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SCRWA - OMI - Out-of-Scope Letter Agreement0 CH2MHILL s Out -of -Scope Letter Agreement December 18, 2014 Mr. Saeid Vaziry SCRWA 1500 Southside Drive Gilroy, CA 95020 Subject: Out -of -Scope Letter Agreement Dear Saeid: CH2M HILL Engineer:, Inc 9189 South Jamaica Street Suite 400 Englewood, CO 80112 -5946 Tel 303.771.0900 As agreed upon in our discussions regarding Site Security Services, Operations Management International, Inc. (OMI) will provide the following out -of -scope services/ materials: What is being provided: OMI shall sub- contract with a security company to provide site security for the main fenced plant main area and the influent pump station (IPS). These areas will be patrolled by a security officer 6:00 pm - 6:00 am Sunday through Saturday. When it is being provided: January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 Price of services: $62,152 Payment terms: The payment shall be billed on the first of each month that service is provided and shall be payable thirty (30) days thereafter. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement dated July 1, 2006 between OMI and SCRWA remains in full force and effect. If these terms are agreeable to you, please sign both copies of this letter. We will return one fully executed original for your files. Page 2 of 2 OMI appreciates the opportunity to provide these additional services to the SCRWA. Sincerely, V Thom Vinson Both parties indicate their approval of the above described services by their signature below. Authorized OMI: Name: Scott Neelley Title: Vice President Date: 1 Il S 1,3 01 Authorised Client Name: Name: Saeid Vaziry, P.E. Title: Chief Environmental Engineer Date: 2. f AMoved b� 5C r2wA Ord On A t 6, 20q, C( 1i in i4rai-or nCU'S wi +h q ova 1 Nam : Thomas T �ag)und - 0+1e'. AJ+)ori �y AOMIni- SftOkr