AFSCME - Form 410 2015 - AmendmentStatement of Organization Recipient Committee Statement Type ❑ initial Not yet qualified ❑ or Date qualified as commRtee Type or print In ink ® Amendment List I.D. number. * 821697 1._—r Date qualified as Committee (K WOW") STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION ❑ Termination — See List I.D. number: Date of Termination RECEIVED .SAN 30 2g15 Y�A OFRM 1. Committee information 2. Treasurer and Ot wcers NAME OF COMMITTEE NAME OF TREASURER AFSCME LOCAL 101 PAC STREUADDRM (NO RO. EIM 1150 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 101 CITY STATE LP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE SAN JOSE CA 95112 408 -891 -3355 MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) OPTIONAL: FAX I E4MIL ADDRESS COUNTY OF DOMICILE COUNTY VA4ERE COMMITTEE IS ACTIVE IF DIFFERENT THAN COUNTY OFDOMIOLE Attach additional Wburishon on approprfately labeled conhwaW sheets ROBYN ZAMORA STREET ADORERS 1150 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 101 CITY STATE APCODE AREACODEIPHONE SAN JOSE CA 95112 408-691-3355 NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE LP COME AREA CODE/PHONE NAME AND POSITION OF OTHER PRINCIPAL OFF)CER(S). IF APPLICABLE MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODEIPHONE 3. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the Information contained herein is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the taws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on 01 -21 -15 By DATE Executed on DATE BY SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFfICEHIX.OER CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT Executed on DATE By SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT Executed on BY OATS SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLANG OFFIEMOLDER. CAND115AM OR IrrATE MEASURE PROPONENT FPPC Forth 410 (January/" FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: SMA3K -FPPC (a6W79.3T72) Statement of Organization STATEMENT OFORGAN17ATION Recipient Committee CALIFORNIA FOPNI 410 INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE .y p •yY�, Pape J COMMITTEE NAME ,+ I.U. NUMBER AFSCME LOCAL 101 P "7 821697 4. Type of Committee .iced) PROVIDE BRIEF DESCRIPTION N ! uppose specific candidates or measures in a single election. Cheok only one box: CITY o ea ❑ COUNTY Committee [] STATE Committee List additional sponsors on an attachment. NAME OF SPONSOR INDUSTRY GROUP OR AFFILIATION OF SPONSOR AFSCME LOCAL 101 LABOR UNION STREET ADDRESS NO AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE 1150 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE CA 95112 0 � I Check box and provide the date this committee qualified as a small contributor committee. If the committee quellf4d as a Date qualified small contributorcommittee on January 1, 2001, enter 111 /01. 5.Termination Requirements By signIng the verification, the treasurer, assistant treasurer and/cr candidate, officeholder, or proponent cenify that all of the follovAng oonditionshavebeenmet • This committee has ceased to receive contributions and make expenditures; This committee Goes not anticipate receiving contributions or making expenditures in the future; This committee has eliminated or has no intention or ability to discharge all debts, loans received, and other obligations; • This committee has no surplus funds; and • This committee has fled all campaign statements required by the Political Reform Act disclosing all reportable transactions. -- There are restrictions on the disposition of surplus campaign funds held by elected officers who are leaving office and by defeated candidates. Refer to Government Code Section 89519. FPPC Form 410 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 3651ASK -FPPC (3661775 -3772)