Peter Leroe-Munoz - Form 460 - 2014/07/01 - 2014/09/30Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Government Code Sections 84200 - 84216.5) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type or print in ink. Statement covers period Date of election if applicable: (Month, Day, Year) from SwTr 2 0 1 4 through SmLei, "Wrr 14 e.rq 1. Type of Recipient Committee: All Committees - Complete Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. [Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee ❑ Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Q State Candidate Election Committee Committee Q Recall Q Controlled (Also Complete Part 5) Q Sponsored (Also Complete Part 6) ❑ General Purpose Committee Q Sponsored ❑ Primarily Formed Candidate/ Q Small Contributor Committee Officeholder Committee Q Political Party /Central Committee (Also Complete Part 7) 3. Committee Information I I.D. NUMBER t3 ;1 COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) `Pater 6evoe.- MoAOZ iO( Ci �pVAul 20 t'{ STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) '61-1"101 iiiL r A .7101 CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE C�;l(au ek 96ozo 64 a)if2T -44y'► MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) NO. AND STREET OR P.O. BOX CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE OPTIONAL: FAX / E -MAIL ADDRESS 4. Verification Date Stamp oc� 2o1a Gib CLERKS QP�tCC Rim, Ga A1,_ae..tiw6a .c _ 2&i` I 2. Type .,. of Statement: Preelection Statement ❑ Semi - annual Statement ❑ Termination Statement (Also file a Form 410 Termination) ❑ Amendment (Explain below) COVER PAGE Page 1 of For Official Use Only ❑ Quarterly Statement ❑ Special Odd -Year Report ❑ Supplemental Preelection Statement - Attach Form 495 Treasurer(s) NAME OF TREASURER Matt'- I_C� - munti oZ MAILING ADDRESS _ &Zoo kaCA A.T.. CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE G" GA 95oZo CfVAJ 4 21 -x 77 NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY MAILING ADDRESS CITY OPTIONAL: FAX / E -MAIL ADDRESS STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing Executed on 2A1�J Date Executed on 0r1otec< 6 Zof:{ Date Executed on Date Executed on By Date Signature of Controlling Officeholder, Candidate, State Measure Proponent FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) State of California Recipient Committee Type or print in Ink. COVER'PAGE -PART 2 CALIF Campaign Statement O O A 460,1 Cover Page — Part 2 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE ?C4-ce- kitroc — M uaoZ OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) R e- ru►ixC I C ► i(Q4 i� �rtat Goy e:l RESIDENTIALBUSINESS ADDRESS (NO. ANO STREET) CITY STATE ZIP �ZoO �- A AYG . Z -101 C.:IGdN GA 9'SbU Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: Ust any committees not included In this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed to receive contributions or make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? ❑ YES ❑ NO STREETADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? ❑ YES ❑ NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODEIPHONE Page Z of I -L 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER I JURISDICTION I E] SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR PROPONENT OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7. Primarily Formed Candidate /Officeholder Committee Ust:names of officeholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this committee is primarily formed. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR,HELD ❑ SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/276 -5772) State of California Campaign Disclosure Statement Type or print in ink. Summary Page Amounts may dollars rounded Statement covers period from July 1, 2014 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NAME OF FILER Contributions Received 1. Monetary Contributions ............ ............................... Schedule A, Line 3 2. Loans Received ....................... ............................... Schedule B, Line 3 3. SUBTOTALCASH CONTRIBUTIONS ......................... Add Lines 1 +2 4. Nonmonetary Contributions ..... ............................... Schedule C, Line 3 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ....• .. ....................AddLines3 +4 Expenditures Made 6. Payments Made ........................ ............................... Schedule E, Line 4 7. Loans Made .............................. ............................... Schedule H, Line 3 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS ..... ............................... Add Lines 6 + 7 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ............................... Schedule F Line 3 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment ........... ............................... schedule c, Line 3 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE ................................ Add Lines a +9 +10 Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Balance ....................... Previous Summary Page, Line 16 13. Cash Receipts .................... ............................... Column A, Line 3 above 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash ........................... Schedule 1, Line 4 15. Cash Payments ................... ............................... Column A, Line 8 above 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE .......... Add Lines 12 + 13 + 14, then subtract Line 15 If this is a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. Column A TOTALTHIS PERIOD (FROM ATTACHED SCHEDULES) $;c_.loo 6, 239.6 $ $ $ _ 31 385.05 b $ V v $ $ _ it, %gill $ 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ........................... Schedule B, Part 2 $ 0 Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents ......... ............................... See instructions on reverse $ 0 19. Outstanding Debts ......................... Add Line 2 + Line 9 in.Column B above $ 0 September 30, 2014 P _ 7- through P - age of Column B CALENDAR YEAR TOTALTO DATE $ s. G 6 0 C, 234. H $ ►1 S fig, It'd t� $ 34 3Y)S.o5 $ 1I 7F35. o5' , I: c.11� O $ _3�3i;'s6s To calculate Column B, add amounts in Column A to the corresponding amounts from Column B of your last report. Some amounts in Column A may be negative figures that should be subtracted from previous period amounts: If this is the first report being filed for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if any). I.D. NUMBER 1327985 Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 20. Contributions Received $ 21. Expenditures Made $ 1/1 through 6/30 711 to Date $ Expenditure Limit Summary for State Candidates 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made* (If Subject to Voluntary Expenditure Limit) Date of Election Total to Date (mm /dd /yy) I I $ I I $ *Amounts in this section may be different from amounts reported in Column B. FPPC Form460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule A Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may oe rounaea ry to whole dollars. Statement covers period CALIFORNIA � ' July 1, 2014 from e '! SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through September 30, 2014 page of / Z- NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Pcftr 9'c.-Oc, O 1327985 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE * IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE OF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC: 31) (IF REQUIRED) Jonathan Lamberson EICOM D pIi/14� E.1't.tort 6� /��l6iAflt,. l ❑ OTH I $ Z SID `P Z 50 4% 2 60 S.�► 4 c.A `��Icbb ❑PTY ❑SCC Ft%#&d" R:CA4445 w C(. LV.10i�{ -C J cwla Le (-Oe. (603(o Swtir-Ave D EICOM ❑TH A�=N'neS 1G+7rc.J %�� A60 La - 0PTY I ❑ SCC ND � '. o/. 2oi� 1`�ef'er S, u�oZ AV,,-. EICOM ❑0TH A�� »e T , 46-0 `P a50 as0 6 016 L� 1 I c El PTY Reeel �At. O a 6 p scc .Sa►� d (�. �•ZO�� �ohK e��tlneola GJKD ❑coM ❑OTHge�tyi s�. Ate►+ Md ' nn -Vd6'd URTO (0011 M��arcq C+. ❑PTY t{y� t ❑ scc EgAD dJ. l g �! (� i Av1iC 1'Y �ua ❑COM ❑OTH ► zoo 58L stt a l c'. ❑ PTY -2Z p I ❑scc SUBTOTAL$ Schedule A Summary 1. Amount received this period — itemized monetary contributions. (Include all'Schedule A subtotals.) ............................................... ............................... $ 6'r0(00 2. Amount received this period — unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 ............................. $ 0 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column.A, Line 1.) ....... ............. TOTAL $ 5,60 *Contributor Codes IND- Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH —Other (e:g., business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print In Ink. SCHEDULE (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period • - from July 1, 2014 - • through September 30, 2014 Page of�■� NAME OF FILER I:D. NUMBER ro C. - mu 44-L 1327985 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (EETA COMMITTEE, RALSANDZI .D.N DE O CONTRIBUTOR CODE * IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF SELF - EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OFBUSINESS) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) D _ y T yirc-n D1,41 EICOM ❑ OTH -5- $ Ave. , ❑ PTY Glen �o.+tq Corte Cam' o ❑SCC �lri SYKD ❑ COM Ovr►ef C F0 - - - - l 1. Z (. ZOH I�t $c. G:gior►a L f(p00 /'KGB ;iz► met'. ❑ OTH El PTY G& gC 1G Aa. bC4 d � Z7 0 C� ' r CA ❑ SCC SIt g W N Hew c.v1 ND ❑COM K%v^ :K � � VjrGL{Ort pPPTY Cr-'W4-%t C S ❑SCC V f hch-1,C Lcw+ �t. ❑COM lyo ���`� qd,�� ► f�.�.2oi�{ 2Z Gbar,cr� El PTY S.tw F /�.,GiJiw GA ''tt13 ❑SCC Ctt- kAS_kWgL �, f •(• ZoI�( �ir►cr �..oPc Z D ❑COM ❑ OTH ICOWMACe. O (v 3 Div 131 q ck%trni Ct'. ❑ PTY 11`44 b �• 011" Trytl . 6i ltn C A S U 2 O ❑SCC - -- - T Fia4s i9 S4eW C-G.% SUBTOTAL $ vD c a 1.' *Contributor Codes IND- Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or printin ink. SCHEDULE A (CONTI) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may -be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period CALIFORNIA J 6 July 1 ' 2014 from ORM page of Z through September 30, 2014 NAME OF FILER Be*cr ' I.D.NUMBER 1327985 / cnor u wog DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF EET COMMITTEE, A RS ALSO AND ZIPD.N DE O CONTRIBUTOR CODE * IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF SELF - EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) HiGlA4C) Mcl7er„�,t�- ❑COM Nawlsero W15-Mo *.-4.y,4 a( ❑❑ °TM G:wc,a►bNe, �� ww� � 25'0 $ ZSc� 42-S-0 G'i GA ❑SCC AwwJq,wA CA*. 4.LG [fIND B•) % Z�Y�% Pau 1w, AZ c1crato* 6 Y/S t'yoYr d ❑ COM OT ❑Fi ❑ PTY 'rr. Ae. ZS° F Zso !P Zsd c ❑ SCC 'T4*c4 eicobar D Z`�• �T M 9 rl k'i7µ /etn sp I Claw, jcviw t ='I� �eti��l p[tV 1 d ❑COM ❑OTH �- �•_ J t ❑PTY lrlov A -+%I w d : C-4 . C ✓1 9 Alf a yo ❑ SCC erif eC fo &CC-e PGKy wloOp"Nrclf fu C"'J49.i / ZW C ❑IND Qt oM - u 7' �•��� '7210 t4 ta. IZi die_, Fptt�c. [E] OTH :],PTY � 2.5">- 7 >- Coitc TS Zv El �.3. ZOI`'r vyc� JJ�r: •Scwtw +�tti Ass". -.fC4 ❑IND WTH t3o5� G+I�aJwe t� -F too 1 oa /4rroy o El PTY ❑ SCC SUBTOTAL$ 'Contributor Codes IND— Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC —Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpiine: 866 1ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print InInk. SCHEDULE (CONT) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. July 1 2014 from ' • ® 'o ' page of through September 30, 2014 NAME OF FILER ?e-+c ,r {mac rue- — N( 0407, I.D. NUMBER 1327985 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE (IFSELF- EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) k Lt'i 5 ND ❑COMA �. I3. ZON flu. %So F 44o ❑OTH PTY I�.u� +� t�k�rw:.. # zcla �► ��d 4+ LSlo �.arSoo� �s++.tc. , c/ti �Soy� ❑ ❑ SCC �gcct� t�tv ( ND ❑COM H rnc/ 7 7 Z r ❑OTH 2 Z5- 2ZS T.Z� C Jp-r -6401 cA `i$ojy ❑ PTY ❑s C ���t I�grrJ Group 7• V. Za4 ataZ.a}4 .Sri "64g t e7o s-cfkrcal A&. /a1 D EICOM �.I:+itw'irtq �p�� c� `t �v 2S� St. El PTY Ass+. Ma►.9a� 51 ❑SCC kavt T+_A.+ss 7 3t 2a,4 cS{t t(• �PiCri ND ❑ COM . 1 ?.35 �'1� J1d1 ❑ PTY �. AZt7� +��6• �i � Alovw O' S ❑SCC FfIND 7.3(aiq k T'N& $ 25-0 Cif p H � ❑ SCC 44 0. SUBTOTALS *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Politica[ Party SCC —Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period I CALIFORNIA 0 Jul 1 2014 from Y ' FORM Cite k4poe - V Z September 30 2014 through Page $ ofJ Z NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER 1327985 BATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF EET COMMITTEE, A RALSAND ZIP I.D. NUMBER) DE O CONTRIBUTOR CODE * IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE (IF SELF - EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) 3'4 u44 4c,- EICOM N Art c.s -Iiva� .dc,rp O `P �a 5d ❑ OTH ❑❑PTY Scc�to, 3. o 150% 111 CA q� �o 3 - . _ M4-# kPZI .eAGr ND ❑COM T6�.i+Aiwl v�C �C $. �l . La�4 �t A�v�atd� Ro•rd o PTY °O�9 Sc� '&C t GA 1 oS ❑ SCC M ot(I KOWrAi t) Gr RIG ❑COM �fsai t 2S 2� 2.� 8. �, ,� l Z t5 i_0tVQarlou►WbC. p PrY 5.�.'�oseA, �wi�.►( C -,C�co ��t `15010 ❑ SCC I4seou�a SC.a{i �r►N �{olr►- IND ❑COM ❑OTH Pry ^4P41 Aft-v6`r icut{a:wt I Z25' 3. oil %I . Z — %6 is ,� art . , Apt. 15 ❑ PTY -1¢s s l ❑ SCC Ar 4i r $. Zd• LON�`tliq a� �►'ck►ytSo� IND ❑COM F� n4 „c:ci ( /q'dv�•�crr / � ZSZ ( Jqw WJGS&� APi-. Z ❑OTH �qlc Sc.� �v r / C7 '� / O S�.r.Fr.►wc:icv, cA 91109 ❑ PTY ❑SCC SUBTOTAL$ _S,ra60 (au i� ` 5 'Contributor Codes IND- Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC -Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 1ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in Ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period towholedollars. July 1 2014 ' from �c- �o � - uH O2 through September 30, 2014 Page of L NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF COMMITTEE, CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED , . . CODE QFSELF- EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) I i Moiky lJGVi� D ❑COM Qrcf:dt.+►4, T • Z `�. 2 1 3C p PTY ric aovi,l C'w+ I r� Z Sc� p S,% w% �avoc, i"$ CA 94 22 [-]SCC SP«tc /iSfs SOOZ�h M -% isi . S SA. [FIND ❑COM �:ur M"'Tra . Z 2.2�1�! �zTBo IGf1+q� Ct. OTH ❑❑Pn erA -USA � ZSo 3; 2Sb � ZSo ❑ SCC V{r.%k 'OAi O1 '% ❑COM G0-U -30v l .11 . iLOl�l 33i0 Ri,aooei Dr. �����JJJJJJ ❑OTH ❑PTY µ e cavTucc. CAI iot C: 41 Z 10,12, ❑SCC CA LtA fjc.a CaAw_CU"&% Jattx- ❑IND [COM 17. tolq 3S0 tz Orwl�. ?w2A S40.11 ❑ OTH 100 ► p p t �/ ❑ PTY pqu�d cl� 4y b (2. ❑SCC r IPD _. r. ti. totq Avc• OTH S.�c%A 5w�, cA 'fSt Z6 PTY El PTY SUBTOTAL$ �`bo 64 *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 1ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) SCHEDULE B - PART 1 Schedule B — Part 1 ' "'° "' '" " "' "' " "" Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period Loans Received to whole dollars. July 1, 2014 CALIFORNIA 460 from FORM SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through September 30, 201 Page 10 Of I NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER 1327985 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND 21P CODE IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER ° OUTSTANDING BALANCE (b) AMOUNT (o) AMOUNT PAID ) OUTSNDING TA BALANCEAT (e) INTEREST f ORIGINAL (g) CUMULATIVE OF LENDER ( IFC .OMMITTEE,ALSOENTERI.D.NUMBER) (IF SELF - EMPLOYED, ENTER BEGINNING THIS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD OR FORGIVEN CLOSE OF THIS PAID THIS PERIOD AMOUNTOF CONTRIBUTIONS TO NAMEOFBUSINESS)_ PERIOD THIS PERIOD* PERIOD LOAN DATE ❑PAID CALENDAR YEAR E 0 E O % s. 1a,23`�. I� E Loo ktcrrl p�c • �n •aN1CL�1 RATE 1 E] FORGIVEN PER ELECTION** Cott it o'l ► CA 'ASoz o 0411IC CO-, TA16. E E j ?1*.14 WA E ms— E tR(IND El COM El OTH El PTY ❑ SCC DATE NCURRREED� DATE DUE ❑ PAID CALENDAR YEAR ❑ FORGIVEN PERELECTION'" RATE E E E E E DATE DUE t❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC DATE INCURRED ❑ PAID CALENDAR YEAR ❑ FORGIVEN PER ELECTION** RATE t❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC DATE DUE DATE INCURRED SUBTOTALS $ $ $ $ Schedule B Summary 1. Loans received this period ..... ............................... 2 39 ............................................. ............................... .... $ G. (Total Column (b) plus unitemized loans of less than $100.) 2. Loans paid or forgiven this period .......................................................................... ............................... $ C� (Total Column (c) plus loans under $1.00 paid or forgiven.) (Include loans paid by a third party that are also itemized on Schedule A.) (Enter (e) on Sdredule E. Line 3) 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.) ............................................................... NET $ - (O i s 39 * t K Enter the net here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 2. (May be a negative numbed *Amounts forgiven or paid by another party also must be reported on Schedule A. ** If required. tContributor Codes IND—Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 1ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) 1 1 Schedule E Payments Made Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from July 1, 2014 SCHEDULE E SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through September 30, 201 Page M of ! _% NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER 1327985 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphemalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)" OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t:v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (Internet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNTPAID Eiri! i�etMa�Lt 14 As Ca�pr►�t Cows 1+14 0MI14 al%agsryc*i � it0oo .00 Sww�atc , cq �rj1'10 U V H%W0 t �3wtd�lr yy� S.141:1 St. V56 Q ltsA stta c.A 9��5 Fad Ex rkr&C w•�ter:, TOW-111C 'D.tws. Tx $+. 4 51 1Is 11; S Amt Rd - �7 SZyO " Payments that are contributions or Independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ Schedule E Summary 1. Itemized payments made this period. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) ............................................................................... ............................... $ _ 31 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under $100 ........................................................................................................... ............................... $ V 3. Total interest paid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part 1, Column (e).) .......... :.................................................................... $ O 4. Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 6.) ............................. TOTAL $ °S FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 1ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule E SCHEDULE E (CONT) Type or print in ink. Statement covers period (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded • . ' Payments Made towholedollars. from July 1, 2014 •' - ® 1 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through September 30, 201 Paged Of tZ NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER 1327985 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, CWP campaign paraphemalia/misc. MBR CNS campaign consultants MITG CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)' OFC CVC civic donations PET FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PHO FND fundraising events POL IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)" POs LEG legal defense PRO LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT you may enter the code. Otherwise, member communications RAD meetings and appearances RFD office expenses SAL petition circulating TEL phone banks TRC polling and survey research TRS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF professional services (legal, accounting) VOT print ads WEB describe the payment. radio airtime and production costs returned contributions campaign workers' salaries t.v. or cable airtime and production costs candidate travel, lodging, and meals staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals transfer between committees of the same candidatelsponsor voter registration information technology costs (intemet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID C.� &.tmj 13 , W- Qft44aSt. FZL ?--Alloi SeMt&VACAJC 950.00 C�i1ta{ � �A R5a10 G%% r-A 50L0 iP O• go x 5gS7� Q0 L- Lis+ o� c aftmc1 vo�cs ; � It 2 64 - 0 j of T bbSZ It- U�c.r 1ifi�! d�� •trt d icy ✓��.cs ' Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL $ 3 3 85 0 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772)