTA BARBARA CALIFORNIA 91101 805 962 2746 Fn O U H C o O � Z Q N I� Srm- � .0 PRELIMINARY UND6CAPE DEVELOPMENT PUW PHASE 7 F101rt w FPa L -1 wwslRm Q rzn aevmou Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13-07 I ltxhhatrser Edlauer i � ARCI11'IFtTURL AND M.AN NIN<: 5�,yi 1.91 SANI A RARRARA - (` _ ;•. � ��'�•��,/ v.a fia uftLLfl - -- E.IVWOM Site Section 2 1 , -. J -g o 0 - - - - 51� - 1 - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ - - _ L r.13 k 21' .P fl — - - - ; Ea8WVe51 Site Sectionl '.0 -- } ;. ' W M M — 7 111 GVv — vP _ NontVSouth Site Section 1-w -0' 1 A1.1 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13-07 IE n n iLd Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 HocM=w Blau" ■ AND PLAb"NG SAWA BARBA" CALOMMLA W IYI 805 962 1744 V p0 IYNY� OkY.AIII YN2Y � m twin w A2.6 - .._._. RaofPlensw -ra 1 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 Z 13 -07 Hoc hha user 8la fter nlcclvre� -rime "RE 1.1 Al 1 , a.,lulna,\ = PALIFt �13Y1:\ !N Py 0 U O coo cn _ tF-, y� w.— �h ":i75i �i^•r�• " J k _ _ eye � rs y z � .v, wmu North Elevation - Center Drive Aisle ve. • ra 2 u� __ _ 1 (1 • �. — a+' -ti's A3.2 South Elevation - Center Drive Aisle ae. - ra 9 Z 13 -07 a , Sslr 't 1 g, a S I 1 � l lid All 1 Cr . L, FFilSdy� i, , ff; f :? - %, ' i s �k �ktt: .i. �• ; I i_ � i� � sIt Yi � � � n �; hi aFE -s � X � �� a xy a � li4: I 1 R I t i v t Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 FEZ ■r'i''.ai 'iii YY yea ""IC�►1� agog �Ra -! I-� r r 1! � � 31 '� i N �. azo l �I ij1 �j ��� 1f3._ —'y l v �.1 I] He NJ Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 wa t. B tthh Y9K _ .♦�;'.��'..,.`�','�'�'•� - ,. .i• m _ :•.: ,a�i.t:. °:i �l �•f:• ;:.. ARC7[[T[GTDRH AND PLANNING SA B.A13ARH AIA 'CALIFGANIA 9)101 8913 X3 2746 — t a � NO 8F ao m aRl:aw`4 SF _ e TypkW 44odmom Unft Typkal 2- Bedroom unk 2 wtv m - r r .fit: ��it +'.7:' " "} <;•.! m F1 a i 6893F 1,130 SF m mw •o: b+eew No w rr •m.m s wrtawuvn. [[RIAIRMIMIMI3 INI0 0 A5.1 _ Twftd 3.8edroan UnO .,.v 3 - ' Typleal7•Badlaan Ullp 7 a RUOm umt •atus Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 F cxhllaiLSer I3latter S r � � � a 3 1•_ -�1 � � ^ � } �- r l r of i 1 v -o- . {ItCliffFCrliRF .1Nti 1'1_AnNI NCB SAhIABARBAKA AKA N.IF. Htlfit ­111 0/fl b Elevabon 2 - a 1,6— 2 u _ lJ (J �U ' lU aiaa�ae �,.. I-- aECaEnnon Ed A5.2 ENLARGED PLAN-COMMERCIAL SPACE- BIKE SHOP LAYOUT f+e • ra 1 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 BUM KEY NOTES 01 "T1ANbCfkCNTMMVWM1FD lidk�'Irl SWI-1 112 L .11.1 IA All, — - — - — - — - — -- - '—U-19 STM CMFCI —11Ffl Y,M__ SAN FAU,IRHAFt,i I Al 11, VNIA "WIVEDWIM04—K .115 !1112 27.11, —II..T. W11 104 1 "iI V Mu. 311 09 - li —Ali —1-1411611-11 lwk-- -3 LA, 2 C13 Elevation Dated 2 — - —4 Sec:ljon Del Elevation Detail Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13-07 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 -1 PARAPET WALL LOW POINT , - 1 o 19 1 PARAPET WALL HIGH POINT -, n 18 1 EAVE@GUTTER -- 1 4 1 PARAPET DETAIL 3 ,,, -, .v PARAPET DETAIL 2 PARAPET DETAIL i Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13-07 STOREFRONT AND OVERHANG DETAIL MONUMENTAL RAY lloclIK-luser Alnuer ■ ARCI ff I L— UKE, AND PI. AN NI NO AUA S KTAHARDAIU In C (df, C) Q�u � EC= A9.3 TYP. WINDOW W - H=aute Blotter -- -- .i i ® 1 i AND FL:^? QM ,.,991, 9I. 9W,aM o.,wme�+a.ioa Ib 6 ARYMJ AAA SAM^ BARBARA CAIABTWMA93I01 809 l+62 3746 RAIUNO TYPE 4- ELEVAMN w -„o a RAIUNO TYPE 4- SECnoN 9r•,•4' e !, y�At RAWNO TYPE 3- ELEVATION vr. 9 RAIUNOTYPE3- SECTION vr• +!o' S SP F1.5Y 510 $,IV) 9rw RAILING TYPE 2 - ELEVATM vr. na 4 , RAIUNO TYPE 2 - SECTION ,R • ro 3 MIS i oil �y ooa IYYf ip�i I11Ai A9.4 RAILMO TYPE t o ELEVATION K -,w 2 RAIUNO TYPE I - SECTION W -V41 1 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 wre � I I d r�«� -naw ni 77i � J 144 O l• P � ��y P O P C) C) F 0F0 tr i I F sou WFt PAgFlC P l' P l F l P I d d P P F ■ e J, -=n -- d SAU N IM. V- 4W Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 i ff 1 -74 avaevaveaa 1 vsaava - EXISTING ALEXANDER STREET 3ECTION A•A e»rmSU� PROPOSED ALEXANDER' STREET SECTION A -A M)r MA AIA 0 e - - eeee=eaea a aeeea as :g sevsaaaav eaavrvv PROPOSED ALEXANDER' STREET SECTION A -A M)r MA AIA EXISTING ALEXANDER STREET SECTION 8 -8 WrmSCUt - - eeee=eaea a aeeea as :g EXISTING ALEXANDER STREET SECTION 8 -8 WrmSCUt PROPOSED ALEXANDER-STREET SECnON 8-R NUT wSr" t aeevaaaysvav vasvavvsevaveevv� EX1STTNO I(FM STREET SECTION C-C vorMMULS I avae - v weeseaee_vvaaaa wve Y - va vas' avN asap a PROPOSED ALEXANDER-STREET SECnON 8-R NUT wSr" t aeevaaaysvav vasvavvsevaveevv� EX1STTNO I(FM STREET SECTION C-C vorMMULS I avae - v weeseaee_vvaaaa wve PROPOSED IOTN STREET SEC71ON QC AW PUSAU Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 a Z8 0U &O y i' h C.2 M= ®� �ceo�� �can� m 1� U13 "i IM Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13-07 Elm wwr BlaVer 0 ARCM EY URV AND PLANNING I221: ARW- —'A SA FA UNKHARA I 7 Mc "r 14 F] i, 64 A gg 2 UMIr cu MiR q; nw��s'., 1M. Ohl g, b 3ru?o _. V A2.1 First Floor P1 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13-07 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 I IochlwFUCr Hlallcr Ancuntc-runr: AND PLANNING • d Ill E AnNJI All. SANTA DAKVA i'AI.Ir11nN1A MIHS 'lv:= 27 -1. /. MIF C T'-' ''�M_.: �.t"...�r- '� -x.�, . �?'M'i.,� ..'�c7 ='i.:fi4:31r'�y2ii1.'.�?' i,`.�•fx -_ I�..�g1Ji?a',. #.� ._ . -��i' 'S y.`A .�' o - r4'eF{: - yL= G'l�Hk7..wi 3.s+k .._ ?�k- P�..�°'cri:. u� ` E,d�Xrlti'l:Y �.5- 3.dzue..,:��.rn v+` �� .� - - +�"" .a ^`tea' -•-` <: f"'`�%r u�'� =3� ;,;. s C c'ts• _max ^ ^_I " ? ,,;;_`tt33**�,� AF - gyp' ..,: c , -,- -i {Y;' '- �' 1� y e1' F U3 A 1. t B5 RIM ' "° +��'w�, �H � °" f. ��� i�F�li x� �c fb. �R•st o., ` - � - � � `'� fF : � _ �__y',�g•a�",`" � I (y� t 1 � � F � �'�T' y �i gip ,� y ' Yin': iY• �fi-+' �t>> �-_= �i!.:& �$ �s4R�w 'i�3.A"1itYE��FFa��"ki4 -H� 5c'�_f"a: agk�'5+...�5�'�1`:�. i.5.w?RS '.:',�`. K -. y�,...�?'. -� #3��- Y&s�ns'1�' � i RTV'�� '�"i�"' C uHl A2.2 � Second Floor Plan lu• • ra 1 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 i � ��� � m m 1:��`di'� d � r � �'3i a � � � � �.,_• t� [S�+d � ` L. k � �, 3tC AND PLANNINU 122 V C � �1 ® �a Mal s � � 2 MMM, J Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 Item IX.C. - Ordinance Approving Z 13 -07 I, SHAWNA FREELS, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 2014 -13 is an original ordinance, or true and correct copy of a City ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 22nd day of September, 2014, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 23d day of September, 2014. Shawna Freels, MMC City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)