Gilroy Citizens Opposing Measure F - Form 410Statement of Organization Recipient Committee Statement Type ❑ Initial Not yet qualified ❑ or 10 /6/ 2014 Date qualified as committee 1. Committee Information NAME OF COMMITTEE Gilroy Citizens Opposing Measure F Type or print in ink ® Amendment List I.D. number: # 1372023 Date qualified as committee (If applicable) Date Stamp ❑ Termination — See Part 5 OCT 2014 List I.D. number: IM C^�LER�KS0 * li i C L `41l�i a y, CA Date of Termination STREETADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) Principal Officers MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY OPTIONAL: FAX/ E -MAIL ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE COUNTY OF DOMICILE COUNTY WHERE COMMITTEE IS ACTIVE IF DIFFERENT THAN COUNTY OF DOMICILE I Monterey Santa Clara Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION For Official Use Only 2. Treasurer and Other Principal Officers NAME OF TREASURER Harvey Blodgett STREET ADDRESS NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE NAME AND POSITION OF OTHER PRINCIPALOFFICER(S), IF APPLICABLE Eric Howard MAILING ADDRESS 3. Verification have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement and to the best of my CANDIDATE. OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT Executed on Executed on DATE DATE By SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT By SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT FPPC Form 410 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Statement of Organization Recipient Committee INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Page 2 COMMITTEE NAME I.D.,NUMBER Gilroy Citizens Opposing Measure F 11372023 ORGAN 4. Type of Committee Complete the applicable sections. • List the name of each controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent. If candidate or officeholder controlled, also list the elective office sought or held, and district number, if any, and the year of the election. • List the political party with which each officeholder or candidate is affiliated or check "non - partisan." • If this committee acts jointly with another controlled committee, list the name and identification number of the other controlled committee. ELECTIVE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD NAME OF CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER/STATE MEASURE PROPONENT .(INCLUDE DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) YEAR OF ELECTION PARTY • List the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located (controlled "candidate election" committees only) NAME OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION AREA CODE/PHONE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER Pinnacle Bank 408- 842 -8200 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 7597 Monterey Street Gilroy CA 95020 PrimarilrForniedConimittee Primarily formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election. List below: CANDIDATE(S)NAME OR MEASURE(S) FULL TITLE (INCLUDE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER) CANDIDATE(S) OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD OR MEASURES) JURISDICTION (INCLUDE DISTRICT NO., CITY OR COUNTY „AS APPLICABLE) CHECK ONE SUPPORT I OPPOSE Measure F Quality of Life Gilroy >< FPPC Form 410 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK- FIRM(8661275- 3772) Statement of Organization Recipient Committee Statement Type R] Initial n C3 Amendment Not yal quLali 0 ❑ Or List LD. number: fit 09 22 2014 Date qualified as committee Date qualificd as committee (p aoDlildtj NAM! OF C00Ri1TTEE Gilroy Citizens Opposing Measure F Date stamp CALIFORNIA r`T, 2p c FORM Termination — SeePart S O "� �S�k ro, Official vscow, E1st t 0_ number: GL Rol Gel v � SF Date of Termination STREET AAIFP.FSS (NO F-O. P01.1 Atr.ILTNG AOTTT.rS1(II OIFFEFCENT+ TAY. /f-M.AICACWESS COUSTVOFrKJ)A1DJJ JURISOKTION P'HEP.,CUAI. FEEiSACnVF Monterey Santa Clara N0.A1E OF TRFJLStIFFR Harvey Blodgett _ STREET ADORM [NO P.O BOO NAME OT OLWI TANTTRFASUFUt, It &UV STAEFT AADP.CSS (NO F:O.f!Oi7 CM sildf ?IF COM —�� ARIA CGD111Pli SE NAME OF PRtN❑ DAL Off iLERtSi Eric Howard Sl Rkkl AUDRFSS IN-9 P.O. RGY.( Atfuch additional informotion on aFTroprietelylobeled continuotion sheets. ..� :`i:.5'?•::���?``* f T���•��f"�'�^. -'_, I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing EAsUAFP.OR ASSKTANI i HEASUH.ER Executed on by 6�TF SIGNATURE OF CONTI-OUI GOFFiCt"011IFR,CAN010ATr, OR stATE MEASUF.t PROPONENT Executed Dr. by GAit slfiumu HE OT ropYAUt IIt+C. UFFICtHO1DF k, UNnIOATT, DR STATE PAtASU t:E PROPONENT Executed on DAIt by StG NATURE DE COWAIDUL11,113 OF FICEHO LMf. CANNIOATE, OR STATE td EASUP.0 PROI'Oa ENT FPPC Form 410 (Mc/Z(114 FPPC Advice: advice @fppc.ca.gov (866/275 -3772) www.fppc.ca.gvv o.• } } DEBRA, BowEN ; SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA I POLITICAL REFORM ljoo uth Street, Room 493ISacramento, CA90141W (916) 653- 6224!Fax (91,6) 653-50451W%- -sos.Ca_gov September 26, 2014 HARVEY BLODGETT GILROY CITIZENS OPPOSING MEASURE F, ID# 1372023 Dear Committee Treasurer. Thank you for filing your Reciierit Committee Statement of Organization (Form 410 ). Your'committee identification number is 1372023. This number should be used on all the campaign statements your committee files, Also, it is used as identification information to be given to all persons and committees to whom you make contributions. (Note: All section references pertain to the California Government Code.) Section 84101.5 requires all uaa li ied reciplent committees pay an annual fee of $50, payable to the Secretary of State. A committee that has not yet qualified when the initial Statement of Organization is filed is not required to pay the $50 annual fee at that time. Once the committee has Qualified, an amending Form 410 must be filed within 10 days to provide our. office with the committee's date of qualification (the date by which the committee raised or spent $1,000). The $50 annual fee is then due and must be paid no later than 15 days after filing the amending Form 410 providing the committee's date of qualification. To ensure that this payment is made timely, the amending Form 410 and the payment fee can be submitted together. • If your committee had already qualified at the time the initial Form 410 was filed, the annual fee is due and payable within 15 days of the Form 410's submission. • Qualified committees that form during the last three months of a calendar Year must pay the $50 fee within 15 days of filing a Form 410, but are not subject to the fee in the following year. • The $50 fee is an annual fee, which means that a qualified committee must pay the fee each year it retains an active status. (Even if the committee has' no activity, k retains active status until it is officially terminated.) Once a committee pays the initial fee described above, the committee must continue to pay the annual $50 fee due each year by January 15th for as long as the committee continues to exist. • Any committee that does not aav the fee on time is subject to a penalty of $150, If and when your committee ceases to have any activity, ft may be terminated by filing a Form 410 and providing an effective date of termination (see below). Once a committee is terminated, no future annual fees will be assessed. '72� Statement of Organization STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION Recipient Committee Type or print in ink Date Stamp RECEIVED AND FILED • - Statement Type E] Initial Amendment Termination — See Part 5 in th office of the Secretary of S #ate For Official Use Only Not yet qualified El or List I.D. number: List I.D. number: Of the State, of Cp!ifnrnia [� # 1372023 # OCT 14 2014 '+ 10 6 2014 bg 214 I_� __l_J _J_� ti 1i��. Date qualified as committee Date qualified as committee Date of Termination CITY CLitE7RKS Ori (If applicable) Gi Ll',VYP 1. Committee Information 2. Treasurer and Other Principal Officers NAME OF COMMITTEE NAME OF TREASURER Gilroy Citizens Opposing Measure F Harvey Blodgett STREET ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS OPTIONAL: FAX /E -MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE NAMEAND POSITION OF OTHER PRINCIPAL OFFICER(S), IFAPPLICABLE COUNTY OF DOMICILE COUNTY WHERE COMMITTEE IS ACTIVE IF DIFFERENT Eric Howard THAN COUNTY OF DOMICILE Monterey Santa Clara MAILING ADDRESS 3. Verification have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT Executed on By DATE SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE. OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT Executed on By DATE SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT FPPC Form 410 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772)